The Clinton New Era, 1913-11-27, Page 44084000••••••••••••••60,8•06:00000000000000300041000000f
, Ready +••••••••rill••rata•••••••••bra••eese•tieser eeeeseeeseimeeoff
to Wear tf Mantles •.� 1�
House stirs ii RETURN ,tli`
Ph one• 7S
1"� 4y ,• ENGAGEMENT ••
O. •.
;� `—NIDI-fl'.S ONLY -3 :i
i •
='s ERRY'S W DanMaliov
_ and •S',_:i'EERLESSKzl
i_ 1 AVERS u • Corinne ••
IP • In New Plays with all Steeeial Scenery and Etleets •
:: New Vaudeville Between Acts of
Thursdays -Just Plain Molly ::'
Friday—A Royal Pfisoner ••
Saturday-TheTravelliing Salesman
:: See aConipany you know puts on clean shows 00 ®s
•• • Prices 25c 35c and 50c
••• Seats now on Sale gat Fair's •
Illinerg Special s3a49
We put on sale Saturday, two . dozen Ladies
Trimmed Hats; These are the verylatest creations.
Some of these hats sold ashigh as $q, none less
than $5. Come early for best choice—$3.49.
Children's flats $.q.q
J ifteen only, Children's Trimmed Hats, in all
the latest colors, neatly trimmed. 'Regular $2 and;
$3, Saturday $1.49,
Sample Whiter
Coats $12.5o
We were fortunate last week
to secure twenty-three Sample
Coats just the time when you
need a coat. These are the
newest styles, all colors, sizes
from 18 to 42.. Some of these
coats, if bought in the regular
way, would sell for $18.00.
Your choice of the twenty.
three coats $r2.5o.
Attractive Styles
in all Kinds of
We seem to have about ev-
erything ur.
er 'tau c
n u1 1' every
and every style. If our very
large assortment does not
seem to furnish you with just
what you want, we will get it t i
tor you. p 4:nawua
Let early purchasing be your .vatchwardthis
season, We are showing one f the largest and most
up-to-date stocks in the county. We specialize in
Persian Lamb, Fox., Mink, Sable. 9Vc:lf, 'Tibet
..nb. catzsocolemzegi4j
0•000000000000®00•006000000 •••••••••tt••o•••••00000•ie
eseese••aNf•feeesseessese • 00000•••o••••••••••041•0600
Iery. Rev. T. 13. Fere conducting the takeu to po'ice headquarters where he
service. wastcharged with being drunk in local
option territory,
tieing the .first break in tshe rarnily,'the
oltildren are; George, of Port L urabton
Theo, of Mount °armee John of
Shipleat Simon of south Chrietia;n of
K hiva;Leo,• adjoining the hmnestea,';r
William and le ooh at borne: labs Ge,.
Fisher, near Berlin ' Mrs. W,•Linden-
field, of Parkhill, and 'Laura at !mum
Deceased hod been a resident of Ste-
phen for abent 40 years, corning Ire
Wateileo County.
Additional District, News'
Continued on Page 5
r"wTT$ .ti'13T CHURCHF,S.: . •
•••)•• wee efi•ee•••s•t•r
Rev., A. F, Leven, M. A , of Brant
fold preached on Sunday. His acorn
ing text was, "The Training, of. the
Minister," and in the evening, `•Undo e
standest Thou?".
The Junior League* held their meet
ing on Tuesday night this week, and
the program was given, ey the. Mission
Study Class. •
The pastor will preaeh next Sunday
The entertainment under League
auspices, being a evade rendering of
"An olde time Business Meeting of
the Ladies Aid 'Society on Mohawk
Crossroads," will be given in the Town
Hall, Friday, Nov, 28th.
The Epworth Loagae anniversary
services were held last Sunday, Rev
S. T. Bartlett, General Secretary, of
Toronto, preached m""orning and even
Rev. J. E. Porti of Goderich will
preach next Sunday at both services
in the interent of missions. The pastor
will preach at Goderich.
One hundred and fifty young people
>ilullett attended the "At Home" in the school
On Tuesday evening of cast week i room on Monday evening, given by
white Hite ley ev Crawfordrfla was dee ae north the pastor and his faintly. An enjoy
ing lions from Aurum on the 13th I A quiet waddnag'took plane in St. able evening was spent by all, and a
con, the, breast strap of the harness Jait;e's church, S..afdi,th, on Tuesday, vote of thanks was passed to Mr, Alin
broke and made the horse unimrarness mooning the lath'inst.. rier0 o'clock and the other members of the family,
able. As it happened Me. Wm, Moon When Miss 13, O'Keefe youngest as well as to all who assisted to enter
was on the scene just in rime to save daughter of the tate Michael O'Keefe, tain the company. A number of views
an accident. Another of harness became the bride of Mr, John Dever were shown by .lir. Dowding, who
was ,gat and the there piece were nt ne eaux of Seaforth, The ceremony was was present with his lantern. Those
the worse only for a had shake up.
perrarrnerl by the Rev, Faithsr per•- who aided Sirs. Alain in serving lunch
Mr. John Spindler ie near Dngan. coraau, Thi bride was the recipient of
were Mrs beck, llrs, naygOr, tsars. Il.
non spent Sunday with Dl r, and Mrs. !tang beautiful presents, among Che,,, J• Gibhin Me, Manning, Mrs, Levis
Thea. Lyon. being a handsome silver tea service and Airs. 1?iunisteel, Those who fur -
Mr, and Airs, Wm Lyon have nice dfrom the ladies of the Altair Society, !tied music were Mrs. Treleaven,
to the home of his father on the gravel a silver casserole from the Rev. P. Alias Lira lyiltse. and bliss Chant, Ath
road. Ooecoran anti a handsomely hound Cnniindaum Contest" gave the young
Air and Mrs. Jos. UarCer and son bible the gift of the Rev. G. R. folk en opportunity to move round a
lata!! spent ndai i`Northgraces, Mr and Mrs, D-reranux little and mingle with one another,
1 y•ot the home of the left on the in train fora short'
fat mere sister Ml s• Fred Slrobronk. tri ST PAIIL S CHURCH.
Mrs, D Hoggart has returned home p'
from Clinton hoseital and is improved
The Bishop will he here to dedicate
in health. Porter's Hillthe Owen Memorial Hall, on Wediles
Mr. Joseph Lyon sr. and Miss Esther . day, Dec. 3rd, at pari.
Lyon have gtnte to live with his son The Ladies Aid will meet at the slum' The Sunday Sahoot Ohrretmas en
of Mrs, A. M, Potter on '
Mi'. Thos.Lycr . 'Thursday Det.ilath, a will e. held on Thursday,
I Deremher scam Dec. lath, at S
Mo, and Mrs. John Philvss spent I Mr. and Mrs.. George Vanderburg]) At a special meeting, of the Vestry
Sunday with Dir, and Mrs, Jervis Of and /Mrs. Waiter Weston visited at of St, Pout's Church, held on Monday,
Ho'ntesville. Mrs, O le of the 13111 con, is spend Lucknow this week. Nov. 24nt
th, the following cowunicta
Ben Lindsay and Arthur Tichborne tion was react by the rector's war den,
li ing a week with her niece, Mrs.. Watt ' manned from . the West on Wedues Mr. A. T. Rance;
of Clinton, who is ill at present. I day last,
Miss Evelyn Hill has returned house P
To the Members of c Vestry
Maggie Cox visited her sister Mrs, of St. Paul's Church, Oliuton
from a visit with Toronto friends, George Weston of Bayfield last week. Gentlemen :—Having accepted the
lir, and Mrs. Richard Carter spent Mr. and Mrs, Gordon and son Wil rectorship of 1 he parish of St, Jude's
Wednesday with the fornrer's sister. Liam of Detroit visited at Peter Mc in the city of Brantford, I beg to ten
Firs. Gilbert blahs ot Goderich tp. Dougall's last week. der my rest nation as
Master Gordon Ball, son of the late Peter McDougall left rot Port 8; an take. effect Dec.330th, 1913ttrI desire to
Llias Ball, is spending a fi ve months ley on Wednesday last. express my deepest gratitude to you
his cousin Nelson Hilt of the Ilth Bethel Sunday school intend having all for your loyal and sympathetic
AIr. Carl Dexter of Blyth is engaged jjpcen Verir Xe tree looken for ay evening support. It is not easy for me to sever
with Antos Oartright • for a few later, particulars connections which hate been so happy
Mi. and Mrs, Gibson of Wellington yours faithfully, ,
are visitingthe tatter's g C. E. J dresiiins
parents Mr, Mr. John, in addressing
and Mrs. S:esvart McDougall, hiniseif to thee. •„
tnnuuricaatinit, voiced
the universal feeling of esteem and
London Road'ir isolation in which 1 he Rev. Jeakins
. • is It Id by tee community at large and
Farmers on the Road :a;•e'`bney espial/illy by the members of tit,
drawing Lheir' beans ate liensall this Paul's, and their sincere reeeet at the
week, severance of his conr-ections with the
Miss .Kate Caulelon, of Goderich parish. In couclusion he moved, sec
Township, is visiting with furs, Geo. ended by Mr, 'Thontos tllur. hv, “ThatHanley. the resignation or Rev. 0. 13. Jeakins
League meets next week at tate home be accept, d, and we hereby desire to
of Me, Arthur Wiltse place on retold our high appremetion
Mr. Fred Waldron is going around of bis abilities as a minister; of his,
limping caused by a sore ankle. unfailing tact and courtesy in dealing
Mr. Fred Nott was in Goderich this withmen and things; el the energy he
man,week serving the King as a juryman. has ehosvn in all branches of pnrochinl
LVIi. Wes, Oockerline, of Pilot Mound wok and of our very deep regret,
Man ,visited friends in the village on Hi1►pett thet he. feels compelled to accept 0 ork
Saturday: Both chnrehes Iraave held their mini• in 0 huger sphere, to which he will be
Mr, Howard Adams, of A'Iinneapolis, versary:services and they were quite followed by the good wishes and
Minn,, spent alew days last week at successful. The Methodists held teirs ion, that' all his people here in Oho
the house of his parents here, ttie 0th inst, and in spite of the storm .lon' teat to eel to continuece helmay
Mr. John Tamblyn and sons, Will a good attendance was present at . he long he spared to incus y fife Life d
and Frank, left on Tuesday for Ro afternoon service but small at night time/illness carried dusptercusly begun and
chaster, where Fain]: will take treat Tae Rev, twin. Blatchford of Centralist hitherto on.'
meat with the ltleyu Bros. We hope preached good seriuons. The Presb 111ov.,d by i11r. C. E, Dowding, and
he will come home impaired in health, terians held theirs 'the followingSun tvest) by Me. p, nt's (hu, now
, I the vest) of rt. o pant's Church now
day and was very large,' attended ! :resembled desire
AuburnThe Rev, Mr. McArthur ofKincardine our ' S t to pane on serous
1 Peeaehed able 'sermons. Both theseBate yl'1>receii'rd vfrom generous
The niembers and friends of the ministers will he sure or a le gift lately received from a Messrs.
Baptist church are lookingforward to we/come Samuel .,t Alfred Oven i means
i following ey
preach here.pThe or exp They their teaks this means
Anniversary Serv.ress n❑ Dec. 7th gMondaynight a splendid
They expect 0 good time as W. .i), fowl su 6 p thedo easing their io hearty thanks e
Magee of Springfield, one of their late ppve au Servednce,T ae entertain
nclarge and the ethers and II the same time shall
Pastors will be the preacher. A good 'r tent that followedwas goad eand was Clare that the hats thea presented n
maeival programme is being prepared,` eontribaited to by Willis Mansou of Hereafter he known as the 'Owen
Rev. and Mrs. Laing have returned Exeter Miss Newberry of London, the unanimously
Hain." This motion was
froth their holidays' and expect to Thames Road quartette the church unanimously untried, ,
move into the new manse shortly, choir and the Rev, Hall Woods of
Mr' G. L. Sturdy is laid up with a Brucefield, all aquittin themselves •
lame ankle caused by a kick.froni a ably, g ••A••••••••••i®•••••t®••O
cow. Mr, Rebt, Dinsdale held an auction
The choir of Knox Church 'purpose sale of stock and machinery last week
giving a concert in the temperence when good prices were realized for
hall oh the evening ot December 12. everything offered, •••�••sY•••fai�••a••Y�f••��
Anniversary services mill Le held
in the Baptist, Church on Sunday Dec, C, C. I. C,O:MMENC
7th when Rev,. W. U. Magee former Stanley.E1VIENT
pastor• of the church will preach at the Mr, John McCowan,The te'f In. annual be ein
• Mr, Ohioan Mc ment eon all o will a held in
hours of 2 o'clock in the afternoon tied Cowan, Mr. Ian McKay and Miss Lillie the fawn hall on Thursday,`
at 7 in the evening, Music will be ren McOcwan went to Hamilton last Sat llth. Fuller particulars Dec.
•tiered 'by the Lobb quartette of urday to attend the funeral of Mr, later,
Holmesville. McKay, father of Ian McKay and A SMALL ATTENDANCE
brother iii}law to the McCowan''. '
- Mrs, J. Falconer' was visiting at the
home of Mrs. Agnes Gilmour last
Mr, Thos, B, Baird, and wife are
visiting relatives and friends in Ash
field this week.
The Exeter and Usborne 'Sunday
School Association held their annual
convention in the F]limville Methodist
Church on Wednesday, "T13''sides 'Lhe
local honkers -ticking part in the pro-
-'gram. Miss Bertha, Laney, of Toronto,
superintendent of theeleinentary work
offthe Ontario Sunday School Assoria-
tion, Rev, Dr. Fothergill rendered
excellent service. The ladies of the
church served at banquet at the close of
the. afternoon program. Altogether
the convention was one of the best,
The following officers were elected for
next year: President, A. H. Donee,
Bethany; gine president, James Mon-
teith, Thames Road; secretary treas-
•urer Miss Jennie Hardy, Exeter;
superintendents of divisions, Mrs.
Charles Monteith, Thames Road; J, M
iSouthcott Exeter; Mr. If, Morley, Zion.
Mrs. S. F. Sharp, ,Exeter; Mrs, Charles
•Johus, E1iutviile, Arthur Franck, Sun.
shine; Rev, D. W. Collins, Exeter.
Wire. D. Oobhledick of the North end
bas purchased the comfortable home of
Frank Etuse, together with the two
lots of land facing Andrem street.
Mrs..Cobbledick takes possession soine
time before Christmas.
%Wesley Johns, of Osborne Township
was married on Wednesday to Miss
Mabel Bosnell, of Port Hope,
Rev. Dr,. Hazelford, moral reform
secretary of the Methodist Church
preached in the Main Street Church on
Sunday morning, Bethany in the after
noon and James Street'Ohurch at
nigh �.
Rev. Dr. McGregor, moral reform
secretary of the Presbyterian Church
delivered a lecture, in Oaven Church on
Tuesday evening of last week.
Rev. Bishop Williams conduoted a
'confirmation class ser vice in the Church
-on Sunday morning.
• Mensal!
Mr, Richard Blatchford has pur-
chased the parsonage known as the
Kippen:circuit parsonage, and situated
on the corner of Albert and Richmond
streets in our village, and intends
shortly occupying the, same, Me.
Blatchford was one of Hensall's pio-
neer bnainess men, carrying on car-
riage snaking and general blacksmith.'
ing for many years,but has resided clod in
a: number: of placs during the past.
years including Dakota, for quite a
long term.
Anniversary services were held in
the Methodist church here on Sunday
last, when the Rev. Mr, liven, of
Parkhill, delivered ,excellent.eermons
both morning and evening, that were
enjoyed by large congregations, The.
service .of praise as conducted by the
church choir under the able leadership'
of Mr. E. R. Rinnie added greatly to
the pleasure and interest of the occasion.
and the anthems were highly spoken
,of as well selected and splendidly
:rendered, the offering was a very,
?iteral one, being over $150. On the
following evening tbo Epworth League
celebrated the 23rd anniversary, when
'there was a fair' attendance and an im
teresting program rendered, and the
he president of the league, Miss 0, V.
'Smith, read n number of lettere from
members now ]tying at a distancie who sent theirgieetinge, also contributions
and the president was pleased to reports
chair at the request of the president,
discharging his duties in his usually
able and pleeeiug'ntant ev.
Intended for Last Week,
Miss ss Violet Scott of Winahem spent
, a few days this week with friends in
this vicinity.
I Mr and Mrs. Hugh Halliday of Lis
towel visited with the hatters parents
Mr, and Mrs Peter Mason, for the week
The Belgeave branch ot the Womens
Institute will ineet on Thursday, Nov
27th. when the report of the delegates
to the Convention in Toronto will be
given ,
Mr. and MPS. Wm. Nether', of the
gravel road, have the sympathy of the
community in the death of their infant
daughter, aged about three months.
The little one died very suddenly early
Saturday morning last-. The funeral
took place on Mendty to Blyth ceme
Feed Doors
There is no danger of hit-
ting the sides and spilling
coal all over the floor with
the big Sunshine feed. doors.
These doors wilI admit a
large chunk of ' wood,too.
Our local ca agent will
show • you . this and
many other "Sunshine"
advantages., Send for
free booklet.:
mcci ry s
Sanitary Plumbers
AIr, and i111a, Win. Hay and son
Gordon of Morris spent Th•u•sday at
the home of George Longman.
The regn'ear meeting of the woman's
institute wilt be he e. next Thursday
afternoon in Foresters Hall when Mrs,
(Or.) Allison and hiss Evelyn Rill will
Retie areport of the convention held in
Turcnto last week, All ladies are cord
daily invited to attend.
Mr. Charles Manning left on Tues
day on a tusincss trip to Mitchel].
Mrs, Newton Black, of VVinghaui, is
visiting at the home of Mr. Jas. Wood
Local News
1a Ingham
The case of Samuel Garbutt, who
was found drunk in Lower Wi•ngharn
which is local option territory by
Provincial Officer Phippen carne up
eon bearing Mopday before His Wor-
ship Police Magistrate Morton and a
Hue or 830 with costs of 05 was impos . Brussels'
ed, with a warning that if he appeared
again he would g -et the full penalty of
the lase,-'
d as
V nstoie. barrister, has
sold his beautiful . residence on Minnie
street to Mr. Frank Buchanan, of
town, and will 'move to the hoose own
ed by his father='n-law, Mr, `.phos.
13e'1, on the same street.
W. J. Gould has urchas
p ed .
p a house
and lot on Center street from Mr.
Hobert Henderson, formerly owned
by Mr. 0, Therntou•
On Saturday Mayor Spotton issued
;®L� (Y.
an order that the town hall� �T�O�
should ldb..
thrown open for farriers wives and The funeral took place to Mount
famaies to go in and rest while wait Carmel' Cemetery last Thursday, cf
ing for their rigs, which are. brought Lawrence Dietrich, of the 13th con. ot
Stephen, On Sunday he was trppar-
ently in excellent health. In the
afternoon he visited with one of his
sons, returning home about 4 o'clock.
Diming the evening he we,s taken with
a fainting spell and fell into the arms'
of one of his daughters. For some time
be was unconscious, but regained rot.•,
soiousnese for about half in 'hour,
when he again became unconscious
James Campbell, a farmer near
Walton, five miles south of here, was
arraigned before Magistrate Leckie on
the charge of non-support
and , of
abusing his aged mother. He wits
committed for trial and was taken to
Goderich last Friday, Campbell is 50
years of age and is unmarried. His
mother is over SO. It is alleged that
the accused has been drinking heavily,
of late.
to them from church and hotel stables.
Phe reason why ibis' is done is not
known, as the hotelmen say they have
not refused accommodation to the
On Saturday even'ng Samuel Gar'
bete, a fanner, was found lying on the
zoo bridge in Lower Wing • ham by Otrustable Phippen, while he
i was going tome. Thinking' that the
P110110 7. ata
the league in asplendid condition.: The to
pastor, or, Rsv: Mr, alitame, occupied the •
� yea
As there wall only a'slmall atten-
dance at tate town hall, on Tuesday
.evening the curlers did not organ-
ize but will call another meeting.
A way clever" comedy by James
Forbes will 'be presented! ab the
Town Hall when G. Herbert Perry
will present `Huss Companiy of Peer
less PlaYers . This Company play
a three :night, Tongag emelnit here,
opening all
p Dec 4t
I with
New York Success, "Juslt Plain
uceess ,Plain
Molly" which was made famous,' by
Maude Adams. Mr, Perry has sea
cured the Canadian Tights of sev
oral new productions' which he is:
offering this season to the theatre
goers at papular prices; and for
each. attraction carries .special seen
ery and electrical teffectsso that
each r and'
every yrproduction
Y is put
on complete in every "detail.A.
number of refined high-class Van
de•ville Specialties' are also carried
and put ,an between the actewhich
are alone wortle the price of a c1-
mission and well worth seeing.
Keep the date open for the only
real Repertoire Company to .play.
here ttlris seas;on. Admission 25;
35 and 50 'cents/. Under the auspi
CGS 'of
the Fire Company,
n was hurt, as he noticed bis horse until abort 3 o'cloelt Monday utoining Last Friday evening, in St. Paul's
nding with the i'ig smashed, tie when he -expired. kb was 70 years of ladSchool doom, a lon Eng -
and on investigation that Garbett age lastSeptember. Ho issucvived' by land fetid or Herts wasg. delivered
s intoxicated, , lie was at once his widow 8 sons and 3 daughters, this by ' University
to nappy appreciative
TJntverafty tel an apprecrativeaud-•
Coyne and See the Latest
It is a priviledge to show our Beautiful
Holiday Goods and you will oblige us by
considering this a personal `invitation to
call and inspect our new extensive line of
Christmas Novelties.
Why not Chinaware
for Christmas .
You will find when you look over our
stock of
Chinaware .
Cut Wass and
Bretss Goods
there will be no difficulty in getting some
thingsuitable s stable for your Christmas Gifts.
Your Private Greeting Cards.
Prices from ea 1.00 per dozen up.
e0OPER &
fence composed of the members' of
the Clinton Travel Club and their
friends. A Getman 'by descent,
Prof. Horning spent several years
studying in ,tate Fatherland whish
it is easily seen, he respects an
loves. He spoke of the Englis
and Germans as kindred peep
and as allies. for years againsteth
common enemy. France 'by Eng
land's /aid, Frederick the 'Gres
saved Prussia, and by Prussia'
aid Wellington won Waterloo. "
great many people," he said, °ear
fond of saying that. Englancl(isi'b
coming decrepit and if this or the
is not done will •soon go the we
of the Roman Empire, but the
have been saying this. for one hun
ldred years and to -day Englan
standssitsonger than ever." H
,spoke of the vastnesls. of the Brit
ish Empire and of the opinion) o
the Germans that the British had
been "piggish" in taking all th
land that would be colonized. Then
he gave an account of the ggrowel
of the German Empire which since
its formation in 1870 has changed
from an agricultural to an incluse
nal country, After 1370 German
ships began to ply the sea and
were seen in all ports'. The Eng-
lish took no ,notice until, about
1900, Lord Roseberry and other
.statesmen began to speak of the
growing importance of Germany as
a menace to, England, The English
took alarm. A new interest arose
llelieview Dairy FaunLa i ;:' 1 .. ---
From our stock of first-class
cl c0ws. we are prepared to supply
h you twice dally with best of milk
le and Bream, and solicit a share of
e your patronage,
E. B. 'HILL.
s Drs. Cleo, tit it E. Whitley
e ILeilemalln
t Osteopathic Pity.
- Specialists In Women's and
d 1 Chiidrein's Diseases
_ Acute, Chrolnic, and Nervous
f Disorders
1 Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat.
l ;
Office—Rattenbury !hotel Friday,
from 1 to 6
r '
'in manufacturing, technical schools
were built wit i. the result that Eng
land leas now a better claw! " of
workmen paid a better sys'tern of
education. "The greatest friend of
peace in this wrolcl," says ak rof.
Horning, "is Emperor William IV
and lthe proof of this is that. with
the greatest army in the wonidl at
his command there has been no
war during hie !sign", and it is
Prof. jlborning's opinion that 'there
will be not war with Germany, .al-
though the news papers in both
countries lire Prophesying war.
This' rlwar scare' is .started usual
lylby the maker/of firer -areas
whosare anxious to inerease their,
business. Germany than built her
navy to protect her merchant ves
sele•,and, if Great Britain hads n-.
greed to {{tfh.e proposal rte ide, :ey
United ,Sta'tes, ancl Germany, at the
Conferee e at Jtihe Hague, i time
kI n ue
� g
of /Wan !!merchant vessels{ would be
safe' antl a Germany navy woujst
be un -necessary, Dr, 'Horning gave
three reasons for guying !tbeee
would- elsol no, war with, Germany
first becawse the men of commerce
the world over will oppose it, eec
and because the men of eclueati•on
many et whom have studied' in
Germany will"epeak agai stit and
third because the common man
who ledally growing im power will
not allow it. Rev. 0.15 Jeakins,
who •occupied the chair, spoke ap-
preciating) y of ,T;he lecture. It was
alloyed by illi!, Brydone and sec-
oudled,by they. Dr. Rutledge:,•.that'
a.. ,heart vote f t a k, be
-`R o h n ton-
dieted: to Prof. Horning. g
Realer Ibr Sale
14 arm l sr Sala
The undersigned offers for sale
improved faun of 160 acres, Lots
13 and 14, Con. 17, Township of
Goderich, situated on the Base Line
four m:les north of Clinton,
Mo1•tt;age for Sale
ae 110 00- first mortgage on 100
acres for sale
For Sale
Driving mare for sale. Will be
soldcheap for cash or part cash
and part feed. Apply to
live Poultry wanted
2500 Chickens, 1000 kens. 1000 -
Ducks c'
eks Ealt
Week from now
until January
To fimishoils own ,poultry, Yp l ry, we
have Wheat, Oats. and Buckwheat
specially ground for fattening pur-
pO5es, a5. Very reasonable plice5.
8,000 Strictly n
a S oily New Laid
Eggs wanted each week during
the winter months, To ' produce
these .e
eggs we e
have a
full lane e of
Poultry Foods to
peep your layers
in the pail;: of condition,
A. full stock of Bran, Shoats, Feed.
Flour,' .0at Chop, Barley Chop,
Etc.Ete. always o1 n hand.
, Y .
WEEK. - --
Art Souvenir Coal heater, in first
class condition, 1120. Anp'v to
W. 13. W [•IITLEY,
Ontario Street
r I ;,
'rho Gua a
Co.u i .lois �
The up-to-datePhFirm, Clinton'
one 64,