HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-11-27, Page 2Well
• so easy .th he well randatienig•Sed:
able to enjoy life, that1it taltpidaings'
' how• messy women dreg themselves
• through the day saffering tortures frem;''
lame hack due' to kidney
:trouble,' Mrs. Wilcox
,• found the way to cure
• het -self and gladly writes
• about' it so thm qtliers
may be induced to use
Ihesame remedy.,
• VnivitrtmtiOz1,' 0001)141/r e'
don't ii,,nose Whe etigisecil -•
'Do,' yo4 Mean 'th Sny," Mr. Male
cohn encipired„ "that vie, aepree-
ident qf the railWaY, luta nothing to
with the Offieials Of the eoneteue
'non goruptiey? Who was in charge
of the building qf. the oad in the en
tereots of the •conetruction com-
Calls It Ghostly Company.
lsuPTIOse Mr, Roberts, the ei
neer,, and myself were in chargell'in
the interests of the railway,"
"Whoemelt:sled the men?" the
chairman asked. "Can't you• tell es
who, bought the material?"
"1V1r,Robetre and myself."
"Did this ghostly eoroPanY never
'materialize to take any part in it?"
the chairman contineed,
• "Can you tell ds of any work
Which Was done by the Huron Con-.
struction Company, except what
was ordered by you and Mr. Bob-
cats?" Mr. Malcolm centime'.
' No partisular wools was mention -
Mr. Proudfoot in searching for the
agreeinent between the railway ad
the construction company learned
that this also wae, themissing pa-
er% As, to who \vanes's had met,
to eater into the agreement, Mr,
1VIoyes1 said he "had met two or
three men," but could not recall in
whose, office th emeeting occured,
It wee Mr. John R. Roaf who had
applied for the incorporation of the
'company, but -Mr. Moyes had • not
given Mr. Roaf •any instructions,
Moyes Didn't Apply for Rights1,
"Wasn't that a subsidiary coni
pany formed to build the railway
Mr. Proudfoot • demanded.
"They had regular contractin
eighth," was the reply
"Who was the author of their pro
curing these eights?"
I was not".
"Wee the expense of their ineor-
poration paid for by the railway?"
"It was not."
Work Before Incoeporation.
The construction company was in
corporated on Sept. 12th, 1908, but
work \vent en, witness added be-
fore the incorporation.
"By whose authority?" Mr. Proud
foot insistei.
"Authority was given to me to
make the expenditures," replied Mr.
Moyes. "There was a provisional
agreement whereby work went on
prior to the completion of the act-
ual contract"
"But on July Nth, 1908, you made
a statutory decloration that there
was a contract for the construction
of the railroad. Who negotiated
with you as to the terms of that
"I made various trips to Boston."
As to the people interes.m1
the Construction Company MT.
Moyes named a Mr, Curtis, an engi-
neer. The agreement was' drawn
by Mr. Smoke. The details were
worked out with Mr. Curtis an el the
Barrymore Interests, But as to wh°
signed the agreement Mr. Moyes
could not .say.
• '•
sDuring thelastwinter, I was bothered
,. very much with a Weak Back, I was
•advised by a friend to try GIN -PILLS
• and I did. The first box I found helped
me very much and I found when I had
, taken the second, I was completely
, ••cured." Mas. P. WILCOX.
• If GIN PILLS do not do all that we
say they will-let'us know, and we will
•cheerfully refund you your money. Send
for a free sample and see for yourself
•that they will do you good. Then buy
the regular boxes at your dealers---soc.,
• 6 for $2. So. 202
• National Drug and Chemical Co. of
The New Era.
W. KERR SON, Props,
J. Leslie herr, Business Manager
New Era, Ore Year in advance $1,00
New Era, wi, en not paid in ad-
vance $1.50
New Era, to tle United States
in advances._ • $1,50
Advertising Rates cm Application.
Job work prices advance on July
1st, 1913, in accordance with
• the Huron Co. Press Asso-
ciation Rates.
• Office Phone 30 House Phone 95
Baby's Own Tablets are the very
best medicine a mother can give
her little (ones. They seveeten the
• stomach, regulate the hosvels, break
• up colds, promote healthful sleep-
.. in fact they are a cure for all minor
ills of little ones. The mother may
feel absolutely safe in giving them
. to her. children for they are guar-
anteed hy a government -analyst t
bestrictly, free from all injurious
alruga. The Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers pr by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams
1VIedicine Co. Brockville, Ont.
• Mayes -Blames .Hydro
for fate of W. Shore
Continued) From Pagel 1
• produced. I have had no discusSion
In the matter whatever, and do not
know where they are."
Moyes Hazy on Details.
The amount of the contract wit -
nese informed, teas for aSpecific
sum, and so much in stock, but he
could not recall the amounts. Pres
sed again asto the personell of the
construction, .,'company, witness
thought the Boston people were
ale() interested.
"Was that company brought into
existence for the purpose of build-
• ing this road or was it a going eon-
, eern?" 'wee the query of Mr. McIn
• tyre.
"It was to take over the work of
•eonetruction," 'was the reply.
i• "You mean to tell us youknewno
thing of this subsidiary company?"
Chairman McIntyre'continued; "or
cif its perspnell? That you knew
nothing of the company broun'htein
to existence to carry out the build
Municipality Guaranteed $400,000.
"What was the construction com-
pany to get?"
"All the bond's' and a proportion
of the stock."
"Which amounted to $600,000. Now
what amount of the sleek as well."
"I can not recall that,"
"Wore the bonds handed over?"
"They ;were, to Vim construction
company. The municipalities guar
anteed $100,000."
The contract also called upon the
construction company' to hand over
a completed road. from Goderich to
Kincardine, That has not yet been
done, and this forms the basis of
the municipalities' appeal to the
Railway Boaed.
All Funds Exhausted.
The construction company, it was
stated, exhausted all the funds front
the guaranteed bonds, and stopped
construction. because of an order of
the railway, who began to fear they
could not afford to devlop their
power from the Maitland River, for
the,,operation of their road alone,
on account of the extension of the
As to this gradual 'exhaustion of
the funds, witness• said the bonds
Were handed over to the construc-
tion company, and they hypothicat
'edithem. As, to the present holders
of the bonds, .Mr. Moyes believed
he knew where some were.
"I went to Mr. Pi oudfoot and of-
fered to have them turned back to
the municipalities" witness added.
"Provid•ed 'you were reimbursed,
should add," replied Mr. Proudfoot,
"You misued'erstand me. I meant
by that remumationn efor the work
I have done, and for which I have
not yet received anything. I have
aright to•feel very badly for the
way I 'have been, treated in this
Hydro Blamed (For Cessation.
It was about the time the Hydro
came into Seaforth district, witness
eontisrue:d, that the railway feared
the las's, of their power in the Mait-
land River; and the railway's•order
to theHuron Con istructi o n Company
to,stop operations did mot occur
eintil the point had been thorough-
ly 'diseus'sled.
"The• breaking of the Hydro into
hat sone stopped us, We made up
ur minds' that awes. usieless to go
n with the construction of the rail -
ay until the power matter was
ettled,. We offered when the
yam Appeared, to 'lay down elect -
2, •
knew two or three of them," w
•t''Who executed the contract be- s
tween the railway and the Huron 11
Your hristil-ias Would
eile.feske,-;:f„ 'sem
e Spoiled
• Suppose somebody should so arrange things that. yon would have to Work
harder during the few days before Christmas than you had at any other time ,
••:• "•Suppose those extra labors, lasting, perhaps, until tar "into Christmas eve,
should leave you so exhausted you. could not enjoy the greatest of holidays-.
,• Suppose, further, that, same somebody could have relieved you of that
crush ot work by just the least bit of forethought and thereby made You'.
ObrIstuuts as delightful as you would like it to he-,
• Wotildn't you- consider that •soinebody. unjust, to say the least?
•, ,• • Christ -ens means just as much to the shopgirl tit any one elle WEEN
• • • • ••
•, Christmas S oppma:Tiii
Do?Our r
JJ. 11V LY , &Om °Ter
milth 50"Kit-typhOldo
gerlinS deigeaprea d imistn0
!rite sa 1411th'ils bUI *Pacts Int;
our Veins MALAR.
WE ARE all exposed to such dangers -our only armor is good red
1111 blood! Let your stomach be of good digestion, your liver active
and your lungs full of good pure air and you don't. slirrender to any a the disease-
.. bearing germs, The best known tonic and alterative, that corrects a torpid liver,
and helps digestion so that good blood is manufactured and the system nourished, iS
Pierce's en A,02
t A
Thie famous inediciriehus been sold by medicine doelem in its liquid form foi
• over forty years,Tiving great satisfaction., If you prefer you can now obtain Dr.
• Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery tablets of your druggist at $1.00, also in 50c size
or by mail -send 50 one -cent stamps, M. D., augalo, N.y for trial box. .
Quasi -lolls of Life fully properly answere the People's Me ca
viser by R. V. Pierce, M. D. All th o ,knowledge a young
man or woman. wife or cliiughter should have, is contained in this big Home Doctor Book
containing 1008 pages with engravings bound in cloth, sent free to anyone sending 50 one -
cent stomps to prepay cost of wrapping and postage.
-.-The'weathex,i0,1-Agy (Therratly)
• 'le all that: eoulcl ."bei dealred. Resat'
id'isal May ft cOntinne.
Some Pointers on Style
of Clothing for the Men
• Don't Wear a hat Whichdoes1 not
become you matter' what the
hatter says is style.
Don't wear fa, hat a size tooslarge
50 that ,it may sit back on your head
remember, that in a eity's etreetS
yeti are not. in an English hunting
field, where tlie custom properly
Don't wear any collar low in the
back.; the back of the neck should
bedressted the 'same as the front.
Don't wear collars so high that
they give you the effect of being
etrangleck. •
Don't wear flashily -figured ties;
if you must wear a bright color, let
it bet a solid one.
Don't Near elaborate jewelry with
sack clothes.
Don't hide all your shirt front
with your waistcoat in the summer.
Don't wear white qr Yellow gloves
MI the daytime -or at (night 'for
that matter unless: you can keep
irismaeutely clean.
Don't wear patent 'leather boots
with fancy tops with sack clothes.
Don't have Yea russet boots high
ly polished.
Don't wear coats, with uphinster
Don't wear padded clothes let
any kind; they are ungraceful;
Don't wear sleeves, so large that
they make your arms look as if
,they did not belong to your body.
Don't let the length of your sack
coat cut off the length of your leg ;
the proper coat isthe one which
gives as tall and slender an appear-
ance as possible,
Don't swear peg -top trousers ;
they make your' hips look too large
Don't wear turned up trousers so
long that. they hang over yotir
shoes; let them be turned up above
the ankles.
. Don't wear evening clothes or a
dinner . jacket 'until aftee 6 p.
Don t wear a derby hat with even .
ing clothes.
Don't wear an evening coat that
meets in front.
Don't wear cuffs on your evening
Don't Wear a black waistcoat with
formal evening dress; white is the
only proper material.
Don't wear long points on your
evening \vaistcoat.
Don't wear eel t shirts with a tail
ed evening coat.
Don't wear any tie which is made
up ; if you can't tie a scarf or a bow
learn how,. Others have.
Don't wear calfskin pumps. Pumps
should be of patent leather wish
high vamps.
Don't wear buckles- on your even.
ing pumps.
Don't wear a high -banded, turn
over collar with a dinner jacket.
Don't wear fancy socks with even
ing clothes:
Don't wear loud patterns in shine.
Don't overdress!
1•1•111.1111111 Amompatemi 1111111211•111•MIIII,
ric power in Seaforth at $1.0 less -per
11. p. than the figures offered by
the Hydro, and when we lost we
saw it would be useless to go on and
develop power from the Maitland
River to run the railway alone,"
At the aftereoen sitting of the
Railway Board, Mr. J. W. Moyes,
former president of the Ontario
West Shore Railway, was again
in the Witness, chair, and croes-ex-
amined by Mr. Proudfoot with ref -'
to the item of,$383,0001-ithe
proceeds of the guaranteed bonds.
Mr. Proudfoot wanted to know if
this money had been credited to
the trust company.
"Who prepared the various cer-
tificates on which the money was
paid out?" asked Mr. Proudfoot.
"Did not you do that?"
"Well, sometimes Mr, Robests. the
engineer, wasn't able to figure out
exactly 'what work was done."
"So you did it?"
"I did ,sometimes."
"You had an account with the Stor
ling Bank in Goderich for the Con
struction company?"
"And 'you also had an account
"And it appears that large slums
were transferred from the company
account to your account. How was
'neves buying real estate, right-
of-way for the company, lend I paid
for it. Afterwards, I was paid out
of the railway account." -
"By the r ay you hold the deeds
of all this real estate?"
"Only M trust."
"Is there anything tochow this
property was held in trust?"
Another Paper Absent.
"Well, Mr. S. C. Smoke drew up a
paper in 'which I ackaSowledged
holding these lands in trust"
"Where is that .paper? That's the
first 1 have heard of it."
Continued on Page 3.
Run Down.
Itillibtoraes Heart a d
enie Bat
Her Up.
Mrs. Prank Blough, Sarnia, Ont.,
writes: -"1 embrace the opportunity to
write you saying that I have used Mil -
burn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and found
them very helpful to me. I was very
badly run down, and was taking doctor's
medicine. My son, out West, wrote
me saying, 'Mother! you use the Mil-
For Sale or Refit,
A commodioue, ;well-built house,
:electric light, town watere going
cheap. Terms to stdt purchaser.
• • For Sale or
isenen-roctined •'pottage on
North Street, for -sale or rent.
Meeting of Huron County
The Council of the Cosporation of
the County Huron will meet in the
Council Cha.inber, in the l'owu of God-
erieh,. on Tuesday, December 2nd. at 3
o'clock. All accounts against the
County must be placed with the clerk
before that date.
Dated at Goderich, Nov. 18, 1913
W. LANB,•ClIerk
Notice—Mullett Taxes
William Moon, the Hullett Tax Col-
lectot, will be at Clinton on Dec. 8th
and Constance on Dec, 1011), Auburn
on Dee. 4th, Londesboro on Nov, 281h
and Dec, 12th and 15th, All taxes not
paid by the 15th December will be 51
on the dollar extra, •
•• Collector for Hullett
For ale
Mare and colt for sale; colt ris-
ing six months.
Raglan Street •••
Phone 149 Box 156, Clinton
Muff Lost
A Brown Fur. Muff lost on Sat-
urday, someone picking it up by
mistake in a store in Clinton.
Will person kindly leave same at
The New Bra Office.
Farm for Sale
-A good (farm consisting of
88 acrese being lot'76, Maitland con-
cession, Goderich township, two
miles north of tHolmesville, con-
venient to church and school, also
cheese and butter factory. Good
7 -roomed house with pantry and
back kitchen, excellent cellar and
plenty of hard' and soft water -
water piped to barn; good bank
barn 45x45, straw shed 18x36, stab-
ling underneath all ; two orchards
Principally spies and baldwins ; the
farm zetilseelclrained ; web fenced
small bush; no, (waste land; all
seeded down except 17 acres, which
is ploughed. Rural telephone in
house with long distance connec-
tion, also on rural mail route. Pos-
session given to suit purchaser.
Phone 9 on 143 Goderich township
Telegraph School
burn's Heart and Nerve Pills, they will I bave started a 1119111 telegraph
be better for you than doctor's medicine.' school and will start s, day school ns
This I did with good results. I often soon as I can sell or trade my flour and
recommend them to other people. My feed store for , town property or a
arm. A, E. Matheson.
doctor did not know I was using them,
he used to say 'Why! I never saw any
one's heart gain up like yours has. You
do not need any more medicine.'"
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are
50c. per box 3 boxes for $1 25 at all
dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of
price by The T. Milburn Co, Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
' For Paint Spots.
'I thought I had ruined my pink
linen when I got it smeared with
paint, but I removed the last trace of
the paint marks in this way," informed
a woman for the benefit of a friend
who had met 'nth a like earastrophe.
"Cover the ;mint spot with plain lard
or With c01 d • creeen and let 'tlie Intel or
eream ,stay on for twenty, four hours
Then wash out the nInee, with eekl ,v,,
ter and settle 1 le his 1st pose 1. s
• iglu. Inerte,1 ne 1 um mei
'Good Farm for Sale.
Lot 35, Conceesion 3 Tackersmith
contaesing 100 acres, 90 all cleared
and in a splendid state of cultiv-
at:on. The farm 15 well under
dra7ned and fenced with five acres
of good hardwood bush. Large
bank barn and straw shed with
good stabling, silo and other out
buildings. Good brick. house, eight
rooms sachem a nd woodshed with
good cellar and hard and . soft
water. There is a splendid apple
orchard also large orchard of
plums, pears, and cherrys trees
and an abundance of shade trees.
On 'the farm are two never fading
wells one with with the windmill
The farm is ooneenieta to church
and school six miles from thetown
town of Clinton and Seaforth and 2
1-2 mi es from Bruc ef i d Tel e -
ph on in house with long distatnce
connection, rural mail delivery
eolith to be established immdiately
Terms reasonable as the pre-
rietor is giving up farming. Apply
on the premises or addrces. '
Slabs For Sale
14 inches long, Hardwood,
12 inelaes long, Body Wood.
eTi Qi w
kniimulo od Mt L
• Subscribers in districts served by Rural I
is -- •5
• Delivery will facilitate the prompt de,. ;
it livery or thtt? paver by giving their old
O addrelA as well as their presen't Rural 111
. 1...oltite Number when renewing their i
g. . •
o 'subscriptions. , ri, 1
0 i lie -2r., 3 and ,4 -inch size. -
: 'The Tile is 'of the verybest
• ,
f 1)(1)This art-ct 1Pronipt i quality.
Brick to Order.
Delivet-y is Assured' I •- ' , 1
Yakds Opposite G. T.D. Station
All kinds of Coat on hand --
Chestnut Solt Coal
Stolle •Blacksmith
Furnace Coke
Kenwel Coal and Wood
•• "Is •• • • • 'I'',
•131Spe1iels Cad,
Kisittengsaed •Loin,
$5t00 pev ',"' Week . While 'S
• Steady • einpleyinen
„ .„.
,JaR)rDOIVE. • .. •
' )3'AliArsT44 '1301,r(;)xToit roTAItX
, ' • • ptrfarAlo, ETC • •
lentil- "l •. •OnieT011
will pay , ,
1;g1,L'.',1:i -.,Q06,11noRy00,1-,,,E, 5 ,,I,,,ata• ryB Eaulb-113,,,
, •
(Ionsniisstoner, etc.
ssue o a iage Licensee, •
I f rt.
am PrePtel'ed to do carpentering,
and repairing. Storm cl.00rs and
Windows nand.° to order.' Charges
reasonable. Orders 'left et the
house or at Watts' shoe sltore
will beprornptly attended to
• Rattenbury Street
House for Sale
I am instructed to sell quick.
Here is a chance to, secure an
excellent lroine at a bargain price.
I will show property, and consider
any fair offer.
0. 13, TIALE.
For Sale
A second-hand Wood Furnace in
firet-clase condition. Also one sec-
ond-hand Radiant'Home Heater,
at Rowland's Hardware
Farm tor Sale.
A desirable 100 -acre farm for
sale, being Lot 24, Con. 5, Hullett.
Good frame house and kitchen ;
bank barn 50x66, 3 miles from Clin-
ton, 3-4 mile from school. The farm
is well fenced, well underdrained,
and in good state of cultivation
Plenty of spring wafter. Possession
given to suift1 purchaser. For fur-
ther particulars apply to
Clinton, P.O.
Phone 4 on 165.
Live Fowls Wanted
I am now ready to handle Fat
Hens and Young Chickens, and
Young Ducks, at highest prices.
Poultry taken not later than
Thursday sof each week. Other
Fowls handled later on.
Base Line,
Phone 14 on 166.
Money Wanted.
have several inquiries for loans
of various amounts and will be
pleased to find investments for
funds on mortgages.
Farm for Sale
A desirable 80 acre ferns for sale
Good frame house, a parlor, dinin
room,' summer kitchen and woo
shed. A bank barn with cement
floors, pig pen with cement floor
and troughs, and drive Shed, WC IT
drained, all seeded but about 22
acres, everything in good shape,
Some of the money may be had at
a low rate of interest, will sell with
or without crop. Apply to
11. HESK, Londesboro,
or on the premises, lot 17, con. 8.
Hull ett.
Farm For Sale
A first class farm, consisting of
75 acres, on con. 12, part lot 34,'Hul-
lett township, 3 miles from, Londes-
boro, and 5 miles froni Blyth, 11-2
miles from School. A bank barn 36
by 58, another barn 36x52, drive
shed 24x43. A brick house, plenty
of water, about am( (acre of or-
Phand. Possession can be given
right after harvest. Apply to
IsTet,ary Public, Convoyancm,
•Financial and Real Estater
Pl'AOHNT-Bepreseniang 14 9'i In
ossanoe Companies.;
[Divisioxl Court Office.
Physician, , Surgeon, Etc
emesiai attention given to dieeases of the
Dye, Bar, Throat and Nose,
Eyes carefully examined, ani suitable glasses
Office and Residence. "
'Two doors west of the, Commercial Hotel
Huron 80.
Dr. W. Gunn, L. E. 0,J', L. 80 0. S., Ethos
Dr. J. C. Handler. 111.A, NM,
Oflice-Ontario Street, Clinton. '
, Night calls at residence, Rattenburr
or at hospital
DR. 4. W. SHAW.
cenucpcur, otq., office and residence on
tenbury 88,, opposite W. Ferran's' residence,
t Crown and Bridge Work a Speclultyi;
Graduate of 0.0.D.S..,* Chicago, and ri,o.as
Reynold on 'Mondays, May 1st to Uremia,.
Officee over O'NEIL'S stores
Special care taken to make dental iretal‘
*nen* as painless as possible.
Live stork and general Auctioneer
hal at stem sales a specialt). 0:dela et
NEW ERA office, Clinton, prGraotiy attended
to. Terms reasonable, Farmers' sale note
G. D. McTaggaro M. D. MoTaggar
MeTaggart. Bros
e. General Banking Busineati‘
Drafts issued. Interest Billowed on
The McKillop IVIutuai
Fire Insurance eo.
Farm and Isolated Town Provo,
erty Only Insured.
J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth.
,T Connolly, Vice -Pres., Godefich,
T.E. Hays, Sec.-Treas., Seafotrith
Jas. Connelly, lichneaville John
Watt, Earl° ck ; G. Dale, Clint'on; D.
F. McGregor, Seafortb , J. Evans,
Beechwood, J. G. Grieve, Winthrop,
J Benneweis, Brodhagen; M. Mc-.
Ewan, Clinton.
Each Director is Inspector of
losses lat hia own district.
Robt Smith, Harlock ; Ed. Hinch-
ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Bg-
mondville; 4. W. Yeo, Homesvillev.
Payments may be,,,made at The
-M.orrishl Clothing Co., Clinton, or
R. H. Cult, Goderich.
!Myth, P.P. ' Fire, Life and Accident
We're now selling Timothy Seed
(Government Standard.).
We also have on hand, Alfalfa,
Alsike, and Red Clover,
We always have on hand -Goose
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn
Highest Market Prices paid for Hay
and ail Grains.
FIORD & IctE01)
4 litI.
I See and here our finest
*41 New Stylish designs of
Doherty Pianos and t
:1 Cases 4
41 •41
6:eclat v,aiues in Art
ed, choice new Edison o'
4 .4,
Pianos and organs rent ii;
4 4
4 phonog,raphs; Music &
Z variety goods.
4 , r4 0'•
4 10
Music Eniporium 0-
I. 5.
• - . F(oRi3Es C. Hoare
• lifit
0011•011119,600.1110..008.80080.060$96900*0100900001110041..11011, / Phone 594 - '5.
Real 1state bought and sold
Money to loan
Office Issac Street, next door to Ne
Grand TrunkRailway System
Railway Time Table
London, Huron and Bruce.
North Passenger
London, depart 8.80 a m 4.50 Km -
Centralia 9,40 5.43
Exeter 9,53 5.54
Hensall 10.08 5.05
Kippen, 10.16 6.11
Brucefield . . 10.30 6.19
Clinton 11.00 6.35
Londesboro 11.18 6.52
Blyth 11.27 7.00
Belgrave 11.40 1.13
• Wingharn, areive11.50 7.35
South Passenge •
Winglia,m, depart6.43 a m 3.3,3 p m,
Belgrave. .. . ... ...,6.54 3.44
Blyth......... 7.08 3.56
Londesboro... ..... 7.16 4,04
Clinton 7.50 4,23
13rucefield 8,12 4.39
Kippen' 8.23 4.47
Hensall' •8.32 4.52
Exeter 8.4S 5.05
Centralia 9.00 5.15
London, arrive 10.00 6.10
Buffalo and Code
Wee' Paesenget
1010 pm pm pm
Stratfoed. ..... ..10.00 12.20 5,25 10.20,
.. .. 10.22 12.45 5.55 10.47
Sea,forth........10.45 1.10 6.18 1132,
Clinton . . .. ....11.07 1.25 13.40 11,28
flolmeseille.....11.16 1,33 6 46 11.38
Goderich........11-35 1,60 7.05 11,55'
East I s ssenger
am pm pon
7, 0 2.40 4.50
.. . 7.26 2.57 5.06
Clinton .-.... 7,35 3,07 5,15
Seaforth ............ 7.52 3.25 5.32
Mitchell, . . S.16' 3,48 5 55
Stratford... ... . .. 8,40 415 620
Small Advis. Always Pays