HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-11-20, Page 8er 13th a I.1Ul�liY�--•Cis�T hildren ear kip Price gO Twenty all, colors—White, Tan and Navy Blue For nick selling Saturdaywe have laid out twenty Children's Beare Skin Coats, colors white, tan and nav r blue, sizes from one t three These we are clearing out to make room for Christmas sail- ing.' Prices . e half :re regular ing. run from $2 to $5, Saturday sale ' pile g selling prices 20 �Per cent off Rugs. and earpets • To clean up our Carpet Department we put on sale Saturday our entire stock of Carpets and Rugs at a discount of 20 per cent off all • regular prices. This sale comprises i000 yards 'of carpet and 5o Rugs to choose from. Don't miss this sale if you need a rug or carpet es eoats Kali Price ciF ` , Saturday we put on sale twenty Ladies Winter Coats., made of good ;nglish tweed and beaver cloths. These coats we carried over from ;:oast year, and while they are not Just up to the minute in style, they n r•- tl 1 ,r :;twill give the purchaser solid comfort and good wear for the coming c�,ld weather. Prices run from ua10 to $15, Saturday special sale price ,,:one half the original. edges Dresses Ralf Price Twenty Ladies Dresses, the balance of this year's buying, go on sale Saturday at a big loss to us. We must have room for our Christmas selling. This is bur only reason for clearing them out. Silks, voiles and all wool dresses for street and house wear, all go at thi3 sale Saturday at half price. RUBBER SOCIAL Last Thursday evening in the 'Lecture Room of Wesley Church was well filled .when the Rubber Social under the auspices of the W. M. S., was held. The Treasurer had $10.00 to take home with her after the evening. The people who were present leailn�ed' many -new features about Missions and spent a pleasant Social Evening. Lunch was served at the close. SUBSCRIPTION LIST OPENED A Subscription List for the bene fit of Dependent members fo fami lies of sailors; who lost their lives in the receni lake disaster; has been opened at all branches' a1 ,the 'Royal Bank. Subscriptions will be forwanded by the Tank, to the Treasurer of the fund in Toronto, on Nov. 30th. ' WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. (Dr.) Fowler on Thurs 8Cy afternoon, Nov. ( 27th, at 3 o'clock. Members are requested to bring some inexpensive and easily made article: that will be suitable for a Christmas gift. A full atten- dance is requested. MINOR LOCALS November will :soon be over, This section had a heavy rain on rWe'dnesday, The picture theatre is expected to be opened next week. Alice in Wonderland tonight, EE As the Christmas season approacu es there will as usual be ;a. num- ber of people writing Christmas in an abbreviated form—Xmas. How would Christian look written "Xian." And yet it would be just as proper as, the other, which, of course, is not prone; at all. CLINTON GUN CLUB SHOOT. The 23rd annual shooting tour- nament of the Clintbn Gun Club takes place on `Thursday and Fri- day of November, 27 and 28.'The club is,one of the . oldest shooting organizations in Canada, being or- ganized in 1870, and later incorpor- ated in 1894. ,One of the feature events of the tournament is the coin petition for the Joe.Hill cup for the championship for live bird shoot- ing of .Ontario at 30 yards. \Last year the honor of winning the tro- phy went to R. W. Glover, of Lon- don, who will make an effort to win its possession this year as the twice successful shooting of this event takes it as hiss property. A long distance shooting event is on the program be -sides the many regular events. On Thursday, the opening day of the tourney, four events are on the list, while the last day 10 numbers on the program, The. opening -day shooting,Will take place at 11, a. m. and the last day time to 4n ,plenty of m at 8.30' a• m P Y enable the shooters to get the after noon trains out, OUR SvEe aLS FOR SATURDAY AND ALL NEXT W1~EK Horse c1i'' e`rs $1.25, 1.75, 2.50 PP Greening's Cow Chains 'OC, to 35c o' d;ass rtment Leather Halters -:10 er..cent discou�nt G c o,. P 'OC' f. regc or m butt to ti Rawhide Whipfrom a aw.75 Pr Strictly all Java Whip, reg 35c for...... ...... ............ 25C Horse Brushes 25c to 100 Culfy;.Comb ,.,,.,. .., Ice to 25C O C _ A few round point Shovels at ......: ...... .... 5 season for Door Matts from ... ........ 15c to 1.75 The e Balance of our Guns and Rifles 0 per cent discount, 2 Few squares Brantford Roofing reg _.5o for 1.i5 Now is the' time to use Stock Food and Panacea Good assortment of Chaff and Root Baskets STOVES -When you are getting a range a few dollars re either here nor there.. The right kind will last a seri>; lifetime without giving trouble. We have them --the Happy Thought, Pandora. Welcorit•re National, and !? P the most Canada' Steel Range—they are considered o popular in Canada, We have a stented Fuel Saver. p P � P we give free with every new stove sold, fWindow-Gla s and Putty.. ' All sizes o , � .HA LA1�1Ci R R H DWA E D 'TIES STOVES, t�i!AN NOVELTIES 12 ... 11 \\ rl\\ 1\ 1` S ire'%�1����. iil�� '11(0,(11 ,(1 \tV �\� A���� \� ........e.s..o.... s....•...000s..e • s 7, L .s000...r.. . a • :.. • • • •• • . .clew .. •..•.....os♦e.•o•e•••••••o.►••.e•o•••••m•oaeo.e...•s: ADVERTISINGi:ISMS, BEEP THE 28th CLEAR. ' • To start things coninig your way I Don't forget the concert in the, -go after them: t8th, given under the auspices of, hall, on Friday evening, Nov. THE ANNUAL SHOOT Wesley Epworth League. Full par The Clinton Gun Club will bold ticulars will be given next week, their twenty-third annual shoot at the club grounds on the 27th and 28th., , • TRY THE NEW ERA MODEL AT-IIOSIE The pupils -'of the Cli•iiton Model School will hold an at-home in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening Nov; X101 The (:Iloidiof Class' will finish their term three weeks from Friday. PERRY'S PEERLESS PLA'Y'ERS The Clinton Fire Brigade have secured the Perm, Peerless, Play-, ,err for a three night engagement' in the town hall on Thursday,'Fri- day and Saturday, December 4th, 6th and 6th. This company play- ed here before and such satisfac- tion did they give, that they play- cd a return engagement, .that sea -son. The hearty Dan Malloy. and dainty HazelCorinne are prime the d int, 1 favorites with the Clinton audience, and appearing in an entirely. (n,ew repertoire as they will on this oc- casion, they are bound to draw packed houses. OBITUARY. ' For Sale Bills For Church Reports' For Posters of all kinds For Bill Heads, Memos For Note Heads,: Letter Heads For Job Work of All kinds. HAD A GOOD CROWD. Saturday night is ;not a very very good night for a concert but the Guy Bros. show attracted a good crowd. Many who attended; however are of the opinion, that the quality of entertainment aur nished is not as geed that given by, the same company of former years. OBITUARY POETRY. From time' to time w•:: have to de- cline obituary verses that are sun`_ to us for insertion, For various nen sons they are not aform of contri- bution that is encouraged by most newspapers however much theedl- itor might sympathise. with the be- reaved. Some publishers will not (ADVERTISEMENT) insert them at all, Others charge the advertising rate of ten cents, Fl<91 the �m rks (which is nearly prohibitive), and �i we belong to* the latter class, A HURON FRUIT EXHIBIT, Goderich Star ;—Under the guid- ance of Fruit Inspector P. J. Carey a staff of men have beenat work for a couple of days at Hamlink's Elevator selecting and packing 100 bores of fine apples which will be sent to the Horticultural Exhibition in Toronto to represent what Hur- on County can do'in apple growing The committee in charge ofthe work have been gratified by find- i Prohibition is. ,a scheme to make ing the quality of the fruit nruch by better than was expected earlier in idbnelgoTcllierc lnever waw. It as rt4.1 time the season, PURCHASED HURON GARDENS. Mr. James A. Miller, who sold his farm recently. in Goderich town-.. ship has purchased the"Huron Gar dens" ,on the Huron Road recent ly occupied by Chas. Longely. Mr. Miller has taken possession. j' FUNERAL OF THE LATE JAMES GLENN. The funeral of the late James Glenn, who lost inlife last week in Lake Huron, .was held on Friday afternoon: Rev. D. K. Grant! con- ducted the funeral services assist- ed by Rev. C. E. Deakins The pall- bearers were, Mr. D. Prior, T. 1'r' atts Mr. Mansell, Messrs, Wilson and James Wylie. Interment was made at the Clinton cemetery. Deceased Ls''stur\'ived by his, young wife, whom be married about a year ago and -his mother and father and three brotherl'S,• Ile was an 'elec- trical engineer, but on coming 'to Canada took to sailing. Rer. Mr, Wylie and Mr:Mansell, of Godericl, were uncles of the deceased, ,Once more the Silent Reaper las been at work, on Nov 7th„ calling to her Eternal Home, 'Mrs. Alfred Scotchmer of Clinton formerly of the Bronson Line, Stanley. Deceas- ed was born in Rosedale Yorkshire England, in 1846 and was a daught- er of the late Robt. Watson of the Sauble Line, Stanley. She came with the rest of the family to Can- 1 ada in 1851 and subsequently to the home in Stanley. In 1864 one became the wifo of Kr. Allred for manyyears the Scotchmer and ,y i lived upon the farm on the Bronson Line, now occupied by their son Mr. Wm. Scotchmer, About a year ago they removed to Clinton, there to take a well merited rest. Mals. Scotchmer was confirmed ainemher of the Church of England in Bay- field in July 1862 by the Rev, Robt. J. Ro-bets and was associated with �i the English Church until her death. Her numerous friend's will bear test imony to her sterling qualities and her genuine Christian character. No higher tributecould be p aid herr vasa wife and mother than the pl•ear ure`.ol her children their visits, many and frequent to the old roof- tree in latter years. Her influence will follow their lives for good, as •onlya true mother's can,. The sympathy of the community will be extended to the bereaved hus- band and family. The call came suddenly while visiting at the home of her (son Robert, from : ylrosle ' home the funeral took place on Wednesday, Nov.' ,12th. A large number of, friends and ac uaintan ccs followed the remains to their last resting place in the family plot in the Bayfield cemetery. Her fowl+ sons John, Robert, Alfred and Will and two sone in-1aw Messrs. Al, bent Townshend and Wm, 'Heard acted as pallbearers. Deceased is survived by two brothers Robert Watson of` Brucefield and John 'Watson of-- Stanley also by : two sis tea's Mrs, Margaret. Ward ;of Eg-- mondville and Mrs, Richard Pen- hale of Stanley, Her husband and nine• chfldreri mourn their loss, John, Robert and' Will of the Bron- son 'line, Alfred of Crailt and Fred a chemist of Tugaske Sask„ Mrs, Albert Townshend of 'Goderich township,'Mrs, •win, Beard- Stanley. Mrs; Jas. Porter, Goclerieh and Miss Daisy at 1iome, The Scott Act Would Not Make Men Better—Men Cannot be Made. Righteous by Law GORDON CAMPBELL HAS ARM FRACTURED. The Aylmer correspondent of the pp St. Thomas Journal says,— An accident happened to ('little j invading private ate nights it arouses ' g Gordon Campbell, ,son. of Mr. and human passon, Instead of relic - Mrs'. W, G. Campbell, wlile at school trig drunkennessiit multiplies hyp- on Friday Nov. 70. The classes j ocrites and lawbreakers. It has no had been dismissed and in his hurry I just recognition or belonging in the economy of government or the autonomy of true religion. It ism its essence ignorant, tryannous and dishonest. - Every real man believes in free- dom and the right to regulate his own conduct. Prohibition legisla- tion proceeds on the theory :that those who patronize licensed hotels or take a drink ane weak or irre- sponsible and need 'a guardian. .If you are to pass such laws,as to drink, where will it -stop? If you permit the Dominion Alliance to have their .'way in the matter of' whatweshall drink their next step will bete tell us what we shall eat or smoke or wear: The principle is the same. Our conception of free government is that men ereassum- ed to be responsible and `'are guar- anteed their freedom until 'they a- buse it. We deny that -the people of this county, who :stand for a de- cent hotel have abused their free- dom to such an extent that they' ,must now. be placed in the custody of the Dominion Alliance, or itsa- lwhen it could be, The Apostle Paul recognized this fact nearly two thousand years ago when he said if men can be made righteous by law then Christ is dead in vain. r fantasy. By The ro ositioir is pure .fan y. P to get down stairs and out, Gordon slid down the balister, but in com- ing down lost his balance+ and fell to the hall floor below. He"wassev erely jarred and his arm fractured in two places. His old friends here will be sorry to hear of his accident. WHAT WE MAY EXPECT.— C Rush of businesis. Christmas buying. Cutters and ,sleighs. Skating and- nd- Hoeke n y m Holiday Entertainments, The Skating rink do open. Planning for holiday visits. Jack Frost to assert his suprem- A rush` of new subscribers to the New Era. Curlers to look up the etanes and bosoms, Municipal candidates' (Ito com- mence shakkin•g hands, - • Buyers' to get bargains- by need- ing advts. .in The .New Era, LATE ALEXANDER PATTERSON Blyth lStandard.—Death` called very suddenly on Mondaymorning, in g, d and of tine -ol an another residents of this Section, in the per- son of Alexander•. Patterson, who passed away at Isis home, lot 37, con, 2, East Wawanoslir, Deceased had tr c some s .oI e suffered a !paralytic Months ,ago from which hens 'er fully recovered) The late MrdPat- terson was born at Shakespeare, Perth County in the year 18.19, and came to this section upwards -of 35 years ago and about 32 years ago Purchased the farm on which :;tae died, He was married to Miss Cath Brine Plaetzer thirty-one years ago the, result ofisuch union being, a family of eight, seven of whom sur- vive, namely, Mrs, N, Sundercocic, Blyth ; John, of 'Berlin ;'Robert,Rose Janet, Willie and Walter at home A daughter Mrs. H. Jackson, died on the 28th of Toebruary last. M. Jake .Younggblit' and Mrs .F, Young blut, of Hallett, are sisters of de- ceased, •besides lie has a brother and sister residing at Shakespeare, fn religion deceased was Presbyterian and in politics, Liberal, . The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon to the Union Cemetery. The bereaved wife and family 'havethe'sympathy 913,; a•ir' Timely Hints If that "bad beginning good ending" phrase applies to winter there is mush hope iu the start November gave us. In sortie things a good be- ginning assures a good ending. We have made the beginning in open- ing tap fair Ohristmas stock. We invite youto share in the good end- ing which will soon be here.' - This season we have three hooks of Samples Private Greet- ing Cards, We will he glzet 10 show them to you and have you. select one Or your exclusive use. 11' you favor us with an order we will have your name arid address neatly printed on each card mak- ing your Ohristioas salutation it rine of fashuroah lerF refinement to the receiver and a mark of dig- nity to the sender,' She - Is Your wife 'entertain- ing? He -Not very. Nor those who are entertaining we have Tally Cards in good assortment, Crepe Piper Napkins and Table Covers, Score • Caccia Trump Markers and Playing Cards if you want them. Beware at false prelte. Our aim is to give you a service pro- fitable to you. Convenient for you and a good assortment from which to select in all deem t- ments. If you want to read a 'real gaud story ,ask us for "Laddie by Gene Siration Porter or "T. Tem baron" by Frances, Hodgson Burnett. The frame around the picture hasegood death to rio with its appearance. We have a gond. deal to do with the frame, You furnish the picture and we will, at moderate.cost, do the rest, Standard'. Pat -terns are good patterns, we sell' them. Express Money Orders are safe, conven• ient and cheap, we issae them. Parkers are the best cleaners and dyers we know, we repre• sent them in Clinton. A quantity of quality is found in WVaterman'e Ideal Fountain Pen, none less than $2 50, We have pens of other makers as . low in price as 25c. The Wo Do Fair eo. . .ften the eheopest-141ways the Best, sr= d CLEAI\TING UP ,CAMPAIGN. The Corner Store 'The New Era has entered upon a cc���� and Let Live"cleaning npcampaign of.back sub- scriptions and long past due ac - ,counts :which -will bepus!bed vig- orously, even if we have to resort What About Your to he courts in some cases,lto get Q r what is' due us:. With the rapid rise Cris as Cake ?of almost everything' about a print- h�e gYC� ling office waiting years for $1.00 a of 50eriup ca andnfor small accounts agi�i Plum paddfn ' tet a can no pay beper every re telt We have to pay cash every week for: wages, paper, ink, freight ;postage•, etc., and to keep this up we We have Ithe lmaterial for rust getwhatlegitimately belongs making them,— to us. If you are in arrears kindly NEW—Raisin, New Currents, give this matter your immediate Figs and Dates„ attention. c titlit.L NEW PEELS— MINOR LOCALS. ;Orange, Lemon, and Citron. Have you renewed yelt to the FRUITS New Era? Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Only 29 purchasing days till Grapo Fruit, Melega Grapes, Christina;you,want to secure a good Apples, Cranberries. If space for your Christmas advertis- FISH ing you had' better speak quick, President Wilson has proclaimed Salt Water Herring, Thursday, November 27, a day .01 Finan-Haddie, national thanksgiving throughout Cod Fish, and the United States. 1 Smoked Red Herring. There is a closed season on black and grey squirrels in Norfrillcun- HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR for each one killed' out of sea- ' til the year 1915, There is a heavy 1 PRODUCE, fine son In the matter 'of this h is guardian- ship idea,Neelaliengethe voters of this- county to Lake a look around them .and consider the character of some of the men who are in a self appointed wayattempting to set themselves up as their, guard- ians-. The best test of a man is h >w does' he use power? That is the supreme test of 'manhood.. How does' he treat those within his con- trol? The greater the man, 'the grander the man, the more careful. heis in the use of power:—the. tend- ewer hie is the nearer just," 'the greater the more merciful, 'the grander the more charitable. Be- fore 'beginning' to submit your- selves to the control of another man find out what manner of a man hens. Ascertain how he wife. or his children, his' neighbors,. his poor ;debtors,his servants, and you will bo able to form an idea as to whether' you would like to have such a man - for your: guaildran6 This Association .li is against the ring in the nose idea. It favors the 'liberty of the individual as long as the rights of others ,are not in'ter- fered' with. Respectively of the community, in their sorrow. Huron County Business Men's As's'n a er of Clinton and Mrs. II, JOHN RANSFORD, President, Holtzl au Litt erniore of Stanley, WM, JACKS,ON, Secretary. The deceased .is a cousin of Mrs, Corrlespondents will kindly re- e frain from sending notices of en- m ford tertainments where an 'admission Efee is charged unless' they send PHONE 45 word who is responsible fon the payment of such advertisment. The charge is five cents a line—six i ,words make a line. Farmers say that winter will be- l gin a month earlier this year and will be very severe, because grey squirrels are already building their winter nests. The nests are heav- ier thin season and the leaves are being knitted closer together, It has been years since the squirrels have made winter 'homes so early pr have been storing up their sup- ply of nuts and acorns Al far/ advance of the first snow. iges� Grade Bead Conner9 s s cad ad tome mBr � Conner's Home-made Bread is quality through and through. There is not a detail of good making and baking overlooked, so you know what you are getting when you order this Good Bread, CHAS CONNER Baker and Confectioner FIVE STRONG POINTS About our plumbing include good) materials,up-to-date date supplies, s, su- perior workmanship, promptness: - and reasonable prices, for SATISFACTORY PLUMBINCs can you ask more? Qet our estimates first, anyway,.. Thos. Hawkins Plumbing and heating (Phone 53) H y 1 p ,•i l; 3 3 t F II N II H6 3.3 d•3 !i -Bel -1-1 II ++ +.1elii4•++++444i 4islt t 4.• Shoes of Quality rt 4. •t• Know Shoes t We 1 cr FromReel to Toe 4. el And when you wear a pair from our storere •. + you are wearing shoes that we know are 4•: +Amade in such 'a way and of such` material •I •1• that they will give you unquestioned sat- t� isfaction-a satisfaction that will bring. 4 you back again when you need another •�. Right is, a good time to try, tet•,. 'parr g us.�• 4 •• :4'41 t I Pttt Lis h tes a• � •II• .t. •II• .t. FRED. JACKSON'S t THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES - - -,t t•,l•,t;`t,.p•.q•.p•.t••II•y+,g• o`'