HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-11-20, Page 7UFEERED
For Years,RestoredTo Health
by Lydia E. Finkham's Veg-
etable Compound.
Canadian women are continually writ -
mg us such letters as the two following,
which are heartfelt expressions of grati-
tude for restored health:
Glanford Station, Ont. -"I have ta-
ken Lydia L Prnkham's Vegetable Com-
pound and never
found any medicine
to compare with it.
I had ulcers and fall-
ing of womb and
doctors did me no
good. I suffered
dreadfully for years
until I began taking
your medicine. I al-
so recommend'it for
n ousne
ry ss and n in-
digestion " Mrs.
HENRY CLARK, Glanford'Station. Ont.
Chesterville, , Ont. - ".I heard your
medicines highly praised, and a year ago
I began taking them for falling of womb
and ovarian trouble.
" My left side pained me all the time
I andjust before my periods which\were
irregular and painful it would be worse.
To sit down caused me pain and suffer-
ing and I would be so nervous some-
times -that I could not bear to see any
one or hear any one speak. Little specks
would float before my eyes and 1 was
always constipated.
"I cannot say too much for Lydia E.
b?`nkham's Vegetable Compound and
.,.iver Pills, for there are no medicines
like them. I have taken them and I
recommend them to all women. You may
publish this testimonial, " - Mrs. .STE-
PHEN ,1. MARTIN, Chesterville, Ontario,
When you're absolutely certain
Of a word or a quotation.
I. Of the spelling, meaning, author,
To avoid shame's bitter cup
(But I'd better,diar{w a curtain
Over that humiliation),
Oh, beware of all cocksureness-
ocksureness Look ft up!
When you're shown -a-chance of win'
In a speculative flier
At a trifling risk some, thousands
Just a cinch, beyond- all doubt -
Oh, reflect that'garnbling's sinning
And that mortal man's a liar,
Get a -grip on Your simoleons-
And keep out!
'Friend, be sore' you're right,"` said
;'And then go ahead," he added.
But here is a wise amendment
That has gladdenedmany a life:
'Twill be money In your pocket,-
That cannot be too well padded,
Be sure you are right and then go.
Ask your wife!
-Chicago Daily News.
01 UTE
Cf . iPTe
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
See Pao -Simile Wrapper Below.
Vary small and as easy'
$0 take as sugar.;
see.ear:ra cram MST nnc,
pis Ccs I Purely. vegetfible,/FfiE.rm>sL
PI Ls.Z.
J .
..: .4P° 4-4...)
AWATCH is a delicate piece
cd machinery. ,It calls for
less 'attention than most
machinery, but must be 'cleaned `,
and oiled occasignally to keep
perfect time. *-
with proper care m;Walthani
l etch will keep perfect time
for a lifetime. It will pay yen
-, well to let us clean your watch
every 12 or 18 months.
Jeweler and Optician.
issuer of
Marriage , Licensse.
My Lady
ef Doubt
i, r jylr,J y �ly�,
r �
f I
4 1
and liv
I beech
of soul
try the
the res
My 1
of a do
time vi
ever, ti
and I
In hu
. Fruit -a.
c �
sion its
rate th
•. to the 1
1 Had Gained a Hundred Feet Before have be
Those Behind Me Had Grasped the box, 6
Meaning of My Unexpected Flight. dealers
Fruit -a
angry to blurt out everything he knew,
They were all' facing his way, actu- .ietawa
ated by the recognition. Breathless rection
still, yet quick to seize the one and of esca
only chance left, I grabbed up my
jacket from the grass, and sprang into
the darkness. I had gained a hundred
t1set be -ore those behind grasped the
meaning of my unexpected flight, and
then the tumult of voices only sent 'every r
me flying faster, realizing the pursuit shore v
n open make t
At th
aged to
then R
The only P n passage led directly
toward the •river, and I raced through
the black night down"the slope,,as
though all the fiends of hell were aft-
er me. I heard shouts, oaths,'but
there was no firing, and was far
enough, ahead to be' invisible by the
time I attained the bank, An open
barge lay there,. a mere black smudge,
and P stumbled blindly across ` this,
dropping silently over its side into the
water. It was not thought, but breath-
less inability to attempt more, which
kept me there, clinging to a sltat'on
the side of the barge, so completely
submerged in the river, as to be in-
visible from above. Swearing fierce•
ly, my pursuers stormed over the
barge, swinging their swords along
the edges to be sure I was not there.
One blade pricked me slightly, but I
held on, sinking yet deeper into the
stream. I could see the dim outline
of heads peering over, but was not die.
covered. The same gruff voice which
had interrupted the duel broke through
the noise:
• "I tell you he' turned to the left; I
saw him plainly enough. What did
you say the fellow's name was,
"How do I know? He called himself
• "Sure; the same one' Carter was
sent, out hunting after. Well, he
dodged down there among those coal
sheds. This Is the only way he could
have disappeared so suddenly. Come
on, all of you,except Moore, i
eancL Car-
teret, taret, and we'll beat the" shore."
I heard them scramble across to the
bank, but there were sounds also
theguards leftchin r
p g b behind
still on the deck above me. Theo one
across 1
get to'
the Rat
I could
Ing. my
the sur
rising, I
I had
well ou
mere d
the wat
below t
as I co
this shi
ously I
mit qui
land. I
swift c
low ban
ing in
there w
than tit
in of
back I
as best
drew on
slung to
I pose
where I.
'wide dew
of the fellows sat down on the edge of
the barge, his feet dangliug within a -British i
few inches of my head. I inns
"Might as well take it easy, Bill,' he ;through
said lazily. "They're like to be an miles, w
hour la
yin' on 1
y the lad," a]
we got to d i h don't Y back
o s see a on ox ac of habi
this way. Got any tobacco, mate?" which I
The other must have produced the
when I
necessary weed, for there was a scrap-
ing of flint ,and steel, a gleam of fi
glinting on' the 'water, and then the iparently
pungent odor wafted to me in puff of 'of the
smoke With on had Iunbuckled
e n. ,the win
my sword belt, letting it, sword and doors,
all, sink silently into the river. l tened.
must cross to the opposite bank some-
faint lig
how, and would have to dispense with the ap
the weapon. Inch by inch; my fingers aroused
gripping the narrow slat to which I; ; to media
clung, I 'worked slowly toward the hared t
stern of the barge, making"not so t
much as a ripple in the water, and
keeping well -hidden below the bulge
of the side. The' voices above droned
along in conversation, of which I
caught a few words.
"Who was he? You mean the"lad
they're,after down yonder? Oh, I mind
now, you : came up ' later after we'd
started the chase. Holy Mother, I
don't know much -myself, now I come
to think of it. He looked like a Brit-
isher, what I•saw of him, an' he was
fightin' with' a Captain of Rangers -
Grant was the name; maybe you know
the man? --behind one of the - stands."`
' "They'll never get him,"returned
the other .solemnly,'
"Because it's my. -notion 'he swum
for it.. I was closest dawn the bank,
an' somethin' hit the water."
"But them's the Jerseys over yon-
der; if he was a spy he'd be headin'
the other wa."
"It's little he'd think of the way
with thegangof us 1 in' his
e at
heels. Besides, there's plenty of his
kind over in those Jerseys who'd take
good care of the likes of him."
"But there's a guard stationed
aerods yonder."
"P[sh, a corporal's squad, just about
opposite at. the ferry landin', an' a
company of Yagers down at Glouces-
ter. There's plenty room between for
a bold lad to find free passage."
The two fell silent, staring out over
the water. They had set me thinking,
however, and this knowledge of where
the British pickets were stationed was
exactly the information I most re-
quired. T ha+1 ton. dopir,o +o -, oo.i:ite
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
A Safe, reliable regulating
medicine. Sold in three d?-..
grecs of `strength—No 1,$1;
No. 2, 53; No. 3, 55 per box.
Sold by all druggists, or seat
on receipt of ppr!oe.
k•roe:; pamphlet. -Address:
lows, a
;door wit
even a 1
iron, sof
hot mak
!ly been
;must ha'
where, E
my face
felt the
filled w
glad dots
til dayli
I was
ing prac
tired frc
50110570, ONT. (Formerly Windsor.)
,'': : •-,
•- <•,:
-.:; :.::•g,: "•-•'
.. ,.w.
: ••'••.hlsensiblhty
- . :. A,
s t^I 1 t I 1••1 t t»t..EA : t.l..,..iT r..
Mushroom Poisoning
r, Mushroom poisoning is no
. an tnfrequent oceutrence where •j
: these fungi aro partaken of, ;
•• mistakes being readily made as ••
:: a result of coufusion between :
.. fungi which nee harmless and -•
good to eat and those which are
polsonous, A violent attack of ••
.•' colic, accompanied by vomiting :.
and diarrhea, occurring- soon •
site's poisonous fungi have been a
'. swallowed constitutes marked,'
- ,. ..
Syn} )tonna 01 this en70f"'ell
1 6 ny.
may supervene, •'
with a slow pulse find stertorous ..'
r breath}nni
lift stomach should at once be
d li lean of d
i S t s n :retie.
:: om tie a
The special antidote Por runsh- ..
cooin poisoniiig consists of ;foci-
.. ty drops of tincture of belladon-. ..
i lin given; in water after the 2c- '
.r. five symptoms have subsided,
A large dose of castor oil should ;
be given in order to clear the •�
S '
, hrltvels. tP symptoms of col-
• ..
!.I )se tt e u and -hes r e •�
t t Pailnr -
t I >
tt r1. Slim ,
S 111`7nt
A M9ther s Tetter to Mothers;0
Mrs. E. W. Cooper of Bloomileid,
N. J,,' nays: "My child, seven years
old, had a bad cold and was weals
and quite run down in health. She
had been in this condition for about
„ six weeks when I began giving her
VinoL It was a wonderful help to the
child, breaking up her cold. quickly,,
and blinding hpher strength' besid ',
I have also found Vinol a most exeol
lent. tonic for keeping up the citiil
dren's strength duringa siegeof
whooping, Cough," a
Vino1le a wonderful: combination
of two waildfamad foists -tile Medi-
1. sinal body building elements of cods
liver i oil and iron for the :blood, there
Pore it is a perfectly safe medicine
children, because it is' not a:
patent. medicine, everything in it is
printed on every package, so mothers.
may know what they are giving thein•
little ones.,
Therefore we ask every mother or
a weak sickly or ailing Child in this
viclnit toi n
Y al on Y try ur oar antes
VIII.- Fourth Quarter,
F01' Nov. 21'913.
Health IlB
4frr ,p II
ONS.,. Aug. 26th. 191'3.
two years ago, 1 found my
in a very bad State. My kidneys
er0vereiiotdoiztgtheir work, and
ie all run-down. I felt tile need
reined • and Lavin seen
a-tiv.es advertised, 1 decided to
effect, I found more than
tory. action was nand and
nits al:
1• that coiir'
d have been
iver and kidneys resumed wirers
action atterl h cixal:eu upwards
boxes, and I regained my old
tality. Today, I am as well as
best health lhave ever enjoyed,
unhesitatingly give you- this
b Y Y
uial for publication if you wish”Wound
B. A. I>EI,I,Y.
ndreds of letters received by the
theesameex re
usedin th a wives is the bet
" --s
remabletshe world". At any
esetablets.haveproved the hest'
iundreds of men and women who `
en cured by taking thea;. Soca
fox $2.5o, trial size, 25c. At allserve"
or sent on receipt of price by
I,intited, Ottawa,,
text of. the Lesson, Josh. i, 1:9 -Mem-
bry Verses, 5, 6—Golden Text, Josh.
1-9—Commentary by Rev, D. M.
. Stearns,.
the hook of Joshua (Pens 0)1!) 71))
,0 lies reference 1 ,., ,
ice to the passing from
i';rll u' se ' •
s, in some respects „fcai
i t ,til. n ,ht ti 'mei, t 1
I i ( P t n �r 1( 1_I.
nifl t fir I I cr ) Lha �r>.
le i' call>Itv -t t
uilnt., 1ho setvaat of. the I;cird 11)0)11,
xt+'. t11• it is 0110 o1: the titres of
the Lord ,;esus Ilse. alit, 1; \lust xii,
I5; Zee!). , iii, Si. and ou tha1 great
,l s„r:c,l iii 1), when there was a stfi!'e
ou • the disciples as to who should
he the greatest tie taught that it was
Pater to serve and said, "1 stn among
tis he that env h"
t s et (Luke xxi1,'e
r oIb
, Nom i'anl rejoiced In the title
Nom. 1, 1: I'hIl i• 1;.Tit, 1, 1, and par-
j111e Bever sf)ld uoytllin
I g greater than
when he said, "Whose 1 am and whom
1,, ,z,
(Acts cxvii, 23), Joshua Is
Gilled Moses' minister or servant or
- the one standing before hits(Ex.. xxly,
1'>• tcliii 11• fleet i Be; •
We tueet him for the first time vie-
toriously leading Israel •
c against Ara-'
ictc, while Aaron and 1•Iur stayed u 11�
the Bands of hoses. Next we find him
a !lases' minister coin up . into the
mount of God with Moses when he
iwent to receive the tables of the late
and returning with hint after the forty
days. Then we find hirn abiding in the
rtrberuaele and afterward its one or
the ttve;h-t, spies and . one of the two
a ho encouraged n d ` 1 t e 1follow
t age the people 1t a to go uP at
that tree and possess the land,- the
,,Illi, two ivho left Egypt i
t eye t. as men .tad
entered tato' the'. promised land (Ex
�t,tl, S•lG; cxh, 13; sect;, 17; „„iii,
11, Num. xiii, 5, 1(i: xiv, G, 30: ext.!, 011{.
\\lieu Most.: was told that he could
not Patel• ;tiro the land be asked the
Lord to set•` 11 man. over their wino would
faithfully shepherd them and the Lord
1 i
said, "Take theeJoshua, nh s ,
the o1 of
Nun. 0 0100.10 whom is the spirit, and
lily thine band upon tern" (Num, �xvli,•
Moses is gofi'e, end Joshua Is
the leader, and, the Lord spoke Hato
•ioshua: and our lesson gives us the
we read in one piece that
word of the Lord name expressly
unto Ezekiel" ai;zek, }, 3), and unloss
the word of the Lord conies expressly
fro Path of us as h e read d'e htn e not
read with profit as we might have done.
There is a Canaan t0 be possessed
apd :annoyed, not after we ilii', but here
orifi now, ami we luny enter ourselves
ands help otbort to enter, It is all :I
matter or faith, and "tve who have
do ant,. into rest, ileb ii.,
8L The -land tvtls ;oven to them, trot
they were to enter In 11lKitakP posses-
,sion, only that which they actually
trod upon being really theirs (verses
, 1t Delft: xl,°-1),
I do not know appy greater assurance
for h believer in the word or (foil than
thus: nouderful words 01' the howl to
men, "1 lulwith you:'Sven to lura
116 said, "Behold.Lauf u'1111 ;t oe and
will keys thee." '1`o 1911110 [le stile, -
"Peer net, for• 1 and with, thee." To,
e said, "C'PPt:unl it he
\loft;'~ ❑ 5• 1 w Idresser's
ciih thrt "Wird now Ile ~antis to .lush
na: -As i ohs \vitti hoses. so I will be
with thee, 1 will not fail the nor
forsake thee" (verse 5; (feu, xxviii. 15;
exti, Lf; Ex, ilii lift,.
1'li > Lord .iosu5 con s o
e lc, . ay nothing
to ilia dt uples when_;;: sortthe.1
111('nlabrth after [Iis resurrection with
good news for all the world than
-lee I am with you till the days" (Matt.
xxvtll, • 0). Just one; suggestion from
ibis great assurance certainly is IInN-
that Ile will do it all, all that is to he
done,�if .we will only he His willing
and obedient fellow workers;(1 Co,.
iii• n; 'II Cor, vi, l).
His word is to be our continual and
guide, our meditation day and
night. our sole reliance in every mat-
ter. end at all times, then. there shall
be true prosperity and flood success
and constant victory over all enemies
Il0saes 5; 7, S; I's: i, 2; ,ler. xvit, 7,, S)
slieh an attitude of soul and with
a mind thus stayed upon Jehovah we
cannot but be strong and of good cont-
I have found this command ten
times, but possibly you may, End It
.more often -bioses, to Israel. ones:
Moses to Joshua, twice; the Lord to
Joshua. three tines; Israel to Joshua;'
once: Joshua to Israel, once; David to
Solomon, twice: iDout. xxxi. 11, 7, 23:
Josh. J. R. 7.1;,'18; x, '24; I Chron. xxii,
13; xauli, `0t.
I remember well what a strength
neut, x xi, G, 8, were 10 me in the full
of 18711 as 1 moved, my family from
St John, N. 13.. to Roston, Mass., hav-
ing given up the position of principal
a public school to give •my whole
time to missionary: work, The Lord
did certainly s, peak to my soul in those
1V01'(15 fit that time and many a time.
As to all truly Christian: work, since
cannot 'l • he1l�<.
Els angst Gu pat ,,
.lit, 41 those who believe and rely upon
His "1 ,tin with you" cannot.fai! no;'
Note the Be Wilt mfriiit: neither be
thn11:-at�ma�'ed" ar•. t•et•se t)a,ld con,
I1;11•C Is:i. xlt. 11). 13, and I:lellt, xxxt,. y,
The "flare not I commanded the:?'
r)- ltiild us of the 00.011' to (:[;;gain. •'(lo
1n u1iS. Ih,` itltbht• 4 . 4 .hat':' not 1.
sent !htr:'•• t.1u lg +•t: 111 and e1''"•Ifs•
I, •'ri,ia.nni 'i ,11 that u,h•ll
< r It r
.., ',' >., :, „ , . �,
,tail 1110 0 . I ,utr 0t iii} Him t Ali
It' ,r>uds upon who, eoti mond, us whc
,:'nds Iia,came.
Apply Zam-Buk to all
and sores and you ,
Will beStii tis¢d 110
it St P. W Quickly
ops the smarting and'
bongs code: It covers the
with a Ia er Pion
Y Of
tcctive balm kills all'
s poison
tX crus a lresd la the
Y aad:
Pre d
cab Other •eat Bain . fCh �
healing herbal easenesithen build
up.from the bottom; fresh assns*
and is a wonderfully sheet
Zea;. Bok'. poptikrl L tlueil er
imitatton.never ualtYarea, Be msd(r,
setttiereatetng, •• .Bat yprmiat%a
on evp packet 01 tris• geeufaw &afuw
Zit :see cos Tn onto. eta ane stone or
Zam•BukO Sa Tomato.
-: fic Ply ;riven, while warmth to -
: the caren,tleii and poultices to -I'
1ift shuu:irh'shnuld he appllerl. ,I;
W. S. R. Holmes; nruge;lse
Clinton: Ontario
• ..t. •' . c-I-i'd a
1-•d•;:•-� : t'-1-1 1 , -x i-I••1»S+ h . , .•d•3 -P•
P .
Vie; - an Care
4ai �1 PAI
Byh The Use Of
A free motion of the bowels dailyshould
be the,rule of every one, for if bowels
do not move dailyconstipation is sure to
and brie in its train duan other
g Y
troubles when the bowels become clogged
up, You get Headaches,Jaundice,• Piles,
Heartburn, Floating Specks before the
Eyes, Catarrh of the Stomach, and those
tired weary. feelings which � follow the'
wrong action of the liver.
Elijah A. Ayer, Fawcett Hill,
• emu exertemem, au: ruse the armed
animals;'bulls and oxen, halter skel-
ter, a motley crowd of men and'
beasts, a veritable pandemonium. The.
last scene is most interesting of all.
Stables with open doors encompass
the arena, in front of each of which•
is a sliding door and at the back a
g ted lantern. These lanterns the
bull makes for one after another,
smashing them and extinguishing the
lights; and as each, light' is observed
by an attendant to be put out, he.
slips clown the door of the stable and
forhe bun pia i hs holiday d and ready
for the Spanish of •the mor -
row- • Successively the• Light dis-
appear, and when all are out and the
doors of the stables the police
oxen are driven out of the . bull ring
to return to their more peaceful pad -
docks and to render similar service
to other bulls and other devotees of
the hn11 rine " " `
-r, - 1'i
re, yet apparently in that di-
lay the only remaining avenue.
e lower end of the float I man-
silently remove my -boots, and
aited, listening to the move-
the men above. I must have
here ten' minutes, expecting
foment the party scouring the
'ould return, yet not daringtothe
he venture with those fellows
thei'e, and silently gazing ,out
:he water. At last I heard them
:heir feet, and tramp about on
deck of the barge, the low
' of their. voices reaching me,
hope for no better time. Fill-
lungs with air,I sank
face of the river; and then, "ht
struck boldly out into the full
!f the current.
:' , ^'
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77 ' ii:�:>
c.Jocc ,_. �""�.�
Mother -How 'do you like your 11015
J 1coming
goceruess. ,lahnnie':3•
h i
Jo nn e -I thole slusfine.
_ • 0
llothu I m ,hid n: bob has nits
teacher at last.
Johnnie -She's tiwfully nlre. Slit
Says Sha dell's Y'a,'r± 5\hell}er 1 Ief11n
anything or not an Pour its pt, pays Per
N.B., writes: -"I troubled with cote
stn ation'for manyears and about three
P y
years ago my husband wanted- me' to
tryMilburn's Laxa-Liver Pills as theyWhether
had cured him. I got a vial; and tooko
„them and bythe time I had taken three
vials I was cured.:. 1. always keep them
an hand, and when Ineed a mild laxative
I take one."
Milburn's Laxa-)•{iver' Pills. are 25c.
a vial, 5 vials for $1.00, at all,dealers, or
mailed direct on receipt of price by The
o . Ontgave
T, Milburn Co„ lemited Toronto,
n• -I Mt» •; r,•,^,•-c'z••p••I•d•I :
• 1
'. t
the grass in the pas-
tore is short or uot, the calves
.. will like a bit o hay to nibble
on. It Is one of the very best
,, tltiugs you can give them to eat.
To snake more }trofit in who
•- Baby, try to feed one cow as
much as,. in the old way, ' you
•�t•• to ttvo.cows.
1' Plan now to make: the cows
.,. most comfortable 'during the
The Blacksmith.
in the stream, either
artier shadowshowing,,
er. How far I had
he barge could not.
old distinguish
excepting the bare
P g
u to thew
p had not been tri
concluded the drift
than anticipated,
the opposite
i be borne down
tel: before I could
t was a hard ivim
and I- was
when I finally
k, and lay dripping
shelter of some
the bark of a
as no sound more
) rustle of leaves,
water,' AB my
up, wrung out
I could, and, with
the boots I had borne
mY shoulder. :
eased but a' dim. conception
a6 et
w y tine w I
our to the east so
have Plodded doggedly
the darkness for'
lthout perceiving
or even
could crawl for
suddenly came;
y stone .building
Of the road, a grim,
deserted structure,
in, and
Bowe smashed.
hey appeared
Far in the east there
hung of the. sky
, of dawn,
to a knowledge
tely attain shelter,
one of the
ad dropped to
hin. I could See
tan heldIn
' felt my way forward
of rubbish,,wheels,
ne casks a number
and a riffraff of
a out. The place
used as a repair
ve been closed for
feel the grit of
tnd cobwebs brushed
as I moved about.
outlines of a large..box
Ith paper, and,
ig better, crept in
,n, intending to rest
ght should reveal
Is • g
warm enough now,
warmfly dry, but
Int the long tramp
'for breath,??„i
shore a
been sweptmessage.
be guessed,.,"the
no outlines
spars b
P e P aOne
shore. As
sight prey;+
had been
and I struck
as Paras
finally make
aoroes the
nearly, exp
crept u the
and pant-
low bushes.
and the lap- .
breath came
my clothes
P on of
must mak e a
as to escape
fully five
the first sign
a wood into
upon a'the
p long,
standing' at
silent, ap-
one end
several of.
I tried the
firmly fact -
was a
and thus
that I must
I clam-
broken win•
the earthen
nothing, not
myd , yetshunning
scraps of
of plough 'age,
p g
stuff I could
had evident-
shop, but
Menthe, as.
dust every
Finally I'
for want of
and snug-
there un-
my sur-
my clot
over the
Willie -Paw, What Is a boy scout?
Paw -d woman oP thirty t Go ehnses
a youth of eighteen, toy on. oineln•
pati Enquirer.
•.i1 -winter if you wish to
make a profit from them.
, P
Don't turn the calf to the feed
;; trough with caws and steels and
z, expect it to get a proper amount '
•- of food. It will be fought away,
t` while the older stock devour {110
. portion it.should have,
Begin now to cull the herd.
Carious Methods of, Carew. For Span-
ish Fighting Bulls.
Whatever one's views may in
regard to bull- fighting' tere is one
If any is below the stand-
ard in capacity after a fair trial
i. feed her off.
t I t I :for
Wortl4y the Attention
Nita {511
Always havo
onlb at home
Nevar ,use
found in public
usually" covered
germs. .
(Wash your
with soap talnid'
which .may be
so;'with pure
Ihro Parilsiaen
rubbilnlg thoroughtIT
arisi!s Sage
neige 60 celnit :bottlooguaranteed
by W.S.R. 'Holmes
ruff :stns chid
to stop hair( fuom,'fallitagand
from itchilnlg or
To put life teed
dry or faded hair
wind fluffy surely
-it is core of the
hair tonics known.
ory' .
; ,\
of People
to ' rcServC
to It
yourown brush and
o at hair
a brush ' Dr comb
places, they are
with dandruff
hair brush weekly
Waren watb,r• to.
added uW antisetic.
hair eve we ?;
soap, tend water.
Sage . every day
• into the B'ealp.
which- comes in a
to destroy land
abolish dandruff
money refunded.
beauty into dull-
and make it soft
use Parisin Sagee.
'quickest acting
Feature -02 who national sport of `
•1-i-i-Fit,-t•,l,.l.;ld„i•d-,1,,,, .+++t
Spain which is particularly interest-
ing to the
visitor and slghtseer.
The hulls for the arena are usually
kept in large paddocks, wild and un-
P g
fettered, for, as 'Sir Albert Roliit,'.'
who has visited one of these pad-
docks near Seville, says, "The al 1-
mals know nothing of ropes or chains
during lifetime."
It is dangerous -
a business how
ever, entering these Paddocks. Sir
Albert stood' some fifty paces from
the bulls and in his interesting let-
ter describing the scene, published in'
Country Lite, says,"`Veentered with
our lives in our hands."
The bulls, however; are ; kept in
by of tame
KNESS -) e '
k '
� •
` -. ••�
a cordon- oxen,.
which, if a bull attempts to escape, at -
once- prevents it doing so, acting
skillfully, and effectively as a species
of bovine .police. "The night before
the spectacle do the bull ring bulls
.viii:," to .quote' Sir Albe;t, "the bulls
'are driven, still quite at large, 'by
,picadors along the boulevards, inter-
mixed with the oxen and restrained
only: by them. On my asking if there
must not be danger to the public us -
lee the boulevard,: the reply was that
occasionally a bull might bide in 'the
bushes of the central gardens and fall
Poul of a workman in the morning,
but such incidents did not seem to
be regarded as matters of much im-
portance compared with the popular-
ity .of the' national amusement. At
times many of the aristocracy and
others of both sexes ride on horse-
back in advance of the bulls, which•of
is regarded as fine, but:rather dan-
gerous sport.
'When at or near midnight the
bulls thus'. enter the bull ring, the
scene is one of great turmoil, noise
,-d/I'• _
:. ,.
It is a pathetic mistake L,-4;
to accept drugs or alto- ER
holic mixtures when nature '.
craves nourishment fo,repair'
the wasted body and restore
the vigor of health:
For forty years the best pity-,
sicianshave relied onthewhole-
some predigested nourishment
free Scott's or pltates,
free from alcohol or Opiates.
Scott s. Emulsion sharpens
- _
the appetite renews blood-
nourishes nerves -strengthens
bones and restores the courage .-
health to make life bright.
Scott's Emulsion sets ino action
the very forces that promote health;
ft is ire rich strength. is so i'
P t
Going O"'
A terr)hle tails!, et l humping and
! I'ruul Paths room early
0u0 n,,,hnta
- "R,Ihhp, l;, l,hy," tallied his mother
frcinl ilon n�lalrs. "wing 1s going Ani
Ili) 1111'1';•'''
\I,1 shoos. !sallied Lioh..
Love's Paradox.
"Love resulis i:: many paradoxical
011)l0ti,nis." rein:Irk d the professor.
"What Is nue':"
"To keen the love of another
must rrnn'n It "-Loftin, Express.
For Infants and Children.
' The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
aro,. a noon. 1010N-0. 0N,0 010.. .,.
For .Linin' Success
yn • �r
ti`c.r ---This O V en Test
Success- on some bakina.
can be expected no matter
What flour you use. But con-
want u
s s :cess is rarer. It Can
be assured in only one . way.
The miller must select his'
wheat by oven test. •
� So from each sh�nrnent of'..
wheat we take ten pounds, as
a sample. ' We rind'this into
,.... h
s f-
1A. flour Bread'is:
baked - from
the flour.
> Tf this bread` is high in quality,
large`.ln quantity, we i1S8. the
g y,
'ti..y shipment from: -which it0
�s Otherwise we sell it.
baking success comes
9' as' a ,matter of course fi;orra.�'
.r' f�o'liJ• bearin this nate ,
Jt,< bm en _
.:. �°
• % e
/{ l►,,{{ rp�� } ,,,p T� y�
�' More lU l'i! and BJ ���.e C,: Bread"
, {� '�T-� 99:
.B:ei:ter� aSfl'V3� A CJ(�
y. a
` 7f
liar/ •-
� - STi
. ,�'
k7, }
{7 .'
� , �,
1 r Y;'.-
�,l[ d.:
u'yr; -' ..;.
� a
rlacln7 01.
She tunici! npr n I i,li .illrin'ritnl 1.
and. sive tl him from head to. that with
one disdainful glad .t "\, hat have
,eft ct, sa:t 1,r,11111 els
• The dude l'overt.1 lleti,rt' her. r. 1110511
ed, and then 10991(1 through this d,iot
without a wultL'
h, 'hnrh her bead sadly:
- , e s. ) 11
"Once more is the end )ing vett,
,,, ,
. _. g .. •. without t saying '
tied_....it rices tl a t ,ri tg.
She gettl3' closed doer behind
hon. -New York Fretting .lqulual
1 -
!' - q
,.,- {:.iJ
� �.::, �'F""
t .:. - ...
Wn,., nee,. Vo
.... a, -:....a ...0-:r-
x:. r §,�,„
I".?:'' c-
( 1
hfl, i
.. .�'
/ /
...1 3 `I
Knew His Ground.I.t.
"You say this wan is no chieker
stealer?" inquired the judge.
xassnb," replied sl r. Restos Pink,
ley. "Dat's what I said.".
do you knots about the fact,11
,• know . c
in the case?"
"I isn't' s'posed to know nuns 'bo}}(
de facts in de case. Iis an. expert wit.
neS9 fob Ad.. n1u�Pnlrcn."—SCn hinrnta„
^`° W e h�d'ao
-.I oo s �hosp o a �
The Gard i L3aratee Rented /.
Tones-.. and invigorates the whole
�4 nervoussystem, .mukes new Blood `.
' 'r in old 'veins, Owes Nervous
Detiilitp, Mental ard. Brain Wo291/, Despo9t--:
tle�hc'!1, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the
Heart, Failing MenterV.' -Price 81 per box, siz
for55,• 0o wiltploesv,sixwilleure,, Sold ,by511
druggists or waited in pini u• pkg, on. receipt !of
price:- mu vamp hletm..ailed,free.-THE WOOD ni,
MEDICINE 00.,TORONTO, ONT, (FormerlyWindsor.> t