HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-11-20, Page 4:,
!livad'y ;
Furnish •
" " iiIgs
tud .
Pitons 7S
toioeiij: Special s34!
Weut on sales' Saturday,,:,two dozen Ladies
'Trimmed Hats. These are the' very latest creations.
Some :of these hats sold a high as ,none.less
s , , a ass
t aa,n 5;. onie early, for best, choice--Sa 49• '
Children's Hats ,$1.49
ii fifteen only,Children's Trimmed Hats in all
the latest colors, neatlytrimmed, Regular $2 and
$3, Saturday $1.49,
Sample Winter
Coats $12.5o
We were fortunate'ast week
to secure twenty-three Sample
Coats just the time when you
need a coat. These
are the
'ai"ewest styles, all colors, sizes
from i8 to 42. Some of these
coats, if bought in the regu'ar
" way, would sell for $iS.00.
,.Four choice of the twenty•
three coats $t2.5o.
Attractive Styles
all Kinds of
We seen to have about ev-
erything in Furs, every kind
and every style. If our very
large assortment does nc.t
seem to furnish you with just
what you want, we will get it
tor you:.
Letearly purchasing he your watchward this
season.. . •We are showing one of the la• gest and most
up tp elate stocks in the county. We specialize in
Persian Lamb, Fox, Mink, Sable. W4'1, Thibet •
Bayfield Family in Suspense
Sod Resembles C Ferguson
•';BELVE HE WAS DROWNED Sensational Charges
be Investigated
Story Regarding Wreck of the
° Steamer Wexford to
5}Bayfield. No4-.' 17: Mr. Brophyof be
p y' Probed.
Goderich, took the two bodies that ,
were found on the beach south of
Bgyfield, on Saturday, to Goderich Goderich, Nov. 18. -Some sense -
Vats afternoon; where many people tional evidence ma
afe gathered"in'the hope of identify y be given at the
uig them., inquest of tlae Wexford evreek,
`' rundreds'' of people are walking which is, to be resumed here Fri-
loylk'ng for bodies or wreckage. The day next. Crown Attorney Seeger
Wind being --from the ;northeast and is determined that 'the facts shall
fiery light, has made the flake so
calm that it would be almost im- be ascertained so far as+he can pro
peesible for • anything to . come duce them, and the statement that
ashore, steamer Kaministiquia, on her trip
theearly every farmer living along up the lake on the fatal Sunday
lake (shore, and many ,people 1 sighted the Wexford in ,such a o-
friimi the surrounding towns, walk P
ed.teiten.beackr. for snany miles 'each
way from the village today.
A:t„the,inquest held o:n,'the bodies
;found ' near Bayfield one ofthe bod-.
tes,SQundetso reaembled Charlie Per
gutson, of Bayfield, that hall the peo
pie who viewed the bodies were of
thh'e OPiatb,,ir that it was him.
1' any of liisdrelationis and. his bro-
ther are +srtil'1' in doubt, but his sis-
ters and father say it is not Charlie,
although the resemblance is remark
`The articles 'found on the two
'bodies. inelu e two knives, 98 cents,
and a life belt marked J. A. McLean
One man , was 5 feet 7 inches tall
and has one' eye protruding. Fie
w'ar 28 or30;years of age, complex -
sandy, 6flo isle:see, tan
sandy,Iriioisle:es,,tan stockings
no•coat, weight about 160 pounds,
one gold ,toTotli, and .the onenext
was' faced/With enamel and had been
broken off, leaving a gold back-
gr4unrd ,(
4n thee other body Were found
thi;ee 'l1i1 hills,, ajack-knife and a
life belt marked' J. A. McGean. The
victim wore•'5, pair of cotton gloves
s and tc
dose s
loe col-
ter -1,7 shirtsra
n •ton.shirtsra pair of .wh ocaiwithbueltled overshoes.
He was fair of
acoetiplexro i, ,5`';.feet.:;6'"'inchestall,
about 40 or 45 years of age, bald on
front of head, round full face, one.
gold tootle on upper: right-hand
side of jaw. No letters or papers
sition that she should have been`
of Goderich harbor at 2' or 3 o'clock
in the afternoon, and that if the fog
horn had been blowing she would in
all pr•o.bbability have been able to
make the harbor, should form the
basis of a serious investigation,
Captain Stephen of the Kaministi-
quia' will probably not be available
as a witness; but the crown attor-
ney intends to get the evidence in
some other vvay,
Another ,important witness will
be -Captain Whitney, of the Amer-
ican Lake Caerieiis' Association,
who will be questioned as to needed
impi'ovreMent at this harbor in the
way of lights, fog signals and break
water in order to make it in reality
as it is in name;' a herbot of refuge.
• •
Rev. A. 13 haven, M. A.of Brant
Avenue Methodist Church,'Brantforri
will preach morning and evening. The
pastor preaches anniversary serrices
in Brantford,
The Junior League will meet at 7
o'clock on Friday evening, ' The Mie'
sion Study Class will give a mission
to oily description were found` oninvitee, program. All the boys and girls
thelbeclies by which they could be
:idteiltified and , a The l pastorOrders,"
took as his subject, in
no scats or
der Sealed .Ord r "
marks, of any kind could be disco v- . e s, and inthe song ser
ere. •
'No More Sea, The.special ser
vice was repeated by special request,
The, lifeboat and its, crew+ from
sxi,oc(i ONTARIO ich came into the harbors and RIC ST. CHURCH.
,aft' view'
in the db ,d'e went ''o i s cent
°,aaizt , until it met the' to h swill Epworth held
d ' anniversary N. 2e,
g, ' which vices_wdl be he d,ou Sunda Nov.. 2,
went on, clown to Kettle Point: but . , Y 3'
ret:linedefm,-`th'e' evening, The General .Sr.aretary for Canada
Oats. and wheat can bei'found
:along the beach in small quantities,
shoring that, one of the ' ;big
Treighters ;-must have gone down
aLot.l nanny miles! from here,
Rev, 5, F. Bartlett, of Toronto will
On Monday evening next the pastor.
Rev, S. J; Arlin and his family will
give an "At Home" to all the young
people of the church,
Miss Mamie: Manu and Miss Mary
Glazier of the 2nd, concession spent
Sunday with the hitters sister;, Mrs
Miss Fanny Lawson, ;of Londeshoro,
is the guest of her uncle; Robert Law-
son, for h few weeks.
Rev H. Wmode t ie special a•efor
encs to the recent sad calamities of the
Lakes in his sermons nil Sabbath last;'
a• special offer+ing will be take, on:
Sabbath next for diose who •suffei•cd
lees through the wrecks.
Hugh Cameron and wife of Saska°
teen have returned from the West to
spend the Winter here,: Mr. Cenaeion
has been ill'for'some time,
•^ A numher from our village attended
the anniversary services held in
Kippers •
Mrs. Thornton is visiting at the home
of her .daughter Mrs. Woods of the
Mrs. Gecrge Swan has returned to
Mrs. Rodgers is ill at the home of
her son Dr,' l;odgers.
Mrs, Wm. Scott who has been ill Is
Oa Friday . evening .Nod 2Sl11 The
Kelly Hume Mission.. Circle intend
holding a sale of work in both pla,iin
and fancy sewing. The McGregor'
Mission Circle of flensell will be pr•e•
sent and give ,a p'ay, which has been
given in their own circle on• two dif
ferent aecasionsand well received their
music will also` be given by members
of the Brucetield choir. Lunch will be
served. The playwillbegin m
at eight,
o'clock; in the basement oY the church
Everybody welcome.
. Mr. and Mrs. Sam, Doerr and three
children of near Auburn spent Sunday
at the hone of the formers cousin Mrs
Moses Brown,
James Al eGool rel urned fro el Lon -don
on Saturdiiy where he spent Lire week
trying hie exams for Civil Service and
if euccessful will be ;bail clerk for the
G. T. R.
Miss Della McCool is spending two
weeks with her sister Mrs Awde of
A former resident of this place, Mr.
T. McCarthy, is believed to have
perished in the recent storm. Be
Shipped on board one of the hoots
which it is known have gone down,
and it is thought he was still a member
of the crew' at the time of the storm.
Tne manse property has been under-
going repairs and is now visably im-
Rev. J. Reid, of the Presbyterian
church will preach in the Constance
Methodist Church next Sunday even-
Mrs. Elias Ball, of Clinton, is visiting
friei,ds in this vicinity.
Mr. J. 0. Lounsbery made a business
tr p to Blyth on Monday.
Miss Cella 7deOool 'is visiting her
sister', Mrs J L Awde, Wingham,
Miss Golding, of London is the guest
df her fi iend, Mrs. G. Thompson,
Mrs, T. Roberton and Miss Ivy
visited at Mr. Wm. Riley's over Sun•
day. r, .Win. Bell returned on Friday
from the West where he spent the
A few from here attended the anni-
versary• services••• at Auburn on
Meagre, J, D Melville and J. Brown
returned .on Friday from Muskoka
each bringing a deer with him,
(Too'`late for last .week.)
Rev. Jewett, bf Blyth preached
a very accep'thble sermon in the
,Methodist Church last Sunday. He
also preached the anniversary ser-
vice& at the Constance Church in
the afternoon and evening. The
ppastor Rev. 3.11.Osterhout,B. A., S.
D., preached in Seaforth:
The storm on Sunday night 'vas
'severe here and as a consequence
Church services, were withdrawn
Wm. Brumley had part of the roof
of his barn blown off, and other
minor damages, are reported. •
' What might have been a 'serious.
accident happened on 'Wednesday
morning when T. E. Adams' horse
took fright ashe was driving into
the village and upset the cutter.
Mr. Adams, though pinned under
the cutter, pluckily held fast to the
lines and succeeded in slopping
the horse. A shaking up to himself
and broken harness was the result
of the accident.
The W. M.S. of the Methodist
church held their monthly meeting
on Wednesday afternoon and add-
Feed Fee.:.. • Doors
There is no danger of hit-
ting the sides and spilling
coal all over the floor with
the big Sunshine feed doors.
two new .qu'lts, fo+the ,stock- that
they eY
intend n
d s1 rt1
steethemission worl ars inthe city
Rev, J. H. Os'terhourgave,an ad-
dress on the manners, and cuetoms
of the
Japanese' in the Methodist
church on , Wecleesday evening,
The address was, illustrated by a
large number' pf colored stere op-.
tieon slides, Miss'. Josie Risley and
'Elsie Lyons• sang a diiot in co:nec-
tion• with'the,meeting.
;Miss EJ
. ewatt,;o£ Blyth,,"was a vs
itor'atthe "pars'o. age,on Sunday
" ]llolwegville ''
Rav, Mr. Me0orm'ek preached Anni•
yershry seine:ins in Auhnrn` Sundae'. ; '
'Miss M •Cormick. of Trowbridge is
visiting at the parsonage: '
Miss Sadie McMa'le is, visiting her:
sister. Mi s' N, W.. Trewar he
Miss Preacis. Foyer spent a few days
e... .
,et Leehw
iarn iasY eek. .• ,
' The Hydro Electric men are s ring-
ing wise in the rieighnorhood atpre•
Another Men's, Day 'under the
auspices of th'e Br'otheilood' of this
place took pin.re here on Sunday last,
Very successful services' were held
Rev. R. A. Miller of Auburn was the
speaker cf the day and gave' two
splendid seiinons, preaching from
Daniel 10,7 'The Man With the Vision'
in the morning and Eph. 3.18 'The love'.
of Christ". at night. The Men's Choir
were out in fill force and gave some
exce lent music, Large congregati.ins
were out to both services.
The Howl Supper on Monday night
o isucc
proved : ass both in entertainment
financiaty. The proceeds amounted to
5118 25; A splendid supper was served
in the basement, then all repaired to
the Auditorium for the programme
Rev's: Hagan of Goderieh Rutledge of
Clinton and Milia, , of Auburn and A,
T C 1c p.Ir of (.41» ton were the speakers
Mr. Ti win of Clinton being chaii man,
The insn's ohoirgave one selection, the
nest or the music was supplied by Miss
MeCie mirk and the L.ibb Mlle quer-
Goderich militiamen are hopeful
of obtaining an 'adequate armory.
for this center. The town, is head-
quarters of "A" Company, Thirty-
third Regiment, and several other
units of the Huron battalion have
headquarters so near Goderich that
rifles and equipment might well be
cared for hereby a paid man. No
company officer but would be glad
t)o jbe relieved of the drudgery
attendant an his responsibility foe
care of stores. Captain H. C. Dun-
lop has "A" Company held togeth-
er in better fashion than it has
been for years, and believes that
suitable armories would, help great
ly keeping the men together
from camp to camp. Goderich is
now also headquarters of al new
battery of artillery, and it is hop-
ed that B. N. Leevis, M. P.. ,him-.
self major of it, will be eminently
successful in efforts to obtain the
desired building,
The authorities here have taken
prompt action in everything which
can be done im connection with the
appalling lake ,disasters of which
this coast was the center,
No more Oodiesr were cast: up
from the several stearners
which foundered near this por&',
E. N. Lewis, MSP:, for 'West (Huron,
announces, a reward, of $110 for the
recovery of each body of, a'wileck
victim, The step may not be en-
tirely necessary, in view of the
beach patrol instituted here but it
is desired that, farrmers:and others
whoa may go) to some trouble in
bringing in the; remains iof sailors
,shall not be put to expense with-,
Mit being reimbursed,
The steamer J. A. McKee 'carie in
to (this' port fi gm,..Fo, t William Sa-
turday aftee liaising by good luck
and skillfulseamanship weathered
the 'storm that wrecked a s'coii• of
ships and 'iaei nt' nearly 300 to "the.
Port of missing, men,! The McKee
,was bound up -lake Superior when'
the storm broke and when off. Point
Iroquois droppped mer anchor:!.
They dragged, 'however, and she
was compelled to let go and make
another fight for it. She them heed
'ed for the Sob River, but 'again
found it necessary :to drop 'her
anchors. A second time they. drag-
ged and 'to avoid /further trouble
thecaptain ordered the ship beach
led•. The v essel.was run o'n a mud
bottom, and remained there for two
drays', When the !storm abated her
ballast was pumped odt and she
was tiyoeked off 'undamaged. A
boat from the .Argot floated
Saturday, One side' was staved in.
Over The Teacups
These doors will admit a
sal ge• chunk of wood, ;too.
Our 'local agent ill
g .will
show you +thisand
many other "Sunshine"
advantages. Send for
free booklet.
. lar 9
Byam va & Sutte °
Sanitary Plumbers
Phone 7: ,
Mr. Wellington:Holtzhauer return
ed on Saturday night, after his, ex-
citing escape from drowning on the
Turret Chief.
Mrs. Propels will reeeiVe at her
hone, Townsend Street' en Friday
afternoon• of this weekfrom three
o'clock to six, Hee ,sister, Mrs. El-
liott of Centralia, -will receive with
Mrs, J. W. Manning and daught-
er of Sebringville, are visiting with
relatives! and, friends in town.'
Miss M. 'Pinningwas a`'visitor in
Mitchell Mite
:this, week.
Mr, Iteebert G. Fawcett of Bridge,
burg, was a visitor in and around
Clinton this' week,
Mr, C. Hoare eves. a Toronto vis;
tor this week.
Mr. Carl 1 Wi11,i,n; who has been in
the Mols'on s'Bank, at Morrisburg.
for the past ten snon'thrs, has been
moved to. Lucknow this week, Be
will, now be nearer his home. ti
On Monday night a few' of the
ladies of the Knitting Co., went to
the home' of Miss, Belle Flukey arid
presented her with presents, prior
to her marriage, A lunch was ser-
ved later in the evening.
, Rev 0, E:;• Jeal in•s wasi
a visitor
in London on Monday of this week.
Miss Winnie O'Neil entertained on
Wednesday of this week,
Mr. W. Eryclone was in Toron-
to this weelt•
Mrs. G. E: McTaggart and Mas-
etiy eiihe
A very pretty wedding,L4bk place
at ore
o C10 L'k At
the home.of .Reeve Glen, of Stanley
when, his two'daughters were mar- ;
tied by Rev,' D. K. Grant, pas't'or of
Willis church, Clinton. As the wed
ding march 'was beinlg played by
Mil's Bessie. Glen, the brides were
given, away by their father, Miss
Mary to Mr, Gabriel' M. Elliott,Of
Clinton, 'and Missbi aid tie oMr.W
Francis Saunders, of Goderich.'
'Both'" brides' Were, attic d i love
ieWn " of brocade` e n' ly
g ;15'al1K, with. a,ei sj.
'and '`gran elk osis • ,.
i s . a,
'C Ii
Q i
•• ,,. _?Ifs
Feb ueta''oF ^lf Q
R ly,;of,tle valley,'.. and"
roses.' The' `hap$y couples" : were
Unattended, After a dainty deielln-
t Marl
with• the former's mother, Mrs.
Thompson, Albeit Street, `.
Mr: and"We. C,R,Snith 'of Be spent Tuesday with, Mxs. Thee
Mr•s', (Dr,) a'lxon entertained ,oar
Monday. -
Mr, and Mrs Jas. Bunter(' of
Seafonth, were visitors in town on
11il - Elliott, of •'Oentr!aifa;
visiting her +sis,ter, 1VIre. French!,
Townsend street , '
Dr ,Fowler returned on Wednes
day from his annual hunting- trip
in Muskoka.
Mr. Wilson Wylie, of Goderi':^li,
was here last week attending the
funeral of his' cousin, the late Jas.
ems who 10 was drowned oft
W exfor^d,
Mrs,. Scholes and children return
ed to Toronto last Saturday after -
:noon, after a week's visit with her
brother, Mr, W. J. Tozer,•
We are glad to hear that 'Mr{ Geo.
Jackson,, who h,as,..bven• laid aside
for the past few weeks from an at-
tack of typhoid fever is able to
sit up,
1Vlrs,c Rosrs, is in, Toronto this,
week combining business with plea
The Denville Chronicle of last
week lead the following local ;=
Harold Kerr of Welland, son of Rev
W. E. Kerr, occupied the pulpit in
Grace. Methodist church, on Sunday.
last, merniirrg and ievjcninlg', Mil:.
Kerr is preparing himself for the
Methodist Ministry, and if his poi
pit work ienow an indication of his
,future success, we have no hesita-
tion in saying success will bo his.
Mt•. and Mrs. Chas. Godholt, of
Elimville, were recent visitors in
Mrs. /J. Leslie Kerr 1s visiting
with her parents and (other friends
in Toronto' this; week,
I License Inspector Torrance made
an official visit to Exeter last
Exeter Advocate ; '-Mrs, D. A..
Ross and son Dr. H. P. Ross, spent
Tuesday in Clinton, They leave tb
day for the Doctor's' home in Nampa
Idaho, where Mrs. Ross will reside
with her son. They will !spend a
few days in Minnesota on the way
Mrs. Ross( has been a' long and
much esteemed resident of Exeter
for many years and her departure
is' a 'source of much regrlet to her
many friends,
Mr, A.T. Cooper was in Goderieh
on Sunday and addressed the Vic-
toria street church on missionary
,subjects, At the close o fthe even-
ing service he addressed the nonr-
gregation on Local Option.
.Mi•, J, Mansell,. of Goderich, and
uncle to the late James Glenn,.was
in Clinton last week attending the
funzral. Mrs. Manrsel( anddaog iter ••••••i• f•••••••••••••• •
Miss Janet wire aisle' in. town,
Miss' Mary Caerom,ore visited over Local Nems
Sunday with her mother, Mrs H. Cae'emore in Wingham. •••••ti••••'•••••••••••NN
Mr. Chas: Vannormam, of Remit-.
ton 'called on friends' in town • on INDIAN ,S;UMMERt
Wednesday, °•
Mrs, Elia's Ball is i 'isiting with The_ weather to -day (Thursday)
friends in and around Londesborio, is all that could be desired ascan
Mr. Peter Buchardt, of Blyth, was, ideal fall' day. May it continue,
a Sunday visitor in town. WILL PAY ALL EXPENSES.
Mr. Jack McCaughey was a recent
visitor in BIyrh, l The Western Steamship Company
Mrs.. King of town, visited with 1_,t4..`of ,Teeonto which owned -the
her sister, Mrsr. John Bennett at,i !R'.'exford, :hive notified Rev. Mr.
Blyth on Sunday. Wylie that they' will pay all funeral
Blyth Standard -Mr, Harvey Barr expenses of the late James Glenn
has :severed his connection with his., who, was so ;sailor on that boat
brother', Mr. J. M. Barr, and left de: Which was lost in the recent dist`
Monday for Clinton, astir` on Lake Huron,, This is' in -
Mr, Rowe and family moved into' deed a thoughtful act on thepart
Mr. S. G. oopeid,r's' house on Orle of the Company,
ange street. MR. Rowe 'woe a.nart
nrer of M nson, sn
em Mr, and' Mijs, Elliott. and 11'Ir, and
. Saunders dr"eve to Clfnto'ri and
took the 3,03 train fora short trip.
The brides travelled in . ;suits of
brocaded; grey cloth with hats to
match, The immediate relatives
were the only guests presenit, The
presents were handsome and use-
ful and marked the esteem in whi h
the 'young , couple are held.,
and Mrg.E1l out will -reside ire Cline
ton whei!e t •e groom f• ri
4 h g m s'conslected
with his'` father in the livery boli=
'pass Mr.: end. Mrsu Satiinde s wi'd
in. Go 'ericli,nthe •groom, being gone
fleeted' 'with 'the .Goderich .Or an.`C
The New Era throws' the. Editorial
Slipperat the happy couples
er-' •
Blyth, Y h, were: visitors
"'there has . been a gree if sing Vin'
crease in-cFrtributione of 5197,43 over
the'previous year," he pointed out. ' It
is to he regretted that the,.municipall
ities as a whole do not take a more lib,
eral view in assisting the good work'
Out of the 26 municipalities in the
county only six made direct contribuf
tions during the year."
A Good lnvestment,
In moving :ndoptioi, of the report Mr
Charles ,eager. county crown attor-
ney, called attention to the economic
side of the work. There is no Netter
investment of 5652, or a much larger
aincunt, he said. The cost of admin•
istration of justice is very great, and
this work lessens it. A few years ago
the cost of the administration of just
ice in connection act nn with 'uv
anile offend-
ers 1
ars was considerable, but, last ear
there was not a single case tried under
the Juvenile Deliniquents Act, due in
Dirge measure to the work done by
the Children's Aid Society.
The secretery, Mr. Pollock, referred
to the growing interest in the society
and the need of a shelter.
The county agent,.Mr• G. M. Elliott,
in his report. said: "There were 22 chil
d+ en given over to the society during
the year, Thirteen of them are in
good foster homes, getting good care
and training. Seven of these are per
manentiy placed in homes that are all
that could be desired. Two are work
ing for wage, one has been given to
parents on probation. Four are with
relatives, under agreement, and two
are still in the shelter. I do not wish
paint any dark picture regarding the
Iormer condition of these children, but
I know, some of them were by way of
getting into the criminal class, and are
now doing well. A synopsis of the
year's work shows 75 complaints in
vestigated. by which 179 children were
affected Letters sent out numbered
786, meetings attended 30, visits made
291, interviews 459, court cases attend
The Social Aspect.
Mr, Kelso congratulatedsociety upon
its e•fliency, and praised hiehly the
work of the county officer. He called
the Children's Protection Act the hand
maid of'the Gospel. The society he
said, should stand tor a living wage.
It was a moral and economic blunder
for charity to supplement wages he
cause the wages received were not
enough to live comfortably on; those
who receive such help would rather
work to supply their needs. The Chi'
dren's Aid should work toward organ
ized playgrounds. Mr. Kelso also em
phasized the need of social centers for
the people; so that amusemeat mil be
found under proper auspices.
Toward the close of the evening the
announcement was made that a friend
of the society had bequeathed it the
sum of $2,500,
Mr Atlti Exeterebe-.
fore the latter moved to Clinton
,some time ago. the New Era wiele
for Mr, Rowe and family a pleasant
sojourn in our midst.
Ms', Q'IhbsliC'ottie is attendkeg the;,
annual Convention of the ,Otario
Horticultural Society ate Toronto,
He is a member of 'the executive
' Mr. Ogle (Miller, of Eir►) dor kije,.
Sask., returned to Clinton on Mens'
day night after spending the elm -
mer out there.
Mr. P. B. Crews,'late of Winnipeg,'
and. formerly :of Crnrton, is now ares;
id•ent of Toronto, where he holds'a•
responeible'position• with the Corso
ligated Optical Co. He, has, just id"
turned from an European trip, une
tllertaken :in, the interests' of 'pee.
eom,pany, • ,
Mr. M. D. McTaggart Is attending
the annual meeting of the .Ontario
Horticultural ' Society as a i•epres--'
entative of the Clinton Society,'
Society Lowers
Cost of Justice
Crown Attorney Colnrnends the
Work of Children's Aid `.
From Eeonornic Statld.-
Goderich, Nov, 18. -An, tet recedent`
ed year in the scope and success of
work undertaken is indicated in the re
ports of the officers of the Children's
Aid Seciety of Huronon County, present.
ed at the annual meeting yesterday,
Mr. J. J. Kelso, superintenhent of ne-
glected children for Ontario, strongly
urged the necessity of a county shelter
Olticers were elected as follows: Flon•
nraiy president, His Honor Judge,
Doyle: president, Mr. James Mitchell;
secretary, Rev: John Pollock; treasur,
er, Mr, R. G. lfeynolds,
A business meeting was held s t 4 30
and the president, Mr,'Mitbhell,• was
in the chair at a public meeting in the
evening. The report of the treasurer
showed total ,receipts of $652 85,of
which all but $ 63 had bee
n expended
Meeting of iluron County.
The Council of the Corporation of
the Comity of }Enron will meet in the
Council Chamber, in the Pawn of God.
erich, on Tuesday, December 2nd. ab 3
o'clock. All accounts against the
County must be placed with the clerk
before thp,t date.
Dated at Goderich, Nov. 18, 1013
W. LANE, Clerk
Notice-Hullett Taxes
' William Moon, the Hullett Tax Col,
lector, willhe at Clinton on Dec. 8th
and Constance on Dec. 10th, Auburn
on Dec. 4th, Londesboro on Nov, 28th
and Dec, 12th and 15th. All taxes not
paid by th,e 155th December will be 50
nn the dollar extra,
Collector for Hullett
Heater for Sale
A second band Radiant Hine Coal
Heater, with oven,' in good shape,
Rattenbury Street
revale 'Sole
At Lot 7, Huron Road., Goderich, 2
smiles west of Clinton, formet•1y
pied by Mr. Lamson, onaaLurday,
22nd buggy, cutter. wagon°, Mew,
harrows, seeder, scufiaer, harness. and.
other articles E Hall,
For Sale or Rent.
A commodious, well-built house,
electric light, town water, agoing
cheap, Terms to suit purchaser.
For Sale or'Rent
A never -roomed 'cottage
North ➢
Street for Ilae or nit, on
Till hri
T s1 ma •
,a 1•
C ware
Fanc Goods
eat ces
Farm for Sale
The undersigned offers for sale
improved farm of 160 acres, Lots
13 and 11. Con, 17, Township of
Goderich, situated on the Base Line
four m'Ies north of Clinton,
Reflevaew Dairy Farm.
From our stock of first-class
cows we are prepared to supply
you twice dlaily with hest of milk
and cream, and solicit a share of
your patronage.
Drs. Geo, it M. E. Whitley
Osteopathic Phy.
Specialists in Women's and
Children's Diseases
Acute, Chronic, and Nervous
;Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat.
Office-Rattenbury(Hotel Friday,
from 1 to 6
As Mr. David Can+telon will, be
busy buying apples inanother.sec-
tian of the 'country, it will be im-
possible for him to buy Beans for
us for the next six •weeks, so in
the meantime we have secured the
services of Mr. Wm. Reid, thresher
to 'look after our interests and buy
for us. We are still in the market
to .pay the highest price{ for Beans
and our Mr. Newman will be at
Clinton, Brucefield, Varna and
Bayfieli, the first of each week.
Cash will be paid at car on day
loadi•n+g,on all purchases,. See Mie.
Reid before selling, or call him. on
the phone, N,1 172 on ring 8,
Ridgetown, Ontario.
Mortgage for Sale. .
$3,800,00 first mortgage • on 100
acres for sale.
For Sale
Driving mare fsale. Will be
sold cheap for cash or part cash
and part feed. Apply to
Live Poufrg wanted
2500 Chickens, 1000 (lens. 1000'
Ducks Each Week rrom now
until January
To finish your own 'poultry, we
bee. Wheat, Oatsamid' Buckwheat
spaci'allyv grorru:d for fattening pur-
posers,as very rteason,abl'e prices.
8;000 !dozen Strictly New Laid
Eggs wanted 'each week during
the winter months, To ,produce
e eggs
we have ave a full linee of
Poultry Foods to keep you layers
in the pink of condition. •
A fullatoclt of 'Brian,
Flour, Oat Chop, Barre Chop,
Etc., Etc., always,; on hand.
Tho. Goon
as sols Co,, Limited
The up-to-date. Firm, Clinton
Phone 64,