HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-11-20, Page 2NE 'Li HE'T •E �' `� �Zhi�(�'ills Cured 'Thera. Free .F0 r, a Cln1,,11ens�'1lre:oilt Sample Iiox heads to Cure, Clnly'those who have been tortured a Ian 11 njol,ll'tl, 11 cuOj',lvolntion With; Kidney,Troutile' earn'appreaiate how 11I>. Tr'uzn or.uffered,, Being a raihoad is fnnnil;in 1,titl? t11C;'tent's oh115 lganshe was called upon to do all kinds of.heavy'Work. The constant strain of• Sini rl<s re el'o ti le tiler 111115 lifting, weakened the kidneys, ch Iha (rCie I liuut,. tit trait ran Pori received the sample :box of Gip Pills • and was greatly benefitted by theta, My, l t t,iiit tt tilt until i lit' l a, kidneys were .in . such; . bad condition I .• 1'14111°1'1Y' could` not lift. or stoolp without pa in. In fila nliuLiin, fir l dl -t 'me or i'w'[i' they pained ane nearly all the time,. c,^'I{ have talten tbree boles of Cin Pills, the hist itt t k 6111 a 111, 'I0' nalrr'< r1 ,. orlcing all' the time at<:hcavy workon' Idle' railroad and did not lose a day. crowds I lint tmike. ski tpTina lin ,] 1ilAlvTic TitJMIPER,Napanee,Ont.' Ile "sharp twinges entail you as yeti lilt i tier, till lar, lit r ,t'li,/ tt,rl rt} Sct "-stoop.'7 Aatreioa•y'oo;u'L. suumbbjectage 7 Doesgto Elieuma• out' ,t unrl ilii{tn4, ii!•" ,tart tact!.. till,, tism, ''- Bladder give trouble? Take Gin Pills are tirr.l,tuil Iuirlutis pros.' ss Bessie 3.1 son: m ern e ' . on our positive guarantee that they will Sure you. or looney refunded, 60e a box —6 for 72.60, At dealers, or direet'if you , eannet obtain from druggist. Sample box free if you mentionthis paper. National Drug and Chemical Co., of I . Canada, Limited, Toronto. 174 hie New Era. 47TH .YEAR.... rilE PUBLIC SERVICE." °ENE THE Ii} plain `warp C 1'istina:e blip ;rtti nr early.,; fly following this't•irersd every one cunet/rile',l will {ti'i1:t. GU. RD THE BABE W. II, KERR & SON, Props. J. Leslie Kerr, Business !Manager New Era, Ona Year in advance 51.00 New Era, when not paid in ad- vance - 51.50 New Era, to the United States in advance 51.50 Advertising Rates on Application. Job World• prices advance on July let, 1913, in accordance with the .Huron Co. Preis Asso- ciation Rates. • -' Office Phone 30 House Phone 95 Daily Christi as -Hint q it y - If In Doubt, Give Her a Smart Sag Mang are the ways that small pieces of leftover lane can be utilized in the making of holiday gifts, useful and at the same Utile ornamental. They are things that will delight the heart of the most fastidious woman. The bag nANnsoars RAC or LACE. Piot/wed is one of those dainty confec- tions that lend themselves to any kind of rather heavy I tt e. Sill void is used for dra'wine up tht hag, aril it Is pret• ty when 11ua1l' with either rr.tp or -;tale green I1)111 ,rite, 1)111 It is,'tr,► perhaps to ase a white citron .d/t; tlttin . Had Salt Rheum. Could Scarcely Do Work. Skin diseases are invariably due to bad or impoverished blood, and while not usually attended with fatal results are nevertheless` very distressing to the average person. Among the most prevalent are: df3alt Rheum, Eczema, 'letter, Rash, Boils, Pimples, and Itching Skin Eruptions. Burdock Blood Bitters drives, out all the humor from the blood, and makes it pure and rich. Mrs. Ellwood Nesbitt, Apsley, One , writes; ---"I had Salt Rheum so bad I could scarcely do my work. I took two; treatments of doctor's medicine, but they did see no good. A friend told me his osti TPS. WA Al4 .t"iatt Vtpaar r, TilitYdock Stood )Bitters had cured ler, so •1 got a bottle, and before I had it all "taken my hand teas holier." ufdock 13100d Bitters is inanufac- tuned only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. BUSINESS AND .SHORTHAND ubjects taught by expert instructora at the Si } Y, M. C. A. BLDG., LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue free, Enter any time. , J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. P11ntfpal cantered Accountant .. 17. Vice-Princlaai AGAINST COLDS. The season for colds is at hand and unless the mother keeps) a continualwatch over the little ones cold will seize them and often more serious results follow. An occasion al dose of Baby's Own Tablets will prevent colds, or if they do come on ,suddenly the Tablets will clear stomach and bowels and instant- ly •relieve the baby from cold, The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or by .mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. :Brockville, Ont. •••s000•ai000s•••••••••oso Local News ••••••••••••••.••••••••••• HALL DATES Nov. (90-21—"Alice- in Wonder- land" Nov. 25—Ladie's :Sid Business Meeting at Mohawk Crossroads. Dec, '14-5-6 Perry's' Peerless Players, Jan. 13 Chicago Glee Club. WITHIN THE LAW To steal-a:kiss. To shoot—the rapids, , To slaah—a shirt. To beat—a carpet, To cut—an acquaintance. To kill—time, To murder—a tune. SOME THINGS WE MAY EXPECT,— Tax paying. Holiday rush, Cold weather. Business; activity. Municipal, politics, Skating and Hockey. A vacation for automobiles. Live business anouncements. Rural mail routes in operation. The New Era circulation to con- tinue to grow. THE BISHOP IN HURON COUNTY, The Right Rey. 'Dr; Williams, Lord Bishop of Huron, has arrang- ed the following itinerary for; the Deanery of Huron, conducting Confirmation services in the places mentioned;—Sunday, Nov. 16—Dun- gannon at 7 p. m. Monday, Nov. 17 Lueknow at 11 a. m. and Garde at 7.30 p.m. ; Tuesday, Nov.18—Bel- grave at 11 a. m, and Summerhill at 7.30 p.+1n. ; Wednesday Nov. •(o Middleton at 10 or10.30 a.m. and at Holmesville at 2 n m ; Sunday. Nov, 23—Exeter at11 a. in. Hen salt at 3 p. in. and Seafoi'th at 7 p. m. CHILDREN'S AID MEETING. An urgent appeal ismadefor a large attendance at the, annual meeting of the Children's Aid Soc- iety for the County, which will be held in the Court 'House,Goderich, on Monday' evening, Nov. 17th.' Mr. J. J.:Keleo, Prov. Supt. of Neglected Children, has kindly promised to attend and deliver an address and this with, the report of the County Agent G. M. Elliott, will . make a niiost interesting and instructive evening for all who attend. The work in this County is growing in its scope and itia needs, and the good !already accomplished will show that there can be no Iretrb- gression in the operations'; of, tithe Society. Come and you will hear something which will surprise you. EARLY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING. There has been sb muchtalk:. of' early Christmas shopping in iate years that there seams, to be some hesitancy this year about commen- cing a campaign though some have. startedi Thera .seems to be ,still need of it. The St. Thomas Jour- nal thinks it is as much 'the• fault of them;e¢lchants as She public, that itis late, They should begin, it says, to display their Christmas Wares earlier and advertise them. It is, however, to be borne in mind that merchants are auite as anxious to 'dispose-oftheir step te and 'ors dinary goods as (they ars to sell Christmas goods, Perhaps, a, little co-operation on the part of the merchants and public would anti comp it sh t ) he resultof ireVeaathg crowded atores,.tired saleanien and saleswomen and enable the mer- chants to enjoy the holiday batter For instance, there are many lines of goods now on sale which are suitable for Christmas; prtesentd which are not so claithed These could be bought now. It would be in accordance with the Christmas: spirit to think of others and to have the others includethep,.mer-• chants and those who work for them, The day isnot far ahead norv, just a month and a half, MAIL ORDER HOUSES BUY NEWSPAPERS ' The big departmental stores eon - thine MI extend their interests in or control; of the daily newspapers in Toronto, Montreal, and Winili- rThe daughter of the Pres dent in her favorite retreat. rocrisonnerat 60.111=1•Mlall.=11.o1.1111•11a peg. A large interest fin, 'if not the _oontroL of, another Toronto daily has just been acquired. This makes three dailies in Toronto in which these mail, order houses are financially interested, In Montreal it came out in legal proceedings recently that one of the oldest daily papers there passed some months ago into the hands of the chief owner of a rising mail. order house which' aims to monopolize the trade in (,Eastern Canada. There are now nine dailies in To- ronto, OMontreaL and Winnipeg, which are known to be owned, or controlled by, the big store and financial interests, and while post- ing as the mediums of public opin- ion are the organs of these inter•- ;ests', The trade of the houses ]las grown enormously in these ei- ties where these dailies circulate, but in the other cities' and ;smaller places where they are good local newspapers, they have not made the sante "gains, because the local newspapers'are well edited and are loyal to their ;localmeliehants and ,refuse to airily the advertis- ing of the big city store. The only way in which the big dailies can make headway is by euttng their prices, They get 53 to 55 year in Montreal, Toronto and Winnipeg, but sell in other cities at 50cto/ rot a year, This does not pay for the white paper on which these news- papers are printed, but the•heavy deficits are made up by subsidies through big advertising contracts and in other ways, and by the low postal rates. The merchants and newspapers outside of these three big centres should get together and insist that 'no newspaper should have the privilege /of the mails which has a Lower subscription THIS r-- isa HOME DYE that ANYONE can use DYOLA The Guaranteed "ONE DYE for All Kinds of Cloth. Clean, Slmnto,No Chance of Mistakes. TRY MI Send for Fro. Color Card and Booklet. Tho Joltnton.Rlchoedson Co. Limited, Montrsal • ososo•••••••e•••••.•••••se.s.se.e......e...•••••••• a •• a • TO, SUBSCRIBERS • • Subscribers in districts served by Rural Delivery will facilitate the prompt de- livery of their paper by giving their old addrefs as well as their present Rural Route Number when renewing their subscriptions. • • s • •. • e • • • s • •• 0 • • • • ••0110•••••••••••••••NN••••••••••l1•••••••••••••••••• Do This and Prompt Delivery i s Assured f TABLET Proved of Great Vaiii4 to fps'' T There is onlyone explanation for the rnuubers of enthusiastic letters that we receive praising Nn Dru-Co Dyi spain Tablets, aid that as that these `tttlzlets certainly do cure any kind of stomach,„; trouble,ZiallZ a i it sass , •-. v is n typical letter from Miss' Eliza A.rntswortl;y, Como, "It is with pleasure I write to inform yyou that your Na-Drti;,Co Dyspei ia. Tablets have proved of };rent vanes to me. ,I tried remedy after re?uetly'bitt without any lasting good, Having heard of your tablets curing such casesas mine I' decided to give them a fair trial. They proved satisfactory in trty ease.” ., The remarkable success of Na -1)r, -Co The Tablets is such a success as can only Conte to an honest remedy, compounded according to an exception- ally good formula, frompure ingre- dients, by ngre-dients,'by 'expert chemists. lf:yoit are troubled with your stomach just ask your Druggist abont .Na-Drii.Co Dyspepsia Tablets, compolutded by the National Dnig and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, and sold throughout 'the Dominion at Sot'. n box. 14.2 price outside' than in the. centre M which it is published' or which. sells at thesis than the cost of the paper used): Prom The Dry Goods Re- view. For Sale ro. Mare and' colt for sale; colt pis- -mg sit months. FIRED WATTS, R,agian Street - Phone 149 ' Box 156, Clinton Wanted A good general servant by the 1st of December. Apply to NIRS. HOLT, North St., Goderieh Mutt_Lost A Brown Fur Muff lost on Sat- urday, someone picking it up by mistake in a store in Clinton. W91,1 person kindly leave same at The New Era Office: Farm for Sale A good (farm, consisting of 88 acres', being lot 76, Maitland con- cession, Goderich township, two miles north of iHolnaesville, con- venient to church and school, also cheese and' butter factory. Good 7 -roomed house with pantry and back kitchen, excellent cellar and plenty of )lard and soft water - water piped to barn; good bank barn 45x45, straw shed 18x36, stab- ling underneath all; two orchards principally spies and baldwins; the. farm is tiled -drained; well fenced small bush; no. hvas!te 'land; all seeded down except 17 acres, which is ploughed. Rural telephone in house with :long distance connec- tion, also on rural mail route. Pos- session given to suit purchaser. LEWIS- TEBBUTT, Hotmesvilig, phone 9 on 143 Goderich towns'hi") Telegraph School I have, started a night telegraph school and will start t. clay school as soon as I can sell or trade my flour and • feed store for town property or a farm. A, L. Matheson, • a • • a • • 0 • • • •• • 0 • • • • •• 0 Without a doubt you'll` find this out, in all your travels round about the bread that's best with any! meal— is just the on-: and only real Mother's Br'eadt better bread could not be made -that's what you'll say when you have tried this crispy, crusty, Mother's hl'eadr ,. ariliff Phone No. 1 and have it delivered to your house every day. 1 Good Farm tor Sae. Lot 35, Concession 3 Tuekersmith conta:ning 100 acres, 95 all cleared and in a splendid state of cultiv- ation, The farm is well under drained and fenced with five acres of good hardwood bush. Large bank barn and straw shed • with good stabling, silo and other out buildings. Good brick )louse eight rooms icitchenand woodshed with good sellar and hard and soft water. There is a splendid apple orchard also large orchard of plums, pears, and cherrys- trees and an abundance of shade trees. On the farm are two never failing wells one with with the windmill The farm is convenient to•church and school, six miles from thetown town of Clinton and Seaforth and 2 1-2 miles from Brucefield Tele- phone in house'with long distance connection, rural mail delivery route to be established immdiately Terms reasonable `as the pro- lietor is giving up farming. Apply on the premises or address, A. ELCOAT, -Brucef:eld Slabs ForSale Ie 14 inches long, Hardwood, 12 inches hong, Body Wood. STAPLTOY 511 IIIA CLINTON COAL YARDS Yards Opposite G. IC, R. Stiction Ail kinds at Coai an hand- Chestnut Solt Coal Stove Blacksmith Furnace Coke kkenrnel Coal and Wood .414e-21-, 3 and :14•1lich size -- The Tile is of the very best qual ity. Brick to Order. •FORBS, Phone 52. IrisPanted Ex erieneed, acid, girls to learn' I uit -pig and Looping: Will pay 15.00 per ' week 'while Stcaciy • employment, pdtitiou, 1ppls•. . t C,LIN'1ON KN,7 Oro 9V, ,BR'YMON.E. BARRISTER : SOLICITOR NOTA t PIIBia1O, ET() ddIN'r0N learning.:' Pleasant' �°AiiiRLHS IL `II1H. R 1' once t)onneyyance " lYotary Pub,' CTINdF Commissronsr ere Clinton, Ontario. RT,AL ANll SURANCE CO. Ic' ESTATE iN Testier of Marriage Licenses, Huron:St , Clinton, , Nouse 1' am prepared to de carpentering and repairing, , Storm doors and Windows made to order. Charges reasonable:' Orders left ' gat the house or .at Tt Wat'ts' shoe store will be promptly attended to ALEX. GOSLEIGH, Rlattenbury Street HoiiSe tar Sale`' I am instructed to sell quick, Here. is a chance to secure an excellent he}•ne at a bargain price. I will show"' property, and consider any fair offer, 6. B. HALE. For Sale A second-hand Wood Furnace in first-class condition. Also one sec- ond -haled Radiant Home Heater. Apply to THOS. HAWKINS, at Rowland's Hardware • Farm for Sale. a • A desirable 100 -acre ' farm for sale, being Lot 24, Con. 5, Mullett. Good frame house and kitchen; bank barn 50x66, 3 miles from Clin- ton, 3-4 mile from school. The farm is well fenced, well underdrained,, and in good state of cultivation. Plenty of spring water. Possession given to suit purchaser. For fur- ther particulars apply to • JOHN CARBERT, Clinton, P.O. Phone 4 -on 165, Live Fowls Wanted I am now ready to handile Fat Hens and Young C'hicl:!elns, and Young Ducks, aft highest prices. Poultry taken not later than Thursday of each week. Oiher FoWIs handled latter on. W. MARQUIS Base Line, Phone 14• oa• 166. Money Wanted. I have several inquiries for loans of various amounts and will be pleased to find investments for funds on mortgages. W.BRYDONE Farm tor Sale A desirable 86 acre farm for sale Good frame house, a parlor, dining room, summer kitchen and wood shed. A bank barn with cement floors, pig pen with cement floor and troughs, and drive shed, well drained, all seeded but about 22 acres, everything in good shape, Some of the money may. be had at a low rata of interest, will sell with or without crop. Apply to H, HESK, L.ondesboto, or on the premises, lot 17, con. 8, Efuliett. Farm For Sale A first class farm, consisting of 75 acres, on con. 12, part,lot 94, Hut - lett township, 3 miles from, Landes- boro, and 5 miles from Blyth, 11-2 miles from School. A bank ,barn 36 by 56, another ,barn 36x52, drive shed 24:40. A brick house, plenty of water, about aen,, (acre of or - chant). Possession can be given JACOB TAYLOR right after harvest.. Apply to WILLIAM LONGMAN, eLIN VON Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Real estate bought and sold Money to loan H. T. R A N' C E; Notary Public, Conveyancer,. Financial and Real Estate., Issurih.`eros-AGE01.—Reprpsentins I4 FireIn. suranea Companies,. ! Divisioia Court OfRee. Medb,at. iDR1 W. THOMPSe N Physician, Surgeon, CM mental attention given to diseases of. the Eye, Ear, Throat, and Nose. Eyes carefully examined, and suitable glaseei.• prescribed, Office and Residence. Two doors west or lie Commercial Clonal Huron 6t. I/RS. GIJNN'and HANDIER, Dr. W. Gunn, L. R. C. Y„ L. R. C. 5,,.. Edna. Dr. J. C, Gaudier. B.A. Mil, Oboe—Ontario Street, Clinton, Night cells atresidence, liattenbnrl; St:. or at hospital • t DR. J. W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON. ccoueheur, etc„ oilice.and residence on tenbury St„ opposite w. Farran'e residence. DR. P.711.11XeN DENT1SIl • r Crown and llridge 'World a Specialty: - Graduate of O.C.D.S..t Chicago, and 11.0.D.B. Toronto. ]Eay11cN7 otellloudiws, May 1st io Daman., DR. H. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store. Special care taken to make dental treed.. ment as painless as possible. THOMAS • GUNDRY - Live stock and general Auction ae" GODERiOH ONT 1.%imetooc sales a apema11), Otdets art aa Naav ERA odic., rbmnaty attended to. Terms. reasonable. Clinton,Farmers' sale note discounted G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggar McTaggart Bros. BANKERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON General Banking Business transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. The McKillop Mutual Fire 'insurance eo. Farm and isolated Town Propo erty Only Insured. OFFICERS. J, B. McLean, President, Sea£oatth• J Connolly, Vice -Pres., Goderich. T. E. Hays, Sec.-Treas., Seaforlth DIRECTORS. Jas. Connelly, Hdmesville, John Watt, Hadlock ; G. Dale, Clinton; F. McGregor, Seaforth; 'J, Evans, Beechwood , J, G. Grieve, Winthrop. J Benneweis, Brodhagen; 11.. Mo. Ewan, C13wtan. ' Each Director is Inspector os - losses in his own district. AGENTS. Robt Smith, 'Hadlock; Ed, ]finch-- ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Eg,- mondville; .+, W. Yeo, llotmeaville5 Payments may be ,made at The MLorrish Clothing Co., Clinton, or R. H. Curt. Goderich. tBl'yth, P.10. FORD & 1NcLEOD We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard,). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand—Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices paid for Hay and all Grains. FO.RD g •MoLEOD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAALAA Pianos4 i r i. f 1 4 1 1 t t 4 4 4 44 r .1 11 4 5. See and here our finest E New Stylish designs of it Doherty Pianos and Organs, 5. ,special values in Art Cases r Pianos and organs rent to ed, choice new Edison E phonographs, Music c& t variety goods. C 41 iw MUSIC Emporium 't ►' ie Office lesac Street, next door to New Era Grand Trunk Railway System' Rail way Time Table London, Huron and Bruce. North Passenger London, depart. , . 6 8.30 a m 4.50 p;m' 0611010 is 9,.40 5.48 Exeter.......,9,53 5.54. Hensel] 10,08 6.05 Kippen 10.16 6,11 Brucefield 10.30 • 6.19 Clinton 11.00 6.35 ' Londesboro 11.18 6.52 Blyth,, 11.27 7.00 Belgrave 11,40 7.13 Wingham, arrive11,50 7.35 South Passenge' Wingham depart6,43 a m 3.33'p m, Belgrave , 6.64 3,44, Blyth 7.08 3,56 Londesboro7.16 4,04' Ulintou 7.50 4,23 Brucefield 8.12 4.39 Kippen 8.23 4.47 lienea]I!...... 8.32 4,52 Eketer 8,48 5,05 Centralia 9.00 5.15 London,' arrive 10 00 6.10 Buffalo and )lode Wes`' Passenger am pm pm pm Stratford. .10.00 .12,20 5,28 10.20' Mitchell 10.22` 12.45 5.55 10.47' Seaforth 1045 1,10 6.18 11,12' Clinton . 11.07 ,1.25 6.40 11.28 Holm esorlle 11,16 1,33 6.4611.33' Goderich . , ,11.35 1,50 7.05 11,55( East 1 assenger am pm pm Goderieli 7.10 2.40 4.50' Holmesville . 7.26 2.57 5,06 Clinton. . 7,35 3.07 5,15 Seatortli .,. 7.52 3.25 5,32' Mitchell... ... 8.16_ 3,48 555 Stratford... ,. 8,40 415 620 C., Hoare ••••00••••o•••••••••••e•••• Small Advis.' Always Pays .AI;AAAAAe.A.AAAAAAAIeri,AAAAA 00•41••••••••••••••••••••••