HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-11-20, Page 1is Established 1865, Vol. 48, N CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY NOVEMBER 20 1913 W. H Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers To Satisfy the Self -Interest 61 Man is the End of Successful Advertising., Use The New ; Era to be Successful •••seeeseeee oyai far 1 ! Around The Town Dail OF CANADA 100,4 'm t' 'e csocoo•eeestse•••• The local police . have received • head Office, Montreal ) word of a ni.an supposed to be: -work ing in Western .Ontario taking sub- ' Capital Authorised_ ... . . $25,000,000 Capital Paild-up . 11,500,000 Reserve and undivided praflts' . 12,500,000 TOTAL ASSETS 175,000,000 325 BRANCHES 'With world wide connectioeS Intermit allowed on Deposits General (Banking ,busimese trans- acted. R. E. MANNING, Mgr, CLINTON BRANCH 8o11day That— kook Time T.tke a Kodak with yell Everything for kodakery at our store, and prompt de- veloping and -printing. Ii€VEY scriptions for the Isadiiesi World and People's ' Home Journal of Nei City, without 'authority from the company. People are asked to be aware of t an_y__j ls-. ,pergon, me Notwithsta:rding that the munici- pal unicipal ;elections are ,• least than<. two months off, and With many of the daily papers that come tothis of- fice •alreadty containing municipal cards and addresses, there is no v'ie- ible indication here that tthere is' to be anything doing in the rrtuicipal field. _ --0-7— Dr. Thompson made asuggestion at,the beginning of the year about a collection twice a year of the taxes Here's the way they do it at Orange vine,- A large majority of the tOrange-' ville taxpayers' appear to have taken advantage of the 2 1-2 per cent, discount offer, which was 1 good up to and including Friday last.. This year's roll amounts to l $29,321.15 and $22,277.35 was !paid Minto the. Sterling Bank beforelthe books closed Friday afternoon. BEFORE ELECTION. Sing a song of praises All so brightly glowing ! We are from Missuori and - We need a lot of showing. Winter Terni Opens Jan MI1 ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. Giyes its students the best business Dispensing Chemist. I educatii n and assists them t, secure 1 t position; ,vlwn competent. Write to _ ,-see . `day for our large catalogue. The Molso, s Bank Incorporated 1855 Capital and. Reserve '$5,7000,000 85 BRANCHES IN O ANADA A GENERAL IBANIi:i;ree DIMNESS TRANSACTED. CIRCULAR LETFERS OF ORSIn1T ISSUED TRA.VELLI&RS CHEQUE} BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS DEPARTMENT • AT ALL BRANCHES Interest allowed at highest current rate. C E. DOWDING, Manager Clinton Branch, ••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••1•••••!0•••••••• •4 I ' • • Ordered Ready-Vear • • Clothing Clothing • , • f • • • • • ituYvvimightimi Local News W C. T. U. M'E7TING The: W. C. T. U. will meet at. the home of Mrs. Cuninghane at. 3 o'clock, on Friday afternoon. The ladies are invited, CURLERS ATTENTION A meeting of all interested in the good, old game; of Curling will be held in the, , Connell Chamber Tures day: at- 8 p.m., Nov. 25th; to reor- ganize -the Clinton- Curling ,Club„• CLEANED .OUT;OF PAPERS; The New 'Era had all"tleeit na- pers cleaned out by 'Fridaynoon,. many of our a'eaderst getting ex- tra copies td rend to their friends with the account of the lake disas- ter in it. MOVED Mrs. T, Beacom moved' on. Mon- day to aha cot! age which she puts -- chased from Mr. F. Bill. Mr. . Von Rohl moved to "The Maples" this week. Aire. French has taken up house keeping again at her home on Townsend Street. HALL DATES Nov. 120 -21 -"Alice in Wonder- land” Nov. 28-Ladie's ,Aid Business Meeting at Mohawk Crossroads. Dec. 14-5-6 (Perry's' I'eeriless Players. Jan. 13 Chicago Glee Club. FORMED A JOINT STOOK COMPANY. The Jackson Manu,acturing Co, have formed a joint stock Company •ivith an authorized capital of 5150.000 The directors appointed are W. Jack. son, T. Jackson jr., H. T. Rance and Miss Josie CVitts. The officers of the Compeny are W. Jackson, President; T. Jackson jt' , Vice President, Treas- urer, Miss Josie bVittsand Secretary Miss Ida Wi kin. Tee Company have the head office at Clinton and branches of their factory at Goderich, Exeter and Zurich. THE PEN IS MIGHTIER. Last week at the regular meeting of the Club of St. Joseph's Church a de hate, resolved "That the Pen is Might ser than the Sword"' was un the pro gram, Ala Anderson and Mr. Frank et:'ughey upheld theaffirmhtive and 5lirssrs. Jno. Flynn and Jos. Reinhardt took up the side of the ancient article of war. The judges, bliss Kindree and Rev. J. Hogan decided that the Pen was victorious. An 'enjoyable time was spent. "THE LADIES' AID OF MOHAWK CROSS-ROADS" This is the main feature of the ,entertainment to 'be given in the town hall, Friday revelling Nov. 28th: by the young people of Wes- ley Church Clinton, This promises to be the`hit of the season. A Simi lar entertainment given in Wind- ; sot and Chatham had to be rep.eat ed to crowded houses. The young people of the town, are sparing no pains to make this unique enter- tainment worthy of public patron- age, 1 • PARCEL POST AND We are Especially Anxious to llaye the _ 1 MAIL ROUTES • I At the conference next Thurst- ▪ clay between the Post Office De- + partment and the railway repre- • G MEN • tsentatives to discuss the arrange YOUNG ments for the new parcel post slys. • . tem, there will also' be discuilseid See our Suits and Overcoats this Season + the question of higher mail rates. 4 The railways have been demand- • ing-this for year's, and 'werere£er- We know that the young man of to -day is the red to the Railway Commission. It • o is now declared that the Commis- sion has' no jurisdiction in the mat ter, co the matter will be discus- 'sed at the coming conference, FARQL 1 AR-FLt1KER. A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Aire.: Wm Fluker, High'street on Wednesday at noon when their daughter' 14. Belle became the bride of.Mr. .Wil- fi d Clifford e Cl fo d Farquhar, Rev, D, K. Grant pastor of Willis church per- form.ed the ceremony. The bride was attired in a gown of white Bilk and carried' a boquet of roses and wasa-t attended bya flower ii•1 Miss girl, May Fluker and little ring bearer Leona Taylor°who were daintily gowned in blue muslin.' The cere- monyy was witnessed by a large number ofre,lativee and friends. A • short wedding trip wast taken by • the happy couple, • •: NEW ACT 'HITS • •• • • • • •• • • • •. : `•most critical dresser in the worlca. and with a clothing . : display like ours we know we can please hint. • : • Him Mout' Too. We Savey, ••• 2 • . • • • ••1 • Young Men _ s' ilk . l i I , Suits aid Overcoats �IaII�i1 • l. •• Z • • • • • • •2 • • •• • •4 leouL8tH• 1RiU $8.50 10 $25.Q0 l you • • • expect to buy, drop in to -day and try on • • • some of the new•• styli s • • • • :• •. • • • • • • OFFICES AND STORES. ,ST:: PAlii.'S,gtiosc i ANT/ -Mete a1At.l0,Ald. CI.INTQN?L)P.'t:j( On Wednesday evening, December 3rd, at 8 o'clock, His. Lordship Bishop . Williams of the Huron Diocese will dedicate the Owen Memorial Hall of St; Paul's Church. Huron Presbyterial The President, Mrs. F. 11 Larkin of Seaforth gave a very inspiring address She• urged broader vision, greater zeal and increased liberality. The Church must be proge/ ssive or it will lose its rminenee in the wor. The 27th Annual nesting of the pl`MsstOlear hue, a returned mission - Huron Presbyterial society was held ary from India, gave an exceedingly hi Oaven Presbyterian church Exeter cleat' survey of the Evangelistic Educe - on Tuesday of last week. There was a tional and medical work carried on in Central India by the Canadian Presby- terian church, The subjects of Amalgamation of the Horne and Foreign societies was ably reports and the election of officers dealt with by Mrs. E F. 11IcL Smith, the xe P of ljensall and an excellent paper Mrs E. Scott of Seaforth read the written by Mrs, Hume, of Goderich Treasurers repor.t,, the contributions was read by Airs, G. Ross. from the different auxiliaries being- as The offering for the year was dedica• followed-Anburn $19.52: Bayfield 76 48 ted in prayer by Mrs, McKeller, of Bake 3) 50: Blyth 182.00 Brumfield Bh'ih, 150,55; Clinton 155.' 0: Duffs church 1 Airs. G, Rose. of Goderich, gave an Mel1illop 23011: Egmondville 223.55; I interesting address on Mission Band Exeter 9000: Goderich Knox Church work. 125,25: Goderich Township Uuion A memorial to, be placed in the church. 45,00; -Grand Bend 25.00: Hen- minute book of the Presbyterial was sell '1-13 00; Hills Green 45.75: Ktppen,preparedby Mrs E. F. McL Smith of 71.75; fiirkton 106 00: Leeburn S8.00:1Hensall in which beautiful and touch- Londestoro and Burns church, 103 00: I ing reference was made to the loss Seaforth 209.26: Smith's dill 59 00: snetained by the Presbyterial by the Thames Road 152 00: Varna 1030; death of Dr. Marion Oliver. The closing words by Mrs. Colin Fletcher of the Thames Road on the coming of the kingdom were very appropriate and inspiring PPraers were offeredby Mrs, 0. Winthrop 6 10 total 252.19, or a grand Fletcher, Miss McGregor, Miss Clear - total from Auxiliaries and Bands of ihue, Mrs. Bichen, Miss Murry and $2.337 21. Miss Ellis. The reports were very encouraging bliss Moneur contributed two beauti- aud showed activity and progress in all the different departments of the work. The old officers were reelected as follows; President Mrs. re. H. Lar- kin, Seaforth; lst Vice, Mrs, E. F: Mob Smith, licusalI; god Vice Airs D. Carswell, McKillop: 3i'd 'Vice Mrs. 'l1', Gunn Clinton Iib Vice ;•Irs. S 1", t;eurg Exeter; Treasurer Mrs. Ellen Scott, Seaforth; Rec, Seep, Miss H. I. 01 r,barn Seafort b; Oorreetioncling Secy Ars, D. K. Grant Clinton; Sec. of Lit- eratu,e Alisa Strang (roderiele Sec. Missionary hands Miss McLean Sea - forth. A neve health .act which was pass ed at the last session' of the Ont- ario - ario Government will affect :nearly every office shop and store in Clin- ton. According. to its k rovi'sions pure water must be provided for all female employees as well„ as soap towels, sanitary drinking cups and other' toilet accessories. Sanitary lavitories must also be Orovicieii. If Medical Health Officer, Dr. Shaw assumes •the added duty of. seeing that this haw is enforced he will have enough work to, ,give. htni • steady employment for . -several • months. • 1' 4. • • • • •• •• 0 •- • • -antis .ogrwarssti= essvm.^ a ' • a • • r h �; � � 1 • h� Mo res f��l � ;.�. T e n r, •. A Square uara Deal 1„l , �g•e.r :tn,311 good representation, of delegates from the different auxiliaries although the disagreeable weather no doubt kept a number from attending. The morning was principally taken up with»hearing OFFICERS ELECTED Murphy Lodge No, '7104L. 0. L. installed .their, ,new officers' last week. Following are the officers, - W, M. -T. J, Managhan D. M. -Wm. Walker Chap. -J. P. Shepherd Rec.-Sec.-A. Clarkson Fin, -Sec. -G. Doherty Treas.-P. Cantelon Lecturers-Jno. "Ford, and 'D S, Lectur•erel-John Ford'' and D, S, •Cools D. of C. -A. Cook Committeemen --Wm,' Steep F. 1Vtutch. J. Finch Wm. Ladd A. Cantelon • • i Tyler -Inside, J. Cook 100+••••••••••••••••••••••.4e4'e ue, ooa••os•••••••••••4' Tyles' -,Outside, D, Elliott ' • making a total of $3070 32. The re- ceipts from the Mission band were as follows; Bayfield 7,55; Blyth 43,00 Brumfield d i •, fief 09 ,33 Goderich 50.00. lien- re c sail 53,00; Seaforth 30 20; Exeter 19.41; The Secretary, Miss H. I. Graham, of Seaforth, gave the following report "It is, with ,t feeling of devoted grati- tude to Gud for his goodness in blessing our efforts that we present the 27th annual report of the Huron Presbyter- ial society. Encouraging activity and r' it different 'oall the progress •s E j are evideu,m departments of our work, The Aux- iliary reports as in previous years have their lights and shadows; some mourn the loss' of members by death while others emph,size the difficulty experi- enced in interesting and enlisting new members. One auxiliary, Egmondvills is very grateful for a kequest of $50,00 from the late John Munroe of Bruce field, The auxialiry showed its appreciation by preseriting,Mr. Mun- r•oe's two sisters with certificates for life membership which w ere purchased with the above amount Union church Goderich report sending two delegates. and paying half the fare of each. Sea. forth has a visiting committee ap- pointed to call on any sick members. Most of the auxiliaries have made a systematic study of Chi,ra's New Day and other new textbooks which they have found interesting and profitable Thank Offering meetings are he d all the'auxilliaries and are a source of great spiritual stimulus, Goderich mentions five members who have con- tinued during 39 years of the society's auxilllaries at'un 'Several or amz. t g g speak of the helpand iniratioc received from addesses given by the Presbyteria'president Mrs. Larkin and Leeburn Auxilliarymemorial. others. ize the loss sustained by the home. going of Dr. Marion Oliver our beloved and faithful missionary. Thirteen life members were added in our -Presby- terial during the year. We have now 22 Auxilliaries and 7 Mission Bands contributing $2'37.21. an advance of $187,30. There are also upwards of 140 scattered helpers who gave $73,10 of this amount 10 bales of excellent cloth- ing were sent to the school at File Hui 6 additional bales for the aged on the > Reserve and one bale for the Jewish Mission in Toronto. These bales.were49 ' valued at 7 .r7 being g o221p .44 more than last year. Copies f the Tidings are in cirulation. En- couraging reports came f)om the Mis- sion_ study, more liberal' giving and increased zeal for - the Master: A unique feature of the work in Thames Road Auxilliary nes a presentation to Mrs. (Rev ) Colin ,Fletcher the presi- dent of a life membership in the Hon,e. Missionary Society, ' Mr. E. Eadie of Ranee China gave a very interesting `address.- He ex- pleined the recent call for prayer by China, and the significance, of that call. The call orignated through the Christians at Pekin bolding a day of prayer among themselves for the government. They suggested to the Cabinet that a day of special prayer be set apart by the government. Although there were not many Christ- ians in the cabinet they approved of the suggestion and issued lin appeal to the Christian countries to 'set apart a day for special prayer, The Chinese government are convinced that the temporal prosperity of \christian countries is due to their- faith in God The speaker impressed upon the meet- e •,.Success in the spirit th, L the secret of of God and he has promised to do the work in answer to intelligent prayer. • Behe church should pray requested.that pray earnestly.that power be given the workers. �» In the afternoon a •very helpful and inspiring bible reading Was given by ( Mrs, W; D. Turner, of Blyth. fill solos to the afternoon's entertain- ment, The next meeting of the Presbytery will be held in Hensitll. The evening meeting opened with singing "All bail .the Power of Jesus Name." Psalm 00 was read by Rev. 0. Fletcher followed by prayer by F. IL Lsrkin, Rev, F, S. Sharpe, the chairman, conveyed the greeeings from t•he Presbytery in a neat and forceful address. Rev. G. E.tdie, who is an interesting and pleasing speaker again addressed the meeting and spoke of the earnest endeavors on the part of many of the Chinese to learn to read the gospel and also of the great liberality shown by the Chinese christians towards spread- ing the gospel and assisting their poor- er countrymen. A vote of thanks was tendered to the Exeter people for their veru hos- pitable entertainment and also to the Missionaries and others who had helped to make the convention a suc- cess, The choir sang two suitable selec- tions that were much appreciated. The Ladies of ()even church served dinner and supper. in the basement of the church. • vvywyvvvvvvvyvvvvyvvvvvvy District News. WWWW WVWVWVVWWWWV Hallett A Correction -Our Bullet corres- pondent of last week stated that Mr. Shobbrook reported 6 feet of snow when he left Manitoba was a mistake as thatg entleman says they were plowing when he left. Kir***14+++++++4,*** EDITORIAL 7A44+4,44+.+444+4,; "Be sure you're right and then go :ahead" 1st, a good motto to shape your course.; by for the future. Morris Government' will continue to lipid sway in Newfoundland hay ing 'won out in the election held last :week. --0-- Tammany received a great bump hist' "%Yeek in New York. ' It .seems to have as many lives as the pro- verbial cat. If Parcel. , Post comes to be a reality next Spring the rural route carrieM may have to run a dray to serve the patrons 'on a some routes. Don't forget that absent son or daughter but send the New Era to them for fa year as a Christmas present. They will have reason to thank you 52 times in 1914 plus the remaining weeks of 1913. London Road 4 Lots of rain now. Bean threshing the is order of the week, Nut 'a very big yield, but an excelleut sample. Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson visited over in Goderich Township on Wedneaday night of last week. League meeting at Mr, Levi. Wilteie next Tuesday evening. Stanley. Mr. Mal. McEwan had the misfor• tuneoe a to lose fine mare with sickness last week. Mr. Geo. Baird attended the Library Institute at Stratford on Thursday and Friday of last, week as delegate from the Brucefield Public Library. Miss Nettie Fraser left a short time ago for Sarnia where she will visit friends., Gbdcriels Township Mrs, John -,O,Elliott, who had the misfortune to sustain the fracture of a limb some 'few weeks ago, has s, far recovered as to be able to walk across the room. The sad news reached Goderich of the death of Horace Cecil Snell, of Paria, ,Ont., eldest s,on of Mir. and Mrs. Neil D. Snell,formerly of :Gode- rich, now of Paria, and grandson of Mrs. James Mclllwain, Goderich Tp. The bright little fellow was bine years of age'had and he bore had suffered with the dead disease cDeixaes of it are seen almost every. his 'sickness cheerfully, and was where, Here's a concrete. example, An impression 'is abroad that hard times are likely to come to the big cities during the coming Winter owing to the large number of idle men and the way the cost of living is climbing. It is to be hoped a better condition will pre- vail but it will largely hinge on the ability of large employing concerns to keep running with full force. Rumor has it that a Redistribu- tion bill will be brought down at next session of Dominion Parlia- ment but on so biassed, a pat- tern that it will, not be acceptable to the Opposition or Senate, with the prospect of jolting the sub- dividing Off perhaps untiL ,after next election. There'll be a hot time no. matter what course is fol- lowed, . Ousting the veteran Samuel Dick- son from the postmastership . of Seaforth without any charge against him and placing an out- side• of the town in his stead may pass muster now but a reckoning day is coming when the electors will have their say. Bestowing pat renege is one of the ticklish things that has caused many a politician to bite the dust. We are sority 'to hear' Premier Borden's health t is seriously im- paired and he is now taking the rest cure, Few people know the stress and strain out a premier especially if there are a number. of bossy men in the Cabinet or the Opposition has the jabbing habit. Hon. Geo. E. Foster is acting lead- er but there are said to be others after the job. A shake-up in the Cabinet is mooted. It is .said a protest may, be en- tered against the retuen of R.B. Truax, M. P., for South Bruce, ,Ob- ject is said to be the chance of a saw -off with Chateaugay, Quebec, where the Liberals' have protested, that seat. We have no use'forsaw- offs. If a man is honestly elected he is surely. entitled to hist seat without any "scare" business and if he "secured his place corruptly he should be ousted, To square one riding, off by another is sometimes as crooked as a cow's horn and the trade often arranged eby a little c1, of lawyers r ue Ln Toronto,with- out i h wit out even consulting the riding ex- ecutive or those ,specially interest- ed. It's time for a change in the saw -off deal. INnthollne Cold in the Head. Catarrh, Roughness of Skin,;,, Etc, Don't Koff Your Head off' Use Cherry Bark Koff Syrup It heals while you sleep -25e It's a sure cure for. - Koffs and Colds 25c and 50c. THE' RE/CALL STORE W.c..R. Holmes rtfaawisfUlEkeM asaxwaserprikezeoiesmair SWUM IINCW Our many customers are always looking for "Some- thing New.", We aro ready for them now with a full supply of fresh new Fruit for Chris'tmas- New select Valencia Raisins 3 lbs. fol' 25c New cleaned Currants 3 lbs, for...... 25c Fresh new Figs 8c per •1b. Fresh new Dates 10c per lb. •Fresh new "Dromedary" Dates', 10e per package ALSO NEW PEELS, Lemon, Orange, Citron New Shelled Walnuts. New Shelled • Almonds. We have also aquantity of. 1912 Raisins, while they last at four lbs. for 25c,. W. TQ O' N I L THE ]IUB GROCER Phone 48 coach arrangement, plus speed and comfort, There is little doubt but. electric power will soon become as common as the old horse power was, particularly if the price can -be brought down so as to be with- in reach of the small patrons. The recklessness of some ,clrivers of motors has . scoured so111e folk against electricity propelled ser- vice but the blame was not attach- able to the machine. If a sane man was at the wheel it would usually be, o. k. Quebec Province le abo:ut'to have presented to its government by prime movers a Temperance pol- icy patterned very largely after the "B ' Liberal "Banish -the -bar," of On tario. The man who keeps his ear to the ground, and is not too pre- judiced "to -report what he hears, will learn that people and advance opinions are on the move and in- stead of reaction and demoraliza- tion • the force& fighting the drink traffic were never better marshal, - led and are in the campaign with. a purpose today, There will al- ways be doubters, false prophets and °ranks, we suppose, but their, worst fears and predictions have again and again proved visionary and incorrect and will be proven so again. "Advance" is the order and victory is sure, This is the age of haste and evi- loueid by all who lcnery him, Mr, and Mrs. S,aell -have .the sympathy of many sorrowing friends'in their trouble, this: being their second child called home in a little better than one year. The funeral was held on Wednesday ;Nov„ 5th, So ars y, -To connect Wheatley, a stirring town in Rent County, osf lake Erie's shore, with the electric railway line at Leamington, 10 or 12 miles West, an automobile service wars called in- to requieition, after the :old stage The Education Department of the Provincial. Government comesin for a good dean of criticism. Some people say it is factious and noth- ing in it, In some cases this may be so but when 'well known edu- cationists and friends of the rulings party disagree with the policy there must be some reason for ,it.,. Dr. J.L. Hughes, late Inspector ,or Toronto Public Schools, Bays -"The Entrance Examination had done more to keep back the real ,de- velopment of the child than any' - thing else." Professor. Dale, of Mc- Gill College, says -"Present edu- cational system tended to repress genius." More than 'a college de= , • , gree tisuecessnrY to th e equip - of the man or men who !shape and mould the most important of , for n govern- ment. any ,n all departmentsy g ment. This is often lost sight of' when a political favorite presses for an appointment. CLINTON MARKETS. Hogsl $8,40 Eggs' 35-36 Butter 23-24 • Wheat 80-83 Oats 30c to 32e Barley 50-55 Peas 80-85 Bra,a-$923-.$24. Shorts -2$25. Toronto 'Market S., Top quotations this week. - Cattle ' ....................... $'f.75 Lambs r.p.o• Sheep ; $0.15, Hogs, $t115 Cheese 131-4• Butter 25e to 28e " Eggs, 42, Uta t s 40e. Wheat ...... 88e Raney; 57 to 58• Potatoes per bag 1.05 Beans .- ....:.. ..... $1,65 to 1.75, SOME THINGS WE MAY EXPECT.- Tax XPECT.Taxpaying. Holiday rush, Cold weather, Business; activity. Municipal politics. Skating and Hockey. A vocation' for automobiles. Live' business anouncements. Rural mail routes in operation;. The New Era circulationto con- tinue to grow...