The Clinton New Era, 1913-11-06, Page 4iflottse
'I''tnialS11• ,• _ ii • 44obd
LI C '
.�, .
gYra.mcr Acwi ur+ffi&tc..0.8=0.1
put the highest test
• �� onquality^. 7 he set.;
a high quality, standard in Furs—the .sty'e they are
made up in, and the workmanship 'in the r,iaking.
You owe it tows to demonstrate to you that for ".dual,
ity, style and value we hold the position :oflead( r,hip.
We are showing this season one of the•lare-e,est ranges
in the county.
Ladies Suits
just eight Ladies --
Suits left in stock. They
are this season's
ma t-
est st s
yle , black. and
navy only, made of
good quality serge, are
satin lined, sizes 34 to
40, reg. $18 and $20,
Saturday 12.5o
Mantle Dept.
Our display of Girls
and Women's Winter
Coats make cortinuous
and easy smelling frbin
this department, excell-
ing all others in beauty
and style and resulting
in a quick turnover of
many lines, and we've
found it necessary to
make further purchases
of still -newer designs.
We cow offer them to „ate
WaalOI Batts
you for your .choosing, — Wool tlattS
P We, invite inspection -
50c 1 and at d conP arisen
, C
�0 ill
Relgrave -
Mr. Thos. Hill returned from the
• Weston Seturday.
i Martin Kruger Dyer• gave a sp'en
did lecture in the Methodist church
on Tuesday evening,
Mr. Dan Geddes has disposed of his
residence to Air. David Scott of East
Mrs. J. L. Geddes has sold her farm
t'oMr. McUlennaghan, of Whitechuich
Price $6 000
Mr. John McLean of East Wawa.
nosh has keen awarded the contract
ofcarrying Hie Majesty's mail on the
Belgrave Marnock route. He will
commenced duty on Novernber'st
Mrs. J. R;eithby is spending a wet
with her brother, Mr. Jas, Ball a
Miss Annie Jackson, of Toronto
spent a few days of the past uncle
the parental roof.
Mr. T. Straughan spent a few day
last week with his daughter Mrs. 0 `
Williams, at.olemsville.
Mrs. 0, H, Ingolcl and Mies Cora
spent a few days of the past week a
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Witmer.
Mrs. Eliza Ball and son Gordon mov
ed to Clinton last week. We a iso
them success in their new home.
Mr. and Mrs, Dan Rueger and family
visited at the home of the latter's
mother, Mrs. 0. H, Ingo'd
of East Wawanosh, last week.
tibn for Winter and has installed a
fu, nace in his house.
I A num er f people on the Road have
Ihad . hi. k stulenWe would advise
the thief to take care or a good recep
I tion wia be given him and the doctors
I Will have a time taking Kuck shot out
'ofhis be e.
Porter's Bill'
t John Pickard, of the Grand Bend' is
visiting in the night school.
George Oux of Stratford is spending
a few Days at !aero Nervton •
Mrs McPhail Atli denehter Mary are
tt•ituig a• ie ipcn.
gel'e' a number Froin Holmesville
attended tI ie tarter'
el on Sunday test.
q v service et Beth
i, Mr. 'trillion Hall i f Anthersburg, is
visiting his parents for' a couple of
week -.
, lilies irlatvle D ivfson of Walton, spent
a few days visiting her cousin Mrs. Ed.
' ,Button.
t l Mr. Keating and his men from Sea
f forth tore down the spire ofthe church
and repairing the•roof that was dam
aged by the wind storm.
� Rev. Mr. Jewitt of Blyth, preaches
I the anniversary services here on Sun
• day afternoon Noy, 9 et 2,30 in the eve
ping at 7 30
++ Mr. and Mrs. Snell of Clinton spent
Thursday the guest of Mrs. Richard
While Mrs. Robt. Coakley was wash
ing her clothes on Monday she acci-
dently broke a needle into her hand.
She got part of it out and the rest re-
mains in, Her hand is very sore;
Lorne !Moore, Wm. Vanstone, Wm.
Gillian and G Harris are reported home
from' the West.
Wm. Vanstone is none too web. He
bravely struggles against his constant
The Temperance lodge is showing it
self alive and aggressive. Meetings, are
'being held regularly, good attendiance
rceported: and new members added.
Mr. Heddle, at: the time of writing is
said to he a little better though his pro'
longed sickness, accompanied by such
feebleness as we would expect in a sick
man of 81 years of age. causes some
The Evangelical congregation are
pleased with their new pastor, Rev Mr
/gash and his wife. They are making
themselves at home among their people
Mr. Nash has served three years in
Alberta on the Home Mission' field and
is a capable pastor, He takes morning
and evening service at elle church here
except each fourth Sunday, when ho
preaches at McKillop.
Between 4 and 5 o'clock Monday
'afternoon fire was discovered in Mr 11
fine n
bar about
utile from the village, Mr.:Suldan had
only moved in his tine house on the
farm hest week, He had the b rrn rem,
odeled and it was considered one of the
very finest ai uond. Only on Satur;ley
night was the wiring fox the e'lecte,e
lights completed, There was ahigh
wind and the barn adjoining was burn
ed, too. Much sympathy is.expresseJ
for Mr, Soldan, who is one of Reneall's
enterprising business men, being .the
owner of the planing mill. The origin
;of Ole fare is a mystery. The insurance
is small;
London Road
The League meets next"week at the
lsonre of Mrs. John Ashton,
Mr. Frank Guest is making prepare
The h
tome of Reeve Glen will he a
scene of a double wedding on the 19th.
Miss Florence Makin has returned
home after spending : the summer in
Goderich Township.
At the close of the service on Sun
day last the congregation of Saint
Luke's church on the Goshen Line pre
sented their organist, Miss Lottie EI
Nott, with a purse of money and the
following address :
Dear li riend,-it is with great pleas.
ure we are met here today to let you
know that we have, always apprecia
ted your labors of'lve and devotion
as organist of our church., ,The zeal
you h .ve always shown under difBcul
ties and discouragements has inspired
us, and your loyalty in standing by
the .
�, old church h ch in her weakness.
been a source of encouragement to us
all, Apd if we have been tardy in
showing our appreciation, it is on ac
count of out weakness, but our hearts
were al
aye willing and we always in
.tended to do something to show our
appreciation, in some way. We ask
you to accept our gift and we sincerely
wish it was more. However, . it will
show are kindly feelings, and we pray
that our Heavenly Fkther, ,who hears
obi' prayer's and praises will more abun
LIy reward you, for the part you
have taken in His praises. and we fur
thea' pray, that you may be long spar
ed in health and strength to continue
in the good work as organist of 'this
church and to join with us in praising
our Saviour and Redeemer and when
we have finished are work here below
may we and you who have ',joined in
Iiis worship here, in this little church,
take part in his praises above in the
presence of angels and archangels,
Yours to His Service
'I"IIekel-slilitjn :K`
Benoit ep of $ S. No. 4 Tucicrs'mith
for month of October;;'
Class 4 Sr -Mary Turner,.' .Viola
Wise, Elva Note.
°las 4 Jr. s -
P ' 1 is Crich, ch Edna
°rich, Winnie Hunt, Mable ()rich,
()lase S.-Geerge FLlenuei.. Vera
SLephensdn,, Bert LValters, Wither
°lass 2, --Emily Hunter.
()lase 1 Sr. -Ernest.'
Crich, 'Edwards
Walters, Jessie Ball, Kenneth Hunt
Falconer, nisi R'g i
Mr. Stanley Ohetiew has received
word from his mother and sister who
left recently for Nanta Barbara. °ai.
where they will reside. Mise 'Obellew
who is an efficient teacher has been
assured of a good school - there where
-she will receive from $6o to $75 per
Month They had au enjoyable trip
and are highly pleased with the cli
mate and copntr'y where the flowers
are in bloom, of which they sent him
a pressed rose. ,
Wedding bells will soon be ringing
in Auburn.
Mrs. J. Mole spent Sunday with Mr.
A, Lautenslayer.
Mr. J. Carter hes returned home
from a trip to the West.
Rev.. C. Pfeifer is visiting his so
John. fortnight or
g en.
Goderi'oh Township
Mr, J
amen Miller, of the Bayfield
Line has sold his farm `to Me. Ad
Steam -his brother in law. Mr. 'Miller
will likely ymov
o ne it Clinton,
Mr,ares T
Mose, oP theBa '
yheld Line
has sold his farm. to Mr, 'John Stewart,
who lives on the same line.
Mi. Fred -Fred Middleton arrived boobs
from, the Were, after xy short vied to
look after' interests out there.
Oole's church • are preparing for their
anniversary services. The date will
"be announced need soon.
are•in Abad -shape after the
Mr, A, Challenger of , Goderich, for
meriv of the Base Line, who was an
eve witness of the unfortunate aoei
dent which caused the death of Mr.
DavidM'c$rien' at Edgerton,' Alberta,
on. September: 27th, gives a
scription of the accident. tie tated
that Mr. Mclirien was holding a team
of horses near a threshing macbine,
when the horses took fright and bolt'
ed, one wheel of the heavy wagon pas
sing ever his body. fie lived one week
after. Mr. McBrien, a popular and
well known figure of Godet'ich_town
ship, moved with his wife to Alberta
about six years ago, His wife, for
tnerly' a Miss Montgomery of Gode
rich., township, and one daughter,
Mise Dorothy McBrien, of Edmonton,
survive him. Be has two sisters liv
ing here, Mrs. Robert Davidson and
Mrs' Elliott. and one brother, James,
of Gilbert Plains, Manitoba. The de
ceased was a prosperous and progres
.sive rancher of Southern Alberta,
n T
he funeral took place Tuesd
Miss Luella Hamm. of Blyth, wa
the guest of Mise (Raabe! Schultz fo
a few days,
Mr. Ed, WillinMs left last week for
the West to see bis brother Will who
was accidently shot.
Mr, Milton Pfeffer, who teache
sobool near New Hamburg, spent
few days tinder the parental roof.
Mrs Rohr. Taylor and children
Pearl and Everett, were visitors a
the home' ot Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Snell
7 ,
8 The following is the report of S. S.
r Ne, 11 for the month of October names
are in order r f meta.
Sr. 4th. -Vera Trick, Elvin.), Ohurch
ill, Percy Currie, Myrtle Powell, Wil-
frid Peufound, Mahle Castle. •
s Sr. ;13rd-Verna 141 iota Ruby Churoh-
a -ill, Pearl Churchill
Sr. 2a5. -Francis Powell, Richard
t 'Vel and. -Howard Curie, Pyank
I• PL. 2 -Clifford Castle, Elma LeBeau
Pt, 1. -Teddy Welch, Alfred LeBeau
E. Diehl, teacher
• The following is the report for the
f month of October for S.. S. No, 0,
Goderich Township names in order
from results of weekly examinations
Sr. 4; h,-Ernma Connell, Lola Hudie
illie Cole.
fr. 4th. -Edythe Sterling, George
Green, '1'oniHudie.
Sr 3rd. -Bruce Grigg Charlie Cooper
Earl Cooper. Willie Pearson, Jean
Ir 3rd,-Blfred Hiiclie John Ostronie
Gladstone Grigg, Willie Sterling.
Sr. 2nd,-0eoil Connell,
Part 2.- Lizzie Pearson, lla Grigg.
Jr, 1st. Harold Connell, Carman
G riga,
Honor' Roll -George Green, Emma
Donnell, Edythe Sterling, Lola liedie,
Jean Cook, John•Ostrom,
Edythe Peddles, Teacher
Mrs. George Snell and son Robt
attended the"funeral of little Harry
Bradford, 'of Lucknow, nephew o
Mrs. Seel!.
Mrs. T. Riddle and Miss May Den
stedt. were visitors et the home o
Mr. D, McGill, of East. Wawanosh,
last tee eke' ,
Mr. and Mrs. John McDowell, jr,
spent a 'few 'days last week, at the
home of the latter's, parents, Mr, and
Mrs, Gen. S ell,
Mrs. Wm. Straughen and little Annie
spent Thanksgiving in Berlin at the
home of the former's aunt, Mrs, -Glen
Dlr, and Mrs, Henry McVitie and
frmily, of Goderich, spent it few days
under the parental roof of Mr. and Mrs
M. Mc1'itLie.
Mr. and Mrs, Morley 'Weigand ac.
compained by Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell,
autoed up from Berlin with Morley
at the helm, spending Thanksgiving
at the borne of -the fortnee'e aunt lairs.
John Pfeffer.
Those from our village who are aivav
to the bun ing grounds ace, George
L'ouu i i '
t, it lt, Geo, Beadle, Wm. Watson
James and Joe Carter.
Mr. and Mrs. Win, Medd are home
after taking an extended wedding trip
through the !Vest
Invitations are out for the wedding
of Miss Clara. Sclater of Seaforth to
Mr Edgar Lawson of this place -
51r. Norman Match left on Monday
morning for Toronto where he is going
to learn operating at Toronto 7 echul
cal School,
The friends of Mr. Ralph Cox, who
has been - dangerously ill of fever in a
St. Paul's hospital will be glad to know
that he is improving, and is able to sit
up in bed.
A quiet wedding took place at the
home of Mn 0. E. Errett on Wednes
day last when his sister Miss Dora A.
was harried to Mr. John J. Wilson.
The ceremony was performed by Rev,
Mr. Miller et noon in the presence of a
member of invited guests, Kiss Laura
Murdock niece of the bride acted as
ring beater. The limey couple took
the, 4 ,o'clock train at B yth to visit
friends in Stratford and Toronto,' Re
turning from their honeymoon on
Monday and will settle on, the groom's
farm. About thirty of the bride's
friends call on her, pre ious In her
wedding and presented her with,. a
shower of veryuseful 1 1 ,resent .
t s The
voung couple have the best wishes of a
large circle of friends as they enter
upon the stern realities of life.
The moving picture m in who is giv
ing a number of entertainments in
the temperance hall e i11 close on Wed
nesday night.
Feed Doors
There is no danger of hit-
ting t
tin g he sides and spilling
coal all over the floor with
the big Sunshine feed doors.
These doors will admit a
gof wood 40 t00;.
Our local agent will
,show you this and
many other "Sunshine"
advantages. Send for
free booklet.
M l
Bynm & Su;tter
Sanitary Plumbers
Phone 7.
W. H. Heck. sold to R.
F,tzsunmons and Son a pair of calves
7 months old at a good price. One
dressed over 300 lbs, It pays to handle
the best. •
A traveller who sells eye glasses is on
the road and is getting a large price
for a poor article. The people will do
better to come to Clinton and buy from
reliable merchants,
The tax collector is on his trip now.
It will soon be time to pay up.
A fair sample of Winter last week.
' Matrimonial. -A very pretty wed
ding was solemnized at the• home of
Matthew and Mrs. Armstrong Sth.
con. Hullett, on Oct, 22nd. at 4. p. in.
when their eldest daughter, Miss
Teressa. was united in marriage to.
Thomas Price, of McKillop. Rev,
R. S. Lackland,` of Wroxeter, tied
the matrimonial knot under an arch
of evergreens and -`carnations, in the
presence of the members and relatives
of both families. The bride was given
away by her father, and the Wedding
March was played by Miss Florence,
Staples, cousin of the bride, The
beattitnl young bride WAS gowned in
cream satin with allover lace and
bridal veil with orange blossoms and
carried a shower boquet of carnations
maiden hair fern and Mlles of the
valley. Gioo '
v msg '
the. bride
was en elegant piano. During the
signing of the register "The Holy
Oity" was sung by Relit. and Mrs.
Rogerson. The Groom's gift to the
pianist was a tine brooch. After
hearty congratulations an elegant
dinner Was •served. Wedding gilt
were numerous: costly and well
selected. In the evening a reception
was held ot the home of T. and Mrs.
Price, parents of the groom and. was
largely attended. Many good wishes
accompany Mr, and Mrs. Price to
their new home where we trust every
thing that is good will come to them
f " Brucefield
The snow last week found many un
prepared for winter apples peaches
and roots
of all kinds were
not taken
in and the Fall plowing was scarcely
commenced by some farmers.
The Anniversary of the Presbyter•
fan church , has been postponed until
Dec, 7th.
Halloween was passed very quietly
in our midst.
A number of farmers of this vicinity.
are preparing cattle for the Christmas
fat stock show in Toronto
Jas. Leiper Reeve of Hullett examin.
ed the bridge over the C. P. R track
on the boundry of Hullett and East
Wawanosh and found it in If very bad
condition for heavy loads and advises
all owners of traction engines not to
cross it. Mr, Leiper notified the CP R
Con pany.
11 Ingham
There passed away Monday night at
Wingham General • Hospital one of the
residents of this section,
in the er
son of Mr, John Elder. He ryas born
in the Province of Quebec about 74
years ago, but removed to Huron Co.
early in life, coming fo Wingham from
1 Belmore about a quarter of a century
ago, and since thaa time had been en
gaged in milling and grain business
and was also a member of the. Wing
ham Town Council, He was twice
married, first to 4tiis' Clark, of Bullet t,
Township, who predeceased him sev
era! years ago, leaving two children,
Mrs. McLachlan, wife of the principal
of the Chatham Business College, and
Clark Elder now located in Montage,
and was married later to Mrs. Rich,
Walters, -of bast Wawanosh, who stir;
wives' him. • The funeral took plane
Monday from bislate residence Shutter'
street at 2.30 d the t
an was conditetecl l
I. O. O. l .,af,whph he has been a
mirilhet > fttl-neatly' a0 years; M,i,:.
Eldzr s dead; came as a surpi•f're i n
m h
an.y, , p,hr+eetn;; been slot. only frit ,i'
short iine r
t r
. a t regret o tag et is telt at,
his demise. (ale danghtr'r, Mrs McL•ieh`
tan, Was present whenhe'Liie5,
Council -met in Holntesville on Nov.
31 d. el Llai ,
tttr ad�iti
p ,1 rioi•,tall Weill
u ueu
bets present.
Minn tee
of last ince 6 ng
read and Reproved J. Duff P011 in;
a chute of, $306 'iu fur hor se hei rt; !mist!
while passing over culvert on 4th, con,
The council claimed that they had suf
ficieut evidence to show-, that the
Township }vas not rrliable and recused
to pay the claim. Moved and Beclouded
t n
hilt ut •i
L clot n'h
, Yen e overseer for
D n No. 86 in the perfor-
mance of 1912 Statute Labor. Moved
an carried that the following accounts,
he paid:-Ciodsricli; Lumber '& lYlillin'g
Om -plank 8168; W. Lindlay.-platuk
41; Geo. ,Elliott. -plank $3, R. Burke
drawing and placing steel culvert $14
Mis, 1>Jt } 'IVtcBrad8. ok h' her
lies 'at
a weak -end visitors with' lief
P bents, Mr, and Mrs, D S. Ciuff.
Di ,Vetohant> tt
sppetor of Nor-
mal 'and Model, Schools, made 'bia
official, v!sit to the Clinton 1Vlodol
School onTliumclay and F1'idayof.
haat week.
Me. Claude Sanigan of London,
the Western Ontario :representa•
of the '
.Foto -
G obs g • ��
a, e
The New Eraa call on Monday
Miss Dell Taylor went to Toron-
to. last Saturday, to accept a situa
tion with the Irferclt.a•n'ts Fire I ,
Co of which Mr. Jacob 'Taylor,,is
Distriet' Manager," and ',adjuster.
west of
d Miss. Dell, a'gradsato of
Alma College,'
istiteli qualified for the irnportant
position, She now oceuptes. as'
pr'ivate'seeretary,ito the General
Manager, of the Coinpahy, aid her
many friends in'•Clinten Wish .her
great s'uecese.
Weston Bros. cement work $40. '
Moved that Council to meet first Mon-
day in December at 10 o'clock a. m.
N. W.'Trewartha, °leek
Over The Teacups
Mrs. Wes. 'Walker will beat -Horn
'tomorrow at her home on High Stre
from 3 to 6 o'clr cid Mrs. R. A. Wa
et, and Mrs. J. Walker of Toront
will receive with Mrs. Walker,
Mrs, Frank Van •Normen and chi
ren • of Webb wood Algoma visit
Mrs. Bawd
en Monday. on Mon
Mitis Beatrice Johnston of Blyt
has been visiting with friends t
Clinton and vicinity:
Mrs. AP. 'MeCaugltey ofhBlyth
.a visitor '
rn town this week,
Miss Helen .Gunnotof Londe
vias the guest of Mrs. Sas. Dohert
and other .old friends' this week.
Mrs James Doherty and childre 't
returned Last week after a w
weeks' visit with friends in Lon
Dint' Lost
Till Christmas;:
A, Brown Parr 'Muff lost on Sa:t4-
urday, ,sonioone'..picking it up by
mistake in a store in Clinton,
.person, kindly leave same at
The New Ei'a ,Office,
Farm .for Sale
Fancy Goods
et 1 A good (farm, consisting of
lk 88 ,acres', being (lot 76 Maitland con-
cession, . Goderich township, two
miles north of ('Holmesvilie, con-
venient to church and school, also
ed-eh'ees'e ,and butter factory. Good
7 -roomed' house with pantry and
back kitchen,' '
h, plenty of hard' and 'soft water -
n water piped' to baan; good bank
barn 45x45,' straw shed 18x36,sjtab-
ling underneath all; two orchards
• principally spies and baldwins ; the
n farm istrted-drained; web fenced
y .simadl bush; no't Iwaate 'land; all
seeded down except 17 acres, which
is ploughed. Rural telephone •iii
n house with long distance connec-
0 tion, ,a,ls'o on rural mail route. Pos-
session given to suit purchaser,
phone a. on 143 Goderich etownehip
For Sale
Mr. Wilbur Manning of London
was in town on Wednesday.
Mr, John Ransfot'd was in To
ionto this week.
Inspector Johnson was in Brus
sell this week oe Business.
We are sode'Leo hear the
Miss Doreen Stephenson is threat
ened with typhoid fever. We hop
the young lady will have a speedy
recovery. -
JIrs. R. A. Walker of Torontoris
the guest of her sisicr-in-1,tw: Mrs,
W. Waked High Street.
Mare and colt for sale; coltris-
t ing six months.
e Raglan Street
Phone 149 Box 156. Clinton
The women of the Baptist church l A good general servant by the
gave a shower to Miss Annie Plain- 1st of December, Apply to
ing onTuesday, prior toiler mar- MRS. HOLT.
riage to Mr, Guy Jones.. North St.. Goderich
Mrs, J. Walker of Toronto is via- '
iting Mrs. Wesley Walker of High r
Street. A OtiCe
Mr. E. G. Courtice was' a visitor
in Toronto last Week. He and
14Irs, Coui'tice went clown to meet
their daughter, aughtet Mies Sybil Courtice,
who has just returned from Japan
to seelt better medical treatment,
Miss Courtice will likely be home
this week,
Farni for Sale
The undersigned offees for sale
;proved fawn of 160 acres, , Lots
13 and 14. Con, 17, Township of
ti-aderich. situated on the Base Line
four m Ws north of Clinton,
Mr, Harold Cantelon, son of Mr.
and Mrs: Peter Cantelon, had the
misfortune while iattending the
Model School, to get in the way of
a stone thrown by a small boy. The
stone ,struck his glasses, and part
bf the broken glass entered bin
rye. We hope no serious injury
will befall him,
Goderich SgniaL-Miss Bowlby of
Windsor, who has been spending a
few days with Mrs, J, E. Ford • at
the Victoria Street parsonage, left
for California where she will spend
the Winter.
Wingham Advance.- Rev, . Dr.
Rutledge of Clinton attended the
funeral, of the late William Welf-
ood on Thursday (last,
Mrs', E. G. Courtice 'is visiting
in Toronto.
Rev, C. E. Jenkins• addressed the
teachers and officers of the Wing -
ham 'Sunday School of the Angli-
can Church, on Monday night. Rev,
Mr, .1 calcine has been appointed
of schools in. the
Huron Diocese.
A public meeting bf the stoek-
holders of the Holmeisville Cheesi
and Butter Co'y: will ,be held i h
n t -
llolmesttlle }3x11. on Monday even-
ing. Nov. 10th, to discuss the, mat-
ter of making* cheese .. or butter
next season,
0E0. 'HOLLAND, President,
0E0. GOULD, Secretary.
A good Waterman Fountain Pen -
between Collegiate, along !Mill
Street, to Main Street, Finder
will please leave at The New Era
For Sale or Rent
A seven -roomed pottage
North Street for sale or en,t, on
Horticultural fleeting
The annual meeting of the Clin-
ton Horticultural Society wilt be
held in the Council, Chamber, on
the 6th of 'November, 1913; at 7.30
T. COTTLE, Secretary
iBelicvie ir Dairy Farm
From our stock of first-class
cows we are prepared to supply
you twice daily with best of mill:
and cream, and solicit a share of
your patronage,
S (?leo. 0
Osteopathic Pisy.
Specialists in Women's and
Children's Diseases
Acute, Chronic, and Nervous
Dicot ders
-Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat,
Office-Ratteatbury Hotel Friday,
from 1 to 6
To Jan. 1st, 1915, for $i.00
lir (
Daily Edition
[Including the Saturday Illustrated Section]
farmers g�
The Globe leads' in the
publication of the Farmers'
Market Reports.
As Mr. David C'an4elon will be
busy buying apples in another sec-
tion of the country, it will be im-
possible for him to buy Beane for
us for the niext six. weeks, so in
the meantime we have secured the
services of Mr. 'Win. Reid, thresher
to look after our interests and buy
us, We are e still-
int.he4 market
to pay the highest price( for Beans
and our 1MIr, Newman will be at
Clinton, Brucefield, 'Varna and
Bayfield, the first of each week,
Cash will be paid at car oa day
loading, on all purchases, See Mr.
Reid before selling, or call him, on
the phone; N s, 172 on ring 8.
Ridgetown, Ontario
!Mortgage for Sale
$3,800.00 first mortgage, on 100
acres for sale.
W. B-
Sale ,
•Driviing mare for sale. Will be
sold cheap for cash or part cash
and part feed. Apply to
Live Pouilry Wanted
2500 Chickens, 1000 (lens. 1000
Docks Each Week-rront now
until January
To finish your own poultry, we
have Wheat, Oats. and Buckwheat
seel 1
ly ground for
Lr -
poses, as very reasonable prices.
8,000 dozen Strictly , New Laid
nted each week
the winter months. To produce
these eggs we have a full line of
Poultry Foods to keep your layers
lin the pink of condition,
A full stock of. Braln, Shorts, Feed
Flour, Oat Chop, Barley Chop,
Etc., , Etc., always on hand.
Tho G1lnll-1 a'i j10iS Co., .'limited
up-to-datePho'Fire 0m,4. • Clinton