The Clinton New Era, 1913-11-06, Page 2it :Page .! IY BACK HAS NEVER TRou RLEQ ME Since :Taking GIN PILLS Lyons Brook, NS., Peb, 26th, "Vote are perfectly' free to, use my mune in any way to benefit GIN PILLS, for they, deserve the highest praise, My back has never troubled me since :taking GIN PILLS, and nip' wife feels 'Inueh better after taking GIN PILLS for her back She thinks GIN PILLS F'• wi11 make a coinplete cure.". JAMES L. NAUSS. GIN PILLS will always relieve Lame Back, Sciatica in Back and Legs, Rheumatism, Burning and Scalding` Urine, Painful Urination, Weak or Strained Kidneys, and always prevent taking cold in the kidneys and bladder. Every box is sold with a positive „guarantee to give prompt relief or money refunded. hoc. a box, 6 for $2.5o. Sample free if you write National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. 177•, The New Era. 47TH YEAR. PUBI, C SERVICE.” W. 11. KERR & SON, Props. ,T. tipslle Kerr; Ansftpess Manager New Era, Ono Year In advance $1.00 New Era, when not paid in ad-• vance-. $1.50 New Era, to the United States in advance ` $1;50 Advertising Rates on Application, Job work prices advance on July .1st, 1913, in accordance with the Huron Co. Press 'Asso- ciation Rates. Office Phone 30 House Phone 95 MABEL'S CHITCHAT What One Woman Thinks of the Suffrage` Question. 1EDUCATE, , NOT AGITATE. An Up to Date Interpretation of the Old Adage, "A Soft Answer Turneth Away Wrath"—Simple Household Convenience That Saves Time. Dear Elsa—Our woman's club had its first meeting of the season yesterday, and the guest of honor was•a talker of the wordy but unconvincing sort, ono who. never .gets anywhere except on ,one's nerves, The lady's subject was suffrage, and when she bud finished laying down the law that ought to be my feelings were similar, methinks, to those of henry Ward Beecher, who when subjected in his own pulpit to a• like dissertation. rose and in a calm, dispassionate manner said to the tired congregation, "And 1 still believe that women should speak in public." ' Nasty remark? Yes, it certainly was. But Mr. Beecher's sense, of humor, I believe, was often known to upset his manners. You asked me in your last letter how I stood on the suffrage question. I stand, to use an 'Irisliism, "on the fence." There is a powerful lot of talk going on nmongwomen as to whether they want to vote or not. lint, do you know, it seems to me that this is hardly the question. I feel that if it is right we shall get it whether we want it or not. The real question as It appears to me is, Are we prepared to vote if we bad the opportunity? It is a tremendous responsibility we ;women wilt have to face if we do get the freuchise, and 1f we are to do the. good we are expected to do we must know how to handle the weapon if It is put into our hands. So strong are: Inv ennvictions On this .: -_- - ete re. are usually thin and. easily worried, sleep does not refresh and the system gradu- ally weakens _from insufficient nourishment. . " - Scott's Emulsion corrects nervousness by its force of con- centrated medical nourishment —it restores the healthy action of body cells, enriches the blood, sharpens the appetite, and' feeds the nerve centres by: distributing energy and ower all over the body. power y Don't i';e s o r t to alcoholic mixtures or drug, colic tions that stimulate and ,stupe y►. Get a bottle of Scott's Emulsion for your nerves -nothing equals or compares with it, but -insist on Scott's. e,. EVERY DRUOIST HAS IT 13-78 subject Glut t nuve urged tile club committee In charge of entertaining to ask a well known lecturer to give us :"1 course in dell government this winter, so that ewe may be not only prepared for the ballot if it comes, but should also learn something of the principles upon which various govern- ments are founded. So, dear, in a few months I expect to be a very learned lady in civic affairs. U'raukly, now, I do not know whether I want to vote om not ��fu: L thh)k :Qat In_ lie t eeneey1iiJe it is better to educate thAi't to agitate. "The bunch," as Dick calls three or font 09 the girls who trot around to- gether, were having n heart to heart talk over the teacups at our louse the other afternoon, and in some way the old, old story of disagreements be- tween husband and wife was touched upon. Louise D. surprised vs allby telling her first experience of this kind and how she met It, "When Ed and I married,:" she said, "we had an agreement on this point. We knew that there were sure to be times when things would not run smoothly, and we'd have disagree - weak:. We had experienced a little friction of this kind during our court- ship, s0 we made this agreement If an argument began or If one, spoke sharply to the other about anything, no matter what, the second one was to keep perfectly quiet and not 'answer back,' We both realized that it was not what was originally said that made tho trouble, but that it was in the 'answering back,' and then, if this was committed on both sides the result was almost surely to be a serious quarrel. "Wet • we agreed to try this quiet I re extent if the expected disagreement etune. a sure a ugh i did come. ;t wus Over i v 1(1 11 U r, acond i fun riorry Eo say that I was the aggres- or ilt_ttlirst case, although I have not always Teen the firs' --start it slier- Ed lived right up to his part of the agreement and never said a word, and 1 felt so ashamed that I could have welcomed a beating. At any rate, that argument stopped just about whore it began. I think Ed had the same experience the first time he was the aggressor, and he, too, began to keep Ti very careful watch upon' his tongue. So you see our plan bas work- ed orkeed beautifully, not only In helping us to avoid unpleasant discussions, but also froin keeping us from beginning them.' Not.a bad idea, is it? Simply a new way of applying the, soft an - 'ewer adage. - Here's another hint one of the girls Of "the bunch" told us about tbat is worth passing on. It seems that the linea closet in her home is in the hall, and as she could not have a table there "she was forced to sort the wash out on the nearest becl and then carry it piece by piece to the closet This proc- ess was both tiresome and not particu- larly hygienic. Some one asked her 'why she didn't have a binged shell' put up. Of course Dorothy never had thought of sucha thing in .this connec- tion, but the idea germinated into what has been a great convenience in sett- ing the wash. ' • A wide, thin board was hinged on to the lowest shelf of the closet. just as a leaf is hinged on to a kitchen table. When this leaf is not in use it goes down flat, but when it is needed, for sorting clothes the tiny Is pulled' out. and, with the assistance of a couple of rapports underneath, .it is made firm for the work In hand. It is one of the very simple contrivances that one so' eeldotu thinks of, but nth of sueb in- finite service when found. 1 :un obliged to stopchattering to you and interview a prospective candi- date for culinary honors. Devotedly yours, MABEL. PIMPLES Are an "EYE SORE." Pimples are caused by the blood being out of ' order. Those little festering sores appear on the forehead, on the nose, on the chin and other parts of the body, and although they are not a dangerous trouble they are very unsightly to both you and your friends, There is only one way to get rid of them,and that isto purifythe � blood. Budock Blood Bitters is without a' doubt the best remedy on the market for this purpose. Wm, P. Donohue, Jr„ Hamilton, Ont., writes:—"About six months ago my little son's face was literally coveredwith pimples. -- 1 tried every preparation I. was told of by my friends, but, to no avail, Soon I thought I could not have them fixed up, and would have to wait, and let him grow out of them, but thanks to Burdock Blood Bitters they. are all gone, and I gladly recommend it to anyone." Burdock Blood Bitters is manufac- tured solely by The T, Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Onh WEANING THE FOAL Youngster Should Have a Supply of Feed Constantly Before Him. It Is generally recommended that the young foal be weaned at the age of five to six mouths, Before this time the foal should have learned to eat grain with the dam, nibbling from the fnother's supply, One of the best authorities, in EIen•' ry's "Feeds and Feeding," states as follows: "Leavethe colts in their box- es, two or three together, Several days and have the boxes open upon a nice grass paddock. Let •them run out and in, give them oats mixed with bran' and sorghum cut fine, and in a few days more turn them out In the dells away from their dams, where there are plenty of grass and water and a large' li'ougTi with feed in it constantly, They Milos been le the nalii 0f taking their milk a great many times a day, iinil they need food just aS often The best way ice to -keep plenty 09 mixed food for ahem, using cracked corn and oats; also unthrashed oats run through a eutter box, then mixed with bran and water enough to moisten it and make the bran adhere to the oats." A fair allowance of grain under one Year is from two to three pounds per day. Nothing is superior to blue grass pasture and oats. ise "A Perfect Woman Nobly Planned - To Warn, to Comfort and Command" Nature never Intended woman to be delicate, ailing, or a sufferer from "nerves," Women in middle age complain of "hot flashes." Many women suffer needlessly from girlhood to womanhood, and from moth- erhood to middle life, with backache, or headache, dizrinesslfaintness, or° bearing -down sensations. Fora permanent relief from these distressing symptoms nothing is so good asimeeest M} i.; ���"'`o-'iS.u.�'i' -r'�• '�'�i..wr.'a'.�' �f't'a, Is, ;^+r�m•�a2r.��,,.: DR. PIERCE SS FA. P R,ESCIZIPTLON as a soothing and strengthening nee. The "Favorite Prescription" vine-allaysandsubdues nervous excitability; is known everywhere and for over 40 years as irritability, nervous exhaustion, andotherthe standard remedy for the diseases of distressing symptoms commonly 'attendant Ilqu d or tablet farm:f or youican send 50lone..: upon functional and organic diseases of the cent stamps. for a trial box of Dr, Pierre's.. feminine organs. It induces refreshing sleep Favorite Prescription tablets. Address Dr. and relieves mental anxiety and despondency. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel. Buffalo. N. Y. , Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules. ., mannsammiins. The Manifestation. "Papa." said the young girl sweetly, "I feel it In my bones that you are Going to buy me a new hat" "Ah, do you?" chuckled pupa. "rn which bone do you feel It?" "Well, l'm not sure, but 1 think; It's in mywishbone.",., .,,•r;:•'. Ina Way. "Are you acquainted with Mrs. El1dy, your fashionable neighbor?" "Only in a roundabout way. Her cat boards at my il'ouse.";-aansas City Journal. t Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Neighborly Amenities.' ; "No, we never stay at home Sun- day. It's too disagreeable." "Disagreeable?" 1 "Yes. Our next door neighbor goes' away and leaves his dog locke'i np' in the house and the poor brute bark- and whines all day." ,,. he e "It gets on eZur nerves, eh?" "No,j isn't that. But the neigh- bors expect us to interiors." "Well, why don't •rou? Tell youi neighbor frankly a::cnt his hotline dog" "How eon. I when i7o've just go';.:, new phonograph and my . el+lett daughtee is learein;; to rale?" ..on.NIMs .- Daily a1 Christmas Hint Suitable Jewelry Gift For Mother Jewelry that le useful and at the same time handsome is always an ac- ceptable gift for mother. In these days, when antique and French jewelry is much in vogue, there are charming ornnments to be bought at reasonable prices which greatly delight the.older The family remedy for Coughs and Colds 'Shiloh costs - so little and does 5o much 1" Tale of a•Lost Will. :1 Inst will fnnott In it ceiling at c:hatswort 1 roninds us of tho curious• case of Lord Hailes will, lie was a' ticut'th judge, and when he dled in 1702. 08 no testiltiient: ry paper could he discovered, the heir -tit -hue wire about to take possese100 of the (tstittcs to the exclusion of his daughter and only child. She sent same of her servants to lint lip the fetidly, mansion, .wlilcli. she had to give up. and renin some window shutters there dropped out upon the floor from behind ih !Mail the missing will, which sot'ured her alt the fawily estates and prnpi"rty. \\'hy gin people take the truulile w m;1ke.•sltn With; properly Merle! cud 1111 eon - real them? ('1111 they enjoy a post ha. mous jolii?-Luut!nn 811811ator. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR 1A scenes; coils ruusE. woman and add to tbe, finish of her toilet The: purse illustrated Is a very upto date addition to a woman's jewelry ease. The design is an Egyptian scarab carried out in antique sliver. Inside there are two compartments for nickels and dimes, and the beetle Is attached 10 the finger with a chain One. VIAT6W1111GIfT.A SrorwPoizsizs .�lt�4 CANADIAN KNIGHT DISTINGUISHED SESRVICEORDTIR GOMPA».lxo 1st OF THE RANGE .4 Per 5 T tTEE F F DRLLEY @ rrn.) No DUST NO WASTE I HAMILTON CANADA IMO RUST 1 without a doubt you'll find this out in all'; your travels round about the bread that's best with any meal— is just the:one and only real Mother's Bread better bread could not be made --that's what you'll say when you have tried this crispy, crusty1 Mother's Rreadr: N. Banliti Phone No. 1 and have it delivered to your house every days 1 Telegraph School 1 have started a night, telegraph school and will start a day school al soon as I can sell or trade my dour and feed store for town proper`iy or a farm. A, L. Matheson. Alietion Sale of Good Graded Cattle 'The undersigned has instructed Mr. T. Gundry to sell by public auction in the town of Olinton on Lot 24, on the 17th: con. of t;,oderich township, on Saturday, November 8th at 2 o'clock, the following good grade cattle caws due to calve in April 1 cow due t o calve in May, 1 cow due to calve in April, 1 cow due in June, 4 cows dee' in July, 3, 2 year oldheifers due to, calve in June, all 111'1014, 3 two year, o'd steers, 5 one year old steers and 2 one year old heifers. All cows •and. beifere supposed . to he in calf have teen served by registered shorthorn bull. Terms-Thiiee months credit on furnishing approved joint notes; five per cent. off for cash. T. Gundry, aur rioneer, Andrews Bros., proprietors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Matter of the Estate of Daniel. Shanahan, the ehlar, Deceased Notice is hereby given purlsuanlf to Sec. 55 of . the Trustees Act that al) persons having claims against the/ estate of the-ea.id de- ceased whet died aD or abotvti the third day of October, 1913, are required to send by poet pre.. pa'd to the undersigned Executors, oi"their Solicitor, 'on or before the 1.4th clay of November, 1913, their names and(addre,sses with full par- ticulars inwrttingt of their clainms, and s'tatemen't( of their aceoulnitts and the nature of the seculties (if anyet held bythem, duly verified by Statutory deelartktian. seet4 Takq notice that atter the said 14thday of November, 1913, the Executors will, proceed to die - tribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only ,to the :claims of which, Ilse shall then leave notice and that the said Executors will not be liable fox said assets or,any part thereof, to any person or per- sons of whose :claim notice shall not have been received by them or. their said Solicitor at the time of such distribution. Dated the': 15th; day of October, 1913 John Shanahan, D, Shanahan, Owen Flynn, Executors, W. Brydone, Clinton, Ont. Solicitor Good Farm tor Sate. Lot 35, Concession 3 Tnckersreitli containing 100 acres. 95 all cleared and in a splendid state of cultiv- ation. The farm is well under drained and fenced with five acres of good hardwood bush. Large bank barn and straw shed with good stabling, silo and other out buildings. Good brick house eight rooms kitehenand woodshed with good cellar and hard and soft water. There is a splendid apple orchard also large orchard of plums, Pears, and chert'ys trees and an abundance of shade 'trees. On the farm are two never .failing. wells one with with the windmill •Tha farm is convenient to church -and school six miles from -thetown town of Clinton and Seaforth and 2 1-2 miles from Brueefield Tele- phone- in house wilfh lgng distance connection, rural .Baal delivery route to be established invndiately Terms reasonable as' the pro rietor is giving up fanning, Apply on the premises or address. A. ELCOAT, .Bruce£eld Slabs For Sale 14 inches long, Hardwood, 12 inches long, Body Wood. STAPLETONSAN CEMENT We can fill all orders for Na- tional Portland Cement at once. call or phone. J. HUrTo LONDESBORO CLINTON . COAL YARDS Yards Opposite G. T.R. Station A11.kinds' of Coat on hand - 1 ,,- r I �hcstnu�t. Solt Coal Stove , Blacksmith Coke - Coke IKenu►el Coal and Wood - Tile --2; 3 and '4 -inch. size The Tile is of the\very best quiality. Brick to Order. Girls Wanted Experienced, and girls to learn Knitting and Looping. Will pay $5.00 per week win le learning. Ste ady employment, Pleasant position. .Apply at once CLINTON KNITTING 00., Clinton, Ontario Notice I am prepared 'to do carpentering and repairing. . Storm doors and Windows' made to order. Charges reasonable. - Orders left . at the house or at Te Watts' shoo store will be promptly •attended to. ALEX. GOSLEIGFI, Rattenbury_ Street Nouse for Sale I am instructed to sell quick. Here is a ;chance tol secure an excellent home at a bargain price. I willlv s ow property, and consider any fair offer. C. B. HALE. For Sale A second-blalnd Wood Furnace in first-class condition. Also one sec- ond-hand Radiant Home Heater. Apply to THOS. HAWKINS, 1 at R.osvland's Hardware Farm for Sale. A desirable 100 -acre farm for sale, being Lot 24, Con. 5, Hulleltt. Good 'frame house and kitchen; bank barn 50x66, 3 miles from Clin- ton, 3-4 mile from sdhool. The farm is well fenced, well underdrained, and in good state of cultivation. Plenty of spring Water. Possession given to suit( purchaser. For_fur- t] er particulars apply to JOHN CARBERT, Clinton, P.O. Phone 4 on 165. Live Fools Wanted I am now ready to handlle hat Hens and Yoking Cliicktelns, and Young Ducks, at highest prices. Poultry taken not later than Thursday of each week. Other. Fowls handled later on. W. MARQTUIS Base Line, Phone 14 on 166. Money Wanted. I have several inquiries for loans of various amounts and will be pleased to find investments for funds on mortgages.' W. 'BRYDONE Farm tor dale A desirable 80 acre farm for sale Good frame house, aparlor, dining room, summer kitchen and wood shed. A bank been with cement floors, pig pen with cement floor and troughs, and drive died, well drained, all seeded but about 22 acres, everything in good shape, Some of the money may ballad al a low rate of interest, will sell with or without crop, Apply, to H. HEST{, Londesboro, or an theremises, lot 17, con, 8. Hallett p Farms For Sale A first class farm, eonsisWig of 75 acres, on eon. 12, part lot 34,Hul- lett township, Smiles from Londes- boro, and Smiles front Blyth, 11-2 miles from School. A bank barn 38 by 58, another barn 38x52, drove shed 24:40. A brick Louse, plenty of water, about an; lucre of or- ,challd. Possession can be given right after harvest. Apply to WILLIAM LONGMAN, (Blyth, P.O. FORD & McLEOD - We're naw selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, ,Alfalfa, Alsike,and Red Clover. • We always have on hand —Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices paid for Hay and all Grains. FORD & MoL.EOD AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAlrAAAAA 4 4 p• ianos 11' See and here our finest it New Stylish designs of E Doherty Pianos and i iC Ohgans, • 4 5. a. pecial valves in .Art '> 4 Cases i 4 i• a Pianos and organs rent ► ed, choice new Edison r. 1, phonographs, Music & ►' variety goods. ► Music Emporium C ' a 4 4 c 4 FORBES 14 Phone 52. C. Hoare. W. BRYDONII. BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY'. PiJ13GIC, ETO OAIN"PDN L`H99RL3S B. HALE Oonn eyanee,Notary Public, ommissioner, etc. REAL ESTATE AN1)1NSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licensee, HuroneSt„ Clinton. H. T. R A N C E11 Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate,, INSURANOB7AG0 -Ro reeontin 24 Piro•1 NT p g aw • surmise Oomnanios.;, l jblvision Court Office. Medical• DR? . W. THOMPSON Pbysfclan, Surgeon, Atm_ aneoial attention given, to diseases of the Eye, Ear. Throat, sad dose,. Eyes carefully examined, and suitable glassse• -presorihed. Offioe and Residence. Two o doors west or the Cowmerelal nietst Huron 8t. DRS, GENII and GAWDIER 1Dr. W. Bunn, L. B. tl, P., L. B. C, n,. Edrha. Dr, J, C, Beadier. ILA. M.D. Office -Ontario street, Clinton. Night malls at residence, Eattenbnrl St., or at hospital DR. J. W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN, BURGEON. tcooeheur, ole„ office and residence o0 ienbnry 8t.. opposite W.Fsrran's residence. DR. P.' H. AXON DENTIs7-.. n- tcrown and Bridge Work a Spocfallyr Graduate of O,0.D.B..a Chicago, and R.O.D.B. Toronto. Baytleld oti Mondays, Siay 1st to Beeemb- DR. H. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store, Bpeoial mare taken to make dental trete. meat as painless as possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction ter GODERIOH ONT Pram stool( sales a speomttl. Oidets fat a. NEW ERA. office, Clinton, prl,mony ahtendad . to.. Terms reasonable. Farmers' sale nobs discounted' G. D. McTaggart M. D. McTaggai McTaggart Brost. BANNERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON? a General Banking Business transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts leaned. Interest allowed ou deposits. The • McKillop Mutual Fire, Insurance eoe. Perm and Isolated Town Propo erty Only Insured. • OFFICERS. 3.B.McLean, President, Seatorth. J Connelly, Vice -Pres., Goderieh, T. E. 'Hays, See.-Treas., Seaforth,. • DIRECTORS. Jas. Connelly, Hclmesville, John,' Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton;' D. F. McGregor, Seafortb; J. Evans, Beachwood , J. G. Grieve, Winthrop J Benneweis, Brodthagen; 11T. Mea Ewan, Clinton. 'Each Director is Inspector of losses in his own district. AGENTS. Rabt Smith, Harlock; Ed. Etna. - ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Eg- mondville•; e. Rr. Yeo, Roimesvlllei. Payments may be ,made at The Morrish( Clothing Co., Clinton, or' B. H. Cult, Goderich. JAG"OB TAYLOR CLINTON Fire,. .Life and Accident Insurance Real estate bought and sold Money to loan Office 7 sa . s c Street, next door to Neu. Era Grand TrunkRailway System Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce. • North Passenger London, depart 8,30 a m 4,50 On - Centralia 9.40 5,43 Exeter 9.53 5.54 Hensel] 10,08 6.05 Kippen 10.16 8.11 Bruceleld 10.30 6.19 Clinton 11.00 6.35 Londesboro., 1118 6,52 Blyth 11.27 7.00 Belgrave 11.40. 7.13 Wingham, arrive11.50. 7,351 South Wingham, depart.. Belgreve Blyth Londesbor0 . Ulinton .. Brucefield Kippen . Hensell' Exeter.. V Centralia ... London arrive Buffalo and Passenge • 6.43 a m 3.33 p na, 6,54 3.44 '7.08 3.56 7.16 4,04 7.50 4.23 8.12 4.39 8.23 4.47 8,32 4.52 8.48 5.05 9.00 5.150 10,00 6,101 tlode Wes` Passenger oto pm pm pm Stratford,.... "..10.00 12.20 5,25 10.20' Mitchell 10,22 12.45 5.55 10.47 Seaforth 10.45 1.10 6.18 11.12' Clinton 11.07 1.25 6;40 11.28 Holmeseilie 11.16 1,33 6.46 11.38' Goderich 11.35 1.50 7.05 1L51' East 1 a swinger a m p ptan. Goderieh 710 2,40; 4.50 Holmesville . 7.26 2.57 5.06 Clinton .. .7.35 3,07 5.15 Seatorth ..'.:7.52 3,25 5.332 Mitchell 8.16 3,48 555 Stratfora 8.40 415 6 20 • i ► •.I...i.Y•SA®Ibr.SYNep®nes 01 Small Advts. Always pays AAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ndleldrltpdMMdtLtl1110ee12sttlt0