HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-10-23, Page 8r lPage ne Hundred New Models of Ladies Winter eoats E ARE showing one hundred new models of Ladies Winter Mantles • from the largest manufacturers, in all the leading cloths and colors, no two styles alike. Space will not permit a description and all we can do is to extend i a hearty invitation to you to call and se our display. 1" Everybody is doing it WHY NOT YOU ? Prices run from $9.75 up. • FALL 140LISE-eLEAIN111NIG eaRPETS, RUGS, eURTPLINS We have passed into stock this week a new shipment of Rugs in Tapestry, Brussels and Wilton Rugs. Also Swiss and Nottingham Lace Curtains. Every pattern a new design, at prices to suit all purses, and within the reach of all. We are after all the trade this season in House Furnishings. Our stock is complete to begin with, and anything that is wanted special we can quickly get. If yoa want to tone things up atlittle expense, call and see what we call value in Carpets, Rugs and Curtains. Art Sateens For Comforters All the new colorings are now be- ing shown, and some of the most beautiful effects for bed comforters are here in colorings to harmonize with any room. Many have been looking for these new designs and we are pleased to announce the arrival of our entire fall importations. 3o inches wide, per yd 15c. 20c, 25c Also special downproof at per yd 35C 6613EINZLEKITEN ANOTHER INMATE .Tames Gibb of Wroxoter. who has recently recovered Rem a serious illrises, was taken to, the Roue of Refuge at Clinton on Monday, where -be will spend the Whiter. WILL CARRY CONFECTIONERY, The Hotel N'ormandie has been undergoing some change down- sta see and counters and helves have been put in .and the pro- prietor :will carry confectionery :eons with ice cream and soft drinks. THANKSGIVING DAY Thanksgiving Day passed off very quietly in Clinton. Owing to the, wet weather people were loathe to leave the, warm fireside and in many cases only those who really had to stirred out. The musicale I and Londesboro Methodist -Church I hianksgiving supper were the only V:tractions of the day. WILL MAKS A CHARGE NOW From time to time we have to decline obituary Verses' that are sent to us for insertion. For var- ious reason's, they are not a form of contribution that is encouraged by Most newspapers. however much the editorsympathize with the be- reaved. ' Some publisherswill not insert them :at, all. -Others' charge the, advertising tate lot ten cents a line (Which is nearly peohibitive). AD VERTISING-ISMS„. ELEAsE SETTLE an unmarked product not K.ndly look at your label and if es with it no warrant of You are not paid for one year in ;nee's but people wonder why he [advpc:L. call and do so at once, :ea a fails to identify his handl- need the money. MINOR LOCALS, getobex 31st, Ati exchange says: Regardless or the impression you may draw from thecon versation, grammar is tasght in most of our 'schools. Ph e village of Windsor, England, simerld rank well in the lowness of ts d..ath Tate, During, the past year there was not a single death ,e its population of 2000., The Canadian Farm is a weekly agricultural journal published in Toronto, which is highly spoken of by those who read it. fhere are events occuringI in every community, which if 'report- L'd in the paper, would create a L')nlUOt)0fl littl dreamed of. What to report and what not often p.rplexes the editor. He is often unjustly accusedof cowardice and eavoeitism, when all the time ;he is looking toward the reputation of the, town where his :lot is ,ca,sle Thelocal editor from necessity al- most constantly finde;;hiinsielf bet- ween two fires, and whichever way h: decides be is sure to be .un- , juetly • treated. Thisis one of the pleasuree of the newspaper busi- ness., e MEIISINEREMPSIIIIIMEMMINMA Our Sp cials elIAleZE:FUL NVe are grateful to a number of our patrons for settling up old ac- counts clue The New Era and will 'ire glad to hear from scones of others, HONAN SUNDAY October 26th has been, named as Sunday School Day in the Presby- tcr.an Church and the twenty-fifth anniversary of starting mission work in North Hon'an, China, will be fittingly commemorated. LOST HOUSE BY FIRE( Last Thursday evening between five and Six co'Clock a frame house in the South:, boundary of Mitchel!, and owned by Mr, Wm. Forrester, was destroyed by fire. Thecause was from over.' heated pipies, FAVOR GRANTING LOAN Ratepayers 'of Exeter voted most unanimously lin favor of a loan of $10.000 to the E,xeter Mamie facturing Compeny, a new foun- dry concern, TI?:e bylaw carried on a vote of 344 for andf!221 against. The new industry is a is a branch of la United States Company. •- HOLD UP as"1" The other evening 'a gentleman coming home. from Seaforthwas. held up at Stapleton hill and re- . lieved of three bottles of liquor, . while tr, „a dazed condition. It is rusnoreed. he was bringing them for thre.e and sad 'to FOR SATURDAY 'AND ALL NEXT WEEK relate the hold.up, speopleaved them from drink; We also heard that an - edit r person lost in'IValreable cargo by letting it fall On the cement sidewalk, Limey Combes 10c, 15c, 20e , Door Matts from 15c to $1.25: Improved Cinder Sifter only 20d 5 boxes Tigea Rand Cleaner 25e Sec our 5'aird 10e tables -big value Perfection Oil Heaters $4, $4.50, $5r Few Rifles and Geniis 10 per cent.. d seonnt. 2 -ply Bran Hoed Roofing.k regular 83.00 for O12.75. 1' -ply Brantford Roofing, regular $2,50 for $2,25, A few squnree of Covertite Roofieg only $1.50. Brase Extension Curtain Poles' fr ern 5c to 50c, 50 -ib Anvil for farmeis trs'e, regular' $4,50 foe $350. Combination Vice. and Anvil, regular $3.50 for $2.50; Big assortment of Leather Halters ,at reduced prices, Bost grade Carbon Roofing Paint regular 75c for 65c r in 5 -gallon lots 60c. Barrel, at 50c per gallon. ‘.. Aluminum Water Pails, and Double Boilers. reg. $1.25, for 75c. A few long handled round point Shovels; regular' 75o for 05c. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF ALL THE LEADING STOVES AND RANGES ---A few Secoutl-Iland Stov -,s Cheap.--= 1 WE HAVE A PATENTED FUEL SAVER WE GIVE FREE WITH EVERY NEW ST,OVEI, SOLD. mlainagIVOSIMM=Mta902 HARLAND 13IZOTHERS STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES • • •••••••••••••••••••••••444.4.«••••••••••••••••••-•• MEET GEN. BOOTH Gen, William Bramwell Booth, the O w commander of the Salvation Army the world) over, will visit Toronto on Nov, 0, He is the eld- est: son of the late Gen. Booth, He will be accompanied from, England by Commissioner David C. Lamb, • in tarnational and emigration sec- ' ;cry for Canada; Commissioner John Larvley, and Col. Theodore Kitchin. Thr local officers will meet him at Toronto. Winnipeg is the only other city in Canada which he will visit, SISTER MARRIED, • The nuptials of Plis,s Stella IR. Kind:see ,and Mr. Hector Elms were celebrated quietly but prettily en Monday at St. Thomas. Rev, Pr. Goodwin pelefonmed the cere,-; smeary: ' The bride looked; bewitch- ! ing in a blue deep ed suit with :violet hat 9.12,64 ostrich boa and wars given away by her father. Mrs. J W. Kilbride, of Clinton, sister of the bride, was Matron of Honour She wore a tailored mit with mauve , hat. Mee, ..Kilbrid.e. assisted the I groom.' 'After a dainty luncheon a' Mr, land Van& 'Left for Detroit •' and Chicago. * Local News I the pa.rental home, 33 Horton St., *a* *41*** e••••••••••••••••• 4 ADVERTISING -ISMS. IA SPECIAL MEETING Th eirame Royal as applied: to The special meeting of the Lon - baking powder is said to be worth don Conference meets in the first $6,000,000. A HARD BLOW, The 'Mitchell Advoreatei of last Week sayst-A paper, that will publish "Pastor" laussleit S' sermons "rooster, this/ yealr? has not much aespeet for either it- Only 8 more days in October. self or ite readerie. Many went to Londesboro to the Thanksgiving supper on Morrday night. The New Ere from now till Jan. 1st. 1915, for $1.00. Subscribe now. NEW FIRM. Methodist church London Tuesday Oct. 28th. MINOR LOCALS. How was your Thanksgiving TOOK PRIZES AT, LONDON. Mr. Will, Hiamblyn attended the London Poultry shawl lon Thanks- giving and captured quite a few prizes. A few birds' were eolcl to city fanciers at fancy prices. It pays to keep the best. GOOD SERVICES The Salvation Army held special ireetings on Saturday and Sunday when the St. Thomas S.A. Band wae peasant ifl,and musical selections. The band play- ed las well and good, crowds attend- ed the meetings. SEVERAL FINE WINDOWS. Several stores made extra pre- position and the street ights were paratkon for the holiday time They were sadly milesod some turned on last Thursday evening. their window dressing and they were indeed attractive. Fair Si nights but ma fault could be found Co., Tozer & Brown, Morrish & with the local, plant, the whole Co., and Couch & Co., were the delay being hs Toronto. principal ones. I BECOMING POPULAR WITH NEW BARBER SHOP. / NEWSPAPERS. The "Midway' has another new Publishing names of subscribers The furniture business of Dun - ford and May has been taken over by Ball & Atkinson, who havebeen connected with this store before. Both are well, known to the buying public. The New Era welcomes them to the business circle again. DYNAMO BACK. • After six weeks with a partial street lightning System, the dyn- amo that Walii burned out, arrived back to town and i was laced in business as Mr. John Medd 4pens up 'a barber shop 'in the store re- cently occupied by. the Citizen's in, the Taylor block. This makes the fourth shop in town. We wel- come the TIONSi tilSillefie to the mid - who are in arrears, and who pay no ,attention to notices sent fliem by the publishers of weekly papers is becoming quite the popular and sasee way to. straightenont ar- roarages. The Elgin Sun adopted way. • the idea to advantage and now the Ayton Advance. is trying it. By AN ENJOYABLE TIME. • another year or two. with 'this kind pubilcity, there will be no such The Thanksgiving dance in the thing as the' delinquent subserib- town hall on Monday ,evening by ors. the Pastime Club was indeed an enjoyable one and, many were pre- NEW GENERAL SECRETARY sent. The Clinton Orchestra, sup- plied the music, WENT TO LONDESBORO. Elliott's big truck 'took a full 'Wad to the Thanksgiving supper at Londesboro Methodist church and ther ewever many others went by rigs. The Wesley Methodist Quartette took part in 'the pro- g r a m I. ADISAGREEABLE DAY. A pretty good. joke was worked by som epapers. ant Saturday when they stated 'that Monday would be fine and cool. It was cool but dis- agreeable. The first 'snow, stolen of the coming winter commenced early in the morning and it soon turn r d to lain. But just( the same we had a lot to ba thankful for. ADVERTISING -ISMS Remember thatin advertising fol- lowing the strictest rules of Eng- lish composition will. gat you no - a here. if your copy isn't read. A business without ,advertising is like a ship without a rudder. Continous advertising, like ham- mer blows, drives. home the nail of conviction. EDUCATIONAL AND SOCIAL SOCIETY. An Educational and Social So- ciety was organized last Friday evening ,a t Joseph's Rain The following officers were elect- ed ;-- Honorary President -Rev, John 15°gPr:silident-Mr. J. W. Kilbride, Vice -President -Mr. Frank Mc CaSuegclile8tYia.ryLMise K. Quigley. Treasurer -Mrs. J. J. McCaughey, MINOR LOCALS More locals on Page 2. Huron Co. Dewe on Page 3. You can't tell by the number of flags tied to an auto the distance it has toured or the number of cities' it has visited. Alt the flags may have been nurchased at the same - ten -cent store. The Jackson factory in Exeter em ploys llhands-. Next holiday , will he Xmas 64 days ofrom today. Get ready for 'Winter. . A PLEASANT EVENING. The second concert of the series given under the management of Mr. J. E. Doherty, took -place last. Thursday evening when Mr. 'Ever- ett Ke-mp, monologist and enter- ta'ner,, assisted by (Mr. jes0p, bass soloeet, gave the program. Mr, Kemp was estranger to these parts and he not onlef lead his audience through all imPottant. epochs in Sevenoaks, but- enabled them in the most wonderful manner • to see and almost touch every person or char- . tinter living in that beautiful. story. So vivid and true are his imperson- ' ations that th eaudience is almost persuaded to believe that , magic like, people come and go from the stage at the simple exercises', of his will. Sevenoaks written by J. G. Holland, is a beautiful story of rural Life, The 'trials and suffer- ings of Benedict through the per- secutions of Robert Belcher, the "boss" atSevenoaks, and the ' loy- alty and devotion of l3endict's little son Harry, brings a tear of syni- pathy whule Jin \ 'Fenton's wit and heenely philosophy is Positively. stele -splitting, • A story "brim fug of human interest and vilerant.with life and action." Following is' a synopsis of the play ;-Act 1 -The poorhouse. Jim .Fenton makeSl a discovery; Act 2-Benedict's escape Mike Conlin proves to be a friend indeed • Act 3 -Jim Fenton meets. Miss. Butterworth and makes ,a proposal; Aict 4 -The court scene, FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS. • The Methodist General Board of Missions. which will continue in, sees'ion :for the next ten .days or more, has elected Rev. Dr. James braLeott Inc itS general secretary of Foreign Missions, in place of Rev. Dr. T. E. EgertonilShore, who re- signed seine time ago. Dr. Endi- cott. who has been living in Tor- onto since hie return on furlough, was for a number .of years'in the Methodist ;Mission to Sz-Chwan, West China. A RECOMMEND. The Brussels Post gives the fol- lowing reeommend 10 Mr. R. Trench; Who's building tho rink here ;-.R. Tr•ench. who 0005 the Brussels fine skating, rink, is building one in Clinton the dimensions of which aro 110 x110 feet with galleries and other modern equipment for skat log, hoz Ity and curling, He is quite an ex pert in ,lskating .rinks' and has erected a hell doeen or more. Clin- ton will find him a first classman to dal with who will do his part with agreeability and generosity. lrir. Trench's home is at Teeswater. A PLEASANT HOUR. Those who braved the elements Monday afternoon to tten d the twilight musical 7 in Willis church rep, ed, me. Bii,toe,e, the .organist, besides his numbers as advertised, gave several snore selections in finished style. The Club wire disappointed owing to 11) efact that Mr. Doherty arid Dr. "Gandier were unable to be preseret, hut the solos giVen by the ladies were well rendened. Miss Glen sang "Thy will be done' by Wol- cott ; Mrs. East "Lead Kindly Light' by Hawle.y ; while Miss Wiltse sang "Hand in Hand' by Johnson. The Ladies Club wilk have a surplus for their treasury. • ' DEATH OF HAZEL M'CONNELL. The Stratford Herald of last Thursday makes the, following re- ference to the death, of Miss Hazel McConnell ;-The death occurred op Wednesday, October 15, of Nlis.s Hazel McConnell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chciales McConnell. 101 Milton street. The deceased Ives only 18 years of. age and was born in Clinton, Ontario. The family is well known having lived in the city for about 14 years. The late Miss McConnell was a popular member of the Bell Telephone staff previoue to her 1 illness,. 31 months ago, She Was an active .member of Knox Presbyterian church. As :well as her parents, twirl brothers 'survive. They are William McConnell, of Moose Jaw and Fred, who resides at horn e.. Saturday's Paper ,-Ths funeral of the late ;Hazel McConnell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McConnell took place this after- noon 'at 3 o'clock from the family res'dence, 191 Milton ste Rev.Ro- bert 'Martin conducted the services. The pall -bearers were: Messrs. Fred and William McCoenell, Alex McDonald and Cherles. Samuel and John McConnell Interment was made in Avondale cemetery HIS WORK APPRECIATED. The Aimee getpress of Oct. lath. gives the followIng notice which re- fers to onr former citizen, Mr. Glenn Campbell; -Never before in the his Wry of Trinity Church was the bar vest hotne and the Thanksgiving ser vices so interesting as ongunday last The choir master W. Glenn Campbell, for weeks was preparing special music and the many compliments he is re ceiving goes to show the appreciation by two of the largest congregation of the church of his untiring energy, At the morning service the quire tette, "All Hail," by Miss Hilda Brown, Mrs. Campbell, and Messrs, F. Bateman and FL Simpson,was ren dered in excellent voice; clewing the of fertory Miss Davenport sang a solo "How Sweet the Name," which was greatly appreciated. In the evening Mr. 'Campbell gave a fifteen minute or gan recital and the la,rge congregation The trial of Benedict vs. Belcher, so early eat church showed an omen Jim makes a "happy -David."; Act 5 -The wedding. Jim Fenton makes the "hulltrip" Mr. jesa.op made his fourth yin t to Clint on passed appreciation of Me Campbell as an organist. The anthem, '0 be Joy ful," in which 'Niles Davenport took the solo part the duet by Miss Brown and sang with good voice and ex- and Me. ateman was more than ap pressien. His first number was preeiated. The Rev. Mr. 'Westgate, 'The Sailor's Dream' with "Molly of Trinity Ohltreh Sr. Thomas in pre at fursis ol' anhceeneid or e4"selectionheparing his two exceilent sermons for wwas the occasion lett nothing undone and an dwas recalled and gave "Pretty were greatly enjoyed by the congre Ore' tore '9 Clinton audience has gations. He will be a welOorne visitor v arm spot for Mr. Jesosp, at Trinity church at all times, Fair's Store Talk • We don't know much about, the lavish living of the, citymail order merchant, but we do know this much, that when goods are bought out of town, Clinton gets the geode and the city gets the money, and when goode are bo ght at time, Clinton beeboth the goods and, the money,. Ra.loween is the night, of all nights for a jolly; ennenwhen numerous witches and other mischief making creatures., are 'abroad on their revels. We have the false faces', the pumpkin lanterne) the witch hat and otheikinevelties to help make theeftin, or supply the deconatiVik-features for party or honfirle 'Crepe paper, Festoons', Streamers, parl- lands, Table Covers, Napkin's, Surprise Crackers, all in; qa;lowe'en colors and de- signs. Picture Post Cords in good assortment. The Lift-up'File for office -use has an entirely new prin- ciple in arch file construction It isistrang and simple to operate. The price is 50c complete. As good as you've )aed a dollar for. We have received our sec- ond supply of Winston Chue- ehill's fine, forceful, reverend novel, "The Inside of the Cup." It Isom all the lists of good sellers, howing ?the hold it has on the average reader. Price is $1,50. Begin reading it early for you will want to ,finish it before you sleep. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY are good days to buy or bangour Wall Paper, Stock is complete in variety of design and colorer. Prices from 5e toy ac per roll. The other good days are THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY. Where ignorance, is biles, it is folly to try to sell diction. laries. We have a Inew one and a good one at 30c. The Torontoi Daily World from now until Jan. t, 1915, or $3, thus giving the bal- ance of 'this year absolutely free. , In a comparative sense, we are superlatively good. Thie dotes not refer to sour piety, but to what we can do if you entrust uswith a good, win- dow shade contract, at a fair price. TheW.D. Fair eo. Often the eheapest—Always the Best ... National Portland Cement After trying other kinds, you'll always come back to the best The Rest Cement is the National Portland Cement It is the Old stand-by.- A car load just in. S. J. ANDREWS, Clinton RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION Now is the time ro eaI in and have your subscription to The :New Era ecneveed. We aim to give you al the local news in concise and interesting fo•rm, and we be- lieve we live up to the. claim. Help along the good work. GETTING READY FOR FRUIT EXHIBITS. As the county,' of .FIuron have made a grant of $30e 'to furnish ite "•xhibit at the horticultural; show in Nornmber a7. Toronto, MessTs. R. it, Sloan and D. Hamlink have been making auto trips through the county to get material for this exhibit. Extensive preparations are being made The Corner Store "Live and Let Live" GROCERIES Our Grommy Department is well stocked with fresh. clean, Groceries anti at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. We carry a full. line of CHRISTIE'S FANCY CAKES from 10 cents up FLOUR- We- have CLINTON, EXETER. FIVE ROSES PURITY. FRUITS Oranges. Lemons, Bananas, FISH Salt Water Herring, -Cod Fish, Smoked Red Herring. and • Finnan Hatldie, HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FR PRODUCE. E. E. Hanniford PHONE 45. IlIgkes1 Grade Bread Conner's liome=madevead Conner's Home-made Bread, is quality through and through. There is not a detail of good making and baking overlooked, so you know what you are getting when you order this Good Bread. CHAS, CONNER Halter and Confectioner FIVE STRONG POINTS About Our plumbing include good materials, up-to-date suppliea, ser- , perior workmanship, promptness and reasonable prices, for - SATISFACTORY PLUMBING can, you ask more? Get our estimates first, anyway,. Thos.flawkins rimnbing and Heating (Phone 53) WIIMM11.1110 ammiimpolemnimat he. New fail shoes 4, 4. 4. Better in Style Iletter in Fit • 4. 'letter in VVear As exhibited in our new and large stock, are exceptionally attractive in style, and uncom- monly good in quality. Those who wear our shoes this fall are going to learn of Better Shoe Satislaction without paying any more than formerly. They are going to learn that while these shoe3 of ours cost no more than common, they are 15.1 4. .3' 4. We know that every pair in our stock is so inquality,,t 1.. 4' 4, good tbat when we sell them it will t.r be just like sending out so many people to say t 4. good things about our shoes. * ÷ ,s,..z. 4. 4, .1. .t. JACKSON'S I FREI) THE HOME OF 000D ' SHOES - « + .,. , •« i'.««•««..Fit-+-+3;4444E.E.+3;3Fm•litte+++++++++++++++++++4.+4.**44”' Kis