HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-10-23, Page 4TRE CGIN7'ON:+ NOW It, 't11' 1111110111111111 111i11inery moose it Dry GootlL Fttruish • a' lasslb Readyone c, �% 0 'Wear Phone 7S t ;< WHY WE INSIST UPON No business ever flourished unless its patrons were well satisfied with the store. We feel that the splen:iid backing of the public is the recognition of the fact that our goods are always of a guaranteed quality. Satisfaction is what we sell you every time. You'ie insured against loss when you buy at this store Saturday was a record breaker in coats. We are anxious to have this week as good. In order to do this we have pro— cured 17 sample coats of this season's clever- est styles. The regular wholesale price of these coats was from $12 to $11), we put them on sale Saturday 12.50 • ••••••11••0•••••••••••••43•• A. told aJ itema 1'efl,ecting'.. O1 . Tv' paring t0 go to Muskoka for a personal (diameter but s'onc•l ALL coet hunt this fall, He ie one of the 'N'17WS, 4h+ early 1,!„-,„.0, eof this district Local Nelms s 1 a sis` <a•rd- lye• will have more to 'say of Local A l Cheek off Lh,s est )t ixun5 s, a„ you to rcanember an important li'xn ,11i )a: 1 .ice• ,fs"sito. • DIED. AT HOUSE OF RLFU (1113 Births 335a •x iagos; Deaths: N0'11(1 •, zp,�,i� Lr�„t y iIr. William Woods formerly a Aec ct nta. Church News, NQi 11( TO 4.11011V. L,,lllS, I weaver of Wroxeter died in Clinton Seipp rs o Preuentationa; ruin•a`iis were. taken to Linwood Removals, Visitors. In the illatter Of the Estate 'of an Tuesday of last week and the Y Onto)iei< 23rd; ;1913, .loriietiltnral Meeting The annual meeting of the Clin- ton floriicultuoat Society' will be , held inthe Council. Chamber,on the Gth of November, 1913, : at 7.30 p.m. T. COTTLE, Secretary „ interment. _Tr. Woods , Lodge News la z'e.,. Daniel S1►:an;t➢a;tn the elal►f, Faun for Sate c'cinetcil fo • inter nt ,Zcta:n-d a ripe o -d age, • Pula, 0 Improvements. Deceased Law Cases. the Crops. Ot•i V''DApE3 FOR GAME School Matters. f'a:tn:dg . Grouse and Pheasants: Notice is hereby given purOuantt Oct. 15 to Nov, lo, ONE HUNDREDTH YEAR. to See. 35 of the'Truatoe,s Act Woodcock: Oct. 1 to Nov, 15. 1 Mr. John Corton, of Wroxeter, that all persons leaving claims against the estate ofkhe rrafd de - end ire 'Scufire.d; Nov. 151'n; has ait;xn:'d the rip�e'gldaceased what di.od onor•abouYc 'the l Dec Y 1 of ,n:neit nine yetats' ,a+nid four to Dec, 3,.' ythird day of October, 1913, i months sill rs tstill as•emect and are required to send by post pre, Geese: Sept. 13 ito April -15, of i ght on his f rs the average it rd i o tirundersigned Executors, fo.lalv.ng Year• rime of th rtv v.ar s, M. C4ofton P Duck: Sfep't, 75 to Dec, 15. an ,cntliu�i ':tic Bunter, and' is' I of their Solicitor„ 'on log before the Bares, and cotton -tail, rabbits; i. 1 11th clay of N.ovsanber, 1913> thea Oeh 1 to. Dec, Ii. 1 names and addresses with full par :Muskrats: Doc, 1 to May 1 of ! ticnlars in writings of their claims, j� and statement( of their aedouldt,s w:ar fo:lowing,Al� and the nature of .the scrutinies ''+ :,S IN ARREARS' ! (if any)i held bythem, duly verified 1O SUBSCRIBERS A'I"'E`l'I®l�f ! by Staitutory dee1ar[atiom, id1wspapers year. aro being reduced in As Me David Cantelon ~viii. be And Take noltice that after the ixlation et 12.000narid now ahas)only busy buying apples inanothersee- rata 14th clay of November, 1913, qua newspaper. No activity leas tion of the country, it will be im- the:Executers will proceed to dis- 1)0e0 harderhit by the, advanced among the•parties entitled thereto, possible for him to buy, Beano' for tribute the assets of the said' estate cost of running 'business than the us for they nixtt six weeks, sb in the meantime we have secured the having regarfd only to the claims lactthe- dfr btls.ness,. One solution sera,icos of Ole•„ Wm. Reid, thresher of 'which the shall then have notice of the res' and facing newspaper' to 1001. after our ilniterosts aiicloily and that the said :Executors will publ;sliiis and olae'wh[ch is grove for us. We are still, i'nithe market not be liable for said assets or tang. rig in favor with them is the to pay the highest, price; for 13en,ne part thereof, to any person or per- a� Apr o of, th pay rn-advance anti our Mr. Newman will be" at sons' of whose clam notice shalloviern In thy bui ne`is world to_Clinton, Brumfield, Varna and not 1 act been received by tliean or day 1 tiro retrad 's toward cashtrade, Bayfield, the first of each week. thein' saidSolicrto at the time of of th foot -pints on the sands of Cash will be' paid at car on clay ch d etiibution. "t:m. ' gra heading' that way. leading, on all purchases'. See Mr. Dat)d the lath day of •Ocfober,191,3 :llilTS TO COR.itESPONDEls.ITS Reid before.selling, or call him. on john Shanahan, the phone, !V ► 172 on ring 8. D Shanahan, Vt.ra cu n of the pallet I Owen Flynn, r v. l E WMAN (R CO, Executors. a'} to ter -:-:11 111 1;Vedncsd"iy of 1 IV. Brydone, Clinton, Ont. .a.li wcel. 00 soon Ridgetown, Ontario Solicitor The customer has everything to gain, and no- f, thin; to lose by making their choice of Good Furs. NOW. Select now when our stocks .are at their best. Select in time to have Furs ready for the first day cf cold weather. After you have Compared all Other Furs is the Best Time to See Ours. rNtN•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1••2 I • As Seen From the Gallery• • • • 41.11000011001111011 ECHOES FROM QUEEN'S PARK. ••••HFA• (Special to the New Era) Mr Neely's Death. Great regret is felt by men of both political parties at the death of George 4V. Neely, menrber,ef the Legislature ,for East Middlesex. Mr. Neely was well liked and respected not only by ;his colleagues on the Government side ;but also by the members rf the Oppo sitiou. tris dea• h leaves the constitu• ency of East Middlesex in the Loral 'House open once more, and gives the people of this riding another bye•elec• xion following the D,;mini ,n contest i Itis only a year ago that Mr, Neely defeated the Liberal candidate for the Local House, William Sutherland, s;t the hye•election which was caused by the death of Robert Sutherland. The number of bye•eleetions for the (Ontario house in the Last 12 or 13 months, 9 in all, including Peal and this second contest in East M•ddlesex Double Feed Doors There is no danger of hit- ting the sides and spilling c'oa'l all over the floor with the big Sunshine feed doors. These doors will admit a large chunk of wood, too. Our local agent will show you this and tmany other "Sunshine ,advantages. Send for free booklet. ArlcClary�s Sunshine Furnace Byain Et Sutter. Sanitary Plitinbers Phone 7. has kept Provincial politics active dur ing the whole year. Peel Bye+Election Mr, A, H. Milner, the Liberal Candi- date for Peel in the impending bye - election, is admitted to be a first-class man, and one who is rallying around him enthusiastic support, He is quite a young, man who already has made a mark for himself in municipal govern went and at present holds the position of Reeve of Brampton. Mr. Milner's position on the Temper mice question is perfectly plain and frank, lire admits that in the first local option contest in his neighborhood he voted against it, but that between this and the second local option vote he re- considered his decision after a careful survey of the whole problem and voted in favor of local option, To -day in this bye -election he has come out definitely in favor of the "Abolish the Bar" pol- icy, and will support it with enthusi gam. Liberal Federation Dinner, An epoeh.marking dinner conducted wholly by young men is rather a nov• elty' in Ontariopp olitics, For this reason the Liberal Federation ederation of On tario which in Hamilton on November 20th is to entertain the Right Hon. Sir Wilfred Laurier and Mr. N. W. ftow- ell, K.O., M.P.P., deserves all the more credit, There will be coverts laid for 500 guests and delegates are expect ed from each of the 44 Federation (lube throughout the Province. The speakers of the evening will address themselves to young men, and will discuss public questions from the young man's standpoint. Around the Town Hall C'Wntioned) From Pager 1 The Canadian Farm argues that in these ,days the automobile is re- sponsible for a 'lar'ge part of the w: air unci tear on cowl toy roads. and suggests -auto-toll houses as a possible means of making owners of motor rig's pay their share of the cost of maintenance. "There arc." Qui r,oatemporary thinks,: "storekeepers, blacksmiths, tic., a ong most roads, who would do the collecting at little cost." The subject its up for discussion, in any case, and there its a general feel- ing that 00•11101 ;scheme for placing upon, automobile owners their pro- per share ref the( cost of keeping up the reads which they use tante abusel ,more Qhan anybody else must he evolved. • A bylaw, if there is one should be kept well, enforced and that is the prohibiting the public throwing loose paper and other `hits. of refuse, on the; streets'. The, nndors'gned offers for sale improved fa••nt of 100 arrest Lots 13 and 14, ,Con. 17, Township ' of fkoderich, situated on the 'B3asee Line Tour, villas north of Clinton, CHARLES CLIFTON, Summerlrf 11 Belleview Dairy Farm Mort age, for Sale 411,89000" fret mortgage on 100 acresr a for sale. W. BRYDONB •I Prom our stock of first-class cows we are prepared to supply you twice duly with best of mill: and cream, and solicit a share of your patronage, • E. B, HILL. Drs. Geo, M. I;. Whitley Hellmann, osteopathic Phy. Specialists in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Diem ders dil)7'e, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Rattenbury Hotel Friday from 1 to 6 For Sale Driving mare for sale. Will be sold cheap for cash or part cash alnd pari. feed, Apply to JOE RATTENB1JRY, Ewe mart Wahle0 ----0,--- 2500 --o.— — 2500 Cpiekens, 1000 Bens. 1000 Ducks Each Week iron► now Until January To finish your ownoultry, we p have Wheat, Oats. and Bucictivheat specially ground for fattening pur- poses, as very reasonable prices. 8,000 dozen Strictly New Laid Eggs wanted each week dur'iing the winter months, To produce these eggs we have a full line of Poultry Foods to keep your layers i(n the pink of condition. A full stock of Brain, Shorts, Feed. Flour, Oat Chop, Barley Chop, Etc„ Etc., al -ways on hand. GIVE US A CALL. POULTRY TAKEN ANY DAY OF EACH WEEK. Tile Gut11-1 guilds Go., Limited - The up to -date Firni, Clinton Phone 64. N. W. TREWARTHA, W. IENKINS •.> rManor ermali+n.or, meniriiiriu iwaar owsom,+c mnm�m e SM1LLWA13S TA"CINEYfIN AND WALL PAPER Pi E Little Things at Big Reductions. . Big Things AT LITTLE PRICES Early in November we will show our Christmas Goods and it is necessary that many lines shall be cleared out to make room for the new stock. .r • Sale starts Tuesday,ort. 21 Ends Saturday N®v. i Stamped 'Ariel Ventres IS inch Conventional and Floral de- signs, suitable for•coroniuinn braid or embroidery, Regular 25c and 35c. Special Price 19c Toilet Pins -Black headedt 72 pine grade -Pound hair Pins, Shield Brand -Extra ated on a s heet; first quality; former large sizes; not light weight; formerly price 5c, per sheet; sale price two sheets sold at 2c. a paper; sale price six papers for 5c for Note Paper & Envelopes -A fancy box Ilat Pins -Extra large heads; six pins to containing 24 sheets ot Paper and l+fnvel• stylish box, 30 inches; black and white; opes. Unruled. linen finished, Regular former price 10c, sale price 5c 25c, Sale price 1 Se Lace Pins, Gilt -Assorted shapes ; two School bags at 25c -Sortie Leather sc pool Dressing Combs Unbreakable ; extra dozen in book form ; former price 15c ; Ie.gs etightly damaged worth tegutarly heavy ; S inches long ; black or white ; sale price for two dozen pins lOc up to 50c. for sale each 25c Sale price 0c Dome Fasteners, Shield Brand -Wash. Collar Buttons -Gilt ; 1 dozen assorted able, silver plated white or black; sizes Cup and Saucer Special -Plain white shapes on card ; formerly sold at 15c. 0, 1, 2 ; former price 5c, per dozen ; sale a dozen ; sale price IOC price 2 dozen for 5c semi -porcelain cup and saucer on which • the prices are advancing. but on which -we have an over stock. Our sale 60c for Tooth Brushes -No. 10 special ; pure brie. Bair nets -Silk ;correct shape ; each one 12 cups and saucers or5e each ties ; bone handles for boys or Girls ; in an envelope ; formerly 5e, for one ; . special price 5e sale price 2 for - ,5C Salad Bowls -Large China- Salad Bowls with pictures of King George and Queen Tootle Brushes -No. 2 special ; assorted Dress Shields, "Shield Brawl" -Size 2, Mary regular Soca Sale days 19C shapes ; best value ever offered ; for- washable ; former price 15o.' a pair ; merly sold at 20e. ;sale price lOc sale price.... , ..10c at which "Shield" -Size 1 I ofpaper Wall Papers -Small ot, t• P French Pearl Buttons -Best quality l0llress. Shields Brantt 3, sold at 25 to 35151 i o 1 and a fine line thatto 13 line, full ball, self shanks; former washable ; former price 20c per pair. were.a some to move. Some light colors price from 10c to 15c; sale price,3 dos Sale price• 15c and dark browns green and reds, „•.,,25c fo be cleared on sale days per single roil for • A Rook 13n1'gailtr-A fist of popular hooks 121e. Borders and Ceilings same price, Pearl Uuttons-2 or 4 hole; 10, 1S, `30 and regular $1:00, 51.25, 51.5(1 lines elea ng 15e Wall Paper for Se -Several odd lines 22 line; good, pure white button; sale on Sale days. Eachworth up to 15c a roll will be cleared, .. 2 Price for any size 50c Se Tape Fines -043 inch Tape Lines marked Border, Ceiling and Wall all the same, Wool 'Mending -Best quality, all colors both sides. Regular 5c. Sale Days.Envelopes-Oblong or price per single roll 'Se formerly sold 2 cards for 5c; sale price 4 for 25 in package ; odd cards for 5e Coat Hangers -Wire Coat Hangers with ase Hair 1 rashes Solid Backs, Pure extension, bright copper wire, regular White brise CS -Assorted twelve nova Side Combs -No. B20; extra long and ext Our bargain days, wire, r , , Gc Shield Brand 365 Pins -A pin for each elf shapes ; fox end ebonyfinish ; some heavy: shell; former price 25c; sale y year;P paper; y gyp 15c Leder. Oo VVo gin d Filack a h)te, tied el in the formerprice .5c, a a er• thing new formerly sold at 75c to 51.110; Price , brow,a, grey and navy Regular 15c per sale price two papers, or 730 pins for..5c sale price 50e ]lack Comber -Plain black; extra heavy; skein, Special at per ekem IOC r- large size; will match any of the above,rBecor7P' Comb -9 inches; extra heavy; Orlarey letl'ety liras -Solid brass with Taylor's Premier Soap-Uhoice Toilet mentioned side combs; shell; sole Soap in large capes -Pink and (ream rice 15c gold stamp; sale price 183e guardecoil; sizes 00, 0, 1, 2, and 3, also co or a . delightful toilet Soap -per P Tajsc, Average India -Long lengths; any assorteon lit: card ; regular price IOc, cake 5c Skirt Belting -4 inch 'Duplex" shaped; size; black or white; formerly sold 2 sate prone card ..it or 50 extra fine quality; thick white grey; bunches for 5c; sale price, li bunches Baby'~ Own. Soap Small neat cakes of for sold,vt 5e ayirrd sale'pue+2 for SeTooth Brushes -No. [special; assorted the ge.rmine Baby's Osvn Soap • w,orth yards for ........ ... .................5eDofCs fool+ an(1113ar-Black and white; shapes; extra good quavlity; former price sego arly • iOc. Our sale now 3 cakes Half Oim 0 ball mending__ Black oniy any size; former price 5c' per card: sale 25c ; sale price, 15e for formerly 5c. three for 10c price two cards for 5c i • Thread -100 .aids; black, white or Needles, Shield Brand -Best quality; all Hairfissured orblack 120,al pure erlll black ris glair Bees ; ebony 210 ; pure, extra long Lt_tgieThr r d y raped backs re former price Oc; guaranteed goal• sizes: former price 5e. this needle is ed ;good value ;sale price highly polish. 15c l ; mud fox finished g y Scguaranleed; sale rice 2 papers for5C special sale price 25e ity; sale price one spool for ,,�° price Battenbur2 Lace Centres IS inch Lace Centres, choice designs with plain, embroidered and drawn work centri s. Very Special Each 25c Talcum Powder- Gilmore's'Venetian Tal- cum Powder (Borated), A perfect pow- der for men and women of refined taste. Extra large size boxes, Sale Price -15c Shoe Laces- 3(3 inch Cotton laces, suitable for Children's and Men's shoes, Sale price per dozen pairs , , , . ... • ....10c 45 Inch Cotton Shoe Laces -Fine qual- ity, a splendid lace for lig°dies shoes. Per dozen laces 10e Writing Pads - Good quality of paper, Note size; ruled or unruled: Regular 10c each. Our sale days 7c each or 4 for 25c Writing Pads - Good quality of paper, ruled or unruled; letter size; regular 25e. On sale days 15c or 2 for 25c square envelopes, lines. Per Pack - be We Sell lite Ladies Home Journal Pate teles. "Up to date in every way. PER & CO'Y CLIN`t`ON Order our Private (reeting Cards now and be ready for Christmas. As low as $1.(O Per dozen. i