HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-10-23, Page 2IN SHOE polisIl NoNurpentine t000l�OhiM��!*■OII�OBOriuOO 60 ENJOYING! Local News./ PERFECT AlE Oh•O•Oi••M••i•b••/hbO•i•lt*. NTH a + IN PILLS Because He.take+ G A prominent Consulting Bngineer of 1:f w York rCitythus heartily endorses GIat PILLS : *Broadway, New Stork. • "1 bought some of your GIN PILLS' 1 t Se tember. Your of Victoria, B.C., as p remedy x find, at 6o years of age, to give, e perfect relief from -the Kidney y and Bladder Troubles incident to one of my age. I urgently recommend GIN PILLS; to friends as beiig,theone tiling that m does e good." F.a'•, G. WOODFORD,' By the time a man or woman is 6o, the Kidneys and • Bladder need a little help to keep in good ;yvorkiiig order. GIN PI1rLv$ are what they need. GIN PILLS keep the urine neutral, prevent c0 1 desettl9ng on the kidneys or bladder and ward off Rheumatic:attacks. Remember, every box of GIN PILLS is sold with a:positive guarantee to give perfect satisfaction or your money promptly ref unded. sec. a box, 6 for 52,5o. Sample free if you write National Drug and Chemical Co. et Canada,. Limited, Toronto. 176. The New Era. 47TH YEAR. "IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE;" DIED AT HOUSE OF RE1•'UGE. 11ir, William Woods formerly a weaver of Wroxeter flied in Clinton on Tuesday of last week and the raan•a'ns were taken to Linwood cemetery for interment. Mr, Woods attained a ripe old age. ONE HUNDREDTH YEAR. Ma: John Gofton, of Wroxeter, Ont„ has attained the ripe old age of ;ninety nine yyelafr& ,and four months end : is istill' asaerect and light on his feet) as the average man .of thirty years. M2.. Gorton in an enthusiastic hunter, and eist prepa'ing to go to Muskoka for 'a deer ,hunt this -fell. 'lie ie' one of the elarly p5enerdrllr of this. district land we will have more to say of himinlater; issue, /a AN AUTHORITY ON ADVERTISING. i r Few persons -appreciate., the enormous eoet of advertising a p!op ularity. One of the most`sueersse fol advertisers ;in the country, whose income reaches hundreds of thousand's of dollars annually, says that, _1e wasted/ attleast a quarter of a million dollars before he learn ed the' advertising garne-=straight newspaper adi*ertising. He esti- mated that ,he spent this' amount on circulars, gaudy lithographs', sign boards and street car advert: 'sing out of which:'he reeeived so little benefit, as, far as he could trace it, that he regarlded the xpeniditure as money pretty near- ly wasted. A CLEAN-UP CAMPAIGN The New Era has entered upon a cleaning -up campaign of back sub scription5 and long past dueac- counts which will be pushed vigor- ously even if we.have toresort to the courts to get what isidue us ,With the rapid vise of almost every ling about aprinting office, wait - ng y: ars for 51.00 a subslstption and for small accounts of 50c up can no longer be per pll trr; cf. hose to pay cash every week for rages, paper, ink, freight postage ?tr. and to keep this up we must gat what legitimately belongs to us. If you :are in arrears kindly this matter your immeidiate att_ntion. W. 11. KERR a SON, Props. J. Leslie Kerr, Business Manager New Era, One Year In advance $1.00 New Era, when not paid in ad- vance. .$1.50 New Era, to, the United States in advance.. .$1.50 Advertising Rates on Application. Job work prices act anc,e on July 1st, 1913, in accordance with the Huron Co. Press Asso- c:ation Rata, Office Phone, 20 ,Rouse Phone 95 BALD AT 35 Sill the Germs) Nourish the flair Roots and You'll Never Grow Bald -Use ' Parisian Sage. . It's your own . fault if you grow he cl at 35, as thousands of men do -y, s and women also. If you have dandruff it is because the res a o alr:ady devouring the v. ey life of the hair at its roots K,I1 these germs with Parisian Sage, and stop dandruff. itching soaps au l falling• hair in two weeks It e c i;a •unteed, you know, this d l'ghtful_and refieshing Parisian tat. that is now sold all over Ca- ,,da and if it does not prove t, ee r than any other hair tonic you ever used{ g et your money n rh. It puts lite and beauty into d+til 1a_1^d hair. Large bottle. at S. B. Holmes and druggists ever.ywhccr_t• Reguter price • 50 cents, i! peri and Impert e.% it's ays too early to rip, but never too late to mend. •turatn is the pian who can f'11:1 out things' without bu,tting in. Love "s the bread of life to a c o f an ; to a plan :t Is merely cake 11n:tee a gel might .be proud of h i a Pities if it wasn't for her feet Th? best n suss can do is to gu s,s at the age of woman and eat) eta goods The woman who does her own. housework has' the servant girl prob':ai. solved. Mo -y may snake the mare go but dr:vving a stubborn mule down the peke is different. A 930 'milliner's creation is 5poo Sart of cap for Iia girl to set in a attempt to +eetch an economica h,achelor.g'• Younmen think twice before a tempting to kindle 'a wo mans heart. It may cost you a to .for fuel to keep the fire going. r n t e Thai.iksgiving Day next Monday '120th Bast, Write down a list befor that date cif things you have a ,;right lie be thankful for. It may surprise you both as to qualatity amid quality.' ■ i Act ukl c Q Don't wait until you have some ail- ment' caused by poor digestion, " biliousness, or by inactive bowels which may lead to a serious sickness. Immediate relief is afforded by that best corrective and preventive BEEOHAM!8 PILLS ''Sold everywhere. In be:e.. 26 cents. c OPEN DATES FOR GAME Partridge. Grouse and Pheasants: "het. 1•i ro Nov. 15. li iled:Mei:: -Oct, 1 to Nov. 15. 11' a h -nil Grey Squiircl: Nov, 15 to Dec. 1. # e s Sept. 15 to April 15, of n'nv ne yrar. Duck :'Sept. 1.5 to Dec, 15. Hares. and cotton -tail rabbits; Oet 1 to Dee. 15. .Muskrate: ate•: Dec, '1 to -May 1 of r: ar f > owing. TO SUBSCRIBERS IN ARREARS Ye. are bring reduced in number cacti year, chit had a pen- u'ation of 12.000 anti now line only clue newspaper. No activity has Leen harder hit by the advanced -ort of running hn5in'ss than the te,wspaner tens'ness,. One solution of the d'ffieulties facing newspaper eublishcrr and one which is grow - ng in favor with Cham. is the Helps:on of th_ pay -in -advance system, In the business world to - da,' the trend is toward cash trade. and tis • fool-priets on the sands of "tin):." are heading that way. 11 iHl OLTNTON N11iiV':E'RA. oman's Danger Signals Hot flashes -.dizziness,'. fainting spells, headache, bearing -down feeling and ills'; of a kindred nature -are nature's, danger signals. The female disturbance or irregularity back of these calls for help,1 p, should have immediate care and attention. Otherwise the delicate female constitution soon breaks down. 9 o�r><te resat do Pierce's Fay _ n �-1• Dr. Ih Tb.grsd'ayi Octbbor 23r.et, 1913, %- for more than 40 years' has been lending its health restoring aid to thou- Banda of women year after year throughout its long life. This wonderfully successful remedy imparts strength to the' entire ryatem-, particularly to the organs distinctly feminine. Nerves, are refreebed. Th. ".tale". overworked business woman, the run-down house -wife and the weary axe -worn mother other of a bmi es ll . r9. . motherof a family -all' will gain strength from, this famous prescription which demonstratedits effectiveness -in liquid or tablet form.' 40 years has .. SOLD BY DEALERS IN MEDICINES.: Writ. Dr. R. V. Pi.rcer.Sp.ciali.ta at th. Invalids' H.tel- Corr. ponelence Strictly Confidential -and no chores. Dr.Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and hirlgorate stoataok. liver,; and bowels.: Sugarcoated tiny granules -easy to take as Candy. A HINT TO THE INSTITUTE, • Brussels Woman's". Institute has an event under way. which is wor thy of imita'ion by other bodies of oizr women wore -ere, both as a source of revenue and for the in- struction it will giver in domestic affairs. On Friday of .next week lilies will be awarded, for baking the list including about 20 articles ,f piss; bread, cakes etc. The an- nouncement says ;"Competition Will net b: confined to members of the =Institute, but ladies of Brussels and locality Will be welcome'. There will bent) enti,ance fee. but 1n exhibit from each competitor n•:11 b mime the property of thcIn- st:tut . Each prize exhibit will a:so go to the Institute. excepting the fruit cake to be sold at close f 1) ec'ng; funds applied to In- stitute, work, THE WORi.I WILL TURN. Thedford Tribune Dissatisfied with the support accorded them by ht1S IV Ps men, the Leaming- ton Po eaming-ton,P, t an V es is now accept - ii •adv e1 tising for the T. (Eaton Co.• limits' el, of Toronto. The pub - ••e generally may not know that loom newspapers all over the prov- 11 ) including the Tribune, hate in .thepast •cleclinecl offers:for Eaton's a'lt'er'tiaing through loyalty eo their own home iinerchants though there 1s r..0 '0005011 why ;they should do so . 23,000 MOTORS UNDER LICENSE "Lists• of permits," the unassum .ng blue book of automobile an'd. motor cycle licenses', was issueld tet week by flea Provincial Sec- retary's ec- t taty s department, , Thi•s book (8 printed- 'twice) 'tisaaci, and to date shows praaticaily 23,000 motr ors under license 660 demonstrating licensee and, 2,0.15' motor cycle per - mets. The. total revenue from this source s• now running, close to the 9100 000 mark; end',w ill probably ex 1c•d that figure before the year, is out. • T1INTS TO CORRESPONDENTS Write, on one side of the paper only, Mail to a'eech :us Wednesday of each week ee sooner. Avoid allitems reflecting. on personal character but sena ALL the NEWS, Check off this list itl may assist you to remember • an important 11501.` Births, Mlarriages, Deaths. Accidents, Church News. Suppers or Presentations. Removals, Visitors. Lodge News, Fires'. Public Improvements. Law Cases, the Crops. School Mlatters. • CLUBBING RATES This is'the seasloai of the year when you are renewing your news: paper subscription. The NOW Er!a clubs with pill the city Weekly axed Daily papers at teems that are a big inducement. ,Caul and get our nates. - •� CLUBBING. RAThabit oflooking to the newspaper ES for advertising information ad well as news information.. The busi- ns.ss men who uses; the newspaper I is the; man who gets results. This has developed, into la. business( re wept and principal, New Era and Daily Globe.....: $4,50 New Era and Weekly ,Globe 1.60 New Era and Daily Mail and Empire • 4.50 New Era and Weekly Mail and Empire ..: 1.60 New Era and Daily World 3.35 New Era and Daily News 2.35 New Ena and Daly Star 2.35 Neev Era and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.85 New Era and Weekly Witness 1.85. New Era and Northee'n Mes- senger 1.60 New Era and Canadian Farm 1.85 New Era and Canadian Farm 1.85 New Era and Farmer's Sun.-. 1.85 New Era, and lDa:ly Free Press, morning 3.35 New Era and Daily ?Free, Press. evening • 2.85 New Era and Weekly Free Pres1 1.85 New Era and Daly Advertiser 2.85 New Era and Wi'eekly Adver- tisser 1,60 New Era and Faint and Dairy 1,85 New Era and Farmer's Advo- 2,35 tato _ .. RENEW YOUR SI'BSCRIPTION '„1 t: is the time rO •ca"1 In sed Levi,your subscription to The : n 'Ira er nrn'ed. We aim to give ymt itU th" local nut's in concise met inle resting fo:01. and webe- I'e e we live up to the• claim. Help a'nng ch; good work. :lETT1YCl READY FOR FRUIT I C EXfIIBITS. As th r aunty' of Huron have •r r 1 's '"t' of 9300 to furnish its 11: a' t0- lueeicnitioeth show in nl c r ,c'• Toronto. 'Messrs. 1t, 11. h ri snit D. P.'llaml,nk have n a','n • cut 1 'i es through 111 c ,,1n`} „ g material for this >ce']•i ,' 11(tc usive preparations are 1,:•it1g ma -1e CIRCUS US ADl E[,TISING th circus -man advertising a:: •, mart ecicnccl,- The medium that h,>pritrnnizts meet deliver the eels ' l •a d 011 ilium proves that itis nut a real - medium and thus 109:5 Pc patronage, The ci1•cus man is n: ith:'.r narrow, nor a 11O' it n ail is fish that comes to his 11 t, There is no caste or prejudice a'' 1)1 11-m Results arc all that x.'51 : 1,1 a:hgnifitant. therefore. that Barnum and Bailey have this s 1 -.to during their tour of Canada confrnsd their advertising. almost exclusively to the news 11aprs. Their experience has' dem onatrated that they get more for their money from the newspapers than from any other agency, Ana eh: -y are following the guide posts of exper;ence, Thus incidena'.ly the trend of the times- shown. The general public has formed the FOUR BOXES OF DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS PUT HER 011 HER FEET. MRS. IID. BOYnR, - NOkomiS, Sask., writes: -"I had been troubled with weak back and kidneys. I had terrible dizzy headaches, and mould not sleep at night. In this I way suffered for ten years, until I read about Dose's KIDxry PILLS. I purchased two boxes, and as they helped me, I sent for two more, and they put me on my feet, and I have been able to work ever since." For Backache, Larne Back, Weak Back, or any other Kidney Trouble, there is no remedy to equal DOAN'S Kimsey Plrr,s. They have been on the market for 20 years and therefore- must be a staple article. Price 50 cents per box, 3 boxes for S1.25. May be obtained at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat. L When ordering direct specify "Dosr1's." Loafing. "I loaf and invite my soul," sang Walt Whitman in one of his "barbaric yawps" that has sounded "over the roofs of the•world." And it no doubt the best, profoundest and highest thing ever said or sung about loafing. The soul -if we may be so fortunate es to have one in the real and high significance of the word -will hardly come to our mundane aid, no matter how often we may invite it, unless we loaf. We do not in our ordinary busi- ness of living give it a chance to vis- it us, Lilce the virtues of art, it de- mands a largo ieisttlo and far horisons. That Is why the poets and thinkers possess "soul" and we ordinary mor- tals do not. Our life is too narrow, too "cabined, cribbed, confined." Soul es- capes or shuns us while we grope in our huddled and cluttered existence. We must "loaf" and invite it. Loafing is good for us -now and then. As a habit it is very bad, but even a "good custom," as Tennyson assures us, would "corrupt the world" were It not for wholesome change and variety. And an occasional loaf, whether vol- untary or enforced, may be salutary. -- Columbia State. NOTI eIL Itevisiou of Voters List. Notice is hereby giver' that a Court w 1t be held, pu'suant•.to the Voters List let, .by ,[-Iis Honour the Judge of the. County Court, of the County of .Duron, at the Town Hall 11) the Towii of Clinton, en:Thurs- clay, the 30th day ofpctolaer, 1913. a: 9 -o'clock a.m., to hear and de-` teimine complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters List of the Municipality of,Clinton for 1913, Dated at Clinton • this .16th; day of October; 1913. D. L. Old"A.CZ'HERSON, ,,; To'wli4 Clerk Iomeseelters [xeursion October 14th, 21st,, 28th To Manitoba, Alberta, Sas ate e - wan, via Chicago, St. Paul and Duluth or Sarntai and 1th,e Northern Nev. Co.. Winnipeg and Return $35.00 Edmonton and Return • .43.00 Proportionate 'low rates to other points. Return limit two months. Through Pullman Tourist Sleep- ing Cars are operated to Winnipeg without change, leaving Toronto 11 p.m. on above dates. The Grand' Trunk Pacific 'Rail - Way is the shortest and quickest. route between, Winnipeg, Saska- toon, Edmonton. Full particulars and reservations at any Grand' Trunlc Ticket "Office. John Ransford & Son, city paesen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57 A. O. Pattison, station agent NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Ann Stevens iris hteli Experienced, Nod to learn 'Knitting and' Leaping. 1g Will pay W ' $11TDO.5U 0. BARRISTER, BCLIPT',t'OIGR NOT AR Pi7BL41o, EEO tIGINTON 95.00 per week while Iearniug, Steady employment, Pleasant position. Apply at once CLINTON KNITTING CO.,; Clinton, On{ario, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. R:RRIULES 13. H1IL13 Public )oConfluence, Notary Iu b , Commissioner, etc. REAL ESTATE ANI) INSURANCE. NOTICE is .hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of ' Ann Stevens, late of the V Cage of Londesboro, in the County of • Huron, widow, Crile died on, or :about ithe twenty- seventh clay of July, 1913, are re- • quired to deliver to the undersign- ed administrator or his solicitor, on. or before the first day of Novem- ber. 1913, a full statement of their claims t.ogeether With par•licutai's thereof and the nature of the sec- urities, if any, held- by them all duly verified by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said list mentioned date, the sad administrator will proceed to el stribute the estate of the said de- ceased amongst the persons enti- tled there to -e, having regard only to such claims as they shall have received due notice in accordance herewith, • Last el at Clinton, Oct. 15111, 1013 Danis l Stevens. Administrator, W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ont. Solleilor for the Administrator A straight line is the shortest in morals or In mathematics. -Edge - wort h. athematics.-Edge-worth. - Gives a Quick; Brilliant Polish That Lasts Easier to Use Better for the Shoes FASAAAAAAAMMIAmossanninAANIIII s.nmwmv without a doubt you'll ry find this out 0 in all your travels round about the bread that's best with any meal is just the:Ono g and only real Mother's Bread batter bread could not be made -that's what you'll say when you have;• tried this Crispy, crusty1 Mother's Bread H. Ran1itt' Phone No. 1 and have it delivered to your house every day. 1 Notice I `aol prepared to do carpentering and repelling. Storm doors and Wlndoeve made to order. Charges reasonable. •Orders left et the house or at Pt Watts' shoe store will bepeomptly attended to ' ALEX.. GOSLEIGH, R'attenbury Street Good Farm tor Sate. House tor Sale T air instructed to sell quick. Here is a chance tot secure an excellent haine at a bargain price. I will show, property, and consider any fair offer. C. 13. HALE. Lot 35, Concession 3 Tackerstnith containing 100 acres, 93 all cleared and in 0 splendid state of cultiv- ation. The farm is well untie). drained and fenced with five acres of good herd wood bush. Large tante barn and straw shed with good stabling, silo and other out buildings, Good brick house eight rooms kitchenand woodshed with good crliar and hard and soft water. There is a splendid apple orchard also large orchard of plums, pears, and cherrys trees and :in O.hunclance of shade 'trees. On the farm are two never failing wells one with with the windmill The farm is convenient to church and school six miles from thetown town of Clinton and Seaforth and 2 1-2 miles from Brucefield Tele- phone in house with long distance connection, rural mail delivery route to be established imnuliately Terris reasonable as the pro- rittor is giving up farming. Apply on the premises or address. A. ELCOAT, .Brucefield Slabs For Sale 14 inches long, Hardwood, 12 inches long, Body Wood. STAPLETOY Sfl For Sale A seeond-hiaad Wood Furnace in first-elase condition. Also one sec- ond-halnd Radiant Home Heater. Apply to THOS. HAWKINS, • at Rowland's Hardware CEMENT We can fill, all orders for Na- tional Portland Cement at once. call or phone. J. 4 LONDESBOR.O` CLINTON COAL YARDS Yards Opposite G. T.R. Station Ail kinds of Coal on hand - Chestnut Soft Coal Stove Blacksmith . Coke Furnace Kennel Coal and Wood Tile -21, 3 and '4 -inch size The Tile is of the very best quality. Brick to Order. L7• FeRBES Phone, 52. Farm for Sale. A desirable 100 -acre farm for sale, being Lot 24, Con. 5, Hulled. Good frame house and kitchen; bank barn 50x66, 3 miles from Clin- ton, 3-4 mile from school. The farm is well fenced, well underdrained, and in good state of cultivation. Plenty of spring water. Possession given to suit) purchaser, For fur- ther particulars apply to JOHN CARBERT, Clinton, P.O, Phone 4 on 165. Live Fowls Wanted I am now ready to handle Fat Hens and Young (.'hickeins, and Young Ducks, at highest prices. Poultry taken not 'later than Thursday of^ash 300)10, Other Fowl: handled later on. \l`. MARQUIS Base Line; Phone 11 on 136. Money Wanted. Huron;Si,,Clinton. H. T. RAN0EI Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial an d Real Estate.. INSURANCE'AGENT-Representing 14 Fire In,, surance Oonmenies.,. [ Division Court Office. I have several inquiries forloans of various amounts and will be pleased to find investments for funds on mortgages. W. BRYDONE Farm tot' Sale A desirable 80 acre farlii for sale Goocl frame house, a parlor. dining room, summer' kitchen and wool, shed. A bank barn with cement fidot's, pig pen with cement floor and troughs, and drive shed, well drained, alt seeded but about 23 acres, everything in good shape. Some of the money may be heel et a tow rate of interest. will sell with or wi1110111 crop. Apply to H. ITESK. Londesboro, or on the premises, lot 17, con, 8, Hallett. Farm For Sale Med .a �i: 0R1 r:. W. TIIOMPSON Physician, Surgeon, Etc diseases spee[al attenion given Ere, Ear, Throat,, dt ante of We and' Nose, • ' Eyes carefully examined. and suitable glassed: prescribild. • • • Oboe and Residence: Two doorswest of the Commercial Seto • IOUS. Gi1NNl and €ANDtER Dr, W. Gunn, L. K. C, P.. L. B: C. d.. Eula, DF. J C, Candler. U.A. 1l.n. Offioe-Ontarlo Street, Clinton. Night calls at residence. Rattenbart • SM. Or at hospital DR. J. W. SHAW.. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON. esoueheur, etc., office and residence on • teubulY 55., opposite W. Farran's residence. DE. F. R. RXON DENTIST: a• Crown and Bridge Work a Speolnity: Graduate of C.C.D.S.,a Chicago, and 11,0,D.E Toronto. Bllyaeld on Mondays, May 1st to Deeemb. A first class farm, consisting of 1.5 acres, on con.12, part lot 34,11ul- lett township, 3miles front, Londes- boro, and Smiles from Blyth, 11-2 miles from School. A bank barn 36 by 56, another barn 36x52, drive shed 24x40. A brick house, plenty of water, about an, (acre of or- ,challd. Possession can be given right after harvest. ApPIY to: WILLIAM LONGMAN, Blyth, P.O., FORD a McLEOD We're now selling Timothy Seed. (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices paid for Hay and .ail Grains, FORD & YoLOD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA PhllI�s i. s 4 . �. See and here our finest ► E 1 1 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 S New Stylish designs of ► 8' w 4 Doherty Pianos and Organs, ;special valves in Art Cases Pianos and organs rent t►t ed, choice new. Edison- F [ Music ► phonographs, variety goods, E Music Emporium . 1 4 C. Hoare DR. Ii. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store. Special pare taken to make dental tret+l ment as painless as ooesibie. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction let GODERiOH ' ONT Baimstoss sales a specialal, 0lact of• so- Elm EtcA office, rtmrr;y attenu.d to.' Terms reasonable. Clinton,'Farmers' Bale note discounted, G. D. McTaggart M. D. McTaggar MeTaggart Bros 1R.'41t•l�FI3�v ALBERT. ST , CLINTON General %inking Busluoti-^ tr an.sesetetl NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafte issaed. Intereet allowed on deposits. The McKillop Mutual. Fire Insurance Oe. Perm and Isolated Town Prone erty Only Insured. OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth. J .Connelly, Vice -Pres., Goderich, T.E. Hays, Sec.-Treas., Seafoaith, DIRECTORS. Jas, Connelly, Helmesville, John Watt, Harloek; G. Dale, Clinton; D. F. McGregor, Seaford); J. Evans. Beechwood, J. G. Grieve, Winthrop: J Benueweis, Brodhagen; M. Me- Ewan, Clinton. Each Director is Inspector of losses im hits own district. AGENTS. Rat Smith, Harloclt; Ed.liineh•- ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Eg- mondville; .i. W. Yeo, Hoimeavi11ee Paymentsma The mayb !e ,- de .at T e Morris'hi Clothing Co., Clinton, or R. H. Cult, Goderich. JACOB TAYLOR eLl1sJI.ON Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Real estate bought and weld Money to loan 055ce Issac. Street, next door to New Era Grand Trunk Railway System Railway'Titne Table London, Huron and Brace. North Passenger London, depart,- „. 8,30 a m 4.50 p,re• Centralia 940 5 4" Exeter. ,...,...... Hensall Kippen Brucefield Clinton Londesboro Blyth, Belgrave Wingham, arrive 0,53 10.08 10.16 10.30 11.00 11.19 11.27 11.40 11.50 0 5.54 6.05 6.11 6.19' 6,35 8;52 7.00 '7.13 7.351/ South • Passenge Wingham, depart.. Belgrave Blyth Londesboro Clinton Brucefield Kippen' Heneell Exeter Centralia . . . 0,00 5.15, London,' arrive 10.00 6.10 Buffalo and Gotle 6.43 am 3.33 p m• 6.54 3.44 7.08 8,56 7.16 4.04 7.50 , 4.23 8,12 4.39 8.23 4.47, 8.32 4,52 8,48 5.05 Wee': Psrseenger a TE m pm m Stratford,. ...10.00 12.20 5.225 10; 0 Mitchell 10.22 12.45 5,55 10.47 Seaforth 10,45 1.30' 6.38 11.12 Clinton 11.07 1.25 6.40 11,28' Holmeseille 11.16 1,33 6 46 11.38 Goderich ..•11 35 1.50 7.0511,55 Easth 1 cssenger am pm pm Qoderic7.10 2.40 4.50 Holmesville 7.26 2,57 5.06 (Juntas,,., . 7.35 3,07 5.15. Seatorth . 7.52 3.25 5.32 Mitchell.., . 8.16 3,48 555 Stratford.......... 8.40 415 6,21) •NNONNNNNitNt/t10N1w rt Small Advts, Always Pays £AAAAJAAAALLLAALAAAWAAA 411011114141N14111,0010110400041110040011