HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-10-16, Page 875, 1.4tlit i'9 andred Ne�v Models .res �1linter @02 E ARE showing one hundred new models of Ladies Winter Mantles from the largest manufacturers, in all the leading cloths and colors, no two styles alike. Space will notpa description and all we permitA can do is to extend a talion hearty . invitation n to you 'to call and she our display, ,. Everybody it WHY y y is doin � NOT YOU . .Prices run from $9.75 P u • . FALL l'IoCJSE=eLEANI1`tC$ • eARPETs, RgCsS, eLJRTIUNS We have passed into stock this week a new shipment of Rugs in Tapestry, Brussels and WiltonRugs. Also Bwiss and Nottingham Lace Curtains. Every pattern a new design, at prices to suit all purses, and within the reach of -all. We are after all the trade this season in House Furnishings. Our stock is complete to begin with, and anything that is wanted special we can quickly get. If you want to tone things up at little expense, call and see what -we call value in Carpets, Rugs and Curtains. Art Sateens For Comforters All the new colorings are now be- ing shown, and some of the most beautiful effects for bed comforters are here in colorings to harmonize with any room. Many have been looking for these new designs and we are pleased to announce the arrival of our entire fall importations. 3o inches wide, per yd 15e. 20c, 25c Also special downproofat per yd 35e ••••x00•W•eso•eii00olooseme•oe00e000ease••••O••••••4 • •• • • • TO SUBSCRIBERS4• • • • • O Subscribers in distt'icts :;etaiLd by lLtat'al ••� • Delivery will facilitate .the prompt de- • • livery of their paper by giving their old • • L address as well as their present Rural L. • Route Number when renewing their '" � subscriptions. a • DI: This and Prompt 4 Delivery is . Assured • • • • • • • •, • • • • • • 090900800e6aseasearesseseasea©•e•as••g00•000000e•000 • A G DEATEl OF MISS IIENRY Miss Rosanna Henry, of Clinton, who has been ill for some months passed away on Thursday morning, Octobsr0, at the home of her brother, Mr. J. E, Henry Victoria street, Miss Henry had been a faithful member of the Methodist church all her life, a faithful follower of the Christ whom she so truthfully served highly respect ed by all who knew her and loved by all her friends. She bore her sickness -ith Christian fortitude and patience. This is the fuii."th of the family wbo has passed to the great begoua in the last four years. Deep is the heartfelt sympathy th the bereaved ones who are left in the community in which they life. She leaves to mourn her loss three brothers, John William and Jarvis, all of Clinton; three sisters, Mrs, i H..Barr, of Clinton: Miss Char lotte of Clinton, and Mrs, S. Brown,of Wingham, The funeral took place at home at 2 p m, and interment in the Clinton Cemetery at 2,30 o,clock, Bev, Mr, Grant, het favorite pastor, con ducted the services, assisted by Rev, Allis, Large and beautiful were the floral offerings 'laid upon the casket by the friends who knew the deceased while at life, MINOR LOCALS, The Chrismas turkey will be dear his year, and wholesalers hesitate to uggest what the probable 'price may a qe. Throughout the turkey districts there is,a great scarcity of birdsowing to the cold, wet spring. In one inst- ance of farmer set seventy two egg, and his flock of turkey chicks num bered five for the season, This con ition is found to generally prevail g y so • far as tuck e are 'once rued y 1 here d izook are more ducks sere , g and,chi ekens a 11 t than for some yearn past - Exchange, VVe trust our Conservative friends.: 1 Succee � if the Stove or Range ;!s of an inferior make We have agood supp1y. of the followingpopu la high- class i- class Ranges, It pays to buy the best.- Happy;Theught, Welcorne National •, Paindora,Superb Steel-sombthiltrg . new .also some cheaper lines. L.i t In Heaters we havethe following Radiant Home, Acme Jewell Cheerful Home Round Oak stoves Dan.dy, and several sizes of Sheet Iron Air' Tight Perfection; ,Oil Heaterw -just the thing for chilly{ lmor,nings avid evenings, Prepae'e for the witilter by usiinlg Brantford' Roofing. Roofing Paint' by the gallon or barrel, Wibdowi .Glass and Putty OU'R STOCK IS COMPLETE, We have a patent Fuel Saver free with every Healer sold. a for sale cheap. A few second hand Coal Heaters 1 h HA A� L N l� l� ROT�-I h iZ5 R. STOVES, HARDWARE' AND NOVELTIES have abandoned their idea that our farmers will become annexationists ' because thsy are sending their cattle to a free • American marker, ' The good cowcan be changed d to the poor cow- byabusive gg Ptreatment. nt. If you really must use Loud violent pro fame language buy a mule, Thanksgiving Day has been fixed for Monday, r 20 An Order in Council has been passed naming this date, For the last two years the last Mondats in !October was Thanksgiving Day but. this year the date . has been moved a week earlier Monday bow ever, seems to have permanently displaced Thursday as Thanksgiving Day in Canada. • Trade follows the ad. • For all kinds of commercial printing trey The New Era, • ST. THOMAS SA, BAND COMINer A, musical festival' will be given by the St. Thomas Salvation Army Land, in the Army Hall, hexa Sat- urday night at 8 o'clock, The band 's'weli known and is well worth hcarin•g. Envoy ;Toisey of St. Thomas will preside oVer the meeting. On Sunday afternoon at 3 o'cl ock the Envoy will give ataik on Ind: a. He has, spent soma time in India. and while thercri manag- ed to get iaaheathen God and many other curios, whidh he will bring with him to the meeting. This promises to be Ian interesting meeting. On Sunday night hewill be in charge and the 'band will take a prominent part in 'the meeting. All are, invited. • o•••*•••N•H•N•f1.0•••***•••*••***••••••••••1••••'• * • ` . . Y Y• • • •••••••• ******••••••••••••• ►•••00}N••••••••••'•••••• NEW SIGNS,' Naw signs have been erected at the "Huh" grocery store and, at Fh Sr Cha nnan'tboot . n .shoe 1 act store, • .A.CCIDENTS.,' Mrs. Meilveen fell on Tuesda night and broke her mina. A girl attending the , C.C.I. from Henson had the misfortune to put her knee out of joint on Wednes- day while playing basket ball. The New Era wishes both ladies( a speedy recovery. ON PAGE THREE. A .letter from South Amerlica, written by Mr. H. F. Johnston, son of Mr. W. H. Johnston of Varna, will found on page 3. It should in- terest everyone, WILLIS BAZAAR. The ladies of Willis Church will hold a Bazaar including sale of fancy wort: and plain sewing,•'also serve afternoon tea, on Oct. 29th, a 1.30; in the Council Chamber. A CHANGE IN BUSINESS. CLUBBING RATES New Era. and Daily Globe...... $.1,50 New Era and Weekly Globe 1.60 New Era and Daily Mall and Empire, 4.50 New Era and `Weekly 1y1ai'1 Y an,d l7mpire 1.60 New Era and Daily World 3.36 New Era and Daily News 2.35 New Era, and Daily Star 2.35 New Era and Family Herald and. Weekly Star 1.85 New Era and 'Weekly Witness 1.85 New Era and Northern Mes- senger • 1.60 Nate Era and Canadian Farm 1.85 New Era and, Canadian Farm 1.85 New Era and Farmer's Sun1.85 New Era and !`Daily Free; Press,' morning 3.35 New Era and Daily 'Freer Press; evening 2.85 New Esia and 'Weekly Free Pres1 1,85 New Era and Daily Advertiser 2.85 New Era and Weekly Adver- t t:,cel. 1.60 New Era and' Farm and Dairy 1.85 New Era and Farmer's Advo- oatc 2.35 Tho New Era understands that Mr. James Danford is retiring from the firm of Dunford & May. W have not heard' what" Mr. Dunfor intends doing. FRUIT STORE. m ENGAGEMENTS AT TOWN HALL e d To -night -Kemp and Jessop. Oct, 20-15astime Club Dance Oct. 29 -Willis Church Bazaar. Nov. 16 -Guy Brothers. Mr. Caruso, a native of Italy, has opened upa wholesale and retail fruit store, in ate stork; recently occupied by W. A. McConnell, drug- glst Mr. Cruse states; -that be is a cousin of the world famous tenor 1 C.C.I. STUDENTS AT SEAFORTH The SeaforthQI. held their annua field day last Friday and many of the students of the local Collegiate wen down to spend the afternoon, The football match between the two Col legiates resulted in a tie, while the basketball game between the young ladies resulted ii a victory of Seaforth bya score of 5 goals to 4. Au eater tainment was held in the evening. ACCIDENT NEAR BLYTH•. The Blyth Standard reports an ac cident to a sonein law of Mrs. Thomp son, Albert street. -Mr. J. B. T iernary had the ntisfortene 'while driving to his home one day last' week, to be thrown from his rig, his horse shying at a passing automobile, and have two ribs fractured. We are pleases] to state that ho is improving nicely. QUIET_ WEDDING. On Wednesday evening df this week a quiet wedding took place at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Henry Darter, when their daughter, Minnie Charlotte Plewes, was married to Mr Melvin Crich, of town, by Rev, SCJ Allin. They will reside on Victoria street. The New Era joins in con gratulatious. PURCHASED RESIDENCE. Mr, Chas, Bartlift purchased the house and lot, owned by lir. L Suiten now of Glencoe, and will take poses sion as soon as present. tenant moves out. Mr, Bartliff has secured au excel lent piece of property, TITS RIGHT KIND OF HENS.- Ed, IENSrEd, Munroe seems to have the hens you read about but seldom see. Ile has nine that commenced laying last December and have not taken their summer vacation yet, They are the Rhode Island Red breed. He also has some pulletts, single comb, R. 1, Meds four and a half months old and they commenced to lay last week, How s that for a record? IVIEDALS TO BE PRESENTED. .Goderich Signal. Medals have been received from the Royal Canadian Humane Association for presentation to Graham and James Ross, sons of Rev; Geo. E, Ross, of town, and Mar garet McTaggart, the young daughter of Geo. ,:Taggart of Clinton in re cognition of their rescue of a. fellow bather from drowning in the lake at Bayfield on the 21st of July last. It has been arranged to have the pre septations made by His Worship Mayor Reid on the occasiou cf'the entertainment under Y. Id. 0, A. auspices at North street Methodist church next Thursday evening, 16th lust, T tITILI'G IIT MUSICALE. On Thanksgiving afternoon, at 4.30 M,. P. C. D '.Bristowe, organist of Willis church, will give. a twi- t ght Musicale concert under the auspices of the Girl sir Club, Re will be assisted with steles by Mrs, T. E. East. Miss Aglaia Glenn, Miss' M. Wiltse.- and Dr. 'Gandier, and Met. J. Doherty. The organ solos are 1 -Pastorale. by Kuliat., 2-S'lver Trumpets, by Viviani 3 -Marche Bell ions, by Guilmant 1-.lndantino, by Lemare, 5-Berseuse, by Guilnvant; .1 small admission 1vi11 be charged so no one need stay away; MORE MAIL SERVICE. 'A GOOD TI.3'EE AT HAYFIELD• The young people os town held an enjoyable dance at Bayfield on Friday night. A big crowd autor•ed out to the summer resort. PRELIMINARIES PASSED. An orber.in•0ouncil at Ottawa has been passed authorizing the necessary 1 proceeding for fixing a date for tak• ing a vote on the Canada Temperance t act in the Counties of Welland, Huron and Peel. The Canada Tem- - peran ie act is a better known as the "Scott act. A SOCIAL EVENING, The members of the Clinton Branch of the Women's Institute purpose holding their Annual Social Eveniug on Thursday Oct 23 1013 at Eight O'clock, in The Lodge Rocm over; The Moisons Bank. A good program, and refreshments will be served. The members of The Branch invite all la- dies of the town and community to attend. An admission fee of ten cents will be charged. 'hue 10 now sent out fr'oiL''Clin- ton postoffiee by the 5,15 p.m, train a mail bag for the Toronto, St, Mary's an•cl" London train west conta'ning ordinary r inn • earl matter Y for all points. on that lino; west of Gut 1ph. also 'mail matter fof, the night and early morning trains out of London, such asLondlon and Owen Sound, ,and Stratford; Lis- towel and Palmerston. -London' and St, Thomas. London and Windsor, London and Sarnia, and for all the Western States. ' LORD'S DAY ALLIANCE, As the accounts,• of the year close on the last day of thi,s'mon'th,Athe tr ciasurer le desirous, to make full returns from this branch not later than the 18th. Will all 'who are in the habit of contributing, and all who are so disposed; who have not done so for the presentyear, kind- ly Mand in their amounts by ,said date, You can hand in either to your minister,, or la representative. Put the money, into fan (-envelope with your name on it. th•aitl'we may know who is to have the mont h]y Advodate, and if placed on the col- lection' plate on Sunday, will be, handed to me by the representa- tive. The following are the repre- sentatives -Willie Church, Mr. J. Scott; St, 'Paul's, C.D. Bouck; Bap- tist, D, Prior; Ontla,rpo Sit., D,Tip- lady ; Wesley, W.11. fiellyar, J. GREEENE, Treas. , WEDDED- IN WIN GHHA:61. A wedding took place last Wednes day at Winghn.nt when bliss Annie Dinsmore Femme the wife: of lir, H. Roberton, ot the Bayfield road. The happy couple ars now residing on the g'ruom's farm, which tan i' cently lamellas from Sl11'. Adapt Scott 1'he New Era offers congrlatulal- tions, SOON 13.E CO YEARS MARRIED, The Seaforth Expositor of last vrrk speaks of a couple well- I:l,,,wn and highly respected citi- z:•ne.--Jfr, A. \t' Iter of C'iinton, one of tine respected pioneers of Tuck- erstnith. e',ent Wednesday last in to•.v+, with his daughter. Mrs. 001 Ileo, rile. \Viltse is new SO yea"s of age. but rs' still able to get around quit, smartly, Re was on his way home from Walton where he had been visiting friends. Mrs. Wil tsti is nearing ninety. and if they are spared until January next they will have been married sixty years, tVVIIEATON-HOLMES. A quiet wedding took place- at f he home o, itIr. and Mrs. Robert: I1'c1 nus, •17 •'aimerston Boulevard, Tor onto. 00 Friday, Oct. .10th. when their eldest daughter, Isla Gertrude :rude became the wife; : of Itt'. Chas, 't , Wheaton., managing director of the Dodge Manufacturing Co. Preceecl ing' the bride's enttauce, her• sister, Miss Sadie, sang "Because God Made Thee Mine,'' To the strains of the Lohengrin march. played by her youngest sister, Miss Helena., the bride entered the rUiawing- room with her father, wearing ...her travelling suit of broncho blue velour With French hat of .ljlaci. t civet, 'and carrying a shower bou- cruet of roses and lily of the..valley Her only attendant was 1',Iiss Evelyn n Carl of Glen R.oact who made avery dainty flower girl. De. Tot ell. associate pastor of Trinity Methodist Church, officiated Mr, and firs. Wheaton left on the even- ing 'train for the Eastern States, and on their returtn will reside:, at 120 Bedford Road, Toronto. Among those present were guests from Oshawa, St. Catharines, and Clinton the latter. being Mrs H. B. and hiss GertrudeCh C not; Mrs. A. T. Cooper and .Mi se.Amelia'Harland, •A•s•sseeseeeeeesseseessee Local News 600. Aby-law granting a freed assess- mont of '$20,000 to the Goderich Or - gal Company for n �. 0 o to cars v - t scar 1 3 3 1 re; el at Goderich U,u, Saturday, da by the ratepayers. The vote was 371 to 100. The. compe,n;y has some im- portant mIortitat extensions. to its plant in cosaltemplatior„ Mr. John G'il gIener 'Of Exeter, Eng.: a member of the city Coun- cil, paiid na short' visit, to Exeter last week.Mt Gardener was one of the gentlemen who assisted in the Exeters some few yeags ago. exchange of flags between the two Messrs, Henry and Edward Wil-,. lest and Rol. R... Hayter, of Dash-' wood. who spent some time in New Ontario, returned home last week. Mr, Chas' -Brodie, Sr, of Seaforth is a champion, grower of tomatoes They', are what is called the, Beef- stake variety. Two weight four pounds ancl one of these measured sixteen an•d• a half inches in circum ference. Eight which were' picked at random Weight ten pounds. Mr. William Govenlockof Egmond v. Ile has mold his handsome brown pony to O8'. IP, Ho 1C4albraithl,of Brussel It stook s coned prize at Brussels Fair, Mr. Ed, Mole electrical superint- endent at Seaforth met with a some what painful accident on Monday, He was lifting a heavy pole and sp:ialned• his back, 1t W. D. Fair CO.'s comments° Ainiything that is acid ;nal Clinton, from :Clinton'iehvestment by the application of Clrtniton brain and labor, by an honest merchant, is more profitable for Clinton people to buy than the sante goods bought elsewhere 1 1 ( 1 11•'irs! uulers "HOW Che�apr'' is the cry of i,. laid sell them, but we claim I Ounce more the Fall -Going to hang any Wall Paper 2 We thifnk we have an:' ex- cellent,assortment of, goods in our line, but your judg- ment is best; we'll just sub- mit �aferw facto fo@(,your coin,- si:deu'lationl. Recently we sold' e main, Statement Tablets and by their use he collected some out-etlaading accounts.: Some moldths Jago another man bought our Lotus Lawn Note Paper, now pie is. married. A young llady got some, of our Side Combs and Barrett find she has a beau -only a few of this kind left. With our playing cards you can tell fortunes; our Ink 'will write checks ; our Lead Pencils figure the interest slut your bank account; our music has charare; ends ourPicture Post Cards will make and return your friends. Woodrow WWilsonPresi- dent of [the United States,. uses a WatermanWatermanIdeal Foun- tain Pen. It is in the hands of the of the world. We sell it, price $2,50 and, up some tradesmen, but "How Good'? i the maxim of the progrtessive merchant. There aria lower priced penes than the Waterman.; tivohave them a that a Waterman at $2.50 is the cheapest,' Thalntksgiving Day is Oct. 20th, and Hallow'e'en, Act. 31. We will have Post 'Cards and Novelties for both events, The St'a'ndard Fashion Book for fall, illlustrates all that ire 1plelw and stylish for the season, price 20c by mail 10c 'extra, add with it. any 150 pattter;n; free. Don't put money in a' ietter. use Dominion Express Money, 10trder6.. We sell thean alay hour of the da,y. Cheap as any, most convenient, ab•so. lately safe. < i Two good things -Your Mo'tl'ey ands our Wall Paper, -Let's Trade, WHEN 2 TheW.D. Fair eo. Often the cheapest-Ttlways the Best National Portland. Cement, After trying other kinds, you'll always come back to the best.. The Best Cement is the National Portland Cement It is the old stand-by. A car load just in. S. J. - ANDIEWS,, Clinton' MINOR LOCALS.. 1„tr.i l 'lS0Iy rt•iOCS ill Ontario Street '.hutch next Sunday. 'I'hanlesgiving. Monday, Oct. 20th :Even the trees 'rye discarding their summer apparel. The Londcsboru f a'vest (lone Supl`i:1 on Thanksgiving nigh will 1,• an atteaet.on for many Clin- nn ans. K: app-Jeasnit to -night. :arid in the mimes of your holi- day guests or tell us where you, t=1,. •ut the heyday. A Provincial Sunday School con Tuition will be held in Owen Sound on Oct 28 30. Always screw the limit jar covers on e0 tight that von can'tbudge them next winter. The old mon enjoys be ing called from his work to "help open this jar of fruit-. The W. 1). M. 8, intent' holding their annual Thankoifering service on Thursday evening tonight when Mrs. Turner of Blyth will give an address, ' The corner Store "Live and let Live" House=C;eaning Season is Here We have all kinds of Soaps, Ammonia's, Pear'line, Gold Dust, Lye, Soap Chip, Olcl Dutch Cleanser Saturday Special 6 Bars Comfort Soap for 25c 6 Bars Cosmos Soap for 25c FRUITS Oranges, Lemons', Bananas, Grapes, Pears, . Citron's. VEGETABLES Sweet Potatoes, .Spanish Onions, •Cooki:ng Onions, Cabbage, Tomatoes and Celery HIGHEST MARKET PRICE .FOR PRODUCE. Em E. F .rn nifo rd PHONE 45, Riles! Grade Bread Conner's Koine-modegreed Conner's Elome-mode Bread is quality through and through. There is not a detail of good making and baking overlooked, so you know what you are getting when you order this Good Bread. CHAS, COINER Baker and Confectioner Ii'IVE STRONG POINTS About our plumbing; include goods inaterials, up-to/date supplies, su- perior workmanship, promptnese, and reasonable prices, for SATISFACTORY PLUMBING can, you ask more? Get our estimates first, anyway,. Thos.lawkins Plumbing, and heating (Picone 58) miumawssul 'fi•••++++•4•: 4d•44,g4D+,,l,++.f4. a.m q ! 0++4ele3!1b +1•II.444eteleq•+•F•14:f.D;++'h • •II• Fes,. 7ew • Fay, Shoes • • • +++++÷+f • •• 1 �•. •a•• • • 4. • • • • • • • • • As exhibited in our new wand• large stock, are exceptionally attractive in style,, and uncom- monlygood in quality.Those who wear our g shoe's this fall are going to yearn of Better Shoe Satisfaction withoutg. any Pay inmore than 'formerly. They are going to learn that while these shoes of ours cost no more than common, they are Better in Stye Better in Fit Better in Wear We know that every pair in our stock is so good in quality, tbat when We sell them it will be just like sending out so many people to say good things about our shoes. 4. 4 FRED JACKSON S • THE HOME OF 4001D SHOES 1.;1.4*1•*Eli ; +i'Ml F++++++++++++++++4,44-4. 1 i'