HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-10-16, Page 4+, ;eeee adeiletaeacietetsite tete ee *, ittire:.•,: lltoetee li�itlltteli y tFniefilab `�i DryCoods •° $nes ' Phall►e78,,�ve��� t w Randy a> car Be Snie tz�. ti t'ste Our Splendid Display 1ol iI!J1I$11.Fall Garments e. N wCoats, Sults and'` _ Dresses Ar rrvinp. b Ever Day Y Each day sees new garments' come g into our store from the style cutters } sof Canada and America. Always »Something` New" is our aim, and that we are succedingis shown owrr by the number of women who are daily satisfying their garment wants at this store; Style, •uality and Value are the attributes of every garment in our stock. Women's Suits at 16 are $ Worth Your Inspection You'll find them at least $5 more value than this price; you'll'find they havemore style: more qnality; fit better, and are made better than most suits priced at $20. They are satin lined, made of high .grade serges, black and navy only, The style you have been looking for is here, regular $2o and G822 Suits for 16.00 MILLINERY Distinctive in Style and Quality Our showing of the latest models for the fall and winter wear is now most complete. Many imported Models, as well as charming creations adapted from our own workroom. Every hat shows that excellent style and quality which has made this store fanned fat High-class Millinery. I M000N000��•00000�0��00N00.000011.00.00.00000010•• As Seeii• FnimtheGaliery • ww00000011®0+400 ECHOES FROM QUEEN'S PARK. f00000As0a0. ' (Special to the New Era) Not content with watching the Domi and the indications 'uion bve elections Scheduled for deci are that the secureur siau in Ontario, the Whirney Govern tthhheBar policy pp t of L bal sxtent is going to stage one bute enthusiasticaffect support of de r degree 0 of its own but t will affe et theth a considerable ria P • v' LO t nci aif'dere field, g e Tie opening of the Constituencyof bethe normal fightingToiground Peel looks to 'i" eel is the' Sill bye election since the I er better f for lac Lib General election in December 1911. which thby any tj the vthe e places in The majority secured by Samuel Char, bye elections have Mau ow lI zees, the Government member, who advanced p`ogra effect of cu Rowelat lees resigned presumably to become ion to theadvan advantage the common 'Registrar of Peet Count was g f the common Y, people the general public toi. the Pro • 'candidate 700. nnd the With a do o siren th dmimanifest. Its real Liberals are said to' strength admittedlywill not. •tie' bringing out a first class man this be as ext i i'' 11 e t� d until majority shoo d be very greatly re for bye electionsiothe general election duced, and in fact there is a chance of Y are regarded by staking a turn over a.nd electing the practical. hut in ers as acadparticularemic than Liberal c indtdate, The Opposition test the Rowell programme should goes into this contest with a notice make a strong appeal. .ablesupnly of optimism and enthus ixaem The constituency as a whole is - said to be strongly for temperance, ebt ▪ ' ▪ Personal N 44 - ►`1F If those having relatives or friends • visiting in town or going -away notify ue of the fact each week,. wo X44Double .would uunouuce it iu the Nr,W Pure, 4-`4+'44+++444+ Feed Doors d Miss' Elsie Fawcett o£ Blyth itcd in Clintohh last week.5 There is no danger of hit- ting the sides and, spilling Mr, Tom Cooper of Helena, Mont, -coal .all over the P g spent Monday with relatives in floor with town,' lie, was on .his wayhome the big Sunshine feed doors. from a bitstnas's tri1, to Washington and New York. •' These doors will admit a Targe chunk of wood, too. 'Our local agent will show : you this and :many other "Sunshine" 'advantages. Send for zfree booklet. - lar � s Sunshine Furnace 8 I' a Sutter Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7. tiMMIIRIUMMIIMIW Mrs. A. T. Cooper has' returned from Toronto, where she attended the Whest.nn-Holmes wedding.; Mrs, Cranston of Port Arthur is the guest of her parents, Me, and Mrs, John Torrence. Miss Mamie Hall of Constance is the guest of Miss Lois, Holmeee Mrs, 1). B. Kennedy ' leaves, on Saturday for Detroit where she w 11 spend some time with, her son, Mr, J.B. Kennedy. • Mr. Cha I .s Tisdale. eldest_ son of Mr. J. P. Tisdale, foi'vleely of Cl nton, who recently passed,his law examinations, has' berome,' a 'Collor partner of a law firm at Yorkton; Sask., with a salary of $3.000 a year, which is pretty good for a young roan. The officials of Bathurst Street Methodist. Church, 'Toronto, have shown t • )air appreciation of the Rev. Mr. . Neal, brother of Mr. Al- bert Neal, by increasing hie Bala yy from $1500 to ;$2500, Prof. 11. C, Wright of the Facet ty of, Applied Science,' Toron- to University, ntvcatsity; is spgl.en; of for the position of city 'architect. Mrs. Wright isa darfglte'r of the late James Turnbull, for many years principal of the 'Clinton Colelgiate The pipe orgaioi fund of Caramel Chnreh 'Remelt ie k'rowing by leaps a^el bounds end prospects are bright for it soon`reach*g the two,. day next,. Oct, 10th.. The Rev, 8, J. theus,alnlcl dollar mark; g Alhn of Clinton, will preach at 2;30 in eOlborne, , Mre, Jewell ,Dead,`` -A prominent and highly respected resident of Co borne; township was buried. in . Co borne cemetery on Friday Oct 3rd n the person of -Mrs. Melvon Jewell (nee Cloren r' oe A matrong aged 29 ' . geyeara who died on � r eduesda4 October 1st The deceased suffered though a Ian g g and tedious Oars " 1 but t bore her suffer"" inge with great patience. She was a Methodist in religion andattended theetho M ai to s church at Be nmI il er•. : Serviving her loss is her 'husband, Mr Melvon Jewell a son Reginald • two bro thers William. of Sault Ste. Marie and:; Henry, of Westfield three sigters, Mrs E „Vansione' of Benmiiler. Mrs. Geo rge Smith Deseronto, and Miss Lottie, of Warren. The funeral took place frotn her late residence, lot 7 con 2, to Colborne cemetery. There was a large attendance and the :floral tri butes were in profusion, The hearers were her six brothers in law Messrs."' Wm. Phillips, Joseph Twedell, Ed ward Maskell, Edward Vanstoue, Albert Good and Robert Rogers,. Goderich Ode of the oldest' residents of (Mode rich, Helen Ogilvie, widow of Mat thew Hutchison, was laid to rest. in Maitl`and cemetery at Goderich on Monday afternoon. 'Mrs • Hutchison,. who was newly ninety years of age went there with her husband in the early sixties when the Ogilvie and Hutchison trill one of the first and most modern of that line was started Five of herfatnily still survive, Wil Main manager of the Lake of the Wood Milling Company. Winnipeg, , and Alex chief physician of.the Grand Trunk and Gi and Trunk Pacific Beltways Montreal Mrs, James Thom wife of the manager of the White Star Dominion Line of Montreal and Mieses'12211a and Fannie of Goderich. Goderich, Oct, 10, -Edward Schaef fer of Winghan, was found guilty here today by Judge Doyne of indecently assaulting Edith Nixon of Wingham last December and was sentenced to fifteen months in the Central prison On imposing sentence the Judge severely reprimanded the prisoner say ing that such scoundrels ought to be shot, and the sooner the community was rid of such blackguards the better off it would be. Lonaesboro Mrs- Will Lyon returned home on Friday evening after a two months visit with friends -in Manitoba, Sask- atchewan, Alberta and British Colvin bia. Mrs. Harty Revnolds of Aurora who has been visiting at the home of Mr. Joseph Lyon and other relatives re turned to her home on Wednesday, Mrs Iiaggan of Rockwood is visit Mg her uncle. Mr. Joseph Lyon. Mr. John Hiles whohas been c isiting the scenes of his boyhood days for the past week in this neighborhood, left for his home in Kincardine on Tues dop. Fowl Supper and Thanksgiving ser- vices in the Londesboro Methodist Church ou Sunday, October 19, 1913 Rev. 8. A. Anderson of London will preach at 11 a. in. and 7 p. m. Mon, day evening,Oct. 20th, Thanksgiying Day. The big fowl supper, for which Lonbesboro is famous, will be served in the Basement of the Church from 0 to So clock. After which an excellent programme will be given in the Audi- torium, 1 he following will take part: The Clinton (Wesley Church Quartette Mrs. Ida Cole -Doherty, Elocutionist Rev. Miller of Auburn, Rev. McCor- mick of Jlolmesville Rev. Anderson of London Rev, Reid of Londesboro Don't miss the event of the season; Tuckersmith The death occurred in Toronto on Friday of Lucinda Hannah, wife of Mr John 1, D' ickson, formerly of the Township of Tuckersmith• Although Mrs. Dickson had been in poor health for some time, the news of her death was a great shuck to her many friends in Seaford), and 'vicinity, The de ceased, who was a sister of Mrs. Samuel Dickson, of Seaforth is surviv ed' by 12er husband and two sons and three daughters The remains were brought to Seaforth on eVednesday, the funeral taking plane from the Sea forth station on the arrival of the 1.30 p. m. train, to Maitland Bank ()erne tery. Stanley, Mrs, W. G. Wright of HarrowEssexCounty is visiting this week at the home of her sister Mrs, Hugh MoGreg or, lYliss Etta Jarrett, Miss Ida Taylor and Mr. Geo, Baird attended the Teachers Institute at Exeter on Times day of last week. .Miss Emma :Taylor is at present vis iting her sister' hirs John Somerville of St, Marys. Exeter T, le, McCallum came home from London. to act as pallbearer' at the funeral of D, A. Ross. James Ogden and family have moved hack to Exeter atter spending the sum mer on the farm. Mr. Laurie Watson bas been serious ly ill during the past week. A week ago Thursday he went to London to undergo a slight operation for the re moval of one of the bones of the nose Mr. Watson is on the way to -recovery Dr. Prescot Ross, of Natnpe, Idaho, and Warren Ross, of Minnesota will remain in Exeter a week, in order eo settle up theird'ather's business. Both boys are doing well on the other side of the line. .Rev. E. A Fear and wife are visitors at the home' of their, daughter,,Mrs, 1V, S, Harvey, 111;aytiel(i Mr. 3. Thompson is buildinga break water to protect his road from being washed away in the spring freshets. Mr. Metcalf, wife and family have left for their home in Detroit, after spending the summer at their beauti ful summer residence. Perch fishing has been extra fine, G and the H, beam n e have found it hard d to get. n market for them, rand had to Ming their nets ashore until ,prices pick tip, Mr.' Galbraith .has bought the late - 1 Dr', Stunbury's residence for $4,200, Members of the ) Presbyterian (aria Church will give a fowl simperY d and concert on Oct. 21, fork• which- they have secured' Mr' C Pink and Miss Jea,i Walker, of London, Rrnecfxelil The. AnniversaryServices of the Methodist church will be held on Sun. • • trite eftelnoou, and the Rev 11. Wood, of the Presbyterian church at7 in the. evening '1 he 'Qnartettie of Wesley °hutchwill;tssist in the musical part of the services. We are asking for a free will thank offering cif 840. Mr. Bruce Bbssen , ut • Y+ l wife and familymotored for up ed,from Grand tR i d on Saturdayend�spent Surd aY D. Mclntstah's, They wereaccoinpamed by Miss Emma McIntosh, who has beta on a menth'svisit at the Bend. Mr. Walter Watts, accountant the Dominion Beuk, Seitforth, but who has made bis home here, has been transferred to Marmora • Hastings County. where he will act as manager Mr. Watts an obliging official, and will be missed in this community, Dr. McNally,Owen Sound, district health officer, was here recently in con sultation with Dr. Rogers M. H. O. for Stanley Township, over a piece 'of open ditch in the village. There was no school on Thursday and Friday on account of the teachers association at Clinton. The rain which has fallen lately was badly needed and will do a great deal of good; Thepastures were scorched and bare, and a number of wells had gone dry. There will be no service in the Pres- byterian Church here next Sabbath evening on account of the anniversary services in the Methodist ,Ohurch. where the Rev. Hall Woods will preach ir. the evening, Mrs, John Grainger and young son are visiting Mrs Grainger's father and mother here. The public library hoard meets this evening for the purpose of buying nen books for the coming season. About r will $7v be extended. Porter's Hill Don't forget the anniversary services at Bethel Church next Sunday Oct. 11) h. Rev. Mc0 ,rmick chill preach at 10:30 a, m, and 7 p. m. special music is being prepared' Miss Mc0crmick of Trowbridge is expected to sing at each service. Mrs.:Jor'clon was called to Hollyrood this week, to attend the funeral of her Nephew, Barry Bradford, Mr's. Jenkins of Godericb, and Mrs. Wm, Waiters of Colborne visited in the neighborhood last week, • - Mr, Marshall of Wingham visited at John Weir's this week. Goderich Township The following is the report of S S. No 0, Goderich Township for the month of Septemher,'names in order of merit. Sr. 4th -Latina Connell, Lola Jiudie, Jr. 4th -Edythe Sterling, George Green, Tom Hudie.. Sr, ?rd -Bruce Grigg, Charlie Coop- er, Willie Pearson, Earl Cooper, Jean Cook. Jr. 3rd -Willie Sterling, Gladstone 'Grigg, John Ostrom, Alfred Mudie. Sr. 2nd -Cecil Connell. Pt, 2 -Ila Grigg, • Lizzie Peorson, Jr. 1st -Harold Connell- Carman Grigg. Jinnor Roll -Emma, Connell, George Green. Charlie Cooper, Jean Cook, Edythe Sterling, John Ostrom. Edythe Peddles, Teacher East. Wawranosh The following is the report of S. S. No. 10. East Wawanosh, for the month of September: - Sr. 4th.-Rti'th McGowan, Jr. 4th, -Violet Parker, Hilliard Mc• Gowan, Cora' Fear, George Wilson, Ernest Toll. Sr. 3rd. -Ella Fear, Ira Toll. Jr. 3rd. -Luella Wilson, John Par- ker, Edna McGowan. Walter Patter- son. Jr. 2nd, -Ella Toll. Pt, `2, -Finlay McGowan, Clara Mc. Gowan, May Parker, Pr.-B,uby Toll. Ida McGowan, E. ti li. Philips. s. Trac er p Teacher • Mullett Miss S. 3. McOool of Clinton spent a few days with her brother, Wm. Mc. Cool. Miss Elsie Adams has returned to Chicago after spending two weeks with Mrs. Adains sr ttlrs, Jainei Snell and son Wm, of 'Wan tvano s) spent formers brotherJohn n. Sunday with the Mr, and Mrs. George Stewart of Van couver B. C. is visiting his cousin Stun Mc0ool and also her brother bit'. Lovet of Clinton, Mrs, Elisha -Walker of Morris spent a few days with her cousin James Snell of 2.nd con, The new school of S. 8, No, 5 was opened on Monday, The flag was hoisted at 10 o'clock and the bell rang also, The morning was spent in ace dressesr reading and songs, A number of the parents attended and lunch was served at 12 o'clock. All enjoyed a good time and hope that many more gatherings wi'1 be enjoyed in the future in the school, Mr. William H. Moon tax collector of the township commences to collect 'taxes this week. Moved to New' School- On Monday the children of S. S. No. 5 Hullett, marched from their•,old school to' their beautiful new school on the gravel road a mile and a quarter south of Londes• born. The occasion was celebrated by a large number of the ratepayers who met in the new, school house and listened to addresses by the Inspector Dr. Field, Rev. Mr, Reid, Mr. James Snell and elr; James Campbell Others contributed songs and ,recitations,. while a generous and tasty lunch was served by the ladies The school is of white brick with red trimmings, over a stone basement; it is beautifully fin- ished in Georgia pine and is provided with the most approved accommoda- tions. The ratepayers are justiyy proud of their 'school, in the building of which Trustees Snell and Fear deserve particular credit, The teacher is Miss Bessie'McEwan. This makes four -new schools for the township within two years, _I, record hardly: likely to be surpassed by any in the province. Births, Marriages & Deaths MARRIAGES, . CRICH-PLEWES-In IC1:n•ton, at the residence 1 atdenec o£ the 'bride's s pear-. enits Mr. and Mrs. :aanrtyt carter, on Oct. 15th, byRtev. 5I J. Aplin, Mvin C innierleh, 'Ch'arlotte Plewes to Mel- WIIEATON=IiOLMES A:t the IOW d'enee of the brides patents, 272: Palmerston Boulez ltd, YC0i on'0, 01.1 Get, 10th. by .R,ev. Dr•. Loysll, Mr. Chias, F. Wheaton, managing director of the Dodge Mfg. Co. to Ida` Gertrude, eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. R,ober•'t Holmes, for- merly of Clinton,, • e Voice or The People On Liconse" Question ttncl.l'axTtate ;:rraoei Forks hoe aliopula'tien' ; of fU,000, tgood streets and yvallcs The TO the Editor of the Ne{sv,..Era In recent isssieis of your•: rape items ]nave •eppea:recl co.ncetnin Local a O t" o l on t �vluc lr p unint entron no doubt It P f + g la ansa View of ,.1 ' 3' t , e t t ,i o S Of the �•-. 11„ all aid *Ohm hit the hffect' 0f pt'elndicinguYsom waders who Would otha?igvise •f vorl a 3. I G Local' O tion p iter, xef&e'ed 'Qto the Sa that the "Oen:4e ''Huron .'iLicen Comndssio tars were going to .a the Town, Course:l, fof• tit. grant $100.00' towards s Dn far i' cn the g L gear • laws;.,aild intimated that ,fl Ooune,l w:ouid have to supply tll money if asked to "do Go, beeau we had adopted Local Option, • B I venture' to 'say that when t commissioners loot: up their i at.rtrctions'-they will find 't'hlat th have Ino such authority, and' tt 'Provincial government have a tvay s taken the position, 'that • wla s where Local Option has .be o car rd that thetrb Is, to be c'.hangos in the matter of enforc talent, the'Government 'taking f. responsibility for all expenses. Should however, t.he'local co doll. have any expenses in e forcing the Liquor Act, these e »32030' are bo •ne,by the town, but the town also 'gets the' fines as 0 I as the expenses when prose- cutions are secured by the town's officers, and it is' the 'business of rho town constables' oto secure such convictions, if any violations to plane. instead of Waiting for t Provincial �.nc]al ]nspactors to do s Thele is no reason why the L iqu Act should not produce ,a s'tirpl for the- town trc'asuiuy instead taking Money mit of it. Another item appeared which se that they 21-2 mills increasoin to es this year, 'was due lto .'}.cool 0 tilos, which teas unfair• as well untrue, The town will not receive' th year, • the usual $900,00 for 'leen fees and there will be about $30 CO less Lazes paid by the hot keepers. But• against this total $1200,00 loss its -a net profit of $100 30 frani net 'Electric Light i tat that the. towel gets thls•.year• f the first time land which makes• r, rt loss to the town on these the items of $200,00, or less than o ia:anter of a m'il, se that 'the trust be an increase of 21-4 mill caused by 'Mule additional expe see for which Local Option( is n responsible. Ansi such increase ca in doubt. h•' expla ned Prom ti town's financial budget, as' pr pared and passed by this! yea Council. Thanking you for givin this letter space, 1. am, Yours truly, A. T. COOPER. farrnsrs here nearly all have unto-, tnab Ivs. to conic- to town in, and: 4, some come at a great rate of • speed, A ' T r,r e o r� a rat man g gm at ., e 0 Y people 1 h le that al 't came from Canada, so tl e me v n • i t o thin , L B 5 •e r Y a I1 a S G 'end. g , they fi ' t tll]. r ve x have goad regards -fort Cangcla and. hea• people bei • H.LV, I ERMORE, et' 'Note• -This letter Ives, I'eoeived se 00-12.3 time ago, lint being' mislaid Ile • a,nd afterwards being . e+,owded out of on account of fairs; etc., As' L've rmo:e isnot. homo he will be toga�e a flitter account of e . h s trip to his many friends: -The se hd'.tor; ut lle NOTICE TO CItEIDI'I'4DIt$ ey fn n NOTICE is hereby given thaut.all no persons having claims against :the e estate' of Ann, Stevens', late of ft the V I:age of Londeshoro, in the County of Huron, widow, n_ who died on or about the twenty- n- seventh day of jelly, 1913, are re - x_ quircd to deliver to the undersign•- ccl administrato tor Solicitor, on or before the fust day of Novem- ber. 1913,a full statement of their claims together' with par'Clout are thereof and the nature of the sec- urities, if any,'held by them all ke duty verified by 'affidavit, he AND TAKE NOTICE that :after th t D said last , t ] nen t'' „ mentioned o. ted dote, the or a O. administrator will proceed to us el st•rihat the estate of the said de - of ceased amongst the persons enti- tled there do having regard only id to such claims as they shall have x_ received due notice in accordance p_ herewith, as L'' -at, el atCl'utot, Oct, 13th, 1913 Daniel Stevens, is ' AdMnistratoe, so Sf . I3RYDONE, Clinton, Ont., Solicitor for the Administrator el of 0. it or el:Thanksgiving OM ' 9 9 ®a • Tn flim Estate of Ann Stevens ' C AND TRU ' RA l.WA :'SY$TT EM. n' SINGLE FARE of • iinod going October 20th n, Return Limit date of issue only es I'AREA•\D ONlu.t'IIIIID g Good going bctober 17.18,10.20. Return 1 mit October 2lnd,1913 A Letter from Mn. Livermore, Grand Turks, Sept. To the Editor of the Nebo Er -a Dear Sir, -I thought that some the readers of the New Elia wont like toknow how wegot along•o our trip, We hada good time an the• tra':n got. along fine,, but ha a little mishap at Sudbury, One o the cars somehow dropped clow in the centre. and delayed us oho two hours, and alien We went o our way •e' t •t rejoicing till 3 1 g we got to plat called Sehrieber• bene th Grand 'Trunk airs• double trackin their line to Fort William ' an had part of a big blast in a larg rock and it had not gone off a good as th expected, • They ex meted to elew it clear of the teas that the trains :'un on, initd Lal: Superior. hut it just dumped a to r•; t h on our ' of ti a-1:. so eve had d t slay at Schri be' for four hours From there to Winnipegtit fou o'c1 )015 in the morning by Clinto time, :and- three by Winnipeg time i c t eft Winnipeg at 5 .m. for Em merson and'• then Grand Fon;ke, s we had travelled so far by rail 1.561 unles. The crops' where th 1 tn'd has been worked well are pretty good. Some of the whea turnsout 25 bush: 11 to the acre This is the best. and that .)Orer•l0 t0, but is a very good sample. The as) ptyng here in Grand Forks 80 a,bush, I, The most of the cutting s don:, and quite a lot of the threshing and the Earmark are busy haul ng it to town. I like this pin.:� the best of any place, I • have seen s:Oce I lift bottle. but. Ihave not Semi any place just as good ars hoine, yet. We auto ed out into the country to -clay. into Mirneso'ta, along the Bed Lake, Here the far- mers grow quite a lot of coal. I encloto press clipping 'which re. Lens -toMr, Coulter, who has' 75 acmes of corn and 200 hogs. It has Leen very r dry hero cls this y Y l8 S'n to 11131•, and .i5 y'•t just as bad as I ie at tonic or I. think. worse, The ,heel 11.055 ,slower than it - was evert -known to be before; it is 3o Io'' that no boats except very small Mies- can run. Here is a goodplace to seethe benefit of lempeaance; twsn•ty year's ago .East Grand Forks i:acl the largest population; -to-day; atter • 20 years of good temperance lain ixt c+rand.,Fotics, Eat ;Caorks has a population 00.2,600 and 30 hotels, lead etreets' and reidewalks; WhilJe • of n d d f rt u l' h, d e s e 0 n 0 e Y c CLINTON MARKETS. Dogs $8.25. Eggs 28c to 300. Rutter 22e to 23c. Wheat 80-83 - 0 is 30, Barley -48-50 Peas -75-80 iBilaln-$223-$24. Shorts -1$25. Toronto to llariz et,, Top quotations tills wclel .- Cattle $8,00 I,amhs $7 50 eneo'p g Cheese Butter $5,21 $.8.85 12 7-8 24e to 30c 2Gc Oats ... 0.. .:.:...38 Whe-at ..... .... 88c I,ar'ley s ..:..._...; ...52; t Potatoes, per bag - 75c beans,...$t,50'to1,60 Wic" 15e to 26 The death occurred ea Winigham ole 'StatulIslaY afternoon last of Mr Able McGlynn, of Tui'nboisry his 66th .Year•, Mr.: MoGlynnr:hacl. been) in poor health for some. time and underwent on operation on Saturday morning.. ._ Between all stations' in Canada east of Port Arthur. also to Detroit and Port Huron Michel Buffalo, eta.* Rock. Niagara Falls and Sus- pension Bridge. N.Y. (Minimum Charge 25 cents,) Secure your tickets early al• Grand Truck Ticket offices, JOHN RANSFORD &SON passengel: &lticket agent, pnvne 57 A. O. PATTISON, Depot Agent .8omeseel[crS Excursion October 1,101. 21st, 28th To Manitoba. Alberta, Saskatche- wan. via Chicago, St, Pttul and Duluth or Sarnia and' the Northern, Nay. Co. Winnipeg and Return $35.00 Edmonton and Return 43.00 Propott ot,a`tc low rates to other points. Return limit two months', Through Pullman Tourist Sleep- ing ep- Ing Cars are operated toVennie without change, leaving Toronto 11 pint, on. above. dates, • The Grand Trunk Pacific Rail- way is the shortest and qu icices , route between, Winnipeg, Saska- toon. Edmonton, Full particulars and reservations at ,any Grand: Trunk Ticket office. John Bansford & Son. city passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57 A. 0. Pattison, station agent NOTICE. Revision of 'Voters List. tNotice is hereby . given that a Court wit be held. pursuant to the Voters Dist Act. by His Honour the Judge of the Comity Court 0i the County of Huron, at the Town Hall in the, Town of Clinton, on Thurs- day, the 30th. day of October, 1913, a 9.:o 'clock 5,10.• to hear and de - t tinne complaints of errors and otu ssrona in the Voters. List of the 1lfttn,rt ; ' slit • of Clinton I 1for 1913, Doted at Clinton this 16th clay of October, 1913, D. L, MACP.CIER,SON, Towilt Clerk Auction Sale of Grade Ce►vs Au atio.n S'aele of about 65 head of weI. bred grace cows and heifel5. Al v. J. E. Ferguson 'will sell b' pub-. Le auction:, eti the Union by yards, Goderich, -on Thursday, Oct, 23rd. commencing at 1.30 o'clock sharp -30 good. youngMinh. cotes, 1 some only calved ,a.short time that W.I I be good winter milkers, and others due to cal VS in the spring 5 barrow cows we 11 -bred and young ; 30 yearling and two-year- old heifers This will be 4a great chance to get, cattle. There will b: no reserve. Terrns-Sts months credit will bo givon on furnishing approved' joint notes, ,A. discount at the grate of six pec:' cent. allow- te d for cash. J, E. Ferguson, pro- prietor; Thos, Gundry, Auctioneer: For Sale A eeeried-hanfl Radiant Rome Heater With t oven for sale cheap MRS. CHAS, HELYAR, ,R att enbur.Y Street Mont, rag e for Sale $3.800.00 first mortgage on ill acres for sale, 0 W, BRYDONE IVtttl ed. A youlmg woman,' accustomed to house wont, wishes situation' in re- spectable family, Apply 'by ;Letter to, "New 'Era" Clinton, Poper- Many people tike to paper lel the fall in preferenee to ''I d it certainly the s ung an spring, has its' advantages The weather is cool Easy to get help. You are ready for thelong evenings to be spent indoors To keep you en your de- cision, let us- show you our complete lane of hangings, from the cheapest to the best. All paper trimmed Free 41201111111101111111 Copper Co_ CLINTON Farm for Sale • Th, undersigned offe_•s for sale enproved 7noted fa•'i„ of 100 acres. Lots 13 and 14, Con. 17, Township ,of Godericht situated on the Base Line four m'l:s north of Clinton, CHARLES CLIFTON. Summerhill. FARMERS ! ATTENTION ! ! As Mr. David Canteioe wilt be busy buying apples in another sec- tion of the country,- it will be im- possible for hint to buy Beams' for us for the nest six•weeks, so in the meantime eve have secured the services' of Mr. Wm. Reid, thresher to look after our interests' and buy for us. We are (•.•till 'imthei market to pay the highest price for Beans and our Mr, Newman Will be at Clinton, Brucefield, 'Varna and Baylield, the First of each week. Cash will be paid at car ort day leading, on alt. purchases'. See Mr, Reid before selling, or mall him, on the phone, N t 172 on ring 8. NEWMAN & CO. Ridgetown, Ontario Tenders Tefn'ders will be received± up to the 16th day' of ,October, 1913, by the undersigned, for the purchase of $2,000.00 worth of School Deben- tures, payable in ten annual pay- melnits, interest at 5 per cent. Par- ticulars will be (fuljnished, 'on ap- plication: to the undersigned, sec- retary of the Trustee Board, JAMES SNELL, Clinton ISelleview Dairy Farau From our stock of first-class cows eve are prepared to supply you twice d'aiLy- With best of milk and cream, and solicit a share of your patronage, E. B. HILL. Drs. Geo. & M. E. iI'hitiey Heileman]) Osteopathic Pity. Specialists in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disotiers IEye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, CONSULTATION FREE. Off ice-Rattenbury Hotel Friday, from 1 to 6 For Sale Driving mare for sale. Will be sold cheap for cash or part cash and part feed. Apply to 'JOE RATTER -BURY. E ve Poullrg Wanited. 2500 Chickens, 1000 Hens. 1000 Ducks Each •W eek Wow now until ,iannttry To finish your own 1poultry, we have Wheat, Oats. and Buektvheat specially ground' for fattening pur- poses, es very reasonable prices. 8,000 ,dozen Strictly : New Laid Eggs wanted each week during, the wiiniter months. To produce the -se eggs the leave a full lime of Poultry Foo to Foods keep p your layers en the pink of condition. A full stock of Brain, Shorts', Feed Flour, Oat Chop, Bailey Chop, Etc., Etc., always on hand. GIVE US A CALL. POULTRY TAKEN ANY DAY OF EACH WEEK. f: Limited 1110 G111111-1 all lots Co., ,J1>llitea The up-to-date `Firm, Clinton Phone 64, N. W, TREWARTIIA, W. JENKINS, i 41