The Clinton New Era, 1913-10-09, Page 9sesesesseessela
ree'�lasndred � eye Models of
Ladies inter Coats
E ARE showing one hundred new models of Ladies Winter Mantles
from the largest manufacturers, in all the leading cloths and colors,
no two styles alike. Space will not permit a description and all we
can do is to extend a hearty invitation to you to call and sj-e our display.
Everybody is doing it. WHY NOT YO`.U:P Prices run from $9.75 up..
FILL' �I�USE-@LE1�Ni�i+
We have passed into stock this week a new shipment of Rugs in
Tapestry, Brussels and Wilton Rugs. Also Swiss and Nottingham Lace.
Curtains. Every pattern a new design, .at prices 'to suit all purses, and
within the reach of all. We are after all the trade this season in House
Furnishings. Our stock is complete to begin with, and anything that is
wanted special we can quickly get. •hfyou want to tone things up-at.little
expense, call and see what we call value in Carpets, Rugs and Curtains.
Art Sateens
For Comforters
All the new colorings are now be-
ing shown, and some of the most
beautiful effects for bed comforters
are here in colorings to harmonize
with any room, 4'lany have been
looking for these new designs and we
are pleased to announce the arrival
of our entire fall importations, 3o
inches wide, per yd Ise, 20c, 25e
Also special downproofat per yd 35c
MARION. LAWRENCE TO' BE AT • dollar will purchase can be obtain last month were very .satisfactory
OWEN SOUND 8,S. CONVENTION I ed at home Money is our financial Duriing the past sunnier about $3.
Iaistead of a Central Convention r
u 1nes,s tbod'vircualive. Bl keeps the
- foe the Provim,cial S. S, Association i Bee that
there will .this year. Ue biro, one at body by sending money away and
at other Otvepi Sound Oct, 204Q, the othbusiness will Joon put on a look of
Ottawa 22-24, Those whose her lefllarg . Always trade at home,
attend y
Owen, Sound will lie priviledged to � etch the bargains offered by en -
hear• the celebrated Marion awr- t �prrsirng advertisers in this pa-
emce General Secretary of the In- p , aind-you will Isatin the best
terenational and Worlds S, S. Asso- places to speed those borne dol-
elation. Prof. Excell of Chicago Atars,
and Prof. Roper will have charge the ilea thaat t the merchants
paideer/ ` f have
of the ,music. Single fare on ail pal o the
000 have been spent on improve-
ments, including $000 for purchase
of lot, $22.000 for new barn, and
$300 for new shed. The barn is
solid: brick with cement floor and
metal Woof with accommodation.
for 35 or 40/horses. The etedg
are 80 feet long. A new portico
was also erected, The whole pro
petty is now in first-class .shape,
and a credit to the Town.' TI
railroads. There will likely be a parcel post system is designed Travelling public , speak in the
large delegation, from Huron solely pito benefit a few great highest terms regarding both ac -
County, stores in Toronto Not so a certain commodation and courteous as well
( New.York paper, that says, "It as prompt service.—NewmarketEra
MINOR LOCALS. 1 ought not to take the merchant of
a small town, long to find outDEATH OF MRS, MQKEN.
Ain Order -in -Council ,has been that On, the parcel pont he bar a
passed; naming Monday, Oct. 20th, friend, and not a foe. Let The Goilei'ich'Sig,irial gives th
Thanksgiving Day. him following (obuitary mtiee of ae,
start am •enerrgetie advertising
The King Edward Hotelof Tor,on campaign in his local papers and cousin' of Mies J. Holmes.--
to is 'assessed at one million dole he will soon learn that he canl A life that was fulls of u}ef irse-
lars, and Wil I pay $19 600 t r q
• axes, reach a class of patrons who were
No wonder the man with an midi- ,never within gunshot before the
nary sized wad does' not want' to parcel post came to town, This
stay there long at a ,spell, means that rural journalism will
New York has a time-hon.oreed assume an impertaece that Was
custom that retires straw hats on never known before.
September 16th, regardless of the
teammate*. It does ,n,ot' • so THE PROSPEROUS HOTEL
prevail here. Perhaps it might, if IN A DRY TO
a factory was established for the WN
purpose of giinidingg the cast-offs A meeting of the Directors took
into beelakfast foods. place, en Friday evening,when the
Never send a dollar away from statement of the Treasur was pre
home when the article that the seated,.showingthat the receipts
� k eatet
f -
R ..
if the Stove or Range
s of an inferior make
We have a good supply : of the followiing popular high-.
class Ranges. It pays to buy the best,— g
Happy Thought, • Welcome National
Pandora, Superb Steel—something new
also some cheaper limes.
In Heaters we have the following
Radiant Honae, Acme Jewell
Cheerful Home Round Oak stoves
Dandy, and several sizes of Sheet Iron Air Tight
Perfection ,Oil Hastert, —just the thing for chilly, 'mornings
and evenings,
Prepare for the -winter by using Brantford Roofing.
Roofing Paint by the gallon,or barrel.
Window; Glass and Putty
We have a patent, Fuel Saver' free with every
A few second-hand Coal Heaters for sale cheap.' Heater sold.
ne service was' recalled -to its
Author when Wednesday morning
of this week, shortly after mid-
night Mrs. R. W. 'McKenzie passed
away at her home in St,itVincenr
street, The deceased was a mein,
of one of the oldest fam`lies of He
q ty and was widely known
and the news of her death',wilibe
received with universal sorrow and
regret, Elizabeth. Holmes was born
at Holinesville, Godorich township
iin March, 1840, a •daugghter of the
late Johlni Holmes, M,P,, and con-
tinued to live at,l'Iolmesville nihil
her marriage in. 1868 to the 'atoll,
W, McKenzie. After their marri-
age Mr. and Mrs. Mckenzie resid-
efor a shorn time at London and
then, came to Goderieh, where the
deceased had since resided con-
tinuously. \Mrs. Mckenzie was a
very active member of North
street Methodist, church .t(akilti:g a
n, and
d effective
dons de partrutpart in vices
departments, ofof the church
11 ork. She was also gretaly ilnteer=
•ested in the Woman's, Christian
Temperance Union taking a prone-
( inert part in its activities. 'Wth-
al she was possessed of a` cheer-
ful kinclliness and benevobeece of
disposition which endeared her to
all. Her husband predeceased her
five years. Two children, died in
infancy, and ono sone Everett'fl.
McKenzie, a bright, clever young
?main, who gave promise of a splen-
did (lamer was cut( off twelveyears
ago at the age of twenty-eight
years. The untimely death ,of her
son, and the later'rbercavemantl'by
her husband's death were griefs
which affected her deeply, Abut she
continued her activities untiI March
' of this year, her iastt,atteiildance at
church .aeyvice being on Easter
Sunday. , Since then her strength'
had been gradually failing. ;DSrI.
McKenzie is ,survived by three br-
otherrs ,and three sisters, 'Dr, .W,
W,J,R, !Ho}m_s of Gcder:ch,tr'eca
sires of the county of'guru Johnii,
Holmes, of Holmesville; Dr. Thos,
G.Holnie,s of Detroit; Mite, Leech
and Mrs. 'Howell,: of Goderich and
Miss D.A. Holmes, of Holmesville.,
!When goods dao be asked for by
gable, with the knowledge that
the name guarantees the quality,
the selling problem is not merely
fgeilitated°; it is practically solved
Thiu e'd October 9th,', 1913.
• .a a l
• •
I •4••4•••••+••••••••4•••.••4••••••4.4••••••4.444••••
• MrTeentch has his workmen at
the new rink which he will erect
to the west of the Electric Light
Plant on the property were the
chopping (nil\ of the late Jon.
Brown: stood, life expects to have
the big part 5f the wor'le done in
three weeks.
From the Western Times Exeter,
England, an account of the death of
Mrs. Richard Webber, mother of
Geo. Webber of .town, whose death
was, very suddem on Friday Aug.
25th, and the funeral took place at
Chulmleigh, Deceased, was in her
72 year. and leaves besides her bus-
ban,d'twelve children to mourn hes'
The local Cojnservatives reorg
nize,d on Monday night and ele
ed following. officers..- Priesiden
Nim, A J,,,Grilgg; lVicepresidemt,
Mr, H, -E' Rovke; seeretrary, Mr.
L. Johnston ; +tlnelas'urer
Cantelon.; ward chairmen St. Jam
R. J. Cleft ; St. Johns, J, A.,For
, lniteP, Clon.ain,telon ; St. A
Advertising will create a pr'edis-
positiom in your favoror it will
break dowln, iin prejudice;'
Advertising is nothing but busi-
ness insunanee and how can any, eepect to succeed if he does
not tell his side of the story? Why
mot tell yours?
t -
t. '• esteem
'Mi)nister lof Ontario, who cele -
es bi'ated . his eevem,tietli birthday
d, Thursday last, by many hours of
n_ :work to his office at the Perna-
. meat Buildings, Queen's Park.
The celebration, of Rosh -ha -Shan -
all, the Jewish New 'Year, began
Wedrn,esday night, Oct. 1, at sun
set,e,auid ended on Friday at_sun-
set. The (celebratiigrr marks the
beginning of the Jewish year 5674.
"Feast of Trumpets" is another`
name for the occasion, which is
marked by the -blowing of horns
or "shofars" lin, the synagogues. to
summon the peopleto account for
their sink in the liest year. The
orthodox syinlagogues remain open
might and day for meditation,. and
prayer. There are services at
sunset and +sulnr'ise. After ten days
of celebration' comes Yon Kippur,
the Day of Atonrement,
A very sudden death occurred on
Monday morning at the home of
Mrs, Ar?thur Couch, Ontario Street,
when. Mr. Donald A. Ross, of the
firm of Ross & Taylor, Exeter,
passed away. Deceased had come
to Clinton 'Saturday with his, wife
to makeea short visit and attended
church, both morning and evening
and in the afternoon motored to.
Seaforth, He had 'expressed to
friends that he' felt better than he
had done for sometime, but early
Monday morning he passed away,
despite ail medical aid. For many
years he has bean. weak: from heart
trouble He was 60 years and 8
trouble He was 60 yeasty of age.
Ho was a prominent manufactur-
er in, Exeter, and an 'active mem-
ber of the Methodist Church, act-
ing as choir leader, class leader and
Sunday School Superintendent for
many years. His wife and three
sons, Di', Prescott Ross Warren and
Will Ross, (survive him, He was
born in Nov Scotia and :has been
a resident of Exeter for a great
years. The rmainS'
ewere ta-
or, ito Exeter on Monday after -
The charge that lnarny locale -ma-
gistrates and justices of the peace
throughout the province are not
co-operating with the ' provincial
author ites in, cleaning the fall fairs
of "con" men, gamblers, roulette
operatoes and their ilk, is made
by J, Lockle Wilson, Superinten-
dent of fall fairs. Slime the fair
season. opened the fairs department
has been making vigorous efforts
through its private detectives. to
erotect the people from gentry of
this sort, but in. over a dozen- cas-
es the imiagisttrates have allowed
the men! aiessterl' to go on sus-
pended sentence, or with a little
advice, to "Ieayo town-," The re-
sult ,of ,such a disposal of cases is
that the gamblers merely packed'
up and. moved on, to the •etext fall
lair, there the same. performance is
gone throegh, "Unless the maga
ist'latl ,s and' justices of the peace
help the department where( the of-
fenders have been caught 'they
should be.., depiiyed of their corn
missiq'ns,"si at,c1! Mr, 'Wilson, It is
probable that the matter will 'be
brought before the Attor,r ey-Gen-
Below will be found a report of
a case heard a short timer ago at
Os ood
Hall,' c
g , Toronto, which will
be of iinterest • to many • .of our
readers. The defendant, a (mer-
chant of Staffa, was convicted by
a Justice of the Hensel!
for selling goods. from a wagon on
the bourec,ary road between the
counties of Buren and Perth with -
cut a lieelnse. For the prosecution
it was contended that a Hawkers'
and Peddlers' By -lain of the county
of Huron, which prohibited hawk-
ling'and peddling "within the noun -
of Huron" without a license, made
the defenclant liskle'to a penalty.
The convicting 'Justice adopted
this view and made a coin'iotioe,
,and the defendant moved before
a High Court Judge to quashi the
coinviction, with the result shown
in the following report which, ap
peered in, the Toronto daily papers.
the other day ;
Whiteside& v, 4ianiiltose—J G. 1
Stanbury (Exeter) for defendant,
W. Proudfoot, $,0,, fth plainer 1,
Motioini by d'efendent to quash! a
cgravietion for pedaling and selling
goods ifs the country of 'Huron,
contrary to a by-law of that coun-
tyJud!gmetnrt,—I am of opinion that
the counity's'.contention that sec-
tion, 433 of they municipal act enlar-
ges the jurisdiction of the county fi
of 'Hu,roln, over the boun,dfary:road e
in, question !cannot prevail. The t
enly conclusion I can arrive all is t
that d'efetn,dan,t Iwas:not liable to t
conviction for sellir'J es he did. e
ca;nviction should, therefore, t
quashed with costes, butcwith a th
I'm glad the summer'e over with its
hot and sultry days,'
When. la clean, white collar( in!.an
hour just shrivels and decays,
The autumn leaves are charming as
they change from green to gold,
Oh yes, the Unite and, coloring are
-wont sous to behold.
It es, .a :season of delight, one
that's quite free from care—
But, hist, by heck 1 there's just one
thorn—that itchy underwear 1
Ripley Exp?'ess,—Mr. Smiley ,of
Lr•ucefield, who 'was engaged to
take charge of 'Ripley public school.
commenced his duties on Monday
moilning, relieving Mr. C. Trelea-
ven., who has been on the staff for
some weeks', Miss Tiptady resign-
ed her position, as assistant to Miss
Willoughby, aired accepted a posi-
tion, in Toronto, Miss Tiplady has
beeal, succeeded by Miss Olcott, who
comes 'to Ripley highly secom
Iie,cretai•Ly Robertson of the On-
tario Motor League says that he
has received a letter from I2., M,
Coulter, Deputy Post -Master Gen-
eral, sayi,n that he is sending a
note 'to all post -masters in Can-
ada, requesting them to display a
sign in the front of the' post -office
with the name of the town or place
in plain letters. (.Chis is the. out=
come of a request made at,Ottawa
by the League some' time back and
the umnovatiou of these signs will
1, received with great delight by
the motoring public,
The great danger of children
coasting on the sidewalks Was il-
lustrated en, Woodstock last week
when a man from Michigan, who
was visiting a brother; was almost
instantly killed. He was run into
by a boy who was' coasting down a
hill onion 'an express wagon, llieleel•
being knocked from under him and
he fell backwards, strikiing his head
on, the sidewalk which fractured
his skull. Flo died three hourwr la-
ter. This practice along with rid-
ing bucycles on the sidewalks at
n!i;ht as: of daily occurrence in
Churton, and if a similar accident
is in be averted our coe:stables
roust at once, put a stops ito such
dalogerous conduct,
The New Er'a would like to make
it plain that it welcornes,the 'news
of all sections of the country. If
there is a small villager or cor-
nets not represented by a corres-
pondent, it will 'welcome copres
p ,n cuts so declined to take up
the work, 'Writing to newspapers,
not only helps to, keep she,people
in touch one witlt the ether, but it
also helps the writer in .that he or
she is acquiring considerable val-
uable education) and experience,
If you have a piece\ lei news ;jot
it dawn and send it to
The New
Era, ,Give us the mews. Sign your
name -on all correspondence. Not
for publication, but so the editor+
will know with whom heis talking,
The rilnk is progressing nicely.
3I'r. Kemp held' the •audience
spellbound to the close, Tie is an
imppersoplator with fine perceptions
and is a keen loader and inter-
preter rof ' character, -Rochester
(Minn.) Daily Bulletin.
It Was a meas, low-down trick to
wait a until the lE
Sunday school picnic
se�acon was over' before lowering
the price of canned salmon,
Turkeys ante going to be scarce
for Thanksgiving. Conte to think
of r,t, rte a wise turkey that does
make himself scarce,about that
The Clanton Calrpet Ball League
should re -organize and we do.
carrnestly hope. that' the contestants
will' out lout body checking and
other rough work this' imason.
Ini many sections the naming of
farms is receiving more and more
!attention. And why 'not? The
farm, large' or small, le the home
of the farmer and hisffaiuily, and
he should feel proud of it, salad jeal-
oils of the eep utationn of his place,
It .38 ,a kingdom within itself. It
support's the family and does'its
art in the support of the Pro-;
v.iln,ce hued , nation. 'Name your
arm. Your childeeire will take pride
Tile Wo �D Fair Col's Comme is
Akiything that is sold in Clinton, from Clinton investment_
by the applications of Clilnston brain and labor, by ani honest.
mereliOnit, is more piofitablo for Clinton people to buy than
the same 'good's bought elsewhere' 1 1 1 1 I s 1
Okee more the Fall—Going of the rulers of the world.
to haling any Wall Paper ? We sell it, price $2.60 lapid, up,
We thilnlc we have an ex -"How Cheap" is the cry of
celle,ult ,assortment of goods Some tradesmen, but "How
in oum line, but your udg�- Good" is the maxim of the
meat is best; we'll just \ sub- p ogreseive merchant. There
nrit'+a few facts foe' your eoanr alto lower priced peels than
sidleatationl. Recently we sold the Watermaini; we have their
a snare Statement Tablets mid alnld sell them, but we claim
by their use he collected some thlata Wateemaini at $2.50 is
out -stranding accounts. Some the cheapest..
molniths ago another man Thaniksgiving Day is Oct.
bought our Lotus Lawn, Note 20th, and 'Hallowe'en, Oct. 31.
Paper, lnlo'w he is married. We will have Post Cards and
A young lady got some of Novelties for both events.
our Side Combs aln,d' a Barrett The Stalmdard Fashion Book
rind she has a beau—only. a for fall, iiJustrates all that
few of this kimid' left; is svelte and 'stylish for the
With -our, playing card's you season, price 20c by mail 10e
earn tell fortunes; our Ink 'extra, end with it. any 15c
will write checks; our Lead pattering free,
Pencils figure the interest Don't pot money in a letter
olte your bank account; our use Dominion Express Money ..
music hlaw charms; and our ,Orderer. W e ,sell these day
Picture Post Cards, will snake hour of the day. Cheap as
and eeturn your friends, any, most convenient, abbso-
Woodrow. Wilsoin, Presi- lutely safe,
desalt of (the United States, Two good things—Your
uses aWatermain Ideal Foun- Money 'and our Wall Paper
taisf Pen. It is in the hands —Let's Trade, WHEN?
The\AI,D. Fair eo.
Often the cheapest—THways the Best
National Portland Cement
After trying other kinds, you'll always cone back to the best
The Best Cement is the National Portland Cement
It is the old stand-by. A car load just in.
S. J. ANDREWS, Clinton
"8fy Lady of Doubt" on page 7.
Editorial views may be read on
page 2.
Tlie S. S. lesson, may always be !
found on page 7,.
Huron; County news on page 2,
Have you bealns to sell? If so
see advertishrnent ion page 4. r
Voter's List Court 01rur October
3011 at 9 aim,
East Huron Teachers' are hold-
ing their Convention here to -day
and Friday.
Kemp land Jessop will snake a
ood 'evep:in 's entei't'ajnrnent,
ear them next Thursday evening,
The Base Ball "bug" is buzzing
hard this week.
How's this for a midsummer day?
September 'and October seem to
have been, misplaced this' year.
Have you found your old skates
yet? Better look them up as,Cliin-
tola will have a new: and a bigS•ink
this season;.
The cornier Store
"Live and Let Live"
House=C ear i�ig
Season is Here
..We have all kiinds of Soaps,
Ammonia's, feature, Gold Dust,
Lye, Soap Chip, OidDutch-Cleanser
Saturday Special
6 Bars Comfort Soap for. 25c
6 Bars Cosmos Soap for 25c
Oranges, Leinon•sy Bananas,
Grapes, Pears, Citronis,
Sweet Potatoes, Spanish Onions,
Cooking .Onions, Cabbage,
Torilatoes and Celery
E. E. ianniford
Rifest Graft dread
1 ore=o de rge d
Conner's Home-made Bread is
quality through and through.
There is not a detail of good
making and baking overlooked, en
you know what you are getting
when you order this Good Bread,
Raker and Confectioner
About our plumbinginc
materials, u-to-datsupplies,
perior workmanship,s pplres, sus
and reasonablpricpoomptnes
can you ask more?
Get our estimates' first, anyway,.
Plnnnbing a�n$ Ilie:itiui;
(Phone 53)
,ereeeei eSe .1; ++Seereielre••••tee .q.4.,eiel'g,g,3eereg+'��o'p i p 1„¢-'g"g°,3'!Q!'pt'•1!r&!
TAe New Fafl Shoe
As exhibited in our -new and large stock, are
exceptionally attractive in, style, and un
Y , Com-
nonly good in quality. Those who wear our
shoes this fall are going to learn of Better
Shoe Satisfaction without paying any more
than formerly. They are going to learn that
while these shoes' of ours cost no more than
common, they are
Better in Style
Better in Wear,
We know that every pair in our stock is so 4.4
good in quality, that when we sell them it will
be, just like sending out so many people to say *`
good things about our shoes.
+ ;letter hi Fit
lir the old homer and itisiell seem .i.
more attractive than, ever'. They +
e,i11 take. Snore interest in farm 'g
week., They Will do their part +
t°Weeds beautifying it and in mak-
iang the crops (and stock( raised +
thereon -worthy of the farm name, ' •i
t. is of trade -marls that guaran- '1
tees the 'products that are produ 'It
ed' elm it and offered for sale'in '.
hrs market i are the :fam(n and
hepn make the placer live up to the
itle. It will be a guide to your
ustomers Who wish to patropraze
he farm because it heart a trams
ed. all ether Is good in farming,
The weather man is now paying' be
otectient oitflor to the Magistrate, a,
up Inc e backward spring. pr
MIN1111111111M111111r 11111111111•16/1\
FRED D l.J� i ,(� C
(i ,�.
stands' for quality and honesty