HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-10-09, Page 4O+++4,#++0+4,+ -41,44 +++4.4ti++Ottttt++*+++#tit+4+,}t4'sw 0+ o•.•+twbttt++tt+t+t+++.4++++******is*s Canada Th Yforld e oreign Cables r M; I OWS +O#40t+ +++iii►.00+00®O+Oib0000+v ittitiititttiti4it 4+tbi 4q ?+`+++t+N+Q+NM++++t+0++1***O*4•00N♦OOo•eOlb►OOOtOtOOS+0**00000000 O+Of004iO0oi+i•ON*eewvsrws7*00iAN*1i*0*****O******++0+++004++ • (111111111111111110 Ammon amminno Woman Is As Old As She Looks No woman 'wants to look old. Many in their effort to look youthfulresorttothe"boautydoctor's' pregcriptfons.Theirmis- take ie thhat they visit the wrong department in the drug store. Beauty depends upon health. Worry, sleepless nights headaches, pains, disorders, irregu- larities and weaknesses oda distinctly feminine character in a short time bring the dull eye the "crow's feet," the haggard Look, drooping shoulders, and the faltering step.: To retain the appearance of youth you must retain health Instead of lotions, powders and paints. ask your druggist for DR. PII RCE'S Favorite Prescription This famous medicine strikes at the very root of these enemies of your youthful appearance. It makes you not Awasinse only look young, but fad young. Your drugniat can supply you In llrnld ortoblotform;or sand 00 ono -cont stamps to Dr. Plarao'n Invalid. Hotel and sur. Weal Inoatnto, euttalo,N.Y. and trial box will be maned you. mattnatEMEMEIREI ammo forleatete:selte'eergeteiese et. Some Facts About The Self -Styled ` Pas,er 4 Charles T. R.sseD [of Millennial Dawn Farne] r^ ix BY REV. J. J. ROSS. Pastor of St. James Street Baptist Church Hamilton, Ont, In this leaflet I am to tell you something about the so called "Pastor" C. T. Russell, the founder and chief executive of "Millennial Dawnism," Though the name of Russel is quite 'familiar, very little is known about the man himself. Nothing is known of his parentage nor of his early boyhood. We first hear of him selling shirts in .Alleghany, Pa., having inherited this business nom his father. He lectured on religious subjects from time to time in various halls and churches, becoming known as the crank preacher. He got a considerable following of the baser sort and sold out the five men's furnishing stores which he owned, thenceforth devoting his time to teachingand preaching his peculiar religious doctrines and giviug out that he himself was some great one.He never attended thehigber schools of learning, knows comparativelynothing of philosophy, systema tic or historical theology, and is totally ignorant of thedead languages, and yet he is successful in making his disciples • believe that the most dif ilenit passages in the Old Testament_and the Book of the Revelation are as simple as a sunbeam to him. "Pastor" Russell was never ordained and has no church affiliation. He would not be given a place in the pulpit of any evangelical church on the American continent or any other country where h3 and his religious views are known.' By thousandshe is believed to be a religions fakir of the worst type, who goes about like the Magus of Samaria enriching himself at the expense of the ignorant. Years ago he gave himself the title of "Pastor" and from this many have inferred that be was a properlyapproved minister of the gospel. In 1870 he married Miss Marie F. Ackley, who divorced him a few years ago on the ground of cruelty and of having wrong relations with numerous other women. In court she proved improprieties between her husband and one Rose Ball. Mrs. Russell is now living at Avalan, Pa. "Pastor" Russell was in Toronto a few weeks ago and announced him self as the head and "President" of the so-called' "International Bible Students' Association," with head office in London, England. When he first began his propaganda his headquarters were in Alleghany, Pa. In course of time he was successful in building up an elaborate publishing establishment ib Pittsburg, which he called "Zion's Watch Tower." In a worldly way things went well with him for a time. Then he gave the name ''Millennial Dawn" to his publications. Then stories of the divorce proceedings got into circulation about him and his business suffered. Wishing to frustrate the verdict of the court iu giving his wife alimony, he changed the name of his publications to "Studies in the Scriptures" and transferred the head office to Brooklyn, N.Y., where it is at the Pres- ent time. Since taking this new location the institution is known as "The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society," "The London and Brooklyn Tabernacles," "The People's Pulpit,'' and now the "International Bible Students' Association." It comes out that these names separately and together are appellations bestowed by Russell upon himself and his follow- ers. By the name "International Bible Students Association'-' the public is deceived into thinking thattheinstitution is international in extent, that the governments of the world are behind it, and that it is made up of accredited representatives off all the denominations and theological col- leges, when in fact the name stands only for the followers of one man, and not a scholar at that. That appellation is therefore a misnomer. Its purpose and use it to deceive the public,; The opinion of that organization (if it be an organization) is the opinion of one man. At the present time "The Brooklyn. Eagle" has its talents in Russell, and shows him to he a most undesirable citizen. Many other papers, both secular and sacred, on both sides of the line, are compelling him to stand forth in the limelight in his true colors. Ey 'The Brooklyn Eagle' he stands charged with defrauding his wife of her dower in trust, with having his 1 name sensationally connected with those of numerous other women, with giving himself out as an interdenominationlist, when in fact he is con- nected with none, but opposed to all, with publishing himself as giving addresses to, great crowds to important places where he has no± spoken at all, with seeking to dupe certain.:- ministers into supporting daring trans- ii actions, with beicg illegallyconnected with lead, asphalt and turpentineco bushel,iwithwith influencing theor esickandto bdying to make te sold "Miracle Wheat" eir a wills iat n60 a his favor, with engineering the sale of a property worth $35;000 for $50, for the purpose of defrauding another. These are sins no man would care to have charged against him, and yet they are publicly accredited to this "Pastor" Russell, the "President' of the so called 'International. Bible Students' Association," that worid•wide.society that spoke the other day with such authority on the subject of eschatology, stating that there was no hell for the sinful. Does it not look es if the wish were parent to the thought in this case? These and other charges have been made against" this false teacher and shepherd, and remain unanswered. He is an eccen- tric individual and advertises on the billboards in a most grotesque fashion. Judging from his advertisements of himself, many do not think him normal, and some are persuaded that he is self -deceived. Russell has published a set of books, hound in six volumes, including about two thousand pages, which he now calls "Studies in the Scriptures." The title is misleading and is intended to deceive the Christian public. The teaching of these books subverts the faith ot Christians of all evan- gelical denominations and substitutes for the truth as it is in Christ the destructive doctrines of oneman, who is neither a`scholar nor a theologian. The whole- system ot Russellism is anti -rational, antiscientific, anti -Bibli- cal. ants Ohristian, and a deplorable perversion of the Gospel of God's dear Son. There is nothing in the English speaking world to compare with the system presented in the books for error, The great heretical leaders of the early centuries were not more daring, more-biasphmous or more des- tructive than is the author of these hooks. They contradict almost every fundamental, of evangelical Christian faith by a bold denial of the proper deity, incarnation, resurrection, ascension and high priestly intercession of Jesus Christ. Russell also denies the Second Advent of Christ in the -i Biblical senses of that event,' the; personality, work and deity ot the Moly Spirit,. the Trinity and the atonement made through the death and risen life of Christ, He teaches that the Second Advent of Christ took place in 1374, that those who sleep in Christ experienced their resurrection in 1875, and that the present order of things will terminate in October, 1914, He also makes hold: to affirm, the Bible to the contrary, that "eternal life" is mere existence; being exclusively a quantity, not a'quality of life; that it is not a present, possession on;faith, but a future inheritance conditioned upon good conduct and character here. Moreover, Russell teaches, and af- firms' in these books that there is no conscious future punishment for sin, and, though inconsistent, after death some time„ semeivhere, there will be a second chance area, ar--other offer of salvation. - Thus we see from a careful and unprejudiced analysis of the teachings of the Millennial Dawn Books, issued by the self-styled "Pastor" Russell, that the system of error which he represents is a combination of Uni- tarianism, Universalism, Restorationism,Second Probationism, Sweden- borgianism and Annihilationism, - Every reader is warned against this false teacher and his Leaching as: dangerous in. the extreme. It is safer to stand by •the Lord Jesus than by any human teacher. It is safer to take our `system of truth from the Bible than from the Watch Tower. It is safer to take the creeds of Christendom than the vagaries of one man, See Matt, 7:1 ; 1 John 4: 1. nessisesesessmseresnesimassamosesonsolustirleszeorn Ontario Cities to Gain by Redistribution Plan Bill Wilt Probably.be in- troduced When Pravin • dal lionise Mees, Mater- laity Altering Ridings Mall anrcLEmpire, Monday 1While the legislative sess'ioin ifs- several mouths away, membeits of the Ontario Goveijnanenk are, it is understood, giving tentative con- sidlepiatiolni to a redistribution( of the Tidings of thti province (with'a view to bring in in redistribution bill when) the: 'House m.eebs'. The work of shifting riding, boundaries will, of course, he turned over• to a special committee of, House, composed of'a' epres en'tatives of both parties, but ill the meantime the .shifting of population since the census of 1901, upon which the pre- selnt aiding map ofethe province is based, is' being carefully studied and analyzed. When thei Whitney Government came into powerone of its early tasks was the redis'- trilution of the provinceenipon the eelasus of 1901. Now, witfefthe •Do-: milnioncensus of 1911 available, a new alignment is neceseary'before the next.general election. I ;When the bill is brought down by the Government it will, it is ex- petted, make material changes in the boundaries of some of the rid-' i hugs and )wipe/ but, entirely more that l one. With the (movement from the faumtol the ClIties some of the distiinctly rural ridings have decreased in population to such an extei t that in justice; tto', larger Hidings these :must be a. readjust - m eat,; Living Fight Possible( Io several counties which have three members there is .a, prospect of one being eliminated and the riding .divided between the re-; ivailntng two. : 'Huron and Br;uee have been, mentioned in this res- pect. Their redistributiony if in is proceeded with, is bound to cause a lively fight. U1nlikei other coun- ties in which, owning to the fact that all the, members are support- ers of the Government„ redistribu- tiidni is 'at comparatively easy mat ter, the Brucei 'and Huron ridings include Liberal members. North and South Huron return Govern - meant supporters, but Centre Huron is the stamping -ground of William Proudfoot, the author. of 'the ill - startled • charges against 'Hon. Mr. Hanna. The welding of the three into two might possibly give that member something to worry about. II Bruce tall three ridings are held by Libenals, and they aria not likely to view with pleasure the prospect of olne having to drop out. lie tho eastern; part of the he inprovorporateone d in othe sings may . 1 The 'tremendous growth of: the cities of the province makes an ad- dition to their representation im- peciative, and with it will come, in all probability, the creation of at least otn,e ',new riding in Toronto. The city was given four'.,extramem- bers in' the 1iastlfrellistribu'tion, and on the growth of population would be entitled -to' ,e± least ]another four. Thiel Toronto will be' provi- ded with 12 members for more than one-tenth of the( 1House mem- bership, is hardly likely. The, rur- al members aril (opposed to' it, though ready, it is said,; to agree to 'tetra, If the present "A" and "B" systema is continued na fifth riding would' have to be shaped.. 1 herre. has been some descontent wit t e "A" aln,d' "B" plan, and the redia - ••i•ss0••••sBs•e•is.sse••Y ,Cord Northcliffe 111118111000 111111111111111101111000001/1111110008 Lord Northeliffe is - recognized at least by the press as the foremost journalist of the world. . In influence he has no equal: Beginning life as a journalist on a few pennies or pounds, he quickly distanced even the most ambitious of this competitors. He owns something like forty'publica- tions, has a princely income, which he t uses well, and a phenomenal power, which, as a rule, it is admitted, he wields with wisdom, Every journal that he controls is a goo reptesenta- tive of its class, As an illustration of his influence, whet was recently clone by one of his, papers eiugle handed might be recalled, the English people were anxious to save a national laud mark, the Crystal Palace, which was threatened with sale and demolition. .1 tributioinn bill inlay' give Toronto single Tidings( again; The annexation of outlying dis- triicts by the city will also, itt,i's expected, mealw the separation from the York ridings of these areas, According to gossip, Hamilton will get fat least one new 'member. That city has iacneased in popul ia,tian at a, rate' to easily justify la' membership of three. TO CORRESPONDENTS ;Corflespontdente will please note that "printer's copy" may be sent at one cent in unsealed envelopes only. If the envelope us sealed, double postage is charged at this emld. n. ADVRRTISING'FPSMS. "Newspaper adverti,sinlg is the cheapest way to sell the :most goods."—Bill Wise, The people wanted to preserve it as a souvenir of the great International Exhibition of '51' the first World's Fair, and as a playgronnd for the peo- ple. All sorts of projects were set afoot, culminating in a Mansion House fund, which failed, In despair, as the fatal dav drew near, the Lord Mayor appealed to the London T:me 1 to come to the fescue. The request was complied with and in a few days or Hours, as the result of a simple ap- peal, the fund was complete. Nearly five hundred thousand dollars was wantodand it came. A successful man in any walk of life is apt to become and generally does be come-on object of some envy and jealousy. A successful journalist is sure of calumny. Lord Northclffe gets his share of spite and spleen but as a sensible man he goes on his way heedless of the poisoned shafts, trust- ing to the common sense of the peep's to attribute to his critics the right motives. Canadian journalists recog- nize in Lord Northcliffe a man of wonderful initiative, inexhaustible energy, a generous philanthropy, and pure patriotism, HOTIIER AND BABY (Every mother is alnxious for the Welfare of her little(ones-above all she Iwainte !them to have good health. Thousands of mother haae leanlued the becret ;of keeping their little ones healthy ;they( -Shave near d thatby keeping Baby's Orwin, Tablets in the house( and giv- lagan occasional dose to the little owes that they, Will eacana conistiPat ion vomiting, Colic, colds, worms ate. The Tableets never fail to be service Am keeping baby healthily wad happy. Sold by medicine deal- ers or by moil at 21 cemltst at box from The Dr:Williams' Medicine Co. Brockville, ,Olnit, Tintern Abbey—In Monmouthshire, England Western Grocers Want platy on American Wheat Remove(]. Calgary. Alta., Sept, 20,—The Cal- gary iunci'fistrial bureau' has started a campaigiu for the removal: of the duty ant American wheat so that Western Canada may take full ad- vanntage of the new Wilson - tariff the passage of which through Congress is now assured, and in which there is n provision, for free entry of Canadian wheat into the. United States provided the Canad- ian Government remove its pre- sent duty on American wheat, iloellnecl to Tarry, ]acre is one of 1" It Benson's stories Of his dbrir days of trouping to the English [iruci1 1 es: "At one lut)'II 1 n-:rs playilig to poor business, -The occupants of. fhe gal- lery were sew etid'nnt ovet'ertthusl• astie. 1 \sus itbunt ti, snake an exit on the lux', '1'nr•r,y awhile and anon 1 w111 return,' upon wMee a voice from the gallery exrleliued: 'Don't trouble to return, gnv'iwr. Pere, gniug apd. shall toot be back!' "—Chicago Telb- `l.l`.l _illtlU Worthy tate Atte' tion of People Who. Wish to Preserve The Hair Always have you own brush and comb at home or at hair dresser's Neveir use 'a brush for comb found in public places, they are usually covered with dandruff germs. (Wash your hair brush weekly with soap add 'warm watbr, to which may be added an antisetic. Shampoo the hair eveipi week or so with pure soap anti water. Use'Parilsian: Sage revery day rubbing thorottghtly into the scalp. (Perim Sage which comes in a large 50 cent bottle, is guaranteed by W.S.R. Holmes to destroy dared ruff ger'lms end abolish dandruff to stop hair from; fallingand scalp from itching or money refunded. To put life and beauty into dull - dry or faded hair and make it soft and fluffy surely use Parisin Sagee -it is one of the -quickest acting hair tonics known, Two ,Gijnger Dishes'. Children always like ginger- bread cakes for tea end you'll find these .will be immensely' popular with the little people. I expect they will like ginger pudding too it's a ince, Dont mislay, these re- cipes far I'm -euve that you'll ba calle-d upon: to make some more. Gingerbread Cakes. Ingr+edients... 3-4 lb of flour, 1-4 ib., of sugar 14 ib, of treacle, 1-4 11b, of lard and buttfer mixed 1 oz of ginger half a teaspoonful of oaa"bolniateof soda ;dissolved in a little water. Method —Rub the butter into the flour than add the, sugar gin- ger ]sand treacle. Stir in the car- bonate of soda and water' and mix Mather slack with milk, Bake in a moderate oven, Preserved ,Ginger Pudding, I•nigredients, 2eggs, their weight in, butter sugar and flour, 3 o of preseryed ginger, one teaspoonful of baking -powder. Method, Beat the butter to cream with sugar, thea add the flour and bakilntg-powder mixed and the pre- served ganger chopped into small •dice. Add the- well -beaten yolks to the batter, lastly the whit's. whipped to a froth. Steam for ss, hour and half in a well buttered mould, Turjnt out and. servo with caster sugar dusted over, Additianlal iLocal and District news.. on other pages. Your absent 1 son or daughter would like to have The New Era. probably. 25c in, advance, will se - curie i11' Quo Jane 1914, to any Can- adian postoffice address. If Your Book Herts .You YOUR KIDNEYS ARE RESPONSIBLE. MR. JOHN BRIGGS, Whitewood, Sask., writes:—"I am sending you this test- imonial out of pure gratitude, as I am not a believer in patent medicines, but I gotso run down, that I became quite willing to give anything a trial. .:1 paid a visit to our local druggist, and told him I was suffering intense agony with my back. He Vold me I lied kidney trouble, and handed me a box of DOAN'S ICIDNgr Prres, saying it was the best thing he could possibly give me.- I tried them,. and the effect was certainly marvelous. They are worth $10 a box of anybody's money, and I would not be without a box by me. I ccrtainiy' owe my present Condition t0 DOAN'S' KIDNEY .PILLS." DoAN'S PILLS are 50 cents per, box, or three boxes for $1.25, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont. When ordering direct from us specify. Doetee, Are you one of those to whorl every meal is another source of suffering ? - Na -Drat -Co Dyspepsia Teliets will help your disordered stomach to digest any reasonable meals, and will soon• restore it to such perfect con-- dition that you'll never feel that you' have a stomach. Take one after each meal. 50c. a Box at your Druggist's. Made by the National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canatiee'. iso Limited. RIDING THE BILLOWS, A Few Pointed Suggestions For Ocean Travelers. Do not interfere with the captain in the performance of his duties or offer suggestions in navigation based upon your own experience In running;. a catboat on Lake Mohonk. There are few captains now in the transatlantic service who have not crossed the ocean several times, and we know of none who has acquired his knowledge of the sea in a correspondence school.' If the lady with golden hair seated in the steamer chair next to yours in advertently puts .herhead on your shoulder and groans do not rudely -re:, move it, but whistle a soft lullaby, as if you didnot notice the act. Bear in mind that two heads are better than one. The lullaby may put her to sleep, when her curls may be gently removed to her own sofa pillow Should you desire to go below before she goes to sleepsend the deck stew- ard •after her husband and ask him to remove them himself. If in the midst of yourdinner you feel a sudden emotional qualm arising within you rise with it as nearly si mnitaneously as possible and hasten from the saloon, taking care in your, flight to stick to the ;aisles between the tables and not go leaping from table to table like a frightened ante lope toward the exit. This tettei coarse would cause considerable con fusion in the dining room, and it your haste you :might inadvertent1S trip over another passenger's weleli rabbit, which is not considered goo form in polished circles either on the land or on the sea. If on your way to the upper deet you find the staircases blocked b3 others hastening upward like yonrsela do not step upon them in your mac flight upward, but slide down the banisters to the lower deck, whlel yon will end just as well adapted ti your needs as the upper. Any deck 1f good in a qualm. -John Kendricl Bangs in Harper's Weekly. POWER OF A WORD. Why France Changed the Name of th "Life Saving Belt. A. vivid illustration of the power o mere words over human beings once brought to the attention es imam people by Francisque Sarver. After the wreck of the'Bourgognt many passengers were found doatinl aro' 0 with life preservers on. Ther life preservers were fatsened upon th bodies, but round the middle insteat of under the arms, and the greate weight of the upper part of the boa; had tipped the head under water an the person of course was inevitabl drowned. Now 1t appears that the greater n ber of the persons so drowned we French. The French term OCT life pr server is ceinture de sauvetage, or "1 1 saving belt." This word ceinture su gests to the mind in its moments disorder and unreadiness, such as great catastrophe brings, the idea putting on a belt, and as a belt is p round the waist and nowhere else frightened person instinctively adios the life preserver close about the hi The result is that as soon as t person so provided falls into the wat his body tips over, with the heavi' ,part downward, and the head is pdun ed beneath the surface. The word "belt," therefore, was t 'cause of the loss of many lives in tl !Bourgogne disaster. Sarcey aceordin y proposed to counteract the fatal feet of the 'Trench word by renami ;the article and calling It a brassie which is a kind of waist, and by brie ing the word bras, or arm, to mind:. teach people to put a life preserver just underneath the arms.—Chic',; Record -Herald. The Cooling of the Worlds. All bodies in space are gradually preaching frigidity. When a re.; cannon ball is taken out of a Currin andsuspended in the air it parts w its heat and keeps on parting with until it finally reaches the tempera ,r surrounding it. And what happens: the cannon ball is happening to t 'sun. The sun is steadily losing heat and contracting, and the same trtie of the planets and of every of body hi space. Just as the arctic Cir is ever encroaching upon' the tem. ate and equatorial regions, so the 11 chill is steadily advancing- upon 'warmth everywhere.—New York Ain` lean, ri'