The Clinton New Era, 1913-10-09, Page 3.rtereee es.mt. MP", MRS A. SAICH of I Canniogton Manor, Sask., I Writes :---.``My brother suf- fered severely from eczema, The sores were very exten- sivia, and burned like coals into his flesh. Zatn-Buk took Out ail the fire, and quickly gave him ease. Within three Weeks of commencing with Zarn-Buk treatment, every sore had been cured.". This is but one oi the Maar letters we are constantly receiving from people who have proved the healing powers of Zsm-13111c. , For eczema, piles, sores, burns, cuts and all skin troubles there is netbing like this vvonderful balm. No skin disease sbould be con- sidered IneUrable end/ Zans-Buk hiss been tried. Drugglik 50c. per Box. Refuse Substitute.. The New Era. Jconsedered one of tilts numbers/ on a program headed Upeaee on earth, good -will towards men," Some- times it would be the eigh± kind of "medicine" to administer but the after effects an the parents is like- ly to produce :a very high fever. But thee cerle• hereof] living who • still run chances over this some:- • times long -to -be -desired oper- etions. One of them is! W. S Thompson, Winnipeg, who epank ed his meighbor'e eon for using bad language, The spanker was, haled before the magisteate'of course, but this legal authorityrel- ed that Mr. Thompsonwas, justified ise the act, Don'titake this one in- stance, however, as a rule, and with :shingle in hand go out on the war- path because lawsuits are some- times very co!ntriary affairs. Lome your neighbor is better than law your teeiglabor. Deed Northcliffe, of England, • Who is designated as thd Napoleon of the Varese, has been1 talking to Oainucka on the Fourthestate, He thinks newspaperdom in this coun- try is not up to the stanclard.of the °lel land. Doctors may differ; how- ever, aled, we have) heard critics from, this side of the ocean, express the opinion that the Canadian press was in advance of that across the sea. A lime drawn between the two would put them,. about on. par, all of the excellesimee not being pos- sessed by either. The visit of Lord Northcliffe was greatly, enjoyed. Colonel Roosevelt may buckle in- to the Prose:10AM' of 191.61n. the United States, It requires. 'about as much of the emphatic to teach some menthat they have hadtheir share of office and honor as it does 47TH YEAR. to get the conseet of some well «i TRE PUBLIC SERVICE." deserl;itng men to become candi- dates for office. If we were advis- ing Col. Roosevelt we would sug- W. R. KERR & ON, Props gest that he tarry until President S. J. Leslie Kerr, Business Manager New Era, One -Year 10 advance $1.00 New Ere, when not paid inetd- vance ..$1.50 N ew Era. to the United States in advance, ........ eAdverhising Rates on' Application. .ecib work prices advance on July 1st, 1013, in accordance with the Huron Co. Pres Assn - dation Rates. Office Phone 30 House Phone 93 eP• 4.4a EDITORIAL x+444..114.444+444o,o+4; Tuesday, 21st inst., will be Do - Minion bye -election in East Middle- sex. For cool weather they prom- ise 'a warm time\ The village of Ruttivere Essex Co. is crowing like n young Shang- hai, ever a 37 ounce tomato. At 16 bermes to the pound that makes better than 21-0 pounds which is quite a tomato, Huron Co, might have some in theeheavy draft class 'so if our peopienwould only blow 'about them, publicity is an ele- ent this County is lacking in, des- ite the role now occupying the at- ention of the Co. Council. Huron can produce the goods but the pub - lit far and near should know of it. Once more the question eaf a ,Mclial electric railway is being ooted in Huron. If it can be f! - tinted, and a circuit, big enough ncompassed there should be little oubt of its success. People will ea trifle wait since the "pue. in he nose" reeeivedt over that W es' here fiasco but, with that expee- mice fresh in the memory there ill be different methods felieered: ,) le yeirture .t effirn It i ,, Wilson gets the (seat well warmed, It looks as if there 'might be some "doingse Ulster before long. Our impression is that,; some oppositiooiste may burn their fin- gers if they attempt • to carry things with too high 'e hand. People who set themselves de- terminedly against !statutes may have to back water or suffer the consequences!. There is room for cool heads and sober judgment in connection with the Home Rule questien to -day. CrosSing the Atlantic 51 times is quite a, record fop one man but this is Bev. Dr. Milligan's (Toronto) summing to date. He should be an good terms with old Neptune by this time n person would think. Under the old, eegime of the sail- ing fleets he would have consumed about 4 years in voyaging but the ocean greyhounds have: mearly an- nihilated distance while their palatial equipment spells! luxury, There ls a probability. of the wiping off the political map 10 constituencies in Ontario in the proposed redistribution while Tor- onto will be given 3 ladditional members; Some day there will eequire to be a calling off of the prepooderence of the city repre- sentation as it looks a serious in- equality in considering fair play and the concentrating of, people in these ceetres The hen !continues to, hold the premier place in the, farmyard and whether it be the egg product or her flesh andifeatherls few depart- ments, considering the finances in- volved as first cost., can put bid- dy in second place. She deserves Letter - attention and more com- fortable sureoundinge fel:V.:he sake of ,herself and the feathered fam- ily connection. Cheering assurances come from the Great West in, the grain re- ports of thepast harvest, It should mean much to those who are in- terested en agriculture and, down through all the other avenues of blade end commerce The next onedenation is the proper hand - of the greet crop so that the locleade•s of the pas e will be, at end, , s ex- acted that a survey 'Will be made f proposed routes. in the next few • oaths 60 that 0 report will be kePfiTed for next session of the letlettY Caincil, The +plan' Foul:1 veto utilize ds Much tel die West here road Me possible 'and belt the Huron Is behind in elee- ic road making compared with one other Counties, When a man assays , to admin - star a switching to hill neighbor's lhilciren 'Ile is travelling __ever a Koren bordered path, 'as it is not HAVE YOU CATARRH? L-71:saill breathing unpaired? Does your throat get husky or clogged? 0 ern science roves that thdso symptoms result from run -clown health. Snuffs and vapors are irritating and useless. You should buildyour general health with the oil -food in Scott's Emnlsion-fib nouri5 •ng irtif4iBfirt Al* An en en thelTood, aid nuintion and as- similation and assist nature to deck the inflammation -dna heal the sensitive,1., ranes whichf-e-aifected. 's Emulsion will raiseiyour standard of health to correct catarrh, Shun alcoholic mixtures and hoist on scorrs • ia-re a‘.4/se sawge. Here is the olst King Richard 11. way of making sausage: "Peetee 10 sawse sawge," or pigs With 'ridge sauce. "Take pyggs yskaldld (scald- ed, and quarter thein anti Sok() teem In water and side take them and let tbein kele (coole take parsel (parsley), sainee (sage) and grynde it with brede and yolkes of ayren (eggs) Mode ysode (boiled); temper it with vinegar somewhat thick, and lay the pyggs in e vessel and sewe onward (the sauce over them), and serve it forth," "Take pyggs" 16 prettygood. Size or number seems of no consequence, -New York Press. eletesiese • A Hard One. el, "Father!" 'tt /elf, v'vlatis "It says here, 'A man is known bY the company he keeps.' Is that ,so, father?" • nee,. l'Yes,yes, yes." "Welk father, if a good man keeps 00Mpany with a bad man is the good man bad because he keeps company with the bad man, and is the bad man good because he keeps company with the good mae?"--London Punch. Why Ho Wept. Spartan alother-What's the matter? What are you crying for? Stung Hero (who has been taught never to cry £o bodily pain) -0h, 1 -I've sat a bee, and -I'm afraid I *- -- .oast have hurt itl-London Punch N ..she „oveed For Alarm. asked me what I thought jon.i, • • "Iadeedl" "Yes. But don't get frightened. didn't tell her."-Lippineott's. Norend of HIM "Is Mrs. Gaussip a friend of yours'?" "No; she's,a friend of my'arife's." "Isn't that the same things • "Not at all. She tele very sorry, Let inywite."7-1I, WPM Poet I '•-• • • ! • " • ' ! " • , • , THE CLINTON BWiZR L'luuedaDdiebee • , Buy this oven -tested flour Your oven will certainly pro- due,e more bread and better bread -` as a result of our oven test. Prom each shipment of wheat delivered at our. mills we 'take a ten -pound sample. It is ground into flour. We bake bread from PURITSfthis gour. If this bread is high in qualitY and large in quantity we 0 use the shipment of wheat from "tt) which it Came. Otherwise, we sell it. S The bafting quality of flour tiled under this name is thereffa; an0 exact certainty. Bug, and- bentofk! 'Wore Bread‘nd Bctter,fireadf and "Better‘Pastry Too" 527 s 1/ uron Go. Ne is Mr. E.L. Elwood K. C. of Regina has recently been appointed to the supreme count of Sasicatcheevain, His Honor is a son of Huron and a brother of Mrs. D. Holmes of Wing ham, Line Hay township was throavn out of his rig on Sunday last, while re- , turning home from church and Mis- t:rented a broken leg. A pretty wedding was celebrated tat aop.m. Sept. the 23rdt tat the Evangelical parsonage, Dasbwood, P. the occasion oft the marriage of Miss Theo J. :second youngesit daughtesi of Mr. and Mrs, Jones Haetteib to Mr. William Hey, Zur- ich, Rev. Mr. Grenzebach °Meeting Word -received here 'early in the week stated that, Mr. Sandy Baw- 1 den, formerly of Exeter, who has 'been seriously ill. with typhoid fe- ver and pneumonia in Edmonton, has passed the, clanger point and that strong hopes are now held out foe his recovery Mr. W. D. MePheesolre K. C. M. P P., the Grancl Maeter of the Mas- onic Grand Lodge of Canada has ,appointe.d. Me, J. Ritchie of Wing - ham a Grand Steward, which is a rave honor. In masoniq circles it is now Very Woeshipful Brother Ritchie. The appointment was wet merited and eis ta popular': one a- mong the craft. North Hinton License Commission met in, Wingham on Monday of last week. The new,kommissioner, to fill thel vacancy caused by the death of the late! Thos. E. Dwain, is Mr. John. Bartlett of Duegannon, White aoing her choree on the evening of Exeter Fair day Mrs. R. Downie accidently fell down cel- lar the trap door of Which had been, left gpea. She was badly ehaken up but no bones appear 'to have been broken. The tax rate in Morels for this year has been( fixed at 31-3 mills on the dollar,' Subscription: lists have been in circulation at Heiman for a fine pipe organ for Carmel church, and judging the many liberal mune contributed a handsome and up- to-date pipe organ is insured and will likely be instaled before the close of the presentrmear. Another old landmark in Eg- moadville has beenSammoved. The old Daly hotel, which' has sheltered many a weary -wayfarer in. days game by, has beenitorn down and removed, The building Was pur- chased by the Messeselersise, who have removed the material to their ,new brick yagd( property and will have it converted into the new chopping mill which theyarmeeect- ling The Trowbridge cheesemaker was successful in winning 4 prizest foe his cheese !at Toronto Fain -1st, end, Ord, 1th 'ante 8th, The Camrose Taper says of a former resident of Ethel locality :- Rev. Robert Pearson, Secretary of the Y. M. C. A., was whin down, by an automobile on Eighth avenue, Calgary, on Saturday andsreceived injueies which will keep him in the hospital for several weeks, Johnston's Methodist church, est line Morris, will celebrate the Gol- den anniversary of their congre- gation on Sunday and Monday October 12th and. 13th. Rev. leer. Johnston, of London, will preach. Ex -Reeve Henry Mooney, it for- mer well known and highly esteem- ed resident of or411 :township, who filled various(posts of duty HI, the, Municipality and sat at the Council Board as Councillor and Reeve for many years died on Sep- tember 10111 at Weyburine Sask. After a continuous residence in Brussels of over 50 years' a Well anal highly esteemed Ten - dent passed away Aast Saturday in the ,persceat of W, H, McCracken. Ile had been; off duty for about a yeste suffering fromeacute indiges- tion. Mr. Peter Duchanne of the Broil- •" A WONDERFUL BRIDGE Largest Natural Span In Ainerioa, if Not In the World. The largest natural bridge inAmer Ica, if not indeed in the whole world, is located in southwestern Utah, not far from the state boundary line, and; is known as the George Natural bridge, Its total length between the huge natu- ral abutments is about 200 feet, the width of the roadway is some 35 feet, 'while the span in the clear'is 00 feet. From the bed up to the span is 160 feet, At the bottom flows a small water course that during the long hot summer months dwindles down to a mere rivulet. Just what produced thl6 work of nature has for some time puzzled the leading scientists of the country. It could scarcely have been created by the wear Of, water unless there was a very large and swift cur., rent flowing where the little brook is now. The general explanation given for the creation of this natural bridge Is 'that volcanic action, -occurring at some „diettant period of the world's his. tory, was the active 'agency. ' The existence of the bridge is of comparative recent' knowledge to the public, though the Indians in that re. gion have long known that there was such a work of nature. The red men often spoke of this bridge to the early settlers of that part of Utah, but little credence was ever given to their stories. About ten or twelve yeara ago it was first discovered by some mining prospectors. It is located in the heart of a very rugged region that is difficult of access. 01 late years ie bas been visited by a great many tourists and sightseers. Very recently some travelers visited this freak of old Mother Earth in automobiles, and one venturesome motorist drove his car across the bridge, passing safety over the yawning chasm. The stone of welch the spau is composed is dark brown sandstone of an unusually hard quality, and the thickness of the span is twenty feet gr more. Engineers who have made a careful examination of this bridge pronounce it perfectly safe and secure and fully capable of supporting an immense weight The epee is free from flaws or seams. - Wide World Magazine, -Old Jack derive any hetet rrom the Get ext To Your Liver. "Yes, snre he (ltd. He met there a IF YOU DON'T - girl he knew arid nude a date with Something Serious filay Happen., nor. end she's a peach." - Baltimore At times everyone is bilious, the Liver becomes overworked, bad bile is accu- mulated, and enters the blood, and causes a general clogging up of the secretions. When tlzis happens no one can escape Constipation, Jaundice, Headaches, Heartburn, Indigestion, Liver Com- plaint, and those tired weary feelings which follow the wreak action of the Liver. MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVAR PILLS stimu- late the sluggish Liver, clean the coated tongue, sweeten the breath, and clear away all the waste and poisonous matter from the system. Ma. 11. A. elicCtertest, Rimbey, Alta., writes:-" I have used Mimmeles LAXA- LIVaR PILLS, and am greatly pleased with the results. I had Indigestion, and such a bitter taste in my mouth after retiring that was so unpleasant I could not sleep well, and also had a deathly sickness sometimes after I had eaten. Two vials of LAXA-LIVER PILLS have cured ine." MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVOR PILLS are 25 cents per vial or 5 vials for 31.00. See that you get them when asked for. Manufactured only by The T, Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. MINOR LOCALS. The New Era gives the news. East (Flurole Teacherte meet in Clenton on Oct. 9th and 10th. Hand in the news whether local or peesortals to the New Era. Is your subscription paid to The New Era. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND pubjects taught by expert instructors at the al.edrer - LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions College in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal 17 Chartered Accountant vice-rrincipai 4•2[1.2i1012201011111.103.• .46•VMMINNIF aliMabiltimersOlnor.Psomallr■9112111.0M without • better bread a doubt•could not be made 1 youT - -1 I . find this out zi',. - in 011“-' ,-.' ....; your travels best with any meal - e s, 13 just tne.00-: and only real Mother's Bread' -that's what you'll say when you have tried this crispy,, crusty Mother's Dread Bartliff Phone No. , and hate it • delivered to yoot house every clay, Girls Wanted Experienced, arid girls to learn Knitting ai,d Looping, Will pay $0.00 per week while learning. Steady amp Loymen t. Pleasant position. Apply az once CLINTON KNITTING CO., Clinton, Ontario, Good Farm tor Sate. Lot 35, (0r10 1811)11 3 Teckersiiiith cantaning 100 times. tei ail cleared and in a spemdid state of cultiv- ation. The farm is well under (irat)7 ed and fenced with five acres of good hardwood bush, Liege bank barn and straw shed with good stabling, selo and other out buildings. Good brick hotes:•.!, eight rooms kitchenand moodsbed with good cerise and hard and soft stater. There is a splendid apple orchard , also large orchard of plums, prat* and chorrys trees and an abundance of shade trees, On the farm .are two never £Oi ling wells 0130 With, with the windmill The farm is convenient to church and school sie miles from thetown town of Clinton and Seaforth and 2 1-2 mites from ;Brucefield Tele- phone in house with long distance connection, rural mail delivery route to be established inundiately Tenets reasonable as the pro- rietor is giving up farming. Apply on the premises or address. A, ELCOAT, • .Brucefield Slabs For Sale 14 inches long, Hardwood, 12 inches long, Body Wood. STAKETON 11111 • W'e can fill all orders for Ea- - tional Portland Cement at once. call er phone. J. HUTTON LONDESBORO CLINTON COAL YARDS Yards Opposite D. T. R. Station -ill kinds of Coat on hand --- Chestnut Solt Coal Stove ' Blacksmith Furnace Coke Kennel Coal and Wood Tilre-tleis o 3 andt t4hvery-einchsie- hbest (11131itY' Brick to Order. I Pi. FO RI3ES sleseetes. NOttee w, DitY047.)SE. ani prepared to do car,pentering and repairing, 1 Storni doors and Winnows Madeto order. Chaeges reasonable, Ceders left" at the houee or ,at T Watt' 'ehoe store will !bepromptly lattended to • ALEX. GOSLEIGH, ' Biattenbeey Street • 13AlinfSTE 1 SOLICITOR NOTAZ • PU8/410, .NTO craumou CHARLES IS. • Connejencet Notary Public, REAL ESTATE ANI)1NSUI/AlsTCH onamissioner, e e. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. House tor Sale EferonSSt., Clinton, I am instructed to Sell quick. He -re is a chance tol secure asi excellent home at a bargain price. I will show property, and consider any fair offer. 0. B. HALE. For Sale A seeond-hand Wood Furnace in first-elase comdition. Also one see- oncl-hand Radiant Home Heater. Apply to THOS. HAWKINS, at Rowland's Hardware Farm for Sale. rakima.,•••• A desirable 100 -acre farm for sale, being Lot 24, Con. 5, Hullett. Good frame house and kitchen; bank barn 50x66, 3.miles from Clin- ton, 3-4 mile frona school. The farm is well fenced, well underdrained, and' in good state of cultivationa Plenty of spring water. Possession given, to suit' purchaser. For fur- ther particulars apply to JOHN CARBERT, Clinton, P.O. Phone 4 on 165. Live Fowls Wanted_ am now ready to handle Pat Hens and Young Chickens, and Young Ducks, set highest !prices Poultry taken not later than Thursday of each week. Other Fowls handled later on. W. MARQUIS Base Line, Phone IA on 166. Money Wanted. I have several inquiries for loans of various amounts and will be pleased to find investments for funds on mortgages. W. BRY D ONE rarKI for S'ale A desirable SO acre farm for sale Good frame house, a parlor, dining room, summer kitcriee and wood shed. A bank barn with cement floors, pig pen with eminent floor and troughs, and drive shed, veil drained, all seeded but ahoul 22 acres, everything in good shape, Some of the money may be hnd at a low rate of interest, will sell with or without crop, Apply to H. HESK. Lonclesboro, or on the preneses, Int 17, con, 8, Hullett, Farm For Sale A first class farm, consisting of 75 acres, on con. 12, part lot 34,11u1 - lett township, 3 miles from Londes- boro, and 5 miles front Blyth, 11-2 miles from School, A bank barn 36 by 56, another ,barn 36x52, drive shed 24x40. A brIck house, plenty at water, about am: (acre of or- ahand. Possession can be given right after harvest. Apply to WILLIAM LONGMAN, IBleth, P. Farm Io' Sale The executor of the Southcombe Estate others for sale 50 serest - East half of lot 28, eon. 6, Hullett. A first-class farm, well watered and improv.ed, and with good buildings. Also the undersigned oftere for sale, lot 298 con. 6,Hu11- ett, 100 acres. These farms may be bought together or separately. JAMES SOITTEICOM13E. Clinton. FORD t McLEOD We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standaru,). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand -.Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices paid for Hay and all Grains. FORD & McLOD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.1.1AAAAAAAA.1 4 - P 4 44 Z I P10114,44S II. 41.- A lo. 4 s. 4 See and here our finest P. i New Stylish designs of 1:: i Doherty Pianos and, t II. I Organs, E 4 • 8- 4 4 Special values hl Art : 4 4 1 . Cases 4 ' 'I 4 Pianos and organs rent 0. [ 11 ed, choice new Edison phonographs, Music St 1 ; 1 variety goods. 31. Mime Emporium [ a E 1 4..8• C. Hoare . 4 , ii. H. T. RANO El Notary Militia, Conveyancer, Financial and -Real Estate. "INSURANO111:AGENT-RePretentIllg18 Firean' surance Companies... 1 Division Court Office. 1VIedit-ai. DRI ft. W. THOMPSON Physician. surgeon, Ete enacts' attention given to diseases of the EYe, Ear. Throat, and Naga, Byes carefully examined, and suitable classes, prescribed. Office and Residence. Two doors west or *ha Commercial chitin Waren St. DRS. DUNN and DANDIER Dr. W. Dann; 5.81. C. r., 5. a (1. 5.. Eli Dr • 5, C. Dandier. B.A. 81.81, OtHee-Ontarlo Street, Clinton. Night °alb at residence. HattenbarireSt or at hospital DR. J. W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON. econeheur. etc,, othee and residence on tenbuty St.. opposite W. Farran's residence. DR. F. E. AXON DENTIST: 1Trown and Bridge Work a. Specialty: - Graduate of C.C.D.S.,i Chicago. and R.0,II.S- Toronto. Baytiold on-tdondays, May Ist to Decemb • DR. R. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S bbore. Special care taken to make dental 'treat, meat as painlesa as nossible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction me GODERIOH ONT r.umatoa,C Sales a apeman)", Olden et 1 81 Now ERA office, Clinton, prtAnotly attended to. Terms reasonable. Farmers' sale note discounted G. D. 11.1cTaggars M. D. MoTaggar MeTa wart Bros? BANNERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON General Banking Businsail • transacted NOTES Dr SCOUNTED Drake isened. Interest allowed or. deposits. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance co. Perm sand Isolated Town Freya erty Only Insured. OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth, .1 Connolly, Vice -Pres., Goderich, T. E, Hays, Sec.-Treas., Seaforith. DIRECTORS. Jas, Connelly, Hcimesville John Watt, Harlock ; G. Dale, Clinton; D. P. McGregor, Seaforth, J. Evans, Beachwood , J. G. Grieve, Winthrop. Benneweis, Broclhagen; M. Me. Ewan, Clinton. Each Director is Inspector of losses an his own district. AGENTS. Robt Smith, Harlock; Ed. Hieb,. ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, 'Ege mosselville; . W, Yeo, Hotmeevillee Payments may be,,made at The morrischt Clothing Co., Clinton, or R.II. Outt, Goderich. JACOB TAYLOR OLINTOIN/ -- Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Real estate bought and sold Money to loan Office Issas Street, next door to New Era Grand Trunk Railway System Railway Time Table London, Huron and Brace. North Passenger London, depart... , 8,80 a m 4.50 On, Centralia 9.40 5.43 Exeter 9,53 5,54 Hensell 10.08 6.05 Kippen 10.16 6.11 Brucefield 10.30 6.19 Clinton 11.00 6.35 Londesboro 11.18 6.52 11.27 7.00 Belgrave 11.40 7.13 Wingham, arrive11.50 7.3511 South Passenge Wingham, depart6.43 ern 3.33 p 121 Belgrave . 6,54 3.44 Blyth Londesboro 7.16 4.04 (Minton 7.50 4,23 Brucefield 8.12 4,39 leippen . . . . . .,8.23 4.47 Hensele •8.32 4,52 Exeter 8.48 5,05 Centralia, .... „9,00 5.15 Londonearriye10 00 6.10, Bullet° and Code Wee' Passenger am pm pm pm Stratford. . . .. -.10.00 12.20 5.2e 10.20 Mitchell . . .. . . ...10.22 12.45 5.55 10.47 Seaforth 10.45 1.10 6.18 11,12 Clinton 11.07 1.25 6.40 11.28 Holmeseille 11.16 1,83 6.46 11.38 51oderich11-35 1.50 7.05 11.55 East 1 essenger am pm pm Goderich 7.10 2.40 4.50 Hohnesville 7,243 2.57 5.06 Clinton 7,35 3,0'7 5,15 Seatorth 7.52 3.25 5.32 Mitchell. .... 8.16 3,48 5155 Stratford 8.40 4 15 6,20 0.11011•••••••••••••••••••• Small Idyls. Always Pays Pbone 52. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA•11001111114100•01160