HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-10-09, Page 2Page i.,.
Cunnington Manor, Sask.,
Writes :-"My brother suf-
fered severely from eczema.
The sores were very exten-
sive, and burned like coals
into his flesh. Zam-Buk took
out all the fire, and quickly
gave him ease. Within three
weeks of commencing with
Zam-Buk treatment, every
sore had been cured."
This Is but one of the many
letters we are constantly receiving
from people who have proved the
healing powers of Zam-Buk. For
eczema, piles, sores, burns, cuts
find all skin troubles there fs
nothing like this wonderful balm.
No skin disease should be con-
sidered incurable until Zam-Buk
has been tried.
All Thuggish, 50e. per Box.
Refuse Substitutes.
consydea•ed one of the) numbers on
a program headed "Peace on, earth,
good -will towards men Some-
times it would be the right kind of
"irnedicine" to administer but the
after effects on the parents is like=
ly to produce !a very high fever.
But there tare heroes living who
still run chances over this sumer
times long -to -be -desired oper-
ations, ,One • of them is W. 1 S.
Thompson, Winnipeg, who spank-
ed his kleighbor's yon for using
bad language. The spanker was
haled before_ the magistiYtte, of
course, but this legal authority rul-
ed that Mr. Thompson was justified
i;nl the act, Don't stake this one in-
stance however, as a rule, and with
shingle ifr-hand'go out on the war-
path because lawsuits are some
times very co.ntrpry affairs. Love
your neighbor is better than law
your neighbor,
Lord Northcliffe, of England,
who is designated as the Napoleon
of the ',press, has beeni:talking to,
Oalnueks on the Fourth' estate. Hg
thinks newspaperdom in this coun-
try is not up to the standard, of the
old land. Doctors may differ', how-
ever, and' • we have) heard critics
from this side of the ocean express
the opinion that the Canadian press
was in advance of that across the
sea, A line drawn between the two
would put them, about on. par, all
of the excellencie4 not being pos-
sessed by either. The visit of Lord
Northcliffe was greatly,, enjoyed.
Colonel Roosevelt may buckle in-
to the Presidential of 1916;in. the
The New .Era. United States. It requires 'about as
much of the emphatic (to teach
some mem that they have hadtheir
share of office and honor as it does
to get the consent of some well
deserdiing men to become candi-
dates for office. If we were advis-
iiug Col. Roosevelt we would sug-
gest that he tartly until President
Wilson gets the (seat well warmed;
W. ff. KEB:R & SON, Props.
J. Leslie Kerr, Business Manager
New. Era, One Year in advance$1.00.
New Era, when not paid in ad-
vance.. 31.50
New Era. tothe United States
in advance....... 31.50
Advertising Rates' on' Application.
Job work prices a'dvanre on . July
let, 1913, in accordance With
the Huron Co. Preen Asso-
ciation Rates,
Office Phone 30 House Phonb 93
Tuesday, 21st inst., will be Do-
minion bye -election in East Middle-
sex. For cool weather they prom-
ise a. warm timer
The village of Ruthveu, Essex
Co, ,is crowing like a young Shang-
hai, ever:a 37 ounce .tomato. At 19
bu ices to the pound that makes
better than 21-4 pounds which is
quite et tomato. Huron. Co, might
ave some in the;beary draft class
leo if our people - would only blow
bout them: publicity is an ele-
eset.this County is lacking in, des-
itethe role now occupying the at-
enti;on of the Co. Council. Huron
can produce the goods but the'pub-
ic far and near should know of it.
.Once more the question 'elf a
,electric e stile- railway
00 ed i
$ n Huron. Ifit c
an be fi-
and a`circuiti big enough
compassed there should be, little
oubt of its ,success.' People will
o 1a trifle wady since the "pug in
he loose" receivedl over that West
hore fiasco but, with that expeu-
,enee fresh in the snemorp there
Fill be different methods feticwed, a
the yea]ture ..to 3ffirna, n is ex. -
It looks as if there -might be
some "doitngs" ;in Ulster before
long. Our impression is that some
oppositionists may burn their fin-
gers' if they attempt. to carry
things with too high .'e hand.
People who set themselves de-
teemilnedly, against statutes may
have to back water or suffer the
coinsequences.. There is room for
cool heads and sober judgment in
connection with the ;,Home Rule
question to -day,
Crossing the Atlantic 51 times is
quite a record fon olne man but
this is Rev, Dr. Milligg••aln's (Toronto)
summiing up 'to date. He should
be an good terms with old Neptune
by this time. a person, would think.
Under the old, regime of the sail-
ing fleets he would have consumed
about 4 years in voyaging but the
ocean, greyhounds havelrearly an-
nihilated distance while, their
palatial equipment spells luxury,
There .is a probability. of the
wiping off the political map. 10
constituencies in Ontario in the
proposed redistribution while Tor-
onto will be . given 3 ladditional
members. Some dray- there, will
require to be a calling off of the
prepon'derfence of the city repre-
sentation as it looks a serious in-
equality in considering fair play
and the concentrating oft people in
these centres
The hen :continues 'to, hold the
premier place in the, farmyard and
whether it be the egg pnodtrct or
her flesh and ifeatherls few depart-
ments, considering the finances in-
volved as first cost,, can, put bid-
dy in second place. She deserves
better -- attention and more coin-
fortable sur►'oundings for'&he sake
of ,herself and the feathered fam-
ily connection,
Che ri
ng assurances a
come from
G 're
at West
n the
grain re-
of the past harvest. It should
mean• much to those who are in-
terested i(ru agriculture and' down
through all the other avenues of
tvade and commerce; The nett
cansiideration is the proper hand-
ling of the great cro I so that the
oeleades of the pas will be at
n end,
eeted that a survey "will be made
f proposed rout& i: /the next few
oniths so that a report will be
roelsaTnu Sox �pext Session of the
ounty C'bitncii, The iplaiT jvoulrl
tato utilize Os much 'Or the West
hore road as possible 'and belt the
.ounty, Baron is behind in elee-
t'ic road making compared with
ome other. Counties.
When a man assays to admin -
stew a switching to his; neighbor's
htldren the is travelling _.over a
hoer. bordered path, as it is not
s nasal
impaired? Does your throat
get husky or clogged'
Menem science Mertes that
these symptoms result from run
.down health. Snuffs and vapors
are irritating and useless. You
should build your general health
with the oil -food in Scott's
Emulsion'!lour is ng'
w9llcri; vj t.iib At enl ven.
nutrition and as-
teie�ood alf�
simiiation and assist nature to
check the inflammation uttt3
heal the sensitive n' rm6ranes
which ate affected.
is Emulsion
will raise* your
standard of 1lealth
to correct catarrh.
Shun akoharec mritarae
aid insist on scorns
Pewee sawge.
):fere is the old ling Richard II.
way of matting sausage; Pygs.e in
ea NS° savrge," . or pigs who ;sage
sauce. '"Fake pyggs yskaldid (scald-
ed, and quarter them and booth them
in hater and salt; take then' and let
them kele (coon; take parser (parsley),
sawge (sage) and gryude it with brecle
and yolkes of a3'ren (eggs) Imide
ysode (boiled); temper it with vinegar
somewhat thick, and lay the pyggs in
a vessel and sere onward (the suttee
over thein), and serve it forth.", "Take
pyggs" is pretty good. Size or number
seems of no consequence -New York
Press. .i-- it. -�
A Herd One.I":,'
"Fatherly" S ;;
"well, what Is iii";.
"It says here, 'Aman is known by
_the company he keeps,' Is that ,so,.
'Yee yeS, yes
!'Well, father, if a good man keeps
eetepany with a bad man is the good
man bad because he keeps company
with the bad man, and Is the bad man
good because he keeps company with
the good man?" -London Punch.
Why He Wept.
Spartan Mother -What's the matter?'.
Wbat are you crying for? Stung Hero
(who alas been taught never to cry to
bodily pain) -Oh, I -I've sat do.^ax o
a bee, and -I'm afraid, I' da have.
hurt it! -London Punch.
„Sb,; ",:,geed For Alarn%
etked me what I thought of
"Yes. But don't get frightened. I'
didn't tell her."-Lippincatt's.
No-Friend'of H16,
"Is Mrs. Gaussip a friend of yottr'sr".
"No; she's, a friend of my wife's."
"Isn't that the same thing?"
"Not at all. She feels very sorry for
my wife."' --Pittsburg Post
I '
Buy this oven -tested flour`
Thursday, October 9th, 1010,
�.. 'Your oven will certainly pro.
duce more bread and better bread
as a result of our oven test.
From each shipment of wheat
delivered at our mills we take a
ten -pound sample. It is ground
into flour. We bake bread from
Urrrthis flour. If this bread is high in
quality and large in quantity we
use the shipment of wheat from
%came. which it
..wme. Otherwise, we sell
The baking quality of flour
tQld under this name is theref re
aria exact certainty. Bule and.
ben t!
More Bread ' and Better $I•ead and
u Better` astr Too" 527
uron Go. Ne Ws
Mr. E,L.' Elwood K. C. of Regio
has recently been appointed to th
supreme count' of Saskatchewan,
His Honor iso a, son; of Huron and'
brother of Mrs, A,' Holmes of Wing
ham. •
Mr. ;W. D. McPheo+son IC,C. M. P
P., the Grlaindi Meister of the Mas
clniic. Grand. Lodge of Canada ha
'appointed Mr. J. Ritchie of Wing
ham a Grand Stewatid, which is a
ralte- honor. Inmasoniq circles, it
is now Very( Worshipful Brother
Ritchie. The appointment was wel
merited and els to popular'. one a-
mong the craft.
North Htu4on License Commission
met in Wingham on Monday of
last week. The new, kommissioner
to fill the( vacancy caused by ,the
delath of the late( Thos. E. Durnim,
is Mr, John. Bartlett of Dungannon.
Willie doling her chor'blr on' the
evening of Exeter Fair day Mrs.
R. Downie aceidently.fell down cel-
lar the trap door of Whichhad been,
left open: She was badly shaken
up but no pones appear •'to have
been: broken.
The tax rate in Mortti.s for this
year has beenl fixed at 31-3 mills
oln. the 'dollar.'
Subscription! lists have been in
circulation, at Hensel' for a fine
pipe organ. for Carmel church, and
judging by the many liberal sums
contributed ;a handsome ,and np-
to-date pipe organ is insured and
will l i:ely'be iinstalod before the
close of the prescln:t'ryear.
Ainlother old 'landmark in E -
mgndville has beenatemoved. The
old Daly hotel, which•has isheltered
many a weary wayfarer in 'flays
goinie by, has been('torn down and
removed. Tho buildthg Was pur-
chased by the, Messrsl-Krnse, who
have removed the material to their
new brick yatidt property and tvill
have it converted into the new
chopping mill which theyiare;ereet-
T owbridge cheesemaker was
successful illi winning 4 prizes, fon
his cheese et Toronto lFair,-lst,
2nd, 3rd, 4th ..and 8th.
The Camrose 'paper says: \of a
former resident of Ethel locality:-
ocalityf-•Rev. Robert PearsoOs, Secretary of
the Y. M: C. A., was1'Ulpa down, by
sun automobile on Eighth avenue,
Calgary, dm Saturday andereceived
injuries which will keep him in the
hospital for several weeks.
Johnston's Methodist church,rc
h, lst
line Morris, will; celebrate the Gol-
den anniversary of their congre
gationi,,on Sunday and Monday
October 12th and- 13th, Rev, Kr.
Johnston, of London, will preach.
Ex -Reeve Henry Mooney, a; far-
mer well known andhighlyesteem-
ed resident of MorbiO . ;township,
who filled various( posts. of duty
the Municipality and sat at the
Council Board as Councillor and
Reeve for many years died on Sep-
tember 10th at Weyburn, Sask.
After a continuous residence in
Brussels of over 50 years' a well
,.wn,wn and highly esteemed resi-
dent passed away mast Saturday in
the ,person .of W,'H, *McCracken.
He had beein,off duty for about a
yell suffering from'acute indiges-
Mr. Peter Ducharme of the Bron -
a Lime Hay township was thrown out
e of his' rig on Sundlay last, while re-
, turning home from church and sus-.
a tainted a broken leg.
- A pretty wedding was celebrated
at 90(p.m. Sept. the 23rd1 (at the
Evangelical parsonage, Dashwood,
on the occasion of:, the marriage of
- Miss {Theo J. iseeoti.d - youngest
s daugghtett of Mr. and, Mrs. Dopes
- 'Hiartleib to Mr. William- Hey, Zar
ich Rev. Mr. Grekzebach offieeting.
Nord received here 'early in, the
week stated that, Mr. Seedy klaw-
1 dein, faemerly of Exeter, who has
'beeln, seriously ill, with typhoid fe-
ver and pneumonia fn Edmonton,
has passed the; dalniger point and
that strong hopes are now held out
for his recovery.
Get Next To Your Liver.
• iF YOU DON'T •
Something Serious May i•lappen.
At times everyone is bilious, the Liver
becomes overworked, bad bile is accu-
mulated, and enters the blood, and causes
a general clogging up of the secretions.
When this happens no 'one can escape
Constipation, Jaundice, Headaches,
Heartburn, 'Indigestion, - Liver Com-
plaint, and those tired weary feelings
which; follow the wrong action of the
Mn,nurte's Laxa-LIvsa Pn,i,s stimu-
late the sluggish Liver, titan the coated
tongue, sweeten the breath, and clear
away all the waste and poisonous matter
from the system.
Mas. H. A. McCLAnAie, Rimbey, Alta.,
writes: -"I have-used'MrsamiN's LAxa-
LIvta Pius, and an] greatly pleased
with the results. I had Indigestion,
and .such a bitter taste in my mouth
after retiring that was so unpleasant
I couldnot sleep well, and also had a
deathly sickness sometimes after I had
eaten. Two vials of LAS. -Livia Pni,s
have cured me."
Mft,mnrN's LANA -LIVER PILLS are
25 cents per vial or 5' vials for 31.00.
See that you get them when asked for.
Manufactured only by The T. Milburn
Co„ Limited, Toronto, Ont.
The New Era gives.the news.
East (Huron Teaeherte meet in
Clinton On .Oct. 9th and 10th.
naiad in the news whether local
or Pe
>rsomais to the
New Era,
Is your
subscription m
paid to The
New Era.
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
' Y, M. C. A. InLDG.,
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue
free. Enter any time, "
J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
17 Vice-Pllncipal
a doubt
find this out , ..
in all"
1 your t -ravels
ro',ind about
the bread that's
best with any
is lust the:on9
and only real
better bread
could not be
-that's what you'll
say when you have
tried this crispy,
Phone No: 1
and have it
delivered to 'STblie
house every day:
Largest Natural Span In America, if
Not In the World.
The largest natural bridge in Amer -
lea, if not indeed in the whole world,
is located in southwestern Utah, not
far from the state boundary line, and
is known as the George Natural bridge,
Its total length between the huge natu-'
ral abutments Is about 200 feet, the
width of the roadway is some 55 Leet,
while the span in the 'clear -is '90 feet.
From the bed up to the span le ' 180
feet. At the bottom flows a small
water course that during the long hot
summer months dwindles down to a
mere rivulet, lust what produced this
work of nature has for some time
puzzled the leading scientists of the
country. It could scarcely have been
created by the wear of water unless
there was a very large, and swift cur
rent flowing where the little brook is
now. The general explanation given
for thecreation.. of this natural bridge
Iis that volcanic action, 'occurring at
somedistant period of the world's his•
tory, was the active 'agency, '
the existence of -the 'bridge is of
comparative recent, knowledge to the
public, though the Indians in that re-
gion have long known that there was
such a work of nature. The red- men
often spoke of this bridge to the early
settlers of that part of Utah, but little
credence was ever given to their
stories. About ten or twelve years
ago it was :first discovered by some
mining prospectors. Itis located In
the heart of a very rugged region that
is difficult of access. Of late years if
Ms been visited by a great many
tourists and sightseers. • Very recently
some travelers visited this freak of
old Mother Barth in automobiles, and
one venturesome motorist drove his
ear across the bridge, passing safely
over the yawning chasm. The stone
of which the span is composed is dark
brown sandstone of an unusually hard
quality, and the thickness of the span
is twenty feet qr more. L,ngineers
who have made a careful examination
of this bridge pronounce it perfectly
safe and secure ,and fully capable al':
supporting an immense weight. The
spanis free front flaws or seams.
Wide World Magazine.
uld Jack derive any fruit rrom the
len l ore?"
Yes. snre he did. Se met there a
girl hei.new and made a date with
her, and she's a peach." - Baltimore
ft 'oiler) 1,
Girls Wanted
Experienced, and girls to learn
Knitting and Looping. Will pay
30.00 per weak while learning,.
Steady employment. Pleasant
position. aply t once-
Clinton, Ontario.
Good Farm for ;pato.
Lot 35. Concession 3 Tuckersmith
eonta'ning 100 acres. 05 all cleared
gad in a splendid state of cultiv-
ation. The farm is well under
dra'uad and fenced with five acres
of good hardwood bush. Large
bank bar!' and straw- shed With
good stabling. silo anclother out
buildings, Good brick house eight
rooms Idtchenand woodshed with
good cellar and hard and soft
e ate,. There is a splendid apple
orchard also large orchard of
plums, Jr: ars, and eherrys trees
and an atmndance• of shade 'trees.
On the farm aretno never failing
wells one with with the tvinclnifll
The farm is oon'yen iont to Chinch
and school six Miles from thetottee
town of Clinton and Seaf.orth and 2
1-2 miles from Brucefielcl
]tns in house with long distance
connection, , rural
route to be established immdietely
Terms reasonable as the pro-
rie•tor is giving up farming. Apply
on the premises or address.
Slabs For Sale
1.4 inches long, Hardwood,
12 inches long, Body 'Wood.
AV6 can fill all orders for Na-
tional Portland Cement at once.
call or phone.
Yards Opposite G. T, R. Station
LtD kinds of Coal on hand-
Chestnut Sett Coal
Stove Blacksmith
Furnace Coke
Kennel Coal
and Wood
'rile -2i, 3 and 4 -inch size-
The Tile is of the very best
Brick to Order:
Phone 52.
I am prepared to do carpentering
and repairing, , Storm doors and
Windolvs made to order. Charges
reasonable: Orders left at the
house or ;at Tr Watts' shoe store.
will bepeomptly attended' to
Rlattenbury Street
House tor Sale
I am instructed to Sell quick.
Here is a chance to) secure an
excellent home at a bargain price.
I will show property, and consider"
any fair -offer.
For Sale
A second-halnd Wood Furnace in
first-class condition, Also one eec-
ond-halnd Radiant 'Home Heater.
at Howland's Hardware
Farm for Sale.
A desirable 100 -acre farm for
cele, being Lot 24, Con. 5, Hulle(tt,
Good frame house and kitchen;
bank barn 50x66, 3.miles from Clin-
ton, 3-4 mile from school. The farm
is well fenced, well underdrained,
and in good state of cultivation,
Plenty of spring wafter. Possession
give* to suit! purchaser. For fur-
ther particulars apply to
Clinton, P.O.
Phone 4 on 165.
Live Fowls Wanted_
I am now ready to handle Fat
Hens and Young Chickjelns, and
Young Ducks, at highest -prices.
Poultry taken not later than
Thursday of :each week. Other
Powis handled later en. •
Base Line,
Phone 14 on 166.
Money Wanted.
I have several inquiries for loans
of various amounts and will be
pleased to find investments for
funds on mortgages.
Farm tor tSaio
A desirable 80 acre farm. for sale
Good frame house, aparlor; dining
room, slimmer kitchen and wood
shed A bank barn with cement
flogrs, pig pen with cement floor
and troughs, loci drive shed, well
drained, all seeded but about 22
acres, everything in good shape,
Some of the money may be, had et
a love rate of interest, will sell with
or without crop. Apply to
H. HEW, Lnndesboro,
or on the premises, lot 17, con, 8,
Hull et t.
Farm For Sale
A first class farm, consisting of
15 acres, on eon.12, part lot 34,Hu1;
lett township, 3 miles from Londes-
bore, and 5 miles from; Blyth 11-2
miles .from School, A bank ,barn 36
by 50, another ,barn 36x52, drive
shed 24x40. A brick house, plenty
of water, about am`, nacre of or -
,chard, ,Possession can be given
right after harvest. A. lyy" tao,
Blyth, P.40.
Farni .tor Sale
The executor of the Southcombe
Estatel off ra
50 acres -
half of lot 28, con. ett.
, H
A first-class farm, well watered
and improlted, and with good
buildings. Also the undersigned
a Dern for sale, lot 29i eon. 6, Hull-
ett, 100 acres. These farms may be
bought together or separately.
1 c C1DD
We're now selling !Timothy Seed.
(Government Standard.).
We also have on hand, Alfalfa,
Alsike, and Red Clover.
We always have on hand Goose.
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Cairn
Highest Markel Prices paid for Hay
andall Grains.
0onneyanee," Notary Public,
Commissioner, etc,
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Huronj'St„ Clinton.
Notary Publid, Conveyancer,
Financial and Real Estate, -
I istutenowetoENT-Reeresenting 14 Fire:In•
surance Companies,.
Division Court Office.
Physician, Surgeon. • Etc
BOeeial attention given to diseases of the
Eye, Ear. Throat. and Noes..
Eyes carefully examined, and suitable glasses=
Office and Residence;
Two doors west of the Commercial Bohn
Enron St.
Dr. W. Gunn; L. E. E. P.. E. B. 5. S.. Edts,
Dr .J, C. Gaudier. B.A.' MIS.
Office -Ontario Street, Clinton.
Night oars at residence, $a$teabury!S6.,
or at:hosnital
ceoneheur, etc., oaleb and residence on
tenbury 51.. opposite W. Farran's residence.
DR. F. A. AX011f
i drown 111141 Bridge Work a Speclaltre
Graduate of 0.0,0.5.,, Chicago. and 31.0,0,8
hayfield oh'Mondays, gray 1st to Decentu
011. H. FOWLER,
Offices over O'NEIL'S store.
Special care taken to make dental'treat-
ment as painless as possible.
Live stork and general Auction ler
Farm silica sales' a speoialin oideee of!ti
Now ERA office, Clfntoa, promptly attended
to. Terme reasonable. Farmers' elle note
discounted - -
G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggar
d. `ea,di. a.f.,_, ;r`,, rt Bros.
(*enero,l Banking 14ttaltaeina
Drafts issued. Interest allowed on
The McKi.lHop A1hotonal
Fire insurance Co.
Parra and Isolated Town Props
erty Only Insured..
J.B. McLean, President, Seaforth,
.1 Connolly, Vice -Pres., Godea'icll.
T.E. 'Hays, Sec.-Treas., Seafoaith;
Jas. Connelly, Hclmesville, John
Watt, .Eanlock; G. Dale, Clinton; D.
F. McGregor, Seafortb ; J. Evans,
Beechwood,, J. G. Grieve, Winthrop
J Benneweis, Brodhagen ; M. Me.
Ewan, Clinton.
Each Director is Inspector of
losses dm his own district.
Re,bt Smith, Hariock ; Ed. Hinck
ley, Seaforth;: Wm. Chesney,
mondville, S. W. Yeo, HoUneavill
may be m
is'b( Clothing Co,, Clin,toin, or
R. H. Cutt, Goderieh.
Fire, Life and Accident
Real estate bought gnu sold
Money' to loan
Office Iess.°.Street, next door to New
Grand T'rnnli Railway System
Railway Time Table
1 IV''
FOliIJ X one Il\UL North Passenger
London, depart 8.80 a m 4.50 p:»
Oantralia. 9.40 5,48
Exeter 9,58 5.54
AAAAAAAI►AA f£ipp►AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA it a11 10.08 9.05
en 10.16 6,11
Brueefield 10.30. 6.19
4 Clinton............, 11.00 6.85
4 Londeeboro 11.18 (3,52
11.27 7.00
Belgrave 11.40 7.13
Wingham, arrive11:50 7,35p
South Paesenge'
See and here our finest
New Stylish designs of
Doherty Pianos and
,Ipeciat values iu Art
1 ' Pianos and organs rent
ed, choice new Edison i
i 'phonographs, Music & E
variety goods. s.
Music Emporium
C. Hoare
Wingham, depart.. 8.43 a m 3.33 p en
Belgrave...... .. 6.54 3.44
Blyth 7.08 8.56
Londesboro 7.16 4.04
Clinton 7.50 4,28
Brucefi,eld 8.12 4,39
4iippen' 8,23 4.47
Flensall 8.82 4.52
Exeter.,. 8.48 5,05
Centralia 9.00 5.15,
London,'arrive 10.00 6,10:
Buffalo and (:rode
Wes` Passenger
aro pm pm pm
Stratford. ,.....10.00 12.20 5,25 10.20
Mitchell 10.22 12.45 5.55 10.47
Sea£orth.... 10.45 1.10 6.18 11.12
Clinton ' 11.07 1.25 6.40 11,28
Iiolmesoille 11.16 1,83 6,46 11.88
Goderiell. ..... ,11.35 1.50 7.05 11,55
I e glen er
am ' 40 pm
Goderich: 7
.,10 4
Holmesville . 7.20 2.57 5,06
C1lnton... ..7.35 '8,07 5.15
Seatorth . . 7.52 3.25 5.32 .
Mitchell.. , . 8.16 3.48 5 e5
Stratford............" 8.40 4 15 6,;20
Small idyls. Always Pays