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The Clinton New Era, 1913-10-09, Page 1
Established 186 ol. 48, No. 15 CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY ttr ------------ OCTOBER 9 1913 .. f To Satisfy the Self -Interest of � Man rs file End of Succes fol Advertising. W.•1-1. "(err & Soni Editors and Publishers Use The New Era to be Successful THE OaI-BaIk ` The, loing evenings have come again and young people are begin - ling to plan how they wills spend them, To some who are ever seek- ilnig pleasure, it will bo simply a chiajnlge from one form of itto an- other from outdoor to ihndolor sport. This innate desireof the human mimtd can find much gratification in our bracing .Canadian winter climate, in hockey, skating, 'to- bogganing, etc. While good sport contributes tothe building\.up of the body, if it is carried to anitex tame, it is more injurious than beneficial, and should not be in- dulged ipr, to that extent. With pletnity of time left to en- gage iln, amusement and sport, the fall and winter, evenings can be adventtage•ously used for the- kn.- prevenient i -prevenienit of the, mind and the acquisition( of knowledge. Our Public Librarjy 'is stocked with valuable works on ,subjects which help to develop the melntal part of our being and afford lasting and substantial pleasure, would it not be a grand thing if more of our young people would at the beginn- ing of the season lay out for, them selves 'acourse of reading. They will filnid the librarians and officers of the libarary willing to help them ifnthis, and there ark others, our teachers gird ministers, who .would also be glad to assist young peo- ple in choosing such a course. Now To Speed the •long Evenings OF CANADA Head' Office, Moiitreal Capital Authorized..:.:::.. $35,000,000 Capital Pa,}d-up 11.500,000 Reserve and undivided profits .....12,500,000 TOTAL ASSETS 143,000,000 '325 BRANCHES With world wide conneetioml 7,ntereet allowed on Deposits General Banking ,buellaese trona - acted.. R. E. MANNING, Mgr. CLINTON BRANCH holiday Time— Kodak Time Tike a Kodak with yt>ru Everything for kodakery at our store, .and prompt de- veloping and printing. SLA 'Y 1. 3t Dispensing Chemist. Which School shall attend? Write to -day forCatalo gne e1 ELLIOTT. , TORONTO, ONT, It will help you to answer the. question. Careful judgment should be exercised in choosing a school. The oleos Incorporated 055' Capital and Reserve $5,7000.000 So BRANCHES IN CANADA A. GENERAL BANRIIaa. H TS1I ESS TRANSACTED. CIRCULAR' L11TTERki OF CREDIT TRAVELLERai OHEO,Ur 9 BANK 3IGNEY ORDERS ISSUED SAVINGS •DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCOHES Interest allowed at highest current rate. C E. DOWDING, Manager Minton Branch, 'f!N•••••••••,.••4••••••44• ••••©•••4•A•••••9•••+•••4• s• • • w • • • • • • • l• • •• •O • • Young 1%Len's • S Snits and Overcoats Ordered Clothing I Ready -to -Wear Clothing; We are Especially Anxious to haye the YOUNG MEN See our Suits and Overcoats this Season We know that the young man of to -day is the most critical dresser in the world. and with a clothing display like ours we know we can please him. We Save Him Money, Too, 1 $5 50 10 $2 • • • No matter when you • •. expect to buy, droit • in to-dayand try on � 9 ♦ ,,' Z some of the new styles 1 � TheMorrish Clothing (t Square Deal for Every Man � •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • 0000.ar110•0oa0011000000•0079 Around The Town Hal) 000080000000®••••••••••0. ,Centre 'Huron License Commis- -aiming are going to ask the Conn- ell to place $100 to their credit fol expenses that will occur in dealing with any liqugr ease that' Inspec- tor may bring. up. (According to the statutes, the Council have no way 'of getting out of it as t the Government derives no license from the Town of Clinton now, Judge Doyle wilt hold his Voters' List Court on,Tl?ureday, Oct. 30th. at 9 p.m. There are many appeals The Teachers' A.s•sociation, of East Harem, have the hall to -day and to -morrow for their convention. Council meeting was held on Monday evening. Present were — Councillors Thompson, Ford, Mor- rish, Paisley and Mason, with Mayor Gibbings, Reeve Cantelon, add Councillor Cluff absent Councillor Thompson occupied the chair, Superintendent Chant of the Elec- tric Light Plant, has been appoint- ed inspector of all wiring, etc:, an ew:idln,g' to the laws of the Hydro Department. Council meeting on Monday was deputation night, and no less than four deputations waited on the eou�neil,— License Inspector Johnson .and Mr. Luke Lawson, about the; Dun- lop. Street dna',n—It was referred to the Street Committee, Dr. 'Shaw, op behalf of the Com- mittee, raising a fund for the new rank, asked that part of the "Sports-" fund be used to help along the work—The Council promised to help with part of this fund. Mr. James Twitchell, on his li- cense, he paid, at the time of his <ale—A committee was appointed to look into the matter with the solicitor. Mr. John Torrence, about a field of wild carrots which is in close proximity to his farm. A committee was appointed to see the solicitor as to what could be dome in the matter.' The various committees had very slim repor',ts, as they all, have to sit tight—moo funds being their ,answer 'Councillor raisl.ey has been au- �to that wn I look after the repairs endues if Child/ to the towtn lock-up. A number of repairs are ,needed to make them + at ,all safe, �nnu�rsary Ser�ice� at O�ttario St. Methodist Church Rev. Thos. W. Neal, Pastor of Bathurst St, Methodist Church, Toronto The people of Ontario St. Metho- dist Church are exceedingly fortun- ate isa securing the services of Rev. T, W, Neal for their anniversary on October 19th, for in addition to ob- taining ono who is admittedly a very able and popular Toronto preacher, they get a minister who is in, reality "An old Huron( Rev, Ma, :Neal isl a brother of Mr. Albeit' Neal, of the Base, line, and twenty odd years ago be worlcecl ou the farm of Mr, Thomas Mason; (now of Clinton), Subsequently he appr'ent:ced him- self' with 1ilr, Johnn, Br(unsdon, of Lgndesboro. It i,e told of a mem- ber of the British parliament that he was taunted' , by an opponent an the, :House 'with having at one time been, a bootblack; he got back at his opponent by sayingg "I ad- mit I was once a bootblack, :but 1 defy my opponent to say I did not clo my work well," The same is said of Mr. Neal before he en- tered the ministry— "ho always did his work web," and this, principle has characterized his nninisterial labors, and in part accounts' for his , success and prominence, • 4 • • z • •• • • •• ••• • i • • i •••• •• • • • • O • • • • • • • •• • • • •• • MR. KEMP'S WORK. • Springfield (0,) Daily Sun—"The • ,attraction, proved, to be one of •' the most thoroughly enjoyed that 4. has marked any lecture .course ever • arranged in this city. Mr. Kemp • made his hearers feel the spirit of • the characters ho was represent, • ung, When ,he talked, those who' • heard •him saw holt (the man :fri • dress .suit; they slaw farther and heard the deep voice of Jim Fear toil or the piping tones of Miss • Butterworth. It was not the one • setting of the stage which formed • , the background ; real scenery could • hardly have produced a more d-viv- atmosphere, The acting of Mr. • Kemp was a great s'uecess,"—Mr, ,• Kemp will appear in, the town hall • ,next Thursday Evening, he being •• the second number on the Dohert- ty Concert Course .and will be, as- • silted by (Mr. Jessop, the web- kln,own Pass soloist. The Council has decided to place ureters ilnall houses and places of business which have electric light that have not now meters, but pay a flat rate. This must be dome sooner or later, asthe Hydro Com- missian, only isupply power by meter nate, and the ElectrieLight Committee' deem itadvisable to get as much of the work done so that whelrn the Hydro does' come every- thing will be ready for it. --o-- An, important question is now be- fore the electoals—Do they watnit-.a Commission for Hydro and another for Wratedworsk, or 1 &lave one tor• the two, A vote =this matter will likely be taken, at the municipal elections, Have you selected your lca,n.di- date for. Council next year ? A wide-awake Council arext year will add greatly to the town, Councillors who deemit best to stay away from eouoeil'shouldl be left at home next year, and, many of the,ratepayens have expressed themselves in pretty ,strong terms at the way some of the rneetipgs hale been, attended. Local News WAMAMMINWRIYI }Il be employed by school this Act. any peasol,.,.I'uring ,school hours o Where any of'the, provisions' of white the public school is•iaansession ;this Act ane violated by a cortp- and any person, who employs a 1 oration, proceeding may: be had child in, contravention of this sect- against any officer or agent of the i,gnl shall incur a penalty not ex- corpoltion who is a party touch ceeding 20 dollars for each offence. violation and such officer or agent 6. 'Wheue; +little opinion of tine shall be',subject to the same Penal the principal or :Justice of the Peace, ; ties as those"person, similarly off- ending, services. UI such child snail (Fourteen year ago, at ,Owen Sound, he was ordained, and the yams ,since have been those of blessed usefulness and activity. It can truthfully be said of him that few ministers' have risen to greater prominence in;f so short 'a time, Among the impoz taut charges he has filled are Newmarket, King St Toronto, and Kingston. Before ac- cepting his present appointment, Bathurst St Church, Toronto, he declined the pastorate of St. James Church, hlolntrbal, the citadel of Methodism in, that city, at a sal- ary cloublo what he is receiving; but persomlal and family -considera- tions lccl' hien to decide in favor of Toronto. His wife is also "to ,,the manor boron," being a daughter of Rev. C. A. Simpson, of Brampton. Mr, Neal 15 Act sensational and,may corr tet- ly be described , as au; eerlhest "Gospel preacher."we venture the pnadietion: that those who Bear hien on 'the. 11+11, will be .delighted and profited, and it affords the New Era very much pleasure to itntroduce 1 him to the people of this vicinity., Ilo Not ttcnd School 1, Every child between. 8 and 11 6. )A, truant officer shall for the years of age small attend schod l purpose of this Ant, be bested with forn t] e full ter i 1 n during w]' - � which 1 II the • g the powers 1 ,sof a peace school au which he, resides is open1 officer and 1 shall have authority to enter fae- each year. tomes woukshops, stores shops and 2 Aperson who has •received, in- all other places where childrean,rnay to his house another person's, chile+ under the age of 14 who' i,s resid-' be employed or congregated - and bet with him or is inl,his care or 1 be oe..erfm'su such services ase may . nncesa. y for the enforcemay legal custody, shall be subject to of flus Act, the same duty with a'espect' to the 7, ls1'ety taiannt' officer shall ex - instruction of any such child cur- amine. into all cruses of truancy lag such residence as a parent and within, his knowledge or when rie- shall be, liable to be paooeeded I quested to do so by the inspector, against as in the case of aparent, trustee, teacher or ratepayer' and if lie, fails t o cause such chaldto be their paron:tfs or guardians in writ illstructecl as required by this Act. ing of the consequence of truancy,.' 3. A parent, guaii(dian, or -other PENALTIES. person, AO not be liable to any a.—Parent, ;guardian or other per penalty imposed by this Act; if son who has' control of any child be a,—The child is under effieientin- tween 'the ages of 8 emit 14, whone- strf tion 1 ac g ects or refusees to cause ,such b,—The child is 'unable to:attend child to }attend school unless such ,711:17l by reasolui ee sickness or ch ld is excused from attendance as ownlavoidable cause. provided by not less than; five dol - c, --The child has beelnl excused by lays, a Justice of-tlhe Peace, or by the >`h The court may ilnsteadof imp - principal of the school, which the posing a penalty, require a person child is entitled to Int -tend. thus ee(uvicted to give abond fn d, -The child has passed the,E'n- the penal sum ,of ,One ;Hundr^ed trance Exam. or has completed the 'Dollars, with one. ortmore sureties Course prescribed by the IV Form' lobe approved of by.'jthe court, of the P. S. conditioned that the person con- victed the'02 shall after'the` expiration, of who has nnfta valid uxcuse, under five day, s, cause the child to attend e required in, husbandy or in urgent and necessary household ,dude's or. for, the ,necessary maintenance of such child or of some person de p:,lndent on h•m such Justice of the Peace or principal may by certifi- cate settling forth the reason ther- fox relieve such child( from attend- ing school for any period not ex- eeediln,g six weeks during each P. S. ,term, ,d. Avery person land officer charged with the duty of enforcing any provision of this Act, who reg lects to perforin' the du'tiy imposed upon him 'shall incur(a penalty not exceediing $10 for each offence, The Trowbridge, cheesemaker was snecesisful-iii gunning 4 prizes for his cheese at Torolnito (Fair, -1st, , gad, 3rd, 4th an 8th. i 1 CLINTON SCHOOL REPORT + • DIVISION I Honor Roll for September Sr, Clase,— Noa,a Kennedy 83 Percy Laddt 81 E'd'win Judd 77 Lois Holmes 75 (Winnie Draper 72 Dorothy 16atteinlbur(q 68 tat eine Langford 67 IHlattiie Greig 66 Merle Moore 64 Margaret 'Walker 64 Nellie Watkins 64 Jr, Class,— i Sheitwyn. Aliin 91 (Gladys Keller 86 (Ruth McMath 86 Alvin Leonard 84 Mabel Marshall 80 keine Keller 77 Marion Gibbings 77 Leona, Hearn 76 Charlotte Sheeley 76 e IFri(ed'a Wallis 13 Aileen Armour 72 1' Hattie .Glazier 72 141urriky McNeil 72 Cecil Pickett 72 Hannah Argent 71 Hlai'old Manning 70 Alice Pickett 68 May Rutledge 63 ,Orville Murphy 60 DIVISION II Sr;. Class.— Clete Danford 81 iHarry Lawrence 90 Ethel Wasmaln, 87 Lycla,Livermore 87 Haray Ranee 86 ,Earnest Livermore 83 George Middleton+, 82 Alec Eagleson 81 Eciln(a, McCaughey 79 Mary Taylor 76 Ruth Argent 73 f IMari,oiw Andyews 69 Jessie Jackson 68 Earl Cooper 06• Fanny Hellyav 65 Edna. West 65 Jr. Class,— Sadie Diaper 76 Madelon• Shaw 73 Edith Jones 71 11Ierritt Nediger 69 Earnest Hall 66 Wilfrid Seeley 65 Mary WaltoW 64 Carl Arjgeinit 61 Etna& Little 60 M.E.Cilidley DISION III Sr, Ciasst— ,IV Flora Isliller 96 Beryl Cooper 96 Dail Livermore 95 Agnes Walker 91 'Willis Cooper 87 Lawrence West 82 +Willie Bell 82 Dora Schoeinhals 80 Charlie Cole 79 Pearl Gould 77 Bert Slomana 73 Hattie Livermore 72 Annie Lawrence 62, Jr, Ciasst— ,George Walker 59 Marcus Tienaey 76 , Jean Bell 75 .Anna Grcalis 68 J, 1Vilsopn DIVISION IV Sr, III Cora Miller 90 Amy Hellyar 89 Jabez Rands 88 Jas 'Walker 87 John, Taylor 84 Dorothy Roako 80 Gordon Hall 79 ;F'en,gus Reynolds 78 Willie Mutch 74 Bessie Murphy 70 'Harry Ball 68 Q3etty Twyeford 68 Cecil Cooper Jr. Plass (:Bessie Monkish 89 Mildred Biggins 87 Lottie Judd` 86 Agnes Reynolds 84' ((Macgregor Grant 80 IGeor g e,;,Canter. 76 14lilbor'mte Bailey '76 Alicia Kellar, 7.4 Eva Bolick 71 Asa Bolton. 70 Cathariai,o Wylie 68 Jack Baden 63 (Fred Elliott 63 L, Stevens, DIVISION V Sr, Class', 9vellie Routledge 95• (ta,ertrade Fowler 93 ,Daisy Nedr. ige90 ,Audrey Cellyor 88 Harold Lawson 88 Jean Miller '86 'Wilbur Bezzo 85 Nisbet Cook 84 Amy 'Gould 80 pharlie; McGuire 79 Helen Roberton 77 Continued on Pee B Which One Do You Prefer? We are again face to face with the wet end broken weather, which is the fore- ruon,er of winter, a very try-. ung season for many. Fortify yourself agaijnlst taking cold by using your chouee of — Viaawl. 1 1;f;("111( Wsmpole's Cod Liver .Oil Waterbury's ca Brick's Tasteless; Nyle's Tasteless Rexall Winn of ni Stelav's Wine of Rexall . Emulsion of THE REXALL STORE W.Q.R. Holmes Think of It Hwnuchreds of ' asomen throughout the "town and surrounding country ask ev- ery clay for, O'Neil Groceries and have done, so for yeas{s'. Satisfaction, is the great truth behind us,. See the special display of Crisco and Crystalized Gin- ger Chips an. our South Win- dow. W. . T. ' 1 '4 E I L THE HUB GROCER Phone 48 MISS ROLES, A.:ii$ls 1VA, Teacher of Singing Piano Playing and Theory. Pupils prepared for examination - at Toronto Conservatory of Music and Western University. • For terms apply at residence, Ontario Street. 44+4+4444444444444444444++ Sports 44+444+84+444444444++4++44 - World's Series Base Bali First Game— R H 17 Philadelphia -000320010 — 6 11 1 New York—0010300u0 — 411 0 Phila—Bender p; Schang c. N Islarquard, p, Crandall p, Tesrean p 1VIeyers n, Second Game Pbiladelphia-0000000000 — 0 8 New York —0000000003 — 3 7 2 Philo-Plauk p, Lapp c. N. k,— - Mathewsori a: McLean c. What about reorganizing the Clin. ton Hockey team? Goderich Hockey Club hopes to, have a team in the contest for the , London 'Free Press cup` this season. Godevich intermediate team will be entered in the Northern League it Clinton, Seaforth or other near bp towns get in on the schedule and make it possible. At the anodal meet ing it was decided to put both inter- mediate and junior 0. 11, A. teams on the ice and the town league this year will be under the sante officers, Elect• ions resulted as follows :-Honorary presidents, Al. G. Cameron and W. E'.. Kelly; president, 11. E, Edwards; sec- retary, ecretary, E. 11, Eigle; treasurer, A. GH Nisbet; executive, James Wiggins, Harry Belcher and W. H, Robertson. Delegate to 0, A. 'A., H, E. Edwards. Manager of intermediate team, John Wiggins; manager of juniors, Charlie. Reilly. CLINTON MARKETS. ,(logs $8,40. Eggs, 26c and 27e. Putter 21-22 (Wheat 80-83 (Oats 30 - Batley -48-50 Peias-75-80 tBTlaax-$223—$24, Shouts -425, Toronto Markets Top quotations this wgek,- Cattle $7,26, Sheep $6.061 Lambs . $7.5a Hogs $9.10t Cheese,,:--- -- 131-2: Butter ,.:......,.4 ,.:.24 - 25e Eggs 30c Oats Wheat 88c Barley :....., ,... ...52 to63., Potatoes, per bag,75e: Beans Weol .1.50,to.1 6 $ 6 .....15c:to'26