HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-10-02, Page 8undyed `+ew Models b tes Winter e�ai ARE showing one hundred newanodels of Ladies Winter Mantles from the largest manufacturers, in all the leading cloths and'colots, no two styles alike. Space will not permit a description and all we can do is to extend a heartyinvitation to you to, ,. call and s1•e our display.,. Everybody is doingit. WHY NOT YOU? Prices run- from a .. $9 75, p• FALL 1-101JSE=GLEANINC�: CRPiTs, RUGS, euRT7INs We have passed into stock this week a/ new shipment"of Rugs in "Tapestry, Brussels and Wilton Rugs. Also Swiss and Nottingham Lae Curtains. Every pattern a, new design, at prices to suit all purses, and within the reach of all. We are after all the trade this season in House Furnishings. Our stock is complete to begin with, and anything that is wanted special we can quickly get. If you want to tone things up at little expense, call and see what we call value in Carpets, Rugs and Curtains. Art Sateens --- For --For Comforters All the new colorings are now be- ing shown, and some of the niost beautiful effects for bed comforters are here in colorings to harmonize with any room. Many have been looking' for these new designs and we are pleased to announce the arrival of our entire fall importations. 30 inches wide, per yd 115c. 20c, 25c Also special downproofat per yd 35c "M1511521 MIIIMIRERITMEMECO:ale SEW TEACHER ENGAGED tVingham tine=s —At special meet ing of the High School Board on Toes day Ey an ing, Ni s Edna Cooper, of Clinton was engaged as sixth teacher, Miss Cooper comes to Winghsiu very highly recommended and will enter on her new duties at once, AUTO TOOK THE DITCH, An auto that, was speeding° north ward from Luckuow. Tuesday atter noon, took to the ditch at the foot of Grey Ox hill, and those who after wards viewed the wreck have nut yet ceased wondering bow the occupants ecaped-serious injury or even death. Geo. Wilson, a representative of the Rexall Drug Co Was at the steering ' wheel, and he was aceotnpanied by Jos. Powell traveller for the Stephen & Blake Type Foundry Toronto, At 1 the place where the accident occurred the road is.somewbat high and narrow There were puddles of water on the road and in avoiding one of these a front wheel went over the side of the road, and seeing that the machine was going to slide into the ditch, elv, \Vil son turned it sharp about and ran straight tor the fence into which they dashed at tall speed: The fence rail 1 .were cut in two and the machine turn ed overon 118side hut two risen escap ed practically without a scratch. Ou examination, it was toned that even. the auto was not much damaged, Re pairs were completed by eleven o'clock and on'Wiclnesday rem Bing the join nay to Xincardine was resumed.— Lucknow Sentinel the two gentlemen were in Clinton last Thursday at noon Mr. Wilson calling on W,S,R. Holmes 1 the Rexall man and s\Ir, Powell, on the New Eta. A. D. BEAT.ON DEAD. After a long and severe sickness though able to be around till Saturday last, Mr. A. D. Beaton, a grocer 8n town for many years, passed away ola Wednesday, in his 60th year. The funeral will be held onFriday toLucknow Ceme- tery. A more extended, notice will be givens next week, THE FALL TRADE 1 With the beginning of the Fall trade peeping out our business men should I sit up and take notice. There is no use 1 ' expecting the residents of this section 1 to go around with a microscope trying to find out whether this or that is' i sold in our town. The only plan that will work is to keep everlasting tell ing them what you bevel on hand, That is the way the up. to date mer clients get their trade, 'There is no mason why the people -of this vicinity should be expected to adopt any dif ferentmethcd in regard to trading than other places.•Tell them what you have; let there know what it costs; show them you can save them time and money by buying, from you, and then tbey will come to your store and not carry hoine mail order catalogues• ook can't If the Stove or Range ucceeci is of an inferior make We have a good supply of the following popular high- class Ranges. It pays to buy the best,— Ha'ppy'Theught, " Welcome National Preeldot;a, ,. ' • Superb Steel—something new also some cheaper lines, Ili Reatees we hand' the following R1a$iaint' Home,'' Aerie Jewell Cheerful Home Round Oak stoves+ Dandy, and several sizes of Sheet Iroln Air Tight Peefe.etiolrf. Oil 'Heaters, —lust the thing for chilly, '(mornings and evenings. Prepare for the winter by-usilnsg Brantforhd Roofing, Roofiltug Paint by the gallon` or barrel r , WibitlowlGlass. and: Putty OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE.' We have a patent Fuel Saver free with every ';Heater sold, A feW second-hand. Coal neaten for Bale cheap, ARLAND BROTHERS STOVES, HARDWARE° AND NOVELTIES There are hundreds—yes thousands of people ivil hin a short distance of town who Scarcely supect what there is for sale in your store, Let them know where you are. Invite thein to your store Poll them about your bargains. Show them that you want. their trade jest as much as it is want ed by out of town merchants, and a little more, by the way—and they will begin coming to you. But if you sit down and expect them to hunt you up you are going to be very sadly dis appointed, It costs more to keep goods a year before selling them and they get shop wore and out of style, You get bueiuess without asking fur it and the best way to ask is by attrac tive advertisisg, DANE—WADE WEDDING A veru pretty wedding was mica') ized on Wednesday, Sept, 17th, at 10 o'clock at the home of the bride's per ents, "The Maples". when Loreuda Cecelia (Laura,) youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wade, was united in marriage to Mr, Davit( W. Dane. The house was very tastefully &coral ed with pink and white asters and the ceremony was performed by the Rev, W. -Roberts assised by Rev, Mr. Rivers. bliss Sara Simon presided at the piano and playedMendelsohn's wedding match Mr, A, \files,brother, in law of the bride, sang "Because" during the signing of the register. Tho bride, who was given away by her father wore a lovely gown of ivory satin trimmed with lace and, pearl ornaments, Her tulle veil was 00 ranged in cap effect and caught with lillies of the valley and she carried a bouquet of cream roses and `l fern. After 1he wedding lsbcheon which was sewed to one hundred guests the bricle and groom left, by motor for Toronto, the former travelling in a tailored suit of brownserge and velour hat with large plume to match, The presents were numerous and costly, showing the high esteem in which the bride is held. The groom is a cousin of Mr. John Weir of the Royal Bank Mrs. Hartley formerly of toti'.;•u, +4+a4+t4+aN+++++++444++++ Spoits +++++++++4++++++4+t+++4++ The Goderica Star:offers ns the best excuse of the season, Just read it and see how kind the Lacrosse Man agement was going to be; -ALP we have to say on the finding of, the Judi tial committee, as regards the Gode rich club and the three players who helped them out of a,hole, is that we think the action of the association' rather harsh, In,the forced absence of three oftheir best players, one by sickness and the other two being call ed away from town, rather than dei fault the two games with 'St. Marys, they secured the assistance of played from Clinton and Mugbam, intend ing after the playing of these games, win or lose, to leave the fight to enter the finale to. St. Marys and Ranover, and thus not cause financial logs to either clubs. Rumor has it that if the standing of the St. Marys' players were looked into they would not be found to be all "Saints." otat! ,44«st til«4«,«*+*f114«.i4, t4i4««foo« tett**i1«. • 4.4.40....:.-...tt.t..a.t...t. ►...44t+.tt....ild.•t...+ NEW BOILER e .,' COUNCIL MEETING T. 11fcKelezie is est ling a new I The regular ineetilntg of C'ouncil )9o11e1' this week ,at hie nlaming mills, will be held qn October/ 6th. AD'VERTISING418MS.y ADVERTISING -ISMS, "N.ewspapes`'' ledeertisin is the "If you have anti wrtiele;that 'has cheapest way to sell the .(most kio merit -don't advertise .it—save goods;"—Bill Wise, u' lnley. But if has` adyovrertmoise it to the newitspaper annzeritd APPOINTED CHOIR MASTER get rich." TO CORRESPONDENTS' C'orrlespolndento . will please note that "printer's copy" may be emit at one cent in unsealed' envelopes only, If the envelope is sealed, Mr. Leant Weia has been appoint= ed choir mastery of , ';Ontario ' . 5t. Church. Mr. Weir hra8' been lead- ing tenor for years` and should. make an, excellent leader. WILL BE HAPPY HERE' i double postage is charged at this 11' is reported that the Keeley elm'. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt thlalniks to the many kind friends. for ym athy 'Aged kindly he1p through the illness and subsequent death of Clara S. Biggins. (Words fail to tell how' we valued them. Yours gratefully, Mr. and Mrs. R. Govior. MINOR LOCALS. The Hall fairs .aro over, tEmpty icistesses have been re- pleinished. The mewly-sown wheat its look- ing well now. Milton's waterworks yield a. rev- enue of $1600+.•petj annum. It costs about $560 for maintenance and the entstrest on $35,000. The meeting of the East 'Huron Teachers Association, will be held at Clinton, on the 0th and 10th of October. A medical jourinai,has an article on, "I-Iow; jto Lie When Asleep." Of more value would be lam, arti- cle on how to induce people• to tell the truth when, awake. The leaves oln, the trees, are fast taki,ng on their autumn colors, Brussels Fair to -day and to-mor- a'ow and it will wind up the fairs tau this section of country. i1Eamy interesting items on the inside pages, Bargains in second hand heaters of all kinds. Byam and Sutter. "My Lady of Doubt" has arrived. See page 7. Mince, "which hiadl eneh a large! part in causing the wrecking of the Far- mers B,alnik may ,yetprove a divi- d'eln,d`.,payer. A nu'mbon of people ilii this settled( will rejoice 1f ,such proves to; be tete. MINOR LOCAL`Sr Blyth Intim col Wednesday, -'drew a large crowd froeis Clinton. Couneil meets next Monday even- iing at 8 o'clock. The next Doheet'y Course Cern. eeirt will. be held eon • Thursday, oetober 16th and will be given by Everett Kemp. The street lights( are• much mis- sed these dark, tnights. FOXES NUMEROUS • Several reports from (different parts of the cou,nty,.'tate thattpar- tridg;es are fairly plentiful, and lox- es have been, seen in places from which they have been, absent for years. At the same time this is the coons hunting season, but there have not been any reports in re- geed e-o'a d to this animal and its hue - tea's. ENTERED INTO REST The call tr, weicle none can say Nay, came to Miss Clara S. Big - gin daughter of the late Thos. Big - gin, on Monday morning and she passed peacefully away to ethe land etetm,al. She hacl been ailing for the past feel fsiolaths ft•om heart trouble, Deeetased leas 'bone in Huilett towm,ship ov r 2e yetare a- go amci is survived by Ater mother, Mrs: R Govier, She was a mem- ber of Omiteri;o Street Methodist Chuteh. The, fencslai was held on Wednesday afternoon frbm the home of Mr. 11. Govier, Rattenhary Street, laind the scro'ices at the house and grate !weee conducted by Rey. S. J. Alhn. Th ' pall bear- ers were,—W. Biggins, 'l'f, Biggin, G. Cornish, F. Tyndall, W, Millet tuned R. Fisher. To the/ bereaved is accorded sinpeire sympathy in the loss of slaughter. DOHERTY CONCERT COURSE The first concert on the Doherty Course was presented me Tuesday evening of last week to a crowd- ed house. The program was put on by Eugene Laurent,'the magi -- Ian, who filled the bill in good style, He pleased as well a9' puz- zled his audience as he demonstra- ted the so called mysteries of ma- gic. Progieam was preye,ated in three parts, the first consisting of e flower preludes and a variety of o,iginal-cnentions in magic and il- liision. In part two the wizard's supper provided the bill of fare and the andicnce were the guests. The third part introducer(, lsfs poet in- ten'estiavg features' of scientific ma- gic and concluded with the myster- ies of the erientl, the most bewild- ering ever produ&ed upon the stage. Scene closes with if beautiful flag repifeseneation while the pianist played the National, Anthem, i,1o. Laurent could pack the house a- gain any time he, wished to come hack. This was the opening enter- tainment of the Course♦ and was a great success betokening the ex- eellence of the piogr(nms to follow, RANDALL •TATild 41: c. G. 1 Field Day Was a Succus Last Friday afternoon the 0. C. I, held their anti us1 field day and every one enjoyed themselves, Following are the prize winners,— Senior Championship E Beacom 1 Running hop, step and jump 113 einem, 2 IV Meer, 3 Kaiser 2 Putting Shot, 1 \'oiudsur, 2 Kaiser, 13 Beacom 3 Running broad jump 1 Beacom, 2 Windsor, 3 Raiser and Brisson 4 100 yard dash 1 Beacons, 2 Brisson. 3 Wood 5 Running in g high jump 1 Windsor 2 ]raiser, 3 Beacons 6 120 yards hundle 1 Beacom, 2 Kaiser, 3 Windsor 7 Pole vault 1 Wood, 2 Windsor, 3 Brisson 81-2 mile run .r 1 Wood, 2 Brisson, 3 Beacom Junior Championship F, L'twrence 1 to 8 as above 1 Lawrence, 2 Walker, .i Matheson 1 Sparks, 2 Matheson, 3 Walker 1 Lawrence, 2 Sheely, 3 Holmes 1 Lawrence, 2 Matheson, 3 Wylie 1 Sheely and Holmes, 2 Walker Sparks Lawrence and Matheson 1 Lawrence, 2 Matheson, 8 Cantelon 1 Matheson, 2 Gray, 3 Walker 1 Churchill, 2 Lawrence, 3 Matheson Girls Events 1 50 yard race 1 Miss eicrris, 2Miss Beacom, 3 Miss May 2 Putting shot 1 5liss Wallis, 2 Miss McGill, 3 Miss Manning 3 Thneiad-the-ln,eea1e race 1 Miss McGowan, 2 Miss. Beacom, 8 Miss Morris 4 Three-legged'race 1 J, Middleton and EI. Porlaway, 2 M. McTaggart and G Wallis, 3 0. Bea- com and E, Wasman 5'Relay Raee 1 Cela Beacom, Jean Merles, Elva Manning, Isabel Sinclair 2 Helen Rod. away, Jeau Middleton, Edna Wise, Katie McGregor Qpetu to Sshool 1 Throwing baseball 1 Matheson; -2 Holmes, 3 Wheatley 2 Relay race. 1 Matbesou', 'Lawrence, Townsend, and Wylie 2 Sheely, ;Gray, Johnston,. Qhurchill 3 Wheelbarrow race. • 1 Gook acid Wheatley, 2:Townsend and Churchill. 3'Matheeon and Lawr, encs • 4 Three-legged race 1 Matheson and; Lawrence, 2 Cook and Wheatley, 3 Townsend and Ohur chill ,Open to Schools of County 1 100 yard dash 1 Beacom U 0,I., 2 Keys S.0.I , 3 Hinchley 3.0,1. 2 Running hop, step and jump 1 Beacom C,O.h, 2 Martin S.0.1.,, 3 Etinchley.S.0 I; Basketball Match Clinton C. I. vs Seaforth C. L Clinton 10 Seaforth 9 Referee,—Miss Carmen Football .Match Clinton 0, I. vs Seaforth C. I. Clinton 0 Seaforth 1 1 tuy°Goods at' ®r Own Price The quickest way to clela,r out odds and' ends of stock is get them all .together, have no thortg'ht of profit, arid., make the pried what our frieinid'e aae disposed to pay, (Our method is one we have used before with 'advantage to ourselves en cleaning out the goods, but with muchrea,ter g _., !adven'tage to our customers es to. price, The dully ques- tidnl the reader is called upon to deride is "Do you want the goods dad! what price do you w'alnl ft to pay?" The goods of 'assorted kinds tare gee Our south window. The price gniSaturday last was 25c; a'nldl !twill beeeduced 2c a day so that by Friday, Oct. 3rd, you May have your, choice for 15e, and on Saturday 13; ,if you) wait until Monday, Only 11e; and so it will cgn,tinue until the price is only lc. If you dtenft see what you went one) day, at the priceyou wa!ht to pay, come( the next day and it will be 2c leas. It is a(w auction( sale upside down. WILL YOU SEE THE ;WINDOW TO -DAY? The .D. Fair en • Often the Cheapest—always the Best imi j National Portland. Cement. After' trying other kinds, you'll always come back to the best. The Hest Cement is the National Portland Cement, It is the old stand-by. A car load just in. S J. AN `kREdney, Clinton "DOHERTY CONCERT COURSE" • (Everett Kemp, monologist and entertainer, • will appear in the Towtn Hall Clinton. Thursclay Oct, • lath, as the second attraction on the Doherty Conees't Course. Mr. Kemp is well known in America and had the, honor• of giving an c,ntire evening in his presentation of the "Music blaster" at the big International Lyceum Association Convention held id Winona, Ind„ inn Sept. 1012, Ile gives a varied programme •which includes such mumbers ,at. the "Music: Master♦' ":Sevenoaks" "That Printer of Udell's and "If I were King" and also several humorous usumbers. Mr. Kemp is k,nownt ,ae "the man with the million, dollar laugh," Plan of Hall at Fair's' Bookstores* open 'to subscribers on Monday Oct. 6th, and to the, public on Oct. 9th, , The eor^rier Stowe "Live and Let Live" DISHES We have some nice Dinner Sets just arrived. Call and (see them before buying. ,GROCERIES Flesh arriving daily. FRUITS Peaches, cG-rapes, Pairs, Apples, Oranges, Bananas, and Lemons. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE POR PRODUCE, A CALL SOLICITED E. E. llunniford PHONE 45. ONIMIONORtorve MOM Grade Red COMP'S - Me wad • Conner's Rome•macle Bread is quality through and through. There is not a detail of good making and baking overlooked, so you know what yen are getting when you order this Good Bread. CHAS, CONNER Baker and Confectioner 1i'IVE STRONG POINTS About our plumbing iuclude good materials, up-to-date supplies, su- perior workmanship, promptness and reasonable prices, for SATISFACTORY PLUMBIN13 can you ask mote? Get our estimates first, anyway.. Thos. Hawkins Plumbing and Heating (Phone 53) +++'€.34!+ +r, + + + f 111 As exhibited in our new and large stock, are exceptionally attractive in style, and uncom- monly good in quality. Those who wear our shoes this fall are going to learn of Better Shoe Satisfaction without paying any more than formerly. They are going to learn that while these shoes of 'ours cost no more than common, they are Better in• Style * Better to Fit • Better in Wear + + We know that every pair in our stock is so good in quality, that when we sell them it will be just like sending out so many people to say good things about our shoes. FRED JACKSON'S THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES Referee, -J, Weir + �'S"!4„'i±{'3:4F++4.4nI:iiEL4C-ir#i+!t*; fF4^d..'Yet4.4t!its'3t'i"it'II!'1':'b_D'r➢'i:'iei.i:+i4441. 4 + 4. +