HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-10-02, Page 7F
Mrs. Hamilton 'Tells How She
Finally; Found Health' in
Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg.
etable Compound.
Warren. Ind. - "I was 'bothered ter-
ribly with female weakness. 1 had pains
and was not regular,
my head aaehed all
the time,I had`•'bear-
ing down pains and
my back hurt me the
biggest part of the
time, I was dizzy
and had weak feel-
ings when I would
stoop over, it , hurt
me to walk any dis-'
tepee and I felt blue
and discoe gd
"I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and am now in
good health. 'If it had not been for
that medicine'I would have been h my
rat long time ago. "-Mrs. ARTIE E.
TON R.F.D. No. 6. Warren, Ind.
Another Case.
Esmond, R.I.-"I write to tell you
how much good your medicine has done
me and to let other women know that
there is help for them. I suffered with
bearing down pains, headache, was ir-
regular and felt blue and depressed all
the time. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and commenced to
gain in a short time and I am a well wo-
man today. I am on my feet from early
-morning until late at night running a
- boarding house and do all my own work.
I hope that many suffering women will
try your medicine. It makes happier
wives and mothers." -Mrs. ANNA HAM -
SEN, Esmond, Rhode Island.
d , lie fi!!4
Baston uroln Teachers' meet in
• Cliln;ton Oct. Oth and 10th.
Children Cry
Halted in the news whether local
or pelf,somlale to the New Era.
Is your subscription paid to The
New Bra.
For Infants and Children.
me Kind You Have Akkays Nought
Bears the
Signature of
_additional Local and - District
news on other pages.
51eft Headache and relieve all the troubles fact•
dent ton bilious state of the system, snob as
Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness Distress after
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nately the rgoodness dorsnotcndhere,ked those
who once try them will find those little pills vela
able In so many ways that they will natio w l..
ling to do without them. But after al sick hand
it or of 'ZOv ' Ado -
iilylackof Norf efr�
Aft /n�lrwz,brieNRY TrI1'EDE',
Le0aYRIGHT,,�IGI?GLuiaGaCo 1011
A Perilous Mission.
Several of us had remained rather
late that evening about the cheerful
pre in front of my hut -for the nights
were still chi'lly,'although it was May,
and the dreadful winter passed -dis-
cussing the improved condition_ of our
i Baron
troops,the 'rigid disci line of
g P
S uben and. speculating on what
de to
would :probably be attempted now'
that Sir Henrz 9linto had succeeded
to the command of the forces oppos-
ing us. I remember Maxwell joined
'us, together with Knox of the artil-
it'ry, each man with a different theory
of campaign, but alike agreeing that,
In spite of all we bad endured during
,those months of suffering and priva-
ition at Valley Forge, the time to
strike once again was near at hand,
although our numbers were barely
half that of the enemy.
Sleadacbe, yet Carter's Little Liver rills •
veiny valuable in Constipation, curing and
venting this annoying. completntk'rvhile they
correct till disorders o the stomach stimulatethe
liver and regulate the bowels. Er'enif they
cored e° t�
Is the bane of so many lives that hero is where
wemake oar great toast, Our pillsomoltwhde
others do nct.
Carter's Little Liver P lIs are very email and
very easy to tike. Oro. • twopnlema1ee a dose.
They are strictly vege:nh o and do not gripe or
purge, but by their geutle action please all wlta
me them -
0 CU 2:11)I0I89 (10e 2,71117 YO&S.
101 ill' Sin 1 ai Shall IrEL
WATCH is a delicate piece
of machinery. It calls for,.
} kss attention than most
machinery, but must be 'cleaned
and oiled occasiqnally to keep
perfect time.
With proper care re Waltham
Watch will keep perfect time
for a lifetime. It will pay you
well to let us clean your watch
every I2 or 28 months.
recollection. "A young officer, Hamil-
ton, but capable, no doubt. You have
used him before, you said? •
"Yes, at Long 'Island, and he en-
tered New York once at my request"
Washington's gray eyes were still
on my face.
' Lawrence is a Massachusetts
filo' " I
ot exclusively, returned, "as
our branch are Virginians."
The stern lines about the mouth
relaxed into a smile.
"Indeed; •, from the eastern shore,
then. I recall now having once met
a Judge John Lawrence, whose wife
was a Lee."
"My father, sir."
His hand rested firm on my shoul-
der, as his glance turned to Hamilton.
"I require 'no further commenda-
tion, colonel. You will find the papers
in the second drawer. •Please•explaln'
all the details carefully to Major Law-
It must have been midnight when I
crept into a bunk, andeven then
found sleep absent, my eyes gazing
out through the 'open door to where
the embers of the fire glowed red, and
a sentinel paced back and forth in
regular monotony. Suddenly.he halt-
ed, and challenged hoarsely, flinging
forward his gun. There was an indis-
tinguishable answer, and as T straight-
ened up the figure of a man .blotted.
out the doorway. _
"Major Lawrence?"
"Yes. What is it?" T swung to the
;floor, unable to recognize the voice.
The man's handrose to salute.
1 "I am Colonel Gibbs' orderly. Gen-
,eral Hamilton wishes you to report
at once at headquarters."
"The Potts house?"
"Yes, sir."
I dressed hastily, my pulses throb-
bing with eagerness. Whatever the
message meant, there was certainly
some purpose of vital importance in
sending for me at this unusual hour,
and I was boy enough still to welcome
any form' of active service. No duty
of the war had so tried me as the long
winter of `waiting. Yet, rapidly as 'I
'moved, the orderly had disappeared
before I got outside, and I picked my
way as best I could alone through the
darkness, along the rear of McIntosh's
huts until I reached the low fence sur- Ile ausgd, turning the paper over
rune ing the' Potts hoose, dere a: eeir•' in his hands. • eee it
tin Challenged, calling the corporal „. , „
g o .-• However; he 'went on slowly, it
ge` guard, anti in hie ooniliany I affords us the opportunity we have
trudged up the path to the front t'loor, long been eeekiug of getting a compo -
There was a light showing through tent military observer into Philadei-
the window to: the left;"' although the phia. Now that Sir Henry Clinton is
shade was closely drawn, and a guard sling ns, it is necessary
stood within the hall. At the first in command of the British forces di -
sound of our approach, however, a sider•ectly op 1'
door was flung open, letting forth a that We kfibild 'accurately their• num-
gleam of ilhrmination,, and I perceived ber, state of discipline, guns and any
Ithe short, slight figure of Hamilton, point of weakness in the defences of
a;, he pe ed frwa
ord to get a better the city. We require also information
glimpse of nig face. regarding the division of troops under
,;"Ali right, corporal," he said terse- Sir Henry's command -the proportion
gripping my hand. "Come in, ma gether with some inkling as to'Clin-
-of` British, Hessians and Tories, to-
jor; your promptness would seem to
ton's . immediate plans. There is a
rumor abroad that Philadelphia is to
be evacuated, end that the British
forces contemplate a retreat overland
to New York. Civilian fugitives drift
into our camp constantly,: bearing, all
He smiled cheerily.
mannerof wild reports, but these ac -
"Yost. will soon be busy, never fear." ,
He closed the door behind us, and, counts are"svaried as t0 be pros -
with a glance, I viewed the room' and teeny 'valueless.
ss: We must these
accurate,details, and to gain these'a
Rs occupants. It' was a small, low man. ''would 'need to be in the city sev-
ceilinged apartment, containing a eral days, free to move about, ob-
table, a few chairs and a high com-
mode. A few coals glowed in the
wide fireplace, and the walls were
Ingy with smoke. Three candles,'al-
ready burning low, gave fitful illumi-.
nation, revealing' four occupants, all
known to me. At an open door to the
right stood 'a sweet -faded woman,
glancing back curiously at my en-
trance, and 7 whipped off my hat bow-
ing low. Once before I had seen her,
Mistress Washington, and welcomed
the gracious recognition in her eyes.
Colonel Gibbsstoodbefore the fire-
place motionless, but my glance' swept
past him to the calm, uplifted' face
above the pile of papers littering• the.
table. He was not looking at me, but
his eyes were turned toward his wife.
"It is not necessary for you to re-
tire," he said. quietly:: "We shall not
detain this gentleman except for a few
"It is not because of the major's
coming I withdraw," she replied pleas-
antly, "but the hour is late, and I am
very tired. Good night, all."
Washington's eyes were upon the
door until it closed; then he turned,
slightly, facing, me. Before he spoke
again, Hamilton broke in:
"This is the officer, sir, recomniend-
ed by General Maxwell -Major Law-
rence of the Maryland line."
I bowed silently, and the command-
er rode to his feet, extending his hand.
"No doubt we have met before," he
said slowly./ "You have been with us
for some time?"
"My first action was at Harlem,
sir." '
"You could not have been at Valley
Forge during the past winter, . how-
"I was with the Marquis de la Fay-
ayette . at Albany.""
"All', yes," his face clouding at the
"This is a simple' duty, major.:' said
Hamilton, "but may prove a dangerous
one. You have been selected because
of previous successful efforts of a
similar nature, but the commander-in-
chief does not order your going; we
seek a volunteer."
"Without asking the nature of the
service," I answered sincerely, "Ire-
joice at the privilege."
"I knew that, Lawrence," heartily.
"That answer accords with your well-
earned reputation throughout the
army. I' will explain briefly the situa-
tion. Early this evening our pickets-.
or rather some partisan scouts near,
Newtown -Captured a British officer,
;In field uniform, on his way from New
York to Sir William Howe In Philadel-
phia. The prisoner was brought here,
and on examination proved to be
Lieut. Edgar Fortesque of the Forty
,second regiment of, foot. These troops
came over with the last detachment,
and arrived in New York less than a
month ago. On searching Fortesgle's
clothing we found this dispatch," hold-
ing out a sealed paper, "which we.
opened. It is not of any great mili-
tary. importance, being merely an or-
der for Howe to proceed at once to
New York, taking with him certain
officers of his staff, and placing a na-
val vessel at itis disposal."
indicate a readiness to get into serv-
ice :once more."
"1 had not yet fallen asleep," I ex-
plained, "but we are -all eager enough
for action of any description."
Jewelerland Optician.
issuer of
Marriage Licensse.
'Cook's Cotton Root Compound
The great Uterine Tonic. and
only safe effectual Monthly
Regulator on whish yeomen can
depend. Sold in titres degrees
of strength—No. ll,. $1; No, 2,
Ie degrecs stronger, 08; No. 8,
for special cases, q5 per box.
.Sold by all d:nggats, or sect
pp org en roethppt of pries:.
Urns pmmpblet. Arldrecs , THE
ry 0.9 cfurvwrly 1Z ?r is4r'
�%i�I�I�!,(llil �• II
Well Known Ontario
Merchant Has Faith Because
"Fruit-a-tives" Cured Him
B oNT�, ONT.,
Int. 1912.
"Fruit-a-tives has made a complete
cure in my case of Rheumatism, that
had at least five years .standing.before
I commenced the treatment. The
trouble was principally, in my right hip
and shoulder, the pain from it was
almost unendurable. Not being, able
to sleep on that side, if I chanced to
turn on my right side while asleep, the
paid 'would immediately awaken me.
This kept up until I started taking
"Pruit-a-tives", I started by taking
one or two tablets with a large glass of
water, in the morning before -breakfast
and experienced pronounced relief very
shortly. After a continued treatment
for about six months, I was cured and
am now in firstelass health. This, I
attribute to my persistent use of "Fruit-
a-tives" andl heartily recommend your
remedy to any Rheumatic sufferers."
5oc. a box, 6 for 42.5o -trial size, 25c.
At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt
of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
orten i`r.tc:•c,- put always as a scout,
wearing ilia homespun of the Mary-
land line, but this Vas to be a mas-
querade, a juggling with chance. 1
was not greatly afraid of being un-
masked by the oiliness of the garri-
ar i -son tut there rtere those than in Phil
hair' is Who l:,.ow mc -loyalists, se-'
t,t l• i•s With our.. cause, and
not .. t r rte l's from the army-
wnom 1 r encounter at any ,turn
n ' ,
rord, The prospect was not al -
ha...;, y t a glance aside at the i,ro
file cf i ,..11ugton, now bending low
over a plass of papers, instantly
foiled art resolve. It was work I bi:d
nu LaZc fat; to slrirlc--indeed no-inclimi-
tinn-eu I returned Ihlrnilton's glal:co
of inquiry 1i'anitly.
"You wish me to go at once?"
"Thai earlier the better. I will fur-
nish passports ihrpugh our lines, and
hard riding will put you across. the
neutral ground by daylight."
Met B f e
Doubt We Have
serve, and converse with the officers
of the garrison. Do I make myself
clear?" •
"Yes, sir; you propose forwarding
the dispatch by an officer who shall
impersonate thia captured lieutenant."
"Exactly. Fortesque is a young fel-
low of about your age and build. He
has been in the ' army only eight
Months and in this country less than
thirty days. It is _scarcely probable
he is known personally to any of the
present Philadelphia garrison. There
is a risk, of course, but in this case
it would seem to be small." He picked
,up a paper from off the table. "Here
1s an officer's roster of the forty-sec-
ond regiment. .It might be well for
you to familiarizeyourself with a few
of the. names." ,
I studied the list a moment, bending
down closer to the nearest candle,
While rapidly reviewing` in my own
mind thee duty required. 1, hada no
thought of refusal, yet appreciated; to
the full the possible danger of the ven-
ture, and felt anxious to make no seri-
ous mistake. I had achieved a repu-
tation for reckless daring, yet this
kind of service was hardly to my lik-
ing. To wear British uniform meant
my condemnation as a spy, if -discov-
ered, and a death of disgrace. I had
;been 'within the lines p1 the enemy:
Continued next week,
Milburn's Lam -Liver ?'figs
Could Hardly Eat on Account of Indigestier,.
MR. DAVID: BsRRIDGE, Claremont,
N.S., writes: -='I have had indigestion
for some years, and could hardly eat.
It then turned into a sour stomach, and
the doctors said I could not get cured.
I used a lot of medicineuntil at last one
of my friends told me to use Mn.BVRN'e
LAxA-I,IvdR Prue, and after I had used
three vials, I was completely cured, and.
I always keep them in the house now."
Mlrnvlur's, I,AXA-Lrvee PII.t,s are a
wonderful remedy for all diseases or dis-
orders of the liver, and have been univer-
sally used during the twenty odd years
they have been on the market.
Price 25 cents a vial, or 5 for $1,00,
at all dealers; or mailed direct on receipt
of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
Lesson L—Fourth Quarter, For
Oct. 5, 1913.
Text ofthe Lesaon, Num. xi, 10.18; 24,
25 -Memory Verses, 14, 15 -Golden
Text, Jas. v, 16—Commentary Pre-
pared by Rev. D. M. Stearns.
The record of Israel's forty years be-
tween Egypt and Canaan is confined ,
to the firet two years and part of the
last year; about thirty-eight years are
a blank, because of their rebellion et
Kadesh Barnea and refusal to possess
the land. Thirteen years of Abram's
life are a blank because of Hagar (Gen.
xvi, 16; xvii, 1).The ninety-three
years of the captivities in the days of ,
the Judges are not counted (Judg.
8, 14; iv, 3; vi, 1; xiii 1), and that ex-
plains the seeming discrepancy be-
tween the 480 from the Exodus to the
fourth year of Solomon (1 Kings vi,`
1) and the 573 years of Acts xiif 18-22.
The present age since the refection of
their Messiah is also a blank in Israel's
story.It is between the silty-nfntb
and seventieth week of Dan. ix, 24-27.
This great principle of time lost when
out of fellowship with God should
make the believer very careful as to
how he spends -his time, for all is lost
that is not for, God. We have seen
that in the third month from Egypt
they came to Sinal, and a glance at the
map will show that it need not have
taken them as long from Sinailathe
land of Canaan, but Dent. i, 2 tells us
that it was only eleven days' journey
from Horeb to Kadesh Barnes,
We have noticed that while Moses
was in the Mount with God the first
forty days he received full' Instruc-
tions concerning the building of the
tabernacle, and in Ex. x1,,17 we read
that the tabernacle was finished and
pet up on the first day . of the first
month of the second year,
On the day that the tabernacle was
set upthe princes of Israel brought
their :offerings, and although each
brought exactly the same, there is a
full and detailed record of each one's
gifts (Num, vii, 1.89). On the anni-
versary of their leaving Egypt they
kept the passover on the 14th day of
the first month of the second year.
ix, 1-3).
On the first day or the second month
of the second year they began to num-
ber the people ((Num, i,.1),and on the
i 20th clay of the second montb of the
second year the cloud was taken up
and they started on their first journey
from Sinai, a three days' journey, the
ark of the covenant of the Lord going
before them- to seatcb out a resting
place for them (Num. x, 11, 33). With
Ouch patient loving care and guidance
and the assurance of the constant pros•
'Once of the Lord in the cloud by day
and the Bre by night and the manna
Livery morning, .we might expect to
find a wondrously contented and hap-
py people, but the testimony of Moses
Was that from the day they left Egypt
{bey had been rebellious against the
Lord, and the Lord's own testimony
*as that they were a stifinecked pen-
pie (Dent. ix, 7, 13, 24).
We have seen them murmuring at
Marna and in the wilderness of sin
Snd at Rephidim, before they came to
inai, and now they have scarcely got
away from Sinai when they are again
complaining and weeping and finding
fault with the manna and longing for
ate fish, and vegetables of Egypt and
despising the Lord (chapter xi, 1-9, 20).
We have seen Aaron failing sadly,
and now Moses seems very much cast
'down as we bear him say, "I am not
able to bear all this people alone, be-
eaase it is too heavy for me" (verse
14). When the Lord said that He
`would give the people all the flesh they
could eat for a whole month, Moses
keemed to forget to keep his shoes oft•
TEN. lit; 5), and asked, "Shall the flocks
and the herds be slain for thein to suf-
fice them?" Even Joshua also gives
hues to Fate Fairs
is OMNI Con n
Oct 2-"u
Oct 4
Oct 7-8
Children Cry
Up to James
An official' was describing, at a din-
ner at Washington, an unfair law
"'lbe people under this la w," he said,
"are very mach iu the position of a
young lV is!riugtola attache As the :it•
tache was breakfasting the 01 her morn
ing his servant said to hire: 'You n
out of whisky, sir. Shall 1 get n tea-
" 'Yes, I think you 'might, James.. tin•
other replied. 'it's your; turu.el'-
Washingtot Star.
sigO11ysw!rT Arch®suss NIIIIeelsiosis lisalroSIO®NNOSIO OSION
r Rol
a When you feel dis• m
t®� 'fit caniragedaadalltfto
world seems to be
rigawasitesi r,, a e , .„1,,,,,,,
tr. c against yon, -that's ' se . . .
of tele a ldn your sysway. I
gr p g You that spmethinC is pliRONG cad weedstem's tll)rlP'.
It may be that your liver is tired' and refuses to work, or your S
digestive organs have had too much to do and need care, Perhaps fit
you have been eatingthe wrong kind of food, and your blood is too, pg'
rich or impoverisheWhat you need is a tonin. 1st
Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery l'
will give the required aid, Tones the entire system. The weak stomach is
made strong. The fiver vibrates with' new.life. The blood is cleansed of all i�le.
impurities and carries renewed health to every veinand nerve and muscle: and is
organ of the body. No more attacks of.� : Ili r
• " • ® W
again, and hope takes place of despair.
■ Insist on getting Dr. Pierce'sis
✓ Golden Medical Discovery. President, World's Dispensary ■,
Y Sold by dealers in medicines. `, Medical Association, Dgdate, N. Y. ■:
the "blues." Life becomes worth while
,r►t[ybo nlmlielr'wnen'ne says concern..
lag the prophesying of Hided and
Madad,' "My Lord, Moses, forbid them"
(verses 27-29).
We think of John, whom Jesusloved,
haying .concerning a certain one, "We'
forbade him because he followeth not
with us" (Luke ix, 49). Wbat a trial
'we must all be to our Lord, and where'
'la these any one qualified to throw a
atone at another? Surely, we all need,
more patience and meekness. Many
ihtngs in our lives are too heavy for
as, butnothingis too hard for the Lord,
and oursong should ever be, "He is
able" ger. xxxli, 17; Dan. 111, 17). He
can provide spirit controlled belpers
as, He did for Moses (verses 16, 17),
and He who could send manna from
heaven every morning for all Israel'
could just as easily give . them flesh..
Had Moses forgotten the quails of PIs.
xvi, 12, 13? We cannot but think of.
the day when the hungry thousands:
were about our Lord, and the disciples'
'would havesent them away, and to;
prove Philip lie asked him how they
could feed them, He all the time know-
ing what He would do. The replies
of Philip and Andrew and the way.
that the Lord did feed the 5,000 have'
many a timekept me from presuming
to think how He might do this or that
(John v1, 4-14).
No, the Lord's hand is never waxed
short, but our inquiries do often hin-
der.(verse 23; Isa. 1, 2; lir, I). We
have every reason to say, "The Lord
God will help: me, therefore shall I not
be confounded; therefore have '1 set
my face like a flint, and I know that
I shall not be ashamed" (Isa. 1, 7). Isa.
10 le also grand for perplexed' people.
The -famil;remedy for` Coughs .and Colds
"Shiloh costs so Ittt,e, and doerno muchl"•,
The Poor Man's Gym.•
"Would you mind telling'ine,":asked
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at the uthletic• shoulders of the pro-
spective boarder,. -how you keep in
such splendid physical condition?"
"I go through a few gymnastic exer-
cises every morning," confessed the
young man., flushing. •
"Well, I'm sorry, but we can't board
yeti. I've had the bathroom o
mono p
lined that way before."-Eansas City
Times. '
Quickly stops concha, curea colds,. and heats'
the throat and longs. 25 cents.
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
Y, M. 0. A. BLDG.,
Students assisted to positions. College
In session from Sept, 2nd. Catalogue
free. Enter anytime. a
J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
Principal CharteredAccouatant
17 Vice -Principal
The Turk who naad'e the assault on
the young girl at Glenannan was
discharged by the 'Police'•magis_.
Every -e Woman
Knows That
instead of sallow skin and face '
blemishes she ought to possess,
the clear complexion and the:
beauty of nature and good.
health. Any woman afflicted
or suffering at' times from..
headache, backache, nervous—
ness, languor and depression
of spirits—ought. to try
the safest, surest, most con
venient and most economical.
remedy known. Beecham's
Pills remove impurities, insure
better digestion, refreshing',
sleep, and have an excellent
general tonic effect upon the
wholebodilysystem Theyhave
a wonderful power to improve
the general health, while by
purifying the blood, Beecham's
Pills clear the skin and
The Complexion
Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25 cents.
No woman should fail to read the valuable..
directionswith every -hoz.
America's Greatest
Hair -Goody Artist
"Is e0MING "
Ran enhttl'v House, Clinton.
Thursday, ()dace: 161,1a
To replace hair on the heads of L :dies aittl Gentle-
men who have lost their hair! 13y his beautiful,
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Can be tirade to look yolinger, and have the natural
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Health. Comfort and Good Appearance
Do not miss this opportunity. See his ..
The Doruinwetld Sanitary Patent Toupee
t {I,, nw\tiro
rirrlAl,?€lltt,il (ttllt) bald) -�,'ti ,,.•:
protect and adorn your bald head witl4.
human hair. In order to have a eon.
caption the wonderful achievements
in thwart of hair constructing, every
halo man shculd call and see the large .
'sample stock of "HAIR TOUPEE'S •
and Cl'ULL Wl'IGS" which Prof, Doren_
wend will be shoeing,
These wonderful coverings are lel natut a1 in appearance that detectinn'is
Irnpossilue. They are adjusted so securely, to any head, that they cannot
:ionic off, except at the wearer's wish. Tiley wi'l give a young and softening
expression Lo the face.
Corse and Irving your friends to the.
l;,itttenlbnry house, Clinton, Thursday, October
��\ir(k ��; iQ�•",o e, ,��;:
to t.
// It
'`v it t?'f• steel Z ,
, 7 , Enamelled
;((�� 1, � round -cornered reservoir '•t �) t)/(
.`'••ll%Jt (rl/� 'can be washed so clean and sweet
tl,1�1j' ' that it can be used for preserving, etc., as
heating water. Though a small feature,
• !l t»ell as l g
�t-t+e is ver important and, along with other`equally
important 1
1` Y e, places the Pandora Range in the
lead of Canadian It_ anges.
rl nee this -r dial reservoir, before, purchasing your.
I 1•i iin;d}lift;, •!7!i,,;
r . I ,v; (� ,'SI !I!Yrd!•.e;^ • ri ,I!
.r ./f�lllFi iq cti4�hUt 'f%�,��,,. ..
'141 iRan4,4„1
•„,, ', 7l'.
.... f,,,,, , 4q;t1b'it'a ;ti'1,, .t(+trim
!111 !',, t
�, l
I.....,:. „.,„„ .. ..
Landon . Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Emilioer m St Atm 1lamlton Calgary Saskatoon ar, Edmonton
Sold In Clinton by ,Harland Brothers. -
Pandora Ran-.
ges are sold•
iby good <des.- i3
ii lerswho back is
i up our guar-
antee on this
n e—