HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-10-02, Page 6PLAICES HOIVIE RIGIITElit
A Quiet Tal
Graham Hood.
s, TALK TO! YOURSELF. unP0Pular brother or sister.
When several victims of the gossip
Most of us 41‘o tOo roOdY tO gessiP hattit get together, they can spread
about other people. We eminent up out a pancrarna of moral weaknesses
on their appearance. We Zr1118 Ze that might well make any cornty
their words end deedS. There is no seem like a most unsevory place in
limit to the meanness and crueltY 0 which to reside. To accomplish thi,,
which Dante Gossi p lends herself. To end, when it is, poseible to 008111110 a I I
flee truth is in no sen
s an essential the rerngatives or judge, jury, and
quality i n ' criti sm. Presecuting attorney, (5(6'881'V simple
cowmen sms in the 8,11660(11116 white of itlmost. any ci dee When he bed lieett
114W1RA •6
ens in tile world who 'lave any right
166 crime adversely the actions of
tnose who chance to have met, with
e dtbiavor.
• ripprecio.te -how fitfte you are
qualified to judgment upon oth
t1 76, tly I o imagine what would had
pi-ri if- for it single hour—you were
compelled to walk the streets wit h all
he facts about your OWI)
O,tamped upon Your face. where, any
body might vead them, Do yott 6 oh
pose. it such it thing wei 6666616666(611 you
would dare to emerge ±10716 666166 (1(11170
sion of your own room? Would you
',tot want to booey yourself in the eyes
of men'?
Yet, whet her we rettl*ze. it 01. /14 41, 1111
these facts that %\e,are so eager to con
(teal from our neighbors are inscribed
permanently in 1.1:10 cells of the 1.rain
They are there every one ot then,
here the mind can call tLeni to the
Sul t, -ice of consciousness at a moment s
notice. Even the thoughts and words
that we have forgotten—NI Inch we
think have ceased to exist -are still
there and can' be revWed in all their
horrible realities under proper impetus
And with such it book of He iit our
01\11 rninds, what right have WO to set
in judgment upon 01116610 Is it not
Letter that we stmuld devote cur 011
tical ability to the txrlitination of
our individual couscience rother than
to y to expend it, in criticizing the
shortcomings or people who may, not
he nearly us bad as 7166 661(6, after all.
While gossip is one of tbe most inn 1 to convictranY1 odY
we are ever In danger or giving wily given DO opportunity -to introduce
to the. temptation to pick other to evidence in his OWD
pieces— the, 0 Are comp:0,1.1.36is ,0y few know how our own souls iehel the
nothing that 7166 11661) do that would understand how we obspeting so
tend t -e, a better uudsrstendieg of our sellout:1v when we ourselves fire ovule
tbe sul jectent gossip. ean be sn reedy
nonce -et) e of being judged in so one
drefun of ape's ing this
± away sis in themselves, y,t aloe. sided is fashion, and it is not easy to
. .
O • Give Courses. in all business
6 subjects leading to positions 9
to treat other so uniestly, . 3 as Bookkeepers or StenOgTa-
own fail' t and weaknesses.
Try the experiment the first time -von 0 phers, and for Civil Service. 9
have an opportunity- when yen Are If is quite is different thing when we rand Commercial Specialist&
alone in yens Oe'll 1100111, Wi1111 the doou apply this method or analysie to our 8. examtinetions. These Schools ro
tightly closed against the prying eyes own ohmmeter, however. in such a 0 iinclude 'the Central Business 0
'o61the would. Talk 60 yout self about east; we are indeed judge, jury, and 9 College of Toronto, with four 3
u 'self just as you might talk about proaecuting attorney, test we iiiso re 21 City Breach Schools. Stu- 0
tele the privileee of introducing an e dents may enter any time for
your neighbor if you were present at
a neighborhood gossip party. Try in
sound the 'depths of the weakness in
your soul. Pick yonrself to. pieces
with the same care that you displaYed
the last time you had an opportunity
to discourse upon the character of an
possible evidei-tee in 0111' 014 n defence. 9 these courses. No -sem ion.
Yet, even under these conditions' the * Wilte. for catalogue.
verdict is likely to be ens thing but6lZ w.-1. SUAW, President, 393 9
favorable to tie, Though we may try so 395, Yane
to defend Ourselves honesty compels 0 go St., Toronto.
us to admit that we are the 168t per soosseesooesessesesseseses
;4041.4,f Att,„Ate,
o `rfs•-ss, -S. 4'
Look for this
label on every bag
IT means best quality—tested
' quality—full measure and
thorough satisfaction.
It is on every bag of
UNLESS you have facilities for. testing cement, you must
depend upon 'the manufacturer for Cement that is
reliable — Every car of Canada Cement is thoroughly .
tested,and unless it passes every test it is not allowed to leave
the mill.
You can depend upon CanadalCement.
Be sure you get it.
Canada Cement Colipany„Limited, Montreal
There is a Canada Cement dealer in your neighborhood. If/ you do not
know him, ask us for his name.
Write our Information Bureau for a free copy af the1601Oage book "What
the Farmer Can Do With Concrete.'
• ?? •
? •
For Baking Success
.—This teen Test
41:1, If you are not already reading. The Clinton
New Era, it will be to your advantage to do so.
Not only on front page, but every page contains
newsy items each week. Regular subseription
price $1.00 a year, and 50c for six months. We
will send it from now to the end of 1913 to
any address in 'Canada, for 25c-5 months for
25 cents -55 cents F. ed' the paper to the
United States
Tile Cilli011 NeW Era
Success on some baking clays
can be expected no matter
what'flour you use. But con-
stant success is rarer. it, ca,n
1. be assured in only one way.
The miller must select his
wheat by oven test.
Si)' from each shipment of
wheat we take ten pounds as
, a sample. We grind this into
flour, Bread is baked from
the flour.
If this bread is high in quality,
large in quantity, we use the
shipment from which it came.
Otherwise we sell it. 9
Constant baking success comes9
as a matter of course from' ['[
aour bearing this name e
"More BrNd and Bettere Bread
BetteN kastry9Too,
' and
(0.24.1019P .16.ratin.1-771-3 -,atli.v.lff0,5611111,7,0AIMula141111MATMINII
Safe From Lightning.
NArlmt should one' do in a thunder-
etorm? On this point Mr. Killing-
worth lieteges, M. Inst. C. E., -the
well-known English authority and
author of "Modern Lightning COO-
deetOret" OfferS some Pertinent hints.
Sheltering under trees should be
avoided, nor should one stand on the
leeside of a haystack or building, as
rain dripping from . the top thereof
may easily lead the flath in the direc-
tion of one's person, converting one
into a human lightning conductor.
Telegraph posts should be given a
wide berth. Lightning condaeters,
rain and water pipes, and such like
should be avoided. The best safeguard
is to crawl under a low eorpse or
hedge. Should such be unavailable,
as en a plain or moor, the safest pre -
Ca es The
,:ehr re, esafest
s to lie flat down. --•
To holcl up an umbrella as shelter
against the 661610 would be seeking dis-
afest place is within the house,
7± 1111(1 building be struck, the chimney
is usually selected by the Basle and
sn fireplaces should be a -voided. Win-
dows should dile shut, for glass is an ex-
cellent iasulator, and 'will not attract
lightning, as is popularly believed.
One should not sit in a conservatory
or green house, for the trailing wires
and general metallic work may be.
highly charged with electricity result -
Ing from a flash, and one should not
shelter in a farm building where there
are a number of animals.
An Airboat.
The aeroplane is an nirboat rather
than a flying machine, The only se -
lion of the bird that it imitates is the
bird's aoaring, in nearly the same
sense in which a boat floats or a duck
swims. With the duck, however, there
is one difference. It shares the balloon
pyinciple, because its body 'will not
sink yhen it stands still, whereas the
aerorlane will fall unless it is con-
stantly urged forward. The duck is
lighter than its bulk of water, as the
balloon is lighter than its own bulk
of air. To call an aeroplane a flying
machine is therefore earacdy the same
as to call a boat a swimming machine
(keeping in mind the swimming of
the duck and neglecting that of fishes
and of human beings).
Sand Tree of Prussia.
We are aceustbmed to regard sand
as utterly barren, but the plants na-
tive to the coast sands of Prussia
have been enumerated by naturalists
whose estimates vary from 171 to 234
varieties. Of these one of the most
available is the Arundo arenaria (mar.
ram) which thtives only in sand and
in the salt air of the beach. This
in time serves to prepare the soil for
larger plants.
rrlIfiretlas 6 (Set ant.i, 1913,
wt., alio .Write 11 out (66(6(6 1C and
'Bum, bum, bum!' and go on a -bum-
ming right dewn the terrace and back
again. I suppose the bumming helped
him, Out a bit."
France Has Run the Gamut,
No other modern nation has under-
gone changes more frequent', more
radical, pose sudden, bloody and dra-
matic. In grins of government France
bas boxed the compass—has -been
feudal, monarchial, imperiel, repub-
lican and revolutionary. She has
sminded the depths of royal abso-
lutism and of communistic anarchy;
bas made and unmade constitutions in
the pathetic effort' to get one that
would tlt; has known a military des-
potism which bluntly told the women
to marry and bear children in order
that Napoleon might be continuously
supplied with troops; hat; known an
absolute monarchy where a graceful
manner was more effective at court
than a head well Oiled with sense and
has known a government of the rabble
under Which there was an insurrec-
, tion against, property and death sen-
tences passed against citizens for the
sin of wearing aristocratic nanies and
clean shirts.—From "The Story of
France," by Thomas E. Watson.
Many People HON° at simple Way
of Reaping it—They lice
niriSialt Sage.
It was Dr. $aingeebond of Paris
who first discovered that dandruff
and falling hair wege causedby a
mictobe. • _
.45110(1•now that Parisian Sage the
semedy that kills the dandruff
germ Is •nold eveny town in
Canada the people{ of this country
have awakened to the fact that
dandruff is unneeessary; that. fall-
ing hair and itching scap can be
quickly stopped and that the peo
pie, who use Pasalsian, Sage will
never griow bald.
Tas -every reader of the New Ere
who wishesto eradicate{ offenaive
dandruff stop falling hair and have
an immaculately ,clean scalp, free
±6 0111. latehin ess, W. S. R. Holmes
says hewill sell. Parisian Sage in
a fifty cant bottle with a guarantee
to refilled! the money if not satisfi-
ed. It is an ideal, daintily per-
fumed 4 -fair dressing, free from
grease Nita stickiness,that will put
life and beauty into dull faded hair
and emu* it to grow lustrous and.
Sorry He Spoke.
Husband—Do you know that every
time a woman gets angry she adds a
new wrinkle to her faceP
Wile --*-No, I did not, but if it is so
presume it is a wise provisien of
nature to let the world know what
sort of husband a woman has.
When the blood becomes impure, it
is .only natural that boils, pimples, or
some other indication of bad blood should
break out of the system. There is only
one thing to do, and that is to purify the
blood by using a thorough blood cleans-
ing medicine such as Buiteoca Beoon
MR. ATIDR:0W E, Coimaa, River
Glade N,B., writes:—"For years I was
troubled with Boils. I did not know
what it was to be rel of them teed' I
began to use BURDOCIC BO -on BEIM*.
I only used two bottles 01 161, and it is
now over ten years, and I can honestly
say that 1 have never had any boils since.
I can always recommend B.B.B."
13170DOCIL BLOOD BITTERS is a remedy
indicated for, the purification of the
blood, and has been used by thousands
during the, past 39 years.
It is manufactured by The
Co.. Limited, 'Toronto, Ont.
The Point of View.. .
The' world in which a Mail lives
shapes itself chiefly by the way in
which he looks at ft, and so it ,provea
different to different men. To one it le
barren, dull and seperlicial; to another,
rich, interesting and, full of meaning.
On hearing of the Interesting events
•which, have happened in the eourse of
a man's experience many people will
wish that similar things bad happened
In their lives, too, completely forget-
ting that they should be envious rather
of the mental aptitude which lent
these events the signiecance they (1z18-1
BOSS 6)11186)6)11186) he describes them. Tea u
of genius they were Interesting ad-
ventures, but to the dull perceptions
o'f an ordinary individual they would
have been stale, everyday occurrences,
And They Came Mighty Near Boring
Him Again With Lead.
The dread of boredom is strongly
characteristic of the present age, but
few hate it with such intensity as the
artist who lived in Paris in the days
of the commune and of whom C. E.
Halle speaks in his "Notes of a.
Painter's Life."
"A friend of mine," says ala,
"told me that he was in the studio of
an artist when it was visited by a de-
tachment of soldier% The usual ques-
tion about the possession of arms was
asked and answered in the negative,
but one of the soldiers found a gun in
the corner of the studio, and on his
evidence the owner was told that he
must come out and be shot. My friend
was very fond of him, so he asked to
be allowed to see the gun. It was
given to him, and with the help of a
pencil he passed his handkerchief a
Few inches down the barrel and
brought it out brown with rust. He
pointed out that if the gun had been
used the Inside of the' barrel muSt
have been black with powder and not
brown with rust, so the artist was
let off.
"My friend asked the artist why he
had not himself suggested this simple
test, and all the answer be got was:
'011, they bored me. I would rather
any day be shot than bored.'"
The Bumming May - Have Helped
Wordsworth Out a Bit.
To see a poem in the making, the
uninitiated are apt to think, should
prove an interesting sight. Unfortu-
nately they will probably be disap-
pointed if the description, quoted by
the Rev. H. D. Rawnsley in "Literary
Associations of the LInglish Lakes," of
Wordsworth at work is to be credited.
An old retainer of the family furnished
this account of Wordsworth walking
up and down his terrace composing:
"Mr. Wordsworth went bumming
and booing about, and she, Miss Dor-
othy, kept close behind him and pick-
ed up bits as he let fall, and she'd
take 'em down and put 'ern on paper
for him, and you may be very well
sure as how she didn't understand or
make sense out of 'em, and I doubt
that he didn't have much idea aboot
'ens either hituself. But, howiver,
there's a gey lot of fowl: as wad, I
dare say.
"He would start a -bumming at one
end of the walk, and it was 'Bum,
bum, bum!' till he stopped, and then
'Bum, bum, bumf' back again. Then
he'd aledown and get a bit of paper
since Got a Box el Gin Pills
Catrams SIl., Conefwerms, N.B.
January eerte,
"About a yeat ago, I was suffering se
much with a dreadful Lame Back and
Hips, that I could not stand up straight.
I was informed by a friend about GIN
PILLS. I got a box. It helped me
immediately. I
have taken about
twelve boxes and
the pains in sny
back' and hips are
all gone. 1 cermet
speak too highly
of the wonderful
eff ec es of your
Lin i men ts and
plasters wee't cure
Lame Back -- be-
cause they never
reach the part that
is causing the pain,
The whole trouble
is with the Kidneys
and you must cure
the Kidneys in
order to stop the
cure weak, sick,
strained Kidneys
as nothing else will.
awey the pain every
titne--or year moneypromptly refunded.
soc. a box, 6 for $asso. Sample free if
youwrite National Drugle Chemical Co.
of Canada, Limited, „ Toronto.
WARVE TABLETS help pale, nervous
women to get well. 5oc. a box, 199
Power From a Lake
A, lake in Tasmania at an altitude
of 3,400 feet is to be harnessed and
the electricity produced used to supply
light and power for the entire island.
For handling garbage in cities there
has been in -vented a self loading -wa-
An Odd incident -of Railroad Construe- 1gon, garbage dumped into a hopper
tion In China. low in the rear being lilted into the
body of the wagon by a belt eouveyor.
When there was undertaken the con
struction of the railway between Kirin
and Newchwang, the seaport of Man-
churia, it was proposed to make a
junction at a place called Lanpien, out-
side the city of Mukden. For this per-
mission bad to be obtained from the
Tartar general of Mukden. This func-
tionary at once proceeded to call in his
geemancers, a species of soothsayers,
Who gave information concerning the
good fortune and ill fortune of sites
and were supposed by the Chinese to
know what demons and dragons In-
habited the earth under the surface.
These wise men reported. that the
dragon whose body encircled the holy
city of Mukden lay coiled up in such a
way that if the railway came through
Lanpien the long nails driven into the
ties would pierce his backbone and in
all probability set him to raging vio-
lently, to the great detdment of the
people of Mukden.
The general consequently refused the
application of the railway people and
directed them to carry the road in a
straight line from Kirin to New-
chwang, avoiding Mukden. The en-
gineers thereupon appealed to the vice-
roy, showing that, as this proposed
route would go through a marshy and
uninhabited country, it could not be
profitable for their enterprise.
The viceroy wrote to the general of
Mukden, highly commending him for
his discretion In consulting the g,eo-
mancers, but suggesting that these
sage persons go over the ground again
and see if they could not find a place
where the nails would not be likely to
strike into the dragon's back. Accord-
ingly, at the command of the viceroy,
the general had his geomancera indi-
• cate a spot for the junction at Lanplen
where they thought that, after all, the
dragon's backbone would be safe.—
New York Press.
Every daty we omit obscures some ,
truth we should have known.—John
st 'P'‘ • sesslai•-,sessi.
Genius and Goodness. ,
1r have {had sometimes in mine the•
gloaerl aed white palm of the upper-
class, anethe heavy Maria band of the
lower ,clasa and have recognized that
both aro but of men. After all these
have Peesed before me I say that hu-
manity gas 66 synonym equality and
that under heaven there, ,is but • one
thing. we might to bow to, genius, and
the only thing before which we 'ought
to kneel, goodness.—Victor "lug°.
Most people would be
benefited by the occa-
sional use of
Na-Dru-Co Laxatives
Gently, tilos °uglily, and
without discomfort, they free
the system of the waste
which poisons the blood and
lowers the vitality. 25c. a
box, at your Druggist's.
National Dow and Chemical Co.
of Canada, Limited, 176
is, sea:set S.s.
Stratford, Ont.
Our registratiom again ex-
ceeds that of any previous
years The boy or girl who
has not teceived our free
catalogue does not know the
great opportunities of Com-
mercial Life. We have three
Departments, Commercial,
Shorthand and TelegraphY,
and we offer you advantages
inot offered elsewhere in On-
tarilo. You may enter at any
tame. Write for our free
vatalogue at once.
D. A. McLachlan,
Walling and Eligag Oliver
I. H. C. Gasoline Engines
McC wick Machinery Pump'
and Windmills.
Miller Lillie
Corner of Princes and Albert
• 1.01•1114111•11111a.....10[1•113.10,11211•62•11.0.601,
Women and Advertisements
OIVIE statements are so saturated with their
own moral as to require no comment. "Rid-
ing on a car during the excitement over the
naval battles between Russia and Japan," said Mr.
Thomas Martindale, before the Retail Merchants'
Association of Pennsylvania, "I observed that the
men were teadino the war news and the women
were reading adi'vertisernents. Those women, I
watched keenly, read every line of the advertise-
ments, and then turned to the woman's page, Ibis
ride was a distance of eighty miles, yet at the
journey's end the women had nor yet had time to
turn to the actual news of the day. The women
want advertisements to read, and you must present
your business in a readable shape to be in the fight
these days." '
Is your Stock Moving? If not.
Then we can Help You,
New Era Ads pay—They
get right at the people.
, 14)