HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-10-02, Page 3vhitio
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Love and a
Laundry Check
The Way Two Lovers ;Became
Copyright by American Press Asso-
ciation, 1911.
"Well—I'll—be jiggered!"
Chris Webb brought his horse to a
.standstill and stared down at the small
square of yellow ,paper that fluttered
before Dixie's dancing hoofs like a
will-o'-the-wisp of the daytime. Sud-
•denly he dug his knees into Dixie's
•shoulders,, and as she sprang forward
Chris leaned over and caught the fly -
bag paper with a practiced hand. Then
he scanned it closely and uttered a
long drawn whistle. -
Plainly it was a Chinese laundry
•eheck and : represented to its own-
er a necessary article of wearing ap-
parel that probably lay unclaimed in
the wash house of some moon faced
.4. iaundry cheek found on the side-
walk in town is a common occurrence.
A laundry check discovered in an ob-
scure canyon in the desert regions of
;Arizona becomes a matter for consid-
erable interest, especially if one has
,dust convinced himself that this par-
ticular canyon has never been trod by
the foot of civilized man.
"There isn't a Chink laundry within
-fifty miles, or I'm a sinner! And I was
'sure I'd struck a new frail, and after
• naming that gulley and all to find
Hours afterward when he rolled
-dustily up to the bunk house and turn-
ed Dixie over to the friendly proffered
services of Dutehy Fink there was
some comment on his extended ab-
"Where's the critter?" asked Sen•
•derson, making room for his comrade
.at the table and passing Webb's cup
to be filled.
"Dead," replied Christopher, his
strong white teeth biting deep into
.a hunk of corn bread. "I followed the
trail clean off the range into the sand
and cactus and then I missed it. Aft- ,
•er awhile I saw a buzzard high in
the air, and I guessed what had hap-
so I followed and found the
-critter under a twisted cottonwood."
"Dead?" questioned Peters.
"Almost Of course I couldn't leave
her that way with that devilish buz-
zard hanging around, so"—be paused
for another draft of coffee. '
"So you shot her, Chris?"
"Yep, and then I shot the buzzard."
They laughed indulgently. "You al-
ways was soft hearted, Chris," com-
mented Peters, filling his pipe. "Who'd
stop to bore a Strayed critter after
chasing her twenty miles?"
"I would," said Chris in a voice that
Indicated he was weary of the topic.
"Any you chaps got baccyT
He deftly rolled a cigarette in his.
lean brown fingers and drew a light
from Henderson's smoke. "Which one
.of you fellows is wearing biles shirts?"
he asked lazily.
"Not guilty!" they cried in chorus,
end Peters 'continued, "They ain't a
chap had nerve enough to sport a baled
shirt on the Three Forks' outfit—not
since Pinky Fleming was took for a
ghost and a greaser shot him dead—
right through the biled shirt!"
"Since tben biled shirts has beer
looked on like sudden death," put in
Henderson gravely. "No, sir, thea:
ain't nobody on Little Forks wear eg
'baled shirts. Wiry you ask, Chris?"
"Anybody know where there's a
Chink laundry?" demanded .Chris pa-
"I expect there's one in Tucson,"
suggested Peters. "Seems like a dream
I remember shooting up a Chink
laundry there. That was it Iong time
ago," he added hastily.
"Then there ain't a Chink laundry
nearer than Tucson?" said Chris.
"How about Cactus Branch?" sug-
gested Redwood from his quiet corner,
'Seems 1 recollect once when i was
passing the Lone Horn—I was going
tothe rov rdu at he Branch you
p t
know sena f the wimmen'fiills-as-
ea me would 't, leave' a uunwe ar t le'
laundry there and git a check for it.
Being` of an ,obliging nature, I jest nat
urally said I would, and I'm blamed
if they didn't tote out 'a big, squashy
bundle, and me expecting a couple of
collars or mebbe a b'iled shirt! Mrs.
Traymore—you know Jim Traymore's
running the Lone Horn now --Mrs.
Traymore'says not to lose it, because
it's a `precious thing,' It's nothing but
a fancy white dress her sister was ex-
peeting to wear to theschoolhouse
dance, and the girl bad set her heart
it should be done up right and nobody
but a Chink must do it.
"Ae I was roped in for the job I
bows most polite and says I will leave
the cheek on my way back. Well"—
he pausedand eyed his companions du-
biously -"you all recollect the roundup
at Cactus Branch,"
"Being as It only happened last week,
we have strong recollections," confess-
ed Chris, rubbing his head thoughtful-
ly. "We specially recollect alt about
you, Redwood, and you sure didn't
take the trail by the Lone Horn when
you came back, and yon ain't been off
this outfit since."
"That's right," admitted Redwood
gloomily. ;
"What happened?"
"I left the squashy bundle all right,
and the Chink said it would be 4 bits,
and he gave me a piece of paper cov-
ered with turkey tracks, and now 1
don't know where the blamed paper is
unless"— He brightened suddenly and
Slapped his knee, "Now, I reckon meb-
be I made a cigarette out of it. I was
short of paper about that titan."
Henderson laughed loudly. "You'd.
have knowed it 12 you'd smoked that,
Redwood. eabbe we can help you out,
because if: that girt don't pit to the
dance, why, I don't know what us
chaps will do. l'ye seen her."
"Is it that bad?" asked Peters sym-
"She's a peacherino!" quoth,llr. Hen-
derson warmly. -
Chris got upon his feet a.'d tossed
away the end of his cigarette. "What
trail did you follow when you came
back from the roundup?" he yawned
Redwood shook his head hopelessly.
"I've been trying to figure, that out
ever since. I must have got lost, for
I was three days getting back here,
and I had nothing to eat"—
"You can cut that out" interjected
Peters, griuning. "I found you at Be-
derman's, and that's oyer to the south-
east somewhere near where Chris has
been after his stray critter."
Mr. Webb's air of langour increased.
"Then I reckon this young lady can't go
to the dance unless she gets this dress
what the Chink is washing, eh?" He
yawned again.
Redwood nodded. "I reckon it's the
only party dress she's got; she seemed
mighty particular about it" he said
"And she can't get the dress without
the check?" persisted Chris sleepily.
"No checkee, no shirtee!" returned
"You going to, the dance?"
Mr. Redwood smiled laboriously and
ran his hand along one leg with a pain-
ful gesture. "I reckon my leg's most
too stiff this time, so I guess I won't
be around tomorrow night," he said.
They laughed heartlessly as they
parted for the night.
In his own corner of the roughly par•
titionedbunk house Christopher Webb
pulled the laundry check from his
pocket and studied the strange hiero-
glyphics with thoughtful eyes. "I'll do
it," he said suddenly. "I reckon she'll
be mighty grateful -to the one who
brings back her party dress. I-expeet
it's a pretty thin, ata frills and fur-
belows and lacy stuff, like what. Annie
used to wear." His dark eyes became
almost black with a sudden intensity.
of emotion, and his brows knitted Pain-
fully. "I wasn't cut out for a book-
keeper or for city life. If she'd only,
have seen that my coming into the
open was my call to :what'I could do
best, but elm gave me the go by, and
here I am! I'm a darned sight better
off in some ways than I was there in
Denver. I've got health and I've got
a thousand salted away against the
ranch 1'11 buy some day, but I haven't
got her!"
Els head drooped a little, and then,.
as if aware of his weakness, he threw
back leis shoulders and laughed softly.
"No need to keep that other girl away
from the party," he said in a low tone
nae 1u nrnnaarlad i•i, make allelaborates
Needless Waste
Of time .anticnergy.can be avoided
by the use of our,ClasiPed Want
Ads. Time and. energy represent
good dollars_ in this age. Do not ex-
haust.thcrn In an aimless search for
good help. 'Use our Want Ads, and
'the help will come to you:,
Erecting Tallest Flagpole in the British Empire at Vancouver.
toilet with such facilities as the ranch
It was past midnight when he let
himself out of the door and made bis
way into the corral. It was the work
of a moment to catchup a mount. This
time it was a rawboned sorrel with
a Iong raking stride that carried his
rider over the trail with remarkable
swiftness. At 10 o'clock the next
morning Christopher Webb dismount-
ed stfly from the sorrel and entered
the door of a Chinese laundry in the
flourishing town of Cactus Branch.
In his hand he carried a laundry
check, and when ho came forth he
bore a large and squashy looking
bundle, which he placed carefully be-
fore him when he remounted.
A brief stop for breakfast and thea
he was beck on Another trail, this,
time the one leading toward the Lone
Horn. He knew Jim Traymore slight-
ly, had met him three years before
when Chris had first 'some out into
the open, as he called his departure
from elm city, but he had not seen
Jim recently. Ile. had "heard that he
was married now and taken the Lone
At 5 o'clock he clattered up to the
veranda .of the Lone 'Horn ranch
house and shouted in ,,a stentorian
There was a delighted shriek from
within and light footsteps on the
wooden floor' of the hall. Then a
slender form gowned in pale blue cot-
ton darted across the veranda and
held up eager arms for the bundle—
* lovely golden haired girl with wist-
ful blue eyes and a sadly drooping
mouth, who did not see Christopher
Webb's amazed face. She saw noth-
ing save the bundle and a tall, kindly
disposed cowboy who had ridden out
of his way to oblige her,
"How can I thank you"— she was
beginning. when Christopher spoke
from the shadow of his broad hat.
"Annie!" he said 10 a low tone,
Aznale Lee Looked at him for a .mo-
ment, and then, dropping her head
against his knee, she cried softly for
awhile, "Elsie married Jim -Traymore
a year ago," she explained, "and I
came out here to visit them. I didn't
know where you were, Chris, but I
felt somehow if 1 was . out in this
country 1 might be near you anyway.
Prepare to
enjoy its exhila-
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Good blood prevents sickness
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Scott's Emulsion is not an
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Scotts Emulsion is nature's
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Shun alcoholic substitutes and demand
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Home Without Furniture
ff) When the question of renewing re-
lief to a woman in the Holywell dis-
trict of Wales came before the guar-
dians, the relieving officer stated that
the woman Iived in a house which had
not an article of furniture in it, not
even a chair or a bed.
The income-tax is levied in India on
all incomes of $165 and upwards, and
then onfty one man in 700 comes with-
in its scope.
St. Peter's at Rome will accommo-
date 54,000 persons, Milan Cathedral
87,000 persons, and St. Paul's Cathe-
dral, London, 25,000 persona.
While repairing a temple the
Chinese cover up the eyes of the idols
in order that the deities may not be
ogended at the sight of the disorder.
The skins of 100,000 animals are
used every year for the Bove s of
Oxford Btbles alone, and 400,000 sheets.
of gold are required for the gilt let-
The Sheep Pays
14loney invested in sheep will nearly
double itself in one year, since the
tone will pay for the feed and care
of the sheep, and the lambs, often two
per ewe, are the profit. ft is estimated
I that ten sheep inay be kept where one
sow may, and the risk is much lees.
It may be said that the sheep always
carries her pocketbook with her. If
yhe ,dies, her pelt.: or fleece pays her
lsvc vn:nteu yon soy'
When Christopher broke the news
to 1:; romraties at the Three Forks
'ea added,lane hin,g,` "1 reckon that
t t c rr occasion will demand a baled
L ch boys?"
So c o .o do," urged Henderson
a :9n"Rooms Pike n wedding
n "btm tweeds that there baled shirt.
he tel•"•'
inn got iitry, binadry cheeks tip
c •'91'' slec, e;" ,demanded' Peters of
f.ren!creen, "You speak kind of wish
ft 1, 1: to you'd• leve to wear a bate0
"I expect all of you to ,wear 'em
i wieii—when it's necessary—that is,
'en I'm married," said the happy
fibristonher authoritatively..,,
'Food's mogphodi e;;l
The ar'cet EnglislaQ`.Rented.i
Tones andinvigeratesthewhoitl9'
nervous( systole, makes new
Blood in old Veins. Cures Nen-
071,8 Debility, Mental and Brain Wos'tr, hes.
pondency, Scs:uat Maleness, Phndssdons, Sper-
matorrhma, wad Effects of Abase or Excesses.
Price 11 per box, six for $o. One will please six
will curo.wSold by all druggists or mailed in
plain pkg�..on receipt of price. New pamphlet
maite5T'ree Tho Woe Modleino oo.
(formerly Windsor) Toronto, Ont.
The New Era gives the, mews.
Your ahselmt 1 ;son or daughter
would like to have The New Bra
probably. 20c in, advance•, Will se -
curio ijt% filo Jami 1914, to any Can-
adian, postoffice address.'
uneraI expenses. If she lives, her
wool in the spring and her lambs In
te fall pay donble revenue. No other
a oak frays as large a percentage of
meter profit on the money invested.
Nothing else will build up a rundown
Marm as quickly' as a flock of sheep.
lle. pasturing, 'the sheep's manure
Is distributed about 90 evenly that no
manure spreader could equal the
sheep to its work.'
Poultry Industry
The value of the poultry industry
to New Zealand was stated at a con-
ference of poultrymen to be two mil-
lions sterling per annum, this sum
changing hands •for products, produce
and materials in order to keep:' the
industry going. The average pricd of
eggs and table poultry was fully 50
per cent, higher than it was ten years
ago. Five years ago they could count
OD one hand the. number of persons
engaged in poultry farming for a liv-
ing. Now they could be numbered by
the score, Farmers too, were giving
poultry their attention, since they
were realizing that the high prices
received for 'eggs mid table birds made
the keeping of poultry a valuablead-
ivaat to -farm pursuits.
Methodist Paper Wants
Liquor Question • Left Out
of Party Campaign
(The Christian (uardiau )
As expected, the Bast York election
resulted in ti triumph for the Conser-
vative candidate, but with a reduced
majority. The vote cast was exceed-
ingly light, and showed that neither
-pas ty placed very much value upon
the result. If the "banish-the.bar"
candidate; has been elected it would
undoubtedly have been a signal tri
uneph for the temperance party; hut
even then it would hot have' brought
that policy appreciably nearer.
But it is significant that in this, the
first election in which the Dominion
Alliance took an active part rn favor
of the'"abo'ish-the-bar" candidate, the
Government majority was cult down
by meet. 100 votes. and this in spite of
the fact that there was FL large increase
in the possible city vote, much of
which would probably go ."wet."
Under the circumstances the vole is
somewhat significant.
Lhe real test of strength, huwever
will not come till the next provincial
election; and there is no doubt that in
that election the temperance question
will be the leecLng issue. and it will
play havoc with party lines: No wise
politicians can afford to Klink the fact
that the Methodist, Presbyterian,
and Baptist churches with Lhe 5 Ova.
tionJ,.rmy and the Dominion Alliance.
are publicly committed to the aboli-
tion of he bar, and while there is no
doubt that some members 'of all the
churches mentioned will be influenced
by party loyalty sufficiently to sup•
port party at the sacrifice of temper-
anceprinciples, yet we submit that
even a victory won under such cite
camstances will be rather acostly one.
A. contest which brings any political
party into open conflict with the lead-
ing moral fences in the country rind
throws it more and more hack upon
I be liquor trade cin only result in the
desti uotion of that party -
Rut if the temvierance question is
made the leading one, what will be the
prospect for the success of the
"a.holish the•bat" party? 1t will pro))
lily be found that constituencies like
L est Yoek, with Government mnjuri
ties of 700 or so will still return Gov
eminent majorities: but there urea
greatmany constituencies which ale
held by much smaller majorities and
where a candidate will be tremendous
!•y handicapped if church sentiment
and temperance sentiment are united
ty arrayed against him.
Woalcl it not be vastly better poli
tics to make this question an open one
end allow it to be settled apart from
party politics? Unless this is done it
is certain that Sir James Whitney
will find himself opposed by many
who would gladly follow him on other
matters, but who positively refuse to
deny their temperance principles, and
between the abolition of the bar and
the mere enforcement of the present
license law there is all too wide a
chasm to enable temperance Causer
vatives to quietly vote the party tick
et, At leas ajgood many citizens think
C. Dittman, a Seattle millionaire,
as the result of eighteen years of marl-
tal bliss promulgated the following
rules for husbands;
j Keep all promises made' before and
at the time of marriage. Keep a` joint
; bank account. Go to your club no
1 oftener than one night a week, Have
no dogs or pets of any kind. Call
her up on the telephone at least three
I times a day. When away from home
1 write or telegraph every day. Take
her with you on business and plea
, sure trips, Be more polite to her than
to, any other woman you meet. Re-
member that she likes flowers, eandy
and books. !lake it a business to he
comfortable whenever she Is happy.
Do not criticize her dress. Be a gentle-
man to all woman, but a husband to
one only. If you have ,only a dollar
you are not wasting it by spending
it on her. 'When she Is dissatisfied get
a divorce. Life is too short to waste
any of it in trying to please an ab-
normal woman,
r'•assing of the Top Hat
The medical papers of Great. Britain
John in the chorus of condemnation
of the silk hat. The "Medical Press"
says:—"The vogue of the stove -pipe is
passing; laden with unhonored years,
it is sinking- steadily into oblivion.
Safe motley shapelessness cover the
massive crania of our most eminent
surgeons, and their dreamy hues of
brown and green make our hat -racks
quite attractive. The fashion Is to
be unconventional without reaching
the bounds of the 'too utterly utter.'
Each of us takes an interest in his
brim and moulds his formless head-
gear with creative dints. We are pass-
ing fast away from the tyranny of the
hard hat."
Shooting 011 Wells
Keen interest is being' taken in the
development of the Manitoulin oil
fields by Senator Polrer and repre-
sentatives from all the chief centres
on the Island assembled at Green Bay
to witness 'the shooting of some of
the wells. E. A. Stokes, of Petrolea,
was on hand, and a fuse was lighted,
and a sharp shock was felt and the
earth trembled, from the mouth of the
pipe a greyish liquid shot into the air
to a height of about eighty feet and
fell. gracefully to the ground. This
was followed immediately by a second'
gush of a watery liquid which ascend-
ed to a height of about a hundred feet.
About fifteen quarts of nitro-glycerine
-were used in shooting' the well.
Had Leaking Valves
Of. The Heart.,
Thought Nothing But Beath
Would End Her Misery.
Milburn's heart and Nerve Pills Cured Her..
Mao. J. D. TAtnu'r, 1776 3rd Ave.,
•East,' Owen Sound, writes;—"I have
been a great sufferer from heart disease
and leaking valves, I have had re-
source to every kind of treatment 1 could
think might help me, including the skill
of several doctors, I suffered so for
years that at times I have [clt that noth-
ing hut death could end' my misery. 'I
was advised by a friend, who had suffered
untold pain and misery, just as I had,
and had been cured by Mstnuxta's
liennm AND Nfavu I'irl s, to give them
a trial, so I decided to do so, I am de-
lighted with the result, as I am now com-
pletely cured, and can eat and sleep as I
have not clone for years. You are at.
liberty to use my name at any tune
as I am convinced they are the best pills
on the market for any (putt of heart
Price 50 cents per Lox or 3 poxes for
$1.36 at all dealers, or will be mailed
directon receiptof price by The T.
IV/Ahura Co,, Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Champion woman swimmer of the
Middle West.
Apparently Thrive Without Water
Except Dew and Plant Juice
Sheep on the Nebo national forest
range, Utah, go four and a hall
Months without water except for such
moisture as they get from the dew
and the juices of forage plants.
'Grazing sheep on a range entirely
destitute of water is a recent inno-
vation due to the increasing demand
for forage and the efforts of the fores-
try officers to find a place on the forest
ranges for all the stock that can safely
bg admitted. fibs area on the NettleI which has proved usable by sheep is
high and rocky, a portion of It being
above timber line, and it has neither
springs nor streams of sufficient stze
dg accessibility to be used for stock
'Watering purposes. The grazing sea-
son lasts from June 15 to October 81,
and during this period of four and a
half months the animals do not get
a drink.
tinder such conditions, however, the
sheep do extremely well, and the
lambs from this range have an aver-
age weight at the close of the season
of 68 pounds on the Chicago market,
which is rather above the normal
weight from that vicinity.
In one area on the Targhee forest
in Idaho sheepget water only twice
during the four -months' summer graz-
ing season. There is no water on
the range, but the sheep are driven
to a nearby stream lower down the
mountain side.
Depends to Large Extent Upon Know-
ing Individual Worth of Cows
There are such• excellent concrete'
examples now and again outcropping
of men who prove that it pays to take
up cow testing, that their records of
success make stimulating reading for
dairy farmers all over the Dominion.
Here isa good example of what one
1 man at Cedar Hall, Quebec, in the
Gaspe Peninsula, accomplished by
carefully watching his fairly good
cows and feeding them better. The
first year his eight cows gave him
33,511 pounds of milk, an average of
4,188 pounds, at a feed cost of $82.50,
netting a total ,profit of $76.82, an
average of $0,60 profit per cow. Two
of .the best cows in the herd the first
year ' were lost accidentally, two
heifers made up the herd" to 'eight
again;. a pure bred sire is kept
The next. year his eight cows gave
him 41,408 pounds of milk, an aver-
age of 5,176 pounds, or 1,000 pounds
of an increase per cow. The feed
cost $4.12 more per cow, but the total
profit was $177,29, or an increase of
180 per cent in the protlt. It pays
to give 'additional feed if the cows
kept are of the type to make use of
it profitably.
The forcible realitiesare these:
The gross income from milk increased
by $133.43 from the same number of
cows, the profit far more. than 'doubled,
and the owner has received every en-
couragement to try Per still bettor re-
sults. That is where 'a trial cow test -
Ing trip generally lands the herd
Mr, Lack Kennedy, of 'Winghaan,.
was 50, town onFriday last,