HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-10-02, Page 2lame ass eirellitilleuste tieineriV,nilll tnnnm r ill 0111 /11 111111111111111011 111 011 rl i or Infants and Children. .111 101110101111141110001111M1 Allege tablePreparationforAs similating IheT'oodandRegula, ting thaStomachs antiBoweLs of PromotlesDigestion,Cl eerfi 1- nessandliest.Contains neither Optum,Morphine nor Mineral.; NOT NA1woTIC . am: 1. The Kind You Have Always Bought the Signature of jorjee! R kiiy for Constipa-,nom tion. Soif tomach.Diarrhoea, .-lid►, YYOFtTL� ;Convulsio ns ,Far er 7 s tress and LOSS OF SLEEP. ..wt Tac Simile Sigunature of In Use For Over Thirty Years EXACT COPY OF WRAP.PE@. 1 THE CENTAUR COMPANY, ev.w YORK CITY. RaelManannanneaninanglalgalEMM IMPEOMAY OMMOOMMAIIMPOS The New Era. 41713 YEAR. "IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE." W. 11. KERll & SON, Props. J. Leslie Kerr, Business Manager New Era, One Year In advance 51.G0 New Era, when not paid in ad- S'anc ... -• 1.50 New Era. tithe the United States is advance..."_....... 51.50 Advertising Rates on Application. 0.1.1•0110 WOW Job ;cork price advance on July 1st, 1913, in accordance with the Huron Co, Pres Asso- ciation Rates, Office Phone 30 house Phone 95 labor Agitator fio'a Made Scene at Windsor Left Platform When National �A�. Anthem was sung at WITH A Meeting, Serious Problem. .King" was sung; Maun was invited to speak by the unions of the city. He was especially „bitter toward politicians and Governments who he declared, were controlled by the capi talistic class, Scorned 9.merican Freedom The speaker was particularly scorn ful towards what he called the "free dom of Americans: "I came to' this great America, and found men in steef hills working sev en shifts of twelve hours each per week. In that twelve hours they got one hour respite, and all for a wage of SI 90 per day," "Wliatabout King George?" askde a voice, "You people over here" replied the speaker, " place ton much importance in King George. He is of about as much importance us the President of the United States, the Czar of -Russia, or the Emperor of Germany. He has nothing to do with ruling the country. The capitalists rule these nations, and the is no reason for it, The work ingmen have more power, if they wanted to exert it, than all these po tentates, Give us a two weeks' strike on the railroads, with all em ployees joining solidly in the strike, and the King's army could not be transported because all the King's army could not build a railroad." "I believe," be said, "that those who work those who create wealth' shonid control o tl of then r • own n energies. work for their own profit, and own the `means of production and distribution." Face To Face - Wiudsor, Sept. 22.-Afterdelivening. a revolutionary speech in which he characterized laws as t he work 03 -" dirty" Governments, derided the Church, belittled the icing of Britain, and defied the Canadian police to ar rest bim for his inflammatory utter once. Toni Mann, the English labor agitator, left the platform in the WindsorAthletic Club Saturday night in disgust when "God Save the THIS HOME "' that ANYONE can use The Guaraeqteed t"ONE DYE for All Kinds of Cloth. Gle.a, Simple, No Choice of Mistakes. TRY IT I Bend for Free Color Card and Booklet. The Johaeoo-Rlchnedeon Go. ULmil.d, Mone., BAD WATER WAS THE CAUSE. MRs. EDWARD KINGSTON. Mirror, Alta., writes: -"Coming to the North- west from B.C., in the summer of 1910, we were face to face with the serious pro- blem of being able to secure good drink- ing water; this we could not get, so were obliged to drink water containing a great deal of alkali, with ,the result that we were all troubled with Diarrhpea. rore tunately, we had a bottle of DR. 1 ow- eeres Z+.,aTRACr OF WILD ST12Aw,egaRy in the house which soon relieved our sufferings. I have always kept a bottle in the house since obtaining such bene., ficial results from its use when my boy as a baby was similarly troubled. ''It has always proved a friend in need.' There are many imitations of "DR. Pow -Lea's' When you ask for the well- known article, insist on being given it. It has been on the market for over sixty- five years, and has always given the greatest of satisfaction. 'It cures when all others fail. See that the name of The T. Milburn Co., Limited,' appears on the yellow wrapper. ' Price, 35 cents, No OIocKade is Expected Canadaln Wheat WilI Not Be Routed Through Amer - loan Channels. Ottawa, Sept, e28, -This department, ot trade and Commerce. which this time last year was considering the ad visability of urging the Intestate Com coerce Commision to allow the routing. of Canadian wheat through American channels to relieve congestion and blockade on Canadian railways, -bas, this season received nothing but the best reports and indications of this sea son's wheat movement. An exceptionally early crop harvest ed in goodweather, and with no low grades, has been conductive of easy and quick handling, and of speedy transit to the head of the lakes. Already a treinendoue quantity of grade '(cheat has rekaelled (lie FIe vatoty,' and it:' is expeeted,that•befoi'e; theclose of tlavigatiori lwlarge 'proper • tion• will have -been moved to tine east erp market s,.• • " ache Pesach Betty. Chop time 2 cups of not too ripe peechea, ,Butter• a balding dish and ;place on it alayer of peaches, s r k1r ng with cinnamon, on , sugar 'and buttes, Place on this a layer of the crumbs, alternating with the peaches until dish is three-quarters fur' 1eavilnlg bread crumbs on' the r • •74(7"!7/.7%grin,,.... .?ir rr % :,: iii///, /:: The EASY polish Makes Shoes Last Longest j-- F.F.DALLEYCO„Ltd. Ufa.. N. Y. Namiltoo ,Oat. top. Add Bio. water, but cover tight A SAIL, 7 fNI1 and steam • ,. three-quarter of an hours oto, moderlate +oven, Remove, eovarltalnd brebwn 'quickly. Serve with :milk or sauce. Pesach Paint Dowdy or Peach I Spider Pie. 1 Pare and ,slice peaches and fill baking -dish neo under crust. eprfnkl Ting with sugar butter and cinna molal. Cover as for' co bbler 'and bake slowly, when brown• remove crust whole. Place half the peach- es on, a;platter ; and•put Ithe'crnst overnethem, upside down!, then the west of the fruit, Serve ,With eAero'. Peel aired slice a ,dozen peaches.' Stir 'them tato la batter made by beiatilag together 3 whipped eggs, a. cupful of mill: a pinch of salt and a cupful of prepared $lour, drop - this mixture by the :spoonful in , to deep boiihnig ' fat: When the frittere are of a ggoldetr.brown color, denim, in a collander, and sprilnkkler ,with Ipowder'ad sugar. Sever 'vezty hot, Crela!m ot Peach Sherbet; Scald quart of rich .milk, dissoly- iing init !a cup sof ' s uga•t' 3 nt simmer eight minute's, then cool, addiing to it cold a pint of peach Pulp sweetened land flavored. When) it is frozen adcl the whites of two eggs wlr'ppecl and complete Marking an' Old Trading Post. On 11/�/;II�Ki The Old Settlers el ph, assisted by (�l m the park board, Is having a log cabin ereeted'lu elltcliell park on the site of g os Phis is to be r:'' done in commemoration of the mem- pry of th Ira white trader and!/A- -se-Of-die ig: -se of t e 'hiscorrcal value o the spot. The cabin is being erected in the northeastern part of'the "par k and on the exact piece of ground on which the cabin of Jack Vieau, then first white mar w10 traded with the ons n what is now know ns Mil- wauk'ee, was located n vey back in;1791. The cabib Will be 4 diodeYof the rough cabins wind," Wele built fa, those days. The Bite on which stood the log cabin of Menu, the Frenchman, so tunny years ago was located by. Flans ner- uertson. a member of the Old Settlers' club. Mr. reinertson had in his 'pos-. session papers relating to the location, and with the aid of these It was found. -MIllwank ee Sentinel. Who Po 11r9t tecovtr'�hei' Strength as they Should. Every mother. Who fails -'to regain her health and strength after con- finement ' Ineeds a tonic. The years of weaklneee; and( suffering which' tso often' follow are unneces- sary a•nd easily"' avoided. The' fact tll';tt her strength does not - ke- turinl is la'eertatrd , ledeeation that heir plo'od rudely liras been • over- taxed ver taxedi;aind' de indpoverishekd. This condition is often made wore. when the mother takes up her household duties while • she is still weak whelnt la completebreakdown results The strength a weak mother needs eat be quickly found( in' the tonic treatment With Dr(, Williams' Pink Pills, These Pills nncreas,o•'tind en- richi the blood 'supply and thus bring health and str't;ngtheto the exhausted system. Mrs, Robt, L;t- tie says... I have lairsed' for up- wards of twenty-five years', and I could relate many cases relieved a,ud cured, through the use to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills', In maternity cases which I 'nurse, I always use •them, and Iknow of no other medicine that so speedily builds 1.11) then mother at this 'critical time. I have also fotyn,d them of great velum -Me, the 'case of young' girls, and I can add 'that as for myself they have saved me many a dec- or's bill. I feel safe In saying they are the 'best' tonic medicine I c raciAu of." Nursing- mothers will find Dr. Williams', Pink Pills will give her ust tire strength 'she needs, and hey will at the same time, aid in lceepinng her child( healthy. If you '..I. RICE PAPER.1"]-' Shaved From the Snow White Pith of Trees In Formosa. 1 The so called rice paper is not made t from rice, as its name implies, but do not find these Pills at your from the snow white pith of a small tree belonging to the genus aralia, a genus represented in this country by the common sarsaparilla and the spikenard. The tree grows in Formo- sa and, so far as is known, nowhere else. The stems are transported to China,' and there the rice paper is made. It is used, aside, from a' nuts ber of other purposes, by the native t artists for water color drawings, and sometimes it is dyed in various colors and made into artificial flowers. The tools of the pith worker com- prise a smooth stone about a foot square and a Targe knife or hatchet with a short wooden handle, The blade Is about a foot long, two inches broad and neal'ly half an inch thick at the back, and Itis as sharp as a razor. Placing a piece of the cylindrical pith on the stone and his left hand on the top, the pith worker will roll the pith backward and forward for a mo- ment until he gets it in the required position. Then, seizing the knife with his right hand, he will hold the edge of the blade after a feint or two close to the pith, which he will keep rolling to the left with his left hand until nothing remains to unroll, for the pith has, by the application of the knife, been pared into a square white sheet of uniform thickness. All that re- mains to be done is to square the edges. If one will roll up a sbeet of paper, lay it on a table, place the left hand - on top and gently unroll it to the left he will have a good idea of how the feat is accomplished. -New York Her- ald. dealer's they will be sent by mail at50 cents a box or six boxes for •1,50; by 'writing, The Dr, Wil- ams' Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont, ti Tinge of -Suspicion. , "That speaker always starts off," said Farmer Corntossel, "by Mille' what the country needs." "Naturally and properly." "I s'pose so. Only I notice that when a pian goes out of bis way to toll life what I need it's always some - thin' in his particular line of goods." -Washington Star.' I wo Pitlerent .lpecios. I,ittir lwlllic - 8sy, Int, (1 bat is a sad: ;rove; 1'a - A bookwom, my sun, 1s e11her person who would 'sober rend 11 hook illllu tad 01' It (corm th;11 V1,lul+l r;uher eat a book than read.• I'll go \ewe. i -lard Work. ''(Vhy ilic1 sone tell :me yon wore work Mg your way 1hrnu;411 00;legv'i" "1 vn,"' "I:ul nobody eeerna to 5n11 nhour i1," '•CeriniIly nos; my work 1011"1x1; of vetting money' from dad." --111111 1 Lx• press. Her Weekly Allowance. hrodM•-So;rum IMnre a weekly rill<iev. Imre from ymn' father? Illldn yea hr allows nil to here n eemlleutan. (-tiller two nights fl wael:.-I.iiWiu- eett's • me'eesse•eeseeeseeeeeseee••• O 0 IT LEEGRAPQY •al a e a e a e • • • a w • • • ® A,ncl all duties of a Station Q Agent are easily learned at hone by means of our New ® Hogue Study Courses. We e invite you to write for par- deniers and sample lessons, • It 'will pay you well to learn these things. Write Shaw's • Telegraph and Railroad • School. Y0nme Street, Tor- onto, W. H. Shaw, president, • O • • • 1 without a doubt _you'll find this out in all your travels round about the bread` that's best with any meal - is just the: '" and only real Mother s Breads better bread could not be made -that's what you'll' say when you have tried this crispy, crusty Mother's Bread Phone No. 1 and have it delivered to your ' house everyday, Notice I ani prepared to do carpentering and repairing. , Storni doors and Windows made to order, Charges reasonable. Orders left at the house or at Pc Watts' shoe store will bepronaptly attended to ALEX. GOSLEIGH, Rattenbury Street House for Sale T ant instructed to sell quick, Here is a chance to secure an excellent 11.arne at a bargain price. I will show prop rte, ailcl consider any fair offer. C. B. HALE, Girls Wanted 14.2.1111.411. • Expriencetl, and girls to learn Knitting aid Looping. Will pay $5,00 err week n'ir.In learning. 5t.ady employment. Pleasant p is ,:iii A11j :y a' once CLINTON hN1TTI.Xti CO., Clinton, Ontario, Good Farm for Sate. mama ma • 'Let 33. C'oiicession 3 T'uckersmith c'onta'ninri 100 RCM'S, 93 all cleared and in 0 rpt•nritd state of cultiv- at m, 1h+ farm is well under dra'ned and fenced with five acres of goucl hardwood hush. Large l ank yarn and -straw shed -with c sled stabling. - silo and other • out 1.''1111 11:11'r (Enid brick house eight rooms Icitehealand woodshed with p•:,od c 1 1;' and .hard and sett d ater. There is a splendid apple orchard also large orchard of Pill's, 1i..ars, a,ncl. clrerrys trees and an abundance of shade 'trees. - On the farm are t0'•a never failing wells one with 'with the windmill The farm is cony eulen't tr, church and seli.101 six nil's from thetovwn lawn of.Clmton and S1aforth and 2 12ntils from Brucefielcl Tole - phone in house with long distance connection, rural mail delivery 1,iut:_ to be established immdiately Terms reasonable as' the pro- rr:tor is giving up farming. Apply on the premises or address, A. ELCOAT, .Brucef'eld Slabs For Sale 14 inches Fong, Hardlwoee, 12 inches long, Body Wood. We, can fi11 all orders or Na- tional Portland Cement at once, call or phone. J. III�r•rTON LONDESBORO CLINTON COAL I AR2®S Yards Opposite G. T, R. Station All kinds of Coal on hand - Chestnut Soft Coal Stove Blacksmitl>t Furnace Coke TKenmel Coal and Wood Tile -2i, 3 acid q -inch side The 'Tile is of the very best quality. Brick to Order.. • FE)RBBS none 62. ti.ThOS &. PARIIXSTEFl l3ar rrn'no1, PIO AR:. IafO; . ETO A seeoncl Zyatlici Wood Furnaae •in I'UB first class',cozlditfan, •,Also ono sec- aniNTON.. olid-lraindadiant'Ilolne Fieatsr. Apply to O$, IIAWIINS,. enaR4DS D, ; TILE at R,o'vland's 13ardware Uonneyanee, Notary i?uhlic, OomeeE' A nor, etc, REAL. ESTATE AND LNSi1R,1se.' ; A desirable 100-a Issuer of MarrfageLicenses, UurobtSt„ Clinton Fart' for Sale. ere faun for sale, being Lot 24, Con. 5, Hullettt. Good frameus o ' h e and kitchen; en• bank barn ' .50x66 3 miles from om C15n-' ton, 3-4 mile from school. The farm is well fenced, • well underdrained and in good state of cultivation. Plenty of spring ,wafter. Possession given to suit purchaser. For fur- ther particulars apply to JOHN CARBERT, Phone .4 on 165. Clinton, P.O. Live Fowls Wanted I i t '• 1 ''.';• I am new ready ito handlle Fat Hens and Young Chickte(ns, • and Young Ducks, alt highest pricier. Poutltry taken not latier than Thursday of peach week. either Fowls handled laitier on. • l • , , W. MARQUIS „ 1 Base Line, Phone 14 on 166. Money. Wanted. I have several inquiries for loans of various amounts and will be pleased to find investments for funds on mortgages. W. BRY'DONE Fara. tor. Sale A desirable 80 acrefarm for sale Good frame house, a parlor, dining room, summer kitchen and wood shed. A bank barn with cement floors, pig pen with cement floor and troughs, acrd drive shed. well drained, all seeded lett about 22 acres, everything in good shape, Some of the money may belied at a low rate of interest, will sell with or without crop. Apply to FI. HESK, Londesboro; or on the premises, lot 17, con, 8, Hul ett. I To The Fai'merS nsure your horses and cattle a- gainst death by accident or disease. All valuable live stock is being protected in this manner. Reason- able rates and quick settlements. Call and lee. C. B. HALe. Residence Phone No.100; Office No.2 l 'indsttar1H Insulrance The Uan'lda Weather Insurance Co. will insure all buildings against dam- age done by windstorms, moderate niter, No premium note. CEIARLES B. HALE District Agent Clinton •Pants •I"411' Sale A first class farm, consisting of 75 acres, on men.12, part lot 34,11u1 - lett township, 3miles from Londes- boro, and 5 miles from Blyth, 11-2 Miles from School. A bank barn 36 by 56, another barn 36x52, drive shed 24x40. A brick house, plenty of water, about an': tacre of or- ehal'd, Possession canbe given right after barvest. Apply to, WILLIAM LONGMAN, !Myth, P.4O. Farm tor Sale The executor of the Southcombe Estate offefrs for, sale 50 acres -- East half of iot 28, eon. 6, Hulled. A. first-class farm, wellwatered and improved, and with good buildings. Also the undersigned offerd for sale, lot 29i eon. 6, Hull- ett, 100 acres. These farms may be bought together or separately. JAMES SOUTHCOMBE. Clinton,' Fire, Life and Accident: H T. RANOEt Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate.. INSURtNCE:AGr NT•-Reprosenting ld lnir0:m surance Compaoles,. Division Court '°I ice. MedK.al. DR1 °. W. THoMPSQ11i Phystelan, 5nrgeon. E Softie] attention given to diseases et the Eye, Dar: Throat, and Nose, Eyes carefully examined; and suitable glasses' Prescribed. Office and Residence. Twodoors west.. of the Cemmerefal Hotel. Huron St. DRS. GUNN and DANDIER Mr. W. Cana, L. S. C. P., L. W. C. a„; Mao+, Dr.d. C. Candler. B.A. M,S. Ofiioe-Ontario Street, Clinton. Night calla at residence, Rottenbury!St.- or at hospital DR. 4. W. SHAW. PET510IAN, SVEGEON, ccoucheur, otc., office and residence on lenbury St.. opposite W, Farrau's residence, DR. F. S. -X011} DENTIST: 1 Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty -47' Graduate of C.O.G.S.a Chicano, and 5,0,0.5 Toronto, Hayfield on'Mondt4•s, ➢lav 1st to Deoa,ub DR. 11, FOWLER,, IIDENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store, Special oars 4nken to make dental Arose. menu as painless as possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stook and general Auction lev GODERICM ONT I'm ff etoar sales a apoo1n11]. (heels elf as Nirw ERA whoa, Clinton, prt,mptiy ahtenesi to.. Terms reasonable. Farmers' aisle nota discounted G. D. 11cTeggart hl. D. MoTaggar MeTacigart Brosl 11 ISfS EEDS ALBERT ST , CLINTON General Bunking Bus lEcetep transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts Waned, Interest allowed en deposits. The 1 XcKlllop Mutual, Fire Insurance cue, i°srm and isolated Tows Prreplt erty Only Insured. OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, President, Seafox'th, ConnConoi_y, Viae -fres., Godea'ieh. T.E, Hays, Sec,-Treas., Seafoalth. DIRECTORS. Jas, Connelly, Hennesvilie, Joh Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; D,. F. McGregor, Seaford); J. Evan'ss,. Beechwood, J. G. Grieve, Winthrop• J Benneweis, Brodhagen; M. Me» Ewan, Clinton. Each Direetotr is Inspector oe, losses In his own district. AGENTS, Robt Smith, Harlock; Ed. Mucha - ley, Seaforth; Wm, Chesney, Eg. mondville; .1. W. Yeo, Eoimesville„ Payments may be,made at The Morrishi Clothing Co., Clinton, or 13.11. Cutt, Goderieh. JACOB TAYLOR 5L1N tor. FORD & McLEOD We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standama,). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover, We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices paid for Hay and all Grains. FORD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAeA 4 b 4 4 en pi -__c 4 ,a See and here our finest• INew Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and 41 Organs, ,special values in Art ' Cased.4 Pianos and organs rent ed, choice new Edison phonographs, Music &44 variety goods. - MUSIC Emporium Insurance (teal estate bouglit and solell Money to loan Office Issas Street, next door to Neer Ems Grand TrunkRai way System Railway Time Table Loudon, Huron and Bruce. North Passenger London, depart 8,80 a m 4.50 pen. Centralia 9.40 5,43 Exeter.... •9.58 5.54 13ensall.,....... ., 10.08 6.05 Iifppelr 10.16 6,11 10.30 6.19 11.00 6,35 11.18 6.52 - 11.27 7.00. 11,40 '7;13 Br'ucefield Clinton Londesboro Blyth .Beigrave Wingham, arrive... 11,50 7„4511 South Wingliam, depart.. Belgrave B}yth, Londesboro Clinton Brucefleld Kippeu Hensall1 Exeter Centralia,. ... London„arrive. Buffalo and Wes` 11, rn Stratford.. ,10.00 Mitchell 10,22 Seaforth... 10.45 Clinton. 11.07 EIo}mesville 11.16 Goderieh.:. ... •11.35 East Goderieh ..,..... Holmesville Clinton Seatorth Stratfoza:.., Paesenge' 6.43 a m 3.33 p m. 6.54 3.44 7.08 3.56 7.I6 4.04 7.50 4,23 8.12 4.39 8,23 4.47 8,32 4,52 8.48 5.05 9.00 5.15 10.00 6,10 (.lode Passsenget pal Pm Pm. 12.20 . 5,25 10.20' 12,45 5.55 10.47' 1.10 6.18 11.12' 1.25 6,40 11.28 1.33 646 11.38• 1.50 7.05 11,55 1 9 ssengera ria pp 7.10 2.40 4.50 7,26 2.57 5.06 7,35 3,07 5,15 7,52 3.25 5.82 8.16 3,48 ' 555 8.40 415 620 C.Hoare- : 000••••!0••0•••••••0••••0•; C Small Advfs, Always Pays AAASAAAAAAAAKAASAAAAAAAAAA 1011••••41111100110111••••••••••••