HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-10-02, Page 1Established 1865, Vol, 48, No. 14 CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY ,OCTOI:iEl,i 2 igia
„ W. H. Kerr 8z Son, Editors and Publishers '
T(1satisfy the Seli-Intei.est of Man is the End 1:(31f Successful Advertising. Use,',,The New Era to be Successful
Excellent Fair at Bayfield on Friday
oya1 Bapk,mI
1 -lead Office, Montreal
C.,,,--"Ptal Authorized. . ......$25,000•000
Capital Paid-up 11,500,000
B.e�rve and undivided
Profits .. . 12,560,000
TOTAL ASSETS 175,000,000
With world- wide conneetionl
Interest allowed on Deposita
General wanking lankiness Ammer -
nolidag Time --
Kodak Time
Tike a Kodak with you
Everything for kodakery
our store,: and prompt de-
veloping and printing.
J. • 110 7ST
Dispensing Chemist.
Despite a wet morning last Fri- I Roadsters--Br,00d mare with foal,
day the afternooneturimed out fine ' Ben. Higgins, Robt. G. Reid; foal, B.
amid a large crowd gathered to wit- Higgins, R. G. Reid; gelding or filly .,
nese the annual,13ayfield Eaue The 2yeesrs, S. Tiuemner, A. Dune.an ;
!entries were ev611 filled and it was team, John' 1ieyd,r,; single .m.ad-
J t
alter ,o'clock 'before the horses ster, Wie Johnston,on, Rev. cC
were all judged. The inside depart miek.
me(n,t was up to the markof other Caritiage-Foal, gelding or; filly 1
years. Clinton; was well epresent- year and 2 yeaers
Roland Geiger ; Single carriage
horse, Filank Perdue, 13.Ran ;gentle
man's outfit, J. (Floyd, jr.,; • lady
driver, Mise Decker, R. J. MeCor-' ,
ed at the Fair. Following ane the
prize winnees ;--
:General Punposes-Brood Mare
with foal, JohlaReid, Thos. Elliott;
teal, John Rolla, k A.Elcoat ; gelding
or filly 2 yeos otd, S.1Hohner ; geld-
ing or filly 1 year' A.Elcoat, J. R.
Sternly. ' , •
Agricultuilal-Brood hnare with
foal, R. Greig, J. R. Steeling ; foal, J.
Stewart, R. Greig ; gelding' or filly
2 years, A. Duncan, John R,eld; geld
ing 01' filly 1 yelar, !John Reid, C. B.
Middleton ; team, John Chambers.
Heavy Draught -Brood mare with
foal, E. H. Wise, John McGuire"; foal
John McGuire, E. H. Wise ; .gelding
or filly 2 years. Alex. McEwen, Alex
Mustard ; gelding or filly 1 year, J.
R. Sterling; team, Wm. Stephenson.
Which School F1ia,111 attend?
Write today forCatalogue o f
It will .help you to answer the
question. Careful judgment should
be exercised in choosing a school
The Mots ris
- Incorporated If.35 5
Capital and Iteserve , SS,7000.000
Interest allowed at highest current rate.
C E. DOWDING. Manager Clinton Branch,
44.••••••••••• •••••••••••• •seoe.•••••••••••*••••••••
: t't...ittz. 1 Reatly•to-Wear
• We are Especially Anxious to haye the
• „
See our Suits and Overcoats this Season
We know that the young man of to-daTis the
• most critical dresser in the world. and with a clothing
display like ours we know we can please him.
We Save Him Money Too.
, •
• Young Hen's
• Suits and Overcoats
1 $5.50 10
• 41725
• NO illitit,Cr you
extilect to buy, drop
in to -day au(' try on
some of tile new
'`• stylts
esneseartarssmasmanas •
Jtedges-eelast Archibald, Seaford,
Jae Hadford,'Centealia.
Grades-Milth cow, John Reid, L
Wise; heifer, 2 years o1dJ Reid,
E. H. Wise; heifer 1 year, E. H.,Wise
3. Reid ; heifer calf, A, Elcoat, 3. Reid
steer calf, A. Elcoat, T. Brownett ;
steer 2 years old, J. Reid 1 and 2;
steer 1 year, B. H. Wise, land 2; fat
cow, heifer or steer, Wm. Stinson 1
and 2.
Durlia,m-Milch cow-E.H. Wise,
Beatty Bros:; heifer 2 years, John
Reid, E. H. Wise; heifer, 1 year, E.'?
Wise, Beatty Bros;; heifer calf, E.11
II. Wise, Beatty Bros. ; bull calf, E.
H. Wise, Beatty Bros.
J'ersey-Mileh cow, John Gardner,
Geo. Lindsay.
Judges, S. Andrews, Goderich, and
R. Fitzsimons, Clinton.
Leicester -Ram 2 shears, E. II.
Wise; sheataing ram ,t' A. Elcoat, C.
B. Middleton; ram lamb, C. B. Mid-
dleton, 1 and 2; pair ewes, C. B.
Middleton; pair fat sheep, Snow-
den Bros., A. Ditican ; ewe lamb, C.
B. Middleton, 1 and 2; Wether lamb
A. Elcoat.
Lincolns -Pair owes, rsbearling
ewe lamb wethee Jamb, Snowden
Fine Wool-Shearling ram ,A, Den
can, 1 and 2; ram lamb, shearling
ewes, pair ewes, ewe lamb. A, Dun-
. •
3 -ridge -James Sell, Clinton.
Berkshire -Brood sow, Snowden
Bros.. 1 and 2; aged boar, boar
months, sow 6 months or under,
Snowden Bros,
Yorkshire -Brood sow, W, B. Bat
tier, Robt. Blair ; sow, 6 months!, W.
B. Battler.
Red Pigs -Aged boar, brood sow,
boar, 6 months, sow; 6 months boar
any breed, 'sow, any breed, Snow-
den Bros; bacou:' hogs, Snowden
Bros., Robt. Blair,
Judge -Sas. Snell, Clinton.
Silver Grey Dorkins, J. S. }low-
lier, barred Plymouth( Rocks,E, 11.
Wise NV B. Battier; white Plymouth
Rocks, C. Trueemer ; Black, Spanish
J. S.Howrie, Viand 2; !white Leg -
horns, 16,11. Wise, C. Tebeniner
brown Leghorns, 3.5. Howrie ; Sil-
ver spangled Hamburgs, W. B. Bat-
tler land 2; Red caps, W.13. Battler
Rhode Island Reds, C. Truemner ;
Andahrsians J. S. tHowrie ; white
NVyaudottee, NV, 13. Battler; silver
Wyandottes, J. S. Howrie ; black
Minoreas, W. B. Battler; 3. S. How-
rie; Houclans, W.13.„ Battler; black
Laingshans, J.S. Howrie 1 and 2 ban-
tams, Alf Copeland ; Pekin 'ducks,
Snowden 33ros. ; Rouen, ducks, E. H.
Wise, C. Teuenener ; Toulouse geese,
Richard Smith ; any other variety
geese, Snowden Bros., C. Truemner ;
;turkey, SnoWden Bros,
Judge, Wm. Carte4 Constance.
25 lbs, salt butter, Min. J. Reid,
Mise Brownett ; 10 lbs butter in
blocks, Mrs. 3. Reid: R. G. Reid; 5
lbs, table butter, F. Keegan, John
Reid; cheese, 3. Deekee sr., Snow-
den 'Bros.; grape. wine, Dr. Woods,
F. Keegan ; collection of home made
wine, Dr, Woods x F. Keegan ; can-
ned fruit, J. Decker cr., F. Keegan;
honey in comb, R. eBrown, L.
Beatty; honey imejar, L. Beatty, S.
Cleave; collection of honey, Ilobt,
Brown, le -Beatty ; home made bread
L. E. Ferguson, R. Delgaty ;emaple
syrup, Mrs. Huston, Snowden Bros ;
buns, L. E. Ferguson, J. Sterling;
cookies, Mrs. Dr. Metcalf, L. E. Eer-
guson; apple pieeelVire. Dr. Metcalf,
W. A. Balkwe11 ; 5 !bet butter made
by girl under 20 years, Lottie Greer,
Continued on Page 5
,The New Era gives rthe mews.
• •
Are you going away ? Are
+ yen entertaining out.of-town
+ friends or relatives ? Are 4'
• •
you going to entertain your 4.
• club members Do you want
• •
• that next meeting of your Z.
• society 'announeed in The
Ah Early September Wedding
Dr, and Mrs. Jossph Charles Gander, The bride was formerly Miss Constance
Helen•Obristian, and the wedding rook place at the borne of Dr. J. A.
Maori °mild, Toro', to.
Does Clinton tw
ont A New Rink 11
Do the people of Clinton. want n
new skating and, curling rink this
Winter? That is the big question
to be decided at once. Mr, Ruin,
Trench, of Tees -water, was' in town
this week andmade two proposi-
tions to certain pareiee.
One was that a; stock 'company
be formed and he evould build the
rink and take $1,500 worth of stock.
The second proposition, which
appeals to 'the New Era and a great
Many other prominent: eitizens. is
that Mr. Trench, will build a first
class rink, buy the hand and the
citizens give hirer 4700. •
This last plant has been worked
out in Brussels, Teeaveriter, Mild-
may, and Mitchell on a. scale sim-
ilar to Clinton and at Smith Falls
and Brantford on a much! larger
ft Great Crawl
at Myth fair
A bright, clear sky and e. warm sun
greeted the Blythfail, fair on
Wednesday and as a resultthe largest
crowd' in years was in attendance,
The inside display held in the Agricul
teral hall was fele, equal to that of
former years, Tnere was a good die
play of flowers and plants, many beau
tiful varieties being shown, hortieul.
tueal prodncts were well represented,
espeeielly plums peeceies and apples,
There were also good exhibits of gar
den vegetables and dairy products.
The horse races were %sell contested'
at. d resulted as follow s,-
• Green Race'
Jeynt's, Master Mack ' 1 1 1
McPae's Pearl Hunter 2 2 2
McDaneles Lady McDonell 3 4 3
,Ger. er's 4 3 4
Church's Hal C..., .... . . 6 5 dr
Coulter's Darkey A 5 dr
2 Naned Race
Mr. Trench is well known in this
lima el work and 'if the citizens
hockey players, SlOtten13 and eve -
lees want a first tlasa rink now is
the time to get. busy.
Mr. Trench has promised, that
if the matter ise taken up at once
he will buy a suitable lot and have
a rank ready when skating time
COlUeS. •
The New Era proposes' a Slogan.
Mesirs. W. Paisley, Ike Batten -
bury and Ray Rumball have circu-
lated a list, incl at press time
they had over $600 guaranteed ; so
it looks as if Clinton will have a
District Inspector
at Electric Wiring
Discussed by Representatives of
Municipalities Using Hydro Be-
tween Here and Goderich
A meeting of represeutetives of the
municipalities using FIydro- Electric
between Stratford and Goderich was
held in Seaforth on Thutsclay afternoon
Lo discuss the question of an electrical
f • tiitdi trict Inc matter
will he taken up by the representatives
nspeetor or. s s
with theirrespeetive municipal coun•
oils and a further meeting will be held
in a couple of weeks.
The idea of the scheme is to group
Stratford, St, Msws..111itchell, Clinton
Seaforth and Goderich, and have one
inspector for all, The duties of this
inspector would be Lb inspect and piles
nn all wiring before the power would
be turned OIL It is hoped in this way
to lessen the danger of accidents.
Mayor Greenwood, chairman McDon-
ald and Sept, Myers of Stratford Light
and Heat Commision, were present.
.Mr. Scriekner. general inspector of the
Hydro -Electric Comension was pees.
Goderich District
Epworth Leagues
Rev. R, J. McCormick is Ejected.
President at Holmesville
he Annual Epworth League ,and
Sunday School convention of eioclerich
district, which was held in the Metho-
dist Church, Holmesvilhs, on Monday
and Tuesday, was one of the best ever
held in the dietriet The principal
speakers were; Rev, T, E. Sawyer, of
Spritre; elev. J. E.1111/2 ter, Dunga11,11011
Rev. P. 11. Langford, field secretary
for Sundae, Schools and Epworth Lea.
gues for the Province of Saskatchewan'
Mr J. A [min. merchant, of Clinton,
Rev. J. E. Ford, of Goderich; Mrs, A,
W. Barker, of Seaforth;; Rev, H. Wil -
lane of Nile; Rev; S. J. Clinton
Miss M Bailey, Nile. Rev. Mr, MeCor.
mick, pastor of theliolmesville church
Rev. Mr, Snowdon, of Verna; Rev. W
G. 13, McAllister, of Exeter.
Following are the now district MEL
ceps: Honorary President, Rev. .1. E,
Ford, Goderich: president, Rev. 11., J.
McCormick Holmesville; first vice-presi
dent, Miss Cressie Elliott, Hayfield.
second vicapresident, Miss M, Erratt,
Auburn; third vice.president, Miss Ger
trude Reid. Seaford); fourth vice presi
dent, Miss Mabel R, Clark. Clinton
fleth vicapresident, Mrs. S. 3, Alii,
Clinton, secretary, Mr. N. W. Trewar-
tha, Holmesville: representative to con
ferance, Rev. W. A. .Barker, :Sea.
: TheMorrish Clothing rfsa.0
teleph neNo.30and askfor the
NEW ERA ? If so kindly
• Editor, We will appreciate •
greatly favors of this kind. Z
A Square Deal tor Every Man•
404044000 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••0414104**** ••••444.44..•.+++4.4k4+4,44++++
Tee good people of Holmesvil:e
nude must, generous and hospitable ar.
rangeinents for entertaining the dele-
gates and during both days served
luncheon and supper in the basement
to ell who would feumin. The Holmes
ville male choir led the singing at the
evening sessions of the convention.
The Misses Lobb also gave a duet,
Miss Reid of Seaford), contributed a
solo, as did Miss Snider a visitor in the
neigh hoehood. Misses Meyfrid Alli
Eva Wilke end Entine Levis were
del otos from the Ontario Street
Chureh League, and Misses Marion he
win aud Ruhy Wise from the League
of Wesley Church.
0610490049000406004 •111
Mr. Flank Tyndall presided at
the Epworth League meeting eon
Monday evening. ;Thee pastor Rev.
5.3. Allin gave an interesting ac-
count of his recent holiday trip •to
Nova Scotia, showing cards and
other views. of Halifax mad lite
surroundings. Special music was
furnished by Mrs. Downs and Mr.
• Geo. Webber.
The League will hold a singing
class each !Monday, evening for
three quarters of as hour before
the time of regular service.
Rev. R. J, McCormick, M. A., will
preach on Sunday next both morn-
ing and evening.
Rev. De. Rutledge occupied his
ownepulpit on Sunday and preach-
ed to fa large Congilegation at
the evening • service. Hie 'subject
at might- was "Going up to Jerus-
Mss Oliive Cooper gave am ad-
d.ressohe "California" at tire Lea-
gue QM Monday night
Shield's Eva Dillard 1 1 4 3
'Coulter's Fregit Bar 2 2 1 3
Young's Duster 3 4 2 2
Miller's J. D. K. -
4 '3 3 4
240 Class
Mileou'e Edith S 2 2 3 1
McNall's Darky Brino 3 3 1 2
ifiurdock'e iloadmastee1 1 2 3
Drivers divided money as darkness
set m.
Emily D. Forest, gave an exhibition
mile in 21(4,
Yellowing are the priza wieners,-
Hay Bros., beet collection of grain
J. K. Wise.
Gray Bros., best heavy draft filly
2 years or over, Snell Bros..
Dr. McTaggart, best Sibs butter
in. prints, C. Wightman.
J. M. 'Hamilton, best herd grade
cattle,J. Barr.
3. at, Hamilton', best mare or geld
ing, any age„ Snell Brost'
IL H. Robinson, best 'driving out-
fit, horse, harness, buggy, L. Lott
S. H. Gidley, box of apples, pack-
ing and packager, R.R. Sloan.
James Cutt, 50 lbs., tub butter,
W. Watson,
Dr. Milne, best head of cauli-
flower, J, Jackson,
L, 0. Charlesevorth, best. 3 -year-
old roadster, T. Coulter.
J, McMurchio, best 5 lbs of butter
13. Allier.
Womea's Institute, best collec-
Eon: of cooking, J-, Jackson, C.
Miss B. Irwin Deaconess in Mon-
ti eel, will addresm the Junior Lea-
gue on Friday night.'
Mrs. J. ancl Miss Wise gave
a fine duet? "Come, Holy Spirit" at
the Sunday evening service.
Hogs , $8.60
Eggs 24-25
bsCer 21-22
)Wheat 80-83
Peas -75-80
' Shorts -425;
:Entire Horses.=
Clydes and shires over 1-T. Mc-
Michael & Sent and 2, S. Kechnie ;
Clydos and shires under 3-- W.
Gi ay.'
Perrcherons any age -W, Johnson
Sweepstakes -T. McMichael & Son
Brood main Witli (foal, T. Mealich
al & Son, R. Watt, W. Rinn.
Foral,W, Rion R. Watt.
2 year old gelding or filly -T. Mc: -
Michael & son., W.Radford.
1 year old gelding or filly - R.
Team mares or geldings-. T. ,H.
Best four colts -T. McMichael &
Brood -mare with Young,
T. Pierce, J. Scott. -
Foal -T. McMichael & son, 13. Watt
2 year old gelding or filly -R. Fear
Geo. Dale.
Brood mare with foal -A, W. Sloan
J .McElroy,, G. Dale.
Foal -G. Dales, A. W. Sloan.
2 year old gelding or filly -A. W.
Sloan, R. Ferris.
1year old gelding or filly -R. Fear
Team -J, V atiegmoed, je Alton,
Brood mare with foal; 1151 foal -
T. Michie.
2 year; and 1 year, old gelding or
filly -Geo. Dale„
Carriage team -Chas, Walker, J,
Brood mare with foal -J. Jackson
Fcal-J, Cumin,ge A, Baeker',
1 year old gelding or filly - W.
Taylor, W. Morritt.
Single driver -L. Lott, J. Gal -
Ur faith.
Lady drivee-e.G.Laithwaite, Geo,
.Best 4 colts -A. Baeker.
Sweepstakes, best mare, or geld-
ing -Snell Bros.
Team mares or geldings- Scott
Bros.. 0. Laithwaite, J. J. Fryfogle,
jUdg es -J. Sparrow, Verne • W 13
Scott, Milton.
Pure Bred Durhams-
Milcle tow with' Wightman
2 year old heifer; 1 year old hei-
fer -J. Baer 1 & 2. •
Heifer calf -A. W Sloan, J. Barr.
Bull eat f -T. H. Taylor, J. Baer.
:Herd -J. Baer. •
Milch cow With calf; 1year old
heifer; heifer calf -J. on land 2;
2 year old heifer,bull 1 year, bull
calf, herd, 3. Bane.
!Mita cow with calf; 2 year old
heifer ; heifer calf ; 1 year old steer
fat steer, J. Barr 1=4,2.
Continued on Page 5
. .
iro YOU
As weave just 'stetting on
mix ninth year in business, we
look back with t atistf,aetion
on. oue steady annual growth
We appreciate it; !and in
the future, he it has beenlin
the past, we will'edo our very
best to give every person!• .
Just Mow we wiantl to- call
your jattention to •
It's the beat in, the 'World
• foe your Cough.
W.Q.R. Holmes
Toronto Markets
Top quotations this week. --
Cattle $6.85
Sheep • 85.00
Lambs .. .. $6.75
Cheese Cheese
• Butter . ... .......
Oats e
-- 25c
1. 28
Bafeley... e. .52 to53
potatoes,per bag ......
'Leans e.,.. te1.60
Wiol 15c to 26
Think of It
Hundmeds of ,,omen
throughout the town and
surrounding country ask ev-
ery clay for
O'Neil Groceries
and have done/ so for years. ,
Satisfactiotm is the great
truth behind us,.
See the special display of
Crisco and Crystalized Gin-
ger Chips in our South Win-
T. -`1NEIL,
Phone 43
Teacher of Singing
Piano Playing and Theory.
Pupils prepared for examination
at Toronto Conservatory of Music
and Western University.
Por terms apply at residence,
Ontario. Street.
Now Rally Day Was Observed
• in Clinton Sunday Schools
The. last Sunday in September is
mow generally observed( • as S.S.
Rally Day throughout the Domin-
ion. The Methodist Church of Can-
ada has for several years had a un-
iform program foe Rally Day and
about the sameemethoci is adopted
in! the Presbyteeeran( Church and
this year 'the Canadian ;Baptist
Church has fallen into liue..
Baptist SundayeSchool
With the veteran Sunday School
Worker, D. K. Prior, ilati the helm
the Clinton Baptist S.S. carried out
a very inteeesting program entit-
led "The Gospel life saving et:a-
in. addition to responsive read-
ings and choruses by the school,
the; following tool part, -
Recitation -Donna Cochrane
• Reading -Clara Walker
Duet -K, 'Wylie andt/M. McIntyre
Recitation -Annie Grealis
Reading -Wilson Rath
Recitation-Audry McIntyre
Recitation -K. Wylie .
Recitation -Effie Rath
Reading -Mise M. Livermore
The church platlonre, was nicely
decorated with cut flowers and
presented a very pretty appear-
Ontarie St.. 'Plc thodist ' •
With the centre of the church fil-
led with boy e and girls the rsides
by the. "grow% Mies" making .an
attendance or about 400 one of the
best Tally exernises of the school
was splendidly carried out.
The pastor, Rev,"*S. J. AlIlt, was
in the chaie and ably assisted by
Mr. A, Hooper, the isuperint Mae') t,
and on the platform wereabout
twenty of the brightest gems from
the Primary Department..
Several chorusem were given; by
the school and , the following also
took part.
Psalm Recitation -M. Walker
Daisy Exercise -Ruth Evans,
Gladys Wiltse, Iva Piewes, L.
Prinear'y Clase
ReeitatiOn-Kate Beaton '
Harvest Song -Jabez • Rands,
;George ;Career, Earnest Brad-
shaw, Melvin Bailey
This .Stenday School has recently
started a "Hoene Department" with
Mrs. S. J. Anita! ler superintendent
and the membership is already a-
bout 50, The colleetibm for the •
Sunday School extension fund on
Rally Day amounted to over twelve
Willis Presbyterian
"Gods Helpers" the uniform rally
day exercise was used in, this Sun-
day School.. Mr, Jas, Scott Super-
intendent occupied the chair and
the service waseheld in the church
was suitably decorated. Two of
the classes. took the Scriptut Re-
citation and 'The lady lWith the
lamp was ta.kein, by Alma McCoevie
while "The Great Superintendent"
was takon, by McGregor Grant.
blue. J. G. Chewer), sanga solo
very. 'acceptably and Rev. C. E.
Jeakins gave the address of the
afternoon. •