HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-09-25, Page 5az Aarf s " i 0
,11 s ay, a 4e&i.teVlb e» 25th I 1 13
The Q.uestiorn of
What Watch
l o l
Is a hard olnie for tire', aver=
age man: to decide. Dozens
of grades ase sold under the
same name,, and it 'puzzles
any „but an expert to. decide
where practical utility s'taps.
aind extravagance begins.
We are Watch experts end
tVill gladly help iu] this mat-
1 i'as: alAlon
, Y.,tY Zvi
g.,1 n n+ n1nnjnn+nn';nnin14-4,1 4n" R$" p�"7 #°n14
x+4,44.444.44.+44 4+44, 44 11
,Now would be a good time to
sample pumpkin pies built on the
pattern of what "mother used to
judging by the outrageous and
black hearted tnurclet's that are put
on the progt'am nearly every day
there is still a long distance to &a -
vele 'e
p the e ]Wille n'
n sum
I dawns.
We- have no trouble in believing
in devil -possession when some of
the atrocious acts are laid bare,
We tnotice that a vegetable
"milk" is being manufactured with-
out the aid of a "bossy," guaren-',
teed to he just as good as the genh-
uilne lacteal fluid, possibly aprons
the cream. In: the analysis of the
new liquid all the component parts,
or something just as good, neces-
sary for nourishment are said to
be found and it is warranted not
to go sour. If this should become
notoriously popular some other fel-
low will have to manufacture a new
kind of buttermilk.
' Montreal /is a gveat'centre for
-sport and that of a unique charge
•ter is sometimes intermixed with
the commonplace. For the coming
Winter a snowshoe Mace is being
lama d
e from
Montreal to
Rivers and return, a distance of
200 miles. J. A. T. 'Richards, who
is tha chief promoter -gays, he ex -
Teets at least 35 entries. sof' which
upwaards of 'a dozen. are now in
hand. He further remarks, -"It is
.a wild piece of country and it will
be no child's play." Contest is
slated for January. This ought to
:afford good clean sport and a train-
iing that is not always found, in
,some form of so called athletics.
Sometimes we think there must
have been about 25000 volunteers
chasing ithose Fenian raider' of
1860 and thereabouts. It its said
10,000 application for the $100 boun-
ties: have been. received' and. the,
long list is having accessions every
day. There certainly was no hdld-
i;ng back when the rabble had the
nerve to cross the border and many
:a rural valiant instead of a Ross
rifle- carried a pitchfork, axe or club
if nothing snore warlike was at
hand. Those Canucks would have
put up ;a. "rusty" dight in'morn
ways than one had they come upon
,O'Mahony and his inarauderis. The
old spirit is still alive in the Do-
How much 'stricter the attention
to Public Health is today is instar-.
wed' almost continually by the de-
partments whose businesel it is to
safeguard the people. In a ;search-
ism examination made in New York
city 147 oases of typhoid fever were
graced to one milk supplying com-
pany. Virulent bacteria in milk or
any other household necessity will
soon, thrive and spiiead death and
disaster broadcast. No one depart-
ment `'of municipal organization is
asIn; extant as that of the public
health and we are always glad to
see officials alert and: active along
this line. It is often a thankless
task butupon its efficiency much.
It is tribe hoped its ;the arrang-
ing and: re -arranging of tariffs be-
tween Canada and OD United ,
States that the 'plan- finally decid-
ed upon will be•a fruit-bearrsr for
the Dominion..' We don't want a
jug handled policy but believe a
tariff may' "be -decided upon that
will prove mutually beneficial. Dif-
ficulties twill arise of cotulse and
there nsay be many an outpry as :a
main's selfishness) blinds him from
seeiing the public good, buts it : lie
lust as natural for freedom of trade
between- the two great countries
mentioned as for a couple of neigh-
bors' to deal with one another. If
tnoi'e ,husines's- and iesst politics
were the prominent features the
ease would be easier of 'solution
"Poi ward" appears to be, the
inarehiing . orders of the churches
and o- thea• religious organizations
today and the practical outcome
of it should mean arousement ac-
cessions, and triumphs. We usual-
ly expect the , clergy : to lead In
these crusades but there are ,more
than these droughty champions put-
tlin,g on the armor and by a united
and consecrated effort the pulse of
the churches should quicken, and
the tingle of vigdr, enthusiasm and
victory, should b.• manifested in
' both ward and deed. If every con-
gregation sent a united batallion
into the field the. forces of evil and
wrong could not long resist the ad-
vanec. This is a campaign worthy
of fighting in and for and cannot
meet with !defeat if the Captain
leads the way.
There has been more than usual
animation displayed in the various
Fall Fai'r's being held in IIuhlon and
the neighboring Counties this 'sea-
son. Not a bad sign either, for the
Agricultural Fair has a part to play
in the education and upbuilding of
a community spirit not to be clis-
Paraged or sneered at. What's re-
quired is for every man to become
a member and as many as possible
join, the ranks rof the :exhibitor,
We venture to, say such a course
would so utalize these Fairs that
they would 'become circles of pro-
fit and advancement, whose in-
fluc,nee would be almost unhneas-
u:"able. IC there's a class of people
who 'need and deserve sympathy
and help it is the directorate , of
eu Agricultural Society. Few are
worthy of mora credit,
Do you (ver grwnble at the
shot'tage of news in the newspapers
you read or the -non-appearance of
an item you desired to see in the
columns. Well, if you have, or if
you haven't one of the best ways
to make a aie\vspaper bright new-
sy and a generally welcomed visi-
tor to the home circle is to lend a
hand. With the rural telephone,
rurtil snail routes and the older
fashioned methods at hand almost'
everybody might be'a contributor.
Not in• long-winded or dried out
pages of so called (news but spark-
ling, sweet little motsels that no
one may know -of bat yourself..
Are you .= the cents Ipetal or cen-
trifug'al ,committee? Figure this
out and- prove your po'hvers of good
compositionand lead-pencilslhip by
a budget addressed to the New Era,
Clinton, It's good- practice and in
addition does a good turn to your
fellow traveller.
Briotlherly love is •a, good chart
to sail by in, crossing life's ocean.
Many a rock or shoal, that meant
shipwreck, would have been avoid-
ed had the lighthouse, of kindly
interest beamed out the white light
over thesedangerous
channels to
help the traveller toward his des-
tination. - This old world would
brighteln up if we oftener , said
"Good luck to you old boy" n-ather
than assaying to lay traps for pee' -
haps weary feet. How would it be
if the whole, community joined a
"Good Cheer" association for a
month just to prove what coridial-
ity, sympathy, 'encouragement and
a "lift," "where its is lnecessarg',
would !accomplish; A wrinkle-
rinklemight give place to is dimple; a
laugh crowd out a sigh and an old
fashioned spirit; of what was de-
sigfnated as "Spunk" possess those i
who felt like surrendering. What
do you thunk about .the- idea?
General expectation of a loosen-
ing and livening up of the money
market appears to be the opti-
mistic ;note sounding in consider-
ation of the bountiful harvest both
East and West; There's not much
tot, in trying, to untie financial
klnots but the machinery begins' to
run smoothly when the oil of ready
cash is applied. A dollar sent out 1
on a squaring up mission mayopet?
marry a dear, 'to trade and nom -
met ce in its cri`'ctilit,, Now that the
Autumn is at ;j41 would be. well
if everybody would form. a reso-
lution to balance offalrl, Bast due
accounts, and coniinetleb .1,014 with
out a financial debt,'or onbarrass-
melnt of any kind, The.com, as it
is called, is the life blocittof the
business world and if keptcoursing
it gives vim and "go" but let •ft
stagnate and the whole system,suf-
fere pat',alysils. "Ginger up" is a
very significant term even if not
considered elegant by some people„
When a young oun man tells a girl
he is not worthy- of 'hen s'he'usual-
ly marries him for the, purpose of
proving - to This own satisfaction that
he told the truth,
Furniture Beaten .and Funeral Directors -Phone 104
NIGHT' AND SUNDAY CALLS—Phone No 127:ot� "r?hone 1 4
� 9
The charring, vivacious heroine of
Randall Parrish's latest romance will
grip your interest from the moment
she meets her dashing soldier lover
fresh from the rigors of Valley Forge, on a
perilous mission for General Washington.
In this fine romance of the American Resolution,
which we have trade arrangements to print,
Parrish is at his best. The plot is original, the
action exciting, the end dramatic. Don't miss
the thrilling scenes in the underground meld
Story .Begins Soon and You Will Enjoy
Every Installment of It
444444444444tN44444+44444' Calder of the Durham club was al -
. Sports .
Stratford hockey team has reor-
ganized for the coming season.
so expelled expelled for his actions
on tho field and using abusive and
profal language in the semi-final
juvenile game played at Orange-
ville on tPhursday, September r4.
E. Devlin, of 'llanover was report-
ed to the association, for his con-
duct qn the field in the semi-final
game played at Hannover on' Sep-
•tember 12, alntd also for language
used to player's and officials, which
resulted in his expulsion.
The St. Mary's Argus makes a The Westerner's Return
suggestion, for a new, lacrosse, lea-
gue and we give it below,-God.e- 'From Onr Western Poet -
rich and Hanover should forte 'a
league' of their 'ovin. They play
the same style of lacrosse iinitheir
onw backyard.
The Seaforth Collegiate legiate football
association held their first meet-
ing for the election of captain and
other officers, Joe Sills was chosen
captain and he thing -s he will have
an exceptionally strong team inclu-
ding several of the regulars and
some husky new material. -
-- -0•-
Bra.aebridge won the intermediate
On tit Amateur tart -rose As<neiatson
citauupiuu;h,p on Monday when: they
defeat, d St. M,'rys in a sudden death
game by 10 to 2. at 13rahnptdn. Great,
interest was centered on the game,
and both teams sent down large.
delegations of rooters. There were
also a largenumber of visitors froth-
Toronto and other points. The first
two quarters were evenly_ contested,
Bracehridge leading at thla,t time by 4
to 2, After that however the northern
lads had all the hest of the playa
They worked the odd man to perfec-
tion, and the St Marys defence had a
busy time handling their. rushes. On
the other hand, the St. Marys home'
was very weak.
The Judicial ,Committee of the
Ontario Amateur Lacrosse Asso-
ciation held a meeting to close up
the .St; • IMiary's-,Goclerjeh protest
and also complaints. against some.
playeirs for misconduct • and pro-
farno'language awhile- taking part
in association: ieaatches. The St.
WItary's, club prtotested the 1Gode-
ibeh-club for having on • ats 1117e -urs
nn the.game `played at St., lytdry's
an, 'September 1 and at l3 $der•icli.
':on September 3 three player's who
Were 'not eligible and played un-
let. .tassumed names. These play -
I'S were Fink of Clinton Van Wyck
,ahhd 'Holmes o£ Wingharn. Suffic-
ient, evidence was on hand to prove
the- St. Mary's charges were true
and the rosult war t'liat the .Gode-
hich Club Wee expelled from the
iassoeiation and the three players
who player under assumed names
Were also expelled,. Graham It,
"I've been away from, Clinton for
about a year," said Jim,
And I am tired of meeting strangers
in the Nest
So. I'll travel back to Clinton, -where
I'm sure to have a time,
For in spite of all folks say, the East
is best!"
As the train drew into Clinton, Jim
could hardly keep his seat,
As he thought of all the fun there
was in store;e
There thwere all at the station
but goodness! what a change!
Surely those were not his bosom
friends of yore?
Their faces were all pale and long-
they looked no longer glad,
Each wore a lettered band around
his head,`
'Perhaps that will explain the
change" Jim eagerly cried out!
It did! "Prohibitionist" was what
he read!
"We've a big day ready Jim, so now
come right along,
On our way up we'll call for Father,
Then drop into the Methodist cold
water meeting room,
You simply must see all that's to be
"John Ransfordleads the meeting in•
his quiet modest way,
Fred Jacksonsees the hymnsare
sung in time ",.
"Sts "A, T. £3" turn today to tell us
all his past time sins,
' So, by the time he's through `twill
be past noon""
'Then we'l1,go down to dinner, to a.
a cinlet ice;erearn joint
Sam, O,00per runs, and have a, tiny
little hite•to eat, ,
We won't have time to waste, for
sharp at elle o'clock,•
The Anti Everything Society's to
"Old Davy, is the President, with
Doctor Shaw es Vice,
'rrdes Club t O nb that Clinton
ever had,
We hope`by out example to impress
the Neighboring towns, p
And make them 'see that drink
worse than bad."
Tonight''- - -but Jim had van
ished, nor could trace of him be found
Where' he'd gone, they could not
even thiulc! -
7 ill 1?attison informed them, with :r
twinkle in his eye, •
"jim's gone back- West, to buy pini
self a drink,"
wa►Te l I
The ways of a watch are past
findingout. Dont try, . If your
watch is lazy and won't run, let us
repair it for you,
Ten to one you neglected it --let it
get dirty, or it' stops from lankof
oil. Whatever is the reason, dont
Delay costs money and often
spoils the watch,
We give thorough examination
and regulatingfree, anything more
costs as little as satisfactory work
can be done for.
. J. Grigg
: Jeweler and Optielang
ssairr oto Harriage Licenses
Close 88 Post -Offices
Fedora! Governmeut Inaugurates
Rural Mail Delivery.
Ottawa Sept. 1N. -le the last fern
menthe no less than SS Bost office, in
various piris of the Dominion, hut
mainly in the east, have been closed Of
that nu inbee 77 have been closet upon
tha 1uau4urn,tion of rural mail deli
eery. Forty ol'fie' a hive been closed
for this reason in Ontario alone, •and
es many post masters are consequent
ly one of positions, •
TaliVii and Country
Russel Love of Ethel, has secured
a position ifs customs officer in Ot-
tawa. Ho deserves his success as
he used his spare momeinits in
studying and when he wrote for his
civil service examinations he took
an average of 55 per cent.
A very pretty wedding was so-
lemnized at the home of Wm. and
Mrs. McKenzie, OCti Hubbard av-
enue, Detroit, on Thurlsday, Sept .
1111, at 2 :o'clock, when their eld-
est daughter, Miss Violet A., and
Dr. 'J E
s. formerly � o f
137 ussels, were united in marriage.
Rev, Dr. D, J. Sutherland officiating..
A pretty autumn wedding• was so
leannazcdaat the home of Robert
Marshall in East 1t\'awanosh. on
Wednesday, when his daughter
Katherine became the bride of hlr.
Ricks, a farmer residing near Cen-
it,alie. Rev. W. T. Tu1(nei.', 13. A.,
officiated. The happy couple left
an the afternoon train for Detroit,
Buffalo and Niagara Falls, before
settling on the groom's farm.
Retursis just completed show that
the gate receipts at Exeter Fair
totaled over $300.
Mr. A, T. Box has acquired the
sole interest in the Broadfoot Box
Funniturg and undertaking busi-
inless in Saaforth, but the business
will still be conducted under the
management of Mr. S. T. Holmes.
Oln Sunday (morning last Mat,
Catharine, McCann, widow of the
late John McCann, died at St. Jos-
eph's Ibnfilmary, London, at the ad-
vanced age of eighty-three years,
She war:lawn, in Ireland and came
to this country a young woman,
and was married in St. Columban
church. The family lived in Tuck-
ersmith near McCann's. bridge un-
til pea' husband's death.
Mr. John E. Daley, of near Sea -
forth has a grado cow, which pos-
sesses a unique record, and which
is a money maker for her owner,
O,ne, year ago she' gave birth to
twilit calves and this year she gave
birth ,t.o triplets, out of the five
calves four ar:o living and are fine,
strong hnimals, Mr Daley also
made a recorg as a sheep breeder
last sa.asonn having a total of 21
lambs from ten ewes. At the pres-
ent prices Mr. Daley will ,soon he
ably tto reti:ae fz'onh farming and
spend his time in ease and comfort.
Mi'. LouisJeffreyof Zurich, has
disposed of his flour, feed land gro-
cery busitness to Messrs George
Douglas and George Sparks.
Mr, E. W. Stoskopf V. S. of Zur-
ich had "nearly six hundred wagons
loads of earth hauled to his' pro-
perty, raising the ground' on the
lot nearly two feet.
1VIr. August Wagner of Winnipeg
is calling' on relatives and former
,acquaintances at Zurich. It is 22
years since Mr. Wagner left.
A meeting of the Director's of
the Hay Township Farmers' Mutual
Fire 3lnsutjanec Co., met in Hensel]
on Saturday about $4000 in claims
were paid. The Directors have de-
cided .to leave an assessment ,p1
5 pea'. cent on the policy holders
next month,
On Saturday last a valuable cow
Of W. B. Gaises's in, ,,some manner
fell into a well near the barn and
it was with, some difficulty that the
animal was taken out. Mr, I1, F.
:Either iaind a thuinbor Sof others
from Coeditor with hiock and -tack -
el pulled the animal out. The:cow.
was not injured.
' The plans and specifications for
the; mew wing which is to be built
to the Wingham hospital have ar-
rived from Toronto and• may -be
sea at the hospital. The board
of directors are asking for' tenders'
fol the building of this new wing
and • tenders are to ' be in' to It,
Vanstono, the secretary- on or be-
fore October 1,
About 12 o'clock on Monday night
'Eire stashed in Mr. Peter Koehler's
about a mile •annd a half south of'.
Zpu'1ch land ria, ,a short time the
house and barns were a roaring
mass, of flames, all the buildings
being total wreck.
Mr. Bennie, the seednnan, 'Toxon-
to, has rented. the big Istonebousq,
at Hetnsall on the west side of, 4th'
of the GT.R, yards,adlonningPt
, 'P0
Cndmore's residence. Ed Shtf4 ,
is fitting it up for an onien&'tSrr
age depot. '.(1,
Prank(O'Brien /leaves Chsel
hurst shot{tly -to reside 11) Strat-
ford. D McNaughton, having pur-
chased the farm on which the re-
Hon. ,Goo, Bell, provincial treas-
urer, of the .proviinee of Saslcatch-
During the past..: two weeks, dozens' of the season's newest
and .most, up-to-date Ladies algd Children's Mantles have been:
added to our stock, and we now have one of the finest 'and
best assorted stocks; of HIGH CLASS COATS ever' shown 3
These Coats have been tailored for us by The Laurel Mlg,
Co. of Toronto, one of the largest high-class mantle manufae-
tare's in Canada, which is a guarantee to our customers, that
they are getting the finest class of workmanship and the very
latest style ideas that the season has produced.
Our Prices the ` Lowest Possible
This. is our motto, and we rare certainly living up to it in
our Mantle Department, WE WANT TO SELL OUR COATS
Silih_9,1, PR4J' ITS
swan, has been in Goclerich for a
few days. He is a Colborne town-
ship "old boy," but had not been.
here for thirty-five years. He has ,
done well 10 the west, and now oc-
cupies an honored place in the
government of bis adopted pro-
We understand that Mr, A. D.
McKenzie has pits chased the Luele-
now Sentinel &from Mr. Wraith,
Mr, McKenzie was for some years
publisher • of the Sentinel to go-
ing West.
Trinity church Belgrave, will iho'd
the. annual Harvest Thanksgiving
on Sunday 28th inst., When Ret'.
Mr. Hartley, of Durham, will greet
his old parishioners,
Rev. Mr, Page, the new English
church n etor, opened his incum-
helncy last Sunday 111 the Brussels
Parish under favorable auspices.
He, comes from Montreal eal ancap-
pears -
pears to be a fine young man,
Jas. Cameron, of Iowa, who has
been visiting old friends around
Cranhr,00lc after an absence of 35
.years, returned fo his home,
The 100 acre farm of the late Mrs.
J. Procter. Lot, 4, Con. 4, Morris
township, has been bought by Cam-
eroin "Robinson, on -in-law, who
has been the- tenant for several
years. Price was $4,000.
If the call to Rev. Mr. Boyle sus
issued an. Friday at Owen Sound
Presbytery the induction is slated
for Thursday, October Oth, at 1.30
p. m, int the Presby terran church
1?elarave, Rev. Mr, Hardie, of Lo-
chalsh. will preside; Rev, 14Ir. Gil-
more, "Ripley, preach; Rev. Mr.
Perrie, Wingham, address the min-
ister and Rev. Mr; Stewart, White-
church, the people. Calvin con
gregation will join in the service.
U. S. Government Standard
Below is an extract from 0,8.
Gov. ad. for tenders- "The aoth
racier. coal must, be equal to that
ruined and prepared byPhiladel
pbia& Reading Coal•& Iron Oo"
We handle nothing but the first
grade Philadelphia &Reading,
n off. o1Jo vira,y
House phone 12, Office phone 40
A Good Chance
Two Storey House
New Cottage
Properties in excellent
Located side by side.
Would Lease from Buyer
F. J. Hill, Clinton
Phone 77.
Bargains in Furniture
Dining Room Sets -Buffet with long bevel mirrors, lined
drawers, display shelf above, diners -5 small and 1 arm,
large extension table round or square, quarter cut oak
finish, regular 554 for 45.00
Oombination Sideboard and China Cabinet, a beautiful piece
for your dining room; 4 styles $20 524 $27
White Brass Beds -Sanitary, beautiful and comfortable 53 to 015
Dresser and .Stand-Pripcess Dresser., large bevel mirror,
swell front drawers, mahogany or veneered, with stand
to match, regular 524 for $20
Window Shades, Picture Prattles and Boom Moulding
at low prices
Phones 7 and 5 Free Nato Del
J. e L L _. '
Furniture and lJndertalsing•.
if you want Fall Shoes that ase worth all, you
pay' for them, and want a service that positively makes
it Y impossible'for you to be dissatisfied, you will be buy-
ing your shoes from us sooner or later.
No matter what shape or size your feet are you
will find shoes here to fit them.
Styles and Shapes bought with the idea of
pleasing your taste.
Quality selected with your satisfaction in mind
Prompt attention and neat work will be found in
our Repair Department, under` the able hands of Mr.
A. Wilken.
h4WU,, pJeW,'a`fi N�ia
qr�'�'8 f w ftAPMAN
Sailedessor to Jas,'r'witchell aC Son.