HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-09-25, Page 4House Furnish. lugs Phone 78 papasasiemerzemmmenesenextressars,..ear. 1111111111ery ZOirycoeds 4fOdy to Ilene. COMI3 AND ADNURE OUR BEAUTIFUL M!LLINERY [N. . , pOtr.t „ A'becernino. bat is an im t •*th the women who dress well, but it is not necessary kr • such a hat to be expensive, At Conch & (.1,o 's " one may find an excellent assortment of the newest styles' and shapes for prices which are surprisingly low. Women who select their hats early alwa,,,s have a reason to congratulate themselves. .1M•01.1111•NIZ11.131.•=a A Steck o ioo Difft.vent Styles in Our Mantle Dept. This is the range of choice we offer you in our oig, Mantle Depatt- ment. They are all • new garments. No left , avers to greet you here —nothing but bright, fresh gartnents, direct from five of the best manufacturers in the trade Look around first, then call and see • our grand display NEW DRESS SILKS We have have made wonderful preparations in our Silk Department, and any woman contemplating the pur- chase of a new Silk Dress would do well to inspect our large range of the beautiful fabrics we are ;how ing and the prices are particularly interesting. • Or Dressmaking Department re-oFened on the 22nd, and is in charge Of Miss .0.ranaghan. fO men DISTRICT NEWS Baylield The new steel bridge is again under going the improvement of a coat of paint and the approaches to the side wane are also being completed. The evaporator is this year being ;operated by Mr. Mesmer but as the apple crop is light a large business is not expected. The remising of the late John Bailey 'arrived here from the West on Wed nesday of last week and was interced the day following. The services being -conducted by the Foresters of which order he was a member. Varna The Milverton correspondent of the Stratford Herald gave the following item last vecek: -Rev. T. J. Snowdon Ph.D.. of Varna, conducted the 0111i1 versary services of the Milverton Meth odist church on Sunday last. Mr Snow don preached moruMg and eveening- -and was greeted with a congregation that crowded thachurch toits capacity at each diet of worship, The choir un der the direction of Miss White assist -ed in the service by rendering apprep ;ria,te music for the occasion. At the -evening service Messers, Randolph ' Davis and Sidney Spencer sang solos, Mr, Webster Turber, of the Parr Line Stanley near here last week sold a good mare to Frank Allan for tbe neat sunl of 5275. This fine mare weighed 1300 pounds, and was sired by that good breeding, "Colonel. Graham," im ported and owned by Ma T. J. Berry, of flensall. Itingitam Mr, S. A, McLean started work last reek on the building of his new saw mill. The mill will be built on the site ot the one reeently destroyed by fire The boiler room will be built of con crate and the mill veill le frame, The people of Wingham and district will be pleased to learn that Mr. McLean hasdecided to rebuild the mill. Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Brown, of Suther land', Sask„ ere holidaying with the former's mother, Mrs. S. Brown. Last week the deal was closed where by Mr: A. E, Lloyd purchases tbe house and two lots on Victoria Streets from Mr. Alex Ross, who recently moved to Edmonton, The Wingliam High School Board met One evening last week and decided - to engage another teacher, there being such large attendance. This will make a total of six tea.chers. Wingham high school shows good work.' • Auburn Rev. Mr, Laing bed the misfortune to break his wrist by falling from a ladder. Rey. Mr Silcox Editor of the Oongre • gationelist Toronto, addressed an interested audience in the Baptist •church on Sunday afternoon his sub ect was temperance, he being sent to •'represent the Dorniniori Alliance. Mr, Yellocelees gave an address in the Presbyterian Church in the morning and the Methodist church in the even :mg. be also being a represen ative of the Alliance. Next Sunday will be Rally day in the Sunday Schools. • A Hervest Horne eerviee will be held in $t, Marks church next Stinday. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Bennett are visiting at the horne of Mr. Thomas &venetian, • Mr. Beery Philips is on the sierk list. Mrs. G. L. Sturdy and Mrs. Lear vie' Red their brother, Mr. James Ball of Chatham last week. Dr. Howson who has been under the doctors care for a few days is able to be out again. Mr. Alfred Asquith has purchased car load of Coals for his evaporator prospects are that the apple season will he short this -yetsr, The bridge has beets completed and will be passable as soon ae the cement is.set firm enough to drive over. Blyth. A very pretty home wedding look place at the home of Mr. and Mrs, 1). Cowan on Wednesday of last week at high neon, when their eldest daughter Miss Annie Elizebeih, was united in marriage to Mr. J 3 Dick* of Tees water. Rev, W. D. Turner, B, A. per formed the ceremony. After a wedding dinner the happy couple left tor De troit and other. places. A large crowd at the station gitve them e send off, Br zissels The funeral of Mrs, Lawrence Wheeler, an old and highly esteemed resident of this locality, took place to Brussels Cemetery, Ma Wheeler, four sons and an adopted dauehter. sur - The sad news of the unlooked.fue demise of Mrs. J. McLelland, of Ethel was received here. She went to Guelph for an operation, but succume ed shortly atter it was over. . The apple evaporator is ready for a bir eeason, and is being rue by Burch ill & Co. Rev. Mr. Kennedy, of Toronto gave' temperance addresses in the Rresby ° terian and Methodist Churches on J. Hoover is enjoying a visit from Rev. :Ind 1VIrs. Earle and son, of West Ohina, Mr, Earle is a Missionary 110 de t the direction of the Methodist, The introductory services et .Ree, Mr. Page, the new rector of 80, John's Church here, were well sustained, arid the outlook is favourable, Mrs. Page and son will arrive from Montreal net' month, when housekeeping will be taken up in the rectory. Mteter Rev. W. 31, 111 srtin B. D. presented the cause of the Dominion Alliance in Cavell Presbyterian Church Senday Rev Mr, Bowan, representative of the Bible Society, occupied the pulpit in Levitt Memorial Church Sunday morning, and in Main Street Ohnrch in the evening. On Monday evening he gave an illustrated lecture, with slides, in the town ball. , The work at painting the walls and ceilings of Main Street Methodist Church has been oompleted, and ser• vices were held in the auditorium Sun. day. The Church is not having a big reopening, but will have the miniver. sary services in November, when they will try to raise the sumof about 51,CO3, or perhaps less, as ti e: hive ImMelneneY oie hand. TiTe trustees !of the'HethanY' Metlie• dist March; had a bee at the church' on Fricley. Theypat a new floor in the basement of the church and repair t The funeral took place at Exeter Cemetery of the late Dr. Luizof Ceara. noque, who foe some 25 years cc/initiate • ed Is drug store and practiced medicine here. The late doctor sold oet and re moved to Gananoque seven y;s ago The funeral teek pletee from the eesi. 'denee of Williate Alstreeme, ; The Rumen! of Al at k 0 oak', elm died in 0 futon, and whose reineins were brought to Exeter, NV S held Wearies. front Beverly's rustle:I:eking parlors, Mr. Clark was 80 yeers'old, and prior to going to the house of refuge in ()Hilton lived in Exeter for 60 years. The Methodist ,Churcbes of Exeter district will gems have ample shed accomodation Elmville congregation opened a large new shed Lest Sunday Main Street Ober( h, Exeter, will open one next Sunday, and Crudities congre sgation expect to have a new ehed com- pleted by the time of their church anniversary in October. • The courts 01 revision teethe Village of Exeter hes-bee fixed by .Judge Doyle for Saturdn y, September 27. A l to- gether there are about 75 appeals. Hnllett. Goetie Vedder', is epencling a fez months with telativee in Lon - (100, Fred Shohrock had the mistoe- tune to lose a 2 -year-old colt by indigeStion, last week. Miss Keettha Weymouth .spentthe past two weeks with her friend, Miss' Harrison, of tioderich. John, Grieves returned to Sarnia last week, after spending a 'few days with friends on the Re eon, Mrs. Chas.. Manning and COUSill, MISS' Kerslake of Exeter, ildld Mise Mabel. Shobrock spent Tuesday with Mrs. John- Cantright, Celled To He Reward—Tbe Brussels Pest reports the death of a former Lieniett lady who died in Citrey Toe n- ship:—Although many knew Mrs, lawreuce Wheelerde health had not !nee good for some then LIAO 111105 of her death crone as a great shock to the Community. She paesed away at 11,45 Thursday night atter being confined to bed foe 3 not wee.kii. Aneetnia was the cause. She had been poorly, et tinies for 0 couple of Years. Deceased wes the only daughter of the late Richard Cole, wire lived West of elsondesboro Hullett township, her maiden name being Gertrude Ann. She was tmited in marriage to her now bet eft partner 35 years ago, when they moved to Ain Wheeler's tine tarns, 4th line Morris township. Here they merle theft. home until 8 years ego whets they sold the homestead and purchased the Demean MeLetetivin faros, Grey Mien ship, on the gravet road. two ranee North of Brussels. There wits bort to. them four sons, 1.3iillSOD, Stanley aud Augustus; of this township, and Russell. of Southampton, Miss Laura was adopted when a child, Mrs, Wheeler was 0 faithful member ot Brussels Methodist Church and was ever ready to testify to the Goodness ot G.ocl. She was a great student of the Bible and had taught in the Sun shine Sabbath :School and belonged to the Women's Missionary Society o Banssels. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon and wag very large ty attended. Rev D. Wren. deceaseete pastor, conducted an appropriate ser vice. Pallbearers were Jas Bowman M. P. 'Walter Yuill, R. J. Hoover, Jas Cardiff, Wm. Work and Jas. Russell: Interment was rnade at Brussels ceme terv. Among those from a distance Oslo Russell and AB's. Wheeler, South ampton and MrS Wm. Wheeler, Atm.> Three brothers of Mrs Wheeler survive John, of Belgreve; Richards of Cali fornie; and Thos of Manitoba. Genera sympathy • is expressed with Mr Wheeler. and family over their bereave meets eolbarne Miss Wagner of Zurich is visiting at the home of J. C. Durst. Harold Foster and family of Goderich Sundayed on the Mait- land: Mr. D.P. Schwa& is in Crediton this week installing a :large gal- vanized water -tank for Mr, 0, Heist M. Cheer has engaged the sem- 005 of Robe Townsend to do the Carpenter, -work hiS house. We are pleased to note that Mr. Wm. Stevens, who has been under the doctor's care for some thee is improving rapidly. A large number froth the Maitland attended Goderich Pair last week and eeporle it a great success, else f sef' Double Feed Doors There is no danger of hit- ting the sides and spilling coal all over the floor with the big Sunshine feed oors. ) These doors will 'admit a large chunk pf_ wood, _too. Our local 'agent will . show' you this and many other "Sunshine" advantages. Send for free booklet. Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7. ItST , - ,i-Serith14.6dicidisp°71)''Itegtaietall't:;ett'TPlatart: the death of DlizabethAVery, rel- ict of ,tbe, late Thointref Grant, who ga ceesircit ft41‘48:3'e-ge"ii5rT, 7V8Ydeaaira'anfntedv-6. months. ";.Deeeased was born ' near ,London „ and evlie.n a year ()RI,' her, ;parents moverd to the London Reed, .and she, has ges3cled there over ektfige.She W'its' 'imarrifeca' '1850; . to Thomas Gteint and MOVed to the 'next f Mari, A femilr.of fem. Sons and three daughteresWere both,— ' of 011erton; ,rank of Lope don, React ; Ahxainei' nd ThOmf,Lp,, mow,.., dead, 'Mrs. Jelin , Hunter eif Clintem ; Mse Jennie, .a borne, and. Mrs, Gleason. at 1 IMedibine Iier °partner • in -life died . in 1875, Deceased was- a eheletian ie every sense of the word and by • loving: deeds and kind words. was ,dearty 'beloved by all who knew her. She NVIS a membe;r et the PreSbyteri-en church. The late • Mrs. Grant has been ailing Since. Winter' andhas been confined to her bed..for scene-, time. She ie .alse survived by -one sister, Mess: .Alex. Innis -of Clipton, and a brothel-, .Mr. "John, Avery in the West. The ; funeral i5. being held today fr.ain the family resi- dence to the Clinton -cemetery. Teethe. bereaved the heartfelt sym- pathy is expreesed on all sideS. , ea aelanee Mr. and NB s, Prank Fewhre of New Yorkvisited lee atives And lends around here. They came over, in their auto, :Mr. and M11(1)1)s. J. Lali of Michigan are visil ing aronnd here among friends and old meglibent S. Mrs etarimel 1.-tincifty and baby are spending a few weelen ihe guest of her pneents•Mr. end Mrs. D. Sr:the:1n! do Rev. Mr, Abraham of Toronto preached a Temperaece sermon on Sunday afternoon, • Mrs. Robe*Cnclough is getting her stebh shingled, Statile:S. On . . Thntedtly evenit g lett week fiev. Mr. Sea kin:, ok Canton mitt:see pear 0 meeting at the; hone :of Mr. Ohs s, Cithmeou the seined. The meet- ing was tome:1y 41D etldea auto eery pi oil table hour eras epent ; s0rehib1l,10: McGregor 50(1 Istfe called at the home of Mvs. .T.,hn Gil, moue on the first. of•the•;week Mrs. Jollies 1)1! 17))) cf Meose :Inns ensk, visitedat the home of Abr.Jt,hu ,Pepeees hist week, A„ Shower. ---On• Triesdey afterneon of leer week, a iritele n shower was gi von Miss Mary " :r, den:di ("t' :01 Mr. ;Witi, Teyhire by her man5. friends in view or her coming Mari iage, Tho slibwer was held at the hmoe of Mr. John Pearson. Interest centred around "Campsie Glen," the home. of Mr. and Alva Win. Taylor an Sept. 24th, ins1 when their daughter Mary A. was united 10 marriage to John S. Somerville of St. 'Mary's, by the, "Rev. D:K. Grant of Clinton. At one o'clock to the- strains of Mendelssohn's wedding 'march, played by Miss Maude Somerville, sister of the groom, the bride entered the room on the arm of her father and took hey place unden a beautiful ever- green; ea/eh banked With asters. The 'modernise bride wore a dress of Ivory Duchasse Satin with sha- dow lace and pearl trimmings and bridal veil with !orange blossoms earslyile,g ko shower boquet of or- chids a,nd lilies -of -the -valley her only ornament, the gift of the groom, being ian exquisite pearl necklace and sunburst. The bride was supported by her sister, Em- lna 'Ike a gown of yellow silk mall with point lace and satin trim- ming carrying a bouquet of yellow cheyeanthememe and maiden heir fealn. The groomsman was xi% Robert Somerville, brother of the greens. The ee'{emany and • edit- senatulations over 'Mies Reta Her- man, accompanied ,by her sister Miss Gladys slang very ;sweetly 0 Fair, Sreet, D Holy, after which a bountiful repast was ser- ved; Rey. Mr. Gna'nt, in a pleasing mannereproposed the health of the bride and groom which was res - Paneled to by the groom. Speech- es were also given, by Mr: Tenses Smillie, of Walton, Grandfather 01 the bride, and Mr. W. H. Slack; of Edmonton, Alberta. The presents were costly and useful. The groom's gift to the bridesmaid was a gold locket and :chain; to the pi- anoiet, soloist and accompanist, pearl imooches and to the geoOms- man, a pearl tie pin. The bride's trav,elling suit was of brown tweed with 'Mown velVotir hat and plume. The ;wedding party left by auto- mobile • for their home near St. Mary's amid showeas Of confetti and followed by the best wishes of their many friends for a long and peaceful married life. Guests were present from Edmonton, St, Mary's., Cranheook, Walton, Constance, Clinton; (and Stanley ,Township. Mr, end Mrs. Somerville will, be at home ;to theirefriends: after Nov, 1st. t Londesboro Mr. Kerslake of'Exeter spent a few days with 'Phos, Shobrock and they also attended Goderich Fair. Theestate and house hold effects own by the late Mrs. Jos. Stevens will be sold by auction on Saturday, The regular meeting of the womens institute will be held at the home of Mrs. (DI) Young next Thursday after noon all Ladies are cordially invited Mrs, Young will have charge of the programme. Miss Minnie Ione visited Blyth friends on Sunday. Mrs. Cluysler of Delhi, is visiting her daughter, Mrs, J. Lounsbery. Mr, and Aliss ,Kerslake, of Exetee visited at the home of Mr. Jae, Sleet; brook on Sunday. . Miss Potter, who has been the guest of Miss Elsie Miller for a few weeks returned to her home in Bay City, Mich, on Monday. • Mr. and Mrs, 16, J. Pullman and family, who have been visiting at the home of Mr, R Redford. returned to London this week. Mr, John Stewai t, nit Blyth, has complete! the granolithic walk re the main street also the platform in front of the Council Chamber. Miss Landes- Youeg left eta Tues day for Regina, where she will resume her duties as tescher, in the Regina College, She left via Chicago and Duluth and will visit friends at 13ath gate, N. D. • Rev. S. B. Osterhout, Misses Mond Lyon, Elsie Malta', Lily Lee, Vitslet Phillips and 31r. Frans- GarreLtatlen ded the S,Stes,E, Ls con ventiou held st Holmesville on "Monday tincll l'nee daymr,this week. • A new foundation is being pull un der the councilhall, the work being f3apteSlila,er 261I done by Mr, J. Stewart of Blytli, Stewaet will 'alder laye Some cemEntt walk ozetlie weet side Of uheestetret, • Felt any or, terence Pitestlay from whet you eelt on illondies 7 Now, think! Barring all tees° toile things were liable 0) have -any time, eytteh'ea' u%11Lw)LiPti4Oee.grliai.'emlicletselt)11 e,"eet MooditY. ' It you haven't notieed it, stick your samMer,'-tint of the window .and dregin a.good deep lareath. Now then N°DwaeYs°n"'t ticalla,°t *one; little inhale' res' ake you think of. a whole lot of thines, eruchas extra blankets, glowing maple forrests, crisp alt', the honk of -the wild geese southward boued, the price of coal, the gridiron's cheerieg crowds, griddle cakes, butternute, trustful tailors, and the world's series, • Now you know! It's Autumn! Up rintil 12 o'clock Monthly night little old:Geisha Fiutinner lingered along ie het ilia enamels gown, but right at the hour ineutiooed else cashed in sand 'went home. It is 0 wiee pvecaut ion at this dist to seize any niusic with this name, on "1'1' ?, Se to note that then ji a civic ordinance ealling'in ell straw lints on this date. Some take a melancholy view of Au - tenet, hut as a matter of fact all sea sons are 'emad, 'you've been behaving yourself, Tenihyson, for example, felt rather blue abeut Autumn: "Tears, idle 1 eels, 3 know not what they mean. Rise in the heart and gather in the • eyes. In looking on the happy. Autumn Andtili lieli.1aii,t,ing cif the days that are no lio But then, Tennyson was wondering where he was gmeg to get a Fell °rev coat as he wrote that, 00000000000000000000000000 eneecventoeton,oncentiomoo 0 0 0 \VIVI TB./P, CHURCHES. et 50 0 00000 00000000000000 WILLIS criunett The pastor occupied his own pulpit in the morning and in the evening Rev. J. Bailey, of Toronto, spoke on behalf of the Damien Alliance. At the evening service, Miss Mary Glen sang sweetly " Not be Long". The Girls Olub held a very successful meetiug on .Ttiesday evening at which an excellent Missionary address was' given.by Miss Edna Cooper who is an earnest and interesting speaker it was deckled to hold a Te flight Musicale on Thanksgiving afternoon. The Animal regular Rtlly Day See vice of the Sabbath School will be held on Sunday afernoen, when Rev. 0 E. Jeak ins will address the meetieg. ONTARIO ST. CIIIIRCIL Anniversary Services wilt be held on the eecond, or third Surelay in Octob er. Next Sunday will be "Rally Day". The pastor will preach in the evening on the "Story of Ruth and its Modern Application. Rev. Dr, Abraham preached on Sun day morning last in the interests df the work of the Alliance, Students of the Model Sehool and also of the Collegirte were entertained in the school room on Monday evening by the young people of the League, Principal Treleaven and Mr, Rohl) replied to the words of welcome, spoken by the pastor. Those who took pert in the Program were: -Miss Miller and Miss Wylie and :Mr. Cameron of the Model Miss Vera Lobb, of the Collegiate, Mies Beatrice White, of Windsor, Miss Mayfrid Allan and Miss Stewart. An excellent lunch was served to all at the Mese of the proeram. WESLEY CD IIRCIi. Rev. J. Greenctook the morning ser vice last Sunday morning and his sub ;led was "The Christians lmmeasurabl e Possession." At the evening seeviee Rev, E. D. Editor of the Unngregationnlist addressed the congregation in behalf of the Dominion Alliance The Leagee drove to Holinesville on Monday evening and attended the District Convention. There was a good attendatme The pastor, Rev. Dr. Rutledge, will preach next Sunday. BAPTIST CHURCH. Rev, Mr, Silcox occupied the ,pulpit of this church last Sunday morning in the 10 1005815 of the Dominion Alliance and preeched a very interesting see mon, The pastor occupied the pulpits in the evening„ Next Sunday will be Rally Day at the Sunday School of this Church. The Olviech will be decorated with flowers there will be special music Eta din - 'ogees, recitations by the scholars all are cordially invited to these services. On Friday afternoon the Ladies Aid , are having a quitting bee at tbe home of Mrs, Wm, Cochrane a 10c tea will be served from 6 to 8' o'clock. Come. On Sept. 30th the regular- Monthly missionary 'sleeting will be held at the home of Mrs. John Brown all members are requested to be present, The meet ing starts at 8 o'clock sheep. ; Over The Teacups County Clerk and Mors'. Lane are absent in St. John, N. B.,where they went to attend the wedding of their son, M. P. Lane, of Revel- stoke, B. V. Mr. Orland johostOn of Zurich, is juniew in the Nloleone Bank here. He was a former student in the Clinton Business College. „ Mr. Aiethur Ford of Ottawa, and son of Rev. J. E. Ford, forraer pas- tor of Wesley church, had a spec- ial article in the Montreal Sunday Herald entitled "The Babyo3' the BercloneCabinee,".' The Hon. 'Arthur Meighon. Mrs. Martin and children of Dile' tario styoet, returned last, week from 'Tipp:mato after a visit there. EditceSpotten, 06 the Wingliam clY tide e;E: hasSe 1aSten.„41IPOiliW.PialOt' • for. the; belainlee• of the year as. •MeyersVaiistetteete moving to •:- ?rine/Pal Gundry of the Strat,h; ray ' Collegiate ; bet:Ruth, fOrillerlY Principal - saf the :neeeived :•offer by telegraph td fhie,oexcetiere:se2i;otritebi7e1-2,64.6007.,ON:erG11:-.07;13, conegiate The salary Offered: was' cleaned the: offer. '• ' ;•:: " ; : Mies' Florence „" Diehl tof•:Paigley, Spent a feW days with her grande• reuether,S Mee, McGarVa, Ontario etheet. Mies Diehl Wilt attend the- Nernsed at Stretford this term, Mr. 'Ed. &Warts' of Goderich, was :tore on Fridays.; ; t • Mr, 0. J. Wallis' and Mr.., W. 'j. Hellyar took in the Seaforith Fair Met:Friday.. • ;: „ "Mr, George De McTaggart Was in Toronto this .eveek. Mr. Feed Iturnball, Of the Royal Banke;Loriden is . spending his v'ae cation,:at his ;horrie here. ; Mr, ;arid 'Mns. T. Jackson Ir., re - flanged ; Morldgy. from 'Halifax where Mr. Jaokson, attended , the meeting" of the Canadian MenilaC- turere Association. MSS, jean. Chidley leaves in few days :for Winnipeg,' where she Will spend: a few months with her 'cousin, Mee.: Beery Bright, Mrs. R.K. Logan left on Wed.': needay tor her home in .Saginaw, Minh., after e' weekidea with her roothee, Mrs. Gilehrtee Mr. Sohn Torrance has • rented Mr. J. Goest's. house on Albert st. and !Ake tpoesession very shortly. ; Mise lAbbie Glen of Godeeich sipee,ienit the' Week end. at her home il Mr. Lack Kennedy, of Wingbam, Was in town on Friday Inst, Rev. Dr. Oaten; evangelist mem- ber of the London Methodist Con- ference, will commence evaegelis- tie services in the Methodist church Wyoming, on Sunday, Sept. 28. Mrs. John Derry who has been visiting with Mrs. Walter Richards and Mrs. Webber at Londoe, re- turned last week. ; Mrs. Robt. Thompson, 'Of Brus- sels, was the guest of Mrs. Geo. Robertah this week. Mrs. W. IL Kea of Brusselsn 1,5 visiting with her son, Mr, J. Les- lie Kerr this Week. Mrs. Jas.. Ballantyne of Brussels, spent a few days the guest of her: brother,. Mr. George Roberton. Miss Beatrice eWhite of Windsor, Was the griest of MiSq AMC at the Ontario St. Parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Rose and S011, of Vancouver, B.C., are the 'guests of Mr. Hugh Ross. Mr. Rose is an old Brucefield boy and has done well Mr ,the West. He formerly was a busine.se man tin Wingham for °vele 20 yens. The two Mrs. Ross' are .sietens. Dr. Margaret McKellar, India's great (missionary, who spoke in Clinton last Fall, whose furlough was filled ;with iSerliiCO, has left Cano.da ,en route for; her work. She may be sure that her very many friends here in the home base will remember her in their -prayers, and cherish the hope that the large success that has attended her may be continued. Mr. Geoege Elliott, Officer of the Childrein's Aid Society, of Huron Co., was in town On Wednesday. Dr. Gaindier and his bride arrived back ger° on Wednesday. We wel- come Mrs. Greedier to our town and hope for happy and prosperous journey through life. Miss.A. Holmes is in Goderich at- tending the funeral of her cousin, Mrs. B. W. McKenzie aged 73 years. We are pleased to eee Mr. D.K. Prior, is able to be out after a two weeks Hines's. • Drs. Geo. M i?,‘ Whitley Heilemann Osteopathic Phy. Specialists in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chromic, and Nervous • Disotders ' Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. COI,ISITLTATION FREE. Office—R,attenbury Hotel Friday, from 1 to 6 For Sale Driving Mare for sale. Will be sold cheap for cash or part cash and part feed. Apply to JOE RATTENBIJR Y. Young Lady Wanted.. Young lady Wanted to learn Telegraphy and: assist in the store COOPER' & CO., Clinton. House For Sale or Rent , A comfortable 7 -roomed cottage On Albert Street, electric light, tower water, soft water inside and wood shed 'With half acre of land, For particulars apply at store or Rattenbuiy street East. JOHN MAY Live 2500 Chickens, 1000 liens. 1000 Ducks Each Week from now until January To finish your own poultry, we, have Wheat, Oats. and Buckwheat specially geound for fattening pur- poses, as very reasonable prices. 8,000 'dozen Strictly New Laid Eggs wanted each week during the winter months. To produce these eggs, we leave a full line of Poultry Foods to keep your layers' ilo the pink of comlition. A full stock of Bran, Shorts, Feed Flour, Oat Chop, Barley Chop, Ete., rite., always on hand. ,GIVE HS A. CALL. POUVRY TAKEN ANY 12)A ' EACH WEEK, e. ses Co'41iiff The.UP-to-datte Firm, Clintor Phone; 64. N. W. TIZEWARTilii.; W. JENKINS MatY People like to paper On the fall In peefer•ence • to the eiiring, and It certainly has its' advantages; The weather is .cool Easy to get help. You are reedy fel- the long evenings to be ,spent indoors To ke-e,p you in your de- cision, let 1.15 show you our complete line of hangings, irons the , theapest to the best. AU paper trimmed Free CC). CLINTON COLONIST rtXCURSIONS Sept. 25111 to Oct. linit Inclusive From all stations in Ontario at very low rates to; ' Vancouver, B.C. Los Angeles, Cal Victoria, B.C. Sam Diego, Cal. Nelson, B.C. San Francisco, Col Prince Rupert B.C. Mexico City, Mx Portland, Ore., Seattle, Wash Spokane, Wash. One-way Second-class Tickets only Will be; Issued, Proportionate low Tates to other points in Arizona, British Colum- bia, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Mexico, New Mexico, Os egos', Nevada, Texas, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. Pull pal Hailers, berths, reserva- tions, ;etc., from any Crrand Trunk Agent, JOHN RANSFORD & SON, passengeo &ticket agent, phone 57 A, 0. PATTISON, Depot Agent Relleview Dairy Farm From our stock of first-class, cows we are prepared to supply you twiee daily with best of milk and cream, and solicit a share of your patronage. E. B. HILL. Londesboro House and Lot tor Sale The administrator: of the estate of Ann Stevens will seit by public auc- tion, at the Temperance House, in Londesboro, en Saturdey, Sept. 27t1t, at 2 o'clock. the 7,06001 House, and lot with good stable, in Londesboro, own. ed bytheestate, irnd at present occu- pied by William Dyon. At the same time and place a quantity of household furniture will be offered for sale. For terms, etc , apply to Daniel Stevens, Harioek Eph. Brown, Londesboro Mortgage Sale Of valuable Residential Property ha the Village Of Bayileld. Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, - there will be offered for sale by public auction, at the premises, on Saturday, the 27th day of Sentember, 1913, at the hem' of two o'clock len). the foliowing property Lot member nine on Bayfield Terrace, in the village of Ba,ylield, in . the County or Huron, containing one quarter acre, more or less, On thee; property is erected a two storey brick: veneered house with seven rooms, pantry, clothes closets, summer kit. chen, etc. The property is located in a mbst advantageous position and is , one of the best in the village. For terms and conditions of sale apply to W. R, Jewett, Bayfield, Ont„ or W. Brydone, ()linton, Ont, Solicitor for the Vendor, Dated this 4tta clay of September, 1013. ,1 VOTERS' LIST. For 1913 1913 of the Municipality oft the Toth' of Clinton. Comity of Huron. NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to, the persons mentioned in section and 9, of the Ontario Votes -s' Lisle Act, the copies required by said . seetioes to be so transmitted ore ' delivered, of the list made, pursuant; to the' said Act, of all persons rapes peering by the last eevised aseesel rent Roll of the aped Municipality,( to be enti the Ito -vote in, 1110 f said 'municiplity at electieln,s for members of the' Legislative Assembly, and at Muni- cipal Dlections ; aincl that the said. list was first posted up in my office n Clinton on the 30-t11 day of Aug -- use 1913, and remains theee for in. -o spoction Electors,are called upon to. examine the said list and if any omissions, or any other errors are foand therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said err000 eorrected, according to law. D. L. MACPHERSON, • Town Clerk.