HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-09-25, Page 2offir .sw::
Pandora Ranges
c c.1 crcry-
.where b y good
dealers who hack
tp o r-
tco. or this 1,
spleno u' r,.cge
All the heat and r t 1
smoke must travel : ' -�•
over the top of the
oven, down the back
and under the hot -
tem twice
ot.temtwice before— ".—
escaping into the
twice the cooking
and baking powers from the same amount of fuel as
given by the ordinary range..
See this patented Irature, Ow ventilated peen end many other
exclusive ones before buying your ranee.
London Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver.'
SLIM Hamilton Calgary Saskatoon Edmonton,
Sold In elinton by Harland • Brothers
emo— the flatted so(n, in honor: /of the
prodigal calf.
The New Era.
W. IL KERIt & SON, Props
J. Leslie Kerr, Iiusiliess Manager
New Era; One Tear in advance $1.00
New Era; when,: not paid in ad-
vance ' $1.50
New Era, to. the "United States
in advance $1:501
Advertising Pates on Application.
. worm aro
Job work prices advance on July
1st, 1913, in accordance with
the .Huron Co. Press Asso-
elation Rates,
Office Phones 30 House Phone 95
(4 @io
Pert and Imo ert��e
1\•�.'•o**w�`*v 'a
Every fluent talker 'does too
much of it, 0
Mahry a woman looks good who
isn't a good looker.
quickly stops coughs, cures colds, and heals
the throat and lungs. .. :. std cents.
A mann who 'fails thinks success
is merely a matter of luck.
Let us think what we are going
to say before saying what we think,.
Children Cry
A young man is usually afraid,
of a girl who is really wolith while
it's asto'ni'shing how possession
will decrease the value of most
A woman• is assensitive about
a freckle as atmaov is about his
bald spot,
Child; en - Cry
Some fathers would enjoy killing.
MRS. ED. "BOYER, Nokomis, Bask.,
writes:—"I bad been troubled with
Weak . back and kidneys, I had terrible
'diziy headaches, and could not sleep at
night. In this I way suffered for ten
years, until I read about Dois'a Kmruv
Pr,t,s. I purchased t'wo boxes, and as they
me,Isent for two more andthe
1 edr
me onm. feet have been able
put y, and T v b
to work ever since'
For Backache, Lame Back, Weak.
Back, or any other Kidney Trouble, there
is no remedy to equal DoM 's KreNmY
P1144 -
They have been on `t'ie market for 20
years and' therefore must be a staple
article. "
Price 50' cents per box, 3" boxes for.
$1.25. May be obtained at all dealers
or ,nailed direct on receipt of price by
The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto,
_Wien ordering direct specify "Dome's."
If some people we know ever., get
to heaven t they will want to go
somewhere else during the summer
Mainy a pian gets credit for be-
ing well informed just beceuse
happen to ask him questions that
he can answer.
Children- Cry
When a young man tells a gine
he is not -worthy of her, she usual-
ly marries him for the purpose o£
proving to his own satisfaction that
he told the truth.
Betty's idea and 'the Result
of the Experiment.
"Now, Tom, dear," ,said little Mrs.
Ellis, handing him a cup ,of coffee, "I
hare something serious to say to you."
"Yes?" Mc. Ellis' tone was notably
absentminded. He was looping at the
alluring curve of. her soft white arm.
She had the cunnfngest way of giving
her big sleeves a twitch to keep them
out of the
way. as she passed anything
at table, and this morning the sleeve
was a great silken one embroidered
with Japanese iris. However, for her
own good her husband had not told -per
all her attractions for him. Not knew-
ing his train of thought, sheobserved
only the preoccupation in his tone.
This confirmed her in the wisdom of
her determination, butit also gave her
a queer little disposition to let down
the corners of her mouth.
"Wellait is only this, Tom," she pro-
her eyes studiously avoiding
his. Preoccupation 131 bis tone was
bad enough; to recognize it in his eyes
would be intolerable.: "You see, eve
have been staying so closely together
since the wedding, now three : whole
months. Aren't you just a little afraid
we are overdoing the devoted? When
I see so many married couples who are
just as happy away from each other,
or more so, I dread the'. time"- Her lip
quivered, but this time Mr. Ellis was
giving bis attention to the smooth
Whiteness of her neck. Be did not an-
swer, and in a moment she went on in
a steadier voice, "You remember the
'ounce of prevention,' dear?"
"Worth a pound of .medicine, isn't
it?" he replied frivolously, and when
she proceeded gravely her voice had
shaded down to actual wistfulness.
"For fear, Tom, that our happiness.
should lose some of its tone in such
constant association as ours I have
been thinking that maybe it would be
better not to see each other quite so
often. I couldn't bear to see that you
were growing tired of me"—
"Her infinite variety,". he began, to
quote, but she interrupted him with a
lift of the kimono clad arm that set his
thoughts' adrift again. "We must eon -
Bider the suReof serlouslyl dealt" s_jtg,
Tian. soi`hy and plaintively. y'Suppose
we pian deliberately lo keep new to
egeh other by taking some of our
pleasures away from each other."
"Goodness, Betty!" he ekclafined. "I
thought :we marbled in order to enjoy
ourselves together'."
"We did; but 'see how people get,.
after e" few years! The•Thomaees
tow, for instance—bow different they
are! And••$et I., am. old enough to re•
,member that they, were perfectly 0W -f-
hb together at first. There are the.
Riple is too. Tbey are congenial 'and
apparently the best of friends, •but
Mrs. Ripley doesn't seem to mind at
all that her husband spends the greater
part of his time away from bet.. It
is only that I dread such a phase In
our life." "
He looked at her in surprise. Who
would have thought her capable of
each eerioue eonsideratlop of a life
peoetem, this pretty creatureor sun'
shine and smiles? Just then a thought
popped into his mind. Suppose she
were already getting tired -just a
little bored :with htm. It would be
like her to contrive some tactful way,
of 'telling him. And then Betty bad
been a belle; there had been a score
of fellows dancing attendance upon
her, even up to the very day of the
wedding. Perhaps she was feeling
dull, and no wonder, with such a poor
stick as he as her only companion,
even if she did love him as she pro-
fessed He pondered a few moments,
making a great sacrifice, while trivi-
ally engaged In sipping his fragrant
breakfast coffee. When he spoke his
tone was cheerful
"Well, Betty, darling," be remarked,
"that had not occurred to me until you
spoke, but you are right. There Is
danger of overdoing the devoted, and
we, mustn't get tired' of each other—we
must not, I have not been to the
last s
club -not since the wedding. I will go'
there to dinner tide evening, and you
must accept one of your numerous in-
vitations You have Dolly ;to' go with
you, and I will send a carriage to beat
,your disposal for the evening.'
"Yee," acquiesced Betty' in' a email.
voice, keeping her eyes upon her plate.
She bad not expected ,her Ideas to Ise
adopted wlt'h so little protest, end it
Was not cheering to find herself so
correct In her forethought
lie looked at her sharply for a mo -
meld, then . came over to her side of
the table and kissed her goodby moat
affectionately. She longed to tell him
that it would seem like a month for
n until late,tb t evening
• to be gonei a
before She should see him again, but
no -1f he was already feeling the pull
of the silken chain that bound them to-
she must not let him know that
she was aware of it. She sprang mer-
rily up, 'went with him to the door,
chattering about this and that, as
though her every thought was not of
the evening that was going to be so
lonely without him. When he turned
back at the corner for a last look the
wave of her small hdnd was positively
The day crept by. At first her im-
pulse was to remain quietly at home
for the evening, but he was going to
the club, and she must not be behind
him in carrying out the plan.
She accepted Mrs. Ripley,'s invite'
tion to hear Nordica with her." In the
afternoon she dressed and went to a
tea, wasted some hours over a visit to
her dressmaker, and when evening
finally came she arrayed herself for
the sacrifice. It was no fun at all to
fluff out her golden hair when there
was no one there but Dollyto remark
upon the effect, and then Dolly was
painfully matter of fact. She would
wear the violet silk with the yellow
lace cascades, even if there was no-
body there to tell her it was the pret-
tiest dress that over a pretty woman
wore. It was a sort of solemn satis-
faction to be making herself lovely
without the encouragement of an ad-
mirer sitting over in that big chair, his
knee over the arm and a cigar in his
mouth, but at the mental picture she
smothered an irrelevant sob. Dolly
looked at her acutely,
"I—believe I am about to take cold,"
faltered the little mistress menda-
u 1 "Mythroat feels so queer."
cio s y a
When she entered the box and threw
her great wbite cloak in a luxurious
heap in the chair behind her Mrs. Rip-
ley glanced over her with a look of
decided approval
"You were never prettier, Betty,"
she whispered, "and then it is so sen-
sible of . you not to be foolish about.
having Tom Ellis dangling after you
everywhere you go."*
"That is what we „agreed only this
morning," said Betty in a burst of
confidence,and thenshe grew sudden-
ly silent.
•Her eyes, sweeping the crowded
house, had fallen upon Tom: Ellis en a
group of men down near the footlights.
As the moments went on she began to
feel aggrieved that he did not even
glance toward the Ripley box, although
be surely had known of the invitation.
She was glad when the music began,
because her throat' still had that queer
feeling, and her lips wanted to tremble.
Nordica's superb presence and her sing -
Ing failed for the drat time to absorb.
Betty's attention. She would not leak
again at that group down near the
stage,but she could not'keep from see-
ing them in her mind's. eye. She was
glad there were others in the box who
felt like talking. She did not want
Mrs, Ripley to regard, her too doggie
Since Taking Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Taplels"
Mrs. J. Merkhitger, Waterloo, Ont.,
enthusiastically reconrtuends Na-Dru-Co
Dyspepsia Tablets. Her experience with
them, as she outlives it, explains why.
"I was greatly troubled with my
stomach", she writes, "f had taken so
much medicine that I, might say to take
any more would, only be, snaking it
worse. My stomach just felt raw. I
read of:Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets,
and a lady friend told me they were
very easy to take, so I thought I would
give them a trial and really they worked
wonders. Anyone having anything
wrong with his stomach should. give
Na-Dru•Co Dyspepsia :tablets a trial,
they will do the rest. My stomach is
fine now and I can eat any food."
Oneofthegood features f
N C Dyspepsia Na- o D s is Tablets is that
they are so pleasant and easy to take.
The relief they give from heartburn,
flatulence, biliousness and dyspepsia is
prompt and permanent. Try one after
each meal—they'll make you feel like
a new person.
-5oc. a box at your druggist's com-
pounded by the National Drug and
Chemical. Co. " of Canada,. Limited,
Montreal 143
after. the drop of the curtain. The hum
of conversation began in a moment,
and she- half turned toward those neat
her, seeming to 'listen, although she
heard not a word. Still she would not
look below her.
"Boor' came a frivolous exclamation
at her shoulder, and she started vio-
lently. The rich blood surged into her
face. She did not need to see whose
hand was resting on her arm.
"Why, Betty Ellis," cried one gay
voice, "you don't mean to tell me yon
are actually blushing over Tom, you
ancient married 'woman, you! The
blushes are for the buds."
"Then they are for Betty," said Tom
gallantly. "What rosebud ever looked
sweeter than she does this minute?'
"Tom!" she remonstrated, and he
laughed and sat down beside her.
When the others were absorbed in
themselves again be whispered to her:
"Forgive me, Betty, if I bored you by
coming. I lust couldn't help it I had
forgotten all about the Ripley invita-
tion until I saw you in the box. I came
along just to be doing something."'
"Don't," she begged, ' and the eyes
that were lifted to his were full of
tears. He covered her hand a moment
with his and waited; then, when she
bad slyly wiped the moisture from her
lids and hadswallowed that trouble-
some lump, she whispered: "I was just
mistaken after all. I don't believe in
preventive measures like this. We are
not tired yet. Let's just wait until
we are."
"Done, Betty!" he agreed rapturously.
"You are so sensible."
"Sensible? interrupted ears. Ripley,
turning .quickly at the word, which
had drifted to her ears. "Isn't she so,
Tom? I was just telling her a little
while ago that she was most remark-
ably s0."
The two accepted the unmerited
praise unblushingly and looked at each
other with a happy laugh.
Charms of a Soldier's Life.
The inducements England once held
out to suitable men to • join the ranks
of the light dragoons, As given in the
following passage taken from the Lon-
don Times of Sept. 25, 1901, were cer-
tainly strong. Those willing to join
are informed that they "will be mount-
ed on the finest horses in the world,
with superb clothing and the richest
accouterments. Your pay and priv-
lieges are equal to 2 guineas a week.
You are everywhere respected. Your
society is courted. You are admired
by -the fair, which, together with the
chance of getting switched to a bux-
om widow or brushing with a rich
heiress, renders the situation truly en-
viable- and desirable. Young men out
of employment or otherwise uncom-
fortable, 'There is a tide in the affairs
of men which, taken at the flood, leads
on to fortune.' Nick it and instantly
apply to the above."
Long Lived Dancers. •
Louis XIV., who granted L'Acade•
Mie de Dense of Paris Its charter,
strongly advocated dancing, for be
considered it an aid to develop dex-
terity,. and
ex-terity-and deportment and adapt men
for a warlike career. 1t would be
Somewhat exacting today to require
recruits to take dancing lessons, but
}dancing seems to produce longevity,
a doubt
find this out
in all
your travels
round about
the bread that's
best with any
is just theon:
atld only real
better bread
could not be
—that's what you'll
say when you have
tried this crispy,
Mother's Bread
Phone No. i
and have it
delivered to yolai'
house every 'day.
yuuging from tue long jlre enyoyeu try
many of the aristoerney of the pro,
Vestris lived to be eighty, lila son
•eacbed the age of 102; and one of his
couslus attained ninety years: Pettit -
in, who died du 1898, reached„ eighty
'ears, and a brother passed away et
St. Petersburg wanting five years of
his century, while the brother of Lou-
s Merante, who was well known at
he opera, ,died to 1002 at Rouen, bay- t
Ing reached the ace of 109.
Saving produces a peace of mind en
known to him who in time of misfor-
tune must depend on the bounty of his
i wee
friends.Determine to save, for
power is the prime essential. Deposit
regularly. Lay aside some 'portion of
each weeks or months income, • De-
posit extra and unexpected receipts;
Worse Than Hard Words.
"Why did 'you kill your parrot? The
poor bird meant nothing by its pro -
faulty." .
"i could silted its :profanity, but it
learned to imitate the lawnmower last
um'mer."—washin #on Herald:
s g,
Prayer carries us beltway to God,
fasting brinKs us to the door of bis
palaver and almsgiieng procures us ad-
misslun.—Horan . ,
I am prepared to do tarpentering
and repelling, Storm doors and
Windl o -
M1vs made to order. Charges
reasonable. Orders left g
at the
house or at Te Watts' shoe store
will be promptly attended to
Eiattenbury Street
Seed for Sale
The undersigned offers for sale three
varieties of Fall Wheat for seed—Date
son's Golden Chaff, Democrat, and
Egyqtian Amber. These are good
varieties and clean, and will make
good seed.
House for Sale
I ani instructed to sell quid:.
Here is a chance to) secure an
excellent home at a bargain price;
I -dill show property, and consider`
any fair offer.
Girls Wanted
Experienced, and girls to learn
Knitting and Looping. - Will pay
$5.00 per week -while learning.
Steady employment. Pleasant
position. Apply at once
C.'lintotn, Ontario.
Good Farm for Sate.
A kitchen girl wanted at the
For Sale
Conneytnce, Notary Public,
(.ommissioner, ate.
A second-hand Wood Furnace in REAL ESTATE ANI) 1NSURANCE..'
first-class condition. Also one see- , Issuer of Marriage Licenses, •
and-balnd Radiant, Home Heater. Huron6St., Clinton,
at 'Rowland's Hardware
Farm for Sale.
A desirable 100 -acre farm for
sale, being Lot 24, Con. 5, Huliett.
Good frame ,house . and. kitchen ;
bank barn 50x66,
3 miles from Clin-
ti-ton, 3-4 mile from school. The farm
is well fenced, well underdrained,
and in good state of cultivation
Plenty of spring water. Possession
given tosui(ti purchaser. For fur-
ther pareiculars apply to
Clinton, P.O.
Phone 4 on 165.
Live Fowls Wanted
I are now ready, 1to handle Fat
Hens and Young' Chickleins, and
Young Ducks, alt highest prices.
Poultry taken not latter than
Thursday of 4each week, Other
Fowls handled !altar on.
Base Line,
Phone 14 on 166,
Money Wanted.
T have several inquiries for loans
•of various amounts and will be
pleased to find investments for
funds on mortgages.
Farm for Sale
Lot 35, 'Concession 3 Tuckersm'lh
containing 100 acres, 95 all cleared
and in a splendid -state of cultiv-
ation. The farm is well under
!drained and fenced with five acres
J of good hardwood bush. Large
bank barn and straw shed with
good stabling, silo and other out
buildings. Good brick house eight
rooms -i hensnd woodshed -eit
good cel'!ar and hard and soft
water. There is a splendid apple
orchard also largge orchard of
plums, pears, and cherrys trees
and an abundance of shade 'trees.
On the farm are two never fai t iu
wells one with with the Windmill
The farm is convenient to church
and school six miles from ithetOivn
town of Clinton and Seaforth and 2
1-2 mites from Brucefield Tele-
phone in house with long distance
, rural 1 a mail delivery
route to be established immdiately
Terms reasonable aslthe pro-
rietor is giving up farming. Apply
on the premises or address.
Slabs For Sale
14 inches long, Hardwood,
12 inches long, Body Wood.
We' can fill all orders for Na-
tional Portland Cement at once.
call or phone.
Yards Opposite G. T.R. Station
til kinds of Coat on hand --
Chestnut Solt Coal
Stove Blacksmith
Furnace Coke
Kennel Coal and Wood
Tile -4, 3 and 4 -inch size-
The Tile is o4 the verybest
Brick to Order.
Phone 52.
A desirable 80 acre farm for sale
Good frame house, a parlor, dining
room, summer kitchen and wood
slued) A bank barn with cement
floors, pig pen with cement floor
and troughs, and drive shed, well
drained, all seeded but about 22
acres, everything in good shape, -
Some of the money may be had at
a low rate of interest, will seliwith
or without crop. Apply to
H. HESX, Londesboro,
or on the premises, lot 17, con, 8,
To The Farmers
Insure your horses and cattle a-
gainst death by accident or disease.
All valuable live stock is being
protected in this' manner. Reason-
able rates and quick settlements:
Call and see. C. B, HALe.
Residence Phone No. 100: Office No,2
Windstorm insurance
The Canada Weather Iusuranae Co.
will insure all buildings against dam-
age done by windstorms. ennclerate
rates. No premium note.
District Agent Olinton
Farm For Sale
A first class farm consisting sista
76 acres, on con. 12, part lot 34, Hul-
lett township, Smiles from Landes -
bore, and 5 miles from: Blyth, 11-2
miles' from School, A bank barn. 36
by 66, another barn 38x52, drlive
shed 24x40. A brick house, plenty
of water, about ani Vere of or-
,c•haltd. Possession' can be given
right after harvest. Apply to
B1sth P. p.
Farni for Sale
The executor of the. Southcombe
Estate) offejrs for sale 50 scree --
East half of lot 28, eon. 6, Hullett
A first-class farm, well watered
and improved, and with good
buildings. Also the undersigned
ef$ere for sale, lot 29i con. 6, Hull-
ett, 100 acres. These farms may be
bought together or separately.
H. T. R A N C E!
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
Financial and Real Estate,
INSURA•NCE:AGENT—Representing14 Fire;ia
suranee Companies,.
Division Court Office.
We're now selling Timothy Seed
(Government Standard.).
We also have on hand, 'Alfalfa,
Alsike, and Red Clover,
We always have on band —Goose
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn-
Highest Market Prices paid for Hay
and a91 Grains.
3, !101108
ISee and here our finest
11NewStylish designs of ►
Doherty Pianos and ►
,Special values is Art P
1 Cases 4
Pianos and organs rent
. ed, choice new Edison ►
phonographs, Music & 0.
Ivariety goods, C
I Music Emporium EE
4 ►
C. Hoare
snecial attendgngiven totodiseases of the
Eye. Ear. Throat, and Nose,
Eyes carefully examined. and suitable glasses
Office and Residence.
TWO doors west of the Commercial Hetes
Huron St.
Dr. W. ,aurin, L, A. C. P.. L. le.C. e.. Min
Dr d, C. Gaudier. D.A.. Ie,E,
Oalce—Ontnrto Street, Clinton.
, Night calla et residence, Hattenbur7SSt.
or at hospital
DR. J. W. SHAW..
PHYSICIAN, atmmonon.
e residence oa
Icon hent oto preps and
tenbury Si,. opposite w. Parran's residence.
DE. 11'. R. AXON
i Crown and Bridge Nark a Specialty,"
• Graduate of 0,0.0.5..: Chicago. and R.O.D.B
Bayfield enitiondays, Hay 1st to Decemb•.
Offioea over O'NEIL'S store.
Smola! pare taken to make dental trot..
meat as painless as possible.
Live stock and general Auction jet
tugs stoat sales is apeoiaitj, °idets It a'1
Nsw Ens. ernes, Clinton, prt,mntty attended
to, Terms reasonable. Farmers' sale note
G. D, McTaggart M. D. MoTaggar
McTaggart Bros,.
, General Banking Husinean
Drafts binned. Interest allowed on
The McKillop Mi twist
Fire Insurance eye
Parra and Isolated Town Propo
erty Only Insured.
J. B. McLean, President, Seaforlth,
.1 Connolly, Vice -Pres., Goder'ich.
TE.Ha s S -
ec ..T r
ens. Seafo h-
Jae, .Connelly, Hclmeaville, Johfq
Watt, Oarlock ; G. Dale, Clinton; D.
F. McGregor, Seaforth ; J. Eva8k,
Be chwood, 3. G. Grieve, Winthrop
J Banneweie, BrodLagen; 31. Mee
Ewan, Clinton.
Each Director is Inspector of
losses 1uahis own district. ,
Robt Smith, Oarlock ; Ed, Flinch -
ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, lag-
mowdville' '
W. W. Yeo, ]ioimeavi11e6
Payments may be ,made at The
Morrisibl Clothing Co., Clinton, or
R. H. Cult Goderich.
Fire, Life and Accident
Real estate bought and sold
Money to loan
Office Issac Street, next door to New
Grand Trunk Railway System
Railway Time Table
London, Huron and Bruce.
North Passenger
London, depart...... 8.30 a m 4.50 lean
Centralia 9.40 5.48'
Exeter 9.53 5.541
Hensel. 10.08 3.051
Kippen 10.16 6.111
Brucefield 10.80 6.19
Clinton ' 11.00 6.355
Londesboro 11.18 8,52'
Blyth......... 11.27 7,001
Beigrave 11.40 2131:
Wingham, arrive11.50 7,84
South Passenge •
Wingham, depart6.43 a m 3;33 p
Beigrave.,....... , 6.54 8.44
Blyth 7.08 3.56
Londesboro 7.16 4.04
Clinton......•7,50 4.23
Brueefiel'i 8.12 4.89
Kippen 8.23 4,47
Hensall' 8.32 4,52
Exeter 8,48 5,05
Centralia .... 9,00 5.15, 10.00 6,10j
Buffalo and tlode
West Passenger
am pm pm pm
Stratford 10.00 12,20. 5.25 10.20'•
Mitchell 10.22 12.45 5.55 10.47
Seaforth 10.45 1.10 6,18 11,12
Clinton11,07 1.25 6.40 11.28
Holmeseil e, 11.16 1,33 6.46 11,88
Goderich....... 11.35 1.50 7.05 11,55
East I nssenger
amm pm
Goderich 710 2.40 4.50
Holmesville 7.26 2.51 5,06
Clinton 735 3,07 5.:15
Seatorth 7.52 3.25 5.32
Mitchell .. 8.16 3,48 555
Stratford..... . 8.40 415 .6,20
e- A reliable Frendh regulator; never fails. These
Dr. de Van's Female Pills
pills are exceedingly �perfui in regulating the
generative portico of the female system. Refuse
► all cheapdmilptiona, Ds. de ed t are geld et
a box, or three fortla Mailed to anyaddrese.
AWAAAAAA[AALAAAAAAAAkeee gooben'Drna Got: Bt. QatriwrLnoyOn