HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-09-11, Page 8IRST SHOCKING OF
35Ladies Wear
Smart, Attractive Models for
�' - ea
Wehave just passed lnto stock thirty-five
exclusive Ladles Coats
collecteds fromlargest manufacturers. These Coat are °.
one of the g_.
the verylatest American styles, made from soft; pure wool tweed,
three-quarter cut -away, trimmed with large buttons : and frogs to
match, shipped to us for earlybuying, and no two styles alike.
Beautiful Range.
Golme: and See
We will ke Pleased to'Show you Through as a Buyer or Not
Sweater Coats for Men
Women and Children
The new.weater Coats for early fall
wear are now rrt stock comprising the very
'newest color combinations. Styles right
up to the minute as in former years. We
are showing nothing but the products of
the best manufacturers and every garment
guaranteed. Prices from 100. t, 5.00
Boys' Clothing
Made in Clinton
This season we are showing a
large range of Boys Clothing, made
by the a.ckson Manufacturing Co'y
which alone guarantees good value
and workmanship. Every suit in our
stock passed through an expert's
hands and thoroughly guaranteed.
Clothes and style this season are'ex-
ceptional, a call will convince you of
the fact, Prices from VI 00 alfa.
..-...,.w.- .G.L.anv:s�T;,'n. •�:,Y^.@;f1K..,Ei"i3tF.3,Nfi..dPaM::E1
On Monday morning Co. Con- I
•stable W iitesides, of Hensel]. as -
rested Mr. James Burns, of town,
on a charge, of subornation of
per jury, but as the latter wasmot
a leaddy to plead, the case was ad-
jourined for a week and Mr: Burns
is out oln bail. Two other young
Hogs $9.50.
Eggs 22-23.
Butter 21-22
Wheat 80-85.
Oats 30.
Bagley -45-50,
Peas -75.
,'g11'(i:lltl,>t litA i v($
'top quotations this week
Cattle $1.00
Sheep s_ 5.00
Lambs 6,80
'Hogs 10.25
°Seem .. ....- -•13e
Buttes 24e 25c
Eggs _
-aitato:a, old
Wool ..:... ........:Ise to 28
25 to 50e
$1,50 to 1,90
fellows are also connected with the
case aS it is understood they gave
false evidence in a lie nor case at
Goderich recently an Inspector
Johnson has laid•a new charge of
perjury. Bail Vas also furnished
for the, two young fellows. Crown
attorney Seager is conducting the
pro s eeution.
Some /business can get along
without advertising, just as some
mem can maker a living although
dumb. But both are uphill jobs.
J. Cornish and son captured 1st
prize( at London Fair with their
heavy draught yearling edit and
2nd prize for their yearling agri-
cultural colt. This latter colt took
fourth in its class at Toronto Fair.
They will also show them at Gode-
azcn next 'Week.
On Wednesday evening, and only
24 hours ,notice, Rev. Henry` A.
Fish, of Owen Sound, Grand Chap-
lain` of the Orange Grand Lodge
of British America, addressed , a
fair sized audience in the town hall,
under the auspices of the Clinton
lodge, No , 710. Mr. R. J. Cuff,
Worshipful SVIaster, of :Clinton
Lodge was Chairman,
On Monday afternoon in St. Paul's
church, by. Rev. C. E. Jeakils, Miss
Mary Paine to Mr. Raglan Rowland,
both of Clinton.
The Lord's Day Alliance Sunday
will ` be held in Clinton on Sept.
28th. The local pulpits will be oc-
cupied by visiting preachers.
The Canada Year Book, 1912, is
to hand and as usual contains a lot
of valuable information, in refere
once 'to Canada, also a map of the
Dominion and Newfoundland,
The North Window of Fair's Book
Store lras views of the Rntertafn-
ems who compose the Concert
course under the management; of
J. E. Doherty, of town. Book tick-
etscatn still be had at Fair's Store
or by seeing Mr, Doherty, The
Course promises to be aln• excellent
one, There are now over 200 sub-
scribers On the Course,
The store front of, Cooper and Co ,
is being brightened by Copp.0 Kaiser's'
paint blushes.
There are in Ontario 750 branches of
the Women's Institute, with a total
membership of 25,000, Think of the
welt these ,organized women cern do
and are doing for the betterment of
rural lines,
4•••••••••••••••;••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
•: ••
•..• Local Ne w
Every dollar spent in .well -bat-' Mainly local items were unavoid-
a:need advertising effort adds a dol= ,able' held, overlast week aired may
1a, to the value of your trademark. be read,on page 3.
Judge Holt held the first fall sit- The New Era unclerstancls that
ting of the Division Court on Fri- Perry's Peerless Players may visit
dray morning last. The docket was here qa Dec. 1.2.3, If the report is
light. true, Clinton play -goers may look
WENT TO' ST. iVIARYS, foii.avard to ole un plays
(dyable evenings.
Two'auto loads of lacrossesports
went to St. Marys on Tuesday to PRICE ADVANCED
witness 3 the game between Hanover The ilncrease in the price of corn
and St. Mary's. { as annoi:rneed a few days ago, has
The Citizens Pend gave theirssec-
and Sacred Band C'oneert on Sun-
day might at the Market Square.
A good crowd gathered to hear the
License Inspector Johnston made
a seizure on Saturday morning of
two barrels of beer and porter off
the 11 o'clock trailn and a court
proceedings will be 'the next step.
Superintendent Chant states that
over 40 places have been connect-
ed with the waterworks this year.
6 appliacations ' )were' dn. ',nerd tors salary $150, making it $1000.
had the effect of. raising the price
of corm syrup and 6stareh. This
step was takea by the whole,shlers
last week.
The season for, brook trout clos-
es on September 15th. On Sep-
tember 1st the Wild Duck season
opens in. (that district situated
(north of the C. P. R., from Ot-
tawa to God.erich, and in the dis-
trict south of the lime; on. Sept.
At The meeting of the Quarter -
3y Official Board of Victoria street
Methodist church field recently, int
At 'the begvmning of Spring only was decided to increase the pas -
may possibly be a dozen more be -
before the frost comes as the wells
are. going dry. .
The Voters' List for the towel of
Clinton was first posted up itt the
Clerk's office on Aug. 30th. There
are 858 names on the list. Of these
469 are. .entitled t o vote at both
pa •tianne,ntary and municipal elec-
tiotne1328 at municipal elections on-
ly and, 91 at political 'elections on-
ly. 312 (are qualified to serve as
exarearmareasseassesesessamaraszerassmaa BILdNSUAL POSTCARDS
Bilingnnl' Postcards have been auth
orized by Hon, L P. Pelletier, post;
Inas. . er Generaland thefirst supplies
are now being sent out to all post
offices. The instructions on the cards
heretofore appearing in English are
repeated in French.
d Time
To Paint Buildings and Roofs, and to put
on New Roofs to be Prepared for Fall
We have a good supply of Sherwin-Williams Paints,
enough.for the Mansion:
Tho popular Brantford Roofing—good
also the cheaper grades—suitable for, Sheds Chicken Houses
and Hog Pens.
We have a special Carbon Roof Plaint for old roofs,
Full stack of Brass and Iron Steam Fittings; Rubber and As-
bestos Peeking; Peerless Polaraine and Cylinder ,Dips; also
Leather Belting and Belt Laces,
A good supply of Window Glass and Putty.
Coiled Spring and Barbed Wires, and Daisy Poet -hole Augers
The Board also expressed- them-
selves has gratified at having Rev,
J, E. Ford sent to them by Con-
ference as their pastor.
Edmointon's t:ax rate is 12 mills.
It is •raj single tax city. property
is ;not iassesreed up to 100 per cent
of selliing prices. ,Her main streets
are 100 feet wide and side streets
80 feet. Edmonton, owns her own
electric plant and sells steam pro-
duced light at 8 c incl power at 3
jurors, 1-2 per kilowatt )sour. Owns her
THE DOHERTY telephone system With 7.000 tele-
phones, which is ,automatie, and de-
COURSE CONCERTS lives a surplus.
To all subscribers to the Doher—
ty Course: Concerts it will bo well
to; remember that the plan opens
for then on 11londay the 15th at
Fair's Boole Store wed to tate gen-
eral public on Sept. 18th. Get your
seats marlcecl early, as the Artist of
the Evening is one of the best ma
gic'a.as in the world suet will be
sure to please all.
Laurent—Tuesday, Sept. 23.
Sand in the news. It is always
The trales are late on the
and P., clue to the Western Fair.
A new shingle roof has been put
on the -brick cottage of Thos. Jack -
0011 s.
To' attempt to conduct n business
without newspaper advertising is
like try;'ng to have a meal with-
out food,
Postmaster Scott drew the at-
tention of The New E: a to the
fact that the postage on letters to
persons on rural routes is •2e.
"There has been considerable mis-
understanding regarding this."
said Ili'., Scott, "Persons put only
a 1 c stamp on the letters ,and
they are soinetimes delayed tui con-
sequence. We wish to remind al-
In view of the fact that Canada is
being flooded with peoplefrom foreign
lands not given to temperate habits
and realizing the importance of cul
tivatieg,the highest form of society, a
great democracy is to be built up, the
Dominion Alliance believe it necessary
to inaugurate a Dominion wide cam.
for the total ptobibition of the liquor,
traffic. At a recent meeting of the
council of the Alliance, it was decided
to make war on the liquor business in
every quarter of, Canada. -but just
what form the campaign will take has
not yet been disclosed,
Laurent the man of many mys-
teries les the Town Hall Tuesday
Sept, 23, introducing magical tricks
in slight of. hand : many of which
are his own invention. Tables van-
The New Era is pleased; to see
that the Daily, "'locoed; published
at Windsor, and whose, editor is
Mr. J. A. McKay, Well-kalowe to
all the publishers in Western On-
ta^io. has been going ahead that
th y have been forced to put in a
sixteen page Duplex Tubular press
and ctimmencc'd peinting their pa-
per last Friday. It is the second
press of its kind in C'anade and
with its rnodern motordriven stero-
typi,ng atachinery and equipment
it cost $11,000. It prints, 25,000 t o
30,000 complete 16 pages, folded
and cotu:ted, per hour. More pow-
er to the Record
Lau'atut,—Sept. 23.
Now get 1 catty for the local Fairs.
A big trowel went to London this
11 eek
The law -breakers are having a
busy time in town.
How does your label read on 'Pilo
New Eta.
Send in the (news to us. •,Our
plicae no is 30 and house 95.
Additional local news on pa.gc 3.
The Evenings are growing lon-
All roads are leading t o London
this week.
Will some one kindly tell us whe-
so those oin rural routes that let ther dais is early fall or late sum-
ters addreesedl to New Era and mer brati¢1 of weather.
V,itli clef 151501 Hind Chiu sill:
stock leg.. the, old habit of keeping
the purse in the stocking will have
be revised.
n arlced "Pr'inter's Copy" and en-
velope unsealed will come in for
1 ceint.
ish, ducks appear,and every "sur-
prise possible to imagines pro-
duced', all very funny andmystify-
ting. Mr: Laurent has done much
to raise the art of magic to a high
plane and has received the highest
honors to be bestowed on any ar-
twat in his' lino having been presen-
ted with two medals' by his fellow'
Magicians and world wide admir
core. Plan :of hall at .(Fair's Boole
stone,Og en to subscribers Sept.:
15th, �ain to the public Thursday,789 1>eele street, to Prospect Leme- return,
Last Wednesday the Young Peo-
ple's 500 club and some of their
friends made a surprise visit at
the )tome of Mrs. K. Chown and
presented) Miss Husband with a eut
glass water pilcher, as a token, of
their good fellowship. as the young
lady is leaving Clinton for' Inger-
soil, It 'felt to the lot of Mr, Ike'
Rattenibury to Make the presenta-
tion and he did it In his usual
ple,as1ag manner. The evening was
spent in cards, atter which a light
lunch was served. The best wishes
of the young people go with )hiss
Husband to her new position.
Mr. J. M.Ferguson. who died sad- 'powers of Mr. Ramsforxl, F011ocv-
demly in, Toronto Wednesday last, iiug were the players ',who took
wasa well-kinown eonunereial tr t- part,
✓ eller. Me. Ferguson, Wednesday J' afternoon',att T, Jacksati jr,
afteroon visited the warehouse of Iter. Jo!akiins W, Grant
the W. ell. Brock Company,' Limi- N. . J D. A. Forrester
ted, by whom he was •ernploye[l, J. Rvnsford-22' J. W. Irwin -9
but 'feeling unwell went to his room
at 3 o'clock. ,He died the same eve- BROTHER MARRIED
ming about ,0 o'clock. 111 is be-
lieved that acute indigestion was The wedding' of McAllister -El
the eause of death. Mr. Ferguson liott, is of interest to many in
was 45 years of age and had been C'liinton, the groom beings a bro-
w ebmmercial man all his life, He then of Mrs. A. Forbes,—At high
first travelled for firms, in London moors on August 26th the home of
and joined the Brock. Company a- the bride's mother';OVIrs. MIL El -
bout s 10 years ago, :He had beena thott, of : Shawville, Que.,' was the
tttavellijng for the wolien depart- scene 02 a very pretty wedding,'
meint in the. northwestern part of when her only ee-L iter, Annie
0:uter'io'and was 'very popular. His Edith, became the iwife of Dr.
mother, in London, and three bre- George McAllister, of Georgetowu,
thers'survive. The rernajms mere ,Dint., (and a former well known
taken yeste'rd'ay to his home in resident of Heusall, where he li-
London , and Interment will take veduntil he tools his degree, in
placein that city. The deceased medicine some three years ago.
made regular trips to Clinton mad The • ceremony was performed uy
was always". courteous to his pat- the Rev, L. Corley in the dinning
noses here, Tooth beneath a beautiful arch of
evertgreems arranged for the. 00-
FATHER DEAD nasion, The bride -looked very be -
le, o Daily Star reports coming in •al gown oe silk embrot-
the death of 1VIt'. Johns Constantine, deny lace over cream satin with
Sattler of Mr, Joseph Constantine pearl trimmings, wearing a veil of
foismerly aeeMi tart' •in Molsons embroidery net and orange bins -
Bank hero,—Another old resident soros).S2iss Eln';a'Elliott, a niece of
of West Torotnto of much proniin- the bride, acted'; as flower girl
epee passed away Monday morning Etnma .Morris of Ottawa officiated
in the person of MI , John Co iet.an- at "the musical part , of the , cere-
tine; who was in Pais' 74111 'y care. Me, 1 'molny, After the ceremony and
Constantine' was an architect ' by • congratulations; the guest repaired
profession an'd,in his%younger days to the dilr;ing rooiv, :where ,a sum
lived :at London, Out. Abouttwen= ptuous repast was ser•veci, at the
ty yelaes',ago he tarso to what was conclusion' of which toasts' in order,
thein Toronto Junction, and, be- were death' to the king, the bride,
ing practically retired 'from active the. hostess and the ladies, The
There are a great many bowl-
ers, not fnemtioning any names,
who think Mr. John Ransford,Ex-
Piiesidetnt of the Bowlers of Clin-
ton, is past playing form and once
in la While ricks are picked' :to
trim trim goodi One of these oc-
casions happened last Saturday
wheln Mr. 3, W. Irwin, of London,
hard, a former 011111io1aat, thought
he could put one over on our citi-
zen and with a Presbyterian rink
met is sink picked by -our worthy
t.ou'insmanl,. After the battle was
over, the Tuckersmith farmer, was
in the lead 22-9 and we understand
that the visitor left town a sadder
but wiser nine on the bowling
Our Schoo L Opening Line
its not by chance or haphazard that we have succeeded in having
so atteactive a stock. No sir, its a combination of care, experience
ettidy and good buying 'that has produced the result, It will cast
you nothing to see the consumatfon of our endeavors, It'may pay
you well
Our Scribblers and Exercise
Books have attractive eov-
ersl new and popular sub-,
jects, to please and delight
thec eye of the boys and girls.
The quality of the paper will
satisfy teacher and ,scholar.
We offer two "Specials" in
plain Scribblers, One line is
four for five cents, and' the
other is three fol ten cents.
Both are worth more. The
prices are auction prices with
out the auction.
A leather Bag is the cheap-
est' in the end—cheapest be-
cause it wears SO much long-
er, and because it protects
the books so much better. We
have six sizes, prices from
25c to $1.00.
We have Lead Pencils at
all prices from lc to 10c, but
for school use our ".Best 2
for 5c" is la great favorite.
It is moneys worth that
makes business worth. It is
o, pencil as cheap as any.
A Reader, a Grammar, or a
Geography will cost' you the
same price anywhere you buy
the price isia fixed one. It
it in the other lines of gen-
eral 'supplies that we try to
give you a little better value
or al little, less in price in
keeping with our claim to be,
,Often the Cheapest—Always
the Best.
Carter's .Ink for School
use, done up inset square bot-
tle with a wide mouth, it will
not easily up -set. We did
not Make the ink, but we
know who did, and can re-
commend it. The price is 5c.
In offering these goods to
you we are making a mutual
advantage proposition. . It's
a good thing, of course, for
us to get your trade, but We
believe it's a good advantage
to you to get what we offer
rat the price,
Theme'. Do Fair eo.
Often the eheapest—Ptlways the Best
sates •=1r
National Portland Cement
After trying other kinds, you'll always come back to the best
lice gest Cement is the National Portland Cement
Et is the old stand-by, A car Load just in.
.eas._aeGw, .,.gym
The game and fishing hre's recently
issued present the following open sea
sorts, ssbich 'will doubtless be of inter
est to7ocal hunter:: Quail, wi d tur;
key, brown and grey squirrsl, Nevem
bei 15 to December 1; ducks, Se pteru
her 15 to Dece sber 1; grouse, plieasp
anti and patericese, October 15 to No
vemher 15; deer, November 3 to No
veruber 13; geese, Sepleenhee 15 to
April 13.
business pursultst lie, tool a keen
isiteitost in the civic affairs, For
many years lie sat on the old li-
bary Board and the local Board OP
presents were costly and numerous
to the esteem in which;
the bride le held. The 'groom's
gift to the bride was a gold wrist'
Health, and was ( n trustee of the watch, to the flower girl a gold
High School, Ile is survived' by a locket �atnd chain, to the "pianist 0
tit idow, ono son, and one daughter-- pearl brooch. The dut of town
Mr,' Joseph Constantine. of the Mol- guests were from Edmonton, 0.1
solnis' :Blank, and Miss M. Conct.an- taiva, "Blackburn and K sbnxiS. Tho
tine, (kindergarten directress of happy young 'couple left by C,P.R
Western avenue school. ' The, fun- train. for Winnipeg and• Edmonton,
erlal will "take 'place Wednesday followed by the best wishes of
mosl010g .from, the family residence their host of friends. After their
t theywill reside in `George
George -
Sept. 18th.. terry. Wail
lion, L, le, Pelletier, I ostntaster
11enetal, in a speech ab Winnipeg., said
the 111lt0el post system to be establish
ed in Canada on .laniary '1 will extend
1'r011n coast to coast with a die rate
between all points in each province.
"flue saving, to private citizens here"
the Pstmaatee General continued,
"will be enormous, the rate, of course
being Much leas than at present."
The Oorner Store
`Live and Left Live"
Pickling Season
Pickling srasen "it here again.
We are well stocked with all
!duds of
Clinton Family Flour
Five Roses,
Purity, and
Exeter Flour
1= -4 -Ruffs
Oranges, Le+n.:ns, Bananas.
Grap_ Fruit. Peach" e Plums.
\, atcrmelens and Tomatoes
ni 0 d
1��� f�
1� s
Grade Bread
BORIC= 'ade read
CC'onner's t-fumemade Bread is
gnahty through and through.
There is not a detail of good
making and baking overlooked, eo
you know What you aro getting
when you ureter this Good Bread,
Balker and Confectioner
Look over .-o;ir Roof
Very carefully and be sure you
find the leak if there is one, as
the severe weather it soon due
Possibly you need new gutters or
leaders, It does not matter evhat
tinning' job you may have,we can
best do the work, and the cost will
not be hili.
Those llawkins
Plumbing and Heating
(ll7hone 53)
Years of adhering strictly to the policy
� •.
Every Price Always.".
Apt � y
Has estrtlDlrstie(l or us
a reputation tor Good
Shoes that is Second to None.
"Th Best
PEND a half hour in our shop
inaover the new Fall -Styles, and
we will prove to you that buying
of us means a distinct advantage to you
and ap ositive assurance of being correct-
ly l fitted with shoes that sparkle with
superb style that makes thein truly dis-
tinctive and exclusive.
� HOME OF tx04
, ▪ ' THE
'r P^fl3.3�e.Fi3fi•.kII3.II.ttNk Flt