HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-09-11, Page 4>1�4aase' Varnish' inks "'bone 18 11lllliaaci•y DryGood Iteady, to Near, Introducing The flill Dress GO� Wise women wLo'like to get the best patterns,' uearly o'h t to make 'an ' selection of the materials cr ueeded for fall. ` Itis ce-tainly not prudent to keep putting .the matter off, but get in touch at once with thenew.things. To see them on our counters will be an education in colors and weaves for fa 1 I9 [ 3. 11!(, Coats That aEit re Different ,Two hundred Coats on ;our racks to-day,etch and every one new, this. season. More Coats, C i0 O 'f - better I I� that have more style here to- day than you will find in most stores hereabouts. 1 his is a strong statement but the gar- ments are here to back it up. Never hefere have we sold so• many Coats so early in the season. Biu:h results never Koine by chance. The best styles of five makers go to snake up a stock that gives you the great variety within your reach. Newest c ��est S13_zs are A[tE'_ljs Shown Here First tk: When buying Furs never loose sight of reliabil— ity, Our Fur business has been built upon this foun- dation, We consider a satisfied customer the hest medium of advertising.' The increasing value of our fur business assures us that this is correct. Select Your Furs Early. Milliltery Apprentice Wanted 0.4.14 BRAKEMAN KILLED Gratitude. Kind Lady My poor man, what ',Mould you do with the money if I gave stets a penny? Tired Hobo—Madam, i'Sd buy a picture postcard an' write Tee a. note o' ,thauke.—Olerelaud Lead. • MAN'S WILL POWER. amiComment s Com me t on u Sohop enha er and His Theory. Y in an entertaining account of a din. seer party at Prince i amACCk's Berlin residence which is given in the recd]. Qrections of the Livonian journalist Eck. :gsa.rdt the following, which was a part. et the table talk, shows the host Ma -sxear light: The conversation bad turn. ed on Bismarck's early days at Frank. Iitoris and Eckhardt asked whether at the table d'hote of the Hotel d'Angle- terre •his'bost bad ever met Schopen- Barrer. "No," said Bismarck; "he had - no ase for me nor I for him. More - ever, I have never bad time or desire to occupy myself with philosophy. S7Vhile I was a student Schopeuhauer ;was still unknown. I know absolute- ty nothing about his system.” Another guest, an admirer of Seho- ,penhauer, then joined enthusiastically Vet the conversation and explained that the philosopher's great merit consisted 0.. the discovery of the fact that will Trower was the indestructible essence of, the mind of man and that intelli- ,gt.gence was only of secondary impor- txt]ee "That may : very welt be true," said Prince Bismarok, "at least as far e.s I am concerned, for 1 have often auttced that my will had already come to a decision while my mind had not ,yet finished thinking about the same =b" et." VENETIAN WOMEN. rue Whims of Fashion Hold No Ter- - rors For Them. "Phe women of Venice' areute y s l 1. ab o :tee from the role which Dame trash. fon exercises over their sisters else- where. They care nothing for triodes. 'With 3 them the length of the skirt re - washes always the same, neither short user long, and they always wear plainly tlaadedark dresses, black stockings and f3be treelless slippers of the east. Etats eve— unknown. 'The universal outdoor wrap for all 'n.,11.1, and all sties is'the, black shawl,' iani.h a deep silken fringe. It is folded meth a' short point above and a long sane below, and sometimes envelopes elo p e s p C'figure frou head to foot. It is nev- er fastened at the thione and when it slims elf it is gathered up with one out estµetched arm, which makes the spec. ;talar: think of a big bird stretching•tis In their attire the woinen of Venice rite):,; fndepemdent, only wearing local sun Iins, but with feminine into gist ones they are thoroughly up to date ,fin+, the )natter of hairdressing, the style nee their coiffures Changing from time sea time, according to the vogue of the -moment in London -1 Paris. And Why Does a Pore Arm Over- hang West Toronto Tracks? Reding on top of a freight 'train in the West Torre.- to yards early Satur day morning. William Mckay, a brake man, whose home is in . Brussels, did r r a telegraph ole not notice the arm ,f e g p p ,P t hewas struck on with the result. that the head, knooked from the topof t he csr, and almost instantly. killd. The a between nnl'ortunate man fell too of body, train pas t the cars and the rest of th sed over his p Dr. Thompson attended Moiety, who boarded in Palmerston avenue, He de• (lied that an inquest was unnecessary. Rruccfield Mrs, Joseph Addison spent !eel., week with Mrs. l•Vm. Addison and Mr A, floggart of Mallett. Mrs. Elliot and family who have been'visiting at Uxbridge have return ed home. Rev, Mr. Hart of London. formerly e of the D Pastor Methodist church in zs i our village assisted in :he services of the Presbyterian Church on Sabbath last. The sad intelligence reached us this week of the death of Mrs. Donald Mc Dougal of Seaforth, on Friday last in her 82 year. She was well known in the neighborhood,- having lived for j many years on a farm in Stanley with her hate husband , and family, she has been an invalid for a long time being carefully tended by her daughter. - She leaves four of a 1 mily two sons and two daughters, Mrs. Grassick in the West and one daughter ac home, the remains were brought to Bre e ; field on Monday, and buried in Ross's cemetery, Mrs. McGuire of Charon, is visitiug I atthe home her brother tti to Ze of h rA. Pa San. May Rot Recoverch Lonis 9hhdlhe, ytr11 noheession Flats, while t,nl rt; ho' rt, e rL th u• rrty night. Kelly of Morris, was Hurled From Wagon at BIyth Blvth, Sept, fl -$. Kelly, sr„ of Moi ris, had his spine hart and is parthilIy paralizsd as a result of tieing thrown from his wagon when his team was frightened as 11e was at the chopping mill, 'Mr. Kellyalighted on his bask, and, in view of his age. it is`tesred"t:bet he will not recover. His brother has been aired' for in Goderich. Rays Geo, Jewitt of Blyth occupied the pulpit of the Methodist ()hovels, on Sunday. Mr. Win Jasper Dobie is pleased .with the whole word or account of ' 'u baU being )0 �E 1 01 a l CUt7C1 Pthe C69 7 h nl;1 g y bey. Quite annnrher from here were in attend;tneo at the Toronto Eshit)ition hest week, and this week a few are at the London Fait: Airs, John Wilson. Mr. and Mrs: Jos, Webster, Ass, and Mrs. John Logan. 6ir, Robere Boebanan and Me, Wm. Jnckeeu, tett .leer; weak for a visit With friends in the \veisi. The brick wo, k ol'the new manse is new comMeted end Mr, Lux, .Rill, of Blyth, who has the contract, has a gang of 000 at w'ark ou the interior: which is going to be rnisbed in first (s_ shape. n ., tile, .i t' , t of Clinton, was in our village this week overseeing the packing of In diem supplies for the West. • Identified. William M. Cliicce the artist, was a 11, 1 ireyque deuce, dte:sing in clothes That had a' ror'ifiin yli inalily„ 1110171417. 11iey conformed more or leas to the prevailing fashions. On one occasion ('ease 00 his 'way house stepped .Intim i1 111 le wine shop and ordered is jug of,ciaret of a special broad sent to his biose.,` 'The Ind who Moo:slit it ('((Incto the front door: au touralterwaid,. when. the 'artist Cud already arrived. "Seine wine,” he sold ciu'lly. The maid, knowing there was yet plenty' in the cellar and believingin^ thehi ] Mid t t made ti mistake, sand she was sere it wee not for that house and did' the boy remember the mune of the man who ordered 11. The boy didn't, "Then," said the servant, you've corse to the wrong place; we never ordered wine?' At Ibis 'moment the boy spied Chase's famous hat on 1 he b:iii stable,' "Say," he asked, "does' Mitt hat 'live here?" Yes," said +bo amused maid.:"Then," said the boy triumphantly, "here's where tb'e .;wine belongs!" Argonaut., was thtnsviial„ru his be ry and had tiotldcsbor0 Miss Ethel Lyon is visiting friends iu Lucknon'. Mr. ll. Lear has rot unmet from a, visa at the Soo. Miss Muse .Lyon is visiting with Alt, Forest friends. Miss Pearl Lee is taking a course in the Olintnn Business Oollege, Mrs, E Gell spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Loudon. Mrs. T. Roues tan anis Miss Ivy speI)t. Sunday at Mr. Wm, Riley's, Mr. Rtcharcl Voddcu. took a load in his auto to London on Tnesday. Mrs Giii31'lis and children have re turned to theirhume;in Winnipeg. Rev. and Mrs. Osterhnut and three children, autoed to Londrn'en '''nes day Mr. and Nits. Ohas. Ltuddell visited" friend;, at _tete during the past week. • Miss Della 21oOoo', returued 1'loni Toronto cn Saturday, after spending a week there, Me and Mrs. J Manning, of \Vood stock, came up on Moutay evening to attend tt•e l/metal of the farmer's' mother, Mrs. Thames Mttnning. iVlr. E'tank •I'einblyn returners Inc Joronto on Thursday. We toe glad to report that Ernst: is improving and is :able to be out among his friends mice 010115. Among those from here who visited Toronto doting the Last: week are:— Mr. re:—Mr. James and Miss Dell•t McOool, MATS F loss'e Jamieson, Messers. Thos. and George Moon, Miss Rosa Lyon is spending a few months with her friend, Mrs, J. E. Roberto/a, of Mount Forest. Sudden Death, -On Monday morn Inc Isabella Munroe, beloved wife of Mr. Thos. Manning, passed sud- denly awya. Deceased took ill on Sunday and passed away the ,next montnitng. Deceased was born in Rothshire, Scotland, over 82 years ago, and came to Canada in 1851., with her parents. In 1875 she mar - riled her now bereft partner, •be- ing his second wife. Deceased for- merly.lived in lFlullett Township. She was s the last of her family,b t u is survived by many nephews and ineiees, •among them being Mrs. J. Cole, East Wawanesh Mrs. Robert Shedden of Morris Township; and 1 W. Mrs. J' Geddesof Belgrave. h M. Be l a e. 1 e g funerial was held on Wednesday af- ter noon the services being co , r On - ducted b du ed by Rev.rStewart,vh o ct D . who supplying atLondosboro, and in- termetnt was made at Union Ceme- tery. The pallbearers were old fri'cmds and neighbors, Arthur Ja- mieson, John Voddeo, Wm. I3. P,ole Johan Melville, Wm. Mair anti John Gra'tnger. Goderich Townsieih Miss' Mary Clnff o1 llay!icld Line left 0n Tuesday for a trip to the West. Mr. mend Mrs, Thos. Dunbar also left for Winnipeg the same hie collar hone broken. ,e The Jacksoo ,. lot :bin g factory is ohsed for the week; the employees' Lel e trentare coining within reach of Mir h her nen, A ,flue lot of them were exposer] for sale onWednesday, and they were ren,(ltly. bought.'„ Zurich s 4% h annual fair :will be he'ld on Wednesdrly and Thursday, September 17 and 1S ` There 'wiil be horse racing on the secoud day. Si inOhaia► Jos. Bowman, M.P. for East Huron, WAS in Wingharn the other day end' merle arrangements with. the con trsclbr, lir. Devuetl, for the erection of the tower on the .post office' for the installation of the ,new town clock. The tower will be raised 1() feet about its prtsen the' ght, wCthich .will give the townspeople a Si -deed -id npportnnity of ascertain the time of day from any part, of the tan rr, The first sod for the new: armory herr het, teen nee ell bythecent rector, fir, Mills, of .Kincardine. .A. large ,gang of masons, etc: have been putts work with the view of rushing it. through es grutkly :1s passible. The cement nncluclv, which has been in operation here for some tune has been undergoing isepairs;at,nesent, with some 01 the men laidoff as a. re side Another machine a' ti1S n st Modern type,it is understood, r ill also be called into play. Rev, G, Victor Collins. c 1 the First niptist C'huroh here, has handed in his resign ,Oen, to take effect on the 28th inst. Mush regret is expressed in connection with his leasing the town. Al r. Win. Well wend , of town, who has leen ill far s rmn time. is showing- no sign. or improvement. As Mr. Well. main h rather advanced In years his friends are feeling rather nnxions. Many :u'e the wishes expressed for his i ecovery, The latest reports as to Mrs Mat- thew Pearson, who is very ill, inc very dieruuraging. Mrs, Pearson has been ill for some time. Dr.l'eter 131aedoiiai'd, postmaster at London and a'1 old \Vingham boyhas been visiting bete for fe .- days, along with lMis.Macdonald. The doctor leaves again to -morrow to resume his duties at Lwndon. Rev. .1. W. 11ihhert returned to town after a three weeks, holiday, spent with 1 is mother at Aylmer. Miss- ,Sarabel Daley of Seaforth has been the guest of Miss Flossie Cole, ;Bayfield Lune, the past week Mr. toed Mrs. J.P. Cole are this week spending a few days in Lon- doln at the Exhibition. Mrs. Alex. Welsh is visiting re- latives in London, Dietl on (Tuesdayof last week, William Caintelon, eldest sou of the late George Calntolon, 7th -con., in his 66th year. 'The funeral was held an Thursday last from the old homestead to Clinton Cemetery. The remains were followed by a large number ()Helenas. Mr. Can - 1 1100 had been confined to his bed for months past, and , was a great snffeaer, but was very patiielnt. through it! all. Ile• is survived by two brothers .at home, George and Adam, also two sisters, Mrs, Web- ster end Linda; another sister is Mrs. W.13•. Cole of Flinn, Mich., and Mars: Edwards' of Souris, Man. The. pallbearers were Messrs. George Cooper, Peter Cole, Arthur Cook, William Carntelon, W..11, Cook, Giro. Miller. The services' were con- ducted by Rev. Mr. McCor.•inick at both house•'aln,d grave-. liltaliett Mrs Nor. w i•. til a,n Coiter; of neat See - forth, spent ;a few days., with her. mother, Mrs, '!Tiles. Mise1161e Brown 7 spent ,119 week with with her friend MisOakes, near Sammemhill, M e .s. 'Tilos,, Adams, sr., is confin- ed to her bed, and pis under' the C10CL01A8 care• . . Mr. and Mee. Amos Cartwrightt and three children spent a few days with ;friends The 165ci' a e farm l o twwgaet l t. Dye late•''Elias Bill was sold otnSatur- Ciay to Mr. Frank Lansing: of the Base Line. Mr. ,alnid Mrs. James Snell visited fiielnds in London from ;Saturday till 1Vlolndlay. Mr.i• A. ft edR.unie land d ofinern f childretn of Hyde Park were.guests at the home of Htairshali 13raith-', wva to last' Week. " John, Freemi;tt of the 22nd' cos. 15 ,Haid up with a slight attack of • typhoid fever. BayiieM bliss Garnsey, of Detroit, has left Inc t er home, after spending several weeks at the ]site. Miss Baxter, of .Londo t, has left to take up her duties Lor don,after speehd- idg two months at the lake, Mrs. Gets i left for London in her auto to spend a few•day; at her home. She will return to her o ttage on Hill Terrace. Miss Real, after spending several days here, has returned to London. Mrs. 3: 13 Jennings has returned to London, after spending two weeks with Mrs, K. Moorhouse. Miss Rankle has left for her home in Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. K. Moot house and Mrs. J. B. Jennings, of London, made one of the best catches of trout this season Miss. Sylvester, of Detroit, is spend ing two weeks hare. Rev Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins and fam fly. of Stratford. have lett fir their home Rev. Mr. McFarhine has left for De- troit, where he will spend iris holidays. Miss Stella Rothwell, of Toronto, has retained to her home, Master J. Ferguson is going to Wtn gham to attend high School. Yrs. Heath is at Win ham.attend. ing her mother, who is very 111. Goderich, Ma iss ante of s the gnest of Miss KiComet lc ,1n Mr. and Mrs. St. Clair and datichier have returned to Detroit, after spend. int; four months at Mr Jowett,s cot tage, Rev, 111r. lolmie, of VVindor,.lcft fcx his home tuesday morning. 31r.'3 Sturgeon. wife and dtngh ter, and Mrs. Wigle, have left for Toronto exhibitinn and to spent two weeks at Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Smith spent a day at Grand Bond recently. (1. Pollock is home from the West. \Ls, J.13. Jennings and .Mrs. Kep Moorhouse spent Alouday fro Goderich Alr, and L. McLeod fishermen of Hayfield, had to take shelter at Granrl Bend In Friday's storm, as it was'in] possible to get home. 1VIr, and ars. Bouts, ,of Windsor, and son Gordon, littve left for their 'home after spending several weeks here.' Mrs. F. S. Glass, who bad been spend ing the summer at her cottage. Itis left to undergo an;'operetion fir her eyMr,P.Moorchc use caught several fine black bass recently ,One weighed three Iv ands and a quarter. tvlr. 5 Moore has startedho Govern- ment contracten the pier. The expendi tare will he two ;thousand dollar3 f„1• repair work, Mr. I•Iogan, of Detroit, has left for her horse, after spending the saintlier: in Mr. Jo -•ett's cottage,' !Miss:l7. A:Islip, of Detroit, left for , her holm. Mr. Meaner expects to open the evap orator'y in a few days. Mr, Caldwell was driving down the hill to the bridge when his horse rain away trial Lhc:ew him ont. , Ile vets unconscious until a doctor' arrive 1, and it was found he had several Cuts and hi nines on his bead: Airs, 0. 13riggler, of Landon. spent a tew days with 'her d,tugbtet, Mis 1•l, Alunrcleuse, recently. Recent guests neve: MISS Ashton. Miss, Pearl Asblmt, MksJerinie ihid. ins, •Aid8 J, J, Mason anti Dorothy ,land ;lack, of family. SCrstPnrd; iilies Alain:tush, Illy, arid Mrs, W. Melntost), )tnrinI 1, 0 • Miss Carc e Y, De.. ttoit; Miss Baxter, 7London; (+windier Newtongh; 1V1 ss Wilson, Herein.; Aliss Guile, Clinton; Air and Mrs. 1 w Glass, Lando stir void AIr V Illi"a,n Robert and GIntl ys Detaort ' Mr' .E Weston his left for Detroit, where he will retitle for some time. stirs. R. Mourchonse is spending raft' .Double FeedDoors Tlyere is no danger of hit- ting the sides and spilling coal all over the floor with the big Sunshine feed doors. Gip 4I ��_ k4ylr 1,10111 'These doors will admit a large chunk of wood, too. Our local agent will • show you thus and many other "Sunshine" advantages. S Send "for free booklet. l . r ash r m f Furnace tl� Bamuer. Sanitary Plumbers ('hone 7. week in Loudon with iter mother, Sirs. 0. Bn'ggler. faensanll A large num het' of local people are snaking arta: ee -tents to attend Lon don Fair this week. If all sections of 'vVeitern Ontario do as well as this for the show the managements w.i I have 0100(,rl weer. Rev. itis Disks and wife areexpected h0tne from their three Creeks, vacation slun•tly.' The improvement in pasturage since the rains has delighted the fa r nets, ns during thedtyspell thegi'ass hesanae so porn' thst cattle were suffering greatly A huge numb•'r of local people than 1110-,1 a1 tensed Toronto Fair. The bean ceop in this section will not be above a good average. but it rein dohs not injure them the quality will be extra fife. The Grand'l'tmnk people have been doing in arc' levelling up and mantis, repairs in the station yard, and it now presents .t very neat appearan0e. The work of reindicting the portion of the Bell tilnok 51081110) ed by the re- cent fire oar nn hoed commenced, and possibly may Iib heli] Over until spring Sanierth e0e030e•e*ee00eeeeee:*0eei w 1 en and Event's; cosecs oomoeaelsoosomeeeeee LORD NORTHCLIFFE is again in our Country. As owrterof the Lon- don, Times, the London Daily Mail, Hai'msworth's Magazine, and other publieatiane of vanious complex- ions it can never be said that he didn't give the people what they wanted. -�,a��,,�_�.-...�m�-•may:�, tach,: aind with care will soon be around agaric. First Presbyter:a.n Chut'ch was the scone happyw • - the cci e of a eventort Alon Janet Barr, daugh- ter of the late Rev. Matthew Barr, was united in marriage to Mr. James MCNn u hton of Calgary. 1 J To the fstraiins of the wedding march played by Miss Belem Lar- kin, the bride passed up the aisle leaning upon the arm of her uncle, Dr. Spades. of St, Marys, The cere- mony was performed by the pas- tor, Rev. F.1L Larkin, assisted by De. Neil McPbersau, of Springfield, Mass., •brother -its -law of the bride.• After 'the ceremony the guests re- paired to the .home of the bride's mother, where a dainty wedding dejeunier was served. The young couple tool the 5.30 train and Ni agars Falls, after which They will reside in Calgary. O:ne of Seatoeth's fairest daugh• - • ters was the principal in a happy event Wednesday, when Minnie •TVlerrill, •daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jarnes Beattie, became the bride of itIr. 'Ernest Joseph Smith, 13. S. A. i of Peter'boro. The ceremony was performed in the Methodist church at high moon, the nuptial knot be- itng tied by the pastor, Rev. A. W. Barker. The •Wedding march was The Style Book For Pall and Winter 1• Ladies' Rothe ;Journal Patterns 71 pages of the attractive new frocks, dresses, gowns, etc., for Fall and Winter. Par sale at the pattern court - tea' for numeticeasnesatsisesteeseresetestesineses Don't guess at these im- .portant questions—don't wait Ialnld Worry over them. Five Cants will answer' them: all immediately, and give you hundreds of ideas' for clothes of every descriptioto for every member of the family. The Style Book for Fall and Winter is a home necessity. 6.101A18115117881822M7====rM728131M/2819Un CLINTON anzaia:maraca.saszrs'^>-;:.arssa'w.aas�5 Fm' Vale I will dispose of my household furniture by private sale, from 2 to 5 o'clock each afternoon, from Friday, September llth, until the 16th inst. MRS. KEARNS, William Street played by 1VIrs. shills,' ergs -mist of ' ' - Houseooro - - ot t the church After the ceremony a I reeptione was held at the home of the bride's' piaretnts following which the young couple took the aftet;noon train for Muskoka and other parts. BII•. and 1VIrs. Smith will take, up housekeeping in Peter- boro, where the groom has a good positioa as inspector of forestry. Mr. A, W. Robertson of Cleve- j VOTERS' ILIST. land Ohio, is ape dj 1g his vacat'on wits his mother, airs. M. RRob- ertso;n., North Main street. Rev. A. W. Barker and Mns..Ber- ken have returned from a month's holiday with friends in Wallace - burg. Mr. Thomas Dark, of North Bat- t] ef Ord, attiefOrd, Sask., is visiting friends is and around town. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Andrew have returinedfronl a trip to De.roit, Buffalo 03)11 Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. A. 3. Reynolds and children of Lashburn, Sask, are gutsts of Mrs.Rey,nolds' parents Mr and Mrs. Geo. A. 'Silts, Haigh street. Mrs. Carmen and son have mov- ecl to Seaforth from Iroquois her daughter t e beim' on. the teaching g g s't. staff of the Collegiate7 e I,is.rttt i there, Mrs. Thomas Gemmell accom- panied Ms an eci Laidlawher t Mrs. 1 1 on return p 0 ip to California yesterday and will sp.ntd the coming' winter there. AIr. Norman Boyce, principal of the public school, Milverton, is ill with typhoid fever at his home here. .[Ie heel been taking a course in Toronto during the summer, and feeling unwell, came home, the doe - tor here pronouncing his trouble 1 as typhoid. He leas only 1 mild at - For 1913 of tlnc Municipality of the 'forret of Clinton. Cotnety,of ll swot'. NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in section 8 and 9, of the Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered. of the list made, pursuant to the said Act, of all persons Ap- pearing by the last revised asses- meitt Roll of the said Mwnieipality, roe be ,entithed /to vote in t, said 'municipality at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly, A.ssembl and at Muni- cipal Elections ; and that the said list was first posted up in my office in r Clinhton on the h 30th day of .Aug- ust, 1913 and d remains there for in - spec ?electors are called upon to examine the said list and if any omissions, or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected, according to law. D. L. MACPJHERSON, Town Clerk. Dated this 30th day of August 1913 for Sale The administrator of the estate of Ann Stevens will se 1 by public auc- tion, at the Temperance ]louse, in Landeshoro, en Saturday, Sept, 2711, et 2 o'clock. the 7 room Rouse, and lot with gond stable, in Londesboro, own- ed by the estate, and at present occu- pied by \Villirtin Dyou, At the same time and place a quantity of household furniture will he offered for sate. For terms, etc , apply to Daniel Stevens, Harlock Eph Brewn, Londesboro Mortgage Sale Of valuable Residential Property in the Village of *5aylflcld. Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction, at the premises, on Saturday, the 27th day of September, 11)13, at the hour of two o'clock p.in. the following property Cy Lot number nine on Hefield 'Peerage, in thevillage of Hayfield, in he County of Huron, containing ne quarter •tet' a t ci a more or less. Ont 1 the priserLv is erected 0 two storey brick veneered house with sever. rooms, pantry, clothes closets, summer kit- „ then, etc The property is located in amhst arlvantrgeous position and is one of the best in the village. For terrns and conditions of stile apply to , W. le, Jowett, iTa•ytield, Ont„ or W. Brydoue, Clinton, Ont. Solicitor for the Vendo Dated this 4tn day of September, Over Me Teacups A The engagement is announced of Miss Idea Gertrude Holmes, A.T.C.' M. •eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Holmes, Palmerston 13oute- vard, Toronto, and Mr. Charles F. Wheaton, St. George ,Apartments, Toronto. The wedding- will take place October tenth. " Mrs. Arthur -McRae announces- the nnouncesthe engagement of her daughter, Bertha Isabelta1 to Mr. George A. McLennan of, (Clinton, and Zada Floeonce to Mr. Robert 3. Charle- y, oeth harleworth of Port Arthur, Ont., both marriages to take e place the latter pa11 fo September. Mrs. G 1:. Mcrae cart And son rf Blyth WIrd the guests of the furteer.'s, mouher,Mrs, Thompson over Sundry. Mr. A E Brad win, formerly; editor 10d pnhlish, r of ''The: Statuditrd hut litter connected with the Perry Sound Star, leis purchased Ihe 3operieh Sig. ua.l and Look possessions on Monday' We swish hits every success. Postmaster Sims of Blyth was a Clinton visitor on Friday. Mr. C. E. to Dowding ting i ole in the 73owi'limg Tournament at Taranto last week Miss Zattta Bowden is visiting • in Lolriiden. - Mr. 'attest Mrs. Perry Plumsteel spent a few days evilth ,relatives ,and faiouds at London. Rev. S.J. Alliin, was in London last II' Islay. 7fr. G. IP. 'Robinson of Regina. ,e.. n C �� the New Era a call this` week a' �t t9 good a many year's' 4si,nee Mh* Rob'Inson left Clinton for the West and he tseee many fele• improve- ments. He states that the West is going ahead in good style, Mr. Alex. Mitchell of Goderioh was a week cd 'visitor with his mother Judge Holt was in ,town last F: iday attending Division Court. Mr. W. Jackson was a .Toronto • visitor last week, •Mt -: . 0. COirr'tice was a suc- cessful winner at the Globe's,cMo u - hies =test in Toronto last week.I A full report will be found in tan- other .olLunn) . Rev. br. and Mrs. Rutledge are away holidaying for the next two weeks. k Mrs. James Steep is spending this week 110 Londa] with her daughter, Mrs. A. 13'. Collyer. Miss Tillie Alcan, left last week 010an extended visit to Winnipeg and points in Saskatchewan. -Mrs. Janes Ford entertained a member of her lady friends on Wednesday afternoon of this- week. 1Vliss A. Wallace arrived hone from her visit at Toledo, Ohio, oni Wecllneeday of this, week. Mrs. John Shanahan and Mies Lizzie Shanahan and llIiss Ada Kitnid'ree spent Sunday with the for nl.er's daughter, £llrs. Boyle, at St. Augustine% Miss Jessie O'Neil ins Visiting in Totototo and Caledonia. M:'., Roy Grigg of HIanailton is visiting at his home here Miss Ether Dohertyreturned to Holyoke, Mass'., tliisiweek, Mrs, ,and Mrs. J. W. Irwviaa and Miss Agues of London, land lady friend of Toronto; and Dr: and Mrs Wallace Irwin of Moose Jaw, spent a few hours with old friends in Clinton 00 Saturday last. Mrs, Cr. A. :Bradshaw and .Mies Ethel left'iils morning mitg £ot' sweets visit with Friends. in Leamington. Mr. Fred Watts, gardener, has a telephone installed, alld which p n Cls e, w hrch wvf1l ' be a great cenvenienee to grim and his many customers-. Mr. comer Callitelon lel', on Wed- nesday afternoon for Foster, near Montreal, • whore he will be head feeder at the chicken farm of the G nn -Zan lois Co He has. beenconnected with the company here, foe some time. Mr. and Mrs, W.K lbtodespent Thins ay in London. Mrs. Wm. Cudmore is-visitingat the home of her son, Mr. Jos. ud- ni reat o. Cud - more, London don this week. ,1 h Mrs. Combe, er., 'and Miss Maggie Combe are visiting in St. Thomas Mayor Von of Winghani was in Clinton on Friday, Mrs. Brigham, of Hensel!, spent Sun duty the guest of the Misses Duan and ether old friends, Ex Reeve Smyth arrived here from his trip to seslcatnnn, after an 8 weeks • vuc.itic n with his daughters sad other old friends, 1-1" expressed himself as pleased with ill t West, to the New Era, but rho fight that somethings were overdone at preset t. 13eh�ed•e a gond trip at 0, was glad td get back to ntnn again. MOlirs, t�Ictauit'e has been the gnest of her hro her, Mr I3d gar Pitttieon G, T. R. agent at Bruceheld !hisses McTaggart end Cowan were in l3eueefirld this week overseeing the packing of I' d'an supplies for the t Vest by the Preahyterian Church. Mrs. ',Slack of Goderich is'visiting old friends In Clinton. Mr, G. E. Ferguson, of Toronto was in town on Wednesday. Dr. Edina Guest, one of the most popular of the womeln physicians, of Toronto, has given: up her prac- tice flu order to accept the chair of aleatoiny, in the Women's Christian Medical: College at Ludiarnne, In- di,2, She sailed fr:oni Ss,nFirancisco on, the 10th lest, land will spend some time in Japan and China en- noute. She is la daughter of Mr. John Guest of Clinton. Wilmen• Wallis, eldest son of Mr, Chas, J. Wallis, now holds a posi- tion. 111 the. sporting goods depart - Mont of the Eaton store, Toronto. Rev. :FL (M. Maiming, {formerly ,, nastier of 4VesLe l Church Clinton, Y a has . given up the active work of the ministry and taken up his resi- dence in Toronto: A NICE IMPROVEMENT Mr. Jos. Cook, the well-known bays, men is snaking a great im- proven tent to his residence on On- tario Street, dsving a fine wide ver}>tainrda erected. REESIGNS POSTORATE Rev. G. Victor Collins of the First Baptist Church, Wilndhani, has'. handed in his resignation, to take effect on the 21th inst