HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-09-11, Page 2y w4 n.t,ii' 0 �IGANTIC STPA11iSEIII? Af?,TR'i;. Dissension in a town makes the grass grow in the streets. Unity makes the trade grow in the stores. Other -things being equal, a city is usually as big as the faith of its people. Ifthey believe in it enough to sink all differences and pull to- , gether you can bet dollars to doughnuts that town is on the up grade. When all the merchants unite for the good of their burg it is a safe gamble that home trade will unite itself to them. It is better to have the long green in the tills than the grass green in the streets. Unity makes the long green grow. The town that does not pull together will be pulled to pieces, The New Era. 47TH YEAR. "IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE." W. 0. h ERR At SON, Props . Leslle Kerr, Business Manager New Era Ore Icer .n advance $111.00 New Eta. when not paid in ad - 3 ince $1.50 N.:-.- Eta. ti tl e United States in advance $1.5G • Advertising Rate on Appiieation. Jolr v. Jik 1)1'X08 advance on Jul;. 1r.t. 1 1i. in ancordnncz with the Huron Co. Frets Asso- • c'ation Rates. Of les Phone 30 House Phone °s Docs (Di F falps IR won Colniij Pavfiekl rept 23-2i' Blyth Sept 00 -Oct 1 Bruoi. le -Oct 2-3 Howick Oct 4 Exeter Sept .15-16 Cod -rich __.......... rent 17-19 Zurich .,Sept 18-10 Staforth ._Sept 1b-19 T c o iivater Oct 7-0 Wingiam Sept 25-26 Georgia Nuggets. One way to be happy is to keep thinking this is the best world you know of and take the nest one .on trust. Some folks are so unlucky that if they should get within fair view of the pearly gates they'd stumble over a star. 'Perhaps the toiler's of the world will be so tired when they reach the sweet fields of Iltlen they'll just want to stay still and listen while the other angels perform'on the golden harps.— Atlanta Constitution. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A ST O R I A Deserted Their Towns. So late as the end of the seventeenth century the inhabitants of Coyle!' were in the habit of deserting their towns. Their customs are described in the narrative of Captain Robert Bios, who for nineteen years, fret: 1600 to 1079, was a captive amnne theta. Ile speaks of several towns as lying desolate owing to ,the fort ills. their inhabitants hind forsaken -them This they 'did if many of Mein fel sick, and two or three died 5001 aftiti one another, thinking that it was is visitation of the evil one. Some et them, came back when they trough the evil spirits bad departed. THIS is a HOME DYE ANYth®at NE can use DY -0 -LA The Guaranteed "ONE DYE for All Kinds of Cloth. Clean Simple, No Chance of Mistakes. TRY rT t Send for Free Color Card and Booklet. Tho7opanon.alclwrdaon Ce.Li nned,Montreal The Sickly Golf Players. A golf player who had been badly beaten by his opponent explained to him that be had been suffering all day from neuritis. "It's a curious thing, replied his opponent, "but I've never beaten a man in perfect health in my life." His Solitary Satisfaction, "Does Dawley always chew gum?" "No. Why?" "I never see him that his jaw isn't wagging." "Oh, that's because he delights in saying to himself the things he would say to his wife ii he dared." A Smitten Conscience. Dr. Fourthly—I believe my sermon on sincerity this morning, sank deep into some hearts and did good. Parishioner—Yes; as Foley and his wife went hone he explained to peo- ple on the street car that his wile's hair and teeth were false. SPORTY AND CRUEL. How the Fairy Muriel Fascinated,'rhen Swatted, Harold. In the distant ballroom the merry strains of a mad Hungarian valse were sounding upon the midnight air. Half a hundred young people plied with the wine of youth were dancing' the bouts away in a whirl of joylus gay- ety. Frere in the quiet of the conserv- atory sat Muriel, the fair, sweet Mu- riel, not a debutante of this season, it is true, but still as freshly lovely in her maidenly charm as on that rare night three seasons gone by when she, too, like her sister Yvonne tonight, was the center of all this romp and glad- some rout. At her side Harold gazed, entranced with this rare vision of love- liness. By turns courageous and afraid, he hesitated to put the question that would consign him either to a life of ecstatic, happiness or to days of dull and dark despair. Finally, however, with a supreme effort, nerving himself as he realized that to win much one must dare much, he spoke—softly and with a quaver in his voice. "Muriel,", he said. "Yes, Harold," replied the girl, wav- ing her Watteau fan gracefully to and fro. "Do you—do you—do you like me, Muriel?" he went on. "Indeed I do, Harold," she replied. "What a funny question! Why shouldn't I like you? You are hand- some, witty, courteous and one of the best dancers of the Boston I ever met." You do not object very strongly, do you, to having me around?" he pro- ceeded. "No, indeed, Harold," she replied. "You are really one of the most con- venient of such modern social con- veniences as I am blessed with that I know of. You take me to the opera, you take me to the theater, and some- times when poor little Muriel, because of her advancing years, is in danger of becoming a wallflower . It is you, dear Harold, who invariably turn up at the critical moment and pluck the faded little flower from the trellises of neglect" • "Then, Muriel," he whispered pas- sionately, "I may consider myself a— er—aman after your own heart?" "Entirely so, Harold, entirely so," she whispered, giving his arm -a gentle little tap with her fan. "When I. see how splendidly you carry a platter of chicken salad op your wrist, a saucer' of ice cream on your forearm, a demi' tasse or cup of cafe frappe hanging` from your little finger, with the calve basket in your other hand, ` without spilling a thing in these overcrowded functions how could I deny that you are a man after my own heart?" "T1 at being so, sweetheart," he cried, "will you be mine?" "Ah, Harold, dear, that is another story. I fear, dear, that may not be," she answered, "But, why?" he cried. "If, as you say, I am a man after your own heart"— "Yes, Harold," she said gently; "but yon know, dear, there's another man' after it who can give you a one lap start on any track and beat you to a finish." And Harold went out intothe night mattering to himself words which 'glowed that at heart he was not a gentleman,—Harper's Weekly. I am prapaired t!o. cjo eeee eeeering • and repaiiilug. Storni door's and Windows made to order.' 'Charges reasonable, Orders left ,at ; the house Or at TL Wattsl` shoe store will bepromptly `attended to • ALEX. GOSLEIGH, „ " Iiattenbury Street The` Imperator is shown here at her dock -in Hoboken listing heavily to starboard, after being damaged by fire to the. extent of $50,000. The list is due to the tremendous quantity. of water poured into her by the firemen. A Queer Creature. Queer that while the male seal is a bull_ and the female a cow their young- ster is not called a calf, but a pup. Why "seal fisheries," too, when the seal is not a fish? And why should the seal's breeding place be styled a rookery? • It looks as if this strange creature !s only a fish in common parlance while at sea. On land (or ice) he is classed popularly with animals or'birds.-Ex- change. Was Subject to Hot Flushes,. PALPITATION OF THE HEART,. SHORTNESS OF BREATH. MRs. J. CARROT., Mount View, Ont., writes:—"I am an elderly woman now, and about two years ago I became faint, was subject to hot flushes, palpitation of the heart and shortness of breath. I went to a doctor but seemed to remain the same, until one of my neighbors re- commended. Mrr,nuaN's 1.1 ART AND Nm .V>~ PULS. I gladly followed the advice, and am to -day a strong, robust woman, and I thank Mn nun o's Mmes` AND NRAVR PILLS for my present state of health, and have recommended them to all who I have learned of suffering from heart trouble." Customes revenue of Halifax, 1912 9i;_,znrtn7. , 7 Wautcd A local man in the Town of Clin- ton to open 5c,10c, and 15c store. For proposition apply Box 677 LONDON ADVERTISER • Seed Wheat for Sale ABUNDANCE - This is the bald white wheat of first crass quality and yielding this yeau over forty bushels pc r acro. Free from cockle or other weed seed. Price 91,00 per bushel. J. F. GRANT, London head Seed tor Sale The (undersigned offers for. sale three varieties of Pall Wheat for seed—Dew eon's Golden Chaff, Democrat, and Egygtian Amber, These are good varieties and clean, `and will make g'lod seed. L. :IYNIJALL Roy Watutc Loy Seat: c1 to learn the Midway business at the (1. T. R. station, Vliet 1'< smart with gnoci educa- tion. Good wages 1ppl - to A, 0. PA 1"1`Is,O ti UouuSe liar Sale Agont, Clinton Price 50 cents per box or 3 boxes for I am instructrcl to sell quick. TI11( i:, a oil ince. t l secure an 91 .25 at all dealers, or mailed clireet on cxc stent lnrnl,.) rr`. ;, ht.ga n price. receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., I «it' sirrn l,lol):rtr, and consider Limited, Toronto, Ont. any Bir off:m, C. D. HALE. (.i1'1s %%'attted- Ex orienecd. and g'rla to learn Knittling aid Looping. W]Il' pay $5.00 per week wh to learrii�ng. St: ady empl,oynlent. Pleasant position, Apply a: cine CLINTON KNITTING CO., Clanton, On'.ario. Walllett A kitchen girl Sainted at the RATTENBURY HOUSE Eor Sale A-second-haind Wood Furnace in first-class condition.. Also one' sec- and-halnd Radiant home Heater. Apply to THOS. HAWKINS,. at Rowlands Hardware i No Room for Disappointment Have you expended considerable money and energy to make a dwelling attractive to lodgers and boarders and then been disappointed in your patronage. There c.ili be no room for disap• ',ointment if you use our -Want Ads, They will bong you lodgeps and boarders of a desirable pcl ss.. 0 Executors Sale of Valuable - ;Farr` by Auction The executors of the estate of the late 'Elias Bali will sell by pub- lic auction at the Auburn Hotel, in the: Village of Auburn, on. Satur- day, September 6th, 1913, at 3 o'clock in the !afternoon—The farm belonging to the said estate, con- sisting of 165 acres of lalnd, more or less, being part of Lot 39 and Lots 40 and 41, concession 11, Hu] lett, On the premises which is•all in one block, there is a good brick house in splendid repair, has slate roof, good cellar, furnace, and more conveniences than is usually found in a farm house. The barn is 115x 60 on stone stabbling, with a straw shed 25x35, also on a stone wall; alsoalarge drive shed about 35x60 a good brick pig -pen anld other out buildings. Thele is about two acres of orchard—cherries, plums and apples. The farm is in a state of cultivation. Fences are good, and the place is exceptionally well wat- ered. 'There is an artesian well at the house which also supplies the barn. Thc•re is also a never -failing sprifig Wlich waters the pasture fields. TERMS OF SALE—Ten per cent. of purchase money to be paid or arranged for at time of sale, bal- ance within 30 days, or an amount equal to half of the purchase money may remain 011 mortgage to suit purchaser, H. 11. Hill, Gera. H. Ball, Executors. Thomas Gundry, Auctioneer. Q,ii;tial eel; :tor' S�.e. Litt 35. Cone: ssion 3 T.ts-l:4.rsnl'ti1 0.oita n ng 11`0 10 os ail cleared and 1n t r -:1 -n,1:(1 eul'tiv- at tn. '1'11 farm is will under dia e0 rind fon CQ:i with five aeries 1f good. hardwood ltush. L•irg� I na'c hart) n ,'11(1 straw eh. d with "•loci to I.ng .510 and utir_r out :Kai i rinIt )lolls eight rooms 1 tell. nn 1(1 woodshed with geed c ,:a: 1n 1. herd and soft 1 at:r. There is al s .tend d apple erelm• d 11:,o large orchard of plums, p. ars, and chcriys trees anti an abundanee of elltde 'trees. On the farm are two never failing n' its one with with the Windmill Th - farm is convenient to church and x011211 six n1,hs Elam thctown town of Centon and S:n."arth and 2 1-2 m'I :s from Brucefi eld Tele- pl1ana In house v111 long distance connect'on, rural mail delivery lout to be estal2l!shcct innnl(liately Terms reasonable 1.s'thc pro- ri ter is giving up ;arming,. Apply on the prem:see or • ad:ress, -:S. ELCOAT.• ,Derice.fe eld Slabs For Sale 1.1 inches long, Hardwood, 12 inches long, Body Wood. SA\V MU 1 without a doubt you'll find this out in all your travels round about the bread that's best with any meal. is just the ons and only real Mother's Breack. better bread could not be made —that's what you'll say when you have tried this crispy, crusty Mother's Bread Phone No. t and have it delivered to your house every day. We can fill.: all orders for Na- tional Portland Cement at once, call or phone. J. HUTTON � LoNDESBORO CLINTON COAL YARDS Yards Opposite G. T.R. Station All kinds of Coat on hand Chestnut Solt Coal Stove Blacksmith Furnace Coke Kennel Coal and Wood Tile -22, 3 acid 4 -inch size— The Tile is ot;the very best quality. Brick to Order. Phone 52. 'tel'itl'101' • Sale:' A desir'a'ble 100 -acre farm for' slate, being_ Lot 24, Con. 5, ,12ulieitf. Good frame house and kitchen; banle barn 60x66, 3 miles. from Clin- ton; 3-4 mile from school. Tlee farm 19 well fenced, ,Well underdrained, and in good state of. cultivation,; Plenty of spring water. Possession given to suit! purchaser. For fur- ther pareiculars apply to - Clinton, P.CI 13At;BfSTT1$ :,s0Lt0I'1oR. NOTAR PU01410, ETO etaleroN CHARLES S. armpit ()annoyance, Notary Patella, Commissioner,' etc. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage JOHN CA$IBEET HuronySt„ Clinton, Phone 4 on 160. Live Fowls ; Wanted I am now ready Ito handle Fat Hens and .Young, 'Cllicloei:is, and Young Ducks, et highest prices. Poultry taken not later than Thursday l02 reach wreak. plther Fowls handled larder on. W. MARQUIS Base Line,Phony 14 oil 166. Money Wanted. • I have several inquiries forloans of various' amounts and .will be pleased to find investments for funds on mortgages. W. BRYD.ONE Farm for Sate A desirable 80 acre farm for sale Good frame house, a parlor, dining room, summer kitchen and wooer shed. A bank barn with cement floors, pig pen with omelet floor and troughs, and drive shed, well drained, all seeded but aboret 22 acres, everything in good shape, Some of the money nsay be had at a low rate of initerest, will sell with or without crop. Apply to 13, HESK,. Londesboro, or on the premises, lot 170 con, 0., Hullett. Wanted A man of good address and abil- ity to act as our representative' • in the County of Huron. A splendid opening for the right man. For full particulars write STONE eC WELLINGTON Nurserymen, Toronto, Ont To The Farmer's Insure your horses and cattle a- gainst death by accident or disease. All valuable live stock is being protected in this manner. Reason- able rates and quick settlements. Call and see. C. B. 'HALe. Residence Phone No. 100; Office Ne.2 $'ilitlstil'ilt Insurance The 0111511 Weather Insurance Co, will insure all buildings against dam- age done Pty windstorms, moderate rites, No premium ?Joie. CEIABLES 13. HALE District Agent Clinton Farm For Sale A first class farm, consisting of 15 acres, on con.12, part lot 34,11u1 - lett township, Smiles from Londes- boro, and 5 miles from Blyth, 11-2 miles from School. A bank ,barn 36 by 56, another barn 36x52, drive shed 24x40. A brick house, plenty of water, about atir sacro of or- c•harld. Possession can be given right after harvest. Apply to WILLIAM LONGMAN, LBlyth, P. O. Farm lor Sale H.' T. ',RANCE1 Notary'Public, Conveyancer, • Financial and Real 1']state, 1NsURANCE-AGENT—nepr'esontiag 14 Piro' 1n surance Companies.. Division Court Office. Medi,`,ai. DR I t:. W. THOMPSON Physician, surgeon—Pio nada' attention given to diseases of the -Eye, Har. Throat, and Nose. Eyes carefully examined, and suitable glasses prescribed. Office and Residence. Two doors westof the: Commercial Hotel Huron St. The executor of the Southcombe Estate offers for sale 60 acres — East half of lot 28, con. 6, Hullett. A first-class farm, well watered and improved, and with good buildings. Alpe the undersigned offers for sale, lot 291 eon. 6, Hull - eft, 100 acres. These farms may be , bought together or separately. JAMES SOUTHCOMBE. Clinton, ford & McLeod. We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, A]sike, and Red Clover. We always have 013 hand —Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn ---a Highest Market Prices paid for Hay an ail Grains. Ford McLeod a/A1ASAAAAAAAAAAIASSAAAOAI 44 0' 4 A 4 t 4 Pianos See and here our finest New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and Organs, Speciai values in Art Cases 4 Pianos and organs rent .'l ed, choice new Edison phonographs, Music & 4t variety goods. Music Emporium 0' C 0' P 0 0- 10. is 4. 4 4 4 ► E► E DRS. GUNN and GANDIER Dr. W. Gunn, L. It, C. P.. L. R.O. S.. E lin Dr y J. C. Gaudier. D.A. M.8, Office- Ontario Street, Clinton. Night calls at residence, Bsttenbury!St. or at hospital DR. J. W. SHAWW, PHYSICIAN, BURGEON. ceoucheur, etc., office and residence on tenbury St,. oonosite W. Ferran's residence. DR. F. i1.'AXON DENTIST: (flown and Rrldge work a Specialty:. Graduate of C,C.D S a Chicago, and R.0,D.5 Toronto. D1,yfteld ori Monday s, May lit to Decemin DB.: 11. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over0'NEIL'E store, tas pan ess Spooled iken as to posd bleake dental McGee. men THCM* ; GUNDRY Live stork and general Auction lee GODERIGH ONT 'd la stocs sales a spacnsfay, Older a. of •, Al liEur ERA office, Clinton, prt,mrtly attended to, Terme reasonable, Farmers' sale note diseounted G. D. lelcTaggar•s 2.1. D. MsTaggar McTaart Bras, 'I3F@N1iERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON General Banking 13rat11;<ltlasu tr allaaeted NOTES DiSOOUNTED Drafts leaned. Interest allowed et dapoelte. The e eKillOp Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Perim and Isolated Town Preps erty Only Insured. OFFICERS. .7.13. McLean, President, Seaforth, J Connolly, Vice -fres., Goderich. T. E. Hays, Sec,-Treas., Seafotrith DIRECTORS. Jae, Connelly, Hclmesville, John Watt, Harlock ; G. Dale, Clinton ; D. F, McGregor, Seafortb; J. Evans, Beachwood, J. G. Grieve, Winthrop J Benneweis, Brodbagen; 31. Mc-' Ewan, Clinton. Each Director is Inspector of losses In his °WM district. AGENTS. Robt Smith, Harlock; Ed. Hinch- Iey, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Eg- mosrdvino; J, W. Yeo, Ho]mesville{ Payments may be ,made at The Morris�h Clothing Co., Clinton, or R. H. Cult, Goderich. JACOB TAYLOR CLINTON Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Heal estate bought and sold Money to loan Office Issac Street, next door to New Era Grand Trnnk..IIiaii9vay System Railway Time Table London, Iluron and Brace, North Passenger London, depart 8,30 a m 4,50 p;rrb Centralia 9.40 5.43;, Exeter 9,58 5.54) 0lensall 10.08 5.05 Kippen 10.16 6.111 Brucefield 10.30 6.19; Olin bon...... ... 11.00 6,35' Lon desboro.... 11,18 6,52; Blyth 11,27 7.00 Belgrave 11.40 1.13e Wingham, arrive1L50 7.356 South Passenge ' Wingham, depart6.43 a m 3.33 p ne Belgrave 6,54 3.44 Blyth 7.0S 3.56 Londesboro 7.16 4.04 Clinton..,..,- 7,50 4,23 Brucefield 8.12 .4,39 Kippen 8.23 4.47 Hensen' 8.32 4,52 Exeter 8.48 5.05 Centralia 9.00 5.15 London, arrive 10 00 6.10 Buffalo and Gode ' Were Paeaengee ato pm pm pm Stratford ,.10.00 12.20 5.25 10.20 Mitchell 1022 12.45 5.55 10,47 Seaforth 10.45 1,10 6.18 11.12' Clinton . 11.07 1.25 640 11,28 Holmeseille 11.16 1,33 6 46 I1.38 Goderich ,..,11.35 1.50 7.05. 11,55 East 1assenger am Ota Opne Goderich 7.10 2.40 4.50 Holmesvillec, ...... , 7.26 2.57 5.06 'Clinton 7,35 3,07 5.15 Seatorth 7.52 3.25 5.32 Mitchell... .. .. ..., 8,16 3,48 ,555 Stratford 8.40 415 620 E. Dr. de Yaws Femaie -Pills C. Hoare . pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the . -y 1 A reliable French regulator; never fails. Thee* p generative portion of the female system. Refuse �' 0- all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van's are sold at 86 a hex,. or three for 510. Mailed to any address.' iu.AAAu/uAAaAAAAA AAAA1AA oil Drug Uo., 8t. Uathartnea, Ont. ,_ r _ 917`. Adob