HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-09-11, Page 1Established ."1865,; Vol. 48', No. 11 CLINTON` ONTARIO THURSDAY` SEhTEMBER i! 1913 W. H. Kerr &' Son;- Editors and Pt.fblislhers To Satisfythe Self -Interest of Man is the End of Su' cessfili Advertising. Use `The l� c Fra. to <be Succe sftil THE Nook second Qri�e loyal j�jar�k• Globe's Capital Authorized..........:•$95,000,000 Capital Pallid -up 1, 0 , Reserve and undivided profits 12,600,000 TOTAL -ASSETS 176,000,000. 526 BRANCHES . With world wide connection. Interest allowed on Deposits General (Banking .busbies* trans- acted. R. E. MANNING, Mgr. CLINTON BRANCH Holiday Time— Kodak Time T ke a lioddali with you Everything for kodak•ery at our store,. and prompt ce- veleping and printing. .]�. jos EL 40 ri Dispensing Chemist. bI After ,a !hard' •struggle to get members present, the regular coon 1lxandmey,t of • Guelph, oil meeting was, held on Monday thoroughly deserved the honors. evening of this week. They won six straight aures over ` Reeve Cantelon was in the chair y g g and Councillors : Ford, Morrish, such opponents' as W. J. FatmerY and and Thompson. Minutes of the' last meeting were r'eiad and adopted, The Waterworks Oorrt. , ;;'on ask ed the council to issue debeaatures for $1,000 to go o,nl with the ex- _ COUNCIL MEETING OF 'CANADA pcHead Office, Montreal In Scotch Doubles Ward was received` with much joy on. Saturday ;evening, that J. B.'Hoover, of Guelph, an honorary member of Clinton Club and Mr. 15. G. Courtice took second prize in the Globe's Scotch, doubles' at Tor- olnto. C.E. Dowding and W. Jackson' also went down—and went downs - by a big score of 29-2. The following •report of the fin- al game 'of, Hoover and Courtice is giveln below,- Once more The Globe's Scotch, doubles' tournament was a splendid success, end once more all the glory goes to outside the city clubs. c The latter bas happened twice cin, the history of the tour- nhament, and is the very best proof that, figuring on a percentage bas- is, Toroleto bowlers must take the. short end ; and there are , one or two good bowlers in Toronto. The winners, Prof. G. D. Day and Which School €loch 1 al tern ? Write today for Catalogue of ELLIOTT � 7 TORONTO, ONT., i It will help you to answer the question. Careful judgment should se e�s :- ,, s. be exercised in choosing a school. ,.t,. L3ons Incorporated MIS Capital and Reserve $8,7000,000 85 BRANCHES IN CANADA Qu)isa'uERAI, BA.NK)IMn iffSIXE84i TRANSACTED. CIRCULAR LETTERS OF 0REnIC TRAIT LL i4 MS 0teEQL'S' BANK MONKS.' ORDERS • SAVINGS DEPARTMENT k AT ALL BRANCHES Interest allowed at highest current rate.. C F. DOWDING. Manager Minton Branch, and A. B. Nichols (Kew Beach) , G. A. Legge and W. V. Meek (Phar- macists) , J. P. Morton and R. Kirk- patrick (Fernleigh, Hamilton) , G.13, McConhachie and Rev. J. Muir (Grimsby) 'W, J. A. C'annahan' and tensions of the waterworks street J.( Rennie (Granite), land E.G. system. 21nd J. B. Hoover (Clinton). The clerk was instructed to pre - They scored':98 points to 62 by pare a by-law to borrow the re their oe the nts. This is the four- mired amount for the waterworks. th time they have played'ffut eche The Hydro Commission sent Globe's Scotch doubles'. M1. Ma= along specifications for motor, and honey, who is president of the the councut laccepted same, and Guelph club, can show many"good Ihave n10 other recommendations to narks" chalked up to him. Helms make. ween the Seagram trophy, the Kelly NTr IVTe,dd was present and ad - Evans trophy, runnerup in the Do- dressed the council re al sidewalks minion tournament, and many oth- ers. I3e is eine of the ,quickest players ever seen. on a green. He makes up hie mimdl .in a second, and the next second his bowl is well on its way to the jack. A'Ir. Day has played with Mahoney in most of his' games, and is a steady the d:o r I1 1 lot in the Thresher Co. cool, and "mostly always on the lark" lend, they t'al ; 15 foot foe roadway and -- •s 1;. , - messes, C o' u �wmh is r. The p tike balawce given back to M Courtiecand J. B. Hoover (Clinton), Copp. The clerk will fi :nil out what likewise made a splendid showing, legal power the council has, and They won five games, defeating J. the; matter will be closed ep sleet B. Logic and E, B. Stockdale(North mcet'1rg. Tor•anto), Rev. A. McCaffrey aid The Street Committee reported •A.lV. Briggs (Port Credit), and- G. that they were "broke'' and have by his place. The council decided that no ae- tion be taken until anew petition be made, or the old one put in legal form, or they will make - an allowance on part of lot, Councillor Paisley reported on Councillor Paisley advises that 6.04,••••••444 ••4••••••♦44 440000 440. 0400004•004440 40 •• 4 ••(Drfloned Ready -to -Wear 4 4 ♦ Clothing Clothing o 4 b :b • i • • The Well Dressed • 4 • • • • Feeling • I That conies from being dressed in a becoming • Z suit of the right model, the proper cloth, and made o ': according to the latest dictates of style. Y O 4 4 is a Part of the Pleasure •• ♦ • 0 .Of Getting Clothes • • i . • 44. p ♦ i 4 4 4 4 i . Clarke and Dr. Robertson (El - 1 ova) for a total of78 to FO points, I • 'e' has many scalps )s at Isis Hoover Mr. II1 nT. belt. He Wall the Wingham trophy two yours en succession. the Ontar- io Cup in the Dominion therm- ' meat of 1912, the Tecumseh trophy in 1912, the Goderich trophy two yr Ems, encs other minor events. Mr. GUYS NOV. 15. Cour Lice helper film to win the On- We made an error last week ta• ice Tecumseh end Goderich when we aihnounced that the Guy Eros, Minstrels would be here on trophies. the 5th, They play here•, on Sat The play Saturday in the. sewn_ urday, Nov 15. finals and finals is not indicated by. DUE TO PR. HOGAN the scores, The Semi-final game The Blyth Standard or last weer between. Messrs, Mahoney -and gave the following local re the big pienie,—The ladies of St, Joseph's Rennie. while showing a score of church Clinton, held a very sue - 1.4 tows• was as keen anti interesting cessful picnic in ATr. Farquhnr's as any game of the tournament, (;'rove, Mullett, on Wednesday of Mose of the ends mete changed this !week, 'quite e .number from bele were i•n attendance and re - by almost every bowl, some won- port it one. of the most successful derful draws being made. The pinnies they ever attended as there Hoover -Little contest Was a fight iwas something doing all the time a gr cat• deal of the credit for success to the. finish, The fourteenth end of this affair was due to the ialde- ig worka Mr.Hogan. n hl well. of ti e< 1 e Cnr,iu:ucd on Page 5. fa :,ug L Here We beg to announce the arrival of our NEW FALL SUITINGS • •• • •, 4 •. • • • •0 6 • • • 0 •Don't wait until you see the suit you want on • • • • someone else, • 0 • Come in and inake your selection NOW 4 the assortment is complete. • • • • Prices 20 • to $28 • 1 •s Our $25 Blue Suit is the: TalkOf to t. ' .: �1� � L>i111 •• • Ask to See it • ,e, Clothing The Morrish finished up their work that was proposed at last meeting. Some minorwork was reported, I n d ask- ed to have it attended to. The finance Committee's report was read and adopted, Coon ail aadjournecl, Aiways Ns Sides To ;a Story Goderich. Lacrosse Team in Wrong and are Squealirg' "Goderich, Sept. 3,—The 0. A A intermediate semi-final game scheduled' between Goderich and; St. Marys here this afternoonresulted' in a farce rather than a contest, Before.the - commeneementof the game St. Marys entered a protest on the ground that the Goderich team were playing out- siders. The game, however, was com- menced, but before the second quarter West are said( ,'Col be organizing was ended St. Marys withdrew from g g the field with the score 4 to 1 against anti-wildeat real estate organize them.tions( as they deplore the ;situa- EDITORIAL V1+4,44+44 This week London is having its innings inthe Mair business and, with good weather-, should :prove a strong card. Will aRedistribution bill come before next session of Dominion" Parliament? It should without any doubt and if so look out for an election shortly after. Whether the St. Marys protest against Goderich's importation of out. side players can be substantiated re. mains to be seen, there is mention of a counterprotest from Goderich against the playing of one Jones. a profes- sional, of Stratford, on the. tit. Marys team in Monday's game against St. Marys." The above item sounds rosy for the management. so they can satiety the spectators, but read what St Marys says:- St. ays:-St. Marys, Sept, 4.- (Special) —The management of the local '0. A. GA in ternrediate team are highly incensed over reports sent out from Goderich concerning the St. Mirys game there on Wednesday,. Priomminent figures at the American oar° A Sllciatioo at Montreal l�•, (I i TtooiKr). EELLOGG. Pk S ff, 76 JV BAP .d550CIAT OJY _ Making roman's Work Lighter 40 Do you know that there are '_ • something like 50,000 patented 1 is o articles the purpose of each of son e' part t lighten, 1 .� � which is o � of is womsln'sgwork? • Do you know that great com- panies om- Pai s have scores of high gh • priced experts doing nothing • else but working out new ideas for the household? • ' i3t( is •am .educatiou,tto walk • through a modern houseware •store •; there is something new • every day. • Labor saving devices form a • partiealai'ly important part in • • a woman's life darung the hot • Weather. • merchants and manufacturer • bring these new ideas to public 4notice through the advertising • Square Deal for Every 3 '"Ma n, • columns the daily Papers. �� • Watch the advertising in The • 1 NewEra for auggestionis for i••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••m••••••••••••••• • lifting some of the burdens. . SIR. hhtnrfu NJIQ. MA(Kft(CIE KC G C"lfJ("0F.a`fi e LORD KALI'AhiE. According to L'resident J. R Stanley of the local clnh She facts of the case are as follows:.-Goderichand St Marys the winners of their respective dis trims, were ordered by the Association to play borne and•home games, on sem erneer 1 and 3. In the feet game St. Mays won out by a score of 12 to 3 But since Goderich played three ed "teeter"—upand ,clown times �• r,Clinton.lmesand of Gtinto r Holmes "ringers" Wy (Fink \without number. If a man is wise VanvVvcic of 1Vingham} Si Marys tions (that exist at 'many points. The higher the ballobin rises the harder the bump when. the gas es - daises aired terra firina is reached. No place of importaimee, if they consider ,and !value their £riture, should allow such swindling. It has burned the fingers .of many who were not "wise" alto how the business was done, Thaw (and Jerome occupy con- siderably more important posi- tions in the public eye than would be regarded with pleasure by the average- citizen. Law is a pecul- iar science to deal with and when a maim gets mixed up In a legal fight he is soniewbat( in the posi- tion of a child an an old fashion- protested the game. Goderich were unable to make any defence so they dill the only thing that could be done under the circumstance —they default- ed efaulted the secondame. All of this hap posed on Monday, September 1: Gode •deb's cities:'t was in the hands of the Scctethryof the Association on Mon lay last•, and St Slaws became the P ies. I I e loner ' �f the S t,oderieh then requested St. Marys to play an exhilrtion game in Goderich in eider to aid their finances, and St. 1I tryconsented this game was ar ranged for September 3, the da'e be no easy matter to roll it up. We originally set for the championship would not go much.on the integrity game' which had been conceited by Cieder'ei'a •default. This exhibition game was nrnrred hy slugging tactics on the part of the Goderi n players to su h an extent that two St tidarys play ers had to be cteried. frau the field Striker with a broken-koee•cap and levels with an mimed groin. Both he will go a long piece round, be- fore the will plunge into entangle- ments from which he may not eas- ily find the road but. A tangled skein of yarn isa fair illustration -of the United States.- Mexican tates•- affairs 'ht the condition ot, oh rte n iVlxic nc 1 e present time. It would not take much to knot it up so that it would of some of the people in Mexico. Warlike, impulsive and rough and ready they are not very susceptible to the more sober and pacific deal- ings of Uncle Sam. The latter has exhibited good sense in the situa- of these injut res were the result oY tion so far and this should have a assults wiii'+n bore every appearance of being deliberate and'prerneditated Practically every St Marys player 'inc the victim r'islugging; and the Godo lch players openly expressed their de terrerinn.tion to "get" their opponents Since St. illiu'3-s Is scheduled to enter the semi finals with Hanover next week, the management decided that it: ; adialn 'banks it would appear, by was unwise to continue the exhibition •in cidents that transpired last week, contest and to take cbar_ce of further 1 that some fellows with plenty of iijnry, Accordingly the St. Marys brass wind cool nerve can outwit tonin left the field during the second quarter. them and secure the coin without 15 should be added that Referee the usual necessary ary condition i of Mocking, was in no way responsipie for lraviing cash on de posit, Such i'fi- the fiasco because. of course, the slug 1 ging:was done only when his attention was engaged elsewhere,. In the inter- ests of clean sport itis to be hoped that the Ass ciation will mete out justice both to the Goderleh inanagementand to the ringers whom they induced to pla.v ander assumed names. It is un iortuna'e that the Goderich followers of lacrosse were Betrayed by their man agement, who advertised that the game was a championship contest and not merely an exhibition game. Everybody Knows .it good influence in thwarting the war spirit. With all the care and shrewdness exercised by the officials of Can - The Stratford Beacon of Thursday last hail the following which should open up the "Star's eyes, Goderleh has the name of being a peer sporting town a'nl from yester clay's lncideut this would ;Seem to be war ranted, glancing" ;is worthy of tU single fare (ticket to Kingston, at the country's expense and a residence in the Limestone city of an exten- ded period. Deal with the anen you know( is a safe rule to keep out of trouble. Sweet as The Flowers New England Violet Toilet Powder New England Rose Buds Toilet Powder Harmony Rose Talcum; Harmony Violet : Talcum Harmony Rose Glycerine Soap. Harmony Violet Glycerine Solap. 15c or 2- for 25e. TILE REXALL STORE W.c.R. Holm s .agnant..1151339.610211SISUIVOIMINI.B.115•0=10111.1111•03.M.11. —ees— The Dominion Alliance will press at the next session of Parliament to have a declarations concerning Dominion Prohibition and will also ass: for :needed cars -sentiments re- garding the statute dealing with the realnada Temperance Act. There is an earnestness and en- thusiasms in the ranks of the great Teanperalnce !army that bodes no ThawTkn 0;trifling'.lith an advance• allll9p �q the line, Next• general election, fee both Houses, will see a lining sup' of the right class( of candl- er Whe, He IS dates or ma(n,yi of thorn will bite the dust. No ttucklerswalititeel by either party., Arrested • Colebrook, .11,, 10.—Harry 'K. Thawwandered about the hills in Coos County, New : Hamps'hire, foe three [hours today after be)ipg thrust across the Canadian border at Norton Mills, and was arrested. by Sheriff' Drew; of Coos County,. at Little Schoolhouse, five miles from Colebrook, just before noon. Thaw showed no resentment, and was brought immediately to Cole- brook. Judging by results the fire Virg appears to be working the torch overtime and as a result properties worth thoiis<ands of dollars arc go- ing up in \smoke. A'1 noticeable weakness in such cases is the almost entire absence of fire inquests and an energetic effort to ferret out the 'culprit. If a rigid enquiry were instituted after every fire it would prove a deterrent to fellows who wantonly destroy and thereby often elect insurance companies to hand eves: large same that 'should not have been called for. The man who sets fire to a building would do 'l hair?