HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-09-04, Page 10ltii> 191 FIRST ic)al I�iC� Thi eeiee,oe♦oe��Ps+ se94eeee..“41 1114076 35 , ies Wear Stuart, Attractive Models for �...�.d ` . We have just t passed'11,tn stock thirty-five exclusive Ladies Coats s collectedfrom o e of the largest manufacturers.These oats are the very latest American styles, made from soft, pure wool tweed, three.quarter cut-away,trimmed with large buttons and frogs to q � match, shipped to us for early buying, and no two styles alike. eolme and See This Beautiful, Range, We will be Pleased to Show you Through as a Buyer r Not Sweater Coats for Men Women and Children The new Sweater Coats for early ia11 wear are now in stock comprising the very newest color combinations. ' Styles right up to the minute as in former years. `''We are showing nothing but the products of the best manufacturers and every garment guaranteed. Prices from 1.00 tta 5.00 t Illlti 611 1'il 041e J%/ttuc:A.irLi” t • ca �*, e�-rn�o, s u.sw to N 77,t°r/ til F r tt �.?�' + neer •' b .�" .,t°i�•' .r'J,car 'ri , Boys' Clothing Meade in 'Clinton ,This season we are showing a large range of`Bol.s Clothing, made by the Jackson Manufacturing Co'y which alone guarantees good value and workmanship. Every suit in our stock passed throug-li an expert's. hands and thoroughly guaranteed. Clothes and style this season are ex- ceptional, a call will convince you of the fact, Prices from $4 00 wo. yearn 7.%7F '710,- a /7e;11-0�ds+l, • f`a' �',,fnefi C.617.1Y 02L OFFICERS OF CLINTON BRANCH Following arethe'officers :'ofthe Clinten, Branch of the W ', TX...— Officers Hon President -Mrs, S, Crich, President—Mrs C. J. Wallis Vice-Presidents—Mesdames ( Rev) Rutledge, Wylie and Allen Treasurer—Mrs R. Carter Corr and Rec. Secretary -Mrs, A, I- Cooper. Superintendents Etangelistic—Mrs (Rev.) Wylie, Misses* Wlashingtdnand Porter Fruit and Flowers—Mesdames Jervis and C,wninghame Railroad—Mrs John Bean Law Enforcement—Rev. John Bean Lumbermen—Mrs A. J. Tyndall Purity and Mothers Meetings— , Mesdames J W. Moore and Walter Manning Anti-Narcotics—Mrs Levis*. Mrs, Doig Temperenee in Sunday Schools Mrs W.S. Harland Parlor Meetngs—Mesdames J A. Irwin , and J Twitchell Press—Mires AT. Cooper Scientific Temperance—Mrs (Rev.) Allin Medal Contest—Mrs W.S. Har- land Hospital Visitors—Mesdames J McMath and Plumsteel. MINOR LOCALS. September Schools re -opened Tuesday London Fair starts this week Still .some more weddings to come yet A number went to Mitchell on Labor Day LITERARY SOCIETY On Thursday evening of last week, the members of the Model school class' met and organized their Literary society for the term now in session The following off- icers were elected,- Hon President -Mr. Bouck. President—L Farrell ist Viee—Mise E. Stewart 2nd Vice—Miss Potter Sec Treas.—R.I. Ferguson Executive Committee,—M Ship- ley, E Cameron, N. Moffat, L. Griffin, N Blake, It was decided by the editor in chief Mr H. Cantelo(n to call his Literary writings "The Eyeopener" He will be :assisted in his work by Miss: G Schra}ixi and Miss Per Mc- Kenzie The Model School students will be enfatuated' by the beautiful strains' of music that Miss Miller as pianoist will produce The patrons of the Literary So- ciety are as follows,—Rev Grant Rev Allen, Rev. Wylie, Rev. Jea- kins, Rev Rutledge. Dr. Thompson Dr. Glandier. A Good Time To Paint Buildings and Roofs, and to put on New Roofs to be Prepared for Fall We have a good supply of Sherwin-Williams Paints, The popular ,Brantford Roofing—good enough for the mansion also the cheaper grades—suitable for Sheds Chicken Houses and Hog Pains. Wle: have a spedial Carbon Roof Plaint for old roofs. Full stack of Brass and Iron Steam Fittings Rubber and As- bestos Packing; Peerless Poiaraine` alnd Cylinder Oils ; also Leather Belting and Belt Laces. A good supply of Window :Glass and Putty. Coiled Spring and Barbed Wires, and Daisy Post -hole 'Augers IARLAN ID BROTH RS; STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES i MINOR LOCALS. Many are taking in the Toronto Fair this weer: The campers at Bayfield are returning Home A COURSE OP CONCERTS Mr James Doherty is canvassing the town to see if the citizens will take hold of acourse of concerts during the coming months. If he is successful the following artiste will appear on the dates given,;— Tuesday, Sept 223—Laurant Thursday, Oct 16—Everett Kemp Tuesday, Jan 13—Chieago Glee Club Thursday, (April 16 — I ellogg- Haines Co Friday, May 8—Dixie Quin tette DESIGN APPROVED. The proposed, designed for the Christ max seal to be used by the National Sanitarium Association, has been ap- proyed by Dr. R, M. Coulter, Deputy. Postmaster•Geneeal. In signifying his assent Dr, Coulter points out the ne• cessity. for placing these seals on the back of mail matter, as articles bear- ing them on the face will be returned to the sender as violating the new postal regulations. Last years sale of Christmas' seals were $15,000, and the Association aims at a $25,000, mark this year. MRS. GEO, POLLARD DECEASED Last Monday afternoon there pass ed away, at her home, Turnberry Str, Brussels Urania Statton, beloved wife of George Pollard and mother of Mrs, J. F. Wasman, of Clinton, in her 78th year. Her demise was not a sue• prise as she had been ill for the east 5 weeks, the effects of two strokes of Paralysis, rendering her left side help less, The funeral took place Wednrs day afternoon, Rev. Mt. Lang Ford, a former rector, conducting the ser vice in 5t John's Church, of: which de ceased heed been a faithful member for years. A year ago Mr. and Mrs. Pol lard celebrated their golden wedding when a very happy reunion of the members of the family was held. Mrs. Pollard was born in Corn wall England, and on con ing to ', Canada lived in Perth County where in Logan town ship she joined heart and hand with her now bereft partner, who is in his 85th year, but remarkably smart for a man of his years Prom Logan Mr. and Mrs. Pollard went to Hibbert and in 1896 purchased a farm in Morris ttwnship from which they retired to Brussels 9 years ago, their son Charles. taking the farm, 9 children were born to the home all of whom are liv ing a very unusual event after the lapse of so many years. The children are.—Henry of Oolome, Mich;; Thom as, Saline Or eek, Seek George, Wes ton, One; Joseph of Port 'Townsend, Wash.; Jas. of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont; Charles of Morris_ township; Mrs, Jno, F Wasman of Center); Mrs. H. A. Switzer of Inwood; and hirs. S. McGee of Port Townbend. There are 27 grand children and 2• great grand children Mee. Wasman and Mrs. Mc Gee dutifully watched by their mo ther's bedside for weeks and were with her when the closing hour barne, Mrs. Pollard was an industrious, 'thrifty woman, a true wife, faithful mother and agood neighbor. The bereaved "share in the synspathy of i1 wide tie cle of friends, ��+a.►ode♦eoeeo♦oe+o♦oeeeooeo�aro®a♦owomooe0000000eeoeee CARRIE SHIPLEY DEAD ara Falls and Buffalo, will: • be dls- Tee citizens wave indeed shocked conducted after, Monday, Septem- wlten word was passed- eiound town bee 8th. He talkie rnorring that: OarrieShipley Train leaving , • Toronto 1.40 p.m. bad died out in Winnipeg. Miss Ship )r Saturdays ,only for Jackson's Point ley had only left; on Monday of IasG will be •rliseontiniied after Satui'- week with her hunt and cousins for a day, August 30th. trip to Regina and sailed li boat:' V';7nerrthe is n 1 �• s was Train lcavi-ng Jachsoir's Point 7.30. y e ctcdl�rnnipegshe ill and took amen for the worst Fri aerie �1Aondays Only for Toronto will day and passed away early Saturday be run on Tuesday, September morning. death being due to Heart end, instead/ . of Monday, . Septom-: failure, genes a weakened c,onstittition bar let, *and will be discontinued She was a delicate girl but during her i 'after that date, whole lite had given her best, 00 her 1 Through I itteburg Sleeper on Master. Noone has cu idea the work' 4,32 p.m. train from Texo(uto will Mise Shipley, did in helping by word be d'iscontilnted after Saturday,. and deed to comfort the sick and dis September 6th, tressed. She was a constant worker in League and Sunday Scheel in On. tario Street Ohurele Miss Shipley was born in Hullett township and was. 30 years, 2 months ann -22 days old. Last Pullman Sleeping Car for Kingsbou> Wharf will leave Toronto 10:45 pen. Slaturday, September 13th, land leave Kingston Torontf 12,20 atm, for T roiito after Mon - Besides her :sorrowing 'parents she is l day, ,September 16th. survived by two sisters, Mrs, L• Levis of Winghem, and Pearl at home. The body arrived in Clinton on Wednes day on the afternoon train and was Titin MliMl��9Pui T1711 acoompanied by her Uncle Mr, Robin son of Regina. The funeral is being held this afternoon. The floral tri' butes from the many friends and neighbors testify to the kindness and loyable eharaetec of the deceased. CLAIMS ADJUSTED FOR GODERICH FIRE. The claims of the Kensinggton.Fur- niture Company, of Goderieh, whose establishment was .destroyed by fire about two weeks ago, have heen ad- justed tet $519,1100. Messrs. D. Campbell Sc Sons, of this city, handled most of the insurance. The loss is distributed between about twenty companies, Western Fair London, Ontario Although a number of important building in the Exhibition grounds at London have been best.royed by fire, the Directors of the Exhibition toad the City Council lame already: erected building to take care of alt Exhibits, end everything passible will he done for thecomfort of. Exhibitors and viet ors. Horse stalls have been erected and pleo;ty of stable room provided, The Exhibition opens Friday, September ctrl Single fare over all railroads in Western Ontario, COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE COMMERCIAL COURSE. A special ceminereial course of two years has been arranged.* for students* 'who wish to prepare themselves for business life. The aim -has been to provide' a thoe- ough business training, together with a sufficiently, wide course in I:nglisli' and Mathematics to equip the student for any position. This course will be under the au- pervision of ]piss Steele, who has proven herself a most efficient teacher. Ther tiinily. rem:aat fol41 : ectIC nRd. Co ,o "Shiloh costa so t:tti• and does no mei, r" ` of green apples can do to a small boy:It'scruel, though, what a couple Important Changes in Grand Trunk Train Service from Toronto Train leaviing Toronto 10.15 a.m. daily except. Sunday for Penetang Wharf will be discontinued from Allendale to Penetang after Sat- - urday, September 6th, but will run through to Huntsville and North Bay via ,Muslco'ka Wharf, commen cing Moloday,, September Sth. MUSKOKA EXPRESS, leaving Toronto 122.01 p.m. daily except Sunday for Muskoka Wharf and Huntsville, will be disesentinued af- ter Saturday, September 6th. BUFFALO-MTJSKOKA EXPRESS leavingg Toronto 2.20 atm. daily for. Muskoka Wharf, Huntsville,: Bark's Falls and'North Bay, will be die - continued after Sunday, September 7th. BUFFALO EXPRESS, leaving Toronto 12.05 a.m. daily for Niag- eee vwvur . The arrangements were most per To 1'he Metherlalnd Mr. and Mrs, W.Brydone, who were members of the party of Canadian Teachers Delighted Mr. and Mrs. W. Brydoln,e arri- ved home on Saturday from their trip abroad with the party .of teachers from Canada. They are both looking well eade £eel better for their two months' tour in the Moth mean d•. Their trip was under the auspi- ces of the `Hands Across the Seas Movement" A movement of the Empire and • of education carried out by the Governments of the Do- miniolrt of Canada and of New- foundland and the departments of education of the Provinces of Man- itoba. British Columbia, Nova Sco- tea, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Quebec and New 1Brienswick. The party was macre up 240 teachers, 85 from Ontario, 55from Manitoba, 30 from Newfoundland and the remainder representing the other provinces. They sailed for Glasgow, Scotland on the Grampiwn, an Allan Liner on the morning of July 3rd andarri- ved there on July lOtli. The movement, which is both ed- ucational and intended to promote a friendlier feeling .between this country and tho Motherland, was organized by Mr. Fred. L'.N•ey, of Winnipeg, A gianoe at the itinerary will give some idea of the extent of the teip;-Glasgow, Edinburgh, atirl- ing, Du,nfcrinllno, the English Lake District. Oxford, Stratford -on -Avon Bath, two weeks in London, Ports- mouth, Aldershot, Guernsey and Jersey, Weymouth, *Glastonbury. ,:Taunton,- Gloucester, Chester. Of course, numerous side trips were included in this. feet, the party travelling by special trains. and the reception given 'the Canadian teachers by the British peoplemost cordial. Numerousre- ceptions: 'tend garden parties . were giaen in their honor, and in many Places they were entertaiseed at the homes of the people of the towns visited. Much of the credit of this Is clue io the Victoria League, an organi- zation similar to the Daughters of Empire. In fact, according to the. enthusiastic statements of* Me. 13rydone nothing was too mood for the Canadian teachers. On their visit to Aldershot a share battle was put on for their special benefit. The return journey across the Ai lantie, which was made -by the Cor- sican of the Aliin Line from Liver pool, the passage'. being very'pleas- ant, the sight of the . ice -bergs iu the vicinity of the Strait of Belle Isle with the pun shining upon them being exceedingly beautiful. The weather during the itinerary of the party was quite pleasant, there not beingmore than three days rain dueling the time, it be- ing an unusually dry summer in Englatnd, Mr. and Mrs, Brydane also visit- ed Paris and enjoyed someeime there, ,rm,mmm„crm 'ALlagewaustimmormiensam=anzarztagErffigammaamr LIG 1 Now TNING RO S The big Fire Loss to Ontario Farmers is clue to Lightning. The"alio varies with, Companies ; it varies with different years—but .on the whole, spreading it over it term` of years, it runs up some- wnere around two thirds, The Fire Insurance Caompuy has to collect from ,you and other insurers enough to pay the losses— . and the running expenses, ---If you, insurers, have less fire loss, the less you all have to pay, There is NO FIRE LOSS when GOOD LIGHTNING RODS are installedpreperly NO BARN RODDED ;WITH When "Universal" rods HAS EVER' BEEN BURNED, and they are on many thousand barns—and houses. You will Rod your buildings some day -why not NOW ? when your crop is in the barn, Think it over—talk it over with your insurance man, E If yen would like a sample, drop us a lino, (Mention The New Era.) You buy get a "SHEATH ROD" the one with *the LOOK-JOINT—the "UNIVERSAL, "Made in Canada"—by Canadian workmen -by The Universal Lightning Rod Co. despeler, Ont. ;Jr droll Openit7g Lh ie its not by chance or baphaea cl that we have eucceeded in having en attractive a steels. No sir. .Its a combingtion Of ears, 'experience r - study and good buying that bas produced the result, It will nest you nothing to see the consuinetion of our endeavors. It may pay Our Scribblers and ,Exercise Books have attractive cov- ers, new and. popular sub- jects, to please and delight trio eye of the boys and girls. The* quality of the paper will satisfy teacher and scholar. We offer two "Speeiktls" ,in plain Scribblers; ohne line is four for five cents, and the other is three foe ten cents. Both are worth .more. The prices' are auction prices with gut Oho auction. A. leather Bag 18 the cheap- est in the end—cheapest be- cause it wears ea much long- er, and because it protects the books so much better. We have six sizes*, prices from 25c to $1.00. We have Lead Pencils at all prices from le to 10e, but for school use out• "Best 2 for 5c" is la great favorite. It is money's worth that makes business worth. It is a pencil as cheap as any. A"Reader, a Grammar, ex a Geography- Will coat you the same price anywhere you buy the price isn fixed one. It it in the other lines of gen- eral supplies that wo try to give you a little better value oral little less 'inpriee;,in; keeping with our claim to be Often the Cheapest—Always the Best:' Carter's Ink ,,for School. use, done up it a square bot- tle with et wide 1mouth, it will not elasily up -set. We 'did not retake the itnk, but we know who did, and can re- commend it. The price is 5e. In off•eriing these goods to you weave making a mutual advantage proposition, It's 5a good thing, of course, for us to get your trade, but we believe it's agood advantage to you to get what we offer at the price, .li heW8 Do Fair eo. Often the cheapest-Aiways the Best National Portland Cement After trying other kinds, you'll always come back to the best The Best Cement is the National Portland Cement It is the old stand-by. A car load just in. S. J. AN '` TS,, Unto .,....w..A • •4421fIVAMMCAVRAMIG,MCOS..a��m,,,�ramm.arc,uw,,,,c�ravx max+ EXPRFhSS ALLIANCE MAY BL BROKEN. Rumors are current to the effect that the Canadian Express Comp•nny is shortly to sever its connection with the American Company tend National Fxlress Company, John Pullen, presi- dent of The Canadian Express, says the rumor is peunnture. While he was unwilling to disruse the matter he did not deny' the authenicity of the report. It appeals that the change will consist merely in the taking over Iry the American end National Express C,utpanrt of Lheir delivery Insmess l in thetil,_ .t'i ,nndiancittes,atpres- cnt deducted by the Canadian Ex Penes Ccmpe ar, essnrlaces are given that shc.nid the separation take place it will to purely from the aceumula tion of hnsilu 8 and not on account.. of any disagreement' between the con parries, The next holiday will be Thanks.; giving Day 'l h eoruer Stove "Live and Let Live" Pickling Season. IS HERE AGAIN Pickling seasle is Here •again. le are well stocked with all kinds ,of SPICES AND VINEGARS FLOUR. Clinton Family Fleur Five Roses, Purity, and Exeter Fleur FRUITS Oranges, Leavens, Battanas, Grape Fruit, Peaches, Plums, ti. atertnelnns and Tomatoes HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR PRODUCE. 4 C,tLiL SOLICITED Es Hurrniford PHONE 45. iliguesi Grade Bread CORBIN' etytic j � dss�er kl (ionner's Home -mode Bread is quality through and through. There Is not a detail of good making'itnd baking overlooked, 80 you know wbat yeti are getting when you order this Good Bread, CHAS, CONNER Baker and Confectioner Prompt. -ttelu►> 3ai Will be given every job of plumb- ing that is entrusted to us. You are certain, too, that the work will be clone in !expert, painstaking nianmier if you have us do it. PLUMBING SUPPLIES of 'modern designand including all the newest up-to-date comyenien ces°are here,priced reasonably.. Call and get ort estimate first. Those hawkh Plumbing, and Heating (Phone 53) a33333r+ fi •t• 41 "The Best At Every Price Always." eeteeeeteas e2tet ehLeeeete i'4+.1-e+++++++4.34.+4.".+'4leleitla+ 4 4. Years 01 adhering steittly to the policy ♦ 'E ♦ 4. 4• • • ♦ •♦ • 'F 4 ♦ 'l• e" ifas established for us a reputation for Good Shoes that is Second to None. MFRIZZIJIIIIHRITIECIMICEIZIMIZP iQ PEND a half hour in our shop look- ing over the new Fall Styles, and we will prove to you that buying of us means a distinct advantage .to you and a positive assurance of being correct- ly fitted with shoes that sparkle, with superb style that makes them truly dis- tinctive and exclusive. ,a FRED JACKSON'S 1 THE HOME OF GOOD SHiOES, ;�