HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-09-04, Page 4, 1 I 1 t* it .1015014ki linkolle 7 S al 1 antics ' . ! ,. . '. • • ^ . • , , Never in our business experience ,have',We.,beeri_ ' able to offer our trade, Such, superior 1\lantles•as we t ' l Owing tbiS 'Season. We spared no effort 'to • are s .1 , , Id ecure the, best that experience:skill' and rnO.trey'COLI make, , We now offer them for your choosing. We passed into stock, this week 225 Mantles, for Ladies, Misses and dren.. Every woman ex- ' pecting to bur this season should see our large dis- ' play,becausc of their un- • usual beauty and excell- .ence; Come and take a ook to buy or not to otiv -a, -,.. , • - • ,,,,,,,, 941.1444, Millinery News Our Milliners are back from their holidays and are busy getting ready for the Opening, which will, be an- nounced later. Millinery Apprentice Wanted • Teach Children Good Table 'Manners Anyone who is accustomed to core Do not look at people through the met, table matinees has only to take bottom of the glass as though it werea his meals in hotels and railway diners field glees. nor a few weeks to be surprised into Sip the soun quiety from the side of the conclusion , that the majority of the spooe, tiediumeized spoons 'people, practise anything hut good should he provided for children, table manners • Apparenly well bred Do 0 it put either spoon or fork people, people with whom one has further into the mouth than is neves . 'enjoyed con,versation in the Pullman sarv. • tone is astonished to find breaking all Put just enough food on the end of the rules of table etiquette when one the fork to mince a proper sized meets them later in the diner their mouthful• rangers extent down over the tines of Do ot tip the plate for the last •thelr forks, their knives or finks are drop of sonp lheld upright in.their fists on the table while they talk 'or wait fot• something to be passed, they masticate with their mouths open, take soup from tbe end of their spoon, make a noise in drink- • ing' in fact do a -few or all of the Unties • they should not dm lie.dei,,evan.orde,excirien,,teoWnidiopePeniTe4therounpir;', a etastl,f/j.weeestiellety thaindllarl.n.aleeilety•eat-ISsited, 8o°pItolt13j,,,41`110'' Iddic.'') 'urab r' ma lart.cnn needs •;-• • ',',111'rrIleIni,Th.11 , ,Te'Mairson ieft, last week , for, paection't of all who sympethiee clia1Ye W,len Nand0nintingh'ea, of D1Mtoin opportenity to shoW their co se Shaw of Colb rile visited In arise, Enipy- 'ciaeet ee- liese will avail, thernselVes+ of tine of VaaMa iethe denee, ench praieeworthy effoite, thD n'eigliborhoocl last fj- weel 'eaest, of her eeetee aars irhayie, , , 00,x le Terdnto tMel)ougall• BAPTISI" CITURCR. Lug:Inulneellgrhsbaxoereilitocatio011P1O, t daY. sotri' "lattevgeounrilenalabelre'i°11 ftoleri.eirt8ortv ierE be viBlleay.p. 1W•etalellhleadm • Ba aeittle'll•by-Y inOifprDeelisnee' e Mr and Mrs. Eyed 'Morgan andFsermon in the evening, children ,and Mr and IMes., Ton) suinicuy sept. 7th Be. M. Morgan alna childeen Of Poet Stan- Harris of Kincardine further pester Will preach, both morning and even- ing', all are weleome to these Rey - Rev., Walter ;Daniel 13, A. Field Secretary of 'North West Missions Ocanine the pulpit of this church in the, enoening and preached an eloquent nermon from John 14 enapter and 12 verse• , WESLEY CHURCH. League opens Monday Eveninli with 4n114Lev.t 11A°. Barker B, E. of Seaforth will preach iu the morning next Sun day in the interest of Temperance and Moral Reform. Ilev, Dr, Rutledge preaches in the Miss M. Rouson, of London who has eAvaeatini. gs Sunday Evening, solo Babylon by S. been visiting Mr. Langford sang last Next Sunday Evening Mr. Murray Jackson veld sing a solo. Anthem by choir will be "Even Me" by L, Ashford. ONTARIO ST, CHURCH. "Lahor Sunday" was observed in Ontario St. Church on Sahhitth last the _Pastor Preaching 0 sermon in the morning quite appropriate to the OCOTT, '1'he pastor preached toyoung people in the Evening making special refer enoe to the useful life of tbe late Miss 8111‘iiPrl.e.faines Fowler, soloist of Gode rich. will sing at the Evening service on Sunday next. ley are visiting in the +neighbor - 1 obc1 Mr lama Mrs. Norman, McDougall of London nee spending a,ifew claY0 in the neighborhood Miss 5N.e41 IVIcDougall of Seaforth is visiting at Mr Wm. tElliottet, Miss Nell 'NfcDonald of Lonclonls visiting at Mr Peter ',McDougall's. olni r•svi 11 e Rev Mr. 1VicCorenick and family arrived home froth their ''lholid'ays5 Fri day sins N.W. Trewartha spent a couple or cla.ys on the lst 'con last week The Hydro-Blecteic Company are putting in their poles on the Huron Road mit and Mrs. 'Henry Adarns have returned liome • rafter •spending a week with friends in 13riampton and oronto Miss Lela Lansing of Base Line Spentthus week with bee eotisin Miss Violet Philips Stephen Mathers who has !spent his vacation with his cousin Ecl Gray left for his home hi Palmer- ston where he will tea.ch shcool neer his home • Miss eVI a b el 1VI oC o open San clay with her friend lVfiss Forbes of Walton Miss Maud McGregor and 'brother Frank spelne this eveelcin Toronto Mr James Baird, Mrs. A. 'Harrl- Me. 'and Mrs. Ezra. . Pickard, Mi', son Med Miss Flossie Baird left and Mrs Jao, Potter fare taking in Clinton, for their .home in Detroit the Toronto - Exhibition, •1 : on Saturday last, after spending Mrs Elford and Jean raft for two months among friends here.. their Home at Ottawa Monday Mr ernes Thomson, Mee Kate Mr Couteice accompanied them as ThoraSon Mr Hugh McGregortand far as Toronto , ,, Mr John McCowen, left on Tues - Mrs Lowery and'two :eons left day for Toronto to attend the fair for their home,' in North (Bay on Miss Ethel Smillie of Toronto has Saturday returned home after spendinga Mr and Mrs. Will Jenkins And month at the home of her uncle Prank went to TorontoA on Tues- Win, Taylor 2nd Con. day 1 Messrs. Will S. and Jos. Taylor M.r and 41A/Irs. Gomber !and family aro taking in Toronto Exhibition left for their new fhorno near Lon- this week. don on, Monday Miss Robertson is back( on duty at the old school thouse Miss May McCartney or Goderieh visited Miss Tebbutt this Weelt Miss' D A. 'Holmes+ op en t Sunday and Monday in, Godeeich , eniderich TOweiship Mr Frank Whitmore is home for a few holidays owning to parr el the organ factory being 'closed for this Week Me Warwick Cole, wee lest weel- Rea/see/S. Walter Bred:et:midge, a young roan in -the employ of the Thomson Egg Llorupany, here, ,had' a Mose call from 01111008 injury or. probable death . Tuesday moi.ning when he was dragg ed some distencti hy team. he was driving. The horses were to tackled to a drier loaded. with emptY egg eases, severe] of which were she ke fL'ntfl the wagon while the ou UR was proceed ing• 0001..0 street crOesing. Vo III)," MC. TITITIT g*O' le 1 at the liorats. heel, Middleton will be sorry to learn of before he could get free. Re t taking en the Toronto Exhibition the animals taking fright and dragg The many friends of nfr Kee°. Man their driver quite a distance was his illness, and hope Tor his speedy badly limited,. 106"suffeeed a deep Mit recovery 00 the forehead. Miss Mable Bathwell who has . . .....„- . Loradeshore , Special Sales -We expect In close the middle of eeptember. teeny bar gains thee are special. R ADAMS. churches on Sunday owing to the • 1,118 long and her mace Miss pastor being on his vacation Geddes visited Mrs, Thou. Manning Mr Arthur COoper left last week 1' few daYs• for the West and will remainfor Mr N. Geddes of Bel:rater. lies b some time engaged as te.icher for S. S. No. 8 1)r. E` Grey of Ludington Mi ielatives at Souris, Man for the, past (three months has returned home Mr A.T. Cooper, Clinton, took the service in Cole's. a 65 'Sh • Miss Olive Grey who bas been spending the summer months With with his wire and daughters have b vise ing on the home farm. her parents on, the 9th Con retuene eei„ Bach& young. returned GEOGRAPHY IS DIFFERENT Public school pupils or 0 Few decades agu would hardly recognize the map of Ontaro winch appears in the new pubic echool geography now bein.g issued for province A new s the big, District of Patricia, border. Mg on Hudson Bey. The five -mile strip along which the T and N 0 is 10 tun wilt beoutli nen at though the exact ovation cannot be traced with tie erring /Jaen Geographies put. fished hitherto have given Ontario the centre of the stage or page, with Northern di:nit/no a bort of corner adjunct But note,' while the old provii ee is not boeted the new land is receiving somewhat e more favorable notice than in the past Fifty thousand copies of the buokwill be ready tor the school reopening in September. ter Last year's immigration included eon 13,346 Ruthenians, 3,295 Buggarians 64477, IChinmese, 51322 Italians,, 765 Japanese, 632 Turks, 144 Syrians eee and 138negroes. There are 119,415 members on the toCarla:diem international labor roll, 'and 1341'17 innmeely Cnnadians evy unions, ed on Monday, to the hospital at Goderich where site is a, nurse in- Brantford last Monday. training Mr. R. Adains still continues in v Mr and Mrs James 'Anderson . bad health. daughter of Kansas are visiting on Miss Pearl Ham of Blyth is the the old bomestead on The Mayfield guest of Mrs. ,Lis Hill. Jack Woodman has taken over the Line where he usedi to re?Side hotel stables again bout thirty five years ago Mr. I c Mae Caldwell who attend Anderson4 son will also loin them Miss' this week for a few ' days after the Millinery Openings Toronto re- An onion raiser of many years' ex which they will all return home by turned home Friday and has re- perienee states that be has the best Way of Niagara Falls, New York and Chicago armed her position with ,Inouchcrop this year that he has ever had. and Co Clinton. a Hensell has a real estate boom on Henson Twenty six of the residents of this section went on the harvesters' excur sion to the West. Mrs Ben Rathwell and clinclren Five residences and accompanying lote returned home last week lifter a•••••600...e........ Weae recently sold in one day, and • two weeks visit with 'her parents • every few days new purchases are 6 made, It is a difficult matter to find a at Sebringville Mrs Allan McDonald and 'babe of e• WITH THR CHURCHES. •house to rent and soon the • Goderich is visiting +at her Father's Mr Tom Cole 9th Con. • • • 21112•120200•0* 6 e• 0 le beAv. 0(158ners will become a eecessit ntist, Dr. McDonaYld, of The CongregatiOn of Middletons SALVATION ARMY. lemclon, is about to locate here short church last Friday night eurprised Another of the efforts for which 1Y, their Organist Miss Nellie Hicks by the Salvation Army is widelybe ot- g ing to her home to simian •the ed has been arranged ,for, in the evening and presenting her 'with a shape of the 'Harvest Festival E6! - purse of money A.11 report having ort Preparations are on foot to spent an enjoyable evening A large number of citizens are going and coining to and from Toronto Fair, and shortly Loudon will, receive a big Contingent, its this section usually ulIalto the occasion ene . of great 155108 00 immense crowd to the West suttees's, in this totem' A series ,,of ern "tr. I I appropriate 'meetings is bein.g or 1 The iltivaton Air? a t Seaforth has; Never put potato ekins, egg shells. gaeized by the Vocal Corps,'which ma de ensali 1 no ou post, and street BATIFIELII, promise to be of special interest 1 meetings are held once or twice a ect, on the tablecloth, tether pot The Rev Mr. McEateane is now ' and attraction We shall be able them en the side ante plate or ask tor away( on his vacation while ene , to f ive, more debailed information I 1 i week. • The union services of the Methodist a saucer. Rea,. IVIr. Wooton of Galt conducted ; wit respect to the programme ! Do not dip cake or Itread into the ed the seryices of St 'Andrewslon 1 later water Never help yourself 10 it'll your own Sunday east Th(11 e good work which this or The' Government appropri 'hive 1 anization, has carried *1,,.r,,.,.1, las at last been se.cured and 'for man Moore, expects to have the harbor in good condition for 'the winter as a gang of men ('are al- ready at the work Me 'Heath and family have returned to bis home at Hamilton' C Dressler has the enieforthee of a broken arrn from g0 accidental fall , Mrs J. Thomson end family have returned to her hornet 111e New Ontario Recent gales lia,ve stopped the fishing ,eaterprise and ar quantity of ,destroyed fishes, is expecteddn the nets Mrs McLean and daughter Ma- hal will coniplete the season • in Mr Thomson's cottage on theter- racealately vacated' by Mir Hartry of Sealorth The Council has taken a Imove to , clean up Clain Gregor square and make it appear more like civiliza- tion end the good pvork is expect - in the 'near future Whose fault is tins? In almost ell ..mte, . fork or spoon. -eases it is the fault of their mothers Do not reach aeross the table or in Many le woman uses good table man- front of anyone • ners herself, but thinks a child is not I Never take anything l'i+oni a plate expected to hold his knife and for and put it back to take something else 1, correctly and lets him go till it ie too Lay your knife and fork an your Mt' when he is old it hurts his feel. I plate so that it will not fall off wire n ' .ing to be corrected. It is hard to teach 1 the plate is removed. ,• ale old. Children should be helped first at Other mothers do not know (torrent meals, and should be given -a little reaa,nners themselves. But, nnothee you recess between dinner course and des 'shouldknow/ If you have no other way sert, • o• f finding out, buy a good etiquette Never ask what kind of dessert there 4 book, Is is cheap. Give your chid is before it 'appearre. k ,a, chance to rise to the highest. A man t breeding is knnven by his table man- - ners. The little things are sometimes t very important things. The man with ,' soeial breedi ng al wayshas anadvantage over the roan without it. ' There is one set of table manners the polite world over, and a, knowledge • and use of them stamps one as belong ing to polite society. Table manners used in childhood become second rature. There is no time when they are so easilyand -naturally learned. It is much easier tq , teach a child to hold his fork or spoon ' 'correctly when he is two or three than when he is ten. At ten he will have two things to 'overcome: to unlearn the . l ' wrong way and learn the right way. -Children should' be taught to take 1 p11165 10 behaving nicely at table. 1 heard 0 little girl sweetly sayone day: 1 breve learned'a lot of pretty ratan - ...1., ners this week, havent I, mon ex?" ' I" • The older chitdren become -the harder ' • it is to teach them, for they become ,.. interested in school and play and out doers and do not, like to concentrate . Never complain about the food. Never ask for what is not on the Maple unless it to some necessary dish or utensil, such ae knife, or spoon. Never eat -or drink wieli one • band while you pass a plate wish the other. The fli•st and last a rale is to never:do anything unpleasant at the table and to always be considerate of others. Births, Marriages fit Deaths MARRIAGES. Fair -0 Ne11,-In Clinton on Sept., lst, by Rev. D. K. Grant, Mr, Leon aid Fag., of Drayton, to Miss Belle, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Neil. Gandier-Ohristian-At 87 'Spadina road. Toronto, no Wednesday, Sept. 3 by Dr. J. A. Macdonald, brother-in- law of the bride, and the Rev. ;Joseph Gandier, father of the groom, Con stance Lieen, youngest daughter ot Mrs. William Ohrietian to Dr. Joseph 0, Gandier, of Clinton 13nt e little things. As . soon- as a •Vedder' Jebkins Godeeich ohild can sit at table and hold a spoon Township, on Sept. 8rd, hy Rev. Dr. .5, is tile time to begin, teaching one Rutledge, Mr. W. J, Vodden, of Saska , point at a time as occasion arises, toon, to Miss,Torances Mary. daughter A list that I saw recently of erible of Mr; John Jenkins, •manners for children is worth passing •Kenpthorne-Doher,ty- fin inintnn on. All those mentioned tell correct in Wes ey church on Sept. tied, bv usage for grovvreups as well. They Rev. .Dr. Rutledge, Mr Sancuet T, Kempthorne to NIL s Helen Irene .Do not sit sideways on the chairs or, •youngest daughter of 111r. and Mrs. aele0n btek eheni, William Doherty , Never put your elbow e on the ,t, table. Do not make playthings of •, either, the food or silverware. Break a email piece of bread here the slice, Never 'hotter and attempt po eat fromthe entire slice or even half ' • The mouth should be wiped ,with the .-napkin both before and after drinking, , Be sure to swallow ail food in the' ,snouth before taking a drink. Brtteefield Miss. Marry Lang, of Hensel is visiting friends in our village 'Mr. A. C. Trivett of Toronto spoke in the Presbyterian church on Thursday evening last in hid of the Bible Society ... Mrs Frank O'Neil Clinton visit- ed relatives; in the neighborhood last week previous to her remov- al to Moos& Jaw Mrs' Sutherland of gamilton who has been visiting at the home of her father Mr Buckler returned to her home on. Saturday last 'Wm Taylor, of Stanley, shipped cattle and bogs, to Toronto on Saturday Mrs Colwell, of Tutkersinite, le -at present vary ill,• 'slim is; Over 80 Years of age Small hopes of her recovery is entertained ' • Beatty is buildrieg a shed near , Furnace, • station -for storing coal. Mr. ys is cloingethe week It will be ear ten convenience to , have coal on d for thean that use it 11.f. Woods and eamily have -• Byarn &‘7)titter CI from their vacation 5. iss Fllennigan of Paris., Ont., is Sauttar3' Phunbers Gray -Little- At the Presbyterian L he Success- which has ' attenauto ded their dealings with the more out- I cast and lieriorin, commands 'the ap- Double Feed Doors There is no danger of hit- ting the sides arid spilling coal all over the floor with the big Sunshine feed doors. These doors will admit a large chunk of wood, too'. Our local agent will show •you this and many other "Sunehine" advantages. Send for free booklet. i • ar:yrs Su shi e Meese, Seafort,h. on ex.trg. •24th tele the Earl Gray to Miss Berdia, daughter Ke of Mr. and Mrs, 'Thos. lfetele, bobli of Hullett. I han DEATHS tire Shiplcy-In Winnipeg, on AuFust mmil guest of her cousin Miss Jessie rillone '7. IVJ 311th, Ca,rrie El daughter of Mantel the Iters. Thos. Shipley, of Clinton, aged Ga 30 years,2 '2 days Lawrence Forrest Fred leaser enaeeeeoereaneeenee.,...ananmenea • ' Weeat;teti,d0ft`bt,ia:03,-: ."41q$r9g6,49,1.313,-„P444:*jee.ffreatly ,enjo3r,, n -,TIM fate e imprheed • the' fleet enerJsand.the letetall Arid Wintei 11)1•11e1i, heen crop le thi,saection excellent.' , If it men be harveslten with ;me receiving tor) much rein the farm evs kie eatisfied. Mix 'is all nulled arid threshing, and spared/ill; are 110ViT ITT order Nearly tr.11 or Ine 61), Intliaos wire :insisted in Interesting the beep lieve returned: to 'he reserve , . ,-44.44Yri.`4,,4444,44 444.4--44.'"" te fiend ineoltekla and Sold ; ITT bool Reader .40 optario •tete ae ee, aimer ;45 , Cooper's Book ataire, Ont. High ."ehool Eng. to. 0111, 11 S. Cotnposition • • ,18 Out. Seboel Geography , .,, .05' • Ont: S. Phyeicrel (ieogritphy .61) oat. 11.13, .Aocient Hietoe.Y • • R. le. Regliela Ristote, .05 Til, liad • One 11 .5 A ith t 4 . all trecl Knights ,fr. Algebra .00 Opt. H. S, Geometry ...... .40 a Greatlla lVfotriculatimi Letitia ;a. I • • 75 31. st4 White'e First Grreek Book, a • • • • 8, Frencli Granamar ........,. .60 , R. S. German Grannriar.......... /70 OLO annbtt..orHHa..toSsi..70PNbirleyaznoniicusset.rl Laboretory Manuel 10 Cheinisery ,20 Ont. school Book keepieg,..... ,, .80 Book keeping Blanks ..........,. .20 Higher Algebra ......... .... 1.90 Matriculation Algebra.........,.. .90 Trigonometry (Hall & Knight) .. 1.00 nJolton's Practical 'noel° y. ... 50 Robinson's Hist'y West n Europe 1,60 Bergan and Davis' Botany 1.50 Fletcher & Nicholson Greek Prose 1.25 Virgil Aeneid, Book IT ......... .25 Easy Selections from Zenephon .. .50 Minerals and How Timy Oec '5- 1.00 Elementary Mechanics .65 Select Poems .20 La Belle Ntvernaise .30 Their annual tournament WaS played on Labor Day The Clinton Bowlers had a good thee on Labor Day when they pulled otr their local tournament. Play was keen and good nature WAS the hig thiog that (ley. The followinr, were Ibe players and scores:- Trophy-lat round A. 3. Grigg Fred Jackson W. 3 Tozer H. 1Viltse 3', Watt Rev. ;felines J. Nediger 12 E. I. Hovey 15 Rev. Grant W„erickson J. Ransford Bert Roney o erLou DT'. Axon 1). A. Forrester 8 la Town 22 ,Tn. Harland T. Jackson W. Errant D. L McPherson E. Can telon Dr. Sbaer E. G. Courtiee 15 N. Ball 11 Semi Finals Hovey 16 Uourtice 11 Finals Town 8 Hovey 15 Aseociation lst Routed Bell 17 Forrester 9 Nediger 6 Courtice 16 Semi Finals Ball 34 Couetice 17 Consolation Forrester 11 Nediger "NOTIi3S FROM KITTY" Feed Jackson ba e been in the finals in the past six years, An attempt wee made to piek Me. John Rensford's pocket, but the attempt was unsuccessful. The prizes were useful as well as handsome: -In the trophy the 1st prize was a silver berry spoon, 2nd prize silver meat fork. The first prize of the Association was Umbrellas and 2nd silver candle stioke. For the ennsola- Lion 1st prize bottles or perfume and trays for second. Some are wondering, how Davy 'Forrester and his Presbyterian bowl ers won at all with an Anglican payer on the rink, "Billy" Jackson hadn't a Good encouraging word to say about this player at alt during the whole day. A couple more players woukl have made a more exciting finisb as it was all got a erize. VOTERS' LIST. For 2913 of the Municipality of the Town of Clinton. County of Huron. ...•••••••••.• NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmitted ter delivered to tha persons mentioned in.section, 8 and 9, of the Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies required by said sections' to be so transmitted or delivered. of thelist mad e, pursuant to the aaid Act, of all persons ap- pearing by the last revised asses - meat Roll 01 ±he skid•unnicipality, tat elections for members' of the Legislative Assembly, and at Muni- cipal Electioes ; and that the said list was V et posted up in my office in Clinton on the 30th day of Aug- ust, 1913, and remains' there for in- speetion Fiectos's areupon to oxamine the said list and if any omissions, or On -y other errors are found therein, to take immediate .proeeediegs to have the said errors corrected, according to law. D. L. IVIACPRERSON, Town Clerk. Diated this 30th day of August, 1913 Model School Books School Management, Millar 1,00 Psychology, Gordy.-- .... . 1.25 Method of Recitation, McMurray ,75 Syllahus of Physical Exercise „.25 . Prang's Art Education hook 2. , ,30 A Course of Study in Art .30 Story of the British People .„ .35 . Story of the Earth end its PeoPle. .50 Hygiene for Young People .25 Public School Arithinetic .I0 • Geography .65 • Grammar .10 English History ,25 " Ca,nadian History.25 Hygiene Speller .15 Composition . ,15 1 Readers 4c. 6e, 0c, lea and ,16 Ontario Writing Course .05 Drawing Books Nos, 1 and 2, each .05 Londesboro House and Lot for Sale The administrator of the estate of Ann Stevens will sell by public auc- tion, at the Temperance House. in Loedesboro, en Saturday, Sept. 27th, at 2 o'clock. the 7 room House, and lot with good stable, in Londesboro, own- ed by the estate, and at present occu- pied by William Dyon. At the same time and place a quantity of household furniture will be offered for sale. For terms, etc., apply to • Daniel Stevens, Harlock • Eph, Brown, Londesboro • Mortgage Sale Of valuable Residential Property in the Village of Bayfield. Under and by virtue of the powers Contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of Sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction, at the premises, on Saturday, the 27th day of September, 1913, at the hour of two o'clock p,m. the following property Lot number nine on Bayfield Terrace, in the village of Bayfield, in the 0000hy of Buron, containing one quarter acre, more or less. On the property is erected a two storey brick veneered house with severi rooms, pantry, clothes closets, summer kit. chen etc. The property is located in mlist advantageous position and is ode of the best in the vinage. For terms and conditions of sale apply to W. R, Jowett, Bayfield, Ont„ or W. Brydone, Clinton, Ont, Solicitor for the Vendor Dated this 4tn day of September 1913 (f. If you are not already reading The Clinton New Era, it will be to your advantage to do so. Not only on front page, but every page contains newsy items each week. Regular subscription price $1.00 a year, and 50c for six months. We will send it from now to the end of 1913 to any address in Canada, for 35c-5 months for • 35 cents -55 cents will Fend the paper to the United States. ,