HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-09-04, Page 1Established 1565, Vol 48, No. 1.o O UNTC)N ONTARIO THUD SDAY SEPTEMBER 4 191 'W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publislhers To Satisfy the Self -Interest of Mann is the End of Successful Advertising. Use The New Era to be Successful THE oyal Bark OF CANADA Head Office, Montreal Capital Authorized -........--•$45,000,000 Sir Gilbert Parker is in Canada. Sir IGilbexit Parker, the fango -as author who represents Gravesend -in the British Hearse of,Coinmorn iteriveld in Motintreal 'en route to British Columbia and lunched at the Mount 'Royal Club. ++++4++++++++++++++i+++++Q++++4+W++a++++++4+4444+++: they will go via the St. Lawvon ec m I Fo;er . ClintonCl�non 4 4++++++++++++++++++44+++++++++++++ The council Chamber was crowd- Mrs, Wi Show■ +++to++++++++++++o+ gginton ed last Thursday night with an ap- preciative ,,gathering,, when the Capital Faid-up 11,500,000 Reserve and undivided . profits ...... -... _ 12,500,000 175,000,000`.. - ....::xu:: ¢: ,>......,. •_. TOTAL ASSETS ? ? flowers were indeed admired by the stream of visitors passing in. and out all the time The gladioli was prominent iu Ithe display as well us ', Miagnificient palms and sword ferns The begoulias7 and asters werealso, in evidence But one jar„ caught mainly aperson's eye and that was a beautiful collection of rose's They were indeed mag- • nificielnt There were no prizes offered and the officers of the Society and the citizens generally are to be heartily congratulated on, the splendid success of the show Following are those who kindly Clinton Hotticultunal Society put on their annual flower show The. .' z;NG::�✓�a ,gfi exquisite collection of plaints and. 325 BRANCHES With world wide connectioml Interest allowed on Deposits General Peaking busitness trent- acted. R. E. MANNING, Mgr,. „CLINTON BRANCH noway Time— Kodak Time Tike a Kodak with you Everything for kodakery at our store, and prompt de- veloping and printiing. Dispensing Ohernist. ST1L'(ULBERT PATtVnvn Itis five years ,since' Sir Gilbert. Mrs. McTaggart Sr, Mrs. L. Paisley Mrs. Wiseman Mrs. Saville-- Mes. Southcombe Mrs. Wm. Robertson Mrs. John Daynielnt Mrs, Stephenson Mrs. Faeran Rev. Mr. Algin 'Mrs. Counter Mrs. -J. Taylor Miss !Bines , Mrs, B,J. Gibbings Mrs. W. Moore Mrs. Chant Mrs. John Gibbiirigs W. T. O'neil Mrs. M. Plumsteel Mrs. H. 'Fitssimmon5 E. Carter ' was in Montreal and more than -20 Miss R� loaned' flowers for the show,— Mrs::'Bi+ years since he saw ithe. is edian 'West which now bulks eo large in, B •itish eyes. He expeets to be back in the City early lin iOctobexi. Which School shall I attend? Write to -day for Catalogue of i ELLIOTT Red TORONTO, ONT. It will help you to :answer the question. Careful judgment should .„�,, be exercised in choosing a school. 001:0003.11.G.111.0.003:12100101012/010:010010.7[001001005cam*- .31010020.0000.000 nsa Incorporated iS55 Capital and Reserve $5,7000,000 S5 BRANCHES. Id CANADA A GENERAL BANRINta IBUSINESS TRANSACTED. CIRCULAR. LETTERS OF CREDIT ISSUED TRAVELLERS OUEQU.I9. BANK MONEY ORDERS k - SAVINGS. DPARTMENT AT. ALL BRANCHES Interest allowed at highest eurrel st rate. C E. DOWDING, Manager Clinton Branch. ',24404440•00.44.411e ••4••44.4.00 •l4G4O♦04••04 00e•••0••O00 • Z • • •• Ordered • e Clothing a 4 Iitc,aaY i •to -Wear l II g Clotl 1 • ♦ The Well Dressed • 0 ♦ Feeli . 'That comes from beino dressed in a beco mlT 1 6 a •+ • • suit of the right ,model, the proper cloth, and made $ • according to the latest dictates of style. _ • •' • • a'• •Pleasure Dr. Thompson Mrs. Wes Waller Mrs. D. Cook Mrs. J. Hamilton Mrs. W. Whitehead Mrs. T. Gregg Mrs. Chas. Bartliff Mrs. Wasman Dr. Evdns Mrs. Holloway Mrs, King Mrs. 'Hoover • Mrs. E. Cantelon Mrs.. McMurray Mrs. Howson Mrs. Crich Mrs. Tiplady Mrs. House Mrs. Bast Pretty adshaw' Miss Doan • Mrs. Chas. Wallis Mrs. Morris Mrs. A. Couch Ed. Manroe Miss McTavish 1T.. W. 'Watt Mrs. May R. Govier Mrs. W. Harland Mrs.' Gilchrist John Cunningham Jos. Wheatly S. J. Andrews G. David G.D. McTaggart Mrs. Wm.. Brown Thos. Cottle 'Abs. J. Chowen SepLember Wed gs VODDFN—JENKINS blue was also worn, a beautiful -boa " was CRP-. `O5 � a roses A quiet; but pretty wedding took. tiller of gold -shaded, place at high noon Wednesday Sept,; reed, and the gift of;the groom,•a 3r`d., at the home of Mr. John pretty gold necklet with pendant of Jenkins, Goderich Township, when aquamarines The best man was Dr. his daughter, .Miss Frances Mary P. E. Mellow of Uxbridge Dejeuner was united to Mr. W. J. Vodclon, of n as served after a Small reception Saskatoon, by Rev. Dr. Rutledge. of relatives and friends. the wed - The house was beautifully clecorat cling cake being decoratedwith o ferns ,and Gladioli, abank sprays of white heather. The health f with of tivltitlr Marked the place where of t;hi*; brick and bridegroom was the ceremony was performed. The toasted by Dr. Gandier. brot'he.r'of o• • of Getting Clothes • ♦ • •• • • • 4 • •••• • until you see the suit you want on • Dontwaitul.t someone else, • • • Come in and make your selection � the assortinent is complete. • • Here We beg to announce the arrival of our I NEW FALL SUIT NUS • • • • NOW while Prices$ 20 to $28 Our $25 Blue Suit is the Talk of the County Ask to See it i -h Clothingir.,. The Morrish A Square Deal tor' Every Man bridal couple were unattended, but numerous relatives of both bride and groom were present from Goderich. Clinton, Brucefield and the surrounding. country. A sum- ptuous breakfast was !served, after which the happy couple departed on the three o'clock train for Tor onto and points East. , the ggroom], who proposed • the "bridesmaid." responded 1:o by the best ream, The: health of Mrs. Wm. Christian was acknowledged on her behalf by Dr. 3. A. Macdonald. Later on D. and Mrs. Joseph Gan- dier left for Muskoka, the going - ,away .being f blueIt to New York and. other cities, ,on• the Atlantic coast. .The bird :G travelling suit was •of dark blue cloth with small blue Velvet het. The out of town guests were 112 s. McKee, of Edmonton the Misses Kempthorne of Whitby ; Mrs. Jas. Hare, of Whitby, and Miss Harriet Wilson, of Seaforlh. Prize. ners- at Taranto EDITO OAL 4.1 :7t44•41444444444-4++44411 Canada is good eioough for us "Clinton's all right” but keep. busy This is September, the Olh month of 1913 Stratford is to have a new G T. R depot—a dandy. So is Clinton, Jas, Snell & Sons Capture Medals but you can't mark the date for and Prizes With Their Sheep, the latter on your calendar as `,hey scax cely' .ever print calendars 25 years ahead of time, ;Butsay1 :We ought to have that ' new station. The old one is la trifle the worse 'Of wear, and badly out of style., As breeder sof first-class stock the name and fame of James Snell': & Sons, of Clinton,is deservedly world-wide At the- present tithe stock raised by them is' winning prizes at fairs in both the Eastern The Cineionati Enquirer's poetry and Western, States This has been machine ground out the 'following done year after year, and shows the sensible effusion that appears high standard and reliability of an- practical.:— • imals bred by them At the Tor Laugh at the knockers and they'll' onto Exhibition, this they 1practi- run; eally swept the board in the Lei- Hold up your head, be not afraid, tester Sheep class, and this is aro And if they hand you lemons, son, small honor wheln the ikeennessof Just turn them into lemonade, the competition is taken into tac- count The following are the pri- zes won by them Ewe, . any age, first prize, silver medal Ram, two shears or over, , and prize served out to soma of the men Ram, shearling,.lst prize A grave mistake on the part of somebody was fortunately discov Bred+one dray last week in the sham fight of Western Ontario soldiery whereby loaded shells had been Had the attack been made earlier a Ram lamb, 3rd prize • sad catastrophe might have been Ram, airy age, lst prize and ell-, recorided—that. is if the soldier ver medal boys had been good shots That, is Ewe; two shears, 1st and 3rd not the first time the same thing Ewe, shearling, 1st prizehas occurred and shows that there Pen, ram lamb and 3 'ewes, 2nd { isa dereliction of duty on the part of the dispenser of ammunition in PrimaePen, ram and two 'ewes, year old, some instances The "didn't know let prize +'twee loaded" weapon is -a danger Pen, not shown in other classes, ous one no matter who handles it 2nd prizeI . Cocaine vendors are being smart - This is a record fir one !show of ly followed by the minions of the which any breeder may twell feel lacy in various sections of Canada proud, and the Smells are amply ' and are 'paying sweetly for carry - :justified trryjustified in feeling elated, at their: ing on their notations busi....se It sncfte55 The County of Huron is ' would appear as 'if old "Clotity" also honored by -this fine showing ' can, find agents for the moat dis- reputable work on .his program l�p HRH Q� U. 'gg'jjh� lin pays J. v 13E« ��il�n I They arse not alts 4ys rnasculnne but here and there women ltac e allied with those who are dispensing this c' '?"g� i dope The should not wink at tpvgp ti] Goderich , dt 9��l. salesman t]] this trade but wherever a s le t is found he should be put where Lady Grey Dooks at Lake Huron stone walls will be between hint. Point and Minister is giveir and the outside world A dope official Welcome i fiend who has travelled that, path • for ',a time is to be pitied more Gndetir.h. Sept.3-Hon.J.D.li.azen, l than blamed but the fellow who minister of iariee in the Borden supplies the drug Should be shown llittle r lericir rloaci t� mercy •`r'c iuCTc t ides 'cress • ae ng o novelty "Cabinet, ai t ed cloth; taupe hat with tango plume,n,ghL on tile; Gerertment boat Labv i The presents presents were charming in then s.nd nther.• tnet- the G • c Tt mayor reeve, newspaper beauty and usefulness, Some • old 1 pier Tuesday inoeniun and gave them 'say it takes about a week after re- faintly silver,' dating back: to U.E. air auto ride;around the torn. FAIR—O NEIL L. times, Mrs. Christian wore rich turning, home to get fully cleat' of A pretty' though quiet wedding black satin with white' lace on the the characteristic lethargy of a was -solemnized at the home of Mrs. bodice; Mrs. J. A. -Macdonald, aacatch but after that .yon are all .t D. B. Kennedy on.Monday, Septem- lovely blue.and silver %brocaded HOTEL AND BARNS ler 1st„ when 'Belle the secoardsatin with lace and deep friengeh ATBLUEVALE right. Guess it' depends •sonie�rhat r BURN arty 'nt, the l people who have had ?experience daughter of 113r. and Mrs. Iran . Mrs. Falconer, sister of the groom %O'Neil, was married to Mr. Leonard was in bright blue satin and, velvet Fair, of Drayton, only son of Ml,: blue bat; Mrs. Gandier, deep Dur- and Mrs. Joseph Iain, of Listo ole- white hat with flowers; Mrs. Rev. D. K. Grant,' conducted the Mick, an aunt of the bride, . dart: ceremony In, the presence of only blue with French embroidery; Miss the immediate ; relatives of bride G.anclier, white embroidered dress and groom. Mr. O'Neil gave away black plumed hit; Mrs. G. Ganclier his daughter who wore ahandsomo• black' satin, black feathered hat. gown of peacock blue brocaded val Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Gaindier will. vet and alarge. 'black hat with reside in Clinton. white -ospreys. After the cere- mony a dainty wedding lundheon --o-- ed at the Hotel Norman- , was seri KEiVIPTR0RNE—DOHER.L'I. dao and 1VIr. and Mrs. Pair left for Toronto ion` the 3.03 train, the The marriage of Helen Irene bride travelling in a tailored dress youngest daughter' of Mr. and. Mrs. of taupe velvetwith which she William Doherty to Mr. Samuel T. wore asmart black velour hat ICempthorne, of Saskatoo:n, son of The best .wishes of alarge number Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Kempthorne, of of friends go'with Mr. wind Mrs. Whitby, was solemnized In Wesley Fair to their new home. church 0nclock. . WeclnesdlayThecer afternoon at emonT was --o-- conducted by Rev. !Dr. Rutledge GANDIER—CHRISTIAN and the wedding music was played Wednesday at 10,30 o'clock at the by Prof. Willgoose, Principal of residence of Lr. J. A. Macdonald and London Conservatory of Music, of Mrs. Macdonald (sister !of the bride) which school the bride is an hon-, Tornnto. the marriage of Miss lion . our ,graduate. The church was stance Helen Christian, youngest, prettily decorated with palms and daughter of Mr. Winkel]Ohnistien, to pink and white asters. The bride Dr. Joseph Charles -Gaudier, son of the was given away by her father` and Rev. ,Jn"eph Gaudier and Mgrs. Gan wore abeautiful gown of white dier of Newburgh, was solemnized by brocaded satin with lace• bodice and the Rev. Mr. Gaudier, father of the pearl ball trimmings. Her veil was groom, and Dr..Alacclnnald, brother la'ranged as a mob cap and:was in taco of the bride. Thea house and oatight with lace and orange blos- s•r' u verandahs were. decorated with mass soros,. Shecar. ted a shower e es of gladioli and birch covered box of lilies of the valley and mauve or es of ferns. 51r.- 51. M. Stevenson of chids. Her only ornament was a the Toronto Conservatory of Music diamond necklace in platinum set - laved the wedding music. The bride ing, the gift of the groom. The s led in and given away by her maid of honor, Miss Ethel Doherty wore meteor blue crepe de chene with white and blue hat and car- ried ipink noses, Miss Maisie Kernpthorne, sister:of the groom, acted as bridesmaid' and wore•spink chiffon with' largo punk picture hat an dcarried ppilnk roses. Mr. James Doherty, brother of the bride, as- sisted the . groom and Mr. Guard Doherty and - 'Mr. Will'Middleton were ushers. During the signing of the` register Mrs. Bare, of Whitby sang` "Beloved, It is Morn." To the bride's • !attendants the g (room gave platinum necklaces with dai- ♦ th her daugh mond pendants. His gift to his es man was a silver c •J• • ••• • o•; • • • • •I 0 • • � ,we • mother. Mrs. Christian, ;and wore a ♦ lovely dress of white charnieuse satin. ,' the upper part of. the skirt, bodice and • sleeves covered with chif£onplisse, the long separate train arranged with a large tow of the' satin at the waist. ✓ and a pretty finish was given by •. the turn -back corner fastened by 7 a .wreath and cluster of silver tiss- 're roses. The short court veil • was gracefully arranged in cap effect • and was of exquisite Brussels lace, • ivory -tinted by its age of over a • century, worn by the grandmother r of the bride and giveln to. herself by her mother -who,wi - _—_ how the holidays were spent and also on your occupation when at Winghitm, August 30 —Fire destroy- home.. Our conviction is , that ee the hotel and barn in 13 uev:tte this morning: at about o,clock. '1'hs origin shorter :vacation tund more of them et the fire is a mystery as the hotel is an improvement over the one -a - hits not been r+ccupied since 111av 1, ear Inc longer period, .Another when local option cache, into . force. 1 y ' g Th, hotel eras, owned by. Johon convietioin is' twat ar holiday right ton, who 'vacated the house •at home under, your o�taiii vine and May 1, moving to Saskatoon. The fig tree with ,a cessation of ueg- loss is supposecl to be.fully covered by insurance, one policy Nein for 5000 ular 'employment will „beat ,any in the waterloo Fire Insurance other class yet discovered. Over- Compan, - coma the store of objections ;you l raise to this plan, try it 'once and Percentage of growth of some Ca- see if you are not, a ,coinveilhl. 0f esadialn cities, +1910-11; Ottawa, '14' 1 course circumstances' alter cases percent; London, 22; Quebec, 10 and 'our rugs 'will not be without. Halifax, 12; St, John, 5. i • Number of post offices; At confed- eration, 3,638; 1912 13,859. 1 Sweet as Flowers The New lin, and Violet Toilet Powder New, England RIM"? suds Toilet Powder IIarnmony Rose Talcum Harmony a oohs Violet Talcum Harmony Rose Glycerine Scan, Harmony Violet Glycerine Snap ile or 2 for 25c.• THE IIEXALL STORE W.'.R. Holmes j ters, had also worm it on their best a iv and case and • wedding days ; it was .fastened on and to the ushers he gave gold f the y wreath o ]r After �' the hair with a small monogratned cuff links. •orange blossoms, and abeautiful ceremony areception was held at • - shower of roses, white heather and Lilace Wepha the home of the d 'mai ' The brrdes was car carried. lilies was Mise Jean -.0 Macdonald, niece of the bride, inlapicturesque dress. • •r f t lunch- eon e brides parents. A but p by several was served of the girl. friends of the b ri'deSolos of gold -colored satin and silk crepe were given by Mrs. 'Hare) Prof. •; , do chine over which was apretty Willgoose and Mr. Murray 'Jack- coat of pink flowered chiffon with son ,and !several telegrams of • dee lace collar and blue satincongratulationswere read Mr.. • gixdle; atoque of mob ran shape of and Mrs..Kempthorne left on the 4�N►4••1.4N•4N1•�M4••4N4•NN••4 the flowered chiffon with touch of 303: train. for Niagara. From there • J. E. Doherty, Clinton. British capital placed, publicly inl Sone of those Sherbrooke, Queb, Canada' up to March,. 1913, 463,000,000 women who were so dead anxious pounds 'sterliing. to present Henry Thaw with bo - Canada's oyster p-iioductioln de -cruets and shake hie, hand evidence cretased from 64,646 barrels: m 1882 , to 33,102 barrels last vear. I a serious want of regard for:. their sex and what is due them There appears to be a fascination to some folks to seek notoriety and they will do the most unwise things to carry out this. white ' If there is •sucha thing as putting a premium on violatorsi of the Ten Commandments they appear to want to have a hand in doia_g it Could these same people be har- nessed up` to some project that would aid andencourage those who are living useful and heroic lives a good purpose would be ser- ved and; the workers cheered iin their labors but the Thaw bogset variety are busy ,-ab a dangerous class of work and show very bad judgment in our opinion A little legal squabble is on hand in Toronto, over the fact that Mil- dred M Rogers; who 'paid a thous- and cool dollars to Alice M Wylie e for a Pomerarian dog. has rued her bargain and wants Jim sale set a- side The flair plaintiff also wants of warranty for breach of said dog We suppose dog fans iers who are after "top notchers" would think the sum mentioned gtoutinued on Page' 5. The Doherty Concert Course J. E,,,DOHERTY, Manager SEASON 1913-14. Talent' under management of . Reath d! Lyceum Bureau . p y ,. New York City Oldest and Largest in the World. The five Concerts in the course, beginning Sept. 23rd, are— . "LAUHANT," The map of Manny Mysteries "EVERETT RING," Monologist and Entertainer. "CHICAGO GLEE CLUB," Vocal and Trombone Quartette +'KELLOGG=HAINES OPERA COT, , "THE DIXIE QUARTETTE • A limited number of season tick- ets for stale, at $1:50 each. ,Orders; for -tickets, nray`.be left alt Fair's.Book , Store,'or with Welcome We wish to welcome .Our many customers from thein holidays,—and extend greet- ings to those who remained at home. If, it had. not been. Inc them we would not have been here to welcome those who returned home. 0.0 e 'o O'NEIL 1, I l:l tJ l3 GP... CT:0 Phone. 48 0 bar Teacher of Singing Piano Playing and Theory. Pupils prepared' for examination at Toronto Conservatory of Musics and' Western University. For terms apply et residence, Ontario Street. The other lucky winners at the big picnic held last Wednesday were, - 1st prize -+$6.00 in gold, won by Mr, W. Hogan, Lothian, Ont., ticket No, 2252. 2ncl prize -half dozen- - silver' knives and forks, won by Miss Ei- leen Carbert, Hullett,Ticket No. 1600. 3rd raze—Gentlemala's Cane, p won by Mr. W. P. Leddy, 48 Hughes St., St. Thomas, Ont., ticket No.7220 4th prize—Ens of cigars,_ won by Mr. A. Forbes, Clinton, ticket Noe 8521, 5th prize—Box of tea, 5 Ills:,, won',: by Wm. 'Curtin,. Dublin, ticket. No. 7149. ' 6th Prize— - 50 lbs, of Flour, Won'' by Mr. Dan, Shamnahan, Seaforth Ticket, No., 8586. 7th prize—Ladies Umbrella,• w -on= by Mr. A. J. McMurray, Clinton, Ticket, No, 6785. 8th prize—Pair of shoes, won by~ ' Mr, Fred. Frezelle, Ingersoll, Ont,,, ticket No. 1332, 9th prize—Year's subscription to NewEra, won by Mr, Thomas Mc- Millan, ,Seeforth, ,Ont., ticket No. 7856. loth prize -Year's ',subscriptiosi News Record, won by Rev. Fr_ 3, F. Mahoney, Salmis., ,Ont., ticket no., 7868 Mr. John J. McCaughey jl'., Chin- ton •0n,t., won the 1VIachine prize,': Sickle: Grinder. Ticket ` No, 409. These prizes were drawn by .wine Hamilton, of Clinton. +4+++++++++++++++++•+++A+•A* O + • Are you goin • away ? Are + you entertaining out-of-town • • friends or .relatives?' Aro ' ▪ you going to entertain your • club members Doou want,+ Y +• that next greeting of•• your society announwsd in The 'y NEW ERA ` If so kind). N eNo andaekfurLhe telephone ,30 , p ,•} Editor. We will appreciate, greatly . favors• of, this kind;, • 4,4• +++++++++++++4++++4.4+4919