HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-08-21, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 48, No, `< .To Satisfy the Self -Interest. Of Man is the End of Sdccessfa dAdvertising. CLINT- ON ONTARIO THURSDAY AUGUST 20 1913 U e THE Exeter Eads oval Bark OF CANADA .lead Office, Montreal • Capital Authorized .::.........$25,000,000 • Capital Pa:'id-up 11,500000 Reserve and undivided Profits 12,500,000 TOTAL ASSETS 175,000,000 325 •,BRANCHES 'With world wide connection) Interest allowed on Deposita General (Banking ,business trlan! acted. R. E. MANNING, Mgr. CLINTON BRANCH 2 1011day . TIM— Kodak Time T &ke a Kodak with you Everything for koclakery at our store,and prompt de- veloping .and printing. Nearly Drown George Ortwein Will Probably Receive Medal for Rescuiug Friend. Exeter, Aug. 10. -While swimming at the dam this afternoon Clifford Brimacombe, aged 13 got beyond his depth and would have been drowned had it not been for the bravely of companion named George Ortwein, When Ortwein arrived Brimacombe had disappeared. Ortwein dived and after being down for some seconds succeedeed in locating Brimacombe and coming to the top struck out for the hank with him. His strength however gave out when he was with- in few feet of safety and it was all he could do to hold onto a fishing pole Gordon Powell held out. Both boys were finally hauled inlocating Barna, combe and come"other fisherman. Brimacombe was soon revived and is none the worse for his adventure. Ortwein will receive a metal for his. bravery. STANDING IN THE LEAGUE. Clfntola 4 1 1 'Wingham t3 2 0 Groda:lett 2 "2 1 Kincardifne 0 3 0 Fall Term Opens Sept, 2nd ogeg: TORONTO, ONT. ' .T� 1E2. � V Stands to -clay without a super- Dispensing Chemist, for in Canada. Graduates highly successful. O talo ice Free. k.Ca The fly. incorporated 1;465 Capital and Reserve $5,7.000,000 S5 BRANCHES IN CANADA A GENEItAIL BANIKIIl A litrgSffiiE$S 711LANSACTE!D. CIRCULAR LETTERS 03' CRED1T TRAVELLER'S 0E1EQUEi ISSUED BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. AT ALL fIRANCHLS Interest allowed at highest current rate. C E. DOWDING. Manager Clinton Branch, W. H. Kerr &,neon, Editors and,Publishers Era to be Successful 4++++t++++++++t+++++t++++++++++++++++++++++++++t+""�■ j �Q ®� With T e(� /a y ++++++++++++++++t+++++++++4+++++++++++ Some of the above pupils have not as yet been admitted by the Department, but are attending the lectures pending receipt of admission card. A few more may"enter at first of week as the delay in issuing certificates and marks prevent- ed them from making appli- catioii in due time. Clinton Model School open- ed on Tuesday of this week with a good attendance. The following are those who are supposed to attend this term Emily P. Law, Drurnbo Emma E. Stewart, Wing - ham Robt. J. Ferguson, Belgrave Nettie G. Moffatt, Tees - water Potter,a Blyth ' Summer School S Isabella W. Cora M. Schroeder, Dashwood Matilda M. Miller, Dashwood j Florence M. Lewis, Olande- boye John F. Cook, Belfast Vera A. Atkinson, Lucan James G. Walker, Exeter IPearl 0:Mackenzie, Dungan- non Annie C. Curran Ripley Ann , Annie M. Macpherson, Ripley Laura Griffin, Kintail Anna. E. Whitc, Redeckvilie Elva R. Watson, Kilmainagh ElizabethFord, Clinton P. Clinto Hugh A MacMillan Holyrood Uisa Martin, Teeswter. Manley A. Shipley, Clinton Harold R, Cantelon, " Albert P. Cooper Lorne S. Farrell, Teeswater Henderson W, Forest, Clinton Ewart D. Cameron, Lucknow Chas. Fowler, Wingharn Hugo. A. MacMillan, Holy - rood, Sarah Smith, St, Helens 44444040444•40, .0.40•0400.04+ astaat.•@+00 s4.G4O••'D•00.0.00P+ • Ordered • Clothing • p...- • • • Ready -to -Wear Clotising -....—.� The ell Dressed • • Feeling 4. • • IO 4 0 • • • •• That comes from being dressed in a becoming suit of the right model, the proper cloth, and made according to the latest dictates of style. Is Part of the Pleasure of Getting Clothes Here We beg o to announce the arrival of our • NEW FALL SUITING S • • 4 Don't wait until ' someone else. • Z Come in and make your selection the assortment is complete: Prices $20 to $ 4 • + 6 • + + + 4 •i • 4 + • m. • 0••• 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • e • . • you see the suit you want on $ • • • • NOW while • • • •• • Z • • • •'aszasearassamalcaaramana • •. • • • • • • • • 8 Our $25 Blue Suit is the' Talk of the County Ask to See it he'Morrish.Clothing • , T "ver Man • `_ ? h mei hl ax's so far follow, themto the' � Square Deal tor Fi � hT,ew, Yiark Sun declares their the g h Flossie Brown, Londesboro May Reynolds, Clinton Daisy Copp, Clinton Grace Schram, Parkhill Jean Wylie, Clinton Gladys Drape, " Gertrude Kidney, Ripley Annie McDonald, Ripley Most Successful Many Londoners „are ,Enjoying Session by the Lakeside at Goderich. Goderich Aug. 19, -The summer school in progress here under the aus- pices of the Presbyterian Synod of Hamilton and London ii proving a great Success, Rev. De, R. P. Matey gene"al foreign mission secretary is in charge' Dr. Dickie of Chatham 'is leading in the Bible study -"The Holy Spirit in t the New Testament." Others taking part are Dr. A. J. W. Meyers Rev. W. - IL. McIntosh of London: Rev. S. F, Sharp, of Exeter; Rev. Gillies Eadie, Horan; Dreamless Kirkwood, Toronto Rev D. 0 McGregor, of the board of n ial service and evangelism; Mr Pall ,s g , Sarnia; lbs Mellae. London and Mrs. McNeil, Goderich; Rev. 11. Matheson, iRev. R W. Dickie, Montreal; Rev. ,11 G. Jicl3eth • t The interest Was great and the en• il. rollment large reaching 181, The re• creation hours are well oecup'ed with games and on one dn.y au auto tour Ly individual citizens. The feature of Thursday last was ' the sports of t he school. The fol- lowing were some of the novel anuise• rents with the contests end prise - 1 winners; 100 yards.., single nen-'2 W. A )!owlet, London„ 1, W. Reynolds, S aa.ford 50ands, married men -Rev, aa, A. Dobson, Dunnville; Ii'v. A. Mann, Benceels, 50 yards single ladies -I \Varnoek, L. LA'Reek 50 yards married ladies -Mrs. Mann, Mrs. \\'tu- nook. Thread the r endle r tip -Rev, A McFarlane, Rev, A. Mann Wheel. harrn,v taco M„wit and Reynolds. Elephant race- Res'S Duncan' of Lusk. new, and Sharp, of Exeter, with 13y - Von Koeesirtw, Mahout. Donkey race - Mowat and Reynolds. Bo I; race - Mowat, Dobson. Ooat race-Jiiss A. J. Hamilton, Miss Ross Brussels. Nail- driving( ai1- dtivin<; contest Hiss 1100d5 .13rus�e1e; Miss Richard, Bsyhelrl', .Egg bunting rare -Miss McArthur, Mrd, ,Mann, Tug of war, Janson vs. the World •- The World won, Following is the list of ' new books in the Public Library: Cut this list tout for future ;reference; Problems of Power... _Fullerton Governments of Europe Ogg The Irrviincible Alliance -,.Grierson Economics of Business--. ...Brisco P e -r s o rsa is t y.. ....... ... ...Jevons Lincdlln's Own Stories Opera Stories -..Young Oxford Book of Victorian Verse Oxford Book of Ballads New Irish Comedies Gregory Farevtella d r tee Is Si day to be Abolished? Officers Of LQ.0,1'. Are Duly Installed Toronto Is Selected as the Place of Meeting for Next Year. Belleville, Aug.1,-The session of the 10,0.F. Grand Lodge concluded at noon to -day with the installation of offleers for the (musing year the in• stellation being conducted by the re. thing Grand Master F. S. Evanson of Prescott. The special committee's re- port recommending that the Indepen- dent Odd -fellows insett cards for all lodges at the rate of 52 per year pay. able by Grand Lodge was adopted. The report of the Committee on sented by F. G. M. LiteraryTaste and ow to form red ofto the deathsOrd of. hl prominent members of the Order. it .----- ..-••- •-- -•-•• Bennett The Advisory Committee on the 0, Virgil -- .-..-..Glover [Pannus , Speeches, 2 volts. Spiritual Interpretation' . of. Nature Simpson A Muslim Sir Galahad ...Dwight Mohammed ..-Townsend Life and' Teaching iof Jesus Christ Kent Theiotogy of the Gospels. --Moffatt In the way to Bethlehem...Knight A Modern Pilgrim in Mecca.-.Wa veil Hughes, Sidg- The Black Forest... Home Life in Germany wick. Germany lin Modern Times. -.Lich- tenberger 3' Germany and the Germans --:Col- lier Munich Wiadle•igh Twixt Land and Sea-..Conrad Our .House and London -,.Pennell Candies and Bonbons (Etiquette •of To -day -- ...Ordway The case of Oscar Slater. -.Doyle Prudent --- Wena es Martha By -the -day... .-.Lippman The Lady and Sada San Little Carson .Gale S. E. White [Toronto Weekly Sun] The question at the head of this ing sho:utd be;allowed isone that article is not so absurd as might ap each locality must be let to settle pear at first glance. Iintd'eed the for itself. The World of the same Sunday of arty or fifty years ago city says that to deprive boys of in Ointar1p has been very nearly the right to'play on 'the only day abolished already. Railways which Ion which they have time to play 'were then as Isilent ast the' tomb is not tomake them moral.. tQther from Saturday night until. Monday New York State journals hold l9im- miornfn ,are now almost as noisy liar views while none seem to be g opposed to the proposed change. with the traffic on Suaday eel on If Sunday ballplaying is allowedMonday. Rural roadways which will the movement stop there? will then echoed only to the sound of pat5uadfay theatres, Sunday picture a! slow-moving vehicle on the way gialleres and libraries. Sunday to church now hum with the{ con - dances halls and Sunday stores fol- stant steam of auto traffic carrying crowds of pleasure seekers, • low in order? With so many at work These are but two of scores of il- lustrations which will occur at omen to the mind of anyone who will take tinemt be ad weakened' that there time to think back over a period will come an irresistible de,Yita;nd even of la good) deal less than, half for the continua operation of greet a century. 'Meantime nlolnJ church- industrial plaints such assteel and gloing was practically the, uini cement mills? If all these changes vernal habit in the sixties and seven do occur the one dlay of rest and ties of the last century. In all the changes thatbave oc- curred we( have but followed the example let the older andmore popu. Mous communities to the south of in catering to all these varied formas of amusement and supply of house- hold needs willlnot the Sundaysen- quiet fiorall a day which aside from and questi(sln of religious obser- vance)muchf or at all has reamto s, the physical welfare of people will us. Amlong these communities the , be a mere memory -Wheresuch changes have giolnieeven 1urtlier,chiangeetakep'lace. Inidleed' there, comes even ;now from one quarter than with us atndistill the end with across theline a voiee delmanding them is not insight, Every comes the total abolition ,of the "gloomy sisio.0 in the way of letting • down.English Sabbath" and the substi't- the bars is, as an American journal tutito•n of three say's used- as anargueme a rn Isup- days a week all which port of the den?land for still further different in tUdns of the community concessidn. The Olatest demand an deal! rest in tuna. The real - gloomy day 'twill be that which marks the N. w Yiorlc, is for abolition of. the, begintning iof,aperiod wherein there Prohibition against Sunday baseball will be No cessation . from toil and and the indications are that. - this noise week .ill. Iaind week out, year • prohibition is !about to go. Alt the • recent ,Annual', convention of the • - • anay(ors of the State aresolution all that is needed for physical well • was adgpted asking for the repeal being. Quiet is essential as well • Legis5atiuon interfering with Sun- land there can be DO quiet 'where • day ball playing, and ll .out of 32 two-thirds of the community are al- mlayors who have replied to goes- ways at wlork with the other ' third engaged ilnnpisy play. lYetlthis seems dobe what is coming in the United States. .Willi we in 'Ontario who have followed ,the lead of our Motto of Mrs. McLane (Christmas Sign at Six CBunker Bea ...... ... ... ...\Vilsou Lmpery S. White Poet of the Furtive Roberts Chronicles of Avonlca .--Mont- gomery In spite of Fate A Bonnie Saxon '.1'h1. Silent Main den the only contested office were S.Hockung S. Hocking S. Hocking •Tielllyanna Porter r lo:lorv. 1 H. Mann, Hamilton; i. Little Thaukyiou .O'Connor ' 0.Parks, Toronto; onto; A. T. Lawson' Ot- • `.1'he Little Cardinal.-- .. -..Parr tin's; .A. G C rscaddeu T'oronro: Geo. The Bard"s Christmas Carol J. Cam pbe 11lagar,e falls Geo Geddes St, Thomas. ll. C. Robertson, Barrie; Wiggin W. T. line Stirling, H. 1�. Johnson, The Poor Little Rich Girl ---Gates Rall ontatzi 1. Dawson Sault Ste Zillah J. Hockin . 37 a ie; 11. 11, James, O; haw.0 J. Jo ck- slarie•runto, A. Ooyell Toronto; W. The. Birthright J. Ilocicing A. A.clarns, Rirharcls Lnndtng: W, H. Esau...... .- J, Hocking Moss Dumas, W. S. Robinson, Peter. And shall Trela\vney Die J. ' horn: A. B Harrell, Bridgebutg; Rev. F. R. A. reported that the member ship of the latter was over 28,010 and the condition of the Association was very satisfactory. The recognition of the Assocatiou by the Grand Lodge was continued, The Grand Lodge Executive was empowered to select a aesign for past Grand Jewel and provide for the manufacture and saie of the same through the Grand Lodge. Report on Districts, The Committee on District recom- mended charges which were adopted. The Lodges at Pioneer and Manitou were transferred to Sudbury District Lodges at Russel, hiaxville and Val - leek Hill were placed in Kemptville District No. 30. Connaught Lodge was placed in the Eastern District. No. 3S Home Lodee and No. 25 Lincoln Lodge in the Welland District, Keppel Lodge in No. 25 Bothwell District, No. 8 was oblit'rated and the Lodges plated as follows Bothwell, Thames- ville and Clorence in No. 2 District Alviuston in District 11, Newbury and Glencoe in London District. Lucknow Lodge was transferred to \Vinghasn District No. 22. Lanark and Ren- frew Districts and amalgamated, to be known as Renfrew No. 43, as the place • s selected r• t wa c ono p Tr of meeting next year. Henry Clarke of Elora was elected Grand Lodge Auditor.. A notice of motion was put in to amend the bylaws to reduce the re. presentation of the Grana Lodge to ens rein e,entativa for 900 members and two if the membership exceeds 200 The Committee on Appeais report- ed in favor of the appeal of F. W. Dogget against St. Phomas Lodge and the same was adopted. Perutis- sion was granted to carry the mutual to the Sovereign (Grand Lodge. Many Nominations, Tue nomination for Grand War; Hooking ,Sheila. .Swan Tho old Moorings Swann T. V's. Eyes Harrison Tho happy Warrior. -.Hutchinson Stellia ' Maris Locke The Judgment House... ...Parker The Heart of the Hills Fox The Night Riders Cullum Precious Waters Chisholm Ranching for SylviaBindloss My Lady's Garter Futrelle fnlaiwd year put. Nest as u'ndre steed' by cessation frappe toalt iS not • •• ,• 4. tions owthe matter have declared in favor of this. The position taken by these mayors is supported by a number pi leadiing journals. C T e 'ex' a ,•1 • questitop whether Su�wd(ay ball play- M•N••NINtN•N••NNH•NNNNM•,NNWN • Mating of Lydia The Old Adam The Silent Battle Marie Child of Storm John Cave-.. Tho Weaker Vessel. TheBishop's Purse aliants iof Sonlni aa.-.... Ibanez iraimia... banez The Shadow Stringer Doc Williams'...... .....Lerrigo A Dream ,of Blue Roses...Barclay Mark Noyes (Barbara 1sken The Mischief Maker...Oppenheim Turn of' the Sword... ..- Savage The Uphill Climb Bower The Amateur GentlemanFar nol 1 Seven Key's to Baldpate...Biggers. Wid'ecarube Fair..- Phillpotts !Fortitude- .- `Walpole air. Pratte' Patients.:. .--Litnicoln 'Veronica ..Kingsley. Pippin Van Buren Adventures ,of Miss Gregory Gibbon ' ;Michael De la Pasture !Heroine in Bronze:-- ...'..:...Allen iWnid!yridge..... ...... Riley The Browns...... .... ...Buckrose New Leaf Mills ---- Ha -wells j The Just and Uust-Kester the lnI The Crock of ,Gold ...Stephens The Parasite ;..Martin. ....-.Ward Bennett Gibbs .Haggard Haggard Trates Bensoln Moffett +++++t+f+++++++++++++++•0+ t + + Are you going away? Are - i yen entertaining out.of•town friends or ' relatives ? Are• a you, going to . entertain your e • club members Do you want + ▪ that next meeting of your a society announced in The + NEW ERA ? 1f so kindly • • telephone No. SOand fateful, the + Editor. We will appreciate d or of this kind. greatly favors y • g d: + 44•+++++++++++4++++++44+ti+ cancalosweeza Sweet as Ti Flowers New England Violet Toilet Powder New England lllosa Buds Toilet Powder Harmony Rase Talcum Harmony Violet Talcum Harmony Rose Glycerine Soap.'. Flarmo•ny Violet Glycerine Soup, lie or 2 for 25c. REXALL STORE W.Q.R. Holmes 1131 LISTER You have heard that George Washington could nut tell a lie. We could -but we do not have to, for we buy in the cloeest market and sell at the cloeest prices. It is no lie that we are still selling Redpath's Granulat. ed Sugar 100 pounds for $1.15 20 pounds for $1.0+ We have added' to our well equipped stock Creamery Batter and. Stut r silk • • ter. A lI. k1. Quarternran, Rentrew, Alex. Abraham Stratford, P, Pickard, Orillia, R. N. Sheppard., 'Toronto, G, 31. Hermissinn, Toronto; T L, Wood Brantford: W, J. Hamilton Fort, William, 0fiic.rs Installed. The officers installed for 101314 were: -Grand Master, P. F. Conplund St. Mary's, 0: G. 1)1., D. M, McIntyre, Toronto: Cs, Warden, L. B. Gooper, Belleville; G. Sem etary, Wm,' Brooks Toronto; G. Treasure, W. J, McCor- mack, Toronto, G. Rep., G. Brown, Paple- stunt, G Marshall, S. W. Dunnville G. Conductor, G. A. Beaty Lenora, 0, Guardian, J. W. Simpson, Sarnia; G Herald C. W. Postleth- n atte, herr iekville, G. Chaplan A. 0. Cummer Oannington: G. Messenger, De. J. Armitage Kincardine' 0. L. Lewis, P.0.31.' .0 31. Chatham, was ap- pointed Grand Lodge Solicitor. Jewel Presented, At the conclusion of the installa• nation the retiring Grand Master -was presented with a P. G. 31 Jewel. Grand Muster Oonpland made the ap- pointments and the Grand Lodge closed,' illunlor Matriculation Exam, Results The following list contain the r mantes of the c<'uudidates who were successful in whole or in part on the pass junior matriculation ex- aminatiloln. Normal entrance can- didates who were also candidates for matriculation have been con- sidered in the results, '-'o 'Huron -Group 1. D.I. Barr B. C. Beacom .M. Beattie F.M. Blower J. W. Button ) .N, Oantelojn C. P. Coiiv!an E. P. Dougall. 0i. A. Dundas, 3, Fingialn(di W.H. !Forrest S. Geiger R. Gray L C. 'Harvey. P.W. Hoag N. E. Jiacks!on T. E. John J.E. Kelly' M. E. Linkllater 'H.R. MacKay. A. M. Mains D, J. Matheson W. McGregor LH A. McKiy it G. iMeKercher, W. THE DUB GROGER Phone 43 C, 0. Nicholson T, Penhalo IE. D. Reid M.C. Reynolds A.A. Rice E. Sanderson F. A, Smith L. E. Stevens C.E. Stewart C. Wood J, M. Wylie Group 2-- V.0. Currie N. Griffin A.G. Rintoul Group 3- A, Arichibald L. W. Brown E. A: Burn A, P. Cooper L. E. Greig W. H. Haines J. McKenzie` W, E. O'Brein H. Quackenbush 'J. V. Ross IG, Thompson E. Tomball HONOR BOLL E. Bell Math. 1., J, V. Dickson, Eng,' E. , Math, T., Phys, III Chem, II.; R. R. Forbes Math,IIbi A, Ross Lat.III,; Bio1,III M. A. Shipley, Eng., III., Ger„ III., Chem. III BIol 111.; G.E. Stephenson, Math. II.;. D. Tierney, Frog., III., Fr. III. ; RT • Torrence, EDITORIAL, Z. While the straw is short 'thy harvest the grain yield may b long when the threshing is OTC,, The crop has been well leavedwar. indications for fair prices aresalo,, to be assuring. Me are sorry to note the black: eye same parts of the West ass. calved 'last week by the istorru.. 'Hope the reports were exxggera. ated and that the damage [lime'W'/ac not be as serious as antioipate0k (What ever became of the long promised dividends tohdlders at shares in cement manufactures+ institutiolne? .With the increase' and increasing quantities, usedazntd better facilities in it* output ia: islabout time the shares that were. tooted as so golden should yield returns. Some of said shares awn- ed out to be gold' bricks, 'Thera are promoters of these schemes who wilfully gulled the people, we be- lieve, and il: they get altolt place bye -land -bye will have pilaf one 'Le blame but themselves.' Whoa a glib tongued chap calls round and tells yiou he will gdiar.antee tvon`3o and 25 par cent. Ryon kick luta o7 the .hot the Magistrate, should!' you off with a$1.00 fine unlesahsei rewards you fox the act. hp. theta- ofaV.