HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-08-07, Page 8reseersoresoir
Children's Tub Dresses
Less Thanos
G t
andThursday Saurday
Mothers, no doubt you will be needing a new smart dress for the
children on the holiday, At this store you will find the opportunity dur-
ing the above days at a saving.
this year to wear them.
There will be plenty of hot weather yet
Children's ,Wash Dresses
Regular $1.50 for 95c
Children's Wash Dresses
Regular $3 for $2.25
Children's Wash Dresses Children,s Wash Dresses
Regular $2 for $1.49
Children's Wash Dresses
Regular $2.50 for $1.85
Regular $3.5o for $2,75
Children's Wash Dresses
Regular $75 for $3.00'
Ladies Allover Embroidery White
Dresses, daintily made, smart
styles, regular $5 for 3.75
Ladies Wash Dresses, of Prints
and Ginghams, white pique col-
lars and cuffs, regular $2.50
for............ .... ..... 1 X98
1 6
r Dresses
Ladies Ratten Dresses, in pale
blue, brown and tan, very pretty
styles, trimmed with buttons to
match, regular $7.50 for 5.69
Ladies Silk Dresses for evening
and street wear, in all the popu-
lar colors, regular $I5 for.... t1.75
1i ' u''
alsF ;'
Polders have been issued 6a-
ve•rtising the summer school • to 1,e
held in Goderich during tee
week oommencng August 11th un-
der the direeti,en of the Piesby-
terian Syego.l of .Hamilton and Lon-
don, SQml of the Speakers an on -
ced to be present are: iBev Robt,
Pettigrew,. i'L A., the Synod m0t r-
atoi ;Rev. Dr. R. P. Ma:Kay 1, rei
miss.on secretary; Rev, R. W. Dick-
i.e. B.A., of Montreal ; Resv. J. 0.
Shearer , D.D. secretary of the
beard asocial service and evaneg-
Lsm" Rev. W. R. McIntosh. a3 D., of
London joint co.•tvenor of the :Get-
chat Assembly Sunday School and
young people's society committee
R ev.R. G. M'acBeth, b2, A., a recog-
nize 'authority o'n Home missions;
Rev. Hugh Matheson LL. !13, repre-
senting the hyrara1 commit. ee;Rev
Dr. Myers, educational secretary
with the S. S. and Y, P. S.leomm-
ittee; Rev. F, 5. Sharp, M. A.. ; Rev.
Gillies Eadie. B. A , from Efonatrz,
China; Rev, Dr. Dickie of Chatham
Rev. J. R. Rail of 'Sarnia Represent-
i'ves will also be present from the
Deaconess Home the Woman's
Foreign end Home Mission Isoards,
to tell of the work unci, eel give
instruction. An instructor to de-
monstrate tho use of the Book of
Praise will be present, All who
purpose attending the . 'school
should send their lapplicatio}ns
eo.•.enroArcient before August 1st.!
Ito :Rev, Geo, E. Ross, of Goderich,
Aug, 1.4—Ciintoka at 4N•ingharn.
Ang.14—Kincardine at Goderich.
Aug. 28—Kincardine at Wingham
Clintons 1 0 1
al•oder•iCh 2 2 1
Zt"ingham 2 2 0
Kincardine 0 3 0
Next Wednesday night at 6
o'clock the Goderich Ease Ball team
will play the town team here.
Everybody knows the Co. town
boys put up a good game so be on
hand to see the fun.
The Stratford Beacon reports an
1_•oident to Rev, NNT, E. Mil Isom ovell-
known to many in Clinton ;—While
umpiring city league game be-
tween McLagans and the Y.M,C,A.
the Rev, N'. E. Millson had aur un-
fortunate accident. Aire Millson
was umpiring from behind the
pitcher, to whom the second base-
man returned the ball, throwing it
hurriedly and faster than he in-
tended. Somebody shouted to Mr.
Milison to lookout and he turned
around just in time to get the
sphere on the Corner of the mouth,
Three teeth were knoelced out
anotherloosened, the mouth also
being cut and bruised. IHc lmo-
ceetied haze at once,
The Fly disseminates disease,
So therefore you should sweat;
Unswatted flies are very ba,d;
but swatted flies are not
The fly annoys the helpless horse,
Sa you may swat withou t remorse;
The wicked fly he carries dirt,
So swat him till your sh welders hurt.
With slime, and filth they c over their_ feet,
Then wipe it off on our bread and meat;
If you wound rather live than die,
ROM up your sleeves and swat the fly.
of the following we have a good supply
Fly, Swatters , 5c to l5c •
rwlo'nder Flay Traps ... 15c
!'allloon Fly Traps . 15e
Fly Wash for Cattle
land 'Horses, per gallon 75e
Ta.ngl,efioot Fly Paper
,economida9, and sanitary
.2 double sheets_, for 5c
The Following
At Reduced Prices
Sere,en Doors and Windows
Lunch Blaskets,
Ice Cream Freezers,
Humpty-Dumpty Egg aC'arrites.
Gasoline and Oil Stoves
The junior Baseba:l tean'i defeat-
ed the Goderich juniors on Weci-
nt.sdey evening of this week by a
score: of$ -7. Afair crowd was pee -
sent to see the young boys play.
Several. toads of lacrosse fans
went to, Wingham on Wednesday
afternoon to witness the game be-
tween Goderich and the home
team, .Wingbam won by a score of
A special meeting of the LO.0.P,
is r.ahtd for next Friday night. All
Oddfellows are asked to be present,
The Corner Store
"Live and Let Lives,
Preserving Time
is Here Again
What about gems and rubbers?
JTDINZ Sweet and Sour Pickles in
bulkand in bottles,
HEINZ Pork and Beans wi:tlr Chili
sauce. •
HEINZ Fled Kidney Beans, try
Fresh for Saturday
Bananas. Oranges, Len -eons,
Raspberries, Otteumbers,
Dates. Melons, Tomatoes,
E. E. tIunniford
Highest Grade Bred
Some=made Tread
Conner's Home-made Bread is
quality through and through.
There is not a detail of good
making and baking overlooked, so
you know what you are getting
when you order this Good Bread.
Baker and Confectioner
•••••••*•••••s••••••b•e *•••••.•••••s••••sv.••••••••• •
• •
Lacy 11�••
• •
♦ •
••••••••,•••••••••••••••••4 •••••••••••••••••••••••••
The 'Clinton bowlers are away 'TheNew Era makes aselry good
playing ad,ouble header to -day.
This morning • at Blyth and ° after-
n'ooin at Wingham.
off erto all non -subscribers' 011 page
3,of this issue. If our readers know
of any who are not readers of the
Nei Era pass the good word • along.
The Clintob Base Ball team play FOR THE ALBERTA
a return match at Cr;editoii, on Fri- ewve 13NMBNT
day afternoon of this' week. ,
Mr. Janes Snell recently i eceived
REMEMBER THE DATE. word from the Alberta Govern-
The ladies of St. Joseph Church snout t'o secure 6 pure 'bred Short -
are going to hold a big picnic on born Pulls t'ol the Governlnrent
Wednesday, August 27th and a big l farm, and on Tuesday Mr. Snell
time is looked forward to by all the shipped' thein. Hepurcii,ased them
citizens Snead around Clinton: fronn 1?. Piumsteel, Tas. Van 'Eg-
inond, A. McDwen, E. Wise, 13. Rath-
FIBUGS,' well and supplied olue himself from
The last fire Clinton had was at, his own 'choice herd,
tl'ie. Motor Car Works last Novem-
Wonder if Hens alt would like to Gsoderichbeen Signal:-JoeephDaccountantinthoyleeUni, who
buy a fire engine new? "
Two firemen- from Clinton will ,.Bank here, left this weak for Berlin,
attend the firemen's Convention at having been promoted to the position
Hamilton this montl's.
of accountant in the branch of the
same Bank there. "Joe" will be great -
HORSE HAD TOBEKILLED, ' I missed in social and other circles
Last Saturday afternogn a horse and we are all sorry to have him Leave
belonging' to Mr. Richard Morrison,' town, while athe same time we wish
of Htillett, township, fell at the Big., him further success
success in his new logia•
Mill and broke its leg and had to i
be shot. The horse became nigh- GOING TO CALGARY
ten ed at ru auto was the first l
cause. The lose will be. a heavy one
to the proprietor.
Mr. 0. E. Leopard, formerly princi-
pal of the W alkertonppublic school has
accepted:the principalship of a public
LACE 05.3EMATCH school in Calgary, Alta, Mr. Leppard
` is known to a number in Clinton as be
The lacrosse boys are havinga ' has often visited with his family at the
workout for th IN ing: ani game or
house of Mrs, Rudd,
Saturday afternoon of this week at
2,30 when Mitchell pays an xni STATUTES OF 1013 OUT.
bition match. The visitors p!ay a 1 The first copies of .the sessional sta,t-
o•cod game and several l are mem- utes of 101Sare now in the hands of the
�i rs of the 5t. 'Marys Logue team, . King's printer. Each volume is of
Everybody turn out and seethe 1,772 pages, being' the largest ever
game. issued in this province. Members of
the Legislature, judges and mages.
LEAVING TOWN. trates will be supplied immediately
but istribi
The New Era regrets to learn that ! take pia" the
e km sevneraleral a. l weeks. cannot
Mr, and ' Mrs, Joel McLeod, who '
have be en residents here for many ADVERTISING—ISMS.
years are removing to?luelph. Mr. i Advertising is the editor-in-chief of
lI-L oil had been stent"usiastie: the comesercial world,
Oddfi:lo.w, Mason and bowler in 1
Gown and has the respect of ail em- DO YOIi WANT A _KINK,
p'oyees in the Ja^kson Factory I On Friday evening of this week a
Swhere he has been Superintendent'.. meeting 15 canoe for in the Council
ars. McLeod Wil be missal among : Ohambe.t to take whatever action
Yung add o d in Willis aria St, 1' seems best, to build a rink here this
Paul's Churches. The 1 est wishes i fei1, for the coming Winter. All per-
a.mceimpany thein to their piety .interested in skating, hockey and curl-
ing are asked to: be present and give
DEATH OF MRS. A, S. OLIVER. : their advice, Meeting to be called at
S o'clock sharp,
The funeral of the late ItIrs. A. S,'
Oliver. a former resident of Clinton,. D.EATL-1 Or 1IR5 D. J. CURRY
who died in Dotroit at the :louse ! On Thursday last there departed
of her daughter, Mrs Win. Robb this life Nellie Mary, the beloved wife
nn 1'Ioudaee July 213th, took place of Mr, Da J. Curry a prominent busi-
last Thursday afternoon at Gode- neas man of the town of Goderich,
rich. The deceased had resided in She was the youngest daughter of Mr.
Clinton for over 10 3'ears and a bout anti Mrs Ohes,Jervis of 'Clinton and
10 years aro moved to the County was married to het' pow bereaved jibs•
town and later toDe'roit She was band eleven years ago,• Her girlhood
in her 30th year and was aeons s- was spent on the Cut Line Goderich
tent member of the Presbyterian 'Bp, where she was well known anti
Church, Her husband pr e deeeas- beloved by all. In her untimely
d her over 35 years ago they hav- dr ath It was shown that f°death
ing formerly lived near Auburn, :eves a shin?ng mark," for sirs,
Three children now survive—John Curr: was universally respected
of Chicago. and Mrs. Wm. Robb and and ` beloved not alone for her
Miss Minnie who resides in Detroit happy and cheerful disposition but
Thti pall bearers were old f l •ends als-, for her stealing worth and
and neighbors of deceased N.Kere, actin! chi istian life. She was e
neighan. of Co'bnrne Twp., Dr member of the North St. Methodist
Sti ing . W. Coats and 13. F. Hod „ , ..iturclr and eel b,, greatly missed
The .cid friends in town will sym its church circles as well as amon
pathyze with the bereaved. ; ri,•nd; and relatives lati.ves but most keen
N ly of a'l in the stricken home. Here
MINOR OR LOCALS. a brurceu hearted husband and
Mr,Frank ,O'leti holds an tun- t three children, the youngest a
tion (-sale of house and furniture tender babe of three weeks, trill
on Saturday, August 16th,' See k mourn the loss of a de.�'od wife
advt on page 4, anti a!?,v:ng mull r, ITerteillness
Kincardine and Hayfield were was , attended by great suffering
the places to draw the Clintonians which was beetle with christia
on Friday .last. 1 fortitude. She was ever thought -
The I'owelers played two losing f fill for others even to the emci. •,e -
games on Civic Holiday, atStrat- : fore the end came, she rallied and
ford and Mitchell. 1 gave her little family into the care
The Lacrosse ''Boys have one more of their grandmother, Mrs. Joseph
game in the district. They ,go to Curry, and also a last kindlymes-
ireelgha:m on Wednesday of next noto each of the sorrowig re -
ate res around hos The funeral
:Many from this section attended en; sconduct: cl' by Rev. Mr, ifeyter
the funeral of Mrs. D. J Currie at on Sunday afternoon and the inter-
•derich ou Sunday. The deeeaeed; meat took p.aee in Maitland Ceme-
was formerly Nellie Jervis of (lode tex•y. The pall bearers Were cou-
rier township, sins of the deceased. The .largo
The Fail Fairs will soon be here. attendance at the funeral services
August and the many aucl •benutirul floral
Ss.e our big offer to new subs:crib-, tributes. show the high esteem in
ers on page 3, which she was held. She we a
Modal School opens August 10th• , sister of Mrs. W.13• Cole, Clinton,
Read the advt. on page 4 of this ' Mr. Edwin Jervis Woybure, Sask.
issue of the sale of house and fur- -Mr. Albert Jervis, NapaneeIndiana
niture ',of Mr, Frank O'Neil. and Mr. Oliver Jervis Clinton, who
Back From Western Tour
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Taylor who
have been in the West for the past
month going as far as Banff, re-
turned home on Tuesday night and
look as if the West , agrees with
them, both leave gained eonsiderab
ly in weight,' they visited several of
the principal cities iv the West
going by the main line of the C.P.R.
from Winnipeg' to Edmonton, tak-
ing iii Brandon, Regina, Moose Jaw
Medicine Hat, Calgary, Wetaska-
win, nin'd Edmonton, 'returning' by
way of Sa`skatoon and Minnedosa
at the .latter place Mr. Taylor has
two brothers, who located there
about 30years agq and have bath
deno well, and are very comfort-
able,. They met several Clinton
people tat each of the above places,
at Medicine :flat, W. J. Nesbitt and
Geo. Acheson have aHardware
business, they carry astock of
abort forty thousand dollars, and
are getting a liberal share of busi-
ness, Harry Holden • and W. P.
Spaulding have a clothing and gents
furnishing stock and are doing a
big business, Jack Howson • rides
around in a 5000 auto, and is reputed
to be one of the richest been at the
Flat. De. Agnew is still in the real
estate business and has, already
roado his pile and he is allow taking
Lite easy, . Mr. Taylor met several
,other old' Clinton boys, all of which
are doing well, The boom i,nreal
estate is practically at a stand still
hewing to the stringency in the
mkm,ey market, but .Medicine Hat
has the. advantage of natural gas,
and already there are several in-
dustries employing a large number
:of skilled mechanics, and the Hat
is hound to forge ahead, and is one
,of the best places to locate in the,
West. Mr. Taylor was very favor-
ably impressed with the County,'
and regrets that he had not locat-
ed' say
ocat-!ed'say at Medicine Hat 5 years ago.
Store News Item$'
it is possible to prudently and profitably buy the goods you
need without reading advertisements, why take the risk
When Pennants first made
their appearance they were
looked "upon as a fad, lii.rt
their novelty, brightness sind
uses lisive established, them
as a staple. Gloo:d for mush- -
inns, dining or bedroom and
cosy corner d'ecorlation., price
10c to 75c' leach.
It"s not every day or week
that we sell a Tennis Racket
at $8.00, but we dict it the
other day. We have then in
stork, prices ranging. from
$2.25 to $6.00,
We have been told that
sometimes we have exceip-
tionally attractive window
displays. We are • grateful
for three kind expreesiotea,
and also eincoeraged.: Have
• you noticed therm.?
It will soon be time to
make pour jWhe
the glass jars
elly. with tine tiavps,
n par sizos, prices frons lac
tei 65c 'por dozen.
f Express ',Orders issued
Life is just one good '1 -ane
of meechandise after another
Jiomet is the best ell)ot to
spend a vacation for the Bean
who earn"t get away from it,
fie can rest in a Hammock,
find enjoyment in 'a book, •
and, have the next best to
lake 'breezes from a fan.
They dlon"t cost much either
Odds are 10 !toil that the
absent member of your fam-
ily pr your v,aeat' on friend
is hooking for a PicturePost
'Card from you, (Have. you
seen our stock at le each.
These are Picnic Days —
Lunch Easket$ in• five eizes,
12c, 15c, 20c, 25e, 30c, with
covet•, Paper Plates 5e a d'oz
Wood Plates, 2 sizes, 10e per
doz., Drinking Caps, 3 kinds,
wax and 'parchment paper,
Tissue Paper Napkins.
Pox' mental . stimulation, en-
tertainment and educatitonr,
visit our Magazine Stated.
any business ho r'
The aD. Fair eo.
Often the cheapest—Always the Best
National Port:.: ncl Cement
After trying other kinds, .you'll always come back; to the best.
The hest Cement is the Nationsal. Portland Gement
It is the old standby. A car load just in.
S. Jn' AN I , i INS CiintOnt
were all present at the funeral.
Much sympathy 10 felt fur the bee-
t geed husband and the lie tie family
in their deep sorrow.
Denmonstration Classes will be a
Feature of Canadian National
Exhibition this Year.
The educational exhibits at this
year's Canadian National .Exhibit -
tion will be featured bye demon-
stration classes in the !teaching
of the blinrI and deaf. The pupils
for these classes will be t,dra:wn
from the institutions at [Brantford
and Belleville. In, other respects
the educational display will he
in advainee, of all previous efforts
Lectures ahangg hygienic lines pub-
lic health exhibits, public jechool
exhibits, agricultural college ex-
hibits an information bureau as to
agriculture.. --everything that de-
vel!ops the country acid its people
will ire there,
Vincent Astor has set asido'Sat-
urday mornings as a tin's • to meet
employes at Fernicliff his estate
on the Iludson and .r•eceiee sug-
gestions as to its management,
Girls Wanted
Experienced, and girls to learn
Knitting and Looping. Will pay
$5.00 per week while learning.
Steady employment, Pleasant
Position, Apply at once
Clinton, Ontario.
Births, Marriages c14 Deaths
Curry—In Goderich, on Thursday,
July 31st. Nellie Jervis, beloved
wifande' ofdayWs•, J. Curry, aged 31 years
You are Losiilg .Money
and perhaps you don't know it. It
would be doing a good been to any'
one to assist them to make a pro-,
fit. Wel/now of no better tray,
than 1.0 get our estimates on
and !rave' us ole the required work..
An exaoiinat ee of the quality of
tin Nt•ort , 0.50' expert workman-
ship and comparison of prices are
convinc'nrg. Look in and sec.
Those i. i i:.
Plu►nbin • and heating
(Phone 53)
On account of continued illness closes out stock.
This splendid store offers many opportunities
to buyers.
A few tons of Furnace and Stove
Coal offered below
market price to cleanup,
tel-+++•7•.i;.l,++++s••D•+++++++++*+++ ++++ ••3•♦•d..l.•II,+++++•++rII•++4
@79N S7WR
on Shoes and Oxfords if you only come
to the !tight Place
This sale offers price reductions that are worth 1
while, Prices so low that no one who wants to
make his or her dollar count, can afford to miss
this chance.
Men's $5.00 Shoes, sale price
Men's 4.00 Shoes, sale price ..,
Men's 3.00 Shoes, sale price ...•,•••
Ladies 4.00 Patent Leather Shoes
Ladies 3.0o Tan Lace Shoes
Ladies 3.5o Oxfords
Only a few pairs left--T.adiss' and
Men's $4 Oxford for;:... .
ONlINSINrr »sees
11'4.+. .... : $41h+++++++++++++++++++t+++41)