HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-08-07, Page 5e Ir, Thee e. • a 'sults DOES YOUR WATC13 RUN . 'CORRECTLY ? If yetis experience tiny dif- fieuhty with it, Teratic it with us; We will rive it au Expert Examination If iitnceds repairs; we can supply' (them at a very mod-. cute cost. If it aloes not, we Will frankly Hell you so. A Watch •Repaired by Us Will Run Correctly IL ll[ELYAR JEWELER and OPTICIAN EVES TESTED FREE .11 1 c Hotel !Normandie MENU SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER EXTRAS Green Onions Radishes Queen Olives Pickled Beets SOUP Ox Tail English Tomato FISiI Baked White Fish with Egg Sauce F+NTREES Roast Spring Duck with Dressing ROIST 'rime fibs of Beef Brown Potatoes Leg of Spring Lamb with Mint Sauce BOILED Ribs of Beef VEGETABLES New Boiled Potatoes Er Mashed Old Potatoes Boiled Cabbage Lima Beans DESSERT Rhubarb Pie Lemon Pie Strawherry Shortcake with Whipped Cream Ice Cream Black and Green Tea Cuifee Milk 'Canadian Factory Cheese McLaren's Cheese Hol brooks Worcestershire Sauce is served gratis. DINNER 50 CENTS. COAL 11. S. Government Standard Below is an extract from U.S. Gov. ad. for tenders-- "The anth racite coal must he equal to that mined and prepared by I'hiladel phia & Reading Coal & Iron Co"' We handle nothing but the first grade Philadelphia & Reading, Edl .T. Y3 Ulioway House phone 12, Office phone 40 X44, "" "", "*}41/' ^4"' ^4+.�p't0" ff MZMS D 5 CLutf: Mr : J Murray,..i?crixeter, spent see 'Persona/ ' Not a S' vnoosthuiflyodn pe hi nav: athwn eioPe6s o onr frawd s ± nnoaeeYotnsnobNywae. We are pleased to report that Mrs, , 1 is • �seriously it p has er of l T. hast, who h P now improving in 'health, •;; Miss • Nettie Brown, of J?oronto, was "n guest unday vertu her sister, g4,14444440-0.01+144+44+11 Mirs, J: Lneereslie Streat. Dr. McBride is Visiting rn to c n:A ikLc Co Y. of London, we ek end visitor fn town and on Monday Mrs. Moloy: and children wbo have heen the guests tit the home of Mr; A,. Wilkin returned with him. Mr. Lew.. Manning, ofTor'onto, Is holidaying in town; Mr. Eddie Shepherd of Toronto; is. Sp nd''ng his vacation in town: Mr. Ted Cook, of Goderi'h,.spent a ooupllo of days in town this week, Mr, and Mrs. Jarvis, formerly re- eld.:ts of Clinton, but now of Gode rich, spent Wednesday in tow.ci rand \ reinity. Miss Kathleen McNaughttoln, of Varma, and Miss t,13e,ssie Ross, of Toronto, spenit the week -end with Miss Helena Middleton, Huron Rd, Mrs Archibald is visiting with es, Datives and friends in Goderich. Mrs. J. McGarva and Miss Jessie Breckenridge returned on Wednes day from thole visit at Paisley and Southampton; Mr .and Mrs, Chas, A. Coats, . of Chicago, are'speeding a couple of weeks with the 9ormer's s'ster, Mrs. C. G. Middleton, Huron Road, Mr .and .,'Irs. C. 5, Brown, and ch I,dren, of Toronto, are the guests o f S:Ir. and Mrs. A. T. Greig, A'U•. i rown is a brother of Mee. Lireig. Mr. G. Cordell is spending the week in Quebec. MissEtta MeBrien visited Blyth and Wingharn friends this week. Mrs, Frank Hall, of Constringe, has been visiting for a few days with old friends in town, Y N. ':o Brooklyn, ( Mrs Hu h Miller,.of , is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Thos Hawkins. Mr, W. IKitbride spent the week -end, in St. Thomas, Mr, Jack. Weir, of the Royal Bank staff is holidaying this week. Miss Winnie Walton has returned to town. Miss Jessie Robins, of London, is visiting at . Mr. and Mrs. 'lhunras Watts. 'Miss Mabel iWilliamsoe, of Clinton, was visiting her parents at Porter's Hill over the Holiday, ars, E. P. Molony and children, of the Soo are spending a few weeks at the home of Mrs. McLennan. Mr. Clarence Shepherd, of Iroquois, is spending his vacation in town. Misses Leota and Bessie Harland, of Guelph, are renewing old acquaintan- ces in town. Mr, Obese Twitchell is spending a few holidays in towu at the parental home. Miss Gibbiogs, who is spending part. of her, vacation in Muskoka, will be home this week to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Gibb[ngs, Ates, Edgar East spent part of last week with her friend, Miss Mabel Vodden, of Iiuilett. Miss Winnifred Brown leaves to morrow for her home in Kincardine titter spending .a pleasant vacation with her cousin, Miss Hattie Greig. Miss Lily Kiugstone, of Blyth, spent Sunday with her 'aunt, Mrs. Joseph There will be no service held in Townsend. St. Faille Church on Sunclay next. Nmx000a000oile000000000 O 0 O WITH T .HT1, CHURCHES. e 6 0 60000006000001100000a ST. PAUL'S CHURC11. Chief License Inspector Snider was in town on Friday last. Mr. Frank O'Neil made a business 1trip to London last week. Mr•'CV, D. Fair was in Goderich on Thursday last attending the funeral of the late Mrs. A. S, Oliver, a former resident of Clinton. AIF. Murray Jackson, of 1Jtonto, spent the week end with his father Altr Fred Jackson, Mies Mildred Stevenson, of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs, Paxman for e couple of weeks, Miss Kathleen East, of Toronto was a visitor over Sunday with ber mother. Rev. Fr. Corcoran, of St. Thomas, Mai a visitor with Rev. Fr. Hogan this ''cele. , AJrs. (Dr.) McBride, of Woleand, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Live Fowls Minuted I am new ready to handle' Fat Fleas and Young Chickelns, and Young Ducks, tat highest prices. Poultry taken not latter than 'i hursday lot 'teach week. Other fowls handled later on. W. MARQUIS Ease' Lirie. l Phone 14 on 106. A Good Chance For Sate A Hedian[t Horn* heater, and a Happy Thought cooking range, a sewing 'machine, and several other ,articles for sale. Apply to MRS. LAWSON, Onitiario Street GRAND TRUNK SY$ EM ONLY LINE REACHING ALL Summer ur Resorts in II ghlands 61 Ontario Including Muskoka Lakes Lake of Bays. Georgian Bay Algonquin Park Maganaitawan River French River Timagami Rawartha Lakes Full summer service now in effete to all: of the above resorts, Write for full, particulars and il- lustrated feeders to any Grand Trunk agent. ROMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Each Tuesday until Oct. 28 in - Most ve,— nclosive,— + ' Winnipeg and reluan • .535.00 !( 0 StoreyHouse Edmonton and tr n 43.00 Lowrates to other paints: Return AVD I r^ limittwo months. Pullman Tour- est Sleepers leave Toronto 1135 p. m on above clew running, through I to -Winnipeg via Chicago, and St, ! Paul without change Tickets are I also on sale • via Sarnia and North- ern Naligaition Company, The Grand Trunk Pacific Rail wa-y lathe shortest and quickest pointe bietween Winnipeg. S•aska- Located side by side, too.n and Edniontoin I' Tielte(ts nlorw onsit s stall Grand Would Lease from Buyer Trunk (ticket offioe' i' JOHN RANSFOhRD' & SON, passenger &(ticket agent, phone 57 Clinton�' A. O PATTISON. Ds• • o(t A cant F. ,J'..H111t Cc11 id. E. HORNING, D P. A. Phone 77. J Union Station, Toronto, Ont. New Cottage FOR SALE. Properties in excellent condition. WESLEY CHURCH. Miss Ida Boles sang "Just es 1 aim" at the morning service last Sunday. Rev. De. Rutledge took as bis snh jects lost Sunday "The Suleerieg saviour" in the morning and `•The Supreme Passion" at night. The Ladies Aid meets at the home of Airs. W. H. Hellyar tobay, The Pastor will preach morning and evening next week. IEallett Mrs. ,fames McGill and son Willie of Stapleton, and Airs. Wm. Stevens of Clinton spent Wednesday with mire. Thos. Neil,ins, Mr. and Mrs. Danby of Sarnia spent it week with their son John Danby of Gravel Bond Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Carter spent Thursday with Bayfield friends. Thos. Shaddiek of Hensel' had the misfortune to have a few ribs broke in an accident recently and spent last week in enforced holidays at his bro- thers r -thers Richard Shaddick of near Londeshoro. Mrs. Joseph Stevens passed to the Great Beyond on Sunday July 27th at the home of her daughter Mrs. Eph. Brown. Deceased had been enjoying health till eight weeks ago when. she fell and broke her thigh bone, which healed favourably till a few weeks ago she was seized with a paralytic stroke another stroke seized her on Sunday from which she never recovered. She was born in Tuckersrnith and lived part of her wedded life near Berlock. She was married to Jos. Stevens fittv five years ago. Eight years ago they reeved to Londeshorn where her hus- band predeceased her two years ago, she spent the past year at the home of her daughter where she died at the age of 73 years. She leaves to mourn her loss one sister, Mrs, John Mason of Blvth. and four daughters Mrs. Albert' Nott' Mac Lennan Algoma, Mrs. Jno. Lawson. Londeshoro Mre E h. Brown and Mrs. Jos. Wheatley' of Bullett and three sons Dan and George of Huliett Joseph of Toronto, Besides 20 grand r children and two great grand children. Our Aim==To Please BRINGS- CUSTOMERS BACK Furniture buyers at this store invariably corne back when they want more, and bring their friends, with them. To .Use Our Furniture is to prove that it is as good as it looks, and that is saying a whole lot. f Substantial Furniture can be bought here at money- saving rates, Why not secure what you need now while prices are so favorgble. Dunford & May Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors—Phone 104 NIGHT AND Si1ND•fir CALLS—Phone No, 127 or Phone 194 Brncefield Rev. B. H, Kitchen of Hamilton, son of John Kitchen of Stanley, has recently refused a call to Chambers Presbyterian Church Guelph, with a e and theuse of an salary of ...6(IU n l 4+. automobile provided by the eongrega• tion. He will remain in Hamilton, the congregation were anxious for him to remain with them. Miss Greta Mustard visited relatives at Bayfield last week. Mr. Scott sent a consignment of beans. to North Hay last week. Charles Proudfoot of the Sault is the guest of Mrs. A. McKenzie, Rev. A. Stewart D.D. of Toronto, formerly of Clinton, preached in the Presbyterian Church Sabbath last, his many old friends were glad to greet him, he will have charge of ,the pulpit for the next two Sabbaths, He still possesses his old zeal and earnest. nese. Miss Maggie McKenzie has returned from London, she leaves shortly' for the Sault with her uncle, Mr. Proud - foot, James Bowie has returned from a trip to • the North Wet, his many friends are glad to see him safe home. Wm. Ross of Manitoba is visiting' his sister Mrs. Berry.; Anumber of our citizens went to Hensal to view the fire on Monday. D. le, McGregor and wife, Seafortb, visited at the home of Wm. Berry this week. Mrs. Jones of London is the guest of Mrs. John Gibson. for the evening. , ' Dr Struthers of Toronto, wlthhls. mother visited 1VIr,' Thoinson hast' weelr The sidewalk adiu'stment to the new 'id is bridge ,i aonu„pleted but if'. there was a sidewalk attachment to" both hides the bridge would at least • appear to be a respectable width. r 1 Th S Andrew's v' C The to i s �S picnic was held (at Mr. Huseons grove when elm juvenile society' enjoyed au ex- cellent outing. Tis sale of Mrs. Peter Campbell, was ;largely attended when the stora goods and furniture brought. a fairly good figure, Goderich Township Council: -Council met at Holmes, ville on Aug: 4th, all members being present excepting Councillor Lobb. Minutes,of last meeting were read and approved-. By.law No. 6 was pass- ed levying the rates of laxation for the year 1013 which are as follows;- Township 2 210 mills, County 2 5.10 mil'l's, general school 2 milia, the town• ship rete being 4 10 mills lower than last year, the calmly rate 1.10 mills higher and the general school the same. ..By -1.4w No. 7 authorizing the Trea- surer to borrow' $1000 from the Steri. ing Bank, Goderich was also read and passed, The following accounts were passed -- Jas. Harrison, placingsteel eulvert $9 05; A. Forbes, tile 15; Geo. Young, timber'2 60; The Pedlar People, 7 steel culverts 213.50; Canada Ingot Co„ 7 culverts 200; Wm - Fuller, hauling steel culverts 4; John Holstead, hauling steel culverts S; Richard Burke, haul- ing steel culverts 12; 11. G. Hahn, damage to an automobile 33.75. Council adjourned to meet and Mon- day in September at 130 P. Id. 1\T. TV, Trewartha, Clerk. Purse Containing $5110 to Rev. A. L Geggie The esteem in which Rev, ,A. Logan Geggie is held by the mem. bt re of his congregation was ev- d ineed •(n a remarkable manner recently. It was not so much the material things which were pro - 3 [ ;lessor as the .: I i S_o l seated tr the g r a l expressions of goodwill and enth us tom which pr evaileal '.,•find Dr. C mete (1 o l' Philadelphia would have been pleased to see such a demonstration of what he termed the "gospel of good cheer." The pastor enters upon hie • fotrrteeucth y -r a'^ at the Parkdale Presbyterian Church enters upoln his twenty- fifth y'a' of ministry and has been married twenty-five years. The congregation. feeling that he was badly in need of a rest planned .n surprise Inc him. Last night he wee presented with a purse of gold for 5500, a cabinet of silver cynd fit gold watch for Mrs. Geggie and another surrise by one of the members of the congregation was ti accident o f,n he presentation t policy for the trip to the oi,tl country which Mr, orad Mrs. Geggie .are taking. Rev. Mr. Geggie is a brother of Mrs. (Rev.) Stewart, for- merly of Clinton. Names of Successful Students for Normal Entrance Toronhto, July 29.—Western On- tario candidates who have passed middle school examinations for mentralnce ingot Normal schools, which will open odtl'iieptember 23, include the following: Loudon Road Mt Fred Nott and his mother, at: tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Jos Stevens near Londeshoro last week. Miss Grant visited friends in town a few days this week: t Mr, Frank Grant was the first to have the threshing machine gang in this neighborhood this season. • Mrs, Kellington, of Toronto, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm, Stan - bury, Mr. Charlie Stevens and sister Miss Evelyn attended' their aunts funeral, Mrs. Jos. Stevens near Londesboro. Mies Kellington, of Toronto is visit-` ing her sister, Mrs. Wm. Stanbury • Bayfield Rev. Mr. Grant of Clinton preach ed in St. Aindrow"s on Sunday last while the 1tev, Mr. 'McKay, of Tor- onto, will conduct the anniversary services of the earn e church on Sunday next. The Garden Party of Tr'iin,itty church was the general success and as immense crowd was well served with .refreshments while the Gode- rich Band furnished excellent music Huron. NE. Amy, A. Archibald, G. 13 Armstrong, honors, T C Ballantymhe, D I Parr, Fete. lSslaoom, E. M. Beattie, honors, E. M.:B Bower, er, L. W. Brown, F . I Brown, ors i • J. W. Button, l honors , H. R, Cantedhdn, E. C. Case, honors ; T- J. 'Clarke, A. J.•Cluff, C. P, Cteevtan honors ; G P. Cruil ehnnk, honors ; J. H. Currie, honors ; M. J. Dalton, Ii R. Day, M. Diorrencs, R. P. Deluge ll, honors ; A. G. Draper, S.R.Duffin, part A; R. A. Dundee, holnor ; V. P. Eck:neir, honors ; L. J. 'Edgier, 17,1-, g d, m. E. Flanagan, L. L. Ford,' n• Forrest, A.C. Rwher, N Garrett, honors; . S Geiger, honor ; E Gray, honor; L 1T Greig, N Griffin, J. V Haines, honor; W 11.Haines, L.C. Harvey, P.'W.'Hiolag, 11.'H. Hoover, R. E Jackson, T. E. Johns, honor; E V. Jordon, J. E. Kelly, honor';.,. G E. Laudy, honor ; M. E. Linklater, honor; H. M. Lowry, M. C. McAllister, H, H. Mackay, honor ;' H. MacLaren, lW. Main es, A.M.1VIaines, honor; D. J. Matheson, B. •M. McBeth,, S, J. McCrory, H. McCrostie,_ L. J. McDonald, honor; W. McGregor, honor;h W. J. Mein bosh, : honor ;' H. A. McKay, C. P. McKenzie, hlolnor ; J. McKenzie, R. G. McKercher, J M, Menzies, M. M. Miller, H. K. Moore, A. le, Moes. 'C Ch Nicholson, honor; M. Pratersoe, T. Al. Patterson, hohnor; T. Penhale, W. D. `.Phillips, Quackenbush, eecl, Rleid, ig A' WATe I3 The ways of a watch are past finding out. Dont try. If your watch ' lazy laY and won't runt let us re it it for you. P✓?r Ten to one you neglected it—let it get dirty; or it stops from lack . of; oil. Whatever- is the reason, dont delay. ' Delay costs money and often spoils the watch. We give thorough examination and regulating free, anything more costs as little as satisfactory work can he done for. r ie i r Jeweler and Optician% ' Issuer of Marriage Licenses I.. B. Rei d, M.' C.Roynolds, A. A. Rice, honor; A. G. Rinto'ul, 5, 'Robb, ..honor; 5. V. floss. E. Sandeesoln, P. A. loonor; S. I.'Srni ttt, W'. H, eta Hord, L. E. Stevens, honor ; CI.21 (Stewart, honor; E. J. Stro tri ars, C, Thompson, E M. (flitting, T•1', E. Turubu 11, t;r.I.IV1 a!ker, A. L: iiT'4ai'lc, J.A.'t.'i Icon, K, R'iltt.n, R.a%Vise, C. Wood, honor; 5.M. Wylie, honor ; IT, P. t'Ioung, M'. F.12'oui ll. Rules Regulating Traffic of Streets Condensation of By -Law Adopted by Stratford Council and Police Commission. 131 law we give some street mit s adopted at. Stew ford and which wield be suitable for Clinton or any other place. We would advise the Councillors to read them over carefully and consider tha clatter: The following is a synopsis of the by-law regulating traffic 're- cently pa'secl by the f tratford coun- cil. and police commission. 1—All vehicles including bicycles motorcycles motor vehicles and persons on horse back are subject to this by-law. 2 -Persons meeting when trave- ling inliopposi to direction must turn out to the right. 3—Persons overtaking others must pass to the left and the lat- ter must turn out to the right. 4—Persons owning slow-moving vehicles must keep close to the curb for sidewalk to permit more rapid moving vehicles to pass be- tween them ,and the centre line of the street. 5—Persons riding or driving e bicy cl ,or tricycle or motor vehicle overtaking and desirous of pass- ing anther mist give ,audible warning. s—whenever the weight of a Ilciad prevents a person from turn- ing ,out to let another pass the former shall stop and assist the latter to pass without damage. 7 -Persons must at all ;times travel on the right side of the street sojas to have their right side towards the curb or sidewalk and must keep to the right of the centre lime tot such street. 8—Persons when stopping at curb or sidewalk must stop with their right Ilo the curb or sidewalk so that when they again pr:deedd they shall not break the law by being torn their wrong side, 9—Persons whenturning, in t n roiledg. ror corners .at the intersections of street if turning 9a the right, you must turn chose to the curb alad if turn- ing to the left must make a circuit to the left wide enough to circle round the centre of the square formed by the intersection of said streets. l0—Persons i:ravellinee in a north- erly or southerly direction have the right of way over persons trav- elling in an easterly or westerly direction and the latter must give way to the, former. 11—No vehicle shall go at a fast- er speed than 15 mites axle/solar but nevertheless no vehicle shall tial el at any speed which may be dangerous to the public. 12—Ne person shall delve avehi- cle in 'a race, ,1u a bet of wager. 13—'Nis person tinder the age of 18 year's shall drive a motor vehi- cle. 14—Merchants and'o' hers emhplo1- ing boys to drive their vehicle will bet responsible for the infraction of the rules by such boys. 15—No person shall obstruct any sire et by permitting his vehicle to remain stationary al any one place for an resolnabbie length of tithe. or Longer than 'sufficient to enable hint to, transact his business atench place. 18—All traffic shall be under con - trot. of Police whose orders shall be obeyed. 17—Drunklness in persons in charge of vehicles is forbidden and heavy•- penalties imposed. 18—Boeing and fuilously driving and shouting or using improper lan gunge are forbidden. 19—Two bells at least shall be at- tached tie each 'horse or other ani- mals drawing a sleigh, sled or carryall. I 20—The penalty for infraction of this by-law is not less than one dot - liar or more than $20,with imprison- ment tn.dfiaul.t of payment. 21a-Nlo penalty is a.bar 'to re- covering damages by ad injured party., 22—Section 285 of the Criminal Code reads as follows: "Everyone is guilty oftaln indict- able toff epee anti liable to two years imprieonmslnt who having the charge of any carriage or vehicle by wantoe or furious delving or rag ing or other Wilful misconduct . or by wilful neglect does or causes to be drone slay bod[ly harm, to any perenn'," 't 'IJ ON ALL SUMMER GOODS SummerrDrY Gdods Summer Clothing, t I ngtand Summer Shoes allriced forQuick Selling P g 3 Very Special Lines for Saturday Children's Wash. Shits at 65e. We have about two dozen of !these suits left, some made in Norfolk Coat and Bloomer Pants, and others with Blouehe' and :Bloomer Pants,, and all regular $1 and' $1.25, Saturday 65e Women's Puinits and Oxfords $1,20 About forty pars Women's Kid and Patent Coli Shoes -odd lines and broken sizes of lince that sold at $1.75 to' "$2,25, Saturday your choiceefor.'' Men's Summer Coats 89c Why wear 'a smlock when yolk oan ,buy a nice dressy Coat at this wonderfully low price, elegular price $1,25, Saturday 98e ALSO SO,DIE WONDERFUL PieRGAIATS IN RUGS, LACE CUR TAINS, LADIES' WAISTS, AND WHITE 'UNDERWEAR SMALL PROFITS 11IOIIE BUSINESS 1 YOU NEED PROTECTION Vlore when the barn is Filled than at any Other Time You know more karats are str tick 'after harvest. and your risk is greatest then. You came of 'afford to go without Lightning Rods this year, Some do y you will Rod your buildings— why not NO11'? You ar e satisfied that Rods are a protec- tion. We are satisfied that 1 "Universal" Rods are the Best Protection Let us send you samples to gamine, The only SHEATH ROD with the LOCK JOINT is "THF. UNIVERSAL." The Lock Joint prolongs the life of a Rod. It is practically indestructible. "THE UNIVERSAL" is mad: of the best material we can buy, by the best men we. can hire. It is "Made. 1,s Canada." by Tile UniversIlighilling Rod Co. UESPELER, ONT. 1 CtA/NNvennn,NnnNoAaHMw�J�,/,MM Mr Vv V vv W V V wfv V W V Ve/Vor^,/ Wy THE WESTERN FAIR" f-1 � R� LONDON, CANADA r 20;=• THE GREAT LIVE STOCK EXHIBITION $27,005 IN PRIZE'S AND ATTRACTIONS Magi'ificent Programme of Attractions Twice Daily WESTERN ONTARIO 'S POPULAR EXHIBITION SEPT. i TO 13 Two Speed Events Daily Fireworks Every Night $26'00 Added to the Prize List This Year Take m holiday and Visit London's Exhibition Slagle Fare Oil all Railroads in Western Ontario SPECIAL EXCUIRSION DATES—Sept. 9th, nth and 12th Prize List and all Information from the Secretary W. J. REID, President A. HUNT, Secretary 1 1 VVVYNMV YVVVVVWYVV1ovVWWVAAAAAOAM M We have still a few lines of summer footwear that we must dispose of this season. They are from one- third t0 two-thirds Less than the regular prices, Our object in making the Great Reductions on these lines is to clear up our stock for the next season, and you will. receive the benefit. It will Pay Vou to call and see These Shoes Eor Yourself. - Men' s .Oxfords Regular price $4 to $5 A' few pairs only 1.98 Misses Oxfords and Pumps Regular price I,5o to 1:75 only 30 pairs left .98, Woolen's Oxfords Regular price $3 to $5 sizes 2i to 5, only 1.118 'Children's Oxfords and Putups Regular 2.25 to 3.5o, size 8 to Ioi4, 5o pairs, ;88 Successor to Jas.' Twitchell & Sosi, .14