HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-08-07, Page 4CLI1>)TO,N
Phone 7S
SSeS e
da all" our ,
Saturday, R
We put on sale 5 S,y
Summer Dresses including Embroidery, Voile, Ratine
and Mull. Some of the seasons cleverest styles.
Nothing reserved. Every dress wall be on sale, all
sizes -
24 00 Dresses
ia. oo
6 00
for 12.00.
.....:...... ...:.:. . 10 00
Children's Ging-
ham Dresses 98c
We put on sale Saturday 2
dozen Children's Dresses from
3 year to ID year sizes, made
of pretty plaid Gingham and
Chambrey, fast colors, these
sold as high as $1.75, Satur-
day 9Se
See these in window
Underskirts L29
Two dozen ladies white
Cambric Underskirts, trimmed
with embroidery and lace, reg
$2.25 and $2.50 Saturday 1 29
Misses Middy Blouses 98c.
We have a few of these left, made of Indian
Head, trimmed with navy and light blue. sizes 14,
16 and 18 years, regular $1,25 Saturday 98e.
Mouse Dresses $1 Io .
Two dozen only, House Dresses, made of good
print, nicely trimmed, all sizes, very special 1.10
lYiugl tem hien 'all
R"hcnevNi •i. cl. 5 •ia fill is to • be • M. ,Ca1\vthro7 of 'Ta
v istoekk hasca
ae '
,' It
li i•1 •s Disk.
0 e lir .
'.I i ,. n t
o f of-` ❑ visit n. 1 r o
,. ,,, taw i• of tete • ) s b,e
I <4 ++; ore I ._g
• ] aek
1 .
I '
\ : , all
I 1 bowlers d -s of taxa l ,
rte 1
has arrived. a
flee• building • hese .
is stored • at the: pees office. Th'e'.greed players ; :\\skit to ., Zurich r.and
eptradt will he .awarded ton Friday
fior thewovlie ofraising the tower:
• krone 10:or 20 feet higher ;The'
chock can net be pleeecl to position
me, "t
is d
Work:l. 7 dones
un al
- II
A •very^pretty wed ding: to.»l.p a e
at • the Methodist parsonage ori
Tuesday evening when Mr. John
Gatelie Study:was um'ited inn—lore
nage wi.h Miss Els: a Ke lies Qoop r
1<ach. 0f s Ingham. The ceaemotny.
was performed by Rev. J': W Flab-
'bort. The young couple will reside
in Wi+nghatn with the best Wishes
of all.
At the regular meeting of Miner-
va.Bncartupmsnt L0.0.F., ginMon-
day Iase the So,lowing 0.f cei' sere
installed :C. P.. Joseph Guest .FI, P.,
21, Hinseliffe; S.W. J, A. Cummings
J, W,, Jas. Murray ; scribe, A QJ.,
Alderson ; treasurer, J. W. Dodds ;
eu,cl 1,1V'.L. Fry; F. W. R.13ro•oks
S, W., W. W. Dough; sentinlaL, john
1 , Gloves
Bargains in Furniture and Garnets
We found a manufacturer who had an extra fine lot of goods
and was hard up for cash. His goods, are on out floors. marked
at prices which will sell them during August
5 piece Prrlor Suites, regular 325 for 20.00
Fancy Couches, regular 7. 0 for: 5 00
Odd Parlor Rockers from 3 011 to 15.1'0
Kitchen Cabinets 0 50 10,00 20,00
Carpets, H.ugs..0ilcloths, Matte, Linoleunis at moderate prices
Picture Framing and Repairing promptly attended to
Phones 7 and 8 Free Auto Delivery
J.H.e[-IELLEW Estate
t 'Undertaking. •ri are and e.
Fut fit
Need Not be Pessimistic
Declares Sir Donald Mann.
1 ` t ere 'b s s
• •h i c ht,
U. al t e,o a Y
Prepkttati0ns.'.are unider the way
fbr the,Old ;Boy's reunioln• to be
losl,d Here in August 1914.
• IMr;'John Todd who reeen'Ei,}^
'Went do Lolnciot0• hospitals:0'r _reat-
men:t. is•r'eoolverl I1g.. •
,R.' ;Pell loll Seafoi•th was here re-
cently cin busines:s..
Quite a number of school children
are ;polling peas and are making
good money prior to the opening
of school.
Oivic holiday will, be celebrated
here an Molnday.
Mrs. Case of Dungannon has been
visiting her uncle George Case
and other relatives.
H. ArnoldManger of the Maisons
Bank and his wile, are taking their
heli :days for two weeks.
James Hagan and wife are home
,after spencLng afew days in Loo -
don. • '
Miss Yuji of Victoria B.C. who
Mr. Isaac J. Wright has a slow has beee visiting her parents here
which gave birth the 'other night has gone to New York to visit with
tol70igs.: her sister.
Ser. Gelo. Wynn was taken very Mr. and Mrs. John Drysdale of
ill on Wednesday afternoon and London are visiting the former's
lather, R. Drysda ie.
Dr. Smillie. !of Shefield and phis
sist.rs of Toronto are visitin,; tel-
aerv<.s • in Hensel!: and vicinity.
James Johnson who was 'operat-
cd on an Victoria 'Hospital, for ap-
p ndicits has returned Moine and
appears ilo.be making a good re -
CM ver'y.,
Mrs, Pearl McEwan el London
has beet) visitiing Mix Murdock:.
Sixty Indians from different re-
serves are here pulling flax for O.
C. dyer
Truss Martha Butt wino hc':s seen
in flam'lttie for some months has
2lrs. D. P. McLean and sister Mrs.
Lac are visiting relatives in St.
!Councillor 11. D. Bell has left
for l.toomshurg, Pa., to visit re-
va ation hire at \\inghant Mrs. latives and recuperate.
Bird is the daughter of Provincial Mr. and Mrs.Huinsley ofBeach-
h • vine and Miss Carr land Miss Con-
stance. 'Carroll of the same plaeO
\',slte¢1 Mrs. J. Sutherland and
Mrs. Rcyiuolds of fiippen recently.
tents and encampments orgyps.es. Misss.• Flossie Foss, land Trane
The order of the day is horse Douglass have returned a Ft.r
trail lig and se Ling of wares. Many sp nd nig ten days at Grand Bend.
of the'\\'ingham,ites are taking the i,Mrs H, Johns who i as b ern vi is
'advantage of this spending Ulu ing her mother. Mrs. A. Cookfor
evenings with them Listening from the past threeweeks has returned
tali;r home a' Guelph.
underwent an operation a.t the
Winghiaim l3ioapital and at the pre-
sent tine is doing well
of The A
John IMartins
vanes staff, was taken seriously i11
With •append fel es it the Sal v atidn
Army citadel. He was taken at
once to the hasp tal where an opo
oration was performed and wo are
pt<ased to report that he is mak-
ing a satisfactory recovery,
Stir. 'Marlen Wilsaia has been a'p
pointed as collector of taxes Inc
the Township of Turnberry, Mr.
Wilson will mala a good official
.and the Oattincil. has been made no
mistake in appointing him to the
position. NII'. Pau! Powell whowas
coil.;ector for 19 years was app° nt-
ed township clerk last fall.
Mr. incl Hers.• A. M. Bird and fam-
ily of Paisley are spenduu:g • their
•Y 'e
• Thniad'ay; A
gttet'7t1), ist.a.
this Year. • The final summing up
of tickets sold from Milverton to•
Goderieh oho w thlat there were 087
Mr. Smith ol;, the ,Bans o: 11i t
toil st't ff. has returned from hiss
hu. ildays;
Mr. Frame- Metcalf was the recip
ent ofialn address aniklpresetnt
ation from the members of Court
Dog + his led
P. prior to
I. L I. i o
1)o s
iig Dor Medicine Hat, Alberta.
A number of gypsis arrived in
town bast &veining and are camped
north of the .power house. i They
have a number onuses and are
dtoubtl,ess open for deals.
•lite anumber fnoun "Myth, end
Vicinity took in the, excursion
to Kincai'd:0e.
4Flcv. J.L. Small of Ilespler who
with his family is visiting In Myth
occupied the pulpit of St. Andrew
Church Sabbath evening. ' 'Llolti
about ayear ago Mr. ;Small. was
pastlor of ,St. (Andrew's :fora num-
ber •of years
Owing 10 'tire continued dry
weather a number of wells in town
have gone dry. The inconvenience
is quite manifest in seeing water
in sons instances :being carried al -
lab block, , •
Mr. S. A. P,opl,cstone will attend
the, grand lodge, I.O.O. F., at Bell-
•eville next w eel (FIe is quitep
an • n:husiastic Oddfcllavd and is al-
ready apast.grand master.. It is
expected that this year newel lie
to the
•es hive
•] os 10 )i t
cl a c
supreme grand lodge which titi:lbe
Jlilcc•r i hippun.
At the present time ali:Ang the
balks of the old Maitland Rive'r
lnnay be seen large \numbers ,of
the sold warrior chiefs of S•ne
A party eampossd of her, George
'Mason, h.is's^m, John and Mrs,Roht.
P.attic, had a chase • call for a bad
smash e'hcn as they were •motoring
t°Teese'ater the axle on the car,
Snapp.d. Young Mr. Masonnoticed
the car sinleing and had it stopped
at once, Ml wore driven lane,
Mr. Harald Appcl left here ) n
Thursday morn en for Merlin Ont.
where he will op0n a jewelles'y
Twelve school teachers whohad
been 1 P' t R d r
tumid 'o their names of u russels
yesterday. They calm_ by the way
pf Zurich to Renard'. And they
ootid sing.
Th: townships bridges contracted
for by Mr. Joseph Lawson are well
und:;i' way I1 gent's° of awe,ek or
so the y will be completed.
Mr, Jlohn Grande. one or .the first
mcrchlants im Zurich is 'visiting
here. 'Ile isaresident of Chatham
at present and is 74 years of age.
Anent* fly' ng a B.r,11 ensign ran
into •a carriage driven by itir. James
Maass off the Sauble line fen Thurs-
day throwing the occupants out and
injuring the driver of the team
very badly. He Sas tln:own against
I a barbed wire fence an.cl had his
hands severly cut.
Jake Wurm, while roiling the, gear-
ing hof a.wilidmtil l had his hand
badly smashed. He clung to the
ladder with his legs until he•wa,s
helped to the ground thus saving
his life.
Great uo,l•um.es of smoke were
from the big
fro n
seen issuingI
the vic-
of t
to the spot. It was found
that afire had been started but
by wheat means or by whoni 'is a
mystery. The neighbors with
sped ;s and sho.vells pails and hand
had d
pumps until; Chet a 1
the spread Of the fire. Then they
app•l d'themselves ho the area af-
fected. They finally got the blaze
under colntrol aisl left the peat to
nhwhder until the fire was exhaust -
cd. This fire started well inttolthe•
swamp in the rear Of Mr. WihIiarn
Lament's iia Stanley Township and
had it not been. discovered In time
ga..aat destrueti,otl to the . crops
would' have followed. Remember-
ing the trrlble fire which swept
the swept the swamp shims years
ra;,o . the]popte become very rest-
less when the fire in thla p.ciat
govea'ed belt is mentioned. The
clause. tol.the fire has a.suspicion at-
tached trait a keen watch will be
set` flor clareless'reckle•ss or'design-
ing persons in the neighborhood.
n campeee ata ei., a A... a e -
:Makes' Statement in View of
“Clearing Financial Sky,"
Abundant Crop Outlook, and
.Better Railroad F acl
Winnipeg, Man., July 31.—"With
;a clearing financial sky, the pro-
mise 012iabunldatnt crops, and better
tio move
crops, Canada lieed not be pessi-.
n0istic," declared Sir Donald Mahn,
oohs'arrival, after a West
of inspection.
Crops in Alberta, Saskatchewan,
and Manitoba are looking magnifi-
cent. fRiailways this fall will be
much better able tohandle grain
than .East year."
Speakingan financial, matters,
d that some
lmentioned Sir Donald In I'
prrttyhat'd knooks ba;] bceo I'a d-•
ed the V. N. Tit over the 315,050,00
the Dominion on ovrh-,ment.
"But the people are getting
rolads, and that is what they want."
he commented.
lPJetplorts from Carman, Nnitou ,
and other points in Southern Man,
tell of severe storms 'Wednesday
,'laces hail destroyed
at both p
or lyadI,Y
damaged standSng
at Carman Banns and loutbu; I din
were blown cloven the property loss
amlo+oeteid to several thousand dol-
' ear SI.
aceording to a Letter received by.
the Mo 0: League from theDeparc-
inent, The league advanced the
id.a and' the M.G.
intrm< t
es that
be, thinks well df it. The signs mlay
be made hof enamelled _elate.
l tor
. Phone o
our Prices.
you want done in the
line of
T` mithing
ens .,
a g
vetrou hl•n
Let us Give you a Price
Prices given on all
Contract Work.
BamAk ut#er
• htaons 1isn s su
l rce',,b> bright P
Iiid postmasters to hang outside
Sanitary Plumbers
the shop, giving the Same.of the
,, be provided
to S r
town are likely I
Phone 7,
soon' by• the Post -roaster -;General!
The Pmesbyterilan `'picnic held in
last week
i orchard,
J3o vans
Mr. t t
well attended.
Mrs.ltylan of Stratford has
visiting eat the Erratts- home dor
,ing the hash two, weeks.
;Mr. Geta Asquith is on the sick Sl+ tb.
resent. we hope' for ;a spee y list at p P
d- eeoovery. Miss McQuarrie of Brussels is visit.
f :Pies ingthe M
'Mise Zsl a McDonald o p
is renewing old acquaintances here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson return.
eo. Your bl ut has been giv ed on Saturday from avisit with Gode•,
Mr. Geo. g
r, , lawn fence a coat rich friends.
.his. house .and ,la n
at- ,: matoea dropped ed to
price last
roto p
R P,
1 nowh
t int
which Y
to 10 per pound,
ant eei
df o
Civic hn,o,li dlay will bslnext Wad-
nesda. when oar 'citizens will
spend the day at Point Farm. This
enjoyable outin, and
is always ang
it is expected that this year will not
bebehtnd .the ,previlonus years.
< e. 1 asocial
The Epworth League held
on the Misses I'llair•'s lawn) Tuesday
A large cnowd took iathe
Sion to Goderich on 7.'tesdday.
Ms. Thomas King of Woodstock
M (
aut,oleid to Auburn en Swnclay <
spent part el Sunday and, Monday
visiting his aged' Mother and other
, w painting
C]larles ,Pead §e is busy p g
Win. Anderslon shouse.
,ev. Id careen of Cl:niton preach-
ed in the Methodist church Stun
Mrs. N: Sherry, who has been ser
iously ill, is somewhatimproved.
Miss Mabel Oudney, who was operas
ed on for .appendicitis at Stratford
hospital, is improving rapidly.
Mrs. Ooteman was in Stratford re
cently visiting her son Frank, who
was operated on for appendicitis in
the hospital there.
James •lohnston, who was operated
on in Victoria kluspital for appen
0 01110, has had to undergo ,t second
operation for another internal trouble.
Hensel" people are beginning to
arrange for an Old Boys' Reunion, to
be held some time in August of 1014:.
BI'ue efield
Intended for Last` Week.
rites, s:Mr,• weeds sand 2ant' Iy left
for ths•ir sra ation dtBel:leville last
week. Rev.;A; 'Ste -Wart :O, D. of'T To-
ronto formerly of Clinton is ex -
Peeled t'o take his pulpit here for
the next three Sabbath's
50 tickets were sold to the Gode-
rich •etxcursilon on Wednesday .last,
all report a good time, the tralo
was cnow ded, some, had the pl•eo-
slatted seats.
Desisting in a
sura' of aa
others were staid ng.
John Rowctt wife and child of
Moose Jaw are visiting at the. home
D Ron'..t.,
their brother
h17 the mis-
fortune to loose ayoung cow on,
Thursday mast, by Using killed with
the railway train, nen the evening
of the Goderieh excursion tr:a1n
coming back, about' 20 other cows
were . also on the track but only
IIone was ran over, It is almoast im-.
possible, to keep cattle off the track
as there is welling to pi'evanttheni
getting 01n.
Miss McClinchy Iof Adelaide is
visiting at the home of Mrs,: T. i
Simpson, •
Mrs, John Ross and son el Map la
Creek, Sask, is visiting at the home
of Mrs. Alex Ross.
Rev. Mr.:Flosie, London, pl'oaehed
in the Presbyterian Church on Sun-
day Last, f
ilir. Wheeler visited friends at I
\\'inthrap this week.
Arthur ,'anct Mary Edmunds of
Se.aforth the, guest of. Mrs. Wheeler,
Miss Ruby Allen ofMedicine Rat
s the guest of her uncle Janicls
Allen. •
held at some point in the Southren
A gang of linemen ares ;bhisy.
changing the Pell Telephone
wires lramthe 'Metcalf btiildingto
Stothers block where tie Be 1 cont-
ra will b located. •
A cr oiyd of foreigners employed
a couple ,of box cars at the station
leave been attracting large crowds
by their singing each evening.
31r. R.. H. Rolonson has added a
harness stitching machine to his
business. 'this m'a:bine is capable
of doing titre- work of five men.
Mrs. Ferguson and children, of
\W atton, is visiting her sister, Mrs.
1Lr. Aaron Tyumen, of Vancou-
ver, is visiting This brother -in -Katt',
George Stephenson.
Quite a number around here took
in the Sunday Scheel excursions to
God:rich while others went to Kin
Miss Ada Ci+ovenlock, of Seaforth,
spent afed' days the guest of her
cousin, Miss M. Halt.
Mrs. Frank Hall spent a few days
in Clinton with friends.
Miss Harrison, of Winnipeg, is
visiting at the parsonage.
Mr :and Mrs. Sheppard visited in
Goderich over Sunday.
Mrs. N. W. Trerear•tha returned
from Toronto on Thursday oflast
The W.M. Se held A successful
sewing circle 'at Mrs. Geo. Teb-
butt's on Tuesday afternoon.
Mr 'and Mrs. Gere. Hollalnd were
in Mitchell on Sunday.
A barge number' 111010 around here
attended the funeral, ofelletlatei\Irs.
Currie eit Gicsdorich on Sunday.
Mrs. Mulholland was called to De
troit w0 Tuesday.
Mrs. Joseph Jervis is in Goderieh
this week attending the'funeral ce
her aunt, Mrs. Green, wlut(died very
sudde'nl;y on Monday.
Intended for Last, Week.
Mrs, Ed. Bracey of Berlin,,. daugh
ter let the late Mr. Fred, Tebbutt,
d home
t h
r ht,. race
rete ire
ndaat rG
led here
on Monday having been call
hast w1ek on account of her father's
death which nook place last Wed
Mr. .hos. Holmes, of Whitechurch,
was a caller at 3. Prloctor"s and
Holmes' last weer..
Quarterly meeting services will
be held h':re next Sunday morning.
Teenie abnel Dorothy Marquis of
the Lase Lino, spent part of last
week, with their friend, Miss A. Mc
'Mr. Will Lobb, of the Maitland
'Con., had the misfortune tobreak
his_oalear bone and otherwise pain
fully. injured himself by failing from
the. barn floor to the bes'Ometnit be -
I 'w.
The inside of our school is being
• h coat of int: •
brightened. by a Eros p
Mr. Will Jenkins was in Goderieh.
Tuesday on bus iness.
Dr. McCormick of Detroit is visit
ing at the parsonage, having motored
over the first of the week.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. McCormick; and
Dr. McCormick left for Trowbridge
Tuesday to attend. the funeral of
on T 9
their cousin who died there on Mon
T Currie
friends of Mrs.
many Y
ear of
of i3,oderich; will be sorry to b
hely-serious ,illness.
dray evening. 1
M, H. A. Thomas -an family
to Berlin on'Sund'by afternoon where l lived Su some years in the Town
the will spend end a few days with the ship, of Hulleht, but hater the
Town -
they P s. subject of this sketch moved to
f0 Mr- Forester, of
Mr. ofBellgrave is relkev- the 'township of Tunnbera'Y,1v'lret'e
ing at the G. T. ll, station here in ,the, he Lived for some thirty nine eyars.
absence of Station Agent G, E. Mc- About two years ago he with his
Taggart who with his family
is visit- tv
Miss Jane Nichol, ,
NIr. John McDougall and wife, Mr,
S. Hubbard and wile and lOIre, Hast-
ings were visiting relatives on the line
last week. They were the guests of
1\1r, Mal. McEwen, Mr. McDougall and
party drove from Kent in an Auto,
and left Stanley to visit in Turnberry.
Dr, Thomas 11. Butchart of Recl Oak
Iowa visited his brother John R, on
Monday of this week. Ile left on :Cue-
day for Detroit and thence to his home
in 1ted Oelt,
Mr. James Cameron of London and
il'Ic, W. Rogan of Toronto were visit
ing at the home of Mr, Neil McGregor
last week.
Mr, and Mrs, A. McDonald of Brus-
sels called at the home of Mr. John
Mani wan on the first of the week.
Mrs. Bryant of London and her son
Demes are visiting at Mr. John 11Ic-
Uowan's this week.
51r. Henderson and the lilisses Mc-
Intosh, of McKillop were visiting at
the home of Mrs. J. Gilmour on the
first of the week.
'Dinner Sets
Tea Pots,
Etc., Etc.
Dr. Metcalf is building a greenhouse
and when eo n fileted it will be the
finest in the district,
The large, motor boat Sinbad, 'of
Detroit, sent a day in the river, and
then continued its cruise through the
Georgian Bay, with aparty of eight on
Miss Frankie Jennings, of London,
who •has been spending a tew weelcs
with. Mrs. 10 11400rhouse. returned
•Mr. and Mrs. Edwards. of Toronto,
have returned home afterspendiug six
weeks at the lakeside.
Mr. 0, Welcb has returned to Strat-
ford for a few days. to look after busi-
ness, His wife and family are still here.
The Presbyterian SunddySchoolheld
their picnic at Ileusteu'' grove. on the
Sauble line. The day was perfect for
the outing.
Mr. Fellows, of Boston, is the great
of the Misses Austin, on hill Terrace.
A friendly game of baseball was
played between the visitors and the
town boys, the score being 1 to 11 in
savour of the town team. The game
was well attended,
Mrs. E. Mariness. of London, is a
guest at the Albion hotel•
For the benefit of anglers who are
interested in black braes fishing. There
has been comparatively no fishing this
Miss Kathleen, Harold and Fred
Wright, of Toronto, are spending a
few weeks with their grandmother,
Mrs, T. Jowett.
The •annual ga.rcien party held
one the rectory grounds last night
was probably the most successful
that has taken place and drew a
large attendance not only of the
people of the village and district
but of the summer campers es well
of whom ,Bayfield has tris year the
largest number 111 its history.
The, Goderieh Rand supplied ex-
cellent music a undrefreshmetl.is aI
'all kinds were an sale including a
regular tea, which proved popular.
bailee excitement was caused
during the evening ning it horse driven
by Mr. \Vili,atn. Elliot of the C od,e-
ricit ncad took fright and shied
at Mr. Fred Heath's loony throwing
Air. Elliot and two ladies whe were
with him into tae di ch. 1!liappily
there were no serious resulss.
Church Nlotes.—On Sabbath next,
Aug. 11th, the Sacrament of the
Lord"s Supper will be observed in
the church, service to commence
at 10.30. Preparatory service to he
held on Thursday evening.
Miss Winnie Shaw returned back
toTororito for her work on Mon-
day afternlo,on after having return
'e,d back from her trip to 1Iacinac
isho.nd nil Saturday
and two sisters Ruth Planthe I
returned hack with her.
NIr. and' Mrs, A.'23. °tattoo and
family •expect to go to Bayfield on
Wednesday to there animal, church
picihic Irani the Baptist Church,
Win, Gray shipped a car of cattle
to Toronto last Saturday.
James Cartright had the mis-
fortune to lose aline 2year old
cold this week.
Miss Agnes Diokslatnl of Sarnia
speant a'few days Mrs. Wm.
Mr. and Mrs. William Richardson
and Lanan
i y autoed fromStratford
to spend the d with 01
on Sunday 7 y
their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs.
1. C'artright and had a pleasant
visit with the olid folks and, they
all had 'a gleed time.
IClard of Thanks—Mrs. Elias Ball,
wishes to thank the many friends.
kindness and rn ath:
for their dt eY Y
' shown' by them in her recent p ber-
eavement in the .floss of her bus -
hand,. 1
The Late James Thompson—On
Friday, July 18th, another of our
honored citizelns passed away in
the person of Mr. James. Thompson,
of Shuter Street. Mr. Thorrvpson'
had been unfailing health for some
time and the end carne peacesall ly
after a long useful life at the :ma-
ture of seventy three years. The
deceased was a native of Lanark
shire Scotland, and cane with his
parents ta Canada when a
mean The family took up lalnd and
ing friends at Niagara Falls.
Dr. J. N. Perdue has decided to par•
chase a Ford cat. This will make nine
car's owned in Blyth.
as been visit-
' n rw
Miss O
U n
ing' her uncle at St. Agustin haw re•
turned to town.
Rev. J. L. Small < and flintily: of
[levier. who have been camping:
dt C0
derrch aro vision
Turnberry, ',sieved into town and
m+ada theta home on Shiites Street,
The witless with six sisters snrrviv
, Ono brother, Pro-
Thompson. n
Y. Thompson,
of T nox
•lora x
Ooliege, predeceased him. Mr.
I was
hums son
..of ; St. And'i'a:w's Presbyterian
Church; and a'stauinch Liberal in
1 was c rduct-
The funeral
'tree. T eU
The ulSiati Sunday schooinicir day tothe Win hai ICemeterY
• aloidsrich was a; through';succesl Witlgltiam Times,
Mr. and Mrs, Chaal,s Oke, of Ben -
miller, announce the engagement
of their daughter, Jessie, to Allan
Walker. of Denver, Colorado, son
of Mr. and 3Irs, John Walker, for-
merly 0.. Goderieh, The wedding
totiake place the second week in
Boy Wanted
Boy wanted to learn the Railway
business at the (4, T. R. station.
Must be smart with good educa-
tion. Good \t ages. Apply to
A. 0. PA'l'TISON.
Agent, Clinton
noose tier Sale
1 am instructed to sell quick.
Hero is a chance to; secure an
excellent home at a bargain price.
I will show property, and consider
1 any' fait' Offer.
0, E. HALE.
Bellevieiv Dairy Farm
Miss M. 31. Carmen of Irquois has
been engaged as teacher iii modern
languages and history in Seaiorth
Collegiate Institute tuFe as successor to
NiBowers who
resigned ne
d sie
school close id fel: the holidays.
Miss Carnlan's salary is $1,000.„
The teaching staff is,now complete
for the coming year and will be coin
posed as follows: G. A. hiller,
A.; headmaster J. F. Bloss mnthon-
nvatics: Miss May B. A.. classics
Miss Garman modern) languages;
Miss Bottom, 0001hnerc ee
Additional Dist,ritt News
on I'age 5.
From our stock of first-class
cows we are prepared to supply
you twice, daily with best of milk
and cream, and solicit a share of
your patronage... HILL. 125.
For •Sale
Roo Runabout Auto, in good
running order, wilil demonstrate
if desired. A I:Fargain for quick
Poultry Foods
We have an hand a full supply
of Poultry Foods, including—
Bc,e:r Scrap, Chick Saran,
Poultry ,Boner Crystal Grit,
Clam Shall, Oyster Shell, Etc.
CALF •MEAL—A. splendid flood. for
young calves, and
HOG MEAL—For :young pigs.
Another car of Western Oats just
arrived, alsia a car load of Feed
Biour, Bran, and Shorts.
Try Cu
Sin S
aII \
The 'Resit Fertilizer' On the Market
LIVE POULTRY taken the first
four days of each week.
Call and see. aur Supplies and get
Our Prices.
The Guuu—I aulois Co., Llfito
The up-to-date Firm,4. Clinton
PhoHne 0
•••••••••••••••••••••••O•a ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
• • 0
• 0
• Auction
_ ••
• . oiLal,eBlck residence and Lots •
• •
Household Furniture, Smit other articles
The undersigned undersignedliras received instructions from Mr. F.
• ,O`Neil tie sell be public nuctilonl gene premises, 0•
• HIGH STREET, ;CLINTON, fait 1' pm., on 0
• This is Ione of the best lionises in the towln, and hats all
• de et colnvenences, It leas formerly been ]clnow•n
• the 'Illollmes property This is n grand plpporttllnity for
▪ anyone wishinlg, to secure a first-class 1lomne The sto-
perty must be sioll,dl!as the proprietor is going We
• These will also be offered .at the same time and place
• 1 new high-grade Gerhard=Heitntzmlair Pialnlo,
Parlor Suites 2 Dining
•Dxtenssn 'China CLoset Sofas and Hall Racks, a
Parlor aihd Dining ii
gRu Rugs,
• Hall Furniture,
Den Furniture, Redtoo.m and Kitchen Furniture
• consistio,g of-- Kitchen Rainlge,
Gasoline Stove, 4 Bedroom Suites,
• Stands,Tables, :Chairs, Pictures
w Dressers and '. Lady's Bicycle., Aliso Remmingtan Typewriter•
• ltvn Nlolwei', 50 feet of Rubber Hose,'
• .Glasslpare,, Crockery and nunseeous other articles.
e Rlesidenee arid Lots will be sold first.
•• ND' reserve. bill oil: house or•'Fua r0ittue. purchase
suit p
Furniture nearly arly neeTeis on Piano to
e TLR11MS 01? SAL
s le
•, ,tl 'i
of. n
• PROPERTY -10 per ccent 'Se be Y
• e to suit purchaser.
• , . a'nld balance can be arranged d.
• EFFECTS --Ali stuns •af $5 land umlei, cash; over that
• ' amount. 3 months credit lonapprovetl joint' notes. A
•• diseount of0per cent per annum ell credit amounts. m
• —
A.Nr O'NEIIProprietor.'TIiOS. BROWN,Auctioneer •
• ,
friends. .mens late residence oat Mo❑-
00,80N0000•00000000•0000006 ••••N•••• oseoe ••••ee