HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-08-07, Page 2e
The body contains phosphorus suf icientto make 483,000'11 -latches. • p}iorus is, rPhos-
one of. fou teen elements composing the:;'body-divided among
bones, flesh, nervous system and other organs, Theperfecthealth of body
• requires a perfect balance of the elements: These*elements come from the.
food we eat -the stomach extracts and distributes them.
But if stomach is' deranged -the balance of health is destroyed and• the
blood does not carry the proper elements to the different organs, and there
• is+blood trouble ---nerve trouble -.heart trouble. Pain is the hungry cry of
starved organs. Put'the liver, .solr4ach and organs of digestion and nutri•
tion into a: condition of Health.':: That is just what is done. by
which has been so favorably known for over 40 years. iC is now put up in
tablet form,' as svell as liquid, and can be obtained of medicine dealers
everywhere or by mail by sending 50 cents in is stamps for trial box-
add,e s R.V. Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, N.Y.
is albooh of 1.0OS pages handsomely bound in cloth -treats
of Physiology -Hygiene Anatomy, Medicine and is a complete
Home Physician -Send 50, lc stamps to R.V.Plerce,Butfaio,ht.Y.... .._.
Era. i eh teateaadmits tl at
When CliodOt c
The � l
47TH YEAR. •
W. EL. REBA th SON,. Props. I
J. Leslie Kerr,
Business 1 ailager
New Era, Ona Year in advance $1.00
New Era, 'when' not paid in act- I
vnnea .. ......$1.50
New Tyra. to.the United States 1
in advance' ;$1.50
Clinton load the hest of the game
it must be about right.
Wingham defeated Kincard'ne
3-3,.on tliilursciay last in the latter
Wren. Kinder was the referee.
The Exeter }fowling Club is. hold ng
a tournament on Atig. 18, and'thecoin,
mittee in charge. is sparing no effort
to male the affair a success. • Two or
three London rinks Will make the trip
and plav in the tourney, and several
richer; rinks at the 1V. °0, B. A, signi-
fied the intention of attending. The
prize list is a trig one and the. prizes
well worth playing for.
Winghem Announces a hit; bowling
tournament to begin on August 18 and
following days,
'v'.EiS f'LTI+TTOSI Nlacv
ugilst '7th, 7`913
Offtee t'ioll- at To
mistt 1 d fioulties, ®tea ycandgnaling the month.,
widen presents u a � Q'{�r�7fij®Ye• i
'of the Dahlle jewels to the 't 51514peur,
deep niystel'fes of. all kinds, frthat
once of 15r. i,Iartip. In five short
Good Health
oto da:
S. ,
\ s .� UE V, RDU N
minutes they can; by means of te or- is -to Cor- ,' Imports in Nene Mouth WIares ,n
ne . t ,rculate The first thing to do
tape nischs outside uet,
izaus191:.. team cointtre rA
gedescriptions . i t
di ' ional to simultaneously. the chief rect the minor ailmentsCaUSed iia showed a net increase of 111.1 ()tit
divisional stations naghltl,- who
tion 18 percent,
Rh ten,_ wlso has,by defective or irregular 'ac l
Sir Melville Macna, t ,- 1
been the'ehiei of. the C. D. for about
ten years, looks'" very -little like a 1
Sherlock Relines. Altogether, how-
ever, he has been over twenty-three
years at the Yard, and has been one of
the chief movers in solving hundreds
of criminal mysteries. While he has,
been head of the Council et Seven,'
they have been called together by
him to solve such difficult mysteries
as the Moat Farm, the.Merstham Tun-
nel murder, Crippen, and the murder
of Miss Barrow by Seddon.
His right-hand .man, when the Coun-
cil of Seven -meets, is Supt. McCarty,
who has risen from a uniformed con-
stable patrolling his beat in Islington
to second in command of the most
famous detective, force in the world.
John McCarty joined the force when
he Was twenty, and a few years later;
he was sent to Havre on special ser-
vice work, where he was one of those
invisible watch -dogs that are set. all
roundthe ports of Europe to keep a
look -out for criminals
on the Rant-
ed" list.
In 1903 he became chief lieutenant
to Supt. Quin, who, is head of the
Special Service branch of Scotland -
Yard. At that time he dealt with In -1
dian seditionists, high political offen
ders, and Nihilists, guarding the safe -t
ty of kings, princes, and well-known
people. He was at Madrid when the
bomb was thrown at the King and;:
Queen of Spain on the occasion of
their marriage. of the
The most recently appointed
Council of Seven is William, Gough,
who succeeded Chief Inspector Divall
at the beginning of April. It was In-;
spector Gough who worked up the
case against Goudio, the famous ab-
sconding bank cashier.
At the moment of writing, the Coun-
cil of Seven is really only a Council
of Si`, owing to the appointment of
Chief Inspector Bower to be Chief In-
spector ot the Criminal Investigation
Department of the Pert of London. In-
spector Bower's most recent big case
was the arrest and conviction of Wil
limns the "hooded man," for the mur-
der of Inspector \Valls at Eastbourne
last October.
C1111ur en Cry
Advertising Rates onApplication. j ��++�.0 FOR FLETCHER'S•y�I'S
//! p
Job work prlc_s advance on July ;
.1st,1913, in accordance with 1 'Cli�e-OF FORT WILL.G\ \1 -.
tho Huron Co. PO'Sils Asso- i START TO LISE STREETS t,`IT.tI
nation Rates. THEM'• An agita:i'on hes sprung rip f 11'
a s st, matte pl1nt•11 If rte s-
° oe the streets 1711 ,h.'. Cor.n-i ;las
Office Plt:one 30 House Phone a tal..7n the mat•.er up.
Mackay ° Elected (moo ��
fill 9
Success in Athabasca by Majority
of About One Hundred and Forty
is Generally Conceded,
EDMONTON, July 30 With eight
out of twelve polls heard from in the
dcferted provincial elections in Atha
hosed Hon, A, (T, Mackay Liberal has
a 1nij a 11y of 141 over Conserval we
candidate\I jor .1, 11. ,\-nods of Atha
asci' Landing,i'he rental ti log 1,100
pnll:i which are at. Pliantly}ng points
will pot be heard from for eever.al days
but it isnot probable they will 1 iieet
the general testa t. 1111 31nc 1 rays
election is now conceded by the Censer
vatives, The tight has been a bitter
one and nearly Ali the prominent poli
1ici ms on both side- in thr, provinc:z
took pall: 10 the last few clays of the
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Away Boug�i�t
Bears the / T
Signature of .yt42111;' r t /_1
Local News
To be 61i-kaltlay Yon MIA for, Dr. Jowett, was mas er o 0
Kneels $114,' Blood Rich. the university had been condemned to
Didn't Move Him Much.
During the time the famous educa
a young Japanese undergraduate of
be expelled on account of unsatisfac
s u a aa(1 ll e. tory conduct. He obtained an inter
view with Dr. Jowett, and after plead -
beg that the disgrace of being `sent
Dr. R10 dis 's Pink Pills are use- down" would be unbearable he threat-
Whereupon lied in
d ,ami i r ily 0 0l101 l,1 taniii1- his blandest manner:
Ar a ' 501 1 'literally ')earns 11 cnn aft- "Not on my carpet, please." -Lon -
;r In Which yi•hu h •<hr l::!ncd is thin andis :! in ai.l-- die, .s, crus'ed by thin
at' ened.lie would commit suicide.
h n- d anal the list of such on Dr. Jowett rep
don Graphic.
of the organs. of digestion and
e1intination. After these or-
gans have 'been 'put in good
working order by timely use of
i it is ;annotr00rd froni - Grand
tl t : M' 1W''
C°hisl'iolldn Ir; C„ has been • appointed
enenal Solicitor to the company,
__ 8 . dl to Mr, Ohtshol,m Vll,as beela
S Up, o, a
for;he' of an' 'nt O'n-'
'' O'llt�ef or t c nt i
y• rl
(Tho Largest Salo et Any Medicine in the World)
better digestion x'exults,' and then
the food really nourishes and
strengthens the body. The first
dose gives relief and sounder sleep,
quieter nerves, and improved action
of all the bodily organs are caused
by an occasional use of Beecham's
Pills. They give universal satisfac-
tion and in safety, soreness and
quickness of action Beecham's Pills
Have o'
Known .qual
Sold everywhere.. In boxes, 25 cents."
The directions with every
' boa are vary valuable.
owc:1 the local option supporters
a" makiii prep orations to Muriel)
a:llo...11<1' campaign.
Where'Does Money 0o7
Truth threatens to • put Alexandra
Day in its 'cautionary. list, which
consists of bogus and fi irtiulent and
so-called. • charities. Alexandra Day
vas originatecl`hy leading society lyo-
01011 last year under the: auspices of
the 'widowed queen. 9hrouali"ut Lon -
len thousands of v, lontc: r girls and
women sold roses nominally at a pen -
rd 00111 but in the finest. enc anything
::x.111 a shilling to f}1,1 point& :1114
leen for one. It t+' 1 ". a 3130nlic 5110-
's , and preliminary estimates put
tate amount thus raised for hospitals
8200,000. But
between 5150080 '.Y e
the accounts,tardily published,shnw-
1 800,800 collected, and from • #.lint
mil 525,000 was deducted for ex -
Volunteer work for charity at this
rate is rather More en<tly than the
,.licca article. Alexandra Div v is again
ie,in; prepared for, and the propor-
tion of expenses to the receipts will
narrolvly scrutinized.
Tho earliest attempt at sewing
by.ntlaehinery 01 which there Is
any atithantic roroi'd was in 1f75 11
year a machine was patent'd ni
Epgland by Charles T'. Weison thal,.
Sir Chairs hitzp;itrie will •npe'n
the intereat''cinal nonm.cars of i},`-
` nt n A
7. H,
•T t is
oro oxo o t a
at o g t
will\re.present his Iiiaylal T-Iighne,sc
the Duke of Connaught ooi that
I-' '1'IIOS-\:ti 1) EMMTG R t 1':)
�$ eRfIZE
Alleti011 Sale 431 Senoal
Auction sato, of School property
nn ,Vaunt av Ahlg. 4,1l1. at 4p.nt. being
S.S. No. 81lu11eitt the build;n'g is a
frame, structure and there isolle
acre of land, Also two box stoccs
for sal 0 One nearly new.
Good Form for Sale.
Nu-B'1'aa-CO ICaxatives
are different ixi that they
'do not gripe, purge nor
cause` nausea, nor does
continued use lessen their
effectiveness. 'You can
always depend on them.
25c. a boa: at your
Druggist's, 178
National Drug .and Chemical Co.
of Cranodu, Limited
Ald, W. A. She.rnd1ocl of St. Cath
a -ins has r; 130 horse -power ear
whose speerlomter ihows aruai of
0 000 mlt1s 41tnd tale, Mr. Sherwload
tkelares has 'been • acooniiptiishecl
Without a pun ctur^_.
Money Wanted
Let 35. Collassion 3 1 uleersinith
o,lnta.ning 100 acres. 93 5.11 cleared
and. in a splendid state of cultiv-
qt'.on, The - farm ia well under
110'0" } and fenced d tt'ith five acres
of gond handy:wed be eh. Large
lank linen and straw shell with
° 1011 stabling silo and other onl
redid`.n s. xl llrcic hots- cilli
1 i.nms 1 itrhl•rl ld at n wished with
gond Eia., and head end sort
1t at -.'r. There is a splendid -apple
, r r'
r orchard t l /t
r. . 1 11 a1 t i
nl .h0 1
pains pT arti and cho 1ys tri
and ranal-mil done, of einedii Tilts.
On this farm are two nee ; r fa r 15'
it cls rine with will.) this- `ViniPnllt
Th.i fault a c'mt ,'nient to el t ,'c0
and. 5c Il _11 six m'1 5 f 1 tncctr 5011
ivn of (.'inion and f' irn"t:ll a 111 2
1-2 m'I -s from 1'rlieet <.1d
ashen_ in Mateo with long distance
c•nin'ction. rural mall dells -cry
rout ' to be est a t! 911',:1 1mm,li tt, l}-
T:rens reasonable ss -the lue-
1110)1. i5 giving up farming, Apply
00 tat:' prenl:srs or arl,'r`• se
- • A..'ELCOAT,
,Precef' e! d
at. ry' In rheumatism the bi:of
'dr' ,alas, 657 t.� . a
't lits thin ;more ra'n y i:i enn.i;t- bill. ta4,7,....a.t, :`sill{ 9I'
b:c tl 1.0::al, t:}:,lU. A;flAI-. inn 'ishan }rttfir t
in any ,athar apt:. or
After all n t 1keep up a 'brisk cl lt. Slx
a tart. n!' I , i^}pp.• or acute fav"i'e 4
the idled is a-wa1'S thin and. im-
pure- and Dr. Williams' Pini, Pills 1 n
a - rhe undo to use during eons 0'-
c. c r nce, Aihon tho 17hmd is 1111,,
and th n the stomach sunl<ivs,
Th -ci f anent a '0.,111 c t' lir.
acids fo m and ih ti'ollbl is pro-
le ,-.a:. (} i 1111 '0st u. r <h 1 l,s a
:"...n. •1
Viii r :n i 1�urish11t'n0 toI;eep
up their energy gV a:1r1 repair write
i.11 iiia d Some forms of I, •' d-
l -s ., a •t 00119111 by thin 1'17 1 t The
1 '1g1•,• -s of )'ie,,nl,tie n it '5
stoan- d ill 11'.,a 17. eases when the
blood a; nlaL' pill,... rich and reel
This is'on l n partial list ofthe
tvoucl s 1a in„ their origin la im-
pui _ 1, a t t bio l and zi}1 can b.'
cur cl b; supplying the diced
with its'missin,' constituents.
This is . sac ly wha. Dr. Wi 1 aint'
Pink Pi!.s CB, Shc-i I' chief missions
to make:rich red blood and, this
good bloc li raches every organ
and every -10.10 it the humeri body
thus diving out rlis°ass fInd
bringing 1 ne•Wet Ica
sti :ngth fathousaiuds of weal: de-
s -Pond It peoi"re 'i
On Saturday morning, while brio;.- Ask. your noia-M.)9 , There- ;s-
1)13 in sonic) cattle a well known far- not •an inhabited corner in Canada
thee in Hullett bad an exciting time u h 1,. T)z \\ it 'ams• Pink P11 a have
-with a steer. The animal, seemed. to not restute<I some art aezel andlall
.get scared of its surroundings when it 7t chi^, country there are grtr.e-
gotinto town end. commenced to get 1 fu, popple who d's not ht i etc. t,1
angry, After a time it was got over 1 n-1 th:) awe health -in ome eases
l f- itself - eta this ,ilea!: medicine.
3 cure
r begin
to c e
a Ila
If a
- ou 1; tact ai' b', using Dr. Wil-,
mere Pini Pills.
s t medicines
'• byci a1 11
>r.0 a l e
do •by mallhinciente a box or six
boxes for P2.50 from The Dr.Wil-
liams' 1.'I d c'na -! a"och.,.. 0512 01nt.
T' r�.tr•:o ei rt.ated by a n1 ` -'v; t•ir-,n=.and in.ty arrivals have. been
..1 - I
1,.. a- l a ld'..d b1 the iJ n ul,ion f mmi 1 ^t 11 < }
:,a.;dlur:.tt t11 - ..t r'. r... is .as , - Del:,:Marge iqtt
...,,» resv _ - as=sn- ..--- . -
to. the station all right.
A vote is to be taken in Seafortb on
Frtciay August Seh, to give certain.
privileges to the Clinton Knitting On.,
to ,operate another factory there.
Th'e Board of Trade is.alre lcly adver
rising for operators.
Brussels Lost to Owen. Sound, in
Brussels, ion Friday night, by a
score of 1-0, in the Intermediate
football series. .
itiliburres Luisa" Liver. &gilts
Oogid ,lordly Eat. an wocoelti el Indigestion.
Mx. DAVID BTR5s10001, Claremont,'
N.S., writes' -"1 Have had indigestion.
for some years, and could hardly eat.
It then turned into a sour stomach, and
the doctors said I could not' get cured.
I used a lot of medicine. until at last one
of my friends told me to use MVI BURN'S
I,AXA-LIVER Pasties and after`;I had used
three vials, I was completely cured, and
I always keep thein inthe house now."
ibillxv.RN s Laxa-Liveht Pitts arc a
won.dertul iremedy for all diseases Or dis-
orders of the liver, and have, been -univer-
sally used during the twenty odd years directions, picking up the clues here
they have been on the nlarke:t., and tracking , clown the moyements,..
Price 25 cents a vial, or 5 for 51:00, there, which -finally landed Crippen
at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt on the scaffold.
of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, 5tba,.. camp, -1.0,. Ass1a„ylj}}4 eYe%R1c)izOet
Toronto, Ont.
They Meet at Scotland Yard to Solve
Big Crimes,
Scotland Yard is like an enormous
spider's web, with threads stretching
to every part of the metropolis, and to
every corner of the world, ready to
enmesh the pickpockets in Hyde Park
or bring back the murderer who has
fled to the uttermost limit of civiliza-
The middle of this webis a large,
barely furnish room, in which, at re-
gular intervals, sit the mysterious
Council of Seven. From this room
every quiver of every thread of the
police web is felt and responded to,
immediately,' and froru it the most ef-
ficient detective force in the world :is
Supposing a mysterious murder has
taken place. As soon as it is die
covered the newsis at once sent up;
to Scotland Yard from the division in
which the body has been found, and '
in a few minutes a motor -car moves
swiftly out of the Yard bearing a tali,
grey -faced, grey-haired man. It is
Sir Melville Macnaghten, head of the.
famous C.I:D., and leader of the Coun-
cil of Seven. •
Sir Melville Macnaghten keeps in
close touch with the developments of
the mystery, and if it presents un-
usual difficulties he calls in Supt.
McCarty and the five chief inspectors
at the Yard, thus forming the famous,
"Council of Seven."
Such a council was held when, the
dismembered remains of Mrs, Crippen
were discovered= in IIilkt.rop Crescent.;
From that time until Inspector Dew.
arrested Crippen in Canada, the Seven
wen ssacllig out their threads in all
_- 111 :.JI ,i of on: thouaauil '<i tib. Ir• -
:: ;raar aemor rinsma. e�miMIZLr''a"altEtia IZNISr`>r$'o1'SMT. i. rc•>t elunut s 1 a.11 yc tr IF- All
cl 1ff:.r5 f,ubjoct to,mta 't r' •ill
to. 115 1-w; ai:, t. t 11') 't 1 -':1t
r au" Security 11n).'ll f1 ed. "a`,
c':;;htl1 above five all a half t'}'
1•'r,t per
a tinlil0 .\ 11 tf
j t:r prim- 1 '1 ;I <t t,.s.s
(.I int:lu,
without ;,
a doubt
find this out
in all
your travels
round about
the bread that's
best with any
is just the_on9
and only real
better bread
could riot be
-that's what you'll
say when you have
tried this crispy,
(other's Bread
Phone No. t
and have it
delivered to your
house every day.
For Dollars
Are you satisfied
with the catch?
Are you using the
best bait ?
Classified Want
Ads. in this
paper bring
teP�"ueed ion, . W ..r.,,,,.,
I have several inquiries forloans
of various amounts " and will be
pleased to find investments for
funds on mortgages:
Vt. 7313.17. DONE
'Farm for Sale
W. BRU O 7'lE.
P172,WO, EEC
oral ion
A desirable 80 acre farm for sale
Good frame house, nparlor, dining
loons, ellinrrier kitchen and wood
shed. A bank barn with cement
floors, pig pen with cement floor
and troughs, and drive Med, well
drained, all seeded but ;,bout 22
acres, everything in good shape,
Sonia of the money may be had at
a low rate of interest, will sell with
or without crop. Apply to
H III PK, Londesboro,
or on the prenuses, 'lot 17, eon, 8,
Hull etc.
Farm 114@1' Sale.
A desirable 100 -acre farm for
sale, being Lot 24, Con. 5, Hoillett•.
Good frame house and kitchen;
bank. barn 50x00, 3 miles from Clin-
ton, 3-4 mile from school. The farm
is Well. fenced, well underdrained,
and in good state of cultivatioIn.
Plenty of spring water. Possession
given to suit' purchaser. For fur-
ther partictilars apply to
Clinton, P.O.
Phone 4 on 185.
Slabs For Sale
-- "0--
14 inches long, Hardwood,
12 inches (long, Body Wood.
enaitLEI '113. name
Oonneyance, Notaey Public,:
Commissioner, 'etc.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
HuronjSt„ Clinton,.
H. T. R A N C E
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
and Re
Financial a1 Estate
INSURANOE"AGENT--Representing 14rbro:In
surance Oomnanies.,
Division Court Office.
A man of good address and abil-
ity to act as our representative in
the County •of Huron. A splendid
opening for the right Man. For
full particulars *rite
Nurserymen. Toronto, Ont
We can fill all orders for Na-
tional Portland Cement at once,
call or phone.
® f
Yards Opposite D. LB. Station
A11 kinds; ot Coat on hand -7 -
aid-Chestnlll, Solt Coal
Stove Blacksmith
f1 Urnace Coke
Kennel Coad and Wood
To The Farmers
11 eULal,
Physician, Surgeon. late
seeded attention attention given to -diseases of the
Eye, Bar. Throat, and Sloes,
Eyes carefully examined, and suitable glasieo
I Office and Residence,
Two doors what er the Commercial woercial Violet
Minna fit.
Insure your horses and cattle a-
gainst death by accident or disease,
All valuable live stock is being
protected in this manner, Reason-
able rates and quick settlements.
Call and see, C. 13. HALe.
Residence Phone No. 100; Office No.2
ili1ldStorm laaraaranfe
The (,anada. Weedier insurance Co.
will insult, till buildings against clam -
lige (long' lav windsteems. rnnderate
rates. So premium. note,
District Agent Clinton
Fatal For hale
Tile-n.,I-, 3 and : 4 -inch size -
The Tile is el the'very best
r quality.
13a°lek to Order,
F'01? t IES
�'11011C 212.
Dr. W. Dunn, 3 . It. 5, P., T,. It. C. d.. Ellin
Dr, J. C, Randier. B.A. 13.11,'
Office -Ontario Street, Clinton.
Night 051)5 at residence,. Rettenbnr• ' 1''t.
or at hospital
A first class farm, consisting of
75 acres, on con. 12, part lot 34, Hul-
lett township, 3miles from Londes-
boro, and 5mflos from Blyth, 11-2
miles from School. A bank barn 36
by 56, another barn 36x52, drive
shed 24040. A brick house, plenty
of water, about an'. 511150 of or-
chard. Possession can be given
right after harvest. Apply to
1Blyth, P.O.
DR. J. W. ;HAW.
(50011.1110, etc„ olive and residence en
tonhury St., ouvosite w. Farran's residence,
Fai'lia boa' Sale
DR. 31. Pi. AXON
Crown and Bridge Work n Sperlaldyi
Graduate of C,C.D.S..c Chicago, and R.0,D,13
I;a}itei<l 0n.-BMnndaps, 13:iV lot to (Decent
Ofiioes over O'NEIL'S store,
Special care taken to make dental treed;
mens as painless es oosaib1e.
The executor of the Southcombe
Estate offeii e for sale 50 acres -
East half of lot 28, con. 6, IHuIlett.
A first-class farm, well watered
and improved, and with good
buildings. Also the undersigned
offers for sale,
lot 29i con. 6, Hall-
ett, 100 acres. Tbese farms may be
bought together or separately.
Ford & McLeod
Live stock and general Auctioneer
tom eloo,t sales a sp etaaltJf , 010015 oTil
Nina ERA office, Clinton, prc,mrr.y aster/nod
tn. 'Terme reasonable. Farmers' sale note
We're now selling Timothy Seed
(Government Standarci.),
We also have on hand, Alfalfa,
Alsike, and Red Clover,
We always have on hand -Goose
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn
Highest Market Prices paid for Hay
and all;Grains.
Ford , McLeod
ai�ly iryj l rl f
G+rt 1
See and here our finest
4, New Stylish designs of
Doherty Pianos and
O1 bans,
4 ,special values hiArt
a Cases
'Huge Emporium
Pianos and organs rent
ed, choice new Edison
phonographs, Music
variety goods.
G. D. McTaggart hi. D. M,IoTaggar
rel .T3:3;?tiiElii�tli'O`
Getaera4tr.'.alv.:, lif5 '31UOIri3F;,7
sz ilw'r~t1: f;
Drafts awned. Interest allowed se
The McKrikaalp Moitsail
Lire hTidois.r s'l "l ,a v .o
Serra and loolate;l Town Pk'Slea
ertA' Only linlsure11.
J. B. McLean, President, Seafor!th,
J Connor y, Vice -Pres., Goderich.
T. E, Hays, Sec.-Treas., Seafou"th
Jas. Connelly, Hclmesville, Johr
Watt, Harlock; Cr. Dale, Clinton; D.
F. McGrogor, Seaforth , J. Evane,
Beechwood, J. G, (Iriave, ''Winthrop
J Benneweis, l3rodhagen; 1I, 1YIc-'
Kwan, Clinton.
Each Director is Inspector of
losses in his own district.
Bo.bt Smith, Harlock; Ed.Iiinch-
ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Dg-
m'ondvillo; .i. W. Yeo, '13olmesvirlq,
Payments may be •made at The
Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton, or
R.H. Cult, Goderieh.
Fire, Lifeand Accident
Real astute bought and sold
Money to Loan
Guice Issac Street, next door to New
Grand 'Trunicitailway Systelll
Railway Titne Table
London, Huron and Brace.
North Passenger
London, depart 8,80 a m 4,50 p m
Centralia 9.4.0 5.413
Exeter - 9,53 5.54
liemail 10.08 6.05
Kippen 10.16 3.11
Brueefield 10.30 6.10
Clinton 11.00 6.35
Londesbore 11,18 6,52
Blyth 11.27 7,00
Belgrave 11.40 7.13
Wingham, arrive11.50 7.85
South Passenge
WVingham, depart6.43 a m 3.33 p m
Belgrave 6,54 9.44
Blyth 7.08 3.56
Loudesboro..... 7,16 4,04
Clinton7.50 4,23
Bruceteld 8.12 4.39
Kippen 8.23 1.47
klensa}I' 5,32 4,52
Exete- ' S.4S 5.05
Centralia 9.00 5.15
London, arrive 10 00 6.10
Buffalo and (lode,,;
Wee` .Passenger
Stratford 10,00 12.20 5.25 1020
Mitchell 10.22 12.45 5.55 1.0.47
Seaforth 1(145 110 6.18 11 12
Clinton 11,07 1.25 6,40 11,28
llolmesville,11.16 1,33 546 11.88
Goderieh,..... ,11.35 1.50 7.05 11,55
East I' a ssenger
am pm pnl
Godorich 7.10 2.40 4.50
Bolsnssville , . 7,26 2.57 5,00
Clinton 7.35 8.07 5.15
Seatorth .......... 7.52 3.25 5.82
Mitchell 516 3 48 5 55
Stratford S 40 415 6 20
th0. de Van1s Female PUf
A reliable French regulator; never falls. ,Those
S' f
generative portion of the female system. Refuse
f all cheap imitations. Dr. de'inuae are sold at
S6 a box or three for $1.0. Mailed to any address.
MS ors exceedingly powerful to regulating ,the
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