HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-08-07, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 48, No. 6 °L.INTON ONTARIO THURSDAY AUGUST 7 To Satisfy the Self -Interest of Man is the End of Successful Advertising. era. wasamaialuirailo 1913 H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers Use The New Era to be Successful THE oya1 'Batik OF CANADA Head Office, Montreal Capital Authorized .........._.$25,000,000 Capital Paned -up 11,500,000 Reserve and undivided Profits .. 12,500,000 TOTAL ASSETS ; 175,000,000 325 .BRANCHES With world wide connections. Interest allowed. on Deposita General [Banking .business talanlr- acted. R. E. MANNING, Mgr. CLINTON BRANCH Holiday Time - Kodak Time Tike a Kodak with yt,n Everything for kodak•ery at our store, and prompt de- veloping and printing. 40) ilEN. Dispensing Chemist. ••••...•••..••••.•.•••••• •• •'Men and Events. _ ••••..•••••....•••..•.••• SIR THOMAS SHAUIGHNESSY in- terviewed in Molntreal, gives his (opinion that Canadian credit is not strained, that underlying conditions in Canada are sound and that the volume of general business coupled withsrew wealth from immigration and other sour- ces are favorable to early recov- ery and ooinfidenee, CANADA'S PHONES The telepho:'ei of Canada numl e:• 370,884 lone for every twenty per- sons. • I Fall Term Opens Sept. 2nd ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. Stands to -day without a super - for in Canada, Graclhattes highly successful. Catalogue Free. The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1555 Capital and Reserve $S,7000,000 S5 BRANCHES IN CANADA A GENERAL RANKIL u IIHJSINESS TRANSACTED. CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT TRAVELLERS CHEQUES BANK MONEY ORDERS } ISSUED SAVINGS DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES Interest allowed at highest current rate. C E. DOWDING. Manager Clinton Branch, 'x.0••••••••••.•••••••••0.0 00000••••••••••@-9••••••••0 • • • • 0 • • • O • • • • • • • • • • • • • • s • Ordered Clothing heady -to -Wear Clothing • • STR1W HATS • • iHALF h'RI • Choice of anyt • Your Straw Hat in the Store at Exactly Half Price A • • • •• • • • • •. • 4 • • $7.00 Panama Hats 3.75 5.00 Panama Hats 2.50 3.00 Sailar Hats 5.25 2.00 Sailor Hats . ............ i.00 1,25 French Palms .63 i.00 Straws .50 The .Morrish Clothing C A Square Deal for Every Man b • • 4 4 4 4 m b 4 4. • r • • •• Everyone Went Somewhere Civic Holiday•Was a Quiet Day in Clinton, everything was peaceful in Clin tan on Friday last after the ex- cursion train was )waded for Kin- cardine and the bthers„ who decid- ed to spend the clay at Bayfield. A' big crowd went to Kincardine to accoampany the lacrosse team and we give the press report from that town : • - Probably, 2,000 visitors .from the inlalncl towns of Huron County spent do -dray at the ,lake -side towin Of Kincardine . It was civic holi- day in Wiingham and 'Clinton and a unioln Sunday school' picnic was run frets Wigh,a•rn., .Once excursion train was ruin starting at Mitchell and another double-header from SYinghani. It was a record crowd for an outing which has b;;con're an annual event and the day was all that could be desired. In all', three train loads of people were carried as one train had to double back to Wing - ham: Games and sports were put on including a league lacrosse game between Clinton and Kincar- dine won by Clinton 2-1. This was a rough game and the referee seemed unable to keep the root- ers off the pay ing ground. . The in Asp. Clanton. W. Johnson, goal. Tozer, point 11 alines, co\ er paint McKinnon, 1st d fence Runti.lall• 2nd defence 11. McKenzie. third defence Oxford, centre. B. Johnston, 3rd home Whitely. second Tome. Fink est hono. G,McKenz e. outside hone. Couch. Diside home.. Kincardine. Armstrong goal, McKenzie pont !C`uyier.. cover, Reid lst. defense. Wilson 2nd, defnse 1:!: wor 3rd. defense 0oodwin centre, 1'ise 3rd. home. Tenant. 2nd. home Coy, r 1st, home. McKenna' in ho'me out home, Referee-A'lan, Muont Forest. Tho teams were about evenly etched only that C'limton, was somewhat lacking in the home positions, and had itnet been for the Kineardyne garil the result might havo been different, The Bowlers went to Stratford and Mitchell and W. Jackson's rink played a short game at Seaforth in the evening and lost by 1 shot j to John Shine's rink. (Following were the players and scores atthe Stratford and Mitchell games, STRATFORD WON BY 11 SHOTS Four rinks of Clinton bowlers play- ed layed friendly games Stratford Friday morning. The locals won by 11 shots The scores were. Stratford Clinton A. Burnham H. Paull, G. L. Mehattie, W. Grant, J. W. Lloyd, N. Ball T. Trow, J. Flarland Skip 1S Skip 15 C. V. Lloyd A. J. Grei,g Z H. W. Sturdley, Dr. Axon S. S. Frame, P. Town, A. H. King, E, J. Hovey. Skip ' 21 Skip 10 J. Trow, I. Watt, R. Weatherstone, I. Wiseman, W, A. Moore, J. W. Shaw, 11. Macdougall, 3', Stevenson, Skid........•. 21 Skip........:. 20 F. J. Seartf Fred Jackson W, A. Johnson, A. J Holloway. C. Mcllhargey, R. .Agnew. W. W. Campbell, D. A. Forrester Skip...,_ ... 13 Skip • 17 73 bv ,.. ••• •• i ••• • • • • .4 • • • • • • ••• ••• ••• • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • •• • • • . In the aftennlaon .the four rinks played in Mitchell and lost by 2 shots. The Clinton rinks were the same as played in the Morning at Stratford' and the Mitchell players were ,- Mitchell -'Campbell, Jlones,,Elliott and Dr, McGill skip 25 - Dr. Agnew Clinton 13. • Ayer, Bliowe,' MacDonald and Cole skip 22 - Town,'Clinton 11. Prueter, Greenwood, Burrett and Sawyer skip 8 -Ball, Clintoln 23. 'Hewitt, Cameron, Durkin and .Hord, ski 15 - Jackson 21. Total scores, Mitchell 70; Clinton' 68, The Baptist Sunday Schlool. held their annual, picnic tloBayfieldR and. ,alarge crowd was present. Every- body had agood 'time. The excursion trains did not get intro Clinton until `11.151and it was aillong day for the excursionists. HAMILTON REACHES 100,000. The lassesohra' population for Hamilton including subarbs is now •••‘•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••41 ov'ee' 10.0,000. • te Frightened L F' ht d b 6 Horse Kicks Boy gene y Ler _ � Rate IS Joseph .Reinhart pies of Injury Re- ceived on Dunlop's Hill, -'Near Goderich. GODER1CH, July 31. -Joseph Rein. hart a six-year-old boy, living in Ash- field Township,, was almost instan£'ly killed this morning on Dunlop's hill, a mile or so from town, when, while driving into Goderich with his parents and three other members of the family he was kicked in the head by the horse, which became frightened at an auto- mobile approaching from the rear. The boy was sitting on a seatagainst the dashboard, with his: back to the horse, at the time. Dr. A. 0. Hunter was immediately sumtnoned, but life was extinct almost at the time of his arrival. An inquest was opened to- night. The touring eat, it is under- stood, contained Brantford people. Cha'xtfeur Was Negligent, The verdict of the Coroner's jury in the inquest on the death of Joseph Reinhart the six-year-old boy who was killed by the kick of a horse last Thursday while driving to Goderich in a buggy with his parents, was as fol- lows: In our ;judgement the horse was frightened by Georgeleyd's auto, and we consider the chauffeur, Tn h mas Hutton, was negligent in passing be tween the rigs of Mr. Reinhart sand Mr. Barker. Elect Mr, kment Mayer of Seasorth Given Acclamation as Successor to Mr. J, C. Greig Who Has Resigned, SEAFOR;CFI, August 1,--,l1r, WiI- liam A.ment proprieter of the Sea - forth saw -mills was to day elected Mayor of Seaforth by acclamation succeeding Mr. J. C. Greig who owing to being division court clerk was oblig- ed to resign under the new provincial regulations, a•00.0•••000.••••®•e►0•. d • • Men and Events ®••A•0o••••.•0.6Oom•o•m•0• ETON. A. G. MACKAY, elected to the Alberta Legislature from Athabasca, he will become Prov- incial Treasurer of that Province. He is agf racluate t Univer- sity ]t. of Toronto, where he had a brilliant record, has been a High School teacher, lawyer, County Crown Attorney for Grey; Minis- ter of Crown Lands in s ow hrthe late Ross Administration for a short period, leader of the Opposi.tion,. and, now prospective Minister the Alberta Cabinet, He was born on is farm in Sydenham town- ship, Grey Clounty, in 1860, 2 AN INCREASE OF 21.2 MILLS OVER LAST YEAR - GETS READY FOR HYDRO AND WILL KEEP PLANT HERE AS AUXIL- IARY. The regular meeting of Council was held Monday evening. All present but Mayor Gibbings and Councillor Thompson. . The County rate this year will a- mount to $1,300.00 from Clinton. The C. C. 1. Board presented their estimates for the year, which will amount to $9,009.6S. The Model School Board's estimates touches $7,295. The Street Committee are going to repair the road on the Bayfield Road and also on the Base Line. Their motion' to put tarvia on the streets was defeated on division. Ford Mason and Mason voting foci it and Paisley, Clu'ff and Cantelon against, The Fire and Water Committee are sending two firemen to the conveution at Hamilton and also pay Inc yearly fee, The tax rate this year will he 291 as the Council needs $21,005,44 to cover ears business year's , The Finance report was adopted. Jos. Copp 'addressed the 0 until relative to a lot which was sold to Thresher Oo., but never p.tid for. Mr Copp asks for payment or the lot back Councillors Ford, Mason and Paisley are a committee to look into matter, The following letter is to be sent to the Hydro department; - At a meeting of our town Council on Monday, August 4th, it was decicl ed to adopt recommendations of En gineer as Iollows;- Erect, transformer station in the Waterworlce power house and to change gas producer to gasoline engine for auxiliary power, Install a Synchi onous motor in present electric light plant to be used until expiration of contract with Knitting Co., or longer, To build necessary line for the supply of power and repair present distribut ion system. \Ve therefor request that the orders for necessary equipment be placed at once, copies of tenders and commissions recommendations to be sent to town clerk for information of Council, Council then adjourned. DaleS 01 Fall Faars on HEW COMA Pay -field.. Sept 25-20 Blyth .Sept 30 -Oct 1 Brussels Oct 2-3 1Jowick ....... ...-Oct 4 Exeter Sept 15-10 doclerich ... ...... Eopt 17-10 Zurich Sept 18-19 Seaforth.....,...... ...Sept 11-19 Tceswater ... Oct 7-8 \Vingl•ant ...... ...... Sept 95-26 Colt Behind Buggy Pulls Driver out Proprietor Forrester, of Mitchell Flax Mills, Has Thigh Broken in a Peculiar Way, Mitchell, July 31. -Mr. Wm, Bor- rester, proprietor of the Mitchell flax mills, went out to one of his farms this morning, and, onreturn- ing, started tetrad a young horse buggy his back with glen, The animal, reared up and pulled him out of the rig, breaking his thigh bone. This is eery unfortu- nate, as Mr. Forrester was just re- covering from a very serious il1n ss The many friends1' of Mr. Forrester will be sorry to hear of his accident. He was a recent visitor with his brother here. gaining strength from his recent illness. Two Hensel[ Stores Wiped Out By Fire; Other Places Damaged F C MCDONNELL JEWELER AND grocer, and the „Bell telephone of- fice„. H.,MCLEAN, DRY GOODS MER The establishments visited by the flames were all in the same block CHANT, THE VICTIMS. ` IHensall, August 4. -Fire ;of un- know .origin breaking : out shortly- 1 after 6 o'eiock to -night completely wiped out the jewellery store and dwelling of F. C. McDonnell along with his stock alnnda'13.11\1c- Leian's. dry goods (store in, (the same block ' and 'badly damaged the buildings and stock of Geo. Scott, extent. which is known as the Bell' block owned byB,,,BeI1. The entire loss, is pretty web covered by insuralnce. The "Henstvll firemen, worked well ,aind were assisted,. by a number of Seia4ortls firemen who did yeoman. service in preventing the )blaze[ from spreading to a,eiiy:.' greater Keil++++******tie*+7 EDITORIAL it 44. X++++044444+444+44441 'Away we go on the fast month of Summer. 'Friday started us on August. -0-- Begs have no right to "squeal", as the market • is soaring and will rival, the time when "the cow jumped over the moon" if it keeps on. Once more > comes the promise from the Provincial Clovernment to boom Northern Ontario. It is up to tiie Minister of. Crown' Lands to get busy apd mot only :promise but perform. Shop. earlier Saturday evenings and give the merchants and their helpers a chance to.get hone be- fore Sunday morning. The Unlden Rune would be a good one to prac- tice Satuirday nights. [Charge this up to the Montreal Daily Telegraph; Mary had a little lamb, Sonne pie and lemonade ; "11Iy, living's going up," she said, When 50 cents she paid. Winghanr has a good boost on their tax rate this year which will be 90 mills. If the local im- provements are properly done iL may be money wisely, expencldd When taxes kick the beam at 3 cents On the $ it is going ,some, 1lowcver; Indications point to the probabi- lity of Mon. A. s). McKay entering the Liberal Cabinet in Alberta, file was elected member of Athabaska constituency last week. Whatever post of influence and responsibility Mr. McKay iscalle0 upon to fill he may be depended up.;,n to do it well, Venezuela is having its annual, revolution. It comes about as re- gularly as the Millinery Openings only the latter hits it trice in 12 months, :Toth are destructive on cash and the rulers in the South American republic change ab.xnt as frequently as the fashions in. headgear. For real pleasure to the gentler sex wesvould vote for miILin ery. Private Hawkins, the Toronton- Ian who won the King's prize in the Risley rifle team 'rf 1913, will b-• .accorded 0 very hearty welcome by the Qneon 's city for winning the much coveted award. Canucke have• the knack .of laying hold' of honors in a quiet yet positive way that glees a long way to keep the land of the Maple before the optics of the world. It's wonderful how wade, it but we do. This is not a ease of "everybody's doing it." Montreal is a good solid old city and has been growing well during the past year, prese¢tt population being given as 651,000• It has not only size and nth -ant - ages in being the [Eastern gateway but it has wealth behind it which has tided this ruetropolks through more than one thretenecl tie-up by hard times in; years that ars gone, If some of the remaining old fashioned streets could be broadened it would be worth much to the appearance of the city. Jno. A. Campbell, who lives near Leamington, Essex Co,, is a good strong fanner and to prove Miss 6 1-22 acres of pickling anions. There's moneyin such a crop as p he expects 500 bushels to the :acre and' has sold them at $1,00 a bushel. The same man has 30 acres of po- tatoes from which he hopes to hoe: from 300 to 400 bushels an acre and has 7 acres of beans in addition. Some people laugh at this "brand" of farming but the men at it ap- pear to be able to root out the dol- lars in advance of hay and grain crops. It puts the land in great shape also, -----o-- Some -o-Some very silly things .are some- times done at weddings. Perhaip,s a hundred dollar reception is wast- ed on a 30 cent bridegroom or a $500 "tower" taken on the pro- ceeds of joint note with the groom's father-in-law as backer. La Crosse' Wisconsin, has a light weight hymeneal artist. Dan Sady got into trouble there because he shot some turtle doves to head off, the menu card and the game warden ',shot" him before the Court for destroying birds protected by the game Saws. , Very likely if Mr. Sady had served soup from a good big beef shank he would have been money ahead.`. Those Yankee pee- pLe ebo try 1^o throw on so much style they are almost eux'e.to get a tumble. lHuronialne should take HOLIDAY Pleasures are Setter Enjoyed If You Have,a KODAK We have them at all prices Brownies $2,00 Ito '312.00 Kodaks tip fro' $20.00 We• will show you how to develop and print your own pi ctnr es. A consplcftje stock of East- man -Kodaks.. Films and ' Supplies 'always on hand THE REYALL STOItJu W.Q.R. Holmes Do not spoil your fruit this year for lack of Sugar, as we a: e se,ling Ftecipaath'e Extra ranulatc0 100 pounds for $4.75 20 pounds for $1.00 This is 75 cents less per 100 less than last year -so much far the Tory Govern- ment. W. To O`NEIL THE B.UB GROCEk Phone 4S the hint and keep on the ground as flying too high at weddings, fun : rale or other functions is surf* to end 1'I1 disaster, We often sound the praises of Canadian women and declare they are right up in front rank, but now and then the have to back down when positive illustrations Loom up and the palm is awarded to other daughters of Eve. Here's point case in as we doubt if an 0. 1 y woman of sense in Canada would risk. her life as did this resident of Kankakee, Ili, Tho lady's name is Mrs. Dyer and she runs an auto. While visiting at Hammond, in ate tempting to dodge a buggy an another automobile she lost cue trot of hsr ear which neve•' stoppe until it crossed the street, wen through a large plate glass window to the surprise of the 'people both on the street and in the buitding` Mrs Dyer did not even lose ahair- pin but the "buzz wagon" got ,,a bad doing If we were advising Sister Dyer on doing stunts we would suggest that ,she refrain from repreating the sante trick, am up -to -elate performer is supposed, to be versatile enough to have- something avesomething new on the program:. every day, To climb the wall; and take the auto through the,. second story window would be x,, "thriltier." Irl would be wise to ., leave the baby at borne, however, , •and perhaps sel:ec t the verse iof • poetry for her tombstone in ease. - iirs. Dyer did sot awake good.: BUYING AND SELLING: This week. James Snell & Sons; well-known sheep men of Hullett Twp„ shipped a thorn bred Lei- cester Ewe to Mr. Geo. L. Jacks, of Vergennes, Vt. U. S., and th are expecting a thorn bred impa ecir,am from the Old Country.. T animal, arrived last week, but much red tape has kept the anit>ae_ at Montreal. CLINT.ON MARKETS. Bogs $9,75 Butter 21-22 - Eggsaft 00 2 2. W92. Oats 35 Barley -45-4.8 Peas -75. .Bran -$22-1$24. Sharts-$24. Toronto Markets, Top quotations this wc,ek.- • Cattle, $6.75; Sheep 35.50 Lambs 38.60 Hogs , $10.50 44e Wheat 31.00 Barley 40' Potatoes, old 25 to 00c Beans ..$1,.50 1to 1,60 WOool 15.c to 26