The Clinton New Era, 1913-07-31, Page 8IId•ro's TuU Dresses Less 'Than Cost Thursday da and Saturday y Mothers, no doubt you will be needing, a.new smart dress for the. children on the holiday, At this storeou will find the e opportunity dl}r- ing the above days at a saving. There will be plenty of hot weather yet this year to wear them. Children's Wash Dresses Regular $1,50 for 95C Children's Wash Dresses Regular $2 for $1.4.9 Children's Wash Dresses Regular $2.5o for $1.85 Children's Wash Dresses Regular $3 for $2.25 Children .s Wash Dresses Regular $3,5o for $2.75 Children's Wash Dresses Regular $3.75 for $3.00 Ladies Summer Dresses Greatly Reduced. Ladies Allover Embroidery White Dresses, daintily made, smart styles, regular $5 for 3.75 Ladies Wash Dresses, of Prints and Ginghams, white pique col- lars and cuffs, • regular $2.50 for 1.98 Ladies Ratten Dresses, in pale blue, brown and tan, very pretty styles, trimmed with buttons to . match, regular $7.5o for 5.69 Ladies Silk Dresses for evening and street wear, in all the popu- lar colors, regular $I5 for.... 11.75 s+r 4t ares ,y 4C:4.riv TO IV ZnEtAxemiemeaeoesen ISISOKILITEMSSZSZSYMIHROSZIOSSOn ADVERTISING-ISMS. Citinsider r evert florae you put in good advertising; ; not as a dollar spent hut as a d'o;iar int, st d, up- on ' which you will ivren-e the highest dividends you everreceir- ed an.any investment. SYSTEM GOING A TIEAD. h to date 31 services have been ruck this year to the Waterworks System and n.more applications have been made for connection, • \ ander what the "knockers now think of the System. HAVE _MOVED. Lail; week Mr, Thos. Jackson sr. moved his household effects to the brick cottage. formerly occupied by Mr, c.14. M. Yates. on Ontario St. This will b: a comfortabl:, place for Mr, land Mrs. Jack SOD . AS WI GHA:Ir SiiE,3 IT. The Wingham Times reports the I .baseball game player' there the j rother week:-1Vingbain and Chin - ton 1,Aaseball players put on a good I exhibition of ball in the Town Park -I on Wednesday evelning of last • week. Leaving lout the third in- I nings it was One of the best games ever pliayetl in Wingham. Batteries .we Win gha nu Telfer and Somers, rClinton; Tasker and Weir, TO TAX CORPORATIONS. A bill is in preparation to pre- ,-, Legis a.urc at the next session whereby Corporations will have to bear more of the tax bur- den. The institutions which are 'krrly to he affected are banks. loan companies, trust companies, tele- phone. telegraph and ,,spress com- panres, gas, electric light, steam aid electric railways. If is claimed the prosperity of these conlpnaies is direeely atlribuied to • public patronage, and that they should bear a just share of the public tax burden, THE IHOG MARKET UP. Reeve Cante'lon in speaking to the New Era stated that the price this week was $9,75 "the highest paid yet -and hardly any hogs to get" The ffarmer that has a few dozen will be wearing diamonds at this price. AS GODERICII SEES IT, The following are the comments on the'recent lacrosse match play - cd here between Goderich and Clinton :- The Star:- On Wednesday after- noon the Goderieh Lacrosse, Club journeyed to Clinton and played an 0. L. A. schedule game with the team: of that town in the eveniine•• As Clinton had pia.y ed'Goderich to a tie On the home ground's there "vs,s much interest manifested in this match and quite a number of BINDER TWINE A Good ,Supply Just Received IOOME IN AND :GET YOUR TWINIE. Pure IMZanilla, 650 feet to the' you nd, Pure Manilla, !600 fe,elt to the pound, ,OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST. 2 -(tine hay'Borks, short handle 2-nine hay Forks. Jong handle' -. 3 -tine hay Rorke, 'long 'handle, CoMpressed .Air Sprayers, regular $6.00 for Gr'ani'te Preserving Kettles, regular45c' for Granite Preserving Kettles. regular 65c for I Granite Preserving Kettles, regular 75e for Granite, Preserving Kettles, ;regular $1.25 for 1 only, Portable Rubber 'Fath, regular $6.50, for $4,50 To (those who have not already got their Sulsupply of Serer !e t Doors and Windows, Gasoline or .Oil Stoves; WE OFFER SPECIAL PRICES FOR ONE WEEK, C 2 Gasoline �,itov,es in good 'working order, alt a great Eargain , 1,:G]£ _...eR..-�..,..MIZE,...Z.,,..-..-.... Zrd=4,7PMb 2 �ilA a..edAN D T. i Il �d4 STOVES, 1-fAIZDWA,I�Eg �SI�r1D':jNOdFI~'Cl>'�5 25c 20c 500 $5,00 30c 450 55c 85c AT C'LI \TON-CREDITON GASIE. • Tasker had the Crediton players going through a swinging exercise, "rooters" went down with the home 'dozen. The score at 'thcl close stood 4 to 2 in the favour • gt ;Clinton, Ae tt xgined during the day the field was not irt,the best sof condition for good ilacrosse but, nloltlwithstanding !Shis, ;the game was an interesting iolue. The Golderich team were a tittle off in their playing and showed need -of more practice. Clinton has a tie game to play off here and the home hope to get even. Asked as to the reason of the defeat, Asked Man- ager Thompson repaid: "Want of I practice in the team." The Signal :- One Of the hard- est fought games ever witnessed at Clinton was contested by lute home team and Goderich on Wed- nesday night, Despite the rain that fell in the afternoon the field was in perfect condition and everything was favorable for a good game. All 6.30 the 'gamewas called and immediately after the face-off Belcher picked up the ball, carried it tlo:wards the goal, and scored on,a swift shot, This was all the scoring in the first quarter. In the second quarter ,Clinton scor- ed two, making the half-time score 2-1. In the third gisarter ;Clinton seared 'two lucky ggoats, Jan bad passes from the Goderich defence, A marked a ..d feature of the bast inter- val, was the rough play indulged in by the Clinton players, with the re- sult that several were penalized. Just beton the final. Roy Walter sacred a lucky shot from centre field which was intended for a pass to Harry Belcher, This made the final score 4-2 in' favor of Clinton,' On the whole Clinton had the best of the game. Their combination play was the feature that won the game for them, For Clinton Fink was the star, while Goderich could h'ard'ly be said to boast of any lime- light playing, In fact, Goderich had ani'off"nicht; but it is expect- ed that with. good practices they can yet beat Clinton on,neutr'al "Riley` Jlolinson puffed like a ground, if a tie is to be played ,off, porpoise after his almost home 1'351). Local N ewe i ••••••••••••••••••••••••••N $•••NA••••••••4 LACROSSE SCHEDULE. July 30-Clintoni at Kincardine Aug. 11 -Clinton` :aft Wingham. Aug. 14 -Kincardine at Godierich.. Aug. 21 -Gude ich at Wingham Aug. 28 -Kincardine at 'Wingham POSTAGE ON RURAL ROUTES. Remember it costs two cents on (etter delivered by any Of the Rur Mail routes. THE TIME IS COMING. Corn on the cob Will soon be here; Then see me grin From icier (to ear: WHERE IS THE SWEE'?ER? A is known lay the company h keeps; A{town is known by the streets sweeps: COUNCIL MONDAY NIGHT. The regular meeting of the town Council will be on Monday night. Among the items of busi- ness ;will be the striking of the ilate'for this year. IF WE ONLY HAD IT IN CLINTON otTlrlaefIlcally revery store in the business se,tilon (of Glalt is ob- serving (the ,weekly half hollda this r'yc'ar, ellosing at 12.30 0 Thursday afternoons, They aa' silslo inaugurating the early dos ing "there, every store closing a 6.30. ' LACROSSE 1VIATCII; The Mitehelr Advocate comnents on 'the Lacrosse match recently played in Mitchell ;--The lacrosse m'ate'r Ion Friday evening betwee7n Clinton and Mitchell, drew alarge crowd Of spectators. Of course Mitchell has no lacrosse team this 'a yyclar, ,but many four citizens al have a liking flor this game,' and Mr. Reinhart, four obliging ex- pressman, and a gleod sport, called out the old guard along with some younger material, and after dig- ging luplalllthe old sticks they could find, Arranged an exhibition contest with Clinton. It was a fore- gone conclusionthat the visitors w+oulid win and have an easy vic- e tory. True enough they did win, but 'only (after, the 'hardest kind of it work. Act times the Mitchell boys played 'rag wifth Clinton, but of Course they could not stand the p'ace, as none of fthe locals were in shape for running. The gamee was both good land clean, and resulted in la win for the visitors by the soore of6to4. y n 0 IS THE LAW. KEPT? - The ,'tier for automobiles and loth er self propelling machincei reads somclthing like this. bo rnidtor vehicle shall be driven ,upon any highway within a city, town or village aft a greater rate of speed than fifteen rni lea an hour, or upon any highway outside of a city, town Or village aft a. greater rate of speed than twenty miles an hour, NO BILLS ALLOWED IN POSTOFr'IOL'S. Postmasters are strictly warned against allowing notices to be exhihit edin the lobby of their 'offices. This, in future will prevent the walls being covered with all kinds of notices bills and various advertisements. This or- der is a manadate•from the Govern- ment and if bills• placed there he torn down at once and destroyed by the postmaster the puplic will have no reason. to blame him. 1t is his duty to see that the law is carried out, MINOR. LOCALS. Are you going to Kincardine to rr0 W? ;Friday .of this week is Clinton's Civic iIoliday. Coune'I mets on Monday even ing n Xt, 1 Another month ended to -clay Summer will soon be over. Te< citizens 0 0 beginning to fink interest In ch • laramsse games 0vt r .511) was taken in at the last 0Ia'ch.alid then it was raining. • 1111ny from here will trice in the Strom '_'ihiv at Stratfoed nest tw<ek, Se" ach. t, in this paper, The Baptist Sunday School hold their picnic at l?nyfield on Friday 11:111, t,;ok. Chief Wheatley t. ,las been collect- ing the l,ca.c1 rate fat' street watering. Clinton furnishes a groom for e ma: cuing in a week or se. however they w,nn't reside 'in town as his profession takes him e'sewhere. Many auto visitors pass through our town ad 1 'I i' 'i NEED OF WEDDING REFORM, The Ridgeftlown Dominion de- clares there is room for wedding ref•oi•ni in tine province. At the time the average young couple start out on life's journey they need 'every dicker, yet the wed- ding is made a most costly affair fol• not only the .bride's f�amilly but For 'the young husband who is call- ed upon Ro provide a suitable home for the. bride 'and to assume con- stantly increasing burdens. Why nolt, asks the Dominion, have a simple, gdieft wedding and let him keep in his pocket the money that is simple (tha'onvn away in an at- liempt ll foli:owed the t customs of what it called "So ciety." A suit- able present isin,order, but why make the "happy man" dip down initlola.pocket none too heavy for expensive pvesents for the brides- maid, the maids and matrons, the best mien, the usherss and every- body who pllays apart in the in- teresting dhrama. AI,Ithis .seems very foolish 'and unnecessary, The Corner Store "Live and Let Live" Preserving Time is dere Again What about gems and rubbers? HEINZ Stc telt and Sour Pickles in ' bulk and in bofttl.es, HEINZ Pork and Beans with Chili •ranee, HEINZ Red Kidney Beans, 'try Fresh m. tor for SatuIrdlay Lanon.ts, Oranges, Lemons. 5asp1x1)'et. Cucumbers, Datta, 'Melons, Tomatoes. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR PRODUCE. A C/5] SOLICITED I1] ay and all al's C e- . ghtcd with our streets. i E. m Wrnehanis tax ra.ta� rs..,�mills. AMEND FRUIT ACE. The Dairy and Cold Storage Govern men Commissioner has ,just issued a circular giving the recent amendment to the Inspector and Sale Act with the new regulations. The amendments chiefly concern imported 'fruit. .here. after the words "Peeked by" must pre• cede the name and address of the pack er as marked on any closed package of fruit intended for sale' A new section is added empowering the Governor in Council to make regulations regarding, the branding marking and inspecting of imported fruit, Person violating such regulations are liable to a fine of not more than fifty dollars and costsor in defaultof payment to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one mouth. The packages of fruit not properly I narked may be confiscated. In virtue of this amendment new regulations have been pressed and were published in the Canada Gazette of June 2Sth, 1018, According' to these regulations every importer of fruit must have all grade marks found on closed packages containing imported fruit erased or obliterated when such marks are not in accordance withttthe Act or the new regulations. This must be done when the packages are being taken from the railway car, steamship or other conveyance in which, they have been brought into Canada. The lin- porter must place on the end of such packages the proper grade marks, the correct name of the variety of fruit, and his own name and address. Copies of the circular may be obtained, free of charge, from the Publication Branch, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, or from any Dominion Fruit Inspector. AT CLINTON-CREDITON GAME. vrFDOART t + rieeeee Af�as Ivar'ee.. li PRONE 45. ilig iesi Grade Bread 'L�sOR6il** Tomel➢lde ireOd Conner's deme.msde Bread is quality through and through. There is not a detail of good making and baking overlooked, so you know what you are getting when you order this Good Bread. CHAS, CONNI3 Baker and Confectioner GRAND TRUNK SYSEM ONLY LINE REACHING ALL Summer Resorts in Highlands of Ontario Including Muskoka Lakes Lake of Bays. Georgian Bay ,Algonquin Park Maganeitawan River French River Timagami Kawaritha Lakes Full: snmme6 service now in effect taijall of the above resorts. Write for full, particulars and il- lustrated holders to any Grand Trunk agent. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS`. Each Tuesday until ,Oct. 29 in- clusive, Winnipeg end return $35,00 Edmonton and return 43.00 Low rafter to other points. Return limit two months, Pullman Tour- rs(t Sleepers !leave Toronto 1135 p. m on above dates running through (to Winnipeg via Chicago and St' 1 Pani without change Tickets are also on saltie via Sarnia and North- ern Navigation Company The Grand Trunk Pacific Rail- way is the shirtiest and quickest route between Winnipeg, Saska- toon and Edmonton Tickets now on slate at all Grand Trunk Ricket offfogs JOHN RANSFORD &SON, passenge(r'&fticket agent, phone 57 A. 0. PATTISON, Depot Agent C. E, HORNING; D. P. -A,. 1 '3*".19.113. More News Items Being a few Plain Facts about the W. D. Fair Co., Calculated to make you Think Well at their Goods. It may be useful or interesting. Perchance practical or profitable Why don't you change your ad ? We have been , asked this twice recently. There are two reasons, (I) It takes time to write ads and our time is indisput- ably limited. (2) Our previous long standing ad was telling you about our superior stook of Wall Hangings which de. serves continued mention and sbonld be profitable reading for you. The Ladies Home Journal for August has cover design by Harrison Fisher. and that means its a good cover. Fifty interesting pages for the pro- gressive woman; Fashions are featured; Everyday house. keeping has its place; Good fiction is provided. Price 15e. Fashion Sheets for August now ready, ask for one. Profitable, pleasurable bee r ing is to he found in our new lot of cloth bound Books. We call it a GOOD LIST of GOOD TITLES at a GOOD BARR- GAIN. We have sold three Loose Leaf Binders recently. One was the best book for office use we have ever seen. The price $21.50 and was worth it. Have you ever had "Post• carditis" To send a picture card should be a pleasure, to receive one, a compliment. If you graciously send one to your friend you will likely re- ceive one from a friend. We sell them, What ? Do- minion Express Money Orders -They are convenient, safe, and cheap, The W. Do Fair eo. Often the cheapest -Always the Best 1 1 National Portland Cement After trying other kinds, you'll always come back to the best The Best Cement is the National. Portland Cement It is the old stand-by. A car load just in. S. J. ANDREWS, Clinton CONVERSATION OVER 'PHONE. The Mitchell Advocate of last woelc gave Rhe following dialogue, which may in(ter'est some in this com'muni'ty :-Ful:'arton Farmer.-' DeMain driver of car No. - Pieties, M'agis'trate, -What for? Farmer. -.fie ran 'over my dog and killed IR, - Magistrate, -Where was the dog? Farmer. -On the road. Magistrate.-,-Whe1'0 Was the cal'? Farmer, -On the road. Magistrate, -The car had the right of way; the dog had not. Ring off. If the clog had caused an accident the 'owner would have been re- sponsible fox damages according to'ad=cision (lately given in the High Court. CY `5'AR1fAN'S WIT. The C. P. R. land .the Grand Trunk Railway have the distinction of employing each a humorist in its publicity department. One is gen- rat Goo. Ilam whose, hum 1141 V0, been pati 1100.P,R. Iife a11d '1'11 ': aturo 1. )r many yew's. The, Other is. Cy Warman, known as a 11nln:'roes, tyritdr before, hot WOO 1.1111 railroading. Once in awhile these e1)11fr. 'a 'Ding A;etttt' 11.11 01:,)58 t'aeh other's pants in their Var1,1)118 ut ll ` jy s 00 e1' respeelBwe systems. During the ?'se'r'a trip of (the "Canadian \kom.1n's Press Assec•al-.on westward to the con- vention tat 1011001111111, Geo.Ilam, in charge ufitl)e party over 01)5.`. P.R.,ttired 1Cy Warman-"Mouldt. you be good enough toaccompany, members C, v,-.P,C, to Jasper Park?" \Vhc.) Cygluat Ibis serious tele- gram he"thougot a moment for the �ndu�wn� ara,urtnm.� vd most suitable t'epiiy„ He might have (said a number of comlpli- menftary things about the ladies ; but linstelad he paid his compli-• an:enits to, Geo. Haim. The reply was laconically brief. ".Well -(they've stood for you." You are Losing Money and perhaps you don't know it. It would be doing a good turn to alloy one to assist them to make a pro- fit, Wel: W or 00 better way than la';;', t our cs :mates on • TINNING and have 1.19 da tho.re,tn'1 1 « ;r1c. A21(2:21)1111 tt .In of the quality of tm c: hie, .,0r expert workman- ship and comparison of prices are convincing, Look in aatl see. Tho,Thos.liziwkins Plumbing and Heating (Phone 53) We have a good supply of Seed Corn of good quality, biangol and Turnip Seeds, Clover and Timothy Seeds. We have a lot of Shingles, which we will sellen) easy terms of payment. If you want any, come soon to save handling We have a supply of Fence Wire, Staples, Etc., Etc. ➢Iiglsest Prices for Butter, Eggs, Ete., at the LONDESBORO EMPeRIUM aILD21MS 1 ileeir3•e't •1 ✓ ++lfi +tri, 4.+++•F•F'II••F+4+41-1-1eigleHeleiglF'hfel.+444eI l .relet li + + Iilq CIeoPih sale •• The Great Money -Saving Event of the Year + • + + + + + + • •+ • •• + • JAeKSON'S •3 + MJ Spring and Summer goods will be sold before the New Fall Lines arrive. Prices in every department are cut from 20 t 50 Per eent Come at once and :lVES :t IGFI FRED JACKSON'S Union Staftion, Toronto, Osit; ¢r Nd+3•�r # 3� II �r 3 � 9 9?k l to lei -lel er+ chess esee ,5, l.e iet4i4 6.8-5'4.