The Clinton New Era, 1913-07-31, Page 4House furnish- ings �uch Ready' to Wear Phone 78 Dresses Half Price Ladies Summer We put on sale Saturday, all our pretty, cool Summer Dresses including Embroidery, Voile, Ratine and Mull. Some of the season's cleverest styles. Nothing reserved. Every dress w?ll be on sale, all Sizes- 24 00 Dresses for 20,00 i 18.00 16, oo 15.00, 12.00 " I o.00 8.00 6.00 12,00 1000 9 00 8,00 6.00 5.00 400 3.00 Children's Ging-. ham Dresses 98c •We put on sale Saturday 2 dozen Children's Dresses from 3 year to i o year sizzs, ,made of pretty plaid Gingham and Chambrey, fast colors, these sold as high as $1.75, Satur- day 98C See these in window White Underskirts 1.29 Two dozen ladies white Cambric Underskirts, trimmed with embroidery and lace, reg $2.25 and $2.5o Saturday 1 29 Misses Middy Blouses 98c. We have a few of these left; made of Indian Head, trimmed with navy and light blue. sizes 14, 16 and 18 years, regular $1.25 Saturday 98c House Dresses $1 10 Two dozen only, House Dresses, made of good print, nicely trimmed, all sizes, very special 1.10 ed, qh'i 1913.. 4 end Pre spending g a m o th With t h'`, Londesboro Mrs, Fred Johnson and son Sar- Irtends in Clweand, , ' Miss K. Baaasyn has, accepted the position as teachleie, at Leadbur Y school, h ter 'r holidays. a t • I e� On Sunday afternoon there passed away at the home of Ephraim Brown, on the 9th concession of Mullett, Mrs. Ann Stevens, relict of the late, Joseph Stevens, in her 73rd year, Mrs, Steer ens was one of the old residents of this place and was highly thought of. The funeral services were conducted Monday afternoon by Rev.', J. 13, Osterhout pastor of the Methodist' church. Interment took place in the Union Cemetery. A large circle of relatives mourn ler loss. The regular meeting of the Womens j Institute will be bold next Thursday afternoon in the form of a picnic in M. Mose Brown's bush. All mem bees may invite as they wish as long as they provide lunch for same. All are welcome and don't forget the children Thos. L. Adams of Kamloops, B. C. is visiting at the home of his father, R Adams. He has not been home tor 14 years, Mr. Stephen Gray, of Dallas, Texas, t is visiting his brothers, Joseph and I William Gray. W B. Crisp gni family are visiting., friends here. They come from London Mies le Young is visiting London friend. this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0, Lounsdery left last week on an auto trip for Kincar- dine and other northern towns, also Stratford, Galt and Brantford. Miss Alice Bell has returned home after spending a month at the home of her cousin, Dr. II. Bell. Miss Lawday Young has returned fromvisiting in London, I Miss M. Agnew, of , Wingham and Miss A. Harland, of Clinton, have been visiting jdith Miss L.Brigham Misses Brunedo.t, of Brandon• are visiting relatives here. The sad news reached here on Tues day of the sudden death of Mrs Raney daughter of Mr. M. Braithwaite. The 1 parents and family have the sympathy of the community. Lice e n e I ns ec ttom J P o Henn a9' aOC ttmmodat' in ,Brussels thin week, tope may be theysecured Mies Julia 13ar'tliff spent Sundaybe iocs ed.senthem wheret ee in Brussels. P be located. '1 he enrollment fee i cents, the rate for board and License Clotn missioner CI f in combs of w.as R red's a5, for the seven d in J3russel,s bn mdnday ou license The following is the program, bnsjness, Monday, Aug. 11, 8 p.. tri. -Keo R,ev, •,J. Greene; .Is atippliyinig In Church. • the Methodist Church at' (aal't dor- Format opening and welcome b ing Auggat Moderator of the Synod, Rev. Rob Pettigrew M; A.• Mr. John Rlansford is en Montreal , Address by Rev. Dr; Mackay. this vteelc atetnding auomplimen- tary banquet 'one the new Cunard Study Classes, ship the,Andranna, 8.15 8.45 -Worship Reeve' C'lantelion ayes away 900. 941 --Bible Study -Dr. Dickie ay last 10,00, 10.45 -Sabbath School - week on a tone of the county, in- ' Meyers. Y. P. S. -Rev, W, R. Mein specting the apple crop. It is not;torn, 13. D. as largo as some years. beat there 11.0e, 1L455 -Social Service- Rev. 13. will be• .a Lost of good fruit. S Sharp M. A. Missions -Rev. G. Mrs. Ciiarleswiortlt and Miss Eli-. L''adie, M. A. zlabeth Whitley have returned 'from 1200, 12.45- institutes, Ottawa, after : an`nentayable visit Tuesday -Deaconess. with their sister, Mrs,' Lawrence, Wednesday -ectal Services -Dr,J, in the-. capital city. Shearer, Thursday -Hoare mission -Rev. J. Mrs, Anclro,v Gnrnt aid daughter R. Ball, M, A. Douglas, are spencl�ince a few rlay.s Friday-W.F,M,S. this week visiting Mr, Willi{atti. Saturday-W,a,M,S, Murray, Ratte•nbutry Street, and Evening Mettings other relatives and friends in Monday - Rev, Dr, R. P, MacKay. town. Before coming then enstl-ed Tuesday -Rev, Hugh Matheson, LL. he former's brother,Mr. Douglas, B. at Wlolodstock, Wednesday -Ray, Dr. Shearer. Mr, John Nedig Thursday -Rev, R. W. Dickie, B. A bet spent the week Friday -Rev. R, G. MaeBeth, AN. A. end in T•oa'olnto. , Sabbath Aug 17 Closing Exercises P. the growing city, and a city bacterin logist placed in charge of the import ant work of keeping the food supply up to standard and diagnosing infect '. jogs diseases. One of the most,' important adjuncts to the city instituted by Mayor Wil- andemson is the mllnl 1 c al p to mer bureau, P 9 e u e a ' st bi le ed h three ago,months- ee gp with .Yorman W. Pendelton in charge. Julylod Through Ehis agene 117 menR e have al4 ready dY been givin permanent jobs, 3114 temporary employment and three x hundred meals and lodgings, This. human and scientific manner of meet ingthe problem t P m of the " hebrief experi xeri p S :mA ant. h . as seroved arta el„ + efficiency. The street department 'biteaccent plished more in the last two yeara. than in any previous recentyears of Berkeley's history, The five main thoroughfares have either been paved or macadamized at a total cost of $160, 000, The cost ofsprinkling was redue ed from 822,000 in )910-11 to $14,500 this year, due to an extensive oiling program. The budget for . the street. department bas not been exceeded with all the extra work, In addition to these things a "spot less town" campaign lass been carried on, with the result that Berkeley pre sen ts a better appearance today than at any other time in its history. These campaigns havebecome an annual affair and several weed ordinances' have been passed to hack up the de termination ' of the administration to make Berkeley the most beautiful city in the west. These are a few things to which the outgoing Socialist administration may v " The �neclal Clearing Prices as tangible achievements, subtler influence of Mayor Wilson's administration have been a general feeling of confidence, a. wedding of the opposing factions of town and gown and a wide spreading spirit of social understanding and fellowship, et - Die Mr, J. W. Stevenson returned last General Chairman -Rev, Dr. R, week from his Visit in Toronto. MacKay. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Treleaven JUST es To 3 and Miss Noma are spendl'ng a few days in Lueknow. Clinton naist have been the guy Miss Elsie Rinks returned on Mom- that put "Credit' into Crediton clay night from her vacation at and they did it with ease on Tues- °rilha, v, i day night when in 7 innings they Miss Helen Roos, (after a three- beat the visitors 12 runs to 3. There weeks visit with her grandparents weee base hits, 2base hits, 3 base at Exeter, returned home this week hits and angs. run llbunched in three innings. Tasker hada fine Mrs. D. Dickinson and Master evening allowing 3 bits and struck Wilfrid are visiting in town. out 14; Falmer, the visitor's pitch - Mrs. Tenn Currie and Children er -was fiound•for 14 hits; walked 2; returned tlotheir home in Sarnia and had 3 strikeouts. Tasker pitch •after visiting with her sister, Mrs. ` ed 82 balls in the gauze and Palmer Josh. Cook. had to put over 120, At times the Mrs. Adam Schaefer of Wingham umpire, who accompanied the visit 1305 been visiting friends in town. ors, gave a tveirci performance. Me - Mr. Rogers, travelling Caughey had 2 two -baggers and a alive for the "Presbyterian"b randn el an home run while Draper had le, n for ipster Maazinespi2 three base hits. Riley Johnson few days inClintgn this week, had a three bagger to his credit, but H. J. Whittaker of Seaforth is the did ]"40"t yearrs hecandtrtriiede to uecessful. candidate far the pre- stretch it into a home run and taratios' of invertibrate palaeo)ti- was out by a foot. Hawkins and W. bogy in the geologiee survey Johnson were the only players on ranch of the urines department the home team that did notbreak Ottawa, at an initial salary- of into- the .hit column. For the vis - .200 per annum, itors B.Pahner had a two -base hit Miss A. 'Wallace, was called to and Switzer and R, :Fahner were oledo last week, owing to her s's- the ,other two lucky ones to get a er having suffered severe hnjur- hit toff Tasker, (Shenk, for the s from a fall visitors, played e star game. The Mr. Arthur Jacksonof Lethbridge on account ame was caolled darlcinessend on 7th he leas been the guest of Ws par- Tho following was the line up ts. Mr, and Mrs. 311olen Jackson, and sgoro,- attenbury street, left on Satur- y to visit other friends prior to Clinton Runs Outs Hits turning to Chicago, where he Hawkins 2h ,0 4 0 a3 decided to locate again. McCaughey Sb 3 1 3 Airs, W. R. Ciountee and Master Draper• es 3 1 8 lv ere spending 0 week in 1:31.ant 'd and Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cantulohl vis - •d with their daughter, Mrs. J. oohs, 'at Mitehel•1 last week. Mr. R, Marshall spent Sunday Staniey t til Miss H, I. Graham, of Seaforth is a spending her holidays on the Second. She is the guest of Mrs. Geo. Baird, sr. s Miss Kate Thomson, Miss Lizzie Mc 1 Gregor and Miss Clara McGregor went o to Goderich on the excursion last b week. at Mr. Ian McKay visited his uncle g Duncan McGowan of McKillop on the ffrstof last weak. p Mrs, D. McEwen and Miss Jean t Mustard have gone to Tiverton to visit ie relatives and acquaintances there. Misses Vera and Cleita Pepper are visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Oar • se ter at Clinton this week, 1 en Master Archie Bryant of London is R. visiting at the home of Mrs. John Mc dla Cowan. re 1 r.. 4. Personal Not es + F 1f those having relatives or Words 44' y. ? tE 44 + visiting in town or going away ' .Int aotlt ns f th �:• Iwonlii 41. th the Kingston Old' }toys a•. ter AUGUST SALE Miss Edna Pennebaker hes ,re- turned home after a two cweeks visit with relatives in (O -clench • Bargains in Furniture and Carpets and Sheppalci'hon, L' Miss Matron .Bogie of Goderich to is the guest of her !Aunt Mee. ' con Pennebaker, fro Mrs. Ed. Seruten of Goderich Tp„ bur and Masters lad. and Jack and ` arta ur lestone city. Mrs, lellarshall and Bert returned with him on Tuesday' We found a manufacturer who had an extra fine lot of goods and was hard up for cash. His goods are on our floors. marked at prices whim will sell them during August - 5 piece Peeler Suites, regular $25 for 20.00 Fancy Couches, regular 7. 0 for: 5 00 Odd Parlor Rockers froua.- 3 00 to 15,17) Kitchen Cabinets 0 10 10.00 20.00 Carpets, Rugs. Oilcloths, Matta, Linoleums at moderate prices. Picture Framing and Repairing promptly attended to Phones 7 and 8 Free Auto Delivery J.n.Cv4ELLEW Estate Furniture. and Undertaking. BLYTH smsgsmazdzsgastmetwaserammer 11111101 CLINTON MARKETS, • Nags $9.75. Butter 21-22 Eggs 2t-22, Wheat - 9 9..v 90 , Gaits 35 Barley -45-4.8 Peas -75. Bran -$22-1$24, Shcrlts-$24. Toronto Markets Children. Cry ' Top quotations this week.- FOR FLETCHER'S ' Cattle Sheep Lambs ...... ._. •..,_.156.7550 CASTOR1A Hogs Cheese $4108.00 AA Butter 23 to 24 j Eggs s 22e )) Oa.s _.440 Wh,lat ... $1.00 Parley 40 t ft Pi " o akoes, ofd . 5 to 50e Beans ,_..$1.50 to, 1,60. Wool 15e to 26 mended on a charge of misappropriat 1 ing trust 1'unde to the extent of $2,800 has been let off on suspended sentence Partial res ib ' t utaon has been n made by the accused and an opportunity ie he ing given him to methe aount in full, 1ruActt est Friday night a shed belonging Mr. James McConnell, of the 13th cession, Hullett, about three miles m Londesboro, took fire, and was ned to the ground. During the rnoou Mr, McDonnell had been ning sulphur in the shed, which was used as a ben house, and intended leaving it burning over night. The shed was only a short distance irons barn, ani it was with difficulty a nteer brigade saved that build horse belonging to Henry Little he 131,11 eoncession of Hullett, yed onto the G. T. R tracks Fri - and was killed by the way freight g south. baby Emily eve visiting this week with her brother, Mr, $. Bane of Cl.'nton, Mrs. Andrew Wen thee wax aria infant son of Orillia are the guests the ,of her parents, 3[i'. and Mrs, i) . volu Cant eton. • ingg. Miss. Lydia Morrish returned on of t Monday from .hayfield where she stra spent two weeks with Me. and Mrs day, J. T. Mustard goln Miss Carrie anti Ella Alcarn hal gone to Toronto where they wi remain nor some time. 1Virs. J. P. Shappard returned o Tuesday evening after a pleasat three -weeks visit with her sister in -taw, Mrs. Osborne, of Merlie Kent county, (Mies, T. W. CharLesw,orth return ed bionic on Friday, after spendin two weeks with friends in tow Nh•s. Hill Sr.lof Londesboro Il spending la month with 1 ger sten 11 Hunh Hill of the 10t1s, con, 1t. 9uou1•n. Mr. Mand Mrs. J ohn Raithby r. b >f y Auburn spent Friday en Down the guests of Rev. and Mas. Wylie, Mrs, Mcuarva end Miss Brecicen- r be rid are spending some holidays S Tasker p 2 Weir c 1 E. Johnson lb 1 Walker rf 0 W, Johnson cf 1 McEwen 1f 1 12 ' 21 14 Crediton B. Fahner lb Shenk rf Motz 3h Sanbroke cf Fahner c Worth ss T. Fahner 2b Switzer if 11 Panner p 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 3 0 2 1 1 2 1 0 2 0 0 8 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 1 1 1 1. 1 1 21 Clinton -0 0 0 3 0 2 7 -12 Crediton -0000030-3 :3 Achievements of a Socialist Mayor. The following items from the San Francisco Bulletin refers to one of the Mrs. George Lonema t is _spendin ( many Huron 010 Boys who has made 'a few days wtth her son Frank I good in different parts of the world Longmla, - Mr. J. Stitt Wilson was born at • Auburn, or Manchester, as it was then Mr, land Mrs. Stephen Gray /of called and was trained for the minis- - Texas spent last week with the try but after sorno years of work in g formers brothel' Win. Gr'ay, the church mostly in the United States These will be lan aucftilom sale of he felt a call to help advance the cause S.S. Nb 8, on Mondayocia ' Aug.A tam and r 4R is g h, to now recognized as sell the school property including one of the leaders in that movement building and land, Mrs„VV, S. Downs of town Ise cousin: Berkley, Cal. --A few days ago J H olme i 1 Stitt Wilson, the only socialist mayor sF lie ,who has ever held sway in California municipality, stopped down from the Once be had held at the head of the Berkley adminstration for two years and was supplanted by a noreSocialist executive and council. The same ques- tion which was asked and answered at- the end nithe Socialist regime in Mil waukee is being asked today here: is a Socialist adminstratinn capable of handing the practical business affairs of a city Government? Leavingg, aside the educative and' propagandiatic aspect of Mayor da gun Wil- y v y ening. � eon's incubenev. it is impossible in the Some youngsltle,s•s who want to see I at ,outhampton. life but imagine that none of it is • A (road of young people autoed to worth she' -ng by daylight. I hayfield to attend a dance on Tues - Births, Marriages it .Heaths DEATHS T12S Sit, evens- Flullett on July27tht Annie. Nett wilts of the hlate Jos. Stevens agec173 ,years and 5neontlts, .Goderich Township The remains of Captain A, T. Mont gomery a veteran of '66 were interred in Maitland Oemetry Friday afternoon .9.t the time of elle Fenian raids Cap tain Montgomery voluntered for the front. Joining' "G" Battery of Artily ery of Goderich be was drafted to Sar niit where hereceived his captaincy. Captain' Montgomery came to (rode rich in the fifties and for many years resided in Goderich Townshipwhere he was highly respected. Coder . lcll M. 0 Johnson the local lawyer who has been in jail forsome. time on re you want done in the line of Plumbing y - Tinslllithiit • o, Eavr tr� b ou 111 u Let us Give you a Price < Prices given on all Contract Work. C Call or Phone for our Pries S Bt y utter clay evening, given by Mrs. 0. Me - Taggart. Miss Emma Lavi.s is visiting with friends in Toronto tiir. Leslie Whitley io:f f (Owen Sound, ,and a former ICliketoninia was the guest ,of his brother, Mr, Wm.. Whitley, during the, 'past week The visitor is teacher of n>;odern Languages In the 0. S. Collagiate Word was received in town o;n Tuesday ,of the death of Mrs. A. S. Oliver, .a former resident of Clin- ton, who died in Detroit on Mon- day at an advanced age. The fun- erat is being held to day, Inter- went in Goderich Cemetery. Mr, and Mrs. Wm CloLe and Mr. Jorvis, father of Mrs. Odle, were Bailed to Goderich; owing to the • sessions illness of Mrs. Cottie of that town; who is a daughter of Mr, Jenne. The :lady underwent a critical l oa operation tropthis wee.. Mt, Chas, zw H ke was renewing old friendships in town this week. Mr. Frank'O'Neil returned from Moose Jaw, and reports the out- look good `in the Western. Prov- inces, Mt Leonard Fair, formerly .of the,Rloyai"Bank Staff, was a week end' vlsitior in town. 911'. and, Mrs. Richard C'I• •gg' of \Vingham'weee Visitors in town on Wn are pleased to seeMiss•Emma Pl.urestcel out after her recent ill- ness. Mrs W. J. Ki ihrida is Visiting villi (ter parents in St, Th,osnas, Master Wallace Diehl for Penney and grandsro(n of Mrs Mein erre of vn, stood fifth in his outran anis this year. A very eredit- le, shoat t r for g o a young lad. Mrs Holloway, sr., returned to n after a ple,esant visit at Pe- Phoro. • Sanitary Plumbers to 1 'Phone 7. a tow I��wn�n+rs► ate Mr, and Mrs, J. B. Lindsay of Olin ton visited in our village on Wednes day.. Mrs. Gibson left for her home in De troit on Saturday, after spending a couple of weeks with her mother Mrs., Mulholland. The rain Sunday evening was wel coned by the •farmers. as the crops were guttering seriously onaccount of the drongh .Phe was no service at the Methodist Church here on account of the 'rain' Mrs • W. Pickard visited in London face of facts to anewer the above ques and Goderich last week, tion in any other way than in decided Mrs. N. W. Trewartha is spending affirmative, her holidays in, Toronto, the guest of Financially the city of Berkle her sister Miss E. McMath. never in a healthier condition than it Mr. Lewis Tebutt was in Wingham is today. On assuming office on July last week, helping his Aunt, Mrs, 1, 1911, Mayor Wilson found a general Bloomfield to move her furniture to fund of $12,500 in the treasury. At the Clinton, she having bought a house close of the first year that fund was in that place, increased to $27,000 and this year's re 1Vss'g Hazel at Elford -of Toronto is port will money to the extent of visitliin r he_ grandl`athex"s Mr. L. $OU,000 amenable at the beginning of J Oourtice. the fiscal year. In the two years the cash s t basis fund has s h sen increased sed from8 1 0 QOto. 4 30 U0 There has not. heeit a single leak in Berkelyfinancies, Mayor Wilson personally supervising the making of the budgets four times in the two years. Although no bonds have been voted, no period in the city's history has been more prolific of municipal improve- ments and activities. After ten year's agitation the garbage incinerator be- came a reality under the administra tion now, retiring, Tho contract has been awarded and the work' is well, under way, A special tax was voted and the sum of 858,100; is in the trees u•y, specifically sea aside for the pur Mr. Fred Stanley 1 ' 9 In B ah held these clays having bought R ht gut the bnein of Mr, Johnson of tht place. ess Local News SUMMER SCHOOL AT. (3ODER1CH Great expectations are held regard ing the Summer School which is to be held igrKnox church Goderich from August 11 to 17, under the auspices of the no of Synod y .FIamslton.aud London Rev, J. R, Hall, of Sarnia,' is convenor and Rev. Wm. 'Wallis, Of Niagara Falls is secretary. Rev. G. 17, Ross Pester of, Knox enrich will he lac to glad t lr give alls t or mad'o t and received anps l 'cations Por enrollment as students. Intending delegates,shouid send their names early to Mr. Rosy, in order that SMALL WAR'FIS, CHINAWARE, STATIONERY, AND - WALL PAPER, Noyeltics in Fireworks Motion Pictures of Flame Latest Thing at Canadian National Exhibition Moving pictures in fire -works are surely ,the newest thing in pyro- technics. And the newest thing in all lines are served at theCanadian Na(tiloneI Exhibition, Among the. motion pictures framed in fire that are Ion the bill are a threshing machine with wheels running a,nd grain pouring from 'the- spout an auto fire engine that runs so lash it crashes into an auto- mobile, land flying machines. Add to these the changing illumination 'the eonored balloons the exploding bombs (tltesoaring rockets the massive g,o,ldan founftain,s Find dis- persing 'radiaiting batteries and you have afire -works bill imore 't rie• a dd an more wonderful etful 'than anything ever before presers at the Canadian National. Auction Sale of School Auction sale of School property on Monday Aug, filth, at 4p.m. being S.S. No. 8 Hulleftt the building is a frame structure and there is one acre of land. Also two box stoves for Elate one nearly new. Good carni for Sa9,e. Lot 35, Concession 3 Tuckersmith containing 100 acres, 95 all cleared and .in a splendid state sof cultiv- ation. The farm is well 'under drained and fenced with five acres of good hardwood bush. Large baric barn end straw shed with good stabling, silo and other out biuildings. Good brick house eight rooms kiitchenand woodshed with good cellar and hard and soft water. There is a splendid apple orchard also large orchard of plums, pears, and cherrys trees and an abundance of shade ftrees. On the farm are two never failing wells one weth with the windmill The harm is oonvenien,t to church and school six miles from khetown town of Clinton and Seaforth and 2 1-2 miles from Brucefield Tele- phone in house with long distance connection, rural mail delivery route to be established immdiately Teams reasonable as the pro- rieftor is gi ring up farming. Apply on the premises or address, A. ,ELCOAT, ,Brueef ern Will Sell at Ninety $60.000.00 five per cent Gold Mu- nicipal, Debentures Snot Western), in lots of one thousand' and up. In- terest coupons half yearly. ^ A 1 1 'offers subject to purchasers rightt investigate tital and legalityol issue. Security unbounded. Pate clightly above five and a half per cent per �aninum, All offers sub- ject tie prior sales. Address c T01 N, Clinton, eooper & e0., Minton Mouse lor Sale I atm instructed to sell quick. Here is ,a chance tol secure an excellent home at a bargain price. I will show property, and consider any fair offer, 0. P. HALE, 1elleview Dairy Farm From our stock of first-class cows we are prepared to supply you twice daily with best of milk and cream, and solicit a share of your patronage. Y Phone one '12 E. B. HILL, 5, R. FISHER. For Sale Rego Runabout Auto, in good running ,order, wind demonstrate if desired. A ,Bargain for quick safe, • THOS. WATTS, Clinton Horse for Sale draft horse reliable, e fosale, reasonable, Y Apply ho - WM, BEDOUR, Holmes vine, Pleone 12 on 113. Poultry Foods We have be hand a full supply of Poutery Woods, including- Bref Scrap, Chick Scrap, Poultry -.Bone,, Crystal Grit, Clam Shall, Oysfter Shell, ;Etc. CALF MEAL -A splendid flood for young calves, and HOG MEAL -For young pigs. Another car of W,eetern Oats just arrived, also e car load of Feed Flour, Bran, and Shorts. A PULL SUPPLY OF FLOUR AND PEED ALWAYS ON HAND, Try Gu.nn's Shur -Gain Fall Wheat SPECIAL FERTILIZER. The. Best Fertilizer on the Market LIVE POULTRY taken the first Pone days of each week. Call andsee tow.• Supplies endd g et .0r.0ar Prices. The Gog11-1 anglois Co., Limited The up-to-date Firm, Clinton Phone 64. N. W. TREWARTFIA, W. JENKINS •••••••e••••••••e••• ••e•0011e••••e•••••••••••••••••••• i • STRATFORD GLAND 8 s • STREET FAIR AND • SumnierCarnival i' s Auspices 28th Regiment v •• • • • • • • • O • 0 ONE WEED OF FUN STARTS MONDAY August 4th • • • The Col Francis roofs vtled •• •20 Big Shows Daily Aeroplane Flight • • • • t: • • • • • roe ••oeesfeooi•ooeGs•• • di0•eeee eefeeee0000000eeo® • A municipal ambulance, the lack of which has long been i3 disg ace to the city, has been purchase( for $4,100,, and.aha udsomogarage built near t• he city hall at contract price of 1,40II. A municipal p $ cr bacteriological P nd a Chemical laboratory b0 atOr Y has also been ! • estabiiehed to meet the demands ofd • cA • • 0 3 Big Free Acts 2 Military Bands Col. Francis Ferari's Great Congress of Trained Wild Anamils EXCURSIONS R51ONS C l`J ALL. LINES.