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The Clinton New Era, 1913-07-31, Page 3
Tli'ur ads uy;' `Sil13y lilg'r 1f13:i ++++++++++++++++++4++++++++*++4+4+++44+4+4+++++++++ • '� ' ` �a i:�`, 1p N ®'' • 1 e " 9 5 Al { ® ( 97 • it IF, { 3 al �., 1.'r P it 4 I! V g,. 0 r8ti a r+ i 4 arl . , I4 r a :r- a . X44.404,4"•©®6+t�vk reeeieeer4seeatesaeres .eater oesei4ecereeasA+o®aoa®veDrese'wavy aseeseesateen+A+4ertereaatereaaaa4ao40M++'++++++++++++++ ++4+,00.**.o4.^o®...o.0.444.+++++++4+++'4•iP++++4A++ 4.a ti WAS A CONFIRMED PEPTIC rr o+++++++++++o':k++++t+++++++++a+s•+aoo'►•+b•aa+•e+os••aea+to 4 + -4 y++++++4444+++++ 44.4+++4++4+44+4+ m #4, # 0+4-44444 +4 4-4444•b44 A 64 THESE WAIT WAR. HorseDeit,lers anti Baotmakers Make Money When Europe le ar War. There is an .ugly rumor abroad in Gerinany tliat a re• ote employed hy a groat firm of gun rnalnifacturers have been deliberately stirring up trouble between Germany and France. The story goes that one of these agents bribed a newspaper editor to declare that the French army was enormously increasin,e its artillery. 11 this be true, it is plain that the object was to induce the Gelman. Govern- ment also to order' more guns. Ask the average man in the street if he wants to set his country at war. Nine out of ten can find no terms strong enough to express their horror at such a suggestion, Even for the winning nation war means more taxes, increased prices for almost every ne- cessary of life, and long drawn out anxiety for the fate of .relatives and friends who are fighting for their country's battles. But the tenth man, if he tells the truth, which he probably will not do. would confess that he wouldn't mind a good war. Yes, he admits all you say about taxes and high prices, but he can very easily put 'rip with those when war is going to double his in- come. The fact is that very few of us have any idea of the number of people who would benefit by war. Of these the makers of guns and the manufacturers of armor plate are by no means the only ones. The horse dealers for instance. Dar• ing the Boer war tee sent 200,000 horses to the Cape. Their prices varied from $105 ahead paid for Argentine horses. Tut them at $200 ahead, here was $40,000,000 sterling divided among horse breeders and dealers: And as for the forage hill, well that was more than twice as much, and the money all went into the pock• ets of farmers here and elsewhere. Farming in England was in a shock- ing state at the end of the last cen- tury, The Boer war sent_ up the price of wheat at $1 a (uarter, and Britielt farmers have never since looked back. So it is small wonder that the farmer thinks that war is nobad thine, es- peeially as at such times the demand for 'fresh meat isat least equal to that for horses and grain. Another business that booms in war time is that of the hootmaker. If you want proof, look back at the dividends paid by some of the big oontmakin; concerns in the Midlands of England during the Boer war. Soldiersmust have boots' and plenty of them. A pair that lasts six months in peace time are done for in six weeks of war. The hands work over- time, and get extra wages, and they, too, are among those who vote for war. Manufacturers of clothing benefit in like fashion, and so do many others. Think what a boom the next war will cause in the aeroplane factories, and inthe places where they make all sorts of electrical apparatus such, as field cables, wireless machinery, searchlights, and the like. Molders of Southwestern Railway shares made money during our last big war. Tens of thousands of troops and mountains of stores were pouring down the line to Southampton for more than two years. All the trans- port trades get a tremendous fillip from war. Shipping companies charter their vessels forthe transport ort o f troops, sure that if anything happens to their craft they will .be well recompensed, and their prosperity extends to sea- men, stokers, marine engineers, as well as stevedore and dock laborers. There will be no ships laid up in war time unless, indeed, our navy is de- feated and .hostile cruisers swarm around our shores to prey upon our commerce. Another huge industry which bene- fits 'by war is that of the coal -getter. Warships and transports alike are ab- salutely dependent on coal, and the big colliery owners can raise their prices all round, and be certain of fat Government eo:ntraets. such, far War hurts some things, instance, as the sale of champagne and pate de foie gras,and it reduces the profits of theatres and football clubs. Yet, as we have shown, there is a very large minority who actually look forward to a European scrap' on a latge scale.' G2 DUFFIELD . 5CFZETARY ToRONro CAMP. } ;.C..H.',t;RGE, ATLANTA,GA ;, PRE5,J'.C.51EMON,CAN4DA;A.B.Gi)TE5 DETR'O[T ; E. t . HORN, TORONTO. Rzv. BURROW TORONTO. C.F'.LODIHAIN A5ST.5E.C'Y,,CANADA. "Giileons' 'deet -Cony en tion of the Ciiristiaat t ;l'in- mcreial Travellers. in. Tif' ronto. t: (If;F' PRC5• e ARK!✓R ', Miser )RI . MOM J. HORTON; '•1 Ow'A': CHAIRMAN W,E•PHIPP5 RC.CEP 1 ON COMMITTEE Keep Children Well During Hot 'Weather Every mother knows how fatal the. hot summer months are to small children. Cholera infantum diarrhoea, dy<-,erstry and stotuaeh troubles lase rife at this 'tine and oaten aprnHsious ,little life is lost after Only afe;w hours illness The m_therwho keeps lab y's Own Ta.bt.(ts the house feels safe. The occasional. use of the Tablets +pre- ven(t stotmlach and bowel, troubles, of if (trouble comet suddenly—as it ger.,et:ally dloes —(the Tablets will bring (the baby safety through. They are sold by medicine deal- ers tit b y malt alt 25 tents a box "from TheDr. 'Williams' Medicine Co.., iBrockvitle, iOnit. Seats Cut Climbing Steps In lee. How seals cut steps in the perpen- dicular sides of ice'cal:es in order to rise from the water for the purpose of breathing has been recorded by mem- bers of Capt. Scott's Antarctic ex- pedition. It was discovered that the seals, which formerly were supposed to leave the water by leaping, oeut steps in the slippery surface with the great canine' or eye teeth. As soon as the teeth, are placed in position, the bead is moved rapidly fromside to side until the ice has been cat away sufficiently to afford a 'footing for the front- flippers of the animal. Each step has to be laboriously cut after this fashion until the body is far enough out of the water to be thrust up the rest of the way by a kick of the hind flippers. Our Town Has- -- A fee people who dislike' to ea' butw,e.tn moats. A very fewttlowhom the cork- -screw is might ler than it;; a pen. _0 -- NOW 'andlthen ore Who believes i(t.is cheaper. tioiiowe .rent than to MON' 8. Some youngsters who want to see life but imagine that none of it is worth seeing by daylight. Al few boys ito Whom it never oc- curs that some day they will know as tittle es their fathers. ----a Occiasi,onally one who holds that speculaition is more refined than gambling„ but they losei in it just the same,. wil.1 part his hair in the middle to prevent his mind from becoming unbalanced. Some young laths 'who hai•e more point to their shoes than 'cu their con.✓ ersaftion, ---o— A oottpte of youths paddling their own canoe) but their dads furnish the canoe and paddles: A Medical Expert. Once, when walking in a suburban district, Dr. Samson Gemmell, one of Glasgow's best known medical profes- sors, happened.; upon a stalwart police- man who was strenuously endeavor- ing to support a youth in the throes. of an epileptic seizure. "In my bland. est tonesr remarked rked the professor to his tin When relating the incident class, I suggested that it might be better to permit the poor fellow to Struggle on the pavement," but with a disdainful gesture the man in blue repelled the interference by intimat- ing that he had recently won :a first class certificate at an ambulance Claa9l—estminster Gazette, `'V Wireless Around the World. Arrangements are being made, be- tween the English Government and that 01 Russia to maintain a wireless telegraph service across the Behring Bea. This will complete the girdle of radio telegraphic oommunication, around the world, The Song of the Pave As hard} usany shone They timid up for wires Torn ft; ed the electric light ' And (then they 'put it hack main 1 l\*Inch was no more (than right Oh ttyhepaYemen t's fulltof .furrows There are !patches everywhere; 1 You'd like to ride upon it, Bultl it's seidlom that you dare IT's a very handsomie, pavenien A ere d3% to thetown ; They's always digging pf ilt ;up Or potting pf it down. Nowmit who . ndth n a young n a e Y g I, The Boss Has His Eye on You. The Washington Star dedicated the following 1pcem to municipal eouncil.s generally: They kook a little, gravel And they took a litti(e tar, Wirth i„nylons ingredients, ' Impoutcd from afar; They hammered i(tand rolled it, And when they wont away They saidthey had a pavement Thatl would last many a day But they came with picks and smote ift Tol lay al waiter engin ; And then they called the workmen Tb flay it back again. To •run a railway cab* They 'took it up ionce more; And (theyput it back again Just where, it was before They nook' itup for conduit, To Tran the telephone; And then tl:ey put it back, again him from a subset i per o a error cr. Every publisher can recall the names Of citizens who come ui-der this Bead. People; should be sane enough to differ in ;opinion on public ques- tttons without straining life-long friendships botle breaking polar, . We cannot all think alike but the true, igrentfteman will respect the honest opinions of the men who differ with him. Ooiifngwood has aitax rate of 55 nfoid has bit , andMl�e fthis al m.11s c y , 'the hill( .century mark with a 50 mill rate.. tisw Finds it a Pleasure to Enjog Heals. Here is a case, which seemed as bead and as hopeless as yours can possibly be. This is the experience of Mr. 11. J. Brown, 384 Bathurst St;, Toronto, in his own words "Gentlemen—I Have nmch pleasure in mentioning- to you the benefits received front your Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets and, can cheerfully recommend them. I simply had confirmed dyspepsla with all. its wretched symptoms, and tried about all the aclvertiied cures with no success. Yon have in Na Dru-Co, Dyspepsia Tablets the best curative agent 1 could find. It is now such a pleasure to enjoy meals with their consequent nourish- ment that ourishmentthat I waiitto mention this for the benefit of others." The fact that a lot of prescriptions or so-called "cures" havefailed to help you is nosign that you have got to go on suffering, Try Na-Drn-Co Dyspepsia Tablets and see how quickly this sterling reinedy will give you relief and start your stomach working properly. If it doesn't help you, you get your money back. 5oc a box at your. druggist's.. Compounded by the National Drug find Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Montreal. 142 The boss has his eye on you. Yon nted not worry for fear that he has not. Every day he is noticing theim- provem,e.ntts or the ;back of efficieny'j your work. He is human and is always onithe Lookout for good men. • His success d(ependis upon his ab- i1!ty tose'(ect good men and elim- einalnee the inefficient. if you care a C.(tt:(e, better, than the lothlerrnlan—if you know more and do more—if you have gotten the habit of doing tile right thing Without being told, tt-le, boss will not pass you by to promote) ti ether mon. You wish you Mod a better job. You wish you knew mo. le• and could do more. The moot certain rasa to this, is unceasing study and lealln,est work. You can pas(te it in 'your hat that nobody nvel,l qday you more on(thie possibil'city of what you may devtel- op.iinfto. 0 1 If slog pant abottlarjob dig into Our Sea'iai Story -, These i The. price, of promoftion is .doing 1 '` x eta s e 1� e Scenes appear in. chapters (.tlifngs—aid the fin -ie. -that will make' 31 Mar boss €.fell (that he cannot afford tuo be without you. ; m.�rowevmuctl tai+•r TO THE' DOER. THE PREACHER DARTED riliANAWAMNyMi Local News LMMrn which. Her Royal Highness is hap- pily new aecovu•ing made lit i eces- a:y that she s''.oufd he taken home uo England. before her stay in the country as mistress of Goverment iHLouat came to its official conclus- ion An illness such as that •lvnieh kept Rm. Reyal llioghness in the F os a". Victoria JTosoital for the se- tuao for weeks and which necess- itated an oper'.tion stfteir she rr.ro :- • • • Men and Events. • A••••YS••O•••/•••SS0SS1•• P1. le, picnic seasion being here Lo.a1 Sunday bchpois .;report splendid 0idsunmler 'when dances, Clinlbo.n Model Schools opens on Angusft 10th, A large. endance is. looked for the Department;'. This jelly wealthier is agreeable Pt me Ith hay- hos. e Citizens.are eoidraily requested to handl in or scud an meanie and ad- d,'aes of give,slta for p.iblication; no charges; glad Ito get them. 1 Dais aclse¢tising pay? is quest- ion which ncleda scarcely he asked in Ithis agee, In Order to make, ad- veetising successful, however itis necessary tic) back the adiertise- moue by proof of its correctness. If a• roto ad'c ertises that he has cer- in lisaur prices and fails to 1 i'ethem he need, not be surprised .if advert- ising trails. A Ilittlla, item. in a newspaper 01"y aonscltimee make a nian an enemy to the .paper, but it will not stop kiln aeading it. It Merely changes Pose (ler Royal 1Jiglrn Lia craze c;ted In ttlic lieighbrft:,ocl of $20t1000 K;thiioughout the counirY Her lir.",cal Highness is very fond of music' and gives encouragement to 1)UNic,;'ans She, IitiS:i£>;inid th eicgree alms, D. - A11 Can adhtne j.+T;ni wi9".: Her HoyeiMelo-Mee. completei,co- ,ery of heath and many - 'very happy 1L iirna' of iter birthday. ®Ol tM ile fel O eM cp a ®®®dell er ®r+d t33 €MO VI1tat Mein and Events m 'ed London cannot have been of sudden development and the forti- tude and kindness with whim she conttued to perform her official duties as bong as she was. able has 1 Her. 1 WhIC i stem in -which the e e doted a Royal Hioghness is beld. The Duchess is a nalhoness' of sew- oral „of the philanthropic intttu- t`.ons in Montreal. ,One project in which she was especially anger ested was that of extending the work of disttrict throughout the Wiest where the help of a •skilful nurse is:oOten sadly needed, when it is not to be had. For this )pur- THAT IWILLIA1Vb JENNINLIS 'BRYAN, Secretary lot State, go personally to Mexico to try to settle affairs there and ensure amieftection for foreign residents was itns' 'proposition made today by Senator 'Flood. It is stated in sfoemo quarters that Prefident Wildon is tavern:Me ito that pro- Position and that it will be s ar ions 'd.scussod by the iCiabi- n ;URALS. F. wi143ES, M t'., ser. M (tr it tf 6antern-sl ere ferny, e 1 just r1turnrti from .t trio el mg the Transcatitiri:ar.4.a hedWily, paying particular uttentiin the section balwelen t' r lir t and Graham, where l! :n•e Wm'iuim .. branch joins the main 1:no. He says ;that in a„stretch of 450 miles between the Bell River and the height :of land east of Lake .r,pis sing, (ithree-fourths cif t:.e land is suStabLi for cultivation. li">iAS TROUBLED @' II 1 SOH STOP D BILIOUSNESS. Sour Stomach and Biliousness are caused by a sluggish Liver, for when it is not working properly, it holds back the bile, which is so essential to promote the movement of the bowels, and the bile gets into the blood instead of passing through the usual channel, thus causing many stomach and bowel trou bles. "There is only one way to prevent the liver from becoming up -set, and that is. by the use of Mummer's LAxA-LLVaa Pea's. Miss Julia tang, Yorko, Sask., writes: —"For several years I was troubled with sour stomach and biliousness, and did not get any relief until I used MIL - BURN'S had R PILLS.only A- IY>a nuR N's L AX L taken them two weeks when my trouble was quite gone, and I will recommend them to all who stiller as I did." A- rv> R The price of Mummer's mer's L x L Pxnrs is 25 cants per vial, or 5 vials for $1.00. They can be procured at all I dealers, or will be mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, The Duchess t;f'Conuau;fit's Birthday f Connaught was ries o Co L1G Pb Duchose fifty-three years oJet last Friday, Her Bloyal Highness was born on July 25th.. 1150, the daughter Cif a gr exit slog cher Prince El edea Charles Of Prussia. `;Her marl iageito .Prince Albert, third eon of Queen Vieteria took place. on the 13th. 01 March, 1879. Her ,Royal Highness the Duchess of Connaught"hers accompanied h'r husbiand itowidely separated Darts of (the Empire WJieret e Dulee'sap pe ani -pts have waL ed biro -to. T, e- Rand, Laemba'y, the Mediterranean., So dth Africa; and Canada. It is a nrattei fof deep regret" to l;anad- tans, ;that the serious iltness from LOOK UP YOUR STATIONERY Ot et SUPPLIES est 04 tLf nd see it you require Bill Heads, (any size) Statements, Letterheads, Noteheads, Envelopes, Business Cards, Etc. eu est 4;if you require any of the above send your order to The New Era, or telephone No. 3o for our representative to call on yotz, ,s t Estimates Cheerfully Given ` - one ("The New :Ea� Fra fob Plant r of the ff best equipped in Huron County. est eu G ' Printing naber'that Good g is essential Deme to Successful Business. ot 04 „A3 11