HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-07-31, Page 2is
and btanty—to prevent wrinkles,and "crow's
feet" and deep black circles under the eyes—ti
nothing is as good as ' Dr w'R
Give it a fair trial for banishing those distressing pains or
drains on one's vitality. This prescription of Dr. Pierces regulates all the
womanly functions, It eradicate and destroys "Female Complaints" and
weaknesses that make women miserable and old before their time. Every girl
needs it before womanhood. Every mother needs it. It is an invigorating tonic
for the female system. All medicine dealers have sold it with satisfaction, to
customers for the past 40 years. It is now obtainable in liquid or tablet form
atdrug stores—or send 60 one -cent stamps for trial box, to R. V, Pierce, Buffalo.
regulate and Invigorate stomach, liver and bowels.
Sugar coated, tiny granules, easy to take as candy. R
The New Era. j Children ; With Detective
W. it. KERit it ON, Props
.p: Leslie )herr, BInsiness Manager
New Era One Yeal' in advance $1,00 I
Row Era wren not paid in ad
Vance... $1,50
New Era 'ti the United States
in ad Vance $1,5011
AdVerlising Rotel on Appl.cati.:nl.
Jeb ,:011, pries advance on July
jest, 1013, in aecordance with
the Huree Co. P. e :;s Asso-
ciation Rates:
Office Parcae 3u• House Phone 45
America's Cardinal dilal
Celebrates Birthday. .
F\ butter received by Mr, Gardiner
Pr,iicival iof`the Ontario School ter
laic .t I nd Hem Hee superintend-
nt of the American Mission'
School for the blind at Bombay:
Ind a n79'1'395 that tl e estimated
number iof blind lee elate In Iindia is
`0000, let whom cert'anly not more;
than 500 have had any opportunity
for all education or training: along
industrial lines. Report from
Tirane places in the II t2 nitc1 States. as
11 c :1 as from se vol al European
counties, indicate that 1 l:ndness is
d209 eating in the most highly cid
11 4041 eorninunities, Ia,gely es the
out of greeter knowledge, -and
rc ere attention to preventive
m, a,w e,, un the Bart of physician
a ed nurses. While ft he returns
the -alt D„ 111-n'109 i.e.ltus on this
sul j t 1ia',e nat yet been tabu-
' :neat and put lr he1 there Is re'-
; a r I,;! 'e t- that a similar state-
. 1 1s a )p -Gate to Canada.
4.. , tht ass it is probable that
thea e are caro—tis there always
1;n,e 1,e_n—many young people in
, 311th le who ought to be ens otie,d
a., }'.,tip is in the School at . rantfard
1 • - t.y net. So;ae parents of blind
chi' tl n hate never heard of the
4ch , cath ro a; e seesitive about
.:in„ it Pe-kne n that their
r4: dr. n are afflicted, many from
vault !night be deeeribed es exces-
ne acre tiuu. do not lathe to be st-
I a. itsd from the r children even
. 'r the ehi'.cieen's good. To get in -
.r .onxnunic atiun with the pa: eels
:heat fur whose benefit 111,
lch.l l: `is ml ntain: d t.he i1 991p 4.
0910 largely upon the kind i•n-
ent.nn ofne`gheours teachers
:•tat•aand '(r'rl
ntnul r a a1flce's
! u, t h Will le "lad .to got from any
,01'4h9...NOW Ern the laline
a':1 .ft;,`ifu.c adte,e of Any per9.ln
,cFllt-,n,' Zeas of ago.
.'a is bend. or w:res. sits! ism-,,
..1: ie t ,.' that •otc'1 .l:wucie. at the
::a f -riait `+ :e e. is nut Tweet -le-
a' 1 til it et:ldhs in use at
;,antieid a ;.rod 1 ag:ish rlurn-
,.t eau le. melee by the si:,hi-
fe.a:ni rs emitl:lr. is else gi.a,
1euteh , a'..ifs; .i : e e it ,c,:1t1)le
t pie itind�loe.oeorne Golf -
t I1;.re is no charge. fir
-:t d withal :`rbo'r1.4. Address
1 r it
.r. 1. e:111'1 p:r'. o. s . i',
4 .....i
0 .,
e. .l 9
., . e .'.:. , ar i... ,,.i.. u
1, .. r.:
t 1 ,,, revs
d 1..)'.0''•"1':,4')e.ereitte
ae el..a r..u.I a.,-. ,111
As °titer Papers Look at
' : drt'itil.in•g
1 e +: e, ineuraeee ,nen in
a !' ..r:,': wee (1.9-3 r..,.I'L'- tee-
vertisine tl.an all ti einstu0 199
in a in .Or;ll.e13 t to'!e_her. Here
a ," • ' lee 1 S me 1 :re gond
a e *:, ,u a nl:urar et
i feet ie net s: i:i IC
" I It S ll --e; re.le t'h. e' . : d el
7 and1 •
Al1, a ai this 'is
r t
't •- 9 n 1 s is
n1e, ha t. and ll en ufa t1 u'), To
1 1 ,' t)' e . , rewepe rets in
th, act t e l t ng toluenes of which
a::l .th. tnd 1s..e euts and profession
a' : 5' 'sen' 9i, rt; 91p `19090-`.
a �-, ii: in) any :issue .to 411111 a
ei .-..,_1. y .)f tee -tewr r. I:us ) se
O tr.'.h 11 m tcaneilz
1 al. t'_. t ne..•'. c"cpy tie front
[ -
trot .'I' 1 a ll 1• w,.- while1`149
ilii, In a el;e ottied occupy
r r-tt'weed -.1 ler.inse.erea intrust
plate. lila al space.
r t tit Las leeentef ;seat
etanuta: .. `w1n: to 11rL e.tizens,
trA t:a g:ve 4.11E 9.11wn
t :tendingnf fleet 1l-
•tallr s tibreed. The absence c.
lieu al advertising in Clint'in 10 es
a seed is its ;existence 11) 01 i rat :
is prominent.
Quickly stallscoughs, cures colds, and heals
the throat and lungs. 1: ,1 ea cents.
aaii"&lian Newspapers
Are Increasing
11',' I1at e just reeeiyed from the
1'ellisle e A, 1TeKim, Len'te1
Mean'. a alai 'l'oroni) a eop1 of the
'tele Ldet,..ti to their;Canadian News
all r Dire J ,1 y. This work shows
•:di rt within the • hast yen' n' ,) t Ola('
Inanci1 -1 1.0 r' t,(pori) 14.9' beta t 01
to l)n011sh In the Dominion In
it:•t . ek 1P Isour tan 1.,..,
• t Scale: fired *reading slut
ti,at A. elelsttn. Limited have de-
ceitful cl 'that it will- 1.5) necess lrr ill
iuture l publish the Canadian
`s, sl ape1• Directory annually in-
stiad cl'Venni:lly Os before, This
nlad:en Newspatee Dlreet1)'y
gives full pee t'enl;us pf practically
,• r 11)11 !,cat,.)n in Canada caul is
int roe l as a guide to o.dveltisels,
Lt ii1 papers F t. i.6 lied l'SUIYECi .tie
their 1 ui
e 1 1 aments,
The werk before us Is 110W host
,)mpl ehenstl e, .and gives the pun-
Wieilon of el e:y newspaper in the
Dominion, I t all it describes 1,5Se
put 194. 99s issued in °amide1 .acid
enf-ut ?lax! ofeitreoe. • 1a2, ure
Ea'! ys, 1,281 •t ekly or semi-weekly
233 montblys and 23 puhlisheti "0,1,
This issue also contains' a list of
principal British publications which
will boofmuch value teithe many
Canadian. Firms nuts advertising fir
the old COlintry,-
The; firni of A.'MeKim United
„•hl ate easily theleaders in the
Ad, errtising Agency Rosiness in
Canada ar5(110 be congratulated up-
on the, splendid -service rendered
hath to publisher and advertiser
'through this very coniplege Di-
"•'ctOl'y, The price of the work d -e
livered—anywhere is $2 ..00 jeer
copy. 6: 1
I)rtnking at Meals.
,MRs. Ell, Borne., Nokomis, Sask,,
writes;—"I had been troubled with
weal: back and kidneys. I had terrible
dizzy headaches, and could not sleep at
night., In this I way suffered for ten
Years, until I read about Dome's KtD^TZY
Pn,i,s. T purchased two boxes, and as they
helped Ice, I sent for two tnore, and they
Put me on my feet, and I have been able
to work ever since," '
1+or Backache,
I.anie Beek, Weak
Back, or any other leeduey 'freebie, Mere
10 no remedy t0 equal Deee'e X-19054.'
They have been on the market for 20
years and therefore must be a staple
Pt'ice 50 cents per bol:, 3 boxes fe-
1 $1.25.
)rl$1.25: Olay be o lt:nivel at alldealers
or mance direct el i c pt •' eriee
The T. Milburn Co,, Limited, Tete: su,.
L. When ordering (erect :in,:t.-1 "Pei:> , '
We used thobe. told that drinking;
much wafter at the meal time was
very . had for the health though
probablysome, of us persisted in
fth et habit 11otwithstalyding the
warning. .Etat 1904.0 we arestloegly
advised !go continue it or if we have
molt followed it to clo so tat onclo.
A professor .inelle university of
Illinois has been parrying on an
cl:ab•oraft,s series of experiments
, alta st ud� is and h has fount!
v 1 L eat a to
that drinking at all heals is a go'eat
help to digestion, increasing the
aostnv'ativo pue-er to such 911 ex-
Itent as to makes a noticeabIE ir11-.
nr;oVC movie in the general, health of
the studlents experimented with.
Ch maximum amount of'wate,' to
he taken at each meal bethinks t;?
be 't' coterie but niesrly this amount
can he(tal;le) with advantage by
most peonl0 The only 114.at'nrng he
Fives is that theflolod should be
c:arefu•lly 'chleeved'and swallowed,
and not washed clown with wader,
Body of Victor Plant being borne to grave._ Re was a troy Scout m'a'rtin tell over
Scarboro t lift'!, Toronto,
New Commandments
;, Tlr1u shalt' not suffer the voice T• fE, WESTERN PAIR.
a ,
pride to overccome thee, and if I SEPTEMBER 5,th to lath,
olt'r towns eti1Ce thee ;hearken
11 . I
not unto them fur thou mare ,t be
1. Thou shalt not o away from ci. 1 0 vt'ci. i
horns to do thytrading thou nor n 04 91 shalt not h ar lobe wit- '
sons nilrthy daughters. I nese against the t''jsV11 wherem 1,1011
(twit1 e,t. butspeak well :of it to all
2 Thotushll:t latronlz:r thine
own merchants, also the !printer, men.
and they shall patronfz!e thee. 10 Tnou 01101.t conte to us ,when
you wank' L p -to -Hitt - i-rinting and
wr wed. ;,rile it to you at reason -
a',1 e price a
3 Thou 51991.1 not asst fol' Media -
as g'ooda cost nude honey and the
merchant's heart is wearied with
bills. 'fhrlce. Missed. 10-0. man who
pays cash.
4 Thou shatht employ thine. own
that is
mecilamc andc,rn51c1•e.� him t a
thy • net hh nO' ruin e, them - that
us etie th in as strange !even.
.5 Thru S1talit nclt aslc for !re •
rluced throes tier thy inf uc,nce,for
be1i iri guile it in shy heart.and a
n:reilan1 !,carol.! it Lite anlo'lletl
e riom rl a1;1 do whatOte.r lieth
in thy; power le encourage awl..
p1' snot: !l e woliari, of thy town
thine ;own I e dile.
1 7 Thu .la't Spend my ieerninge
at heme. that t; ey may return
'frons win 41(0:1111' 9' 4.911)0'.
The Best Corrective
and preventive of the numerous
ailments caused by defective
or irregular action of the or-
gans of digestion—as found
in the safe, speedy, certain
and time -tested home remedy
Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25 cents.
zsunS10161ss1=1ti;e, :11 tm9'5/13 r.•>2�.uT'<:ora:..=+.:..,,,,1flvar1911rr•'a,^...Z0ia'r-vrr+r za
ori thou t
a doubt
find this out
in all
your travels
round about
the bread that's
best with any
is just the ono
and only real
better bread
could not be
—that's what you'll
say when you have
tried this crispy,
Mother's Bread
Phone No. i
and have it
delivered to your
house every day.
n k�111 tIlB.
Money -in Economy
[Classlged- Want 'Arm: aro an,
,economical and effective teethed'
of reaching' the buying public}
Their ,amali'cost . Is not an If .1
pen.se, but an investment which,
will return large„ dividends.'
'"(,r1r.�w't•wfMa'�1''�V'�nfC��";�,'di1�j1 e: ,n!!"�.��:1
The management of the Western
Far Loritlirn, Ont l'i), will prise:at
a programme of a.tlreetions this
year that will comet eed itself to
all right thinking people. While
l ,.erring alae from the' tensatloi,ai
th pr;"gramme wilt provide all
1 Indy or amusement and education
al ft atm ee. There well be sumo
thing tOts eryhp ly, with coast(. I.y
a.a1 Bands at every pcl'flarltme
' 11e'c' will 10-• th , sot!.:l
e ,t, daily whi'h ,,':i+ pi° if. Die
let 1 1'
. talon e f )l ih d.', i ,..
l r 1
m e. or SaeC.) Va 110 crn
Fa:r. More mono... has 1 t n cr-
propriat d for Fireworks o id' ever
than rem. lettere. and there 1, no
doubt results avid justify 91:e ee-
1,. nil. e. '1"hE prick for the
14111)1 , ttnc1 3V:1I b; the sante as
01,iiat, ,n 31and:t; adt.'noeu lie
Farm for Sale.
j A desirable 100 -acre farm for
sale, being Lot 2.1, Con, b, Mullett.
Good frame house and kitchen:
bank barn 56x66, 3 miles from Clin-
ton, 3-4 milek from school. The, farm
is well fenced, well uncierdratned,
and in good state of cultivation.
Plenty of spring water. Possession
given to suit' purchaser. For fur-
ther particulars apply to
Clinton, P.O.
Phone 4 on' 165.
Slabs For Sale
11 inches long. Hardwood,
12 inches Long, Body Woocl.
0_ --
We can fill all orders for
tional Portland Cement at one
call. ,or phone.
,Y. J T
fl. ii. 11. BROWN
Os tcopath is physician.
Is opening a branch office at. Clinton
at the Hotel Normandie, on Tuesday,
from 7 p. m. 0911110,30.
Fxf l'ni to Rent
Lot 24, concession 1, Stanley. Easy
terms, immediate possession, apply to
Star Building, Toronto
Yards Opposite G. T.D. Station
All kinds ot.Coalon,hantd—
Chestnut Solt Coal
Move Blacksmith
Furnace Coke
Kennel Goa. and Wood
Tile -21,' 3 acid 4 -inch size—'
The Tile is 01 the very best
Brick to Order.
Phone 5N.
but is promptly relieved
by the medical nourishment in
Scott's Emulsion which
is not a nerve -quieter, but nature's
greatest nerve -builder, without
alcohol or opiate.
Scott & Down., Toronto, Out. 13-25
anti the remainder of -the week cov-
ered stand 25c.,, with areserveel.
section 50e., open stand ° 9:5c: The
programme will be given (twice.
l?rogl,ammes, price lista, entry
ferns and information of all, lciind
regardilig l he Exhibition will be
given on application to the Sec-
retary, A. M. Hunt. room 302 Do-
niihilon 'Savings Building, London
31st, 1.913.
O'RIIRLES 8, 1411L13
Conneyance, . Notary Public,
Commissioner, etc.
Issuer of Marriage Licensee,
Huronj$t., Clinton,
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
Financial and Real Estate.
INSTJRANOE',AGENT—nepresenoing 14 Fire:ta
alliance 00inpitnieo..
Division Court Office.
P9ysioian, Surgeon, Eta
special attention given to diseases of the
Eye, Ear, Throat.. and Nose.
Eyes carefully examined, and suitable gimes
,. l - prescribed.
On(c{arll0i. omee and Residence.
Two doors west of the Commercial not,si
Huron St..
Money Wanted,
I have several inquiries for loans
of various amounts -and will be
pleased to find investments for
funds on, mortgages.
Farm for Sale
A desirable 80 acre farm for sale
Good frame house; a parlor, dining
room, snmmner kitchen and wood
sated. A bank barb with cement
floors, pig pen with cement floor,
and troughs, and drive shed, well
drained, all seeded but about 22
acres, everything in good shape,
Some of the money may belied at
a low rate of interest, will sell with
or without crop. Apply to
P1. HESIC, 1,onclesboro,
or on the premises, lot 17; con. 8,
A man of good address and abil-
ity to act as our representative in
the County of Huron. A splendid
opening for the right elan, For
full particulars write
Nurserymen, Toronto, Ont
To The Fanners
Insure roar Horses and cattle a-
gainst death by accident or disease.
All valuable live stock, is being
protected in this manner. Reason-
able rates and quick settlements,
Call and see. C. 33. HALe.
Residence Phone No, 100; Office No.2
Windstorm insurance
The ('nn -0111 Weather Tnsuranae Co.
will hemit all buildings against dam-
age done by windstorms, lunderate
rates. No premium note.
District Agent Clinton
i,s�rlaa Forlale
A first class farm, consisting of
15 acres, on eon. 12, part lot 34, Mul-
lett township, Smiles from Londes-
boro, and 5 miles from Blyth 11-2
miles from School. A bank 1'i ern 36
by 66, another barn 38x52, drive
shed 244040. A brick house, plenty
of water, about anr; here of or-
chard, Possession can be given
right after harvest, Apply to
!Birth, P. ,,'O.
Farm torr Sale;
The executor of the Southcombe
Estate offell's for sale 50 acres —
East half of lot 28. con. 0, Mullett.
A first-class farm, well watered
and improved, and with good
buildings, Also the undersigned --
offlrrsf for sale lot 291 con 8 Hull -
Dr, W Bunn, L. it. C. P.. L. B. C. S.. Ma
Dr. d. (I. Gaudier. D.A. il,10.
Office—Ontario Street, Clinton.
Night dells at resfdenoe, Rattenbnrr;tSt:
or at hospital
DR. ,J. W. SHAW.
ocourheur, ate., Mike and resldenee on
tenhury St., opposite W. Farran's residence.
Crown. and' Bridge Work a^Specialty;"
Graduate of 0.0.D.S..,' Chicago, and R.0,ID01
Dayl9cld ort7Hondays, Slav 155 to Decent
Offices over O'NEIL'S store,
'Special care taken to make dental treat.
mantas painless es possible,
Live stock and general Auction lo”
Bus al stoop- sales a epecnnta2, (heats 10' of
NEW ERA office, Clinton, potmawy atisoOrS
to. -Terms reasonable. Farmers' se:1e note
G. D. McTaggart1.19" D. MoTaggae
Mc:Taggart ",. r& ,
General Banking IBealltens
Drafts issued. Interest allowed act
The McKillop Mutual
Fire ilisn;w ante
Parra and isoiote1 Town Preps
arty Only Imsurai.
J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth,
J (Connolly, Vice -Fres., Goderteh.
T. E. Hays, Sec.-Treas., Seaforttll.
Jas, Connelly, I3cinlesville, John,
Watt, l:•tarlock' G. Dale Clinton; D.
F. McGregor, Seafortb , J. Evans,
Eeechwood; J,G, Grieve, Winthrop
J Benneweis, Brodhagen; M. Me-'
llwan, Clinton.
Bach Director is Inspector of
losses ill his own district.
Bobt Smith, Harlock; Ed. Hind,-
inchley, Seaforth; Wm, Chesney, Rg-
mondvillo; W. W. Yeo, •Eolmesville,
Payments may be ,made at The
Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton, or
R. H. Cutt, Goderich.
•ett, 100 acres. These farms may be
bought together or separately"
Clinton. ,
Ford & McLeod
We're now selling Timothy Seed
We also hve on hand, Alfalfa,
Alsike, and Red Clover.
We always have on hand —Goose
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn
Highest Market Prices paid for Hay
and all Grains.
Ford & c d
See and here our finest
•a New Stylish designs. of
Doherty Pianos and
.speeitti vaalnin Art
Pianos and organs rent
ed, choice new Edison
phonographs, Music
variety goods.
'47 MUSIC I lii)ol'ium
C. Hoare
Fire, Life and Accident
Real estate buugllt and sold
Money to loan
Office Tssac Street, nest door to New
Grand Trunk Railway System
Railway Time Table
London, Huron and Bruce.
North Passenger
London, depart 8;80 am 4.50 p ltt
Centralia 9.40 5.43
Exeter........,..,8.63 5.54
Rensall 10.08 '33,05
Kippen.....,,•10.16 6.11
Brucefield 10.30 6.10
Clinton • 11.00 6,86
Londesboro,11.18 6.52
Blyth 11.27 7.00
Belgrave 11.40 1.13
Wingham,-arrive..: 11.50 7.85
South Passenge
Wingham, depart6.48 a m 8.83 p ni
Belgrave 6,64 8.44
Blyth 7,08 3.56
Londeeboro7.16 4.04
Clinton,7,50 4.23
Brucefield 8.12 4.39
Kippen . 8.23 4.47
Rensall 8.82 4.52
Exeter 8.48 5.05
Centralia,— .9.00 5,15
London, arrive 10.00 6.111
Buffalo and hods
Wes' Passenger
am pm pin pnn,
Stratford. .10.00 1.2.20 5.25+ 10.20
klitellell 10 22 12.45 5.55 10.47
Seaforth.. ..... .10.45 1.10 6.18 11.12
Clinton 11,07 1.26 6.40 11.28
Iiolmesailie 1116 7,3,4 64:6 11,38
Godericb 11-35 1.50 7.05 .11,55
East 1 a esenger
a m) nl.
Goderich 7.30 2.40' 44. m.50
Holmesville 7,26 2.57 5.06
Clinton....:... 7,35 8,07 5.15
Seatorth 7,52 3,26 5.32
Mitchell .. . ..... 8.16 8,48 555
Stratford 5.40 415 6 20
Dr. de 'Vat's FelmaTe Pills
' A reliable French regulator; never fails. Thesis
pills are exceedingly powerful' in regolatitie the
generative portion of the female system. Refuse
all cheap imitations, Dr. de Van's are sold at
ThebBool or
Drug Oo., St.lCatharina O 5.