HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-07-31, Page 11865, Vol.48, No. 5 CLINTON ONTARIO T HURS( AY
Established .
To Satisfy f the Self -Interest of Man is the End of Successful Advertising.
JULY 31 1913
W. H. Xerr & Son, Editors and Publishers
THE Faculty
oyat Bapk " hams.
Of G A. Spence
Education 1 W: Spindler
Head Office, Montreal
Csp00al Authortzsd ...-115,0109010Capital` P,&-fP11,500,000
Reserve and undividedprofits • 12,510,000
TOTAL ASSETS ......176,000;000
With world wide ..eoi mect1O .
Interest allowed =Deposits
General (nankin ,husitaees trate-
Holiday Time---
lme-Kodal[ Time
Take a Kodak with you
Everything few kodalsery• at
our store, and prompt de-
veloping and printing.
Toronto, July 23. -The following
List Contains the names of Huron
Cloun(ty candidates who have, pass-
ed in one or more parte of thenp-
per schlool ;examination for entrap
co lute the flaeulties of education
;at the University of '•Toronto and,
Queen's (University, Kingsttopli.
Theiexlaminalti(on passed ie indicat-
ed latter each name,
C.M. •Clarke
V. B. Durnin
E. D. Fergusson
G. 'Freebo'rn
G. W. Geddes
J. Gillespie, honors
M. B. 'Hlabkirk
J, !C, Jordan.
A. F. King, honors.
M.A. Knight
E. W. Link later
F. J. McKay
J. B. Medd
F. A. RIoss
E.H. Sce tt
E, M. Somerville
Fall Term Opens Sept. 2nd
Stands to -day without a super -
Dispensing Chemist. ion' in Canada.
Graduates highly successful..
Catalogue Free.
The Mo1sos Ban
J. H. iWla(tt, honors
M, .Bisset e
W. P. Buchanan
A. C. Dickinson
N.I. ntry
V. J. McLaughlin
G. Muir
P. Muir
N. M. Nicholls
J. M. Pfeffer
W.F. Scott
F.M." Spence
I ai. Thomson
M. I Tam
G. I, 'Warnock
J. E. Windsor
Premier Borden Will
Holiday in Muskoka.
Golfing and Boating Free From
Political Care for Ten
Incorporated 1655 Established in Clinton 1879
Interest allowed at highest current rate.'
on sums of $andnts
we date of deposit
C E. DOW DING. Manager Clinton Branch..
Premier Borden will take a ten clay
holiday in Muskoka next month before
coming to Toronto to open the Can-
adian National Exhibition. He will
probably go there about the middle of
Use The New Era to be Successful
Judge Doyle Reduces Hotel AssessmentI DITOI IAS
Aug. He will stay at the Royal Mus-
koka. He wi11 endeavour to take a
complete holiday from the cares of
State and will spending most of his
time fishing anct golfing. No politi-
cal importance is attached to the visit
he those who are in a position to
'1440.44440...... 4.4•eeeo•m'®0' 4,44o444.9♦6.9040444,e+44e4,•••
- -
♦ d F 1
♦ ClothingClothinga
• 4
z Special• c nnp�u •• )
a fir-learance ae •
2 Men's and Boy's Clothing, Furnishings, •Y
• Mats, Caps, Etc. 2
•• 14 Days Saturday, July 19, to Saturday, Aug. 2
Owing to the backward season we find our stock
of Summer Goods too heavy.
We Positive y Refuse to carry any gar-
ments over into next season. We will not diviate
from our policy of selling every garment in the sea-
son for which it was bought.
Space will not permit giving a full list of prices
See bills for particulars.
Patrons who have bought clothing at our Semi.
Sales will start for our store immediately
upon reading our '`ad." We promise you Special
1 argaifS during this sale.
Sale starts Saturday, July i9th
and ends Saturday, Aug. 2nd.
R .-
s .,..,-...,......
♦ ;
Clothing r
A Square Deal tor Every Mean
00•♦••••••••••40m••O.+040..4440..•♦•0004••!0••♦♦♦4b•• 9
C, C, I, Pror
Perm It
form 1[
Clifford 1 atom C.Cantelon, IL
On Wednesday morning of this week Town Clerk
D. L. McPhereon, received word from Judge Doyle
that the town lost their assessment appeal and are
stuck for the costs of same.
With the license tee gone and the reduction
the ratepayers will have another two mills added.
Following is a summary in figures of the Judge's
J. J. McCaughey -
Hotel $3,500
Stable and shed 700
Rink 0,o0o
Business 1,300
Joe Rattenbur'y
Hotel 5,500 }
Stable 700
Business 1,560
J. E. Reinhardt -
Hotel 2,5oo
Business 600
Total $17,360
Reduction $9,560
Friday loflthis week will be our
Civic 'Holiday.
Land, values are likely to advance
in Buren Co. They have been too
tow for many a day.
Crop reporits from the (West as
well las from thle, East .speak very
hopefully of the outlook. Ontario
will keep up its regord.
Business will be good (this com-
ing Pail if you patronize the New
Rra advertising Columns. Well
guarantee this to be so.
A cigarette stub started afire in.
Bingbantptlon, N.Y., 4 story cloth-
ing flac(tory that caused the death
of over 50 people. The "coffin nail'
ge(ts there with deadly !precision
whether retail for wholesaler
If 'people 'pe!oplle will not heedi the many
warnings and' are bound to step on
$3,15'00 i and loll moving .trains •they should
prove up 'th-le:.r age on their life
insurance policies and (thereby
eauset Bess trouble to their heirs.
lEamillbcn city is progressing fam-
ously and with its "rhubarbs" is
said Ihohave+ _ 100,000 people. Its
3,500 growth for a good many years has
shown steady increase. The Am-
bitious city will out -rival .a good
Soo many lof i'ts competitors.
Clinton Men Injured ravimmiwineh
32; Local News
When Lar DverturnsAiiMkRAF�D
Derailment at Lucan CrossingiTi11f PIANO FACTORY. i
Causes a Scare for a Time
Some information about this, tui
most ie.XteilSive of our manufaC-
Aurics 'will be of present intereet
to our readers. while from neigh-
Llnndon, Huron and Pruce train boring t+ilti13 come reports of
No, 32, was derailed at a point al- • eanstug down y short lame, the
most. immed;ate1y beneath the St. Daheuty Piano Company continue
Mary's -Sarnia track at t1.3t1 o'clorlc,ttlakeep (their complete staff en-
m •1Cl Ll'C a\ aling ll.h(.11.6iC6V e5
on Saturday morning by a spread' i )1 tht• act rices of all s �l c me-
ra'I ata switch, causing the. bag-Ichanies applying Sum i10 men
gag: car in which over a dozen are now employed in the various
d, psilument•.s. Mr.1 tuff thei epi+r-
men were riding to turn comple.t- I a rvinnagcl receiritly t isitrd the
c d
a i, I(
v .' and Lt 1
.11 ('
� t'Ul
v c stern 'Branches u1c
' 1 section 1
I`ll nl
ely over. o I where t110
d ba d az 1 11 d
9 ssi ll9
li )L
exhibition t]
, ((-have
Winnipeg' 1
9.tn i
' t at t + S't'C'
living It t(n 1
_ luau al r
{� 17 115n
v )an
had th
jr { y
7 C.'n
F.number' �
li a11111.4 � � 5.
W. Crich, 1,with all. h(
Cant.lgll \, , I w'as proceeding e�lubit' Prospects in t
C.1ok, E. Carter, L. Churchill, fL, others l e Hyde Park was the most 1
sslunw, c. 1 g 3'
• n the
•.J. doorway f
Edwards, J. Forrest, A.i.ilctzrc:'l• tiu�0ugh the dn.nl ay (helve rrcon!tly sacurod t:h: services
GIa'nger, L. Hanley, 0.Johnsto'ne. 1 e ei pinned between the
4i i l \T 1'Rohl on' oft,i
E. Kaiser, II Kitty, 11 Lansing K. L c n Ctossin" atatlon and th up must rababi_ and
a cxcrl100l1 and pians have bran
••ed far .w ox,Ccnsivc Gail
Churchill, P. Cunningham, F. sceeeetely injured being throw, I Allan(
o' '10 001 n. he 0..1111.11
. [ + of t' 1•. lilt nl
a versatile Piano
M.e(*regor, E. McAllister, 11. Buller, turned car. 1}.e (was .extricated `+uporintondente }m America, After
_1.Nc(ligar, F. Pentiibakez, A. s ;r\•i11g 1.2 years apprenticeship
from his position by olhcr men with tire tLester P,arn Cot of
.Pcttrio, F. Reynolds, 11. Rowden, L.
Sanderson, A. Shanahan, 14. Sllrele',
J. Sinclair, D. Shipley, 1)1.'Smillie,
II. St.:w art. N. Sparks, 1, Thompson,
Townshend, G, Wallis, 0`, \Vhit-
more, J. Wylie.
Form lite form lII.-
v 0. Beacom, V . Carbert,
♦ I S. Ague\
Milton Cook, 1Vlan.da Cook, 0. Cole,
W, Caldwell, 'M.Davidson, A. Dewar
M, Elliott, V, Evans, K. Govier,' G.
Hearn, S Henry, A. Share,
� � V.Hera Y
:audio, 2n
• H. Holmes, O. Harare, 0. McGill, E.
10 • Manning, C. McCool., J, Middleton
• M. Mc:Llaggar[t, P, Moffat, W. Nel-
son, P Potter, J. Roberton, R.
Rennie, (H. Radavvay, J. Smith, S.
• Smillie, J, Smillie, 'H. Shlaw, F.
ZThompson, E. Wasnuan, E. Wise.
• Commercial. Diploma (Arithmetic
• to betaken before d'iplom'a Isis-
• sued). -I. Coillins, J. Morris.
• Prizes,
♦ Special merit-dlonated by Rev, C.
♦ E.Jerkins ;-Miss K.MctGreglor.
• ' Proficiency-Forlll-donlated by
♦ Mr. W. 1Bryd!one :-Mr. J. E. Wind -
• Proficiency FermIIl-donated by
W D. Pair :-Mr. E. Gray.
• Proficiency Formil-donated by
Mr. J. W.' Treleaven :-Miss E.
Manning, •
• Mr, R E. Manning :Mr. A. Petrie.
2Commercial. Medal -donated by
• Mr. 0, L. Dowding :-Award not yet
• determined,
• ' Speci�al;'prizes fior proficiency in
• writing, 'dlonated by Messrs, M. D.
McTaggart and Dr, Shaw : •
Fo,rmr I -E, Sanderson,. P. Cun-
• ningham, Jas. Wylie, D. Shipley, E.
• Kaiser.
• •Form II -M. Elliott, B. Mlanning,
• J. Middleton, 1. Roberton, J. Morris.
• ' 1D(oin'It• beat chump. Give( your
trade to the merchants who ]seep.
• store tine year around. Buy of the
• men whlo, stands bw your sidle at the
2 ;Gas e!olilector's counter., Buy of the
• nen 'who is your neighbour, your
r ' of
d ,�n
' friend, e -your 3
' 'Gane f
® 'ac Y
'` itl,e man who is a tactor in tl,e o
p _ yon live in who hlei4ps !t0 )0)11lre
Wa market hor the,' things you have
• bo sell. :Buy •of the home merch-
2. ants that ant ertisiers .10 the news-
papers. 1, . t
and after treatment by Dr. Iiamil-
ton CIantieboye who had rushed
to the scene by motor car was
able te bo taken home anti
will re-
Others members of the gang in
1111 baggage car who were bruised
and cut and whin required medi-
call attention were henry i;agly
and William _Moore, of 'Clinton;
\\Til1':laiu Shone and Jack Tapp of
Henslall; Harry Brown, of Clinton
R. Slander's, of Extee; Arthur Brook
'of Centralia; Thomas Boyce, of
Chandeb;oye and others.
First reports of the accident
mlacle it appear that it was much
more serious than it proved to be
and aspeclot train was hurriedly
made up here and with physician
aboard was .rushed to 'the scene.
The suxil,liar'y followed later and
had the track cleared by evening.
The injured men were '1)001(ed 'at -
ter tat the wreck by Drs. Becher,,
London ; C.C. Boss, 'Hyde Park ; ; ;
Miller, of Denfield and Hamilton
of IChandeboye. The train was' in
charge of a Winghaln crew compos
and of Harry Fixture, Conductor W
J Weans Brakeman J. Rogers and;
Baggageman iVildiam Sneath. " !
The passengers were transferred
to la special, train under Superin
tendent Davidson and Peached' Lon
tdon shortly after '1 o'clock in the
• Mr.
• Proficiency Form I -donated by
Peasurea are
Better Enjoyed
If You Have'a
We hlav}e them at all prices
Bnowniee $2.00 !to 512.00
Kodlaks up Ito . 520.00
We will show you how to
dev(ealolp and prin(t your own
pictures. •
A. co'mplc(tie stock of East -
elan Ko aks,
Films, and Supplies always
on hand
W.S.R. Holmes
14 ;touring Scottish visitors say
of Canada ;-"It is a great country tri
every way and there are many
things we can Learn from the peo-
ple here but there (are also some
things in which we�aoe in advance
of your people. It is a glorious
Summer yiou have here."
Guelph hictiellkoepers are band-
ing eogeth.er to "cut out" the hab-
itual •drunker and are preparing a
list of the old topers to be handed
each hotel, Upwards of two dozen
aro said to l e omit. Few hotels
fancy "old bums," as they are call-
ed, for wall 001110r's. The raw lrlat-
erial' is counted better than the
finished 'product.
The revision of the Ontario Stat-
utes is soon to bee completed and
presented to the public. It's been
a tong dragged out and very ex-
pansive job. If the members of the
special Committee are as slow
bout their own business as they.
• this
;over were01
to earn hustling keep P
!'hem 1 g
their o
rod e.
for b
Philadelphia Mr. Von Rah. spen't
some years in the regulating de-
1`aritm.ent int Mason and 11am1.111,
Boston, lSIass then was Sep e. in-
tandent successively of thel:all0y
P10013, Oo. New York, The
:Brinkerhoff Piano Co., Charlotte,
Michigan, and ,of the De Kleist
Musical Instrument 11ig Co, North
Tonawanda, N. Y. (makers of Auto-
matic). He. alsto holds a.financial
interest in the IHarw;ood and Von
Rohl Piano Co., Ringtowa, Penn.
Mr, Von Rohl comes to Clinton from
Marion .Ohio 'where he has been
Su'pr.'rinitendent of the Ackerman &
Lotwe Piano Co. Mr. Von Rohl. has
evade several important inventions
and 113 a veritable acquisition to the
Doherty Staff where the extensive
and varied Inciof Player and other
pneumatic instruments supplenlen
,Gary to the regular 'extensive line
,of Pianos calls for Ithe thorough
and skillful supervis}.on of an ex-
perienced master mechanic, The
Doherty Piano Company's Pavilion
in the Manufacturers' Building at
,the Toronto Exhibition Grounds
has been la(tely remlodelted and a
beautiful. line of Doherty Pianos
will be show, n. Our readers are
cordially invited to visit this ex-
Poor old '1 Rilev had 'better keep
its ..,ands Off Pulgarie. orlt may
have its wings plucked worse. than
they were. The Bulgarians lg,arians are
sorry enough, we guess, that they
did not tear e well enough aliunea
few months. 'll,e fellow \olio is
booking for trouble• re"doln has to
hunt hong for it whetter in Tur-
key Or Canada. Let us be wise and
heed the Lesson.
The July issue 'attire Good House
keeping Magazine contains awarn-
ing lagauns(t buying so-called bolts
,of linen from house -Ito -house ean-
v as s•.rs. These people, ,are a'mosit
invariably fsrnrelgles. suet. have
sorra smooth ,story to tell as to how
they came, in possession of the
goods and why they elle ,o'il•ling
Mot pert with the sanve;,nt half 'their
su,pposeCll value. If you bury you
will he stung-fior they are eleVer
rascals, and when they cut teff
samples fl• youto try
are ab
by plkaming••, to substitui a 1len:l ,lin-
en sample 1leflor'e your eyes. \'<then
gsliuse . he goods ' oufind visitors you 'got() bought
t g Y- Shenk. for the vl
' I] 3
r cotton t Alf
t a P
o g
3'. fie
' ih
slGeiad`loftitae..lineni � � 3'
Do not spoil your fruit this
year Dei lack of Sugar, as
we are selling Redpa(th•s
Extra Granulated
100 pounds for
20 pounds for
This is 75 cents Gess per
100 'less than. 'last year -so
much f!or the Tory Govern-
Phone 48
soiled linen it would not he so bac.
but, No ! Sir, nothing but the pick
,of'tiie best will do them. We sup-
pose they say "(he lines have fal-
len train ns in ll,f(gasant places,,
but if caught t]rl ,e nlidniget snal-
chers would not 1 e disposed to coe-
t1nu.e• the quotation, "WO have a
goodly heritage."
Wel hove heard people talk about •
'1^ nil ik in Lhe cocoanut" but un -
111 lately w•e had nit anon visible
'Videnee bet it crimes to hand now,
".. . f nllik
d o 1
' instead it 111 1
5 I. a
only .
Lc c
Joseph Fry, y, of Old London, the
mill;alrl,i:, 0111') 101111e his morley
in manufacturing eacoa, barn to
die the :arae as poor people and
could net talc.' a dollar of his °$,'5,-
100.000 'along width }lieu, s(1 willed it
temlittlearmy of nephews and
011(01, 37 in all, each receiving the
tidy stmt of 513,000, toner 5730,000
had Leen devoted to charity. 00-
clr J,,le was surely a"brick" and
311011l,d be 11e'.(1 in everlasting re-
membrance by the (three dozen
direct beneficiaries and their long
of heirs.
With 1110 multiplication of motor
cars, and motor cycles on the high-
ways it would be good policy for
equine drivers iohave a care as to
the proper handling of the reins.
Sometimes if the first 'attempt to
get away by a home ,or team is
nipped in the bud the danger spot
is past inn all time. A totalling up
of even a week's record of accidents
of this kind would surprise :people
wheare dubious,
Don't be afraid to have an opin-
ion of your own and also to express
i(tif you so desire, A man has
brains and the power of speech for
;that purpose and should occasion
ally be apathfind!eir instead of
always being a follower. That's
(the. way to,grow and dleveh0p.' Of
GAME. cour50 good judgment should be
;taken into the count and an open
ear (tlarleceive counsel and advice
. is not a bad sign of ,acumen,
A slomewhatt piturIOellue man pass
ed away net Prescott; Arizona, last
week when "Jim" Clonmee, .of Poet
Arthur died. He had been an,M. P.
P end an 401. P., and was quite a
hustler in politics as in -almostof.
everything else
be to01:k hold
ei e.y a
Mr,'Connir�e was born .at Sydenham
Ont., in 18.10 and had been in'piioor
health Dor several years. Mrs,
Con121c,e's parental home was at
was wealthy,
f •d. D
asecl �. (
Lea .or
Almost ler,e,ry locality( has troub-
les ,tot ilts own 'and often little sym-
pathy id' extended by the neigh
bit-. have
•s Grtc
bon,. p
tee •drlaughts to drink because
he a good sneak thieves (yob the cletars
• lines talt nights., If they took the
The Reliability of
Advertised Articles
A plan who is an authority on
advertising said recently: "You
may have a business without
advertising, but you can't have
advertising abusiness."
Just think of the Lull signifi-
cance ,of that statement to'the
newspaper reader.
It means that when you see
any man advertising regularly
in the better newspapers he
must 1,iave something real and
genuine t•o.advertise; that he
has merchandise of such quality
that it meets the needs of his
customers, and that he is so
sure et the desirability of What
helms to offer that he is will-
ing to spend realmoney to tell
People ,about it. He knows that
money spent in advertising is
well spent, because he is sureof
his 'product that his chief pro-
blem in selling is toletlevery-
tone'know wheat he has to sell.
Knowing this, canyon afford
to lot this valuable information`
tottered you by the news -
Vetoers slip by you through your .
lon'u negligence? Do you 1101
Lowe it to yourself to keep up
to the minute by reading neigu-
g l5 of
O Il 11 a
i"., 1 ( l u
lia"ly the a(l\ el 1 11
good publiea ion"1 !ill The New
Era? •