The Clinton New Era, 1913-07-10, Page 8Ie and lane�
riIsois. Less
ATURDAY we clear out the.balance of our F•ancy Parasols.
,;.:. Now.that the .season is just starting this will be a.°good
opportunity to get a nice new sun shade less. than cost
>< and $1.25 Fancy Parasols 75
About two dozen in all, Ladies Fancy: Summer Pal;asols, crooked and
straight ht wooden handles., .Mercerized tops s in all theo' ular shades,
also white, regular $1 and $1 25, Saturday ..... ..... ....::... . ....:::.,. 75c
and 'z2 .Fane �' Parasols 1.2 '
Via $,5 Y $ 5
Ladies fancy top mercerized and silk' mix;'; Parasols, : in all the,
shades, wood handles, regular $2 and .$'2,.25, Saturday special.; .-$I,25
Two Specials is Wh1IWCV
for SilI.uIMIIg.
be White Cotton Drawers 36c
,Three dozen Ladies Fine White Cotton Drawers (open only)'em•.
"' liroibery trimmed, all sizes, regular 50c
Special: for Saturday 36c
a'b White Underskirts 75c
,:::Two dozen Ladies Fine White Cotton Underskirts, daintily trimmed
.r'c with embroidery, all sizes,'regular $1.00
Special for Saturday 75c
I,'st 1l c:> commenced another
year" in (the life of the Nets Era,
'1 ei.a •e: rilei w in volume forty-eight.
There are. many lof our' readers who
a'a, ,:arrenrs and we would he
glad Ito have a prompt a,enewal
from them, It takes money to run
the paper and your help wiIIbeap
recialited, The New Era was es-
tablished July 6, 1865, by the late
E,•Rolmes, held is therefore 48
ydars of age: Prior to its establish_
men(t there had been twirl papers
in Clinton, the Courier and True
• Briton, but both hied' cetasled pub-
halation, and for a time thle New
Era had a struggle tor existence.
but by hard tviork and peeve vera.nee
it was placed on .a Prosperous bass's.
Agee be:ng in existence for some
years, it was sold to its mechanical
foreman, the; late Edward Grigg,
who e1 angedits name to The Mon-
itor, land' its politics to Conserva-
tive, but after six months' exist-
ence under his management. it re-
verted to its original owner. Later,
ift was sold to Mr. Robert Mat a,on
and again after being run by pith
(tame back to th,e .possession of E.
'E'olmeg , & Son. Mr, Sett Helve
aubseciteentIy became its epee owner
disposing of it to its present pro-
pri eft;ors.
Elsewhere the Menu for the Sun
day dinners at the Hotel Norman -
die, is Sound and the Proprietor
asks that if convenient, those who
wish to come would they kindly let
them know in advance if possible,
but to come anyway.
Have the Clinton New Era sent
to your summer address. Notify
the circulation department. giving
your old tis well as your new ad-
dress, and you will. receive your
paper promptly.
July 15-Wingham at Gioderich
July 24-Wingham at Kincardine
July 30 -Clinton at Kincardine
Aug. 4-Goderichf at Clinton.
Aug. 11 -Clinton ft 'Wingham.
Aug, 14 -Kincardine at Glodierich.
Aug. 21-Otoderieh at Wingham.
Aug. 28 -Kincardine at Wingham
Several changes were made in the
time table at the G.T.E. station
Going East -7.33 a.m,; 3.03 p,m.;
5.15 p. m.
Going West -11 a, m., 1,35 p.m. 6.32
p: m., and 11.28 p.m.
Going South -7.33 a.m. and leaves
tat 8,10 a.m.; '4.23.p.n .
Going North -10,25 and leaves at
11,a.m„ 6.35 p.m.
The " Good Old Summer Time"
Would be much more en?oyable to many were it
not for the ever present worry of something for dinner.
One of -Our Perfection OH Stoves in the kitchen
reduces this worry to a minimum. No heat, no dust, no
anxiety about_the cooking -,--just solid comfort -when
you come to. know how simple, durable, economical and
easily managedit is, you would scarcely care to be with-
out one. We have them in 2,, 3 and 4 burners.
3 second band Gasoline Stoves in good working order at.
a bargain, A few Lawn Mowers at reduced prices,
Big stock of Screen Doors and Windows, Hammocks
and Ice Cream Freezers, { We have added' to our
stock Beaver Board, Binder�Twine, Fire proof Safes,
A fine assortment of Cut Glass of the highest quality
and the lowest:price, We have the agency for the new
Vacum Washer, makes wash day a pleasure, only $2.50.'
Bnrgess Pure Paris Green
The ,Members offthe Women's In-
stitute: purpose holding their an-
nual pic-nic at Bayfieid .on Thurs-
day, .July 177th, 1913. Members
please meet at the following places
most conveni,.ent to their homes at
9.45 a.m., Mrs. Jas. Flynn, Mrs H.
Fitzsimmons. or Mrs. Ed, Munroe.
.A baseball. match will he played
on Recretation Park, Clinton' on
Friday July 11th at 6.15 when 71ur-
ich'wi4i cross brats' with thelocal
club. A good gauee is guaranteed
as tike visitors always •put up •a
first class game and the focal team
are now going strong. Everyone
is invited to, come,
The lecture to be given' by Adjutant
Geo. Smith in the S. A. Barracks on
Thursday, July 10th. is a very interest-
ing affair. The Adjutant who spent
over two years on the Island will de.
scribe and illustrate with the wild and
grand scenery catching seales on the
ice fields. The monster icebergs whal-
ing industry and cod fishery. Also
the wreck of the Titanic. Showing
the natural condition under which the
great ship sank the drawing by a pass.
eager at the time of the disaster. The
compiete wireless system will also be
shown. This promises to be a thrillimg
lecture, the lecturer taking many of
the pictures himself and has passed
through some of the unique experience
described. Commences at 8 p,m.
Summer ltesorts in
Highlands of Ontario
Muskoka Lakes •
Lake lof Bays,
lGelorgi�an Bay
Algonquin Park
'11agafieltalr an River
French .River
Ti =wean/
KKawar(tha Lakes
Full: summer service now in
effect total.], of the above resorts. R
Write for full particulars, and il-
lustrated tattlers to any Grand
Trunk agent. .
Bach Tuesday until Oct. 28 in-
Winnipeg and return "--.$35.00
Edm'oin(ton and retuitn ,-;- 43.00
Low rates to other .points.•Return
limit 'twlo months. Putlmlan Tour-
ist Sleepers (leave Toronto 1135 p.
in on above 'dates running through
its Winnipeg via Chicago and St
Paul without change Tickets, are
also on sale via Sarnia and'Nor'th-
ern Mavigatilee Company
The, Grand' Trunk Pacific Rail-
wiay lathe sl�lomtest and quickest
ablate 'between Winnipeg, Slaska-
t+oon land Edmonton
Tickets now on sal at all Grand
Trunk (ticket loifficels
paseengetr & ticket agent, phone 57
A. i0. PATTISON, Depot Agent
Unison Station, Toronto, Ont.
+►♦ot4►oRota�ooioo�s�tNooto�0000toottttr+�o�ofto t `
•"•Gast week Mr 0."W. Nott receiv A gibed' advertisement follows"'
cndr $1000+„fvrnm the Yorkshire In- the line, of human appeal which is
sutra ace Cla, for ibe loss of his vat-
by tray of the helot and mind.
ialaly hoaGe "The Vrkirig" Mi' ANOTHER: (AUTO OWNER,
Ja gob Taylor is the, 'local agent.- /
Mr'' A, Flo pee is the latest pur-..1,
OFREFUGE.chiaser bf an auto, ".Chis, �v.e,31e'
pttrch;aeud :Fiord run -a -hoist ancl':
Phe report of inspectov Bruce Smith is Sols, driving about the town,
contains.the follow,rng as to the cost of
the House: of Refuge in the ceutfes STANDING IN THE LEAGUE
named for,the :vete. 1012 Brant $7,897,• Ciiiifto ,' 2 0 1
16; Bruce '$4633.21; Elign86,041.16 Grey God�el•ich 1 , 0 1
113,14471Lambcon;55,980.56Lincoln $4 Winglttanl`" 0 1';''0
380.95 Middiesex�$9,374.69 Norfolk 84,.'Kincardine 0 1 . 0
640.51 Peel & Halton • 54,418.80 Perth
$4,575,20 'Waterloo $9;250.45 Simcoe ONTARIO STREET PICNIC.
$1,045.17 Welland 83:820.42 Welling The Ontario, Street Sunday'
ton $6,800 York 89,020, School held Rhea• picnic to Goder•-
GIVE BETTER; Si7PPOR,T on Tuesday, going up by .spe cal
The people of Clinton are not .accord
ing the local lacrosse team the patron
!train. •An _,enjoy: tee time wasi
spent by ail
age it deserves, While the boys are ;STREET' WATERING CAME II/GH,
Last month'•the cost of street
watering • a,mlaunled :to $77,25,, owing;
'to the, non-appearance' of rain The;
reef had a busy tima Of it drying to
keep the rsoads wet, ,
heels go round.. Clinton this year A FINE RAIN,
has a good bunch of players'who are
serving up a 'fine article of ball and Aft -r an.eeceeclingly hot morn -
they are worthy of all encouragement, . ing (the citizens;. were indeed •glad
Larger attendances are respectfully Ito se,e the leavy rainfall on Friday
paying,forthe .sport of. it, the public
overlooks the fact that • clubs, like elec
tions•ane';not run on prayers and' that
the caen register is as important at the
park gates as the Collection plate is at
a. church meeting to help make the
Saturday of this wee:: :will be. the
• 'Cut the a e, ds and add to the
tidy appearance of the streets. R Theannual tourney opensat
Summer visitors on the move.
Baseball. Friday evening, Zurich
vs. Clinft}on
Is it deet enough for you now?
Get ready ffor the twelfth.
Have you ordered your ante yet?
A new ceittar and a cement found-
iat:'an has b Ort put under thehouse
of Mrs, S.Kerr; • Vicftorial street.
The Hospital' is. being brightened
on th.e outside with a new coat of
afternoon and evening. It was
lush wheat the .eountry needed.
The pnagr:am for the. Western
Ontario Bowl ng Association is mow
aut. euros
London on"Molnday.' July 21, and
there are six imatches, Lour rinks
and two Scotch doubles. The La-
batt trophy is of course, the big
event, Entries must be in by
Thursday July 17,ito Secretary A.
The Wingham Times in reporting
the sports on Dominion Day makes
;the following reference to the base-
ball. game: -
The Provincial Board of Health is
waging insistent•warfare on the fly.
With the coming of the tourist season
and the exodus':to summer resorts,
hundredweights of circulars warning
'people ot the dangerous consequences
following the ignoring of these pests
are being issuer]. By co operation with
health authorities in every provincial
municipality an attempt is being made
to educate society in general out of
their indifferences. "Every vear fli's
kill more people in Ontario than are
killed by murders; lightening' storms,
cyclones, mad dogs, poisonous reptiles,
angry bulls and 'other vicious animals
combined," states Dr. J. W, S. McOul
lough, chief healtth' officer. Be points
out that the germs of all intestinal
to thrid base and Dick would
diseases, including typhoid fever,
strike lout the next two menand
dysentery, tuberculosis and smallpox
Irk the fit the take the thirdout
are carried daily about careless house If fth'at's'not pitching we don't 1rinoti
holds by the fly, very much about the game.
Clinton Lacrosse team proved
itsaif great mudgioers and defeated
Wingham on Friday night by a
score of 8-3. The whole game was
feurs. It ie stated that commening played' inithe ram and after the
the let of Jul specie/ constables will first quarter the grounds were in
July A a very slippery slate. 'Clinton
be sent out by .;the Department to scored' nitre: goals the first quart -
watch for chauffeurs and motorist gen e1, in quick play, The second quarlt-
erally violating the law aa to speed• er was played without a score be-
ing and ethers particular on country) e ads, In the third quarter r both
highways and what is very needful i Reams bent to it and the score was
special attention is to to given to 5-2, Savor of Clinton when tintewas
motorists travelling without proper oali d. The last Wingham
lights. County constables report that scored] one last
quarterte final scare
since electric lighting system has been 8-3. The Clinton boys !now lave a
installed in automobiles many city l giced' (,lad and tshould land ftlie'Dis
motorists on reaching limits fur. a Itiict as they have ]played all the
jaunt turn the switch and extinguish teams now in this district. Fol-
the lights then race over the highway (lowing was the fine up :-
motor numbers :cannot be detected, Winghlam.
The next event was a base -ball
match between Clinton and Wing -
ham. This was an extra good ex-
hibition of ball and until the sixth
innings the score stood at 1 to 1,
when on an overthrow by the
Wingham players, the visitors were
allowed to score one run, winning
the game by a adore of two to one
Telfee and Stunt did good work for
Wingham. Clinton's pitcher was
formerly amember of: the Canad-
ian League. but he did not cleanup
very satisfactory on the Wingham
boys." According to the score
Dick Tasker did clean up on them
very satisfactorily. In many in-
nings the first man up got around
Provincial Secretary Hanna and
Mr. 0. Razleton President of the Ont-
ario Motor League have been in con-
ference respecting recent amendments
to the motor vehicles' act- especially
in regard to the examination of chauf•
safe in the knowlebge that their' r
Narrow escapes have recently occured
from practice on roads leading' from
the city to the country.
While the newspapers all over Ontar-
io have for a year or two been record-
ing the continual rise in prices of
living audmany lines of business, they
have been apparently forgetful of the
fact that subscription and advertising
rates, and those for job printing as
well (notwithstanding a substantial
increase in their wages) have not kept
pace with the cost of manufacture and
general rates of living, The unwisdom
of this is gradually making itself plain
to the newspaper fraternity, and in
several counties local organizations
have been formed for concerted action
in the way of self protection. Bruce,
Grey and Wellington are among the
counties which now have associations
of printers and. publishers and Huron
has recently come into line with a
county association which will have for
one of its objects the discouragement.
of that foolish practice of "working for
nothing," or next to nothing, in the
printing business.' A schedule of living
rates has been adopted, and the public
must hereafter, expect to pay for both
advertising and job printing, rates,
which will allow. the printer to meet
the substantial increase in Dost of run-
ning his business which has been pro-.
gressing for several years,
The iloiiowing' fslaschedule of
the sports under the. direction of
the Young Man's Christian Ass0-
cilaltion who wilt have charge of the
social and athletic work of thie
det camp. Glodte'rich, Seaforth and
,Clinton C.I. Cadet corps,arte ex-
pealed' to log present, Clinton com- Li•
party will, be looked after:, by Major
Ranee and L; e.uft, Mown,
Pas �etBaU.e- -
P, Kerr, goal,
Barlow, poinit,
Hanna, cover point.
Gurney, first defence.
iljoil.mes, -second, defence.
The eorner Store
"Live and Let Live''
Preserving Time
is Here Again
What about gems and rubbers?
HEINZ Sweet and Sour Pickles in
bulk and in betties,
HEINZ Pori/ and Beans with Chili
HEINZ Reid Kidney Belans, try
Fresh for ,Saturday
Bananas, Oranges, Lemons,
Raspberries, Cucumbers,
Dees, M{gllorns, Tomatoes,
Judy 14 fitllyy' Battaiilon vs, 4th,
July 15 -3rd, vs, 5ith.
July 161th-1st vs 2nd,
July .17 -Winners Sand 4 vs, 3 and 5
18 -winners of 17(t'h vs. winner's 1&2
Assoiciation Foot Ball,
July 14 -3rd es. 1st. •
July 15 -4th vs. 2nd,
July 16 -5th vs. -6th.
July 17 -winners. 2, and 4 vs. 1st & 3
July 181th;-winners of 17th vs 5 &'6
Track Events;
220 yard dash,
100 yard daah,'
11-2 Mile run.
1 mile run ;•
1-4 mile run.
Field leven(ts,
Running High jump
Running hlopesiitep-and-jump
Standing broad jump
81b. strait put,
Ram vawl(t. ,
E. ` Hunnifard
Highest Grade Bread
home -m C
ads Bread
Conner's ]dome -made Bread is
quality through and through.
There is not a detail of good
making and baking overlooked, so
you know what you are getting
when you order this Good Bread,
Baker and Confectioner
We can't very well talk to you here about
the 'first 'two, but' we' can aboutthe•t'bird '
--your Home. No matter what `Ffixing.".
No matter, what, embellishments, No
matter'whai expense you have gone to in;
furnishing: your home, its,good.appearance
is largely controlled by the Wall Hang-
the make or mar the harmony of the
whole. Our spring stock is now almost
'com'pl'ete, and our designs alniost'sure to
suit your taste; and our prices, your de-
sire 'for economy.
Often the cheapest -Always the Best
National Portland Cement
After trying other kinds, you'll always comeback to the best
The Test Cement is the National Portland Cement
It is the old stand-by. A car load just in.
S. J. ANDREWS, Cl inton
Viand -rick, (third defence.
Eli:lett, centre.
McLean, (third home.
Groves, se_ond home.
Knox, first 'home.
Knechtel, outside hone.
Vandrick, inside house.
W. Johnson, goal.
Holmes, point.
Rumb'ali, cover point.
Cool:., tirsft dtfenee,
Hawkins, second defence,
• ,,13.., :McKenzie. •(third defence,
Oxford. centre,
.Fink, third home.
Whitely, second' tome.
B. Johnston, first home.
G. McKenzie, •ou'tside home,
Couch, Inside home,
Johnson -goal played his usual
good garnet and it was hard for the
visitors to score, with the help
Holmes and Rumball gave him,
Capt. Cook and Bob McKenzie. look-
ed 'after their checks while Tournay
Hawkins played a "cracker" of a
game, considering this is the first
game for yfears. A few, more
steady 'inert loke Fink and the la-
crotse boys would le up in the pro-
fessional class. Whitely and Couch
are cid at the game and keep all
their opponents busy trying to
watch there.
This game was Bert Johnson's
first game this year and he cele-
brated it by scoring the first goal
and never let up piny till the
whistle bllew, Geo. McKenzie is
bast becoming one of our star play-
ers land makes them all. stepeome.
A few mere, (practices in team 'work
will make fthlem testrong aggrega-
t:on. Frank Doyle, of Newmarket,
and Secnellary Of the Lacrosse As-
sociation was referee and gave
good satisfaction,
Tho Normandie Restaurant is
now in a position to d'eliv'er Ice
Cream in any quantity to any
par•(t of the town. Please phone
your order.
Your Bathroom
Is it as conven'ent, sanitary and
comfortable as this ? Why not
have it so ?
as we install it, is worth all the;
money invested. It means good
h.eaith, sa.nita:ry, cleanliness andluxurious convenience for your
family. Get our estimates.
Thos. Hawkins
Plumbing and Heating
(Phone 53)
We have a giopd supply of Seed Corn of good quality,
1lhangol and Turnip Seeds, Clover and Timothy Seeds.
We have a lot of Shingles, which we will senors easy terms
of payment. If you want any, dome soon to save handling
We have a supply of Fence Wire, Staples, Etc., Etc.
Highest Prices for Butter, Eggs, Etc., at the
Jackson's Mid -summer Clearance Sale
of Men's Ladies' and . Children's
4.4' Commencing Saturday, July 1 1 th, wi;h the ob-
4,4 ject of clearingout the balance of our Spring ria and
it Summer Lines. In making prices tor this occasion
,y ▪ regular prices, costs and real values have been coin-
"• pietely disregarded. Nothing but a firm decision
on our part to rid our shelvesof all these lines and
do it quickly wonld make such low prices as these
Ladies $3 Pumps and SlippPis for 2.00
+:' Ladies $4 Tan Russian Calf Oxfords 2.00
• Men's $4 patent calf Oxfords 2.00
Children's Slippers, Pumps and Oxfords
at manufacturer's prices
▪ • Come expecting to get more actual value for
every dollar you spend than ever before
You will not be disappointed.