The Clinton New Era, 1913-07-10, Page 5reeet
our SNIT
WIN Solve
Many a Wedding
GIfl Perplexlig
When yott are purchasing a
„aeesent, it is - a Matter •o f
Marley land what you wane—
nothing else. Then this •is
, were store—for vehaft you
want is here and aft the low-
est possible price.
go ti variety of aefticless
selected from the largest ,
attacks, cOnsisting
These good's etee' new, beauti-
ful, 'and modern in design,
and of superior •quality,
We make a epecialtsr of thand-
ling High Grade Watches.'
. , •
Beileview Dairy Farm
From our. stock of first-class
eo-ws we are prepared to supply
you twice daily with best of milk
and cream, and solicit a share • of
your patronage.. Phone /25.
U S. Government Standard
Below is an extract from U.S.
Gov. adfoe tenders- "The anth
recite coal must be equal to that •
mined and prepared by Philadel
phia & Reading Coal & Iron Co"?.
We handle nothing but the first
grade Philadelphia & Reading.
Elouse phone 12. Office phone 40
, f611111NRIZMek.
Owing to press of other work on
.hand, the undersigned Wilt keep
stallion., Bar One V. in his own
stable, on the Gravel Road uar-
ter male month of town, where hef
will be 'pleased to sae all his old sett
austomers and many new ones.-- aL
Cleaves $10.
D. REYNOLDS, Proprietor Nsrt
is anode of
Tuesdey July 1st was Canada's forty
sixth birthday and a healthy person
She is for that age. FM -ay -Six years
, in the life of a !nen is the best part ot
his time but that period in tha annuals
of a Dation is COIDparatively neither
here nor there. Canada has made
good use of her forty-six years end
the Canada at Confederation would
hardly be recognized as the Canada of
1 .11913. ,
When the thirty-three Fathers of
Iliontederation met in 1887 to s' th
men *kJ:thigh Cana,da looke to
• the future findauneed and can wit
great justification anticipate the fnl
fillibg.of the dream •the Fathers of
Confederation had when 40 years. ago
they laid well and strong the founcia.
tion on which we are building
'Hogs• $9.75.
Better 20-21, .
Oasts -34, .. •
,Bran --$20—$22
for a united Clanada they moved bet- •
papers that Werato lay the fOundation Shorts -425:•
rot. , • .
tes •
't trant0 Markets
ter than they teouggt. Time --has
l led on and or the thirtyethree eta
men who with true patriotism and
. challenged loyality set their hands
! the task of empire building only
l remains to view the development "
the expansionwia, Sir Charles Tuts
a ho in his 92nd. year is still a you
Canadaehas had her growing eea
her -revolutions her days of buena
depression and her seasons of rerun.
abluexpansion and growth, Her p
pie have passed through hard tim
to I ; ; r a - • .. • '.. e•-•- -' a '; .
one , '3.1eip „quotations . this swbeee--
tClaktlac • •••• es •" - ' ti.1(/
pee; t -.Sh..ese,.. : • -• ''
eg . Lambs „a. . ; , al- ' ' 10.15
.. e.....$9..5'0.,
bast 1 •Chaese e ..
Oa' .• Eggs '
ea.. nits ..„
pee ; Bultter ,, . . .
, heraft , . , ., ;,......a ..................
... g......23' to25
- . 2,3e
,. .- :40e
p5;'. Beans:. ' - • . , a. ...., . e
O d- '•
Potatoes ..._ _a_ ... . . dee5e• tot91).
es • Repoli . • w
,e, . .....a.•?.1,ee to
on . .
.4 -•- e.
ef IBirtli Alarriages.aDeatliS 'a
eir ...
he '
and haye shared prosperourt .da
There hetes, been boom e and shun
political divisions on the sharpefit, a
sonletimes.the most acrirnonieus lie
and even war itself with its desolati
and its withering train has not been
stranger' to us. In the 'rebellion
1885 the sons of Canada showed th
mettle in the Fenian Raids said ori i
battle fields of Sewall Africa ypu
Canada has not hesitated to popes o
her life's blood in upholding thit tra
tions of British justice and the sple
did memories of British gallantry.
Through all the vicissitudes of the
forty.six oesre the Canadian •peep
have never wa•vered nor held -bac
Strong in the conviction that they a
destined to become a great natio
they are true tod'ay true as eteel to th
Mother Country and at the same tim
developing 'a strong and unbendie
love for their own autonomy and se
Canadian history goes back farther
than 1887. Then the history of the
Dominion of Canada commences
Ocinada, is 154 years old if we date
from the British conquest of 1759 or
still more ancient Canada can te said
to be 378 years old if we wish to date
from the first visit of that great ex-
plorer Jacques Cartier.
Although only 40 years Old in the
properly accepted sense of the term.
Canada has made some remarkable
1 cachievements in her less than a half
entnrv of- age. There are some
I really BIG THINGS in Canada i
which true Canadian may be pardone
for taking a very considerable amoun
of pride. Among others the follow
ing may be mentioned.
Canada has the largest consecutiv
wheat field in the world 800 by 300
Canada has the, most prolific and
expensive sea fisheries in the world.
Canada bas the largest nickel mines
in the world.
Canada has R greater railway mile
age than Austalian and New Zealand
or Italy and Spain combined and more
than all South American couptries.
Canada has the in
system in the world in the C.P.11, em-
ploying 75,000 men.
Canada has one of the world's most
remarkable constabulary forces in the
N. W. M. P. .
Canada has the largest grain mil's in
the British Empire.
Canada has the largest elevator in
the world at Port Arthur -capacity
7,000,000 buthels.
Canada has the world's largest lift
lock at Peterboro
Canada will have the longest bridge
in the world at Quebec.
anada has one of the largest; single
nal lock in the world at Sault Ste.
The thickest known coal seam in the
orld —47 feet—has been found at
°Harter) Nova Scotia.
yo. t Bari ey
\ •
. .
; .
Format is spending a few •days e
"Jack ' Wirfelnen ..' fat -Mount.: W' • ' • .,Nowslurito . ..immloastal.flessemmavasei!"..,a
town under the parental -roof,
Shoes „ ,
Miss Beetilli 'Kerr of Stratford. is • e
Gladys ',Ontario „Street,.
the , guest ' trii)och. 00
. , .
Mies an Payment who has been •
elt Milvertaa during the past aeae
son as Mil lin•ers itrapenclipg her
halidaye oft her. home, • .'
' ,1Y1ieis Resta MeCtrughey Who haika
piltntitSToroartesaperit -seekoae
aft4r, hamlet tiere ecohain.g
th, 0(4son
SiteardWew4P Vire 1.5Yet1,141-farblee;
Kb:6*re' kart hi' 'fleet glans -Ai, feesteeif
his add .friands knew hien. The
„Idea beard. 'rotoct to..woor has
,disapp Sara d, , and he ..loolted so
spry land •seciane ftle,4t it took his
. Mr. ades..Reehera ,A,..33rown
ef Eilreentora Alta:, are :•seienciling
a swee.k ., the toremer's.;.-paren'tis,
Mr, land, Nees. Robert Browne
Brown hs .ben visiting at . :her
lieme in tfelitax., Mr, -Brown ,BreWn has
been lattendi ng. . a 041n v en tiod, •ofthe
tanked .Brothethoosli..• of Lotomo-.
Itive; Engitseere andalaireneen, • it
Washington. D.C., •• and while- there:
act (the pleasure of sha•kiag hands
ith President Wi teem of the Uhite
d 'Sea ties. ' • • •
Dr. W. E. Struthers, medical
uparintehdent of -,n,13.0ols at To-
onitei, 'was married �o the Oth, to.
Miss 'Flog -pas, leralLefigae, 'coenect-'
d• with. the Taronta schools, hair
ernee Av.& lenowa linronillen. bave
g lived at ,Bayfield, attended
linear] Cotleg:aece Institute,' and
ught at Pewter's Hill, Miss Rog -
8 shows that. Cupid 'is stronger
tan finance, haveng resigned a
()salon worth $2,300e- in order to
1 married. • .,.•
Mrs. MeMilne and • Ettie da
eter, of -Myth, were the ;gaols
(the Misses 1VIcLennen last wee
rig - BIRTHS .e
- ' '• to
Cooper. --In ,Clinton . on :Tully 9th, ,
n_ tb:Mreand Mrs. Cecil Coo•per, .• a '• '11
daughter. F
se illeid—In Bullett, en 'June - 29th, H•la
ie., be Mr. had Mrs. David Reid, a son.
iLivermar•e.—In Clinton on jay- es"
re 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Liver- P'
e More, 'a daughter. g.e
Kemp. ---In Clintan Hospital, on
e Friday, July 4th, to Mr. and M gi
g D. S. Kemp. of Ottawa, a daughterl of
Stelek•TStanbury.-011 Tuesday,
July 5th, 1913, at the Name of the
bride's mother., Bayfielci, by Rev.
J. G. Stuart, 33.D., af London, uncle
of the bride, assisted by Rev. • A.
MelTar lance, af. Bayfield, Florella
alaud Sitanbury, daughter ef Mrs.
Stanhnry and the late 'Dr. la
Stanbery, to Robert F.erdinand
atslek, of Edmonton, Aga,
Iludia.—In Godeich Township, on
July, Mary Snowden, leeloved
wife •of John ilud'e. ;aged 05 years,
- •C•Iiicer••••••••••••••
• ' •
A special service was held inSit.
Faure church on Sunday evening
when the Clinton L. O. L, and visit
ing briftheen accompanied by the
f e a 11 ci M .Bancl at tended ser -
Vice, B.° v. C. Jeakins, the rector
prtached an appropriate sermon.
hei e were TO members in the tier-
ed s,
Canada consumes more paper per
head of population than any other
A Good Chance mOlntario hydro -electric power trans-
untry in the world.
sedan line 293 miles is the longest in
the world.
Montreal harbour has the largest
ain conveying system in the world
Canada pospeeses the largest pulp-
od resources °Prang country in the
Two Storey House gr
AND ; wo
New Cottage its
Would Lease front 13uyet the
Properties in excellent
Located side by side,
Canada has its own social problems
class question its moral issues.
e present is a time for jubilation
our growth and expansion; it in al-
a time for a. serious stock taking
our moral assets. Let Canadians
ware lest in striving for numerial
d financial greatness they sacrifice
e finer things in empire building.
't us gain above all else a loVe for
good and the best things in life,
a national conscience quick to rebuke
the geafte and the wrong -doer and a
growing and qnickening eensitiveness
that will teach us to discard tne
questionable and the unfit and which
will develop the noble the folly and
the clean things in life Given clean
F. J. Hill, Clinton
Phone 77.
Our Airn==To Please
Furniture buyers at this store invariably come back
when they want more, and bring their friends with them.
To Use Our Furniture is tD prove that it' is as good"as it
looks, and that is saying a whole lot.
Substantial Furniture can be bought here at money.
'saving rates. 'Why not secure what you peed now
while prices are so favorable.
•Dtmford & May
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors—Phone 104
NIGHT AND SUNDAY CALLS—Phone No, 127 or Phone 194
' Rev, Dr. Bel:ledge addressed the
L ague on Menday or eneng.
The Woman s Missionary Society
ni • et tonight in thc lecture room.
eft s p. in,
Two large congregations greeted
Rev, W. L. Rutledge, DD., sau Sun-
dae in the opening of his pastorate
•at the Wesley Methodist church,
exteed"ng to him e welcome- and a
promise of hearty rmeoperation in
his work. 1)r. Rutledge Preached
two impressive sermons, shpwing
himself to be a man of scholarly
turn, with a clear Logleal and Con-
cise way of peeeeniting his message
aho music by thetheir was par-
-lieu lady well rendered and rip -
/weer -ate for the occasion. Mr. R.
Holmes. of Toronto, took the open-
ing Pant of the ;evening service. ,
Over The Teacups
Miss Hattie Courtioe is visiting
friends in Toronto,
Miss Gardiner, of Ottawa, is the
guest of aliss Margaret. Wiseman,
Miss Cel:a. Beacom is vieithig
with relative5. and friend's at Sar-
' a.
Miss Lulu Howe relarned on
day attor a !sea days visit at Glode-
Mr. John Me -nal t he staff of
'the Stratford Peacon. is visiting in
Mr. W. Merle a of Toi•oreto, and a
HulLet Old Poy, was hese for the
,e e -end,
• Mies beery Chant, who holies a
good positien in Max -mora, is home
-en a visa.
Miss Maeda A.rmlour is visaing
her friend, Miss Mary Chambers at
Pont Buro.n.
Mr JeS n Ratiebeel who is et 'W-
ince °evade. Hall, is neending his
ho 1 idlays Mae.
Miss Irene Conine has 'taken the
position as book-keeper at ,Couch
orfOo's. store. .
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jenkins 'of To -
rent° Nyeap vieitors, ' in -and arouind
Clinleau ()yea Sun'd'ay.
elee HaerY Henlelen, Of Medicine
Hat, fortapely of Minton, is visit -
. The, Ways of , watch are. p.suil
finding. ',out. e Dont try.: 'If yeerr
Veatch ia:/ezy and:. weeRt rein, let ne
repair it for you. , ;
Ten to Obe you neglettediteeletit
get dirtea or it stoPSIrealiesIabli 'eat
WInetevare'is• t'llaireetetine flo*
c:Weit.e.sraYar;le°ittstles asTs:eisvf:triid:ey::o;•11:
1 and raulating- :Yree, ili;firegu?'intlen
thei1We ,,Y).;469:1
.caa. be done for, . - • .
• ria
•:Jeweler and Ontlelanb
Issuer oi Marriage Licenses
• Local Newrs
C.E. Dowding end his -rink com-
pos -ed of J, Whet, Rev. .C.E. Jea-
kins and E. G. Coarlice captured
the trophy at the Goderieh tour-
nament an WednesdaY otthis week
.affter a hard contest. X. 'Stevenson
took up a rink- composed fo W.
Tozer, W. Grant and J. Ned i ger
butt they enly stayed' one . day.
F,ollowing were the games played
u- by both rinks;_.
is. Preliminary Trophy
is Dowding 15; Edwards, Goderich 9.
Mrs. • McLennan, ikif I'Braintford.,
the guest of Miss 'Jennie 'Holmes.
• During !the past Sear Rev. D
Stewart, o fToronto, eed for man
years pastor of Willis Church, w
renewing old friendships en tow
The citizens were 'indeed glad t
see him 'once more.
Mrs, Harold Johneon and bab
of Toronto, were . visitors at th
home Of Mr. and Mrs. Oliv,er John
son over Sunday.
Misses Carrie and WjIIrna Smal
ae.ombe, of Se. Catharine, ar
visiting Mrs. W. Tiplady.
Mr. Yinlayson, of Victoria, B. C
is spending a few deers in 'eowi
the guest fo,f Miss Holreas,
Dr. R. J. Gibson and son, Allen
of the Soo were the guests of th
farmer's mother, Mrs. MeLenra
last week.
Mrs. Combes and Miss P. A. 'Rule
ley, of Toronto, spent the week_
end with the batter's sister, ;Mrs.
leatlenbury street.
Mr. Robert Holmes end Master
Harris, eciturneel to Toronto, this
week 'after a weeks' vacation here.
Mr. Paxman spent Saturday and
Sunday in Wingham.
Mr. 3), C. R•oss, of Fargo, 11, 0.
whohas bran the geeet of his aim
Miss A. Koss and other -Lean& in
town left on Te.eaday for New
YoriinWgleam Ad van ;—Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Walker, of Clinton
visited fri.ends in town Saturday
and Sunday. 1VIte Walker is con-
cluding furniture and undertaking
businesses in Clintoa and Guelph
Mr. "Po I ly" :Freeman, of Poet
Colborne., was a recent visitor in
leirse Round-eTrophy
Dowding 19; Wilson, Soaforth 10.
Stevenean 10; /lumber, Goderich, 19
Associ•aftion let Round.
Stevenson 18; 111eTaggaet, Blyth 20
Trophy 2nd Round.
Dowding beat Ross of Kincardine
by flour shots.
Dowding bc.aft Ross of Brussels by
2 shoes.
Dowding 21; Shine, Seafoeth 11.
The marriage of Miss Lena L. Roger,
superietendent of school nurses and
daughter of Mr. Peter Rogers of Wood
bridge, to Dr. Wm. G Struthers, B.A.
an old Huron boy and medical super
intendent of schools, took place very
quietly at half past, three o'clock
Wednesday afternoon in High Park
Presbyterian Church Toronto. The
service was taken by Rev. Thomas
Rogers, B. A. uncle of the bride assist
ed by the Rev Mr. Graeb, pastor of
` the church. The bride, who was es
corted to the altar by her uncle, Mr.
Joseph White Rogers, wore a tailored
suit of cream retina and white bat
with Saxe blue feather. She carried a
, bridal baguet of roses and lilies, and
wore the groom's gift, a pearl and
peridot pin. There were no attendants
Daand birs Struthers left immediately
• after the ceremony for the station, to
spend their honeymoon in the Adivon
clacks. On their return they will reside
at 558 Bathurst street,
Mr. George Winslow and daugh- A PERTH COUNTY WEDDING,
ter Miss bessie, of Grand Rapids,
Miele, and his sieter, 1Vlifis 'Eleanor On Wednesday, Jnly 2n0, at 4.30
Winslow, of London, -we'.e visitoi•s o'clock in the afternoon, a very pretty
this week at the home of their wedding took place at the home of Mr,
cousin, Mrs. Robert Fitzsimons. and Mrs. John Mithaffy of Hibbert,
when their daughter, Miss Sophie, was
united in the holy bonds of wedlock,
to Mr. David Eleuderson of Toronto.
The ceremony was performed by the
Rev. John Henderson, a former pastor
of the Staffis circuit, in the presence of
1.,,„..............,.........................., A1/4
. only the immediate relatives, The
bride, who wore a dress of marquisette
over white satin, and carried a boquet
of white carnations, was given away
by her father. After congratulations
a very daintyluncheon was served.
The bride's going away costume was
navy blue, The presents received by
the bride were numerous. beautiful
and costly. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson
will reside in Toronto, although his
boot and shoe business is in Weston
The bride is a relative to the Mahaffy
family of town. -
There's more or less grafting done On June 2134.. ett Caenbridge, Mass.,
Pert and Impe
kieezenes:ese ceivitenieeas eas,
He may love best who loves last.
People who wear new garments
shouldn't thrownaud.
trader the name of reform. Rev. Professor W. A. Giffordand bliss
Charlotte E. Racism were united in
marriage, Professor Gifford is a son
Many a fluent talker would make a of the late Rev. Dr. Gifford, formerly
bigger hit by keeping still. • a pastor of Ontario St. churcla. Ile is The pastor will preemie next Sunday
, engaged in research studiee iu the morning and evenin
for Warm Weather
What eofild be`eooleror look better with that lig-ht
summer dress than a pair of our White Canvas Pumps,
Oxfords or I3utton Boots'? We have a heaRtitt.ap0490- these goods fOr 'wOnidn ,40 opr
prices: are very mo'deeate.
Children's White Canvas Pumps Loo up
Button Boots
Wornen's " ' Pumps and I3utton Boots 1:.5o,up•
, ,
Don't fail to see these goods as they will be .c
scarce a little later.
Special prices this week on • •
*Children'A, Sandals and Running Shoes,
We Can Save Vim Money on rOur ,Shoe Bilis
Plumsteel Bros.
Would you like to
see a sample ?
Drop us a Card
• j
Mr, W. S. Rogers, State Fire Marshall or the
State of Ohio, says that "The metal in a Lightning
Rod -should be to shaped as to give a largeaurface
because the current caused by a thundeebolt is of
the sort that travels near the surface, of afeden-,
That is called "skin effect," for the electricity,
crowds into the one thirtieth of an inbh next
to the extreme surface.
There is a form of Rod known to the trade as the
"Sheath Rod" vvhich is of ideal construction. The
copper is on the surface, where the current goes,
The "Sheath Rod" with the greatest conducting
surface is the UNIVERSAL
It is fastened with a "Lock Joint"
Our Goods are "MADE 1N CANADA" by
The Universal Lightning Rod Co.
Mr. Amos Francis of Usborne, ha
accepted an appointment from Da
Dominion minister of agriculture. Hi
work will be testing throughbred
herds as to cream and butterfat. el
will travel in Ontario and Quebec an
receive 511,200 a year and all ex
Good advertising creates the want
good merchandising meet it,
• The Tarvia placed on the macdam
road in the west end of the town is
giving great satisfaction as it not
only keeps down dust, but acts as a
preservative for the road. It is likely
that much more of this will be used
during the summer.—Oakville Star.
field. The bride was dressed in an
s ivory satin gown, with shadow lace
e drapery caught with buckle of bell
s liants, and carried shower boquet of
S lilies of the valley and white carnet
e tions, She wore the grooms gilt a
d necklace of peetz•le and peridots, and a
handsome gold bracelet watch, the .
gift of the groom's fathera•The•brideee'
maid, Miss Elorence Stuart of Toronto
was gowned in blue voile with band
painted p mei of Parisian effect. The
groom's favour was a pink cameo
brooch set in filigree silver. The wed
ding march was played by MIT Steel
bury of Toronto, while during the
eignIng of the tegister blaster Dou-
glas atanbury of Toronto, sang
"Because" in beauelfal voice, Af-
ter the, ceremony the young coup-
le le.St on -an exteesiye trip dowln
the St. Lawrence and theaugh. the .
Marl m 1)110 noes af ter which,
they wilt proceed to their home in
Mr. W, G. Wallace of Tuckersmith
had a very close call during the recent
thunderstorm. He Was carryiug some
cultivator hoes to the barn when a
flash of lightning stopped him, He
was dazed and coul not drop the hoes
but after a while the feeling returned
and he reached the barn, He is still
very sore from the effects of the shock
but able to be at work.
The non jury sitting of the Supreme
Court of Ontario opened at Goderich
on Tuesday of last week. Chancellor
Sir John Boyd presiding. The
Autumn assize court sitting in Gode
tic will be as follows;— September 30
non jury before Justice Lennox.
November 25 jury before justice
Mr. William Sneath baggage mast
er on the London, Hui en and Bruce
met with a very painful accident on
Monday of last week. While unload
ng trunks at a station one came back
ipon las foot injuring, same.
You can't convince a brunette that fields ef.,Church _Historyd atnid.Histery
dark bair isn't as gold. a Reamer's, at 'Harvard niversit,. s d
Th n Church and
ere be a unio
highly that it is impoesible te find a and NI *
A man may value his reputtion so ReenesrUaimsoiltly, France. Professor . Iv nd Aueust to be conducted
buyer. summer among the hills of N 'H
are arlerKling the ;Tit:aft:to last -year's morel • i
MUnris;eGreilfft;rdEisngalangdra, cluatInter °allsoLleece,i; airiraUgeeTneeknt will continne during
un ay Scdool service commencing at
next Sunday and this
uo Plying Fish Fly'?
„ This much -debated etestion is dis-
cussed by William Allinghare in The
'Nautical Magazine. The orthodoe Sci-
entific opinion is that the "wings" of -
flying fish merely serve as a barachutd
to sustain the fish for a brief period
in the air, after he has lautichecl
self out of the water by a powerful
sdrew-like movement of his tail, Ac-
cording to this view, the fish bas no
power of directing his flight after he
has left the water.
; However, Mr. Allingham, Who is, e
nautical expert attached to the' Beet-
ish Meteorological Office, and is, in
'constant intercourse with seamen re-
ports many observations that tend to
controvert this opinion. Certain ob-
servers claim that the wing -fins are in
constant rapid vibration, and seem ac -
'Rielly to serve the purpose of flight,
One yesael-master watched a fish .
that had attained an altitude of 20
-feet above the water, and was flying
toward the mizzen rigging of his ship
. when, apparently noticing the obstrum
Coe, it changed its course about (10
degrees, crossing the vessel's Stern to
regain the water. Many other similar
'observations are mentioned. A series
of eineniatograph pictures might solve
this question once and for ail.
amP I The objeet is to bare all the members
ng• eery ce.
shire. In September they return to of the families at the mornirg service
ing for, . WHAT'S'YOUR OPINION? afternoons.
Harvard Untversitv and will be
It isn't alvvays safe to judge fclan's home at 18 Mellen st„ Cambridge. at , and also relievelthe S. S. officers and
object by what he is apparently striv- • scholars from corning out in the warm
Even the man who occasionally
admits to himself that he is a coward
will resent an insinuation from an.
When a fool married man neels to
be chaperoned by .his wife every tinae
hetrayele he ciught to gay at heme. •
If it veann't for carfare and, limch,
eon," says a bachelor, "a worrier!'
waulde t have any need of mdney
eameemmeammeammm abet friends here, mareied man knows better..1
when she goes shopping." But ever
When a newspaper gives you : 1 t
of free advertising in order to boom I
some concert or church enterta-
track of the tiurnber of lines thee are! A quiet but very pretty house wed
printed week by week, and mulbiply I ding took place at Bayfield, Ont„ at
theft. number by the regulae adyertis ; high noon on Tuesday, July 8, when
ing rates of the paper. Compare the ; Floret's, Meted Mary Stanburv, daugh
result with the actual money value of ter of Mrs, Stanbury and, lam late, Dr,
any ffevor that you can get from any lalchard Stanhury, wise naffed in
badness concern. Then. take' einta marriage to Mr. Robert Ferdinand
eonsiclerittion the fact that advertising Stelnk of Edmonton, Alta. The cere
end circulation are the only two thieg meaty was conducted at the home of
these days of high prices:how mach Stuart, 8, D. of Lando 0 't
which you are interested in keepi
Mayfield •
theta newspIrp9r has to sell and in e ride s mother by Rev J. G.
do you think they aught to give away of the bride, assisted by tier. A 111
n uncle
f thi
or no ng. Vaetline of St. Audrews church, Bay
Now Lighting For Abbey,
Westminster Abbey has a new
lighting scheme which makes it -the
best illuminated of English abbeys
and cathedrals. The electric light in-
stalled banishes the eeol esiastieal
gloom usually associated with .church.
es. The new scheme of illumination
Res taken three years to perfect.
Electric larape hang in groups of
four and six from the roof, The elec-
tric current is supplied from a cable
in the street. ' The abbey was never
lighted by lamps hanging from • the
roof Prior to the present installation:
All lamps stood upright at the corners
of the pews, The electric lights bre
so arranged that the minute priet of
the average prayer book can be raid .
during evening services in the reniot-
est retreats of the buildine
it is our aim each season to clear tap our stock so that we may begin the next With. our shelves full
0 LI Y
e of fresh, newand seasonable gpotwar. To enable us to do this, we will hold a Senn annual Sale
L1Rt'12) one that you will not for,get, and wtll •fiii so full of- bargains in seasonable, up-to-date footwear,
commencing on Saturday, July 12th, and continuing until Saturday, August 2nd, yot will find at our store, 'shoes for
each ard every member of your family, to suit the -season, for all occasions, at prices that will convince you thal our Serra -annual
Sale will be worth your while looking us up and seeing for yourself what we are offering.
, tIlat You will look forwarii,to.the 14qxt season's sale.
'Successor to Jas. Twitchell &
The Following are a Few of the Many Lines
we are Placing on Sale.
Women's White Canvas Button Boots, reg $2.25 Sale price ...... 1.75
" Na Buck Button Boots, reg 3.75 Sale price ...... ....... 3,00'
" Tan Oxfords, button or lace, reg 3.00 Sale price ........ 2.28
Patera, Gun Metal or Kid Oxfords, reg 3.00 to 3.50, Sale 1.98
" Patent and Gut Metal Pumps, 2,50 to 3.00, Sale price 1,98
Menes Oxfords, all leather, new toes, reg 1,00 to 4.50, Sale price.... 2,98
" Boots, all leather, reg COO to 1,50, Sale priee... 2,98
Children's Pumps and Oxfords, sizes 8 to 10, Sale price.... ,......, .88
Children's Pumps and ()xforde, sizes 5 to 7', Sale price .....,,79,