The Clinton New Era, 1913-07-10, Page 4.. - :. , ,:'r?„#�"ta,`'y7rJmerya,S'+n an��Fi•{W� '," w.b`Y awx, '�,itth 'A^�1 +".'�',�„"y� c n i r r. Head - i ti�Ilmner Y " •EAT; .. Wear : Ti/ress' t� 1 E it r> > 1�Tr PRFSENTS c 3taktllg Pltoue ,7S Goderieh Townsri ► El .n t, Mich, is vis t,n his It.g`., bather Au(tolnaobrLcys are- getting so num •_ p, a'' road'" '•(t'huat horse's . _ ' The 'fallowing is th,e',report "for here. at . resent. emous on ou , d!erich ,To'wnslup.,for ',latee b.:rereali terror• ofthem,..very S. S. No, 9 Go � . the month- ofJur-e.; IPlames:: in 1 few h,ort'et are now a£raid�, of r: V;.WtIly,rdCrtay SeatortL grdles of mie,a`t,,: J; Geay MOltkt, 1 Saturday Millinery Special Clearingl of our Newest a s red De t H is Less than Nall Price As ;t)ie season creaps along:.Millinery must go'.• 1'llch i�"eason accounts for our Saturday price. 'You" chdlce'of any Trimmed Hat in store................ '2.00 Ladies New Embroidery Dresses �. N We were " fortunate to secure 12 Embroidery Ditesses,' neatly trimmed with pretty wash buttons, made in the very latest styles,' sizes from 32. to 38,' regular price $to.00, Saturday price $.210 Ladies Spring and ,Summer i Price a,ts 2 just nine Coats left in stock��and these must go regardless, of price, made "' Of, Whipcord, ,,;erge,and Panama, size . to.:'•ao:°your choice of ariyicoat Half Price rBlack coats included sr ea. f . G.'°inhams t I oc per yd We put•on sale Sat- urday.'500 yards of the best washing Ging- hams, in pretty checks and plaids. Some 01 these sold as high as 18c and 20C, Saturday price . IOc (see these in window) ' We'Passed into Stock this Week New House Dresses New Whitewear New Gingham Dresses New Corsets New Voile Dresses New Hosiery :New Fmbroidery Dresses New Parasols • New Chambrey Dresses Stanley. 1VIr. Wm. :Sullivan and wife, of Tordnto, were visiting at the home of John McGowan last we,elc, Mr. Rey Wright, of Harrow, Es - Irak Co., was visaing at the home •of Mr. Hugh McGregor last week, Dr, John Roche, of Detroit, . was visiting old friends and acquaint- ances 'onfthie line bast weeps. He was aeeom,panied by his wife and two sons. He travelled in his auto Sr. <V, Bea{t, Findlllay, SadSe Oo k, Mre. M, A. Case 'is ttmg in To -s, Mt'• Plakdt!yne an•d wife,, lo,f NIan- ftaittiee'ou sitcom; Intermed; ate s1 ry rontg with:her sgn,3lfr, T, R.'F,'• t7aee ilboba ore visiting at'the'home; of Llolia I3ud1e,,. E oma Ginn -ell, 011ie and her d.eughter Mrs;.Jft Pangusant „ Mrs; Jiohn Gibson, 'Cabe' Ji•, IV, I c1'y(the°;Sterl,i3,'ge'&eo. ; Mide Jessie $apalts!l tiiilliner at Jar:,, , may vleuy (ighit cilap but th,- Grs�a,'T'onv Htid'ie;.Sr. III, iCharli� vie hoe reser-red•homefgrttieaunime'. "salt, lvhzta(t is gland in the neigl bor- Caopeir, Esiirl Caolier, ,Frets prjgggg, toi ., •iddidMlsirtsaotifnhCasPa.harr,pe n6A#. 1.p rteewayiifr o- aa:e}dri,e hi ;l : hood. a P-erson,; Jean Cloak ti at .thellic. John A �tto. , .) _..t G dationa .xrtgig°Rev F•HLsrkin left 9u wadneeJx. Iii'Cecil Connell' ; Fart IISa Grigg, Lizzie P,erson;•Jr. I, Keith- day for west where. he wilt,spend.a • ai,,en , Lizitie eesio lid Jr. I, Keith- month's holidays sightseeing - man txrig'g ; 13+onor t�oll—Edylthe Rev. E. A. Corbett and, bride have • Steal ing, George Green, Al.fired left for their home, n,Watrous. Audi e;'L�hiirI.,e Oooper, John ,pa- going by boat' Pruni Sarnia to Port Arthur 1•Pto r Ilan, I W. t nue. omduaCr,' Edythe Teddies T€tacheU ht Mr. attack f rhe in fails up with s sligght:atback of rheum tipm:•' • Miss: Maud Elartryl, of lied Deer,. i Alberta; is home ..for the summer F�lclat' Wa-svanoi_iIi :vanatton, Mr, R: Er Oreaewell 'and-. the Misses Thio following isth,e;-report of S, :ilresswell 'have ".!left for the Pacific F, No lu East Wawanooh, for ''tire • 'coast on -_.a holiday' . trip 'flier 'will mon(tth,oh June;•, Si. 'LV—Roy Toll, . make the journey in easy stages stop 'aK allber'. Me(lfowan, O'rvil;,e Me- . ping,off at Wit.nipeg, •Reggina Calgary Gowan. Sr, I RuRll} McGowan; Banff, and Kamloops, B. C. Jr, IV-HIltatd Mculowitn, Cora Mrs: Laurie, of Seattle,' Wash, ie the, Fear, 'George • Wilson, `Erneelt Toll,': guest of her sister, Mrs. Samuel Dick= VioOt Parker.Sr, III—Ira Toil, • son, Elia•ir?eai Jr;:.III—Lt,ella 'Wiislen, Jiohn,Patlier,+ Walker Patterson, Edna, VlcGlowan, Jr. II—EILa Toll. 1?ft'.II=Finlay' McGowan, May Parker, Clara 1VIcGioiwan, Pr. — Ruby Tloll, Myiitle Phillips. ,Tetacl:ier.. • EAYFIELD .. Drops to this. section give promises of 'bring the.' heaviest in some years, but the farmers Complain of being un- able to, secure belp. One loan with 145 acres, the most of it in crop has 'been unable to secuee a -man, although he bas offered $1.25 a day and board. Several farmers intend got ng t° London Co secure some English immigrants on their arrival in the cltyi. The farmers of Goderich Township and residents of the village of Bayfield are wondering when the Postmaster - General is going to take some action on a petition forwarded to him some time ago, asking that the rural mail delivery be changed from morning to afternoon. Sometime ago Mr, D. 0. Galbraith of Route No. 1 circulated a petition among the farmers in this sec tion and the residents of Bayfield It was signed by every one approached. with the exception of three. After forwarding it to the Postmaster Genet al Mr. Galbraith received word that the request would be investigated, but since then no action .has been taken, and thedeopie are becoming indignant at the treatment accorded them. New arrivals at Deer Lodge Park who will summer here are: Mrs. H. 0. Boyd and family. Hamilton; Mrs. J. Wilson and family. Godericb; Mr. J. Casey and daughter, and -the Misses Sauter, of St. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. ,lames Fitzgerald of London, and niece, of Denfield. Rev, W. H. Harvey, of London ar- rived at his cottage Thursday and will spend a fe days here. Intended for Last Week. Mrs. .Plorterfield, of Marnock, is the guest ter her daughter, Mrs. Ferguson. 1\irs. Ch'ay and hrr husband have taken an auto, trip from t,e'roit re -,engaged 1lliss McEwen at an lIa our resort for-ar,ew clays. advanced salary and coimsiderthenl Dom:n'on dav was again c. I,e,bra- selt,ea floastunate in securing the ted in 'earnest here and picnic- eervices of soefficient ateacher, :Mrs Fred Shobrock and sons t]',a-,ald'and Derwin, are spending a fete mt erks with her mother Mrs. R, Clark tt +r, Wm (fray had the misfortune' to lose a young driving horse last N (10 - Wm. e'cW'm, Gorbuft. of the States spent He t bso,n, the guest of Mr. Murray hew, Frefew d Go butt, s Ihst Week vhowith he hass inot Dr. P. McEwen, of Detroit, last steii foe 40 years. eremit,' 7cicdgel:s, while about one Centre.; Mrs. 1Vlionre and children week visifted his mother, Mrs, A. Me. and Mrs. John Deilii and lthousiand spectators lined up Clan o:fMunroe; Miss Sade Start and IIIcEwan, Bayfield Road. cion, Percy spent Sunday with her Gregor squwane fto witness the game nephew, ;Rydon, and Miss Ruby Mrs. Emma Campbell is visiting cousin Mrs. Bpi'. Brown.. which resulted in three to nothing Potter, of Curr:e's Crossing; Mrs. at the.,h' m,e of Mr. Thos. Campbell Mr. 'Charles Stevens and sister in foyer of the Lahesides. McDougall and Minnie, of Dun - Miss Evelyn sreeet Sundiay at the german; Mies Eve and MasterReg- Londesl)Oro Mr. W. J. Tamblyn;• who- is teach- ing in Toronito„ was, up for a few days. Re "let again t+o attend the Cadet camp at Niagara-on-t''A-lake and w,ll latter'visit in 8Vfontraal -' Mr, and Mrs. Jiohn Spindler, : of Lucknpw, spent t1:�e. holidays- 'at the hlom,e of Mr. Jos. Lyon. Mr. and Mrs. Niorman Canter' and son s ent Sunday at the home of Mr. Wm. 'Hi l es. Kirk Lyon .of Londesboro, has re- turned home after visiting friends in Clinton. Mrs,' D. Clonnell, of Clintons is 9pandlng n:few months at the honie of het•. uncle Mr. Joseph Lyon; Misses .Maud, Els'le and Heine Lyon visited fr ends.;in. Holmesville on TuesdIit ` The Canadian ',Furniture: Manufac, M,r..end 'Mrs.; We'W. Tend)! ye end turer's plant has shut down for two . son, orToronfo, oamle up on tee Week's stocktaking and repairs. Huron ,Old' Boys' excursion and The annual umon Sunday school es m tsJt:d with his brother Mr. J eursion was held on ;TueBday to God , TianilbLyn, erieb. Rev: Mr. Medd, and family v ed friends in and around Lon born before leaving for hisecha in Essex, Mrs. J. Tamblyn , and Mrs. 3. Elsely m,isited in the city this week Mrs. Welsh, of Michigan, visite her sister, Mrs. John Garrett last wc,ek. Wedding, -At. the'spacious re- sid'eirce-' of'Mr. 'arid Mrs. 'Henry Adams, 0th eon:, was the scene of a very pretty wedding on June 11Th, the principals being Miss Amvl'a A (their second eldest dau- ghter and Mr. Joe,eph Youngblut, son of Frederick Youngblut of the lab con. hro11ptly at 6 o'clock to the strains of Lohengrin beautiful Wedding March, played by Miss Lill'an, sister ,of the bride, the bride. b,e•ng given away by her father, the. contracting patties took 'their i>laeee under a maple and. a\,ergreen arch, decorated with snowballs and a floral bell. The bride was attended bya little ring b is her cousin, Miss Yvonne Haggitt, ciresse.l' in white satin, and carrying •i, wh:ftc satin pillow on which resited the ring, Rev. Mr. Ositerh,aut, of Londe,tboro, tied 'the nupt',al knot. The bride look- s d charming in a gown of Royal blue silk, and ware a bridal veil and orange blossoms and carred a b: au�tifu1 Isogiaet of white car- ol Detroit ratans, Imes and teens. After the, ceremony and congratulations the as:lembled guests to the num- ber of 75, sat down to a nicely sere ed l un ch ,on ftl•le lawn. The evening was spent in music, sing- ing 'and lather r ecreaticns, The bridr'- was 'the recipient of a large number of handsome presents, Collette nee Mr. and Mrs. Ve hus, and seen ' of Hensel It spenit Sunday the guest of her grandsnlofth,er, Mrs, !EH.' Cooper, :Mrs, gneiss, Evaneand eh.ildrie.i. of London, are vls:lbi.ng -at the home ,ofWal'tor Wilitsons'•for' son -re thee. Mss D.Taylor and daughter Mass Annie Taylor es11eplt Sunday and Monday th egeteste of friends a- round here, 'Itfr. Wm. L'au'rie shill contintes very poorly. ' Mrs.•Giorg,e Sltephenson return- ed train 1-,e • visit with friends at Niagara arid' London. Miss Janet Llhdsay, of l' lor,ence is visiting her old school Wends for a wh; I Mr. and Mrs. Jas. •fiinchley, of Ssallorfth, spent Sunday the guest sof F[rs. B. B. Site•pLenson. Mr. and Mrs. Samu: 1 Kindy and elan, of Torono, spent Saturday til; 'Monday evening the guest of her parents, Mr. anti' Mrs. 1). Suth-e••- land. Th emen are' busy alt the brick work at the For ester's Hall, re- pairing it. Porter's Hill Miss Aida McD,onald, is visiting her neither, Mrs. Wilson and Itwo cha:lren, and niece, Myrtle Morgan, of Port Stanley are visiting at her meth:WS. Rev. Mr. IticC•ormick gave a spec„al address Iter the Orangeman on Sunday evening,: During the service Miss- McCormick rendere,l a solo. which was muds enju; e.1 by all.. Among th (many freed who visited l:e:•e last week were. ;_Mr. and SIrs. Dawson and children, of Springbank; Mr, and Mrs.11arriscin from: the Son ; Messrs, .Robert and ers, were accomodated in the usual' John elilLock, from ,the. Soo ; Mrs, va:ft numbers. One of the attract- Eliioltt and daughters from Mich - ions of the day was diving lexhibi- igan ; Mr, Wm. En'ntt, of \Vinghnnm 'tion given by ore Thos. Be ley front. Mr, and Mrs. John Pettey and the top of the iron bridge ra:ling a distance of about ore hundred fret. The performance is consider ed ,a dange:+ous one and worthy of record. The second feature of the day was a foot ball game pulled off between ,our sports and the Tuck - 111 be Found at This Store Cut Glass Chinaware r s �3 as Goods Fac' n y Goods... Dinner Sets .1.�. a•' e Sew oer: o & peo.. Yost, WiU[ Find d that" o° w � l�Wa lit ,. aa.�'+ :F? Vit;. 'r At the este eYo� u, Want to ' �r �'a J.. el nton showing the, high ,esteem in which bride and g}loom, ane held. • The groom's :;girt to the brid�e'was a gold brooch set with e;,earis to the or.- ganisft'''a glol'd brooch and 'to the Lost r. -- Part • of a elute on Farran's Flats. R�ew>lard will, be ,offered for its re, • ring-b'elariertragold ring. After a turn. Leave at New 'Era 'office plerasanV et enieg'the happy couple ' g Darn" r Lo deuboio. • lefts • Feer shies beautiful home on Open For Ed a emt nts the room's Tear r,ea • n pre is Hole! Normandie isit - des 1•ge. MENU SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER a� 'ab ,, of .1lickson, Mr, and Mrs. Georgie (Harrison, of Detroit; Mr. Rutledge of Lucicnow; 'Sri. Tom Hillock, of St] atford George 'Cox and Mrs. Smyth two. chi dr; n. of Sltratfoi•d; Mr, unci Mrs. Tabor and Myritle Marshall- of Oxford alt prep,e'nt Inaba Wallis, ,of+the Soo; and Mrs, Mr.,John McGregor, of New home of Will'am F,gnr. York,,,,isFis.ifting attire home of Mr. and Mrs. Jioseph Stevens, of Blyth. ]irundson oflth eSon. his beolther, Mr .Neil McGregor. Toronto, who came on the Huron Mr. W. M. Scott has disposed of 14 Th eSunday service for the Old Miss 1 Joan Mustard, ,of Now Old Boys Excursion spent a few feet of his lot on the west side of Boys Were very much enjoyed, A York' as visiting ,at thehome of days with th efoamle,r's sister, 'M s. Queen street to Mr. Thos. Stewart termerp'as'tor, R,ev, Mr, Fortner, Mrs. D.'1McR,tven at present, Eamh. :Brawn. who will immediately commence the gave fine addresses b,atth morning. Robert Holmes, of Toronto, erection of a new barber shop. The and evening. The choir consisting spent anew days with his old structure will be of cement blocks of old' boys and girls was a pleas - '1 Oarlock friend, jamiei Snell, , 2,storps high and 35 feet in length. ing feature lot the, service. The es Aid met at the home Mr and Mrs, Amos Caetright ; Mr. Jos. gtothers hat. purchased Mr. M. anMrs, Poyd, of Sithe 1, of Mrs, Allan,. last Thursday and visited Mr .ancl M,Beattie, John ,eattie, , Metcalf's stock of booksaudstationery anent a couple '9f days this week meas \nIl ,•iIC!,ended, of McKillop on Monday, and will move them to his own store nit ' Mr. John Coxes. Rev: "I4Irr' Turner !rook the even- further south on Qneen street. This Mr, Ernie ~,ears, of T'lackhotse is ing service, 'in IL -'urns' church last Will also mean the removal of the Bell visiting in the r,eighhoahood. Sunder' evening, He delivered air Ilolmesvllie Telephone central to new gussets oxr,ellent 8ci•inin.n, Mr .and Mrs. Art Payne and Mr, Frank Metcalf, Dominion fruit auburn David Rid `wears la broad smile children, of Toronto, were guests inspector will leave in the course of a there d 1lt—a 'baby boy, with Mr. A, II ;ilea at esvili few days for Medfcino Hat, where he The Preesby(terians held a social 1VIr E': Psi I, of Toronto,visited will again take up his work. Mr. Met -on the old Manse -dawn on Thurs- 'his r. E'r,'Mrs. Shepherd !last Mon calf bas been in business in Blyth day ,evlening, 'The wealther was day, _ continously for 35 years and his re id al and a good crowd was mee- t moval' from .the town will be enft, The 'Clinbo1 eitizein`s .Band Mr. end Mrs. .h.lolmes and son much felt, Mrs. Metcalf and daughter furnished ithe music for the oc- from Oita' a, 'ere visitors at B. will likely remain in Blyth until fail. nasion. Th egaroc,e ds alt the gale Alben's.(tliis week. 1J-(titeen Clinton rand Hensall, Mr.Andere Sloan who has been con were: over $80. Mi'e Jannes Watt still continues :a black. hand satchel, clantainiing' ;'fined to his bed with an attack of ap M'•. Wm, 1VIeDonal•d, of Toronito Irooiiv,s' about 1$15,00,. two jaci. knives and tin's, gold 'letters, Rew,arcl offered FRe .T .Farroccslowly u occupied olS oeqspending his holidays r.enemving , Rev. T. H. Fimt•rocenpied the :pulpit old',acgnainfta.nces here. Kindly Lame wt New Era ,office. ' in St. Paul's Church. Wingham morn Dr. Weir had -a narrow ,escape , ing and evening on Sunday. Mr. en ,edlay laslt week when his horseMr. Arthur 'Stevenson tool: e Duplante, a student had charge of the to.olc fright at an auto and upset :load' of beans -lto Cook in Son's, of MnM M services here. • ,t'he buggy, feu:tunatel y 00 halm Hensel' on Tuesday. Mr, Thompson and daughter of 'minas Bene. Grande Rapid Mich„ are guests of Messrs. Asqueth;•S Riddell have Mrs. Geo. Powell. The former is just imp,ort.d• a carload of pressed hay. �V recovering from a severe. Mr. R. II. Roberton and :wilewho } Mr. Burling of Toronto son of Mr. have been -m isiit:o,rs under the par - and Mrs. O. Burling is visiting here,ental roof left for (('alt blast Sat - The The family of Mr. J 0. Powney will urdlay, l� sliorerymove to London where they Mr. land 1Vfrs. Frank Weed spent youwill reside. Mr Powney hasa position Sunday visiting at' the home of want done in the with the 0, P. R, John Mannime, Miss Daisy Mason ie,visiting London 'While aouth aeeompaii ,el by a line of friends. .y coupl ,'eof young. ,lit dl,es were dale,- Mr, Parrotdentistof,Detroit•isvisit• ing up the. heendlary Sunday.tevern-' Pinulbing, 4l' ingg ol'dfriends here frig, Ahoy wet ooverbakep, .by an S ; •..fiev,'Dr, Myers, occupied (he "pulpit: TI11smilhi11 • in' 'epass, ,si-ruck who in y; attempting to �; , Andrew., Church on.Sunday.. ;;ass struck He was here in the 'interest of Sunday n sl is the lou, y; taking wheel. Eavetrou hint School' work, umber o:f ersdo spokes out on ono ow Mrs. F. H. Young and Mrs, Sloan of that e• law i for seem rtto Munn- Let us Give you a Price Toronto were visitors hereon Monday. ,that the• late isflor the party 'turn- Let and Mrs. Wesely Lee Pott Dol ( rag orale fat• ti vehicle; to pass, must borne were visitors in town also of the turn • to th eaight, former's parent at Londesboro. Lost London Road Miss Roselle Livermore, of Tor- -I -onto, came up on the Huron Old 'i*oys E cursion .and spent SuncTay at her Lepel Mrs. J'am,a5 Nett returned home n.Cter visiting a Week with friends • en Clinton: Leebnraa Mrs, Iffaoolm McKay, of Gode-' ich visited her sister, Mrs. Alex. Oiulton atthe beginning of the l Among those•, who 'attende'd the -'God•erich Township lee -union' on Tuesday : of lasft' wienic were Mr. and Mrs, •Jos,Cook Mr. and Mrs, Richard. Glidden and Mr. and Mrs, Alex Sltirling from our vicinity, - Miss Virginia Williams from Hyde Parer is visi(ting her cousin and scluooimates Mere. A GardeffPa'dty will he held, on the lawn of Mr: Jas. Linlclater on the ;evening of JO'', 16th. Tea will be starved •feotn, 6(to 8. Ice cream, homemade candy, bananas etc., and I:iandlierchi,efs• will be sold on the grounds , and the •Goclerich Band, i ?Nikh furnish the music fee title even- -7 g ven-ng, ,Clom•e ore. come all and spend �. pleasa:ntt. 'evening. The blooths will, raise he decorated as ,well as 1 the grounds Proceeds are to go I fiohelp fit up oar,.church.• Efullett Prices given on all.. Contract Work. Call or Phone for our Prices. B,• am & Sutter Sanitary Plumbers Picone 7 .The Trt 'tees ,tiff S. S. No. 5, have The Mise,es, O'Connor arrived home from the, west oil Wednes- day after a mtonth's absence. C. H Fnelse is laid aside this week wiith marine's inward complaints. G. M. Chambers fs 'off the. road for the present end is looking af- ter. his Consignments of"coiai con ing in, The Mis=,es King, Saskatoon, who are vis;,ting their grand father in (tlown, 'left on Saturday a. m. for Cxoderich Ito take: the Detroit ex eursion in They were—accompan- ied ere accompan i,ed by their grand father. Mr. Gel( King who fs(taking' in the tem day holiday trip. Mr ..Taredl Rigg and dategh(ter,'Of Bracelield Misses Annabel and Violet ;Petrie who ,ate teaching school at the, Soo, are •spending their vacation. at Lome. • Mrs, Kilwour, Toronito, is visiting friend's in the vihalge.• ' • Mr. and Mrs. Shelll^le of•;f)etroit, Whlol were visifting1ibtthe home of Mr.- Sparks have returned home. They came• in their auto MTs. Jioseph Gray, and family of Ilani,flfton ar evisittng at the hoe,l doe their uncle B R Higgins.`' in John Murdock 1 ft hast w,eelc to visile redlativies at Detaloit. ,He, wenn by the D. & G` excurstbnfrom;' Godes ich. EXTRAS Green Onions Radishes Queen Oliyes Pickled Beets SOUP Ox Tail English $omato FISi[ Baked White Fish with Egg Sauce ENTREES Roast Spriog Duck with Dressing ROAST Prime ilibs of Beef Brown Potatoes Leg of Spring Lamb with Mint Sauce BOILED Ribs of Reef VEGETABLES New Boiled Potatoes [dished Old Potatoes Boiled Cabbage Lima Beans DESSERT Rhubarb Pie Lemon Pie Strawberry Shortcake with Whipped Oream Ice Cream Black and Green Tea Coffee 1VIilk Ca,nadiau Factory Oheese McLaren's Oheese Holbrooks Worcestershire Sauce is served gratis. DINNER 50 GENTS. CI 'piton Brass Band open for engag•emenfts. Apply -ear terms to T. 'HERMAN House for Sale A six -roomed house .an the Lon- don Road, known as the Hayward house. To be removed. Apply to owner, PHILIP 'ROWCLIFFE, e London Road JUST ARRIVED A carload of Western Oats, also a carload of FLOUR. BRAN AND SHORTS. We sell: the following kinds of flour, whol.es'a'e and retail— PURITY, FIVE ROSES, EXETER, JEWEL QUEEN, PERFECTION AND NORTH STAR, in 100 lbs., 50 lbs., had 25 lbs. lots We also keep on hand a full line of feed Wheat, Small Wheat for chickens, :Barley, Oats, Corn, Buck- wheat, Shorts, Bran, Low-grade Flour, Oil Cake, Etc., Etc. In a few days we will have a full line of POULTRY FOODS. Give us of Call and Ger Our Prices LIVE POULTRY and non -fertile NEW LAID EGGS wanted( alt top prices, at the Elevator. Tho Gfllll-U oodois Co., i1i111ito� The up-to-date Firm, Clinton N. W. TREWARTHA, W. JENKINS Phone 64. To -day's Impressions y m�ress�ons To -morrow's Sales Many a September purchase is really decided in July. Many a woman is gathering information to -day that will in- fluence her selection of a stove two months hence. Many a man is thinking right now about the store he willat- ronize for his Fall suit and overcoat. p Many an October piano purchase is really determined on the porch of a summer hotel or home in August. unwise, then, to put off the Advertisingof these an similar articles until the actual time of teir use arrives One advertisement seldom makes a sale. It is the repeated impressions created by Advertising that develops purchases by a discriminating pub -.1 lic—and these impressions are seldom built up in a day, a week or a month, How Yet some manufacturers and merchants still procrastinate until the first nip of frost is felt--; and then besiege the public with belated an-. nouncements of Fall clothes, kitchen ranges,' home furnishings, winter underwear, and other: articles usually purchased in the Fall. Purchased in the Fall—oh, yes—but decided upon in the Summer. Decided in favor of the goods that are continuously advertised., It's the Advertising read in July that bears fruit in September. and October. For to -day's impressions inevitably lead to to -morrow's sales- ' Advice 'regarding your advertisingpeoblemA li available thi iib ink 1 recognized Canadian advertising agency, or the Secretary of the Can. adian Press Association, Room SOS Lumsden Building, Toronto. Enquiry Involves no obligation on your part—so write, if interested: