The Clinton New Era, 1913-07-10, Page 2hig e o y epair Nature intended that the body should do its own repairing -and it would do $0 were it not for the fact that most of us live other than a natural life. Nature did&'t intend that we should wear corsets, tight collars or ehoes, nor live in badly ventilated and draughty houses, nor eat and drink 1101310 of the things that we donor ride in street cars when we should walk. The consequence is that the body when it gets out of order must look for out- side help to make the necessary repairs. • For weak stomachs and•the indigestion or dyspepsia resulting, and the multitude of diseases following therefrom, no medicine can be more adaptable as a curative ' agent than DR. PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY. This famous Doctor's prescription has been recommended for over 40 years, and is today just as big a success. Restores a healthy appetite. Cleanses the blood. Strengthens the nerves. Regulates stomach and liver., Demand the original. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical 1..)iscrovery Sold in Liquid or Tablet form by Dealers in Medicines Send 00 one -cent otainps to pay cost of mailing ontv on a free copy of Dr. Pierce's Con- ine/I Series medical Adviser, 1008 paees, clothbound. Address Dr. Pierce, Ruffin°, N. Y. 0, a saavasanamaagazimmiUI The New Era. 47TH YEAR. 'IN THE .PUBLIC SERVICE." W. IL KERR, it SON, Props. ' J. Leslie Kerr, BuSineas illanagar New Era One Year in advance $1.11 New Era, when not paid in ad- ance. $1,50. New Ea. • to the United States in advane, Advcrtising Patei on Application. Job work pric.:s advance on July • 1st, 1913, in accordance with tho Huron Co. Pr Asso- ation Pato-s. Ofilee. Phone 10 House Phone r: • Virtf popuYar thYS year ror goer and tin- IliS, and for a windy day on the links or tennis court they are ideal. Raffia bonnetfi are go Very light in weight and bo very cool and comfortable on a hot day that they are in as much demand this season as they were last, despite the fact that they are no longer a nov- hlty. 'Another advantage is that if one ts clever with raffia a charming little piece of motor headgear may be made for a song. A. becoming effect is gain- ed by lining the bonnet with a bright colored silk and repeating the same color in the bow of ribbon used as trimming or in the tiny cluster of atIn flowers. You want to know how to comfort. /ably travel on a sleeping car? As this 'twill he your first experience on a long railroad hip I shall go into perhaps tiresome details as to "what to do." In the first place toilet articles should be so condensed that a heavy suit case will not have to be opened to reach them. It is usually safe to leave a case under the berth. If the upper berth is not occupied and you have a ower berth you can sometimes use the upper one for the stowing away of your clothing, but failing this, with a hatpin you can fasten your skirt and petticoat to the heavy curtain and if mABELIs CHITCHAT 4ifotrfo:t°,11anZ: 11 nalttaInr. ,he Gilded Youth of Today Is a Fastidious Person. EPONGE FOR MOTOR BONNETS. Any Woman May Make Traveling by Sleeping Car Almost Comfortable by i Observing a Little Forethought In 1 Planning Her Equipment. My Dear Elsa -Don't you think men Are more fastidious about small things than women? I have reached the con- Aueion that they are, and I was made Ito reflect upon this subject the other day when Dick, speaking about a girl :whom he had met lately, agreed that he was mighty gdod looking, etc. "But," he added, "I don't like looking at her. Her hair is never tidy, pieces of it stream down the back, and there is something about the back of her waist that is disorderly." I am giving you his own masculine "Onressions. I really think neatness appeals immensely to men. Soiled gloves, crushed handkerchiefs, ,untidy footgear have probably done more to disillusion the masculine creature than IPT latittl wAkgam ,..gt,eingelveri these diaoraisfeVer 'Meet. I think men are more fastidious than Women about food and table appoint- ments. They don't insist upon the lat- est stYlA..Viwate leceiffimallt. •-s-er: !At thq d. 't? er-rEelil average of good roil, one might call it, in the appearance of the table and in the attractive serving of viands. Perhaps, this is because Wardell; IN' habituated to the seamy aide of cook- aad to the eight of tmog_tecl artl ken tee 2k,i.4, is resalts of all theB 15'igeaseet some of them disagree. able enough, :aihereas even the most • lions mistress sometimes, how- Aller Va -224q112494' _,or, thjt raidslo a ar roam c task. Yes,%rill' el- ilfh a.... , o ay irs a most fastidious pes§9.4, Bis chief cult is himself, and anything that jars upon his sensitive nerves and his "culture" seems a heinous of- fense. Now let's talk about motor bonnetd. Xou're interested in them, and so di I, although I only ride in the cars of iends. Still one heti to have suitable togs even for these occasional spins. One of the moat satisfactory mate- rr ust quickly, and if saturated with Is I have found for the summer mo - bonnet is eponge. It aheds the l.irt and the stains of travel it can be natty laundered. One can make thele bonnets at home for very little moaeY. Care Should be taken in shaping them to have a protection for the hair in the • back. Many of the motor bonnets of eponge have a cuff or front portion of the new futurist or cubist silk, with rosettes of the eponge at either side. But don't, as you value your artistic reputation, indulge in cubist silks for any sartorial purpose whatsoever. The designs are an abomination and like :nothing that has ever been seen on land or sea, except from a cubist standpoint , The tailored types of motor bonnets A WOMAN'S WORK sometimes reduces her strength to the depths of weakness -her devotion to household cares prevents sufficient rest and recreation. Thousands of women in this condition find Scott's Emulsion exactly what they need; it is predigested body -food so medically perfected that every drop yields direct returns in strengthening the organs and tissues and in making healthy, life-sustaining blood. Scott's Emulsion is devoid of alcohol or any harmful dru gs and overcomes tiredness and the curtain. If the passengers aboard include Many women they will probably take their own deliberate time in the dress- ing room and if the destination is to be reached early in the morning it is possible to nearly complete your toilet in the berth. I never take down my hair at night, but remove the shell pins and tie my locks up securely in a veil. A bottle of alcohol I always carry in my hand bag for cleansing my face. Here's a good tip. If the stateroom is tot occupied give the porter an extra fee and it's yours for a dressing room. 1 I always feel safer sleeping in a light robe, for if an accident should happen a dark mass could not be easily 'discerned under the debris. Another Idea which originated with an optimis. tic friend of mine is to have a shoe near the window. In case of a wreck the heel can be used to break the win- dow glass and make escape more pos- sible. • , My last suggestion is this: Wrap your watch and purse in your stocking, and you won't forget it, for stockings are things one does not often appear with- out. With best wishes for a jolly tip, Paithfully yours. MABEir • ' • • • Cleaning Polished Wood. Many old fashioned housewivii az% afraid to touch their polished wood with a wet cloth, and this is a great naistake, though, of course, woodwork shoell never be left damp. When Taxiing the rooms the furniture may occasionally be washed with soap and water to remove dirt and grease, but it must then, of courket_k_cla.L.....z•efull 4riek a tklast of alk it should be pol- ished w th any of the reliable fund - fare polishes. or a well tested home va- riety. ,,,traaMfalIV„AtiFizOwir-t DOCTORS SAID COULD NOT GET CURED THREE VIALS OF Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills CURED HIM. Could Hardly Eat on Account of Indigestion. Ma. DAVID Berm/nos, 'Claremont, N.S., writes: -"I have had indigestion for some years, and could hardly eat. It then turned into a sour stomach, and the doctors said I could not get cured. I used a lot of medicine until at last one of my friends told me to use MILBURN'S LARA-LINTSR PILLS, and after I had used three vials, I was completely cured, and I always keep them in the house now." MILBURN'S LAXA-LIViR Fn.is are a wonderful remedy for all diseases or dis- orders of the liver, and have been univer- sally used during the twenty odd years they have been on the market. Price 25 cents a vial, or 5 for 81.00, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. SMALL ECONOMIES. Making Very Good Lookihg Furnituae From Discarded Things. Start to talk with any woman about the preSent day cost of living, and in a few moments you are likely to learn sonie little economy that has been., practiced, said a woman recently. That ea my experience not long ago. M theel time the saving took form of ma lig useful and presentable some old • bedroom furniture that had been cad aside. My companion told me that 1314' had two straight chairs' and a rorockerall without seats; a chiffonier mind§ handles and be varnish worn off, be- sides, and an old white enamel bed - Stead with but little enamel on 11. liere was almost enough furnitu for a room she wanted to furnish elle could raake it look respectabl She bought Slime seats for th cbair at 10 cents each, ten new Ilan es for the chiffonier Knd a can of varnish and nervousness in a marvelous way. ' Clun't 'Atte 'entimel:*Aided by er husband, She reseated and varnished the chairs, mended and varnished the chiffonier and painted the bedstead. The transformation was surprising. With new curtains at the windows, the bed and chiffonier with white covers, a table from another room added on which books were placed, no one would have dreamed, she said proudly, that the pretty, fresh looking room was evolved from such hopeless looking ma- terial. "Never creepair" is a motto all house- keepers keep hidden in the depths of their being, or if some do not they, ahould. ..„_ Cooked Radishes. It seems queer to think of cooking radishes, but it can be done, and pea ple who have tasted them say they are good. Take large white radishes and cut them into thick slices. Boil for about ten minutes in water in which a little salt has been put and then try, them in hot butter, ason1ng with pepper, salt and a little vinegar. ;,. Egyptian Sashes. Many of the new evening sashes aril of the Egyptian scarf type, draped round the hips and knotted to fall with long straight ends in front. Ringing a Bull. A. bull calf seven months old should have a ring put in his nose and be taught to lead with it. The opening in the nose is made by the use of a•trocnr. Copper is the common substance used in making rings but some are made of iron covered, with tin. M177,7.444, ;eel di', ,r . ' Electric Restorer for Men Ph osp honol restores every nerve in the body to its proper tonsion ; restores vim and vitality, Premature decay nnd all sexual weakness averted at once. PhospLonol will make you a new man. Price 918 a box. or two for $0. Nailed to any address. Tho Scoboll Darns Co.. Iitilentbartnes, Ont. "Wood.'s Phoaphoitine' The Greiit ',Enotislo Remediy. Tones and invigorates the whole niCenees4 itTenarow- ' 01G8 Atentat 'analEraiit,Tfro;ry, is es - =141 (eVz.IVR`fro5ti 1819.71f°"8'cOra7 71 c , Pipe $1 perbox, sixfor 85. Ono will please, six will cure,4 Sold by all drugglets or mailed in plain pkg. on rece.ipt of price. New proirplad Platcctifrelli._ The weed Medicine co. VW 'IV Windsor) Toronto. Ont. tiow Physic. Epsom salts (su)phate of magnesia) is the favorite physic for a COW, and the average' dose is one pound. Salt commonly is added at the rate of half to one cupful to increase the effectiVer ness of the salts. " It is better to give a full dose of this physic than to give it in small quantities right along. Where an alterative is needed other drugs are used. A cow needs at least one ounce common snit every day to keep her in good health. Darning stockings. When darning stockings have two darning balls in your darning basket, otic black, 'ono white, By using the blear ball under white or light hose and the white one under dark hose the stitches of contrasting color are more plainly seen and darning is madg much ens*. If you cannot readily find a white darning ball in the storeg a white china nest egg answers the purpose admirably. Such eggs may bif found at the large department store. NEW FANCY WRAPS. Models In Silk Are Picturesque and In Vivid Colorings. Wraps of all kinds are fascinating this season. The separate coat as wo- men formerly knew it scarcely exists. But if the general utility coat, appro- priate for wear with many frocks and upon many occasions, has disappeared at least its substitutes are attractive enough to make Deonlq lament its ness, 1,1 a. aa'049hr.,14yaa.M.5, litiMaltifilatilEMIGHEMERFABINit COMFORTABLE COUCHES We have just unpacked a .large shipment of couches, covered in Velem', Velma, and Imitation Leather. Beautiful carved framer, covered in velour, red, green and brown, at $5, $0, $7.50, $8,21 and 510.00 Couches covered in verona. with gum ter cut oak or milling. any finished frames at $0 to $10 Imitation Leather Couches with gust ter eat oak frtunes, steel ennstiuction, soft and comfoitabie at $1C, f18 and $22 We also carry a select line of Window Shades, Pales. Picture FrritneS, Room Moulding, Baby Carriages, Children's Wagons • DROP IN ANY TIAIE. Phones 7 and 5 Free Auto Delivery a .eRELLEW Est te Furniture and nuler taking. BUM taillINICIXIMMO,114116016•SIMIS. • ratilf22SIV without a doubt you'll , find this out in all your travels round about the bread that's best with any meal - is just the ono and only real Mother's Bread eammelasamaantataaaaesonanaser.sgmaamaaammatmemaatrmaaavamr,alasur atispassaaaaMallahliSanar-ablOalaaaaalatp better bread could not be made -that's what you'll say when you have tried this crispy, crusty Mother's Bread H. Banliff Phone'No. 1 and havegit; delivered to your house every day. 1 1 1 • Say a NOD Word is wiseto say a good word for yourself or your ' business, whether your stock in trade be merch- andise or labor, Via,r4t Ads. are the most direct line el' communication to the best buyers. elnewn, ing only ti'dni • the .consideration of Where once a ,singleeeat might serve the well dressed \roman now needs at least half a dozen, and the chances are that Instead of a modest" half dozen she iitis a losen or a score. Each THE NEW SHAWL WRAP. frock intended for outdoor wear calls for its own coat or wrap, and even the sheer summer =stills, the elaborate afternoon frocks, the lovely evening frocks, are likely to be sent forth with coat or wrap accessories if they are tishionecl by authoritative makers. Mid -Victorian Is the term that comes to one's mind when they look at the picturesque wrap seen in the illustra- tion. This up to date shawl effect is iarried 0511 10 Nell Rose crape, with a aeep hem of satin in the same shade. frilly ruche of cream lace trims the fronts of the shawl. The ends are gracefully knotted. Slabs For Sale - 11 inches )ng. Hardwood, 12 inciv0 Ing, :Body Woad, --o- STAPOI SAW NH Min DOW rdin PRICES. Manitoba, 14100)' $ 2.70 per 100 1 b Family Fl our • , 2.50 Pastry Flour 2 50 Graham Flour ... 2,50 Breakfast Food 8,00 Shorts 1.25 Bran 1.15 Feed Wheat .75 per bush 'estern Oats .15 Flour exchanged for wheat to farm ers. A car of good Feed Wheat on bond, Leave your orders at the muli Office. Orders delivered to any part of the town, GIVE VS A TRIAL J. SCHOENHALS CEME We can fill all orders for Na- tional Portland Cement at once. oalipr phone, J. HUTTON LONDEsBoizo s .D11,, A, F. MOWN osteopathicPlri-sician. Is opening a branch office at Clinton at the Hotel Normandie, on Tuesday, from 7 p,m. until 10.30, Farm to itent Lot 21, concession 1, Stanley. Easy terms, immediate possession, apply to GORDON WALDRON, Star Building, Toronto CLINTON COAL YARDS Yards Opposite G. T.R. Station MI kinds ot Coal on hand - Chestnut Solt Coal Stove Blacksmith Furnace Coke Kennel Coal and Wood Tile -2i, 3 and 4 -inch size-' *The Tile is ot the very best quality. Brick to Order. For sale vio Dr Vi ctro I:a., Cabinet Style, cost $52,00; and ,25 Records, cost • 850 tach, Records and Gramephone compl:Ite for$40.00 cash, Also a 11:Itt Gasoline Lighting Plant, consisting of four 308 c. p. anel 70 fte't of hollow copper wire cost $50.00; for $25.00 cash, • JAS. E. WILLIS, Seaforth, Ont. Earn' lor Sale. •A desirable 100 -acre farm for sale, being Lot 24, Con. 5, Hulle(tt. Good frame house and kitchen; bank barn 50x66, 3 miles from Clin- ton, 3-4 mile, from school. The farm is well fenced, well underdrainecl, and in good state of cultivation. Plenty of spring water. POSSOSSIOD given to suit) purchaser. For fur- ther particulars apply to JOHN CARBERT, Clinton, P.O. Phone 4 on 165. Money Vanted. 1 have several inquiries for loans of various amounts and will be pleased to find investments for funds on mortgagee. • W. BRYDONE Farm for Sale • A ;desirable 80 acre farm tar sale C;oocl. frame house, a parlor, dining room; . summer kitchen • :and wood shed. - A bank barn With • cement floors, pig pen with cement 'floco and. troughs,and driVe shed. well drained, 'Oil seeded bat abont 22 acres, ;everything in good • shape, Some 011ie money mag be had at. a low rate of interest, will sell with or without Crop. Apply to • H. HESK, Londesbaro, or on the premises, lot 17, con.% Hull e tt. Wanted OfReee over O'NEIL'S store, W. HOYE/ONE. BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PIIBLIC, ETO 0/4t1Tos CEISRLES* D. ElIPILE Oonneyance,:,:iNiotary Public, Commissioner, etp.: REAL ESTATE ANI) INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Huron,St,, Clinton, H. T, R A NC E9 Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate, INSURANOV:AGRNT-Representing 14 Fire;la surance Companine.: DiViS1011 Court Office. OR 9% W. THOMPSON Pbysician, Surgeon, Me snook,' attention given to abeam] of the Dia, Ear. Throat. and Nose, Dyee carefully examined, and suitable glasses prescribed. Office and Residence. Two doors wean of the CommercSal 111040, Ittaron St, DES, GIJNN and GANDIER Dr. W. Gluon, L. R. 0, P., a. le, e. S.. Ed In Dr . c, caw frier. 11,0, °Mee -Ontario Street, Clinton, Sight eal/P at residence, Rattenbrrr St. or at bo lofted DR. J. W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON, ecanclieur, cle, office and residence en tenbury St,. ounosit'e W. Farran's residence. DR. F. H. AXON Crown and Bridge Worn a Speclalty: Gradnate of C.C,D.S..i Claica4c, and 11.0,D,5 Toronto. Reynold on'llIondaivs. May lot 10 Deeenilt DB. IL FOWLER, DENTIST. A Irian..of good address and abil, ity.• to.act as our representative in the Coupfty of Huron. A splendid opening .for the right man. For full particulars write STONE & 'WELLINaTON Nurserymen, Toronto, Ont 'Fo, The Fal'InCl'S --- Insure your horses and cattle a- gainst death by accident or disease. All valuable live stoc1e. is being protected in this manner. Reason -- able rates and quick settlements. Call and see. C.• R. HALe. Residence Phone No. 100 ; Office No.2 Windstorm insurance The Canada Weather Insurmie Co, will insure all buildings against dam- age done by windstorms, moderate rates, No premium note, CI -TABLES B. HALE District Agent Clinton Farm For Sale A first class farm, consisting of 75 acres, on con. 12, part lot 34, Hui - lett township, 3 miles from Londes- boro, and 5 miles from Blyth, 11-2 miles from School. A bank barn 36 by 66, another barn 36x52, drive shed 24x40. A brick house, plenty of water, about anclaere of or- chard. Possession can be given right after harvest. Apply to WILLIAM LONGMAN, (Myth, P.O. Farm for Sale The ext. -Tutor of the Southcombe Estate offegs for sale nacres - East half of lot 28, con. 6, Efullett. A first-class farm, well watered and improved, and with good buildings. Also the undersigned offer a for sale, lot 29i eon. 6, Hull- ett, 100 acres. These farms may be bought together or separately. JAMES SOUTHCOMI3E. Clinton.) Ford & McLeod We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices paid for Hay and all Grains. Ford & McLeod A.A.A.A.Aka/AAAAA14Aaaa.laaAAaa1 4 • 41 • PIOROS5.5.5. 4 , • • i4 1•• s 5. 4 , . See and here our finest E. 1 New Stylish designs of it 1- Doherty Pianos and E 4 • 01-gans, t 4 I. 41 4 6pecial values in Art : 4 4 1 Cases 4 4 4 4 Pianos and organs rent 5. ed, choice new Edison t 41 phonographs, Music & variety goods. E 4 Music Emporium E • 4 4 2. FOR131BS 4 C. Hoare Phone 52. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA • 5. Speoial care taken to make denim' 01m0. ment as painless as possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction GODER1OH ONT sto;,c sales a spetaniti, Olders of at New ERA mike, Clinton, prt,mrt,y attended to. Terme reasonable. Farmers' sale note discounted G D. McTaggart Al. D. MoTaggar MeTaggart Bros BPINIKERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON 41 creneraf' Banking Bstrimena transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts boned. Interest allowed ou deposits. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance eta. Farm and Isolated Town Proyo • erty Only Insured. OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth. J Connolly, Vice-Pras., Goderich, T. E. Hays, Sec.-Treas., Seaforlth DIRECTORS. Jas. Connelly, Hclmesville,John Watt, Harlock ; G. Dale, Clinton; D. F. McGregor, Seafortb ; J. Evan% Beechwood; 3, G. Grieve, Winthrop J Bennawels, Brodhagen ; M. Me - Ewan, Clinton. Each Director is Inspector of losses inhie own district. AGENTS. Robt Smith, Harlock ; ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Eg- mondville; J. W. Yeo, Hoimesville‘. Payments may be,,made at The Morrinh Clothing Co., Clinton, or R. H. Cult, Goderich. JACOB TAYLOR eLINToxv Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Real estate bought and sold Money to loan Office Issac Street, next door to New Era Grand Trunk Railway System RailwayTime Table London, Huron and. Bruce. North Passenger London, depart... 8.80 a m 4.50 p m Centralia 9.40 5,48 Exeter 9,53 5.54 Hensall 10.08 6.05 Kippen 10.16 6.11 Brucefield 10.30 6.19 Clinton 11.00 6.35 Londesboro 11.18 6.52 Blyth 11.27 7.00 Belgrave 11.40 7.13 Wingharn, arrive11.50 7.35 South Passenge Wingham, depart6.43 a m 8.33 pm Belgrave 6.54 3.44, Blyth 7.08 3.56; Londesboro 7.16 4.041 Clinton 7.50 4.23 Brucefield 8.12 4.39: .Kippen 8.23 4.471 Hensall' 8.32 4.52', Exeter 8.48 5.05: Centralia. 9.00 5.15; London,'arrive 10 00 6.101 Buffalo and elode„. Wes' Passenger am pm pm pm Stratford........10.00 12.20 5.25 10,20 Mitchell 10.22 12.45 5.55 10.47 Seaforth ...... 10.45 1.10 6.18 11,12 Clinton 11,07 1.25 6,40 11,28 Holmesville 11.16 1,33 6.46 11.38 Goderich .. .1145 1.50 7.05 11,55 East 1 cssenger am pm pm Goderich 7.10 2.40 4.53 Holmesville 7.26 2.57 5.06 Clinton...-. . . 7,35 3,07 5,15 Seatorth '7,52 3.25 5.32 Mitchell .. . .... 8.16 3.48 5.55 Stratford... .. .... 8.40 4.15 6.20 Dr. de Varrs Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. These rills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all Cap a 10115, de Vato'. are so .1/61),obsocox,booruthrpeernioar 50100. • ...87dia.icleadshorto aninycaaldereust.a, te•